State of the Soutern States
72 NEW SOUTH/FALU1968 STATE OF THE SOUTHERN STATES This round-up of events, developments and trends in civil rights, justice, politics, employment and other aspects of southern change, advancement and setback, comes from the Southern Regional Council staff and professional reporters. ALABAMA The three-judge federal court which dom of choice and institute a system of supervises Alabama's statewide school de zoning, consolidation, or pairing in order segregation suit rejected on October 18 to end the dual school system. pleas from both Gov. Albert Brewer and Meanwhile, Mobile schools-which are the Alabama Education Association, which not covered by the statewide desegrega represents most of the state's 21,000 white tion order but are under a separate suit teachers, to modify an order of August 28 enrolled 2,800 Negro children in formerly directing 76 school systems to carry out white schools and 253 white children in extensive faculty and pupil desegregation. formerly all-Negro schools. This compares Governor Brewer arg ued that the with 632 Negro children who enrolled in court's order imposed " an impossible formerly all-white schools last year. The task" on local school superintendents and Mobile school system, the state's largest urged local officials not to cooperate with with 75,000 pupils, is operating under a the Justice Department, which he called limited zoning plan to achieve desegre "our adversary." gation. The court found, however, that 57 of Also on the education front, Gov. the 76 school districts had already com Brewer gave the teachers a four per cent plied with the court's directives or had pay raise as the new school year began.
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