Congressional Record- House. 3445
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1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 3445 By Mr. HUMPHREY of Nebraska: A bill (H. R. 14292) Sen~te .bill ~80; the De Laval Pacific Co., of San Francisco, granting a pension to S. F. Foster; to the Committee on In Calif., mdorsrng and urging the passage of Senate bill 4280 · valid Pensions. to the Committee on Agriculture. ' By Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 14293) grant 7~3. Also, petiti?n of the National Guard Association of the ing an increase of pension to Louisa Smith; to the Committee Uruted States, Indianapolis, Ind., relative to the organization on Invalid Pensions. and eq~p~ent of the National Guard; to the Committee on By Mr. RAKER: A bill (H. R. 14294) for the relief of Appropna t10ns. William J. l\1cGee; to the Committee on Appropriations. 7?-74. Also,. peti~ion of .the Woman's Christian Temperance By Mr. KNUTSON: A resolution (H. Res. 521) to pay Wal Umon of Cal!forma, relative to the narcotic drug menace· the ter 0. Neilson $800 for extra and expert services to the Com Depa_rtment of Civics! California Club, of San Francisco, C~lif., mittee on Pensions; to the Committee on Accounts. r~lative t? the narcotic drug menace; to the Committee on For Also, a resolution (H. Res. 522) to pay Richard E. Roberts eign Affaus. _ $250 for extra and expert services to the Committee on Pen 7275. By Mr. TINKHAM: Petition . of State Directorate sions; to the Committee on Accounts. M~ssachuset!s American Association for Recognition of th~ Irish Republic, favoring the 25-year plan with 4i per cent inter PETITIONS, ETC. est passed by Congress; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid 7276. By l\lr. WYANT: Petition of Greensburg Council, No. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: 82, Order of Independent Americans, opposing any increase of 7257. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Petition of the City the 3 per cent quota in the restriction of immigration · to the Council of Worcester, l\1ass., condemning that group or organi CoIIlIIllttee on Immigration and Naturalization. ' zation known as the Ku-Klux Klan; to the Committee on the 7277. By ~~ · YATES: Re olutlon of- Illinois Commandery, 'Judiciary. ~a_val an.d l\11lltary Order of the Spanish American War, favor 7258. Also (by request), petiti<>n of McKinley Council, No. 50, mg sufficient appropriations to. put the Navy on the same basis Daughters of America, opposing any legislation removing the as Gr~at Britain's, for an Army of such size- as shall insure the restrictions of the present immigration law; to the Committee c~~rylllg out of the law of June 4, 1920, and preclude the possi on Immigration and Naturalization. bility ?f the recurrence of conditions of the World War· to the 7259. Also (by request), petition of New Mexico Wool Grow Committee on Appropriations. ' ers' Association, urging that the proper Government authorities perfect all necessary arrangements to permit owners of live stock in the United States to keep their stock in Mexico for a period of two years; to tbe Committee on Ways and Means. HOUSE OF ~EPRESENTATIVES . 7260. Also (by request), petition of representatives of com mercial organizations of the United States assembled in Wash SUNDAY, February 11, 1923. ington urging Congress to pass pending legislation relating to The House met at 11 a. m., and was called to order by the American merchant marine; to the Committee on the Mer Mr. Lee of Georgia as Speaker pro tempore. chant Marine and Fisheries. The Rev. Page Milburn otl'ered the following prayer: 7261. By Mr. DARROW: Petition of the Woman's Club of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., protesting against the passage Holy Father, Almighty, Eternal God, we the creatures of of the Bursum Indian-bill, S. 3855 ; to the Committee on Indian T~y hand, ar;d the grateful recipients of Thy daily bounty, Affairs. P.resent our smcere acknowledgment of Thy mercy and protec,.. - 7262. By Mr. GALLIVAN: Petition of Citrus Chapter, No. 2, tion. Daughters of American Veterans of the World War. regarding Unworthy as we are of Thy gratuity and too often foruetful legislation for disabled tuburcular veterans; to the Committee of our ?bligation to Thee, we beseech Thee to continue to"' hear on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. us up rn Thy hands and comfort us with· Thy counseL In 7263. Also, petition of Massachusetts Department, Reserve prosperity restrain us; in sorrow and calamity comfort and Officers Association of the United States, favoring ample appro calm us. priations for the organization and training of reserve officers; . l\fa! the ci.tizens of this Rep~blic, and more particularly those to the Committee on Appropriations. ide~tifi~d with the making of its laws, be sensible of their 7264. By Mr. GRAHAM of Illinois: Petition of Mrs. James obligat10n to remember Thy commandments to keep them and Carl and others, of Rock Island, Ill., favoring the passage of to be filled with the spirit of the Son of 1\Ian who uave ~self House bill 10427; to the Committee on the Merchant Marine to the uplifting of mankind, and was not unwilllng to suffer and Fisheries. death, to finiRb His chosen service. 