Cruz Bandung J of Global South (2015) 2:23 DOI 10.1186/s40728-015-0020-z RESEARCH Open Access Disability-inclusive electoral systems: analyzing the Philippine electoral policy using the disability convention (DisCo) policy framework John Paul P. Cruz1,2* *Correspondence:
[email protected]; Abstract
[email protected] For more than a century now, the Philippines has been at the forefront of democ- 2 Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3iCT), Atlanta, GA, USA racy in the Southeast Asian region. Since the early 1990s, the country has sought to Full list of author information institutionalize democratic processes, which aim to meaningfully engage Filipinos in is available at the end of the the public and political spheres. In line with its efforts of strengthening its electoral article systems, it has also taken a leading role in the region in promoting and protecting the rights of voters with disabilities by becoming one of the first States Parties to ratify the United Nations convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). A key provision of the UNCRPD is affording voters with disabilities the equal opportunity to engage in every electoral process on an equal basis with other abled-bodied vot- ers. However, in spite of recent developments, the Philippines has yet to effectively implement disability-inclusive electoral policies and processes that would not only engage able-bodied Filipino voters but also one of the country’s largest minority com- munity—Filipino voters with disabilities. This paper examines the effectiveness of the Philippine government in ensuring that Filipino voters with disabilities are guaranteed with and are able to exercise their right to suffrage.