Congressional Record-~ Senate. 13657~
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1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-~ SENATE. 13657~ By Mr. KINKEAD of New Jersey: Concurrent resolution Also, letter from Rev. C. E. Torrance, of Ticonderoga, N. Y., (H. Con. Res. 45) authorizing the printing of 17,000 copies of in behalf of the congregation of the .:\Iethodist Episcopal Church, the proceedings upon the unveiling of the statue of Commodore favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. John Barry in Washington, .May 16, 1914; to the Committee on By Mr. O'SHAUNESSY: Petition of Anna Williams and Printing. · others, of Pro\ldence, R. I., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Also, petition of Julia K. Smith, of Kewport, R. I., favOiing the Bristow-Mondell resolution enfranchising women; to the Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bi11s and resolutions Committee on the Judiciary. were introduced and severally referred as follows: Also, petition of the New England Shoe and ::!:Jeather Associa-· By Mr. BROCKSON: A bill (H. R. 18340) for ~e relief of tion, protesting against passage of antitrust bills at this session Isaac T. Cooper; to the Committee on Military Affaus. of Congress; to the Committe~ on the Judiciary. Also a bill (H. R. 18341) granting an increase of pension to Also, memorial of the American Optical Association, favoring John C. Short-; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.. the passage of House bill 13305, the Stevens standard-price bill; By Mr. FOWLER: A bill (H. R. 18342) granting an mcrease to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of pension to. John Turner; to the Committee on Invalid Pen Also, petitions of the Wilsey Grain Co., of Lincoln, Nebr. ; sions. the E. E. Rvahen Grain Co., of Kansas City; the Schreiner By Mr. GUDGER: A bill (H. R. 18343) granting a pension to Grain Co., the Toberman Mackey Co., and the Ballard-Messm.ot·c James B. Anders; to tlte Committee on Pensions. Grain Co., of St Louis, l\Io.; the Baker & Holmes Co., of Jack By Mr. H~IMOND: A bill (H.. R. 18344) grantin~ an in sonville, Fla.; the Pollock Grain Co., of Middle Point, and the ' crease of pension to Erasmus D. Miller; to the Comnnttee on Goemann Grain Co., of Mansfield, Ohio; and W. P. ·Anderson Invalid Pensions. & Co., of Chicago, Ill., favoring passage of the Pomerene bill By .Mr. KIESS of Pennsylvania: A bill (H.. R. 18345) gr.anting of-lading bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com a pension to Hannah E. Bush; to the Committee on Penswns. merce. By Mr. LANGLEY: A bill (H. R. 18346) for th~ relief of Also, petitions of Irving Winsor and others, of Greenville, Rachel Preston, administratrix of the estate of Martm Preston, R. I., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. deceased· to the Committee nn War Claims. By Mr. REILLY of Connecticut: Petition of the Bridgeport By M/ McGILLICUDDY: A bill (H. R. 18347) grantin~ an (Conn.) Manufacturers' Association, protestng against the ex increase of pension to Sarah D. Edwards; to the ComiDlttee tension of parcel-post weight limit; to the Committee on the· on Invalid Pensions. Post Office and .Post Roads. - By Mr. OLDFIELD: A bill .(H. R. 18348) granting an in By Mr. STEPHENS of California: Memorial of the City crease of pen¢on to Lucy Brokaw·; to the Committee on In\alid Council of Los Angeles, Cal., indorsing House resolution 5139, · Pensions. relative to retirement of civil-service employees; to the Coru By Mr. ROBERTS of Massachusetts: A bill (H. R. 18349) for mittee on Reform in the Civil Service. the relief of the widow of Frank J. Sargent, deceased; to the Also, petition of the Vincent Methodist Brotherhood, of l;os Committee on Claims. Angeles, Cal., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee By Mr. SLAYDEN: A bill (H. R. 18350) for the relief of on Rules. Cynthia E. Jett; to the Committee on War Claims. Also, memorial of 65 parishes of the Episcopal Church in By Mr. STEPHENS of Texas: A bill (H. R. 18351) for the southern California, favoring the Palmer-Owen child-labor bill; relief of J. C. Elliott; to the Committee on War Claims. to the Committee on Labor. By Mr. TEN EYCK: A bill (H. R. 18352) granting a pension By Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota: Petitions of 30 citizens o.f to Isaac Kestbaum; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Fenwick, 70 citizens of Braddock, 50 citizens of Lehr, 140 citi Also, a bill (H. R. 18353) for the relief of Alfred D. Brink; zens of Roth, 90 citizens of Wishek, 40 citizens of Monango, 75 to the Committee on Military Affairs. , citizens of Ellendale, 30 citizens of Silver Leaf, 30 citizens of By Mr. WOODS: ~ bill (H. R. 18354) granting an increase Ludden, and sund1·y citizens of Napoleon, all in the State of of pension to James Patrick; to the ComJ,Uittee on Invalid North Dakota, favoring national prohibition; to the Committl:.'