Chainlinks CHAINLINKS 2010 Issue 4, December 4, Issue 2010 CHAINLINKS 2010 ISSUE 4, December MAGAZINE OF THE CYCLING ADVOCATES NETWORK (NZ) Chainlinks March regions is critical. Interestingly, it seems Editorial transport policies have been a factor in On November 1 local government in voters’ election choices. The challenge Articles by 9th February Auckland was profoundly changed with now for the mayors of Auckland and Wel- Bike Month material the birth of the new Auckland Council. lington, and indeed those of many other Replacing seven territorial authorities cities and towns, is to develop more sus- Local group repor ts and the Auckland Regional Council is tainable transport modes within current by 25th February government policy settings that are a new unitary authority. It is assisted in Email content to: extraordinarily narrow and unbalanced. its governance role by a raft of council-
[email protected] The excessive amount of investment in controlled organisations including Pictures: >500kb, 1024 x 768 pixels seven roads of national significance has the Auckland Transport Agency. The preferred significantly reduced funding available campaign for the Auckland mayoralty Advertising:
[email protected] dominated TV coverage of local elections for roads in most other parts of the by 9th February and for those in the community cam- country and even exacerbated the ne- paigning for sustainable transport, Len glect of public transport, walking and Brown’s election is regarded as a positive cycling. Although central government step. The success of Celia Wade-Brown, contributions to local government for a familiar face at CAN, Living Streets roading and public transport services and Cycle Aware Wellington events, is a are a significant component of the total road sign Taranaki further fillip for cycling advocates.