Papers A Sustainable View to Fener ‐ Balat District Kishali E. Politecnico di Milano, Building Environment Science Technology (BEST)
[email protected] Grecchi M. Politecnico di Milano, Building Environment Science Technology (BEST)
[email protected] TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES AND DISTRICT REHABILITATION Sustainable rehabilitation and preservation strategies in historic quarters Industrialisation, started with Industrial Revolution in mid 18th century by the invention of machines but advanced fast in early 19th century by establishing factories in large areas, has changed various aspects of life in terms of economy, architecture, design, and construction, rate of production, social life and politics. However one aspect, the nature, became very important in architecture field when there have been various and serious problems on four basic elements of planet: earth, air, water and fire. All these elements have been influenced badly after industrialisation period due to high demand for rapid and heavy construction regarding the all aspects above. Nowadays, in architecture it is inevitable to find a link between nature and construction, engineering and design to preserve the resources of life which can be called sustainability. This link is very essential in today's new architectural designs to sustain environment but it is more interesting and difficult to find the sustainable link for historical buildings which were constructed during economical revolutions. The structures were constructed with peculiar technology, serviceability in its own environment and definite district, as the time passes the possibility to withstand changing environment conditions would become complicated. In this paper, historical residential buildings, constructed in 19th century in Fener – Balat Istanbul, Turkey, an important example of cultural heritage district, will be analysed in terms of three different views.