<: Pensions. · on Rules. By Mr. GREGG: Resolution (H. Res. 591) referring certain claims to the Court of Claims for finding of facts and con clusions of law under section 151 of the act of Ma~·ch 3, SENATE. 1911, entitled "An act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary"; to the Committee on War Claims. THURSDAY, August 13, 1914. (Legislative day of T1tesday, A.ug1tst 11, 1914.) PETITIONS, ETC. The Senate reassembled at H. o'clock a. m. on the expiration of the recess. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid EXECUTIVE SESSION. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to the o.cder of the Senate, By Mr. ESCH·: Petition of the Central Federated Union of the Sergeant a~ Arms will clear the galleries and close the New Yoi:k City, favoring passage of House bill 10735, to create doors. a bureau of labor safety in the Department of Labor; to the The galleries having been cleared and the doors closed, the Committee on Labor. Senate resumed the consideration of executive business. After By Mr. FESS: Petition of the Clinton County (Ohio) Teach 5 hours and 18 minutes spent in executive session the doors were ers' Association, fa\oring national prohibition; to the Com reopened. mittee on Rules. While the doors were· closed, as in legislative session, Also, petitions of 64 citizens of Wilmington, Ohio, protesting against national prohibition; to ·the Committee on Rules. PURCHASE. OF SILVER BULLION. By Mr. GOOD: Petition of the Sioux VaHey Medical Asso Mr. SMOOT. I ask unanimous consent to introduce a bilJ, it ciation, relative to House bill 6282, the Harrison antinarcotic being a matter of emergency. bill; to the Committee on Ways and Means. The bill (S. 6261) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury . By Mr. HELVERI~G: Petitions of 24 members of the United to purchase not to exceed 25,000,000 ounces of silver bullion, Brethren Church of Minneapolis, Kans., and 36 ~embers of the and for other purposes, was read twice by its title and referred Christian Church of Hope, Kans., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Finance. to the Committee on Rules. REGISTRY OF FOREIGN-BUILT VESSELS (S. DOC. NO. 564.) By Mr. KIESS of Pennsyl\ania: Petition of sundry citizens Mr. O'GORMAN submitted the following report: of the fifteenth congressional district of Pennsylvania, fa\oring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the By 1\Ir. LONERGAN: Petition of Mr. Warren D. Chase, of two Houses on the amendment of the ~enate to the bill {H. R. Hartford, Conn., favoring House bill 13305, Stevens standard 18202) to provide for the admission of foreign-built ships to price bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com .American registry· for the foreign trade, and for other puq1oses, merce. having met, after full and free conference ha\e agreed to By Mr. MERRITT: Letter from Mr. Frank W. Ames, of recommend and do recommend to the~r respecti Ye Houses as Morristown, N. Y., in behalf of the Young People's Society for follows: . Christian Endea\or of the Presbyterian Church of Morristown, That the House recede from its disagreement tn the amend favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. ment of the Senate and ngree to the same witll the following };J658 CON GRESS ION AL RECORD-SEN.A5l,E .. AUGUST_ 13, .amendment: In lieu ..:of :the matter proposed by the Senate in S. 5278. An act granting ·pensions 11nd increase of pensions sert -the following : to ·certain soldiers nnd sailors of the 'Regular Army n.nd .NnTy " That section 4132 of the "Revised Statutes ()f the United and of wars other than the ·CiviJ War, and to certain" widows States ,as amendet.l by the act ·entitled 'An act to provide for and dependent relati~es of su~h soldiers ·and snilors; the opening, main:tennnce, -protection, and operation •of the S. 5501. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions Panama Canal and the sanitation and goTernment of the Canal to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy :zone,' -approved August 24, 1912, is hereby amended o that said· and of wars other than the Ch·il War, and to certain widows :ction as amended shall read as follows: and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors; and "'SEc. 4132. Yessels built withln the United Stntes :mu s. 5899. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions belonging wholly to ·citizens thereof; and vessels which may .to certain soldiers and SILilors of the Regular Army and Xn vy be cu.ptured in ·war by citizens of the United States and law and of wars other than the Clril WRr.