Kaluga region

Tula Novomoskovsk region

Lipetsk Oryol region region

Population Total area Tula Novomoskovsk 1.5million 25 700km2 550 800 125 200 OVERVIEW OF TULA REGION ECONOMY

GRP Manufacturing (rating 2017) 40,5% 562 bn rubles industries

104,4% Wholesale and retail trade 12,2% Industrial production GRP structure growth 106,2% Transport and (2017) communications 6,5%

Agricultural output Real estate transactions 11,4% production growth 110,4% (2017) Agriculture 7,0% Investment at current prices (2017) 127 bn rubles Other kinds of economic 22,4% activities 109,4% at comparable prices to 2016 FORMULA FOR SUCCESS

Favorable Tailor-made Tax logistics approach benefits

Highly qualified workforce Good governance FAVORABLE LOGISTICS Nearest airports:

Domodedovo - 2hours km 180 Vnukovo - 2hours from Moscow Kaluga - 1hour and 40minutes In direct proximity to the largest target market

М2 Crimea M4

Moscow Railway: southern branch of the Paveletsky route


Support in establishing local production Location matching Legal support State support at both the federal Selection of contractors and regional levels Regional integrated development projects Consulting support Establishment and development of industrial parks PPP projects

One-stop shop 24/7 TAX BENEFITS

Property tax reduction 0% up to 10 tax periods

Income tax reduction 15,5% Projects from 100m rubles According to Tula region law No. 1390-ATR dated 06.02.2010

Investments in construction of infrastructure facilities According to Government Decrees of the Tula region No. 759 dated 18.12.2013, No. 354 dated 16.07.2013

Projects under special investment contracts HIGHLY QUALIFIED WORKFORCE 791 000 labor force

33 528,5rubles average monthly salary (9 months of 2018)

Demand-based education GOOD GOVERNANCE

Teamwork with federal authorities and development institutions Project management Results-oriented One-stop shop Roadmaps for facilitation of doing business INFRASTRUCTURE Moscow Moscow FOR BUSINESS region Kaluga region

М6 Tula

IP/SEZ Ryazan region М2


Oryol region Lipetsk PDA region

Greenfields Brownfields Industrial parks Priority Development Area 100 30 5 1 SEZ UZLOVAYA UZLOVAYA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE* INDUSTRIAL PARK


TAX Property tax (10 years) Transport tax (10 years) Uzlovaya IP 0% Land tax (5 years) 2 189 Hа

М-4, DON Property Duty-free zone regime tax ( 0% VAT and import duty 0% (up to until 2065 ) 10 years)

Income Income tax Uzlovaya SEZ 15,5% tax MOSCOW 180 КМ 2% 7% 15,5% 471 Hа up to up to until 2065 5 years 10 years Electricity supply Gas supply

Water supply

* - uzlovaya.ru Uzlovaya special economic zone Uzlovaya industrial park Railway station THE RESIDENT OF «UZLOVAYA» IP GREAT WALL MOTOR

20 May 2014 Tula Region Government and Tula Region Development Corporation concluded the investment agreement concerning construction of the plant on car production in presence of the President of Russian Federation and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China in Shanghai (P.R. China)

The production capacity of the enterprise - 150 thousand cars per year.

The launch of the plant is being planned in 2019.

The project is implemented on the territory of ‘Uzlovaya’ state industrial park. RESIDENTS OF «UZLOVAYA» SEZ

Engelsspetstrubmash Tula aluminium plant Innovative industrial coatings Construction of a coiled tubing manufacturing Construction of foundry and press plant for Construction of industrial complex on plant aluminium alloys processing manufacturing of polymer and composite materials under the brand AKRUS®

Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to

1,6 bln rubles 60 2,6 bln rubles 225 1,6 bln rubles 150 invested jobs created invested jobs created invested jobs created

AgroGrib Itekma-Synthesis Ecotech

Construction of a greenhouse complex Low tonnage chemical production setup Construction of conveying and sorting for growing mushrooms of components for high tech composite devices production materials

Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to

6,2 bln rubles 900 0,2 bln rubles 40 0,17bln rubles 57 invested jobs created invested jobs created invested jobs created

Arnest MetallPack Tenzograf Mistral-Tula

Construction of tinplate aerosol cans‘ Production setup of high temperature Construction of industrial enterprise for manufacturing plant for potential setup composite sealing materials for hermetic recycling of timber waste into high quality of cosmetics and household chemicals’ production sealing of pipes and equipment. bio-products based on bio-carbon Production setup of climate panels Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to