7265. By ~fr. KISSEL: Petition of the Community Councils May the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with of the City of New York, New York City, N. Y., recommending us all. Amen. that the President take such action as will insure an uninter The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the reading rupted supply of coal at a reasonable price to the public in the of the Journal of yesterday will be deferred. [After a pause.] future ; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The Chair hears no objection. The Clerk will report the 726G. By Mr. LINTHICUM: Petition of 0. S. Longacre, gen special order for the day. eral secretary of the Religious Liberty Association, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., submitting the names of 356 citizens of THE LA.TE SENATOR THOMAS E. WATSON. Baltimore, protesting against Sunday bills pending in the The Clerk read as follows : ·House; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Pursuant to House Resolution 471, Sunday, February 11 1923 at 7267. By Mr. RAKER: Petition of the Earle C. Anthony 11 o'clock a. m., is set apart for addresses on the life char~cter 'and , (Inc.}, of Los Angeles, Calif., indorsing and urging passage of public s~rvices 0-f THOMAS E. WATSON, late a Senator' from the 'state the White radio bill ; to the Committee on the ::Uerchant Marine of Georgia. and Fisheries. 1\Ir. BELL. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following resolution. 7268. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the State The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will report the of New York, relative to the Army and Navy of the United resolution. · l States; to the Committee on Appropriations. The Clerk read as follows : 7269. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the State Res.olution 523. of New York, opposing any amendment of the Constitution of Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the · the United States which shall disqualify either the Federal Gov death of Hon. THO.MM! E. WAT-SON, late a 5enator from the- State of ' ernment or any State or municipal government from issuing Georgia. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased . bonds free from both Federal and State taxation; to the Com- the business of the House be now suspended to enable his associates 1 mittee on the Judiciary. to pay tribute tn hls high character and distinguished public services. 7270. Also, petition signed by N. B. Hull and 20 other resi- Resol'1ed, That the Clerk o! the House of Representatives ti:ansmit a copy thereof to the famlly of the deceased. 1 dents of Montague, Calif., asking the abolishment of the dis- 1 criminatory tax on small-arms ammunition and firearms; to The question was taken, and the resolution was unanimously , the Committee on Ways and Means. agreed to. 7271. Also, petition of the Illinois 1\Ianufacturers' Association, of Chicago, Ill., relative to the question of the foreign debt of 1\Ir. BELL. Mr. Speaker. it was with deep regret that we all 1 the United States and opposing cancellation of any of these learned of the death of Senator THOMAS E. WATSON. The sad 1 debts; to the Committee on Ways and Means. news was quickly carried over the wires all over the country, 7272. Also, petition of the Long Beach Dairy & Creamery, and the hearts of his thousands and multiplied thousands of l ~f Long Beach, Calif., indorsing and urging the p~ssage of friends and admirers, not only in Georgia, his native. State,_ 3446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 11, but in many 'states of this Union, were saddened. His death law for several years, retiring from the la~ in 1896 to accept was not wholly unexpected by those who were close to him, ~e nomination for the Vice Presidency on the ticket with Wil but his friends generally were not prepared for .the early pass liam J. Bryan. Following that defeat he turned his attention ing of the great .American whom they had learned to lo-ve and to literature. It was during this retirement that he wrote the cherish. "Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson." Other contributions to In all probability no man in this country had as strong per literature emanated from his brain and pen, chief among them, sonal following as our late colleague.