Jesse Spohnholz Department of History Washington State University Wilson Hall 301 PO Box 644030 Pullman, WA 99164-4030 509-335-7506
[email protected] Education Ph.D. 2004 The University of Iowa. M.Litt. 1998 The University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews (Scotland). Reformation Studies Institute. Department of History. With distinction. B.A. 1996 Reed College. Department of History. Professional Positions Director. The Roots of Contemporary Issues Program. Washington State University. Fall 2012–present. Professor. Washington State University. Fall 2019–present. Researcher in Church History. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Spring 2015−present. Associate Professor. Washington State University. Fall 2012–Spring 2019. Scholar in Residence. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Fall 2013‒Summer 2014. Assistant Professor. Washington State University. Fall 2007–Spring 2012. Visiting Assistant Professor. Grinnell College. Fall 2004–Spring 2007. Instructor/Teaching Assistant. University of Iowa. Fall 1998–Spring 2004. Research Books Ruptured Lives: Refugee Crises in Historical Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. The Convent of Wesel: The Event That Never Was and the Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Paperback edition, 2020. Winner of the 2018 DAAD/GSA Book Prize and the 2018 Albert C. Outler Prize in Church History. Archeologies of Confession: Writing the German Reformation, 1517–2017, co-edited with Carina Johnson, David M. Luebke, and Marjorie E. Plummer. New York: Berghahn Books, 2017. Paperback edition, 2019. Exile and Religious Identity, 1500–1800, co-edited with Gary Waite. Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2014. Paperback edition: London: Routledge, 2018. The Tactics of Toleration: A Refugee Community in the Age of Religious Wars.