RSE @ 2012-13

Summary Report

1. Overview

The RSE @ Lochaber project was delivered across the region, from in the north, to and in the South and the Small Isles in the west, between September 2012 and October 2013. The programme included talks, lectures, exhibitions and workshops involving school children aged 6 to 18 years, college students and members of the wider public. The activities tapped into the knowledge and expertise of the RSE Fellowship and other relevant experts and those aimed at school children also had strong links to the curriculum. Many events involved a wide range of partners, including primary and secondary schools, the local college and local agencies / groups from within the area.

The initiative aimed to enhance and improve the understanding and appreciation that people, particularly school aged children, have for their local community, by encouraging a sense of belonging to an area rich in cultural, natural and human resources. From the excellent feedback received, this was achieved and to enable wider dissemination, reports of public events were made available on the RSE web site and these are still available to download.

2. Outcomes of Project

The RSE @ Lochaber project was a success and the number of events planned, were achieved.

Events took place throughout the region with a good geographic spread.

The attendance at individual events was often better than anticipated with 2,737 people attending overall. Comments from the local community indicated that attendance was similar to or higher than like events taking place in the region.

The feedback from events was excellent and of the feedback received, 94% indicated that their learning and understanding of the subject had improved.

Comments made by event attendees showed a lack of previous knowledge about the Royal Society of Edinburgh and little previous understanding of its remit and goals. As such, the presence of the RSE in Lochaber helped raise awareness of the Society’s activities.

Postcode data showed attendees at events came from a wide area and, besides a couple of exceptions where individuals had travelled over 70 miles, it also showed that people rarely travelled too far from their immediate vicinity to attend events.

Media coverage of events was good and improved from a previous RSE @ project in Dumfries and Galloway. Details of events and press releases were sent to local media, resulting in both editorial coverage and event listings. Some events were also attended by newspaper reporters and the RSE Christmas Lecture, held at Lochaber High School, was webcast live by BBC . In addition, a ‘Case review of the Appin murder’ event was covered by local and national media including BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Alba. We hope to build on this experience in the future.

The initial impression of Lochaber being an area rich in cultural, natural and human resources was proven correct. Indeed, narrowing down the options for topics for public and school talk was challenging, with many equally valuable and deserving of inclusion. The programme was developed to reflect multi-disciplinarity and, in terms of schools events, to reflect the needs of the school curriculum.

Written reports of the public events were made available on the RSE website, enabling those that could not attend to have access. These reports will remain on the RSE website to enable wider dissemination.

Initially there was some difficulty in engaging local primary schools in the programme. This was addressed through meetings with the local Education Officer who helped to promote the RSE @ Lochaber programme to these schools. Many of the primary schools in the region had concerns because they were very small and had composite classes of mixed age groups. They were assured that the RSE @ Lochaber programme was interested in working with them, despite their small size, and workshops were specifically tailored to cater for them.

Willingness amongst the RSE Fellowship and local and national organisations to be involved with the project was extremely high and we were encouraged by this. Indeed, the project could not have been possible without the support of project supporters- The Dulverton Trust, The James Weir Foundation, Beltane Public Engagement Network, RSE Sillitto Fund, RSE Heggie Fund RSE Fleck Fund, The Mackintosh Foundation, G M Morrison Charitable Trust and Scottish Book Trust – Live Literature Fund and the participation of all those who gave their time and energy in making it a success.

Feedback showed the RSE @ project was a welcome presence in Lochaber:

The Large Hadron Collider, the Higgs Boson and Other Questions about the Universe by Professor Peter Clarke FRSE, 20 September 2013, High School and West College, Kilchoan

“Professor Clarke explained the Large Hadron Collider in a way which was stimulating to pupils and teachers. The event was excellently managed…We hope that there will be further opportunities for guest speakers to come to AHS”

Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe by Professor Martin Hendry, 2 November 2012, Ardnamurchan High School

“… the students are STILL talking about the biscuit demo!”

“MORE MORE MORE of the same!”