0,6 bln rubles 130 0,35 bln rubles 70 1,3 bln rubles 29 invested jobs created invested jobs created invested jobs created

SteelPolymer Universal technologies and materials Production setup of rolled galvanized Production setup of high tech protective steel with polymer coating coatings

Up to Up to Up to Up to

0,5 bln rubles 60 0,5bln rubles 180 invested jobs created invested jobs created MONOTOWNS As a part of monotowns development, laws of the Russian Federation Zaoksky Moscow region provide the creation of the Priority Development Areas

Profit tax Aleksin Yasnogorsk Kaluga region Venev up to 5 years up to10 years Leninsky Tula Property tax Suvorov Dubna Ryazan region Suvorov Pervomaysky Urban Sttlement Novomoskovsk up to 5 years up to 7 years up to 10 years Shchekino Uzlovaya Belev Odoev Kireevsk

Land tax Belev (up to 10 years) Arsenievo Teploe Volovo

Tariff rates of insurance Kurkino premiums Chern (including 6% - PF of RF, 1,5% - SIF of RF, 0,1% -CHIFF of RF) (up to 10 years) Arkhangelskoye Lipetsk region Yefremov Orel region

As part of investment projects implementation, it is possible to co- nance infrastructures construction and modernization using the funds of the Monotowns Development Fund. MOSCOW- 310 km (priority«Yefremov» development area) PDA

Corporate income tax (in accordance with the art. 284 of the Tax Code of Russian Federation and in accordance with the Law of the Tula Region from 18.12.2017 Moscow region № 103 - LTR «About tax reduction of taxpayers - residents of PDA created in the Tula Region)

Zaoksky 0% 12%

( rst 5 years, ( 6 -10 years) Aleksin from the moment Kaluga region Yasnogorsk of the rst pro t gain) Venev Corporate real estate tax Leninsky (in accordance with the Law of the Tula Region from 18.12.2017 № 103 - LTR «About tax reduction Tula of taxpayers - residents of PDA created in the Tula Region) Dubna Ryazan region 0% 1,1% 1,5% Suvorov Novomoskovsk Shchekino Uzlovaya (from1 to 5 years, ( 6 - 7 years) ( 8 -10 years) Kimovsk from the moment of Odoev receiving status of PDA resident) Belev Plavsk Bogoroditsk Arsenievo Land tax Teploe Volovo (in accordance with Resolution of the Meeting of Deputies of Yefremov 0% Municipal Entity ) Chern (for 10 years) Kurkino

Tariff rates of insurance premiums Lipetsk region (In accordance with paragraph 1 (12) and art. 427 paragraph 2 (5) of Tax Code of Russian Federation) % 7,6 (including 6% - PF of RF, 1,5% - SIF of RF, 0,1% -CHIFF of RF) Yefremov Orel region (up to 10 years) RESIDENTS OF «YEFREMOV» PDA

Yefremov-Pharma Lister Construction of a full cycle development and large-scale production of Construction of a plant for professional innovative disinfecants active pharmaceutical substances obtained by biotechnological synthesis

2,0 bln rubles Up to 50 0,1 bln rubles Up to 35 invested jobs created invested jobs created

TETA FOOD E Prombiotechnologies Construction of meat products manufacturing for sale in the Russian Construction of a plant for advanced processing of coarse grains and Federation and for export abroad production of amino acids and other functional additives

0,3 bln rubles Up to 220 2,6 bln rubles Up to 173 invested jobs created invested jobs created BENEFITS «Uzlovaya» SEZ IPT «Yefremov» PDA SIC Other sites Eligible investment amount, rubles 120 mln 5 mln 750 mln 100 mln Income tax 2% 7% 15,5% up to up to after 15,5% 5 years 10 years 10 years up to 5 years up to10 years up to10 years Property tax 0% 0% up to 10 years up to 5 years up to7 years up to 10 years up to 5 years up to7 years up to 10 years up to 10 years Land tax 0% 0% up to 5 years up to 10 years Transport tax 0% up to 10 years

Customs regulations duty-free usual usual usual zone regime

Period of activity 49 years 10 years 10 years unlimited Insurance contribution 7,6% (% of payroll) up to 10 years SUCCESS STORIES

5 000 manufacturers 200 foreign-funded companies 5th place in the National Rating of Investment Climate in Russian Regions INVEST-TULA.COM