THE ATLANTA CONSTITUT Dally Nad Snudmy, Carrier Delfrerr
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•rut. STANDARD SOV7HERN NEWSFAFBR THE ATLANTA CONSTITUT Dally nad Snudmy, carrier delfrerr. 13 ce*ta weefclT. Vol. XLV3X—No. 36. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, \JTILY 21, 1914. —TWELVE PAGES. Stogie cople* om the afreet* and at newMtimd*, 5 ceatc. FO'UGHT AT ATLANTA CARRANZA AGREES FIFTY YEARS AGO; W.C. BRUCE MEETS Ladies, H&re Is a Very Live California Wire! SECRET MENACED, CELEBRATE TODAY Mrs. Knowland Boosting Husband for Senate Washington, July 20.—(Special.)—On TO CEASE FIGHTING the fiftieth anniversary of the "battle DEATH UNDER AUTO of Peachtree creek, Generaf Isaac R. Sherwood, of Ohio, and C. C. Harris, of Alabama, both members of congress, TO DISCUSS PEACE who were pitted against each other In ON PEACHTREE ST. SLEWTHE EDITOR that sangruinary encounter, will hold a celebration here at the national c&pi- tol. Today Representative Harris .chal- Injured Man Is Rushed to Rebel Chief Has Definitely lenged Representative Sherwood to Mme. Caillaux Tells Jury meet him tomorrow and flght with Promised That He Will "flre crackers," The nature of the fire Grady Hospital, Where the Gaston Calmette Threat- crackers was not disclosed. General Meet the Three Agents Sherwood said it was the first chal- End Came Before J&is ened to Strip Her Honor lenge to a duel he had ever received. Named by Carbajal. He promptly accepted. Wife Could Reach Side. Naked to the World. It was only recently that the two old civil war veterans learned that they had been in euch close combat at At- lanta. General Sherwood is a veteran ACCIDENT IS CAUSED HUERTA AND PARTY SAIL member of the house. Representative SHE ENDURED AGONY ON THE CRUISER DRESDEN Harris was only recently elected. BY SLIPPERY STREETS BEFORE FINALLY ACTING German Cruiser Will Land GARNISHMENT BILL R. N. Berrien. Jr., Driver of Accused Woman Thrilled Fallen Dictator in Jamaica. Car, Had Just Returned Listeners by Story of Suf- No Shouts of "Good-by" From Visit to Sick Wife at fering-Shaken With Sobs, for General Huerta. Sanitarium—Under Bond. She Described Shooting. Slippery streets, due to a light show- • Paris, July 20. — Mme. Henriette Cail- Puerto Mexico, Mexico, July 20.— er laft night, caused the death of W. MADE TO THE HOUSE laux, wife of Joseph Caillaux, once The German cruiser Dresden, with C. Bruce, 61 years old, of 15 West premier of France and former minis- former .President Huerta and his End, avenue, when he fell underneath the wheels of an automobile on Peach- ter of finance, occupied the prisoner's fltmlly and former War Minister enclosure in the Assize court at the Measure So Amended That tree street in front of the Fourth Na- Blanquet, Senora Blanquet and their tional bank building, receiving fatal Palace of Justice today and recited in daughter aTward, sailed" at 7:30 o'clock Laborer Must Earn More injuries. a dramatid manner the circumstances Traffic, Policeman Thornton was leading up to the shooting on March this evening tor Jamaica. Than $1.25, and Then Only nearby, and rushed to the injured man's 16 of Gaston Calmette. editor of The The departure of the former chief aid. His body had slipped entirely Figaro, with whose murder she is executive was without incident, there $0 Per Cent Is Liable, underneath the car, the rear wheels charged. crushing his chest. Judge Lois Albanel acted as presi- not being even any shouts of "good- dent of the court; the prosecutor gen- tye" to him from the dock. Thornton (summoned the emergency REGULATE EXPENDITURES ambulance from the Grady hospital, •f eral, Jules Herbaux, had charge of the The others of the party remain where Bruce 'Was rushed, dying an ' prosecution and Fernand Labori. the here under the protection of the OF GEORGIA CANDIDATES hour later. noted advocate who was closely Identi- British cruiser Bristol, which is pre- His wife was notified, but could fied with the Dreyfus case, was chief not reach her husba-nd before his counsel for the defense. pared to take them aboard In case of death. Mme. Caillaux held the attention of emergency. It is'probable they will Measure of Senator Tarver • Hnd Visited Sick TVftfc. the crowded court room for three hours. sail on a passenger steamer tomor- The auto waa driven by R- N. Ber- j She told her story in short disconnected Will Prevent Spending of rien, Jr., a bond dealer, living in the ' sentences, but showed remarkable skill row or Wednesday. Wellington apartments, 120 Ivy street. in marshalling her facts so as to pre- More Than 25 Per Cent of Mr. Berrien had just visited his wife, sent them in the best light for her CARRANZA WILLING who Is critically ill in a local hospital. cause. TO CEASE HOSTILITIES First Year's Salary. He stated that he was going away Mme. Caillaux waa a willing wit- • Washlnston, July 20.