The Journey to Gold – RSE Christmas Lecture by Katherine Grainger MBE, 11 December 2012, Lochaber High School

“Katherine Grainger’s Christmas lecture, delivered in association with the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was a memorable event. The presence of the BBC added to the sense of occasion and our pupils found Katherine engaging, humorous and inspiring. After the lecture, the young people had the opportunity to meet Katherine; get her autograph; take photographs and handle the gold medal”! Jim Sutherland, Head Teacher, Lochaber High School

What will you do with the knowledge you have gained as a result of attending this event? My 9 year old daughter said :"to keep trying and never give up". My 11 year old son said : "to never think I know everything and to be able to take advice"

“I will use Katherine's account in my teaching of pupils in my school, through my role as a teacher”.

“I will go for my own wee goals. I've always wanted to run a sub 2.40 in the Ben Race and in 2013 I will”.

“I used, and will continue to use, Katherine's story and example to inspire others in my work in Personal Development., and I would definitely attend another event”.

Some general feedback “Events like this in a large, rural region with a scattered population are very special. As a programme of events sustained over a year, this was so precious and highly valued.”

“Educational and enjoyable, without having to travel to a city”.

“We really appreciated the expertise of the speakers who were all leaders in their field. All the lectures were thought provoking and it is always good to exercise the grey cells. We attended quite a few of the lectures and as time went on we enjoyed the social aspect of them as well”.

“Quality of speakers was excellent. They gave local people the chance to attend events they would not normally have access to”.

“…Every lecture was a new topic and a different perspective, supplied by some of the best brains in the land! This in itself was enormously stimulating and enlightening, particularly as the focus was on the Lochaber region”.

“Congratulations for a superb programme. I had no prior knowledge of the RSE and you are to be commended for the outreach activities”.

“Further RSE events in Lochaber would be hugely welcome".

3. The Legacy

An increase in learning and understanding Post event evaluations confirmed that the learning and understanding of the majority of people who attended events was increased. There were many positive and supportive comments from attendees for both individual events and indeed the overall concept and programme. It was also evident that an RSE presence via future events in the region would be welcomed (see below – The Reaction).

Key features contributing to the success of the project included the choice of topics being of relevance and interest (following local research and consultation); enthusiastic participation of RSE fellows; a co-ordinator with local knowledge of the region and invaluable financial support from project sponsors enabling events to be free of charge to the public.

It is hoped that there will be many legacies from the RSE @ Lochaber project, some of which are already evident:

 Tapestries depicting Lochaber’s culture and heritage have been displayed at the West Highland Museum. These were created by pupils at Upper Achintore and Fort William primary schools, inspired by the RSE @ Lochaber primary workshop activity focused on creating heritage trails for the area.

 The Pitch Perfect enterprise event at Lochaber High School has become the springboard for a new local event - Dragon's Glen. Pupils, along with local businesses have been invited to prepare a business proposal for the local area. Once they have done this, the 2nd and 3rd stages involve preparing a business plan and doing a presentation - the prize for the winner is £1,000.

 Local entrepreneurs who took part in the Pitch Perfect event also intimated that they are willing to repeat the experience at other schools.

 The majority of those who attended the Public Talks stated that their knowledge of the subjects covered had increased thus leading to enhanced knowledge within the region of a variety of topics.

 The RSE @ Lochaber programme has been instrumental in raising awareness within the region of The Royal Society of Edinburgh and its remit and objectives.

 Lochaber schools have been made aware of the RSE Young People’s programme and it is hoped that the RSE may be able to deliver future School’s Talks and Workshops in the region.

 There is scope to develop future Public Talks in the region, particularly through partnership with existing groups e.g. Lochaber Local History Society and UHI – Kilchoan.

 Many of those who delivered School and Public Talks and workshops have stated that they would be willing to repeat the experience.

 The experience gained, coupled with that from the previous RSE programme in Arbroath and Dumfries and Galloway, has paved the way for future RSE @ initiatives:

 Irvine Bay Regeneration Company approached the RSE requesting a programme of educational activities and lectures for schools and the public in the Irvine Bay area (Ayrshire) during 2014/15. The focus of this proposed programme would be science (particularly life sciences), engineering, ICT and manufacturing.

 A scoping exercise is being undertaken to consider possible locations for the next community based RSE @ project.

The Reaction

The Weathermen of , Lochaber High School

“As a Scottish Tourist Guide (STGA) I will pass some of it on to visitors to Scotland but they'll be told where it came from. I always like to give credit to the people who did the research and presented the information”.

The Appin Murder – Historical Context and Case Review, Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort William

“I am producing a package for Oban FM about the Appin Murder and letting the listener hear what the experts had to say”.

“Re-read my books on the subject and carry out further research with a view to incorporating references in my proposed visitor centre for Castle Stalker”.

“I am a tour guide for (mostly German) groups so I will share some of the knowledge with them”.

“Pass on my knowledge to younger members of the community”.

“It will give me a greater knowledge in my role as a volunteer in the West Highland Museum”.

“I will pass it on to my family and friends, I'll reread Kidnapped and, living as I do in Nether Lochaber, I shall regard the pertinent local places in a new light!”

Gaelic Culture of Lochaber, The Centre,

“(I will use the knowledge I have gained)…to improve the library local collection and the knowledge of library staff as well…in the subject”.

“The purpose of attending the event was to give pupils an understanding the importance of Gaelic culture within their own locale and inspire them to further research the subject”.

Women in Science: Antarctic Experience, Kinlochleven High School, Lochaber High School & Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort William

“My daughter has recently made her choices for 3rd year and I’m sure both talks will have a lasting impact on her studies and what she will do in the future.”

Your Language, Your Landscape, Your History, Duror Primary, Glencoe Primary, Primary, Kilchoan Primary

“Professor Smith was very entertaining and connected quickly with staff and children. The children enjoyed the fun phonics and different pronunciations, learning the meanings of place names and the link with the Gaelic language..”

English and Scots: Using the Past to Explain the Present, Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort William and Kilchoan Learning Centre, Kilchoan

“(I will) Share (what I learned) with my pupils where appropriate. Pass the web address on to interested friends and family so they can read the text”.

Author Visit - Lari Don, Kinlochleven Primary, Duror Primary, Glencoe Primary, St Brides Primary

“The fact that the pupils got to meet a real live author and that we were able to buy books for the school so that the pupils can enjoy her writings. It certainly inspired some of the pupils to write especially the pupils who are writing the Walking routes around Kinlochleven book”.

“Please keep the visits coming! The pupils love it and it inspires them to think about people they have met and the jobs that they do”.

Scotland Rocks!, Lochaber High School and Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort William

“It will help me to tell others what a wonderful resource we have in Lochaber. The fact that it is under resourced (Geopark) and under utilised as another selling point for tourism”

“Make even more effort to observe the geology in our local area and Scotland in general and perhaps try to support the Lochaber Geopark by attending any other events and spreading the word”.

“Maybe volunteer with Geopark business - definitely want to study more in my retirement”.

“It has rekindled an interest in Geology. I will do further reading”

Author Visit - Allan Burnett, Fort William Library

“Going to get Allan Burnett’s books out of the library to brush up on my Scottish history, the inventions book looked good too”.

“Use it for high school and just general knowledge”.

“Yes, I learned a lot about history that I didn't know before. I learned lots about MacBeth and Columba, both I knew nothing about before”.

Scottish History in Question: An Evening with Professor Tom Devine, Nevis Range, Fort William

“I have instigated discussion at work and I will probably read more about particular aspects of Scottish history”.

“Continue to extend my knowledge about the subject. Research some of the issues touched on that I was unaware of”.

Enhancements in Disability Sport, Discussion Forum, Lochaber High School

“It was helpful to be put into groups that we may not usually choose to work in, and to be given points we had to argue, even if the points contradicted our personal views, as this encouraged us to broaden our minds”.

“It was interesting to hear the arguments of all the other groups and to have questions and discussions, as this enabled us all to share what we had learned, giving us an insight into other aspects of Paralympic and disabled sports”.

“I found the day very interesting and learned a lot about something I had never given much thought to”.

The Journey to Gold by Katherine Grainger, Olympian – RSE Christmas Lecture, Lochaber High School

“Very inspiring. Made me see that I’m not too late to get involved and possibly succeed in doing something I enjoy.”

“If possible it would be good if more RSE lectures were made accessible through Webcast or a recorded facility as there have been a number of seminars in the past which would have been interesting to attend but unfortunately was unable to travel”. – The RSE is exploring options for this for future events.