—General Car- from Decatur street toward Whitehall ness 'throughout. After she had con- ranza today informed the United street, and was noticing a man on his cluded her narrative and was asked if , The garnishment bill, which had al- CONGRESSMAN KNOWLAND'S WIFE CAMPAIGNING FOR HIS ELECTION TO U. States government he was ready t° «•- right. He declared that he was driv- there were anything she would like to ready "been passed by the senate; was , SENATE. Clare a suspension of hostilities against ing- at a very slow rate of speed. Sud- add. she thrilled her listeners when favorably reported by the house com- 1 the government of Provisional Presi- denly, he said, he saw a man slip near Since the election of United States around the state In her auto, speaking because he is always on the job!" cried she described vividly the protracted mittee on .special judiciary Monday the rear end of his car. He heard senators has been put into the direct noon hours and in the evenings In fac- Mrs, Knowland. She deliberatelv used agony she had endured because of tlie dent Carlbaoal. Huerta's successor, campaign slanpr and in one of her re- afternoon, with, an amendment. his car bump as though the wheels hands of the voters all over the coun- tory yards and in public squares. Her calumnies against herself and her hus- pending negotiation, . with his repre- The amended bill provides that the try It is probably sure that other wom- campaign is unusual inasmuch as her marks said: "I did not come here to sentatives for the transfer of authority had passed over something. He jump* give you any of that suffrage stuff. band/ wages of all mechanics and labor- en will follow the example of Mra. Jo- husband Is held at 'Washington with But I rode in the suffrage parade in at Mexico City to the constitutional,^ ed out of .the car and aided the vic- Feared Baring of Hep Honor. era can be subject to garnishment saph K. Knowland, wife of Congress- his duties in the house, while his wife Washington, and some of the men must The constitutionalists' chief cordially tim of the auto accident as best he man Know.Iand, of Alameda. Cal- Airs. is looking after his fences. 'Mrs. Know- have liked my appearance, for they "For three months I mounted Cal- 'for debt, provided the person gar- could, according to eye-witnesses. Knowland is 'getting right out among land Is a. live wire. Recently she ad- tried to drag me from the automobile vary." she said. "Such I do not wish expressed his views to John O. S.m- nish eed la earning more Chan J1.26 the workers, drumming up votes for dressed 1,000 men during the -noon and said, ''She is some chicken, some man, personal representative of Pres- Traffic Officer Thornton took Ber- her husband, who is a candidate for hour at the Union Iron works, speak- to my worst enemy. No - a day. Under a further provision squab..' I want you men to like me, one can im- rien in custody, but he was released the republican nomination for the ing from her automobile. "I want you too.. , an„„d„ wto „„lik„e H1mJy ilhusbanu d and vote agine what I went through. I feared ident Wilson, and Consul General United States senate. She is going of the bill only 60 per cent of under a light bond at police headquar- to like me and to vote for my husband for him, for the senate.' for myself, for my husband, for my Hanna and Vice Consul Robertson, who the wages earned can be gamloheed. ters. interviewed him at Monterey. He child. I feared for myeelf because if The senate bill fixed the amount of Told Brother to Be Careral. part of tho'se letters were published voiced a willingness to "oeUe the H. J. Bruce, brother of the deceased, earnings to be exempted at $1 a day. BARTLETT DECIDES my-deepest secret would be displayed There'were nine,members--«^_the com- when told at his* office Monday morn- ing by his brother that he was going before the world; my woman's honor 4 : mittee present, and th* vote stood: £ttt\f AGAIN AND , / peace. to Lllburn, Ga., and return tonight, E MANY CLEWS E stand stripped and naked. ^cretary Bryan announced the^ For the bill 6; against th» bill 2, the warned him to be careful in going PAYS ASSESSMENT "I had always been taught that a chairman not voting. about on the streets at night, on ac- woman's honor consisted in having her Goem to House Now. count of his being stck due to a recent illness. life as open as possible.