My 9 year old daughter said :"to keep trying and never give up". My 11 year old son said : "to never think I know everything and to be able to take advice"

“I will use Katherine's account in my teaching of pupils in my school, through my role as a teacher”.

“I will go for my own wee goals. I've always wanted to run a sub 2.40 in the Ben Race and in 2013 I will”.

“I used, and will continue to use, Katherine's story and example to inspire others in my work in Personal Development., and I would definitely attend another event”.

“…I got to hold a gold medal and I have booked into my first fitness class after having my baby a few months ago”.

CTR Wilson, Ben Nevis and The Higgs Boson, Kinlochleven High School

“I did have previous knowledge of CTR Wilson and his cloud chamber, having been a science teacher and having studied some physics at university, a long, long time ago. My knowledge of particle physics was very out-of -date and the talk definitely advanced that, plus explaining a bit more about the LHC and Higgs. Just keeps me a bit more in tune with science developments today”.

Pitch Perfect, Lochaber High School All the businesses involved in the events expressed that they felt it extremely worthwhile to take part and would be interested in doing so again in the future.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the day and hope that more students in Lochaber area can take part in future” Angus Kelly, Rural Surveyor, Bidwells

We thoroughly enjoyed the activity given to us by RSE and we enjoyed having you in our school. Thank you for coming along. The experience is something that will stay with the pupils for a very long time. The pupils gained such a good insight into setting up in business and it has become the springboard for a local event now - Dragon's Glen. Pupils, along with local businesses have been invited to prepare a business proposal for the local area. Once they have done this, the 2nd and 3rd stages involve preparing a business plan and doing a presentation - the prize for the winner is £1,000. The feedback given by the RSE judges will enable the pupils to work hard on tightening up their business plans and presentations and to have a stronger proposal to put forward. It was great to get such a large amount of verbal feedback and really get the pupils thinking about their ideas in a more informed way. I will share the written feedback with them”. Marie Meldrum, Principal Teacher, Lochaber High School

“It’s always great to get involved in projects across the local and wider community – these folk are our future employees … and customers so the opportunity to get involved and give a little back is always welcome” Heather Negus, Marketing Manager, Nevis Range The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Appendix 1 - RSE @ Lochaber 2012 / 13 – List of Activities Delivered

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

17 September 2012 Public Talk and Prize Scottish History in Professor Tom Devine Nevis Range, Fort This was the Launch Lecture Question William Event for the RSE @ Lochaber programme

17 September 2012 Primary School Bacteria Live in Dr Nicola Stanley-Wall Upper Achintore Workshop Communities Primary, Fort William

20 September 2012 Secondary School Talk The Large Hadron Professor Peter Clarke Ardnamurchan High Collider, The Higgs School, Strontian Boson and Other Questions about the Universe

20 September 2012 Public Talk The Large Hadron Professor Peter Clarke West Highland College, Collider, The Higgs Kilchoan Boson and Other Questions about the Universe

28 September 2012 Secondary School Talk Location Location – Dr Jonathan Murray Kinlochleven High Film Locations in School Lochaber

28 September 2012 Public Talk Location Location – Dr Jonathan Murray Kinlochleven High Film Locations in School Lochaber

23 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

30 October 2012 Secondary School Talk Patrick McGill and how Mr Owen Dudley Mallaig High School Ireland modernised Edwards Scotland

30 October 2012 Public Talk The Navvy, the Priest Mr Owen Dudley Mallaig High School and the King Edwards

2 November 2012 Secondary School Talk Exploring the Dark Side Prof. Martin Hendry Ardnamurchan High of the Universe School, Strontian

2 November 2012 Public Talk Exploring the Dark Side Prof. Martin Hendry West Highland College of the Universe - Kilchoan

7 November 2012 School Discussion Enhancements in Jane Egan and Prof. Lochaber High School, Forum Disability Sport Roger Scrutton Fort William

11 December 2012 Secondary School Talk The Journey to Gold – Katherine Grainger Lochaber High School, RSE Christmas Lecture Fort William

11 December 2012 Public Talk The Journey to Gold – Katherine Grainger Lochaber High School, RSE Christmas Lecture Fort William

11 December 2012 Public Webcast The Journey to Gold – Katherine Grainger Lochaber High School, RSE Christmas Lecture Fort William

24 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

4 February 2013 Secondary School Talk Aluminiumville Dr Andrew Perchard Kinlochleven High School

4 February 2013 Public Talk Aluminiumville Dr Andrew Perchard Kinlochleven High School

27 February 2013 Secondary School Talk The Weathermen of Marjory Roy Lochaber High School, Ben Nevis Fort William

27 February 2013 Public Talk The Weathermen of Marjory Roy Lochaber High School, Ben Nevis Fort William

12 March 2013 Secondary School Talk A Lochaber McDonald Prof. Jim Hunter Mallaig High School in the Camp of Sitting Bull

12 March 2013 Public Talk A Lochaber McDonald Prof. Jim Hunter Mallaig High School in the Camp of Sitting Bull

14 March 2013 Secondary School Talk CTR Wilson, Ben Nevis Prof. Alan Watson Kinlochleven High and The Higgs Boson School

14 March 2013 Public Talk CTR Wilson, Ben Nevis Prof. Alan Watson Kinlochleven High and The Higgs Boson School

25 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

7 May 2013 Public Talk Gaelic Culture of Prof. Hugh Cheape and Sunart Centre, Lochaber Prof. Donald Meek Strontian

8 – 10 May 2013 Primary School Legendary Landscapes Rachel Steele Primary, Upper Workshops x 5 Achintore Primary, Isle of Primary, Primary

10 May 2013 Secondary School Talk Author Visit Cathy MacPhail Lochaber High School Partly funded by the x 2 and Kinlochleven High Live Literature Fund School

14 - 15 May 2013 Secondary School Talk Women in Science – Alison McLure Kinlochleven High In conjunction with the x 2 Antarctica School and Lochaber Institute of Physics Lab High School in a Lorry

15 May 2013 Public Talk Women in Science – Alison McLure Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort Antarctica William

21 May 2013 Public Talk Lochaber – Bandit Prof. Allan Macinnes Sunart Centre, Country or Jacobite Strontian Stronghold?

26 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

23 - 24 May 2013 Primary School Talk x 4 Your Language, Your Prof. Jeremy Smith Duror, Glencoe, Landscape, Your Ballachulish & Kilchoan History Primaries

23 – 24 May 2013 Public Talk x 2 English & Scots Prof. Jeremy Smith Fort William & Kilchoan

3 - 4 June 2013 Primary Workshop x 3 Sea Bed Mapping Claire Smalley – SAMS Kinlochleven Primary, In conjunctions with Secondary Workshop x Primary, SAMS (Scottish 2 Glencoe Primary, Duror Association of Marine Primary, Lochaber High Science) School, Ardnamurchan High School

13 June 2013 Primary School Talk Author Visit Lari Don Kinlochleven, Duror, Partly funded by the Glencoe, St Brides Live Literature Fund Primaries

14 June 2013 Secondary School Talk Feeding 9 Billion Prof. Maggie Gill Lochaber High School, People Fort William

14 June 2013 Public Talk Feeding 9 Billion Prof. Maggie Gill Fort William People

27 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Date Event Type Title Speaker Location Comments

17 June 2013 Secondary School Talk Scotland Rocks Prof. Iain Stewart Lochaber High School, Fort William

17 June 2013 Public Talk Scotland Rocks Prof. Iain Stewart Fort William

18 June 2013 Secondary School Illustrator Visit Kate Leiper Ardnamurchan High Partly funded by the Workshop School Live Literature Fund

27 July 2013 Public Event Author Visit Allan Burnett Fort William Library Partly funded by the Live Literature Fund

2, 5 September and 3 Secondary School Pitch Perfect Chaired by Edward Lochaber High School, October 2013 Workshop x 3 Cunningham Fort William

2 – 3 September 2013 Public Talk x 2 The Appin Murder Prof. Jim Hunter and Fort William Chaired by Prof. Sue Black

28 The Royal Society of Edinburgh @ Lochaber Final Project Report – November 2013

Appendix 2 – RSE @ Lochaber – Map of Locations

Locations where events have taken place


22-26 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2PQ

The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland’s National Academy is Scottish Charity No. SC000470