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COPENHAGEN MALMÖ PORT ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Svanemøllehavnen COPENHAGEN MALMÖ PORT ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Svanemøllehavnen Færgehavn Nord Fiskerihavn Kalkbrænderihavnen Orientbassinet Nordba Kronløbsbassinet Frihavnen ssinet Copenhagen Nordhavnen Sdr. Frihavn Langelinie Oc Yderhavnen eank aj Ndr. Toldbod Trekroner Inderhavnen Refshaleøen Containers Øresund RoRo Cars/PDI Combi Liquid bulk Prøvestenen Dry bulk Passengers Prøvestenshavnen Break bulk Veterinarian Customs Modified distance between port sections. The actual distance between Copenhagen and Malmö is approx. 14 nautical miles or 26 km. Not for navigational purpose. CONTENT 2015 in brief CEO Statement ................................................................................................. 4 n Sales amounted to SEK 762 (763) million. Business concept ............................................................................................. 6 n Operating profit was SEK 71.0 (89.5) million. Vision ........................................................................................................................ 6 n Goods loaded and unloaded increased to 15.0 Services ................................................................................................................... 8 (14.5) million tonnes. The increase was greatest Comprehensive offering ........................................................................ 10 within RoRo, Container and Liquid bulk. Key figures ........................................................................................................ 11 n New collaborations within rail freight, including the establishment of a new shuttle rail service Market overview ........................................................................................... 12 between Malmö and Stockholm. Business areas ................................................................................................ 14 n Construction work at the new cruise ship quay Core Port...............................................................................................................19 in Visby started. CMP and Region Gotland are Environment ..................................................................................................... 20 going to develop Visby as a cruise destination. Quality .................................................................................................................. 22 The new quay will be put into operation in spring 2018. Future developments ................................................................................ 23 n Cruise Insight 2015 Awards designated CMP’s Human Resources ........................................................................................ 24 cruise operation Best Turnaround Port Opera- Corporate Social Responsibility......................................................... 26 tions. Management .................................................................................................... 27 n Strategic deliberations in advance of the contai- Board ..................................................................................................................... 28 ner operation moving in Copenhagen. The main Corporate Governance Report .......................................................... 30 option at present is to move the container ope- ration closer to the cruise terminal in Nordhavn, Directors’ report ........................................................................................... 33 or alternatively to relocate the terminal to the Income statement ................................................................................. 37 port in Køge. Balance sheet ........................................................................................... 38 n CMP was host for GreenPort Congress – the an- Cash-flow statement .......................................................................... 40 nual environmental conference with partici- Additional disclosures ...................................................................... 41 pants from ports throughout Europe. GreenPort Congress 2015 was held in Copenhagen. Audit report .............................................................................................. 46 Oljehamnen Norra Hamnen Östra Hamnen Industrihamnsrännan Centralh amnsrännan Mellersta Hamnen Frihamnen Frih amn en Inre Hamnen Malmö COPENHAGEN MALMÖ PORT – ANNUAL REPORT 2015 3 CEO STATEMENT: INCREASING VOLUMES OF FREIGHT During 2015 CMP increased its freight vol- We also laid the foundations for a new to relocate the terminal to the port in Køge. umes by almost 3.5%. This is gratifying con- collaboration within rail freight, which will be Work is proceeding in Malmö on improv- sidering the fact that the economic situation of long-term significance. The fact that more ing transport capacity in and around the port is still relatively weak and developments in the companies are choosing to make CMP the area, both for road and rail traffic. The work freight market are hesitant. CMP benefits hub for their freight handling is positive, and includes construction of a new road and rail from being a full-service port that handles all demonstrates that we are competitive and bridge between Mellersta Hamnen and Norra types of goods and ships, but also from our have a strong offering. This is especially im- Hamnen. At the same time, it is proposed proximity to the Baltic region and a number of portant in a situation where international com- that existing roads in the port area are devel- national markets in northern Europe. We are petitive pressure is putting pressure on mar- oped. This will deliver environmental benefits constantly working to optimise operations gins and profitability for all actors in our and make transportation more efficient. The and develop the service in all our freight seg- industry. In this context, I would also like to improvements will also benefit future traffic to ments so that they contribute to CMP’s long- highlight the internal work that is being un- and from Malmö Industrial Park. The on-go- term profitability and competitiveness. dertaken to improve productivity and effi- ing establishments of companies in this in- Another explanation for the increased vol- ciency. It is based on M/S Progress, CMP’s dustrial area are positive for CMP. They are umes in 2015 is the development in relation overall development and im- to customers and marketing. In recent years provement tool. This tool en- Net Sales per Employee 2011 – 2015 we have adapted both organisation and ables all departments to set SEK thousands staffing to optimise sales. Today we have a their own objectives within a 2,500 stronger focus on canvassing customers and number of common areas. It 2,000 this is now delivering increasingly clear re- produces greater consensus 1,500 sults. Furthermore, the fact that, despite a and improves cooperation over weak market, we have been able to maintain organisational boundaries, not 1,000 the volumes over a period of several years least in terms of canvassing and 500 demonstrates that there is a persistence in sales. CMP’s productivity also 0 CMP’s operations. I consequently view this improved during 2015. This is 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 strong continuity as a further success factor. confirmed by the fact that sales During 2015, CMP’s turnover amounted per employee continued to rise to SEK 762 million and operating profit to during the year. providing us with new opportunities for SEK 71 million. The areas that developed best growth in that they are attracting more busi- include Liquid bulk, RoRo and the Container Improving the infrastructure nesses to the port area that need compre- operation in Copenhagen. RoRo services The work on developing the infrastructure in hensive logistics services, primarily compa- comprise freight between Sweden and the and around our facilities in Copenhagen and nies within manufacturing, processing and continent and is an area where CMP strength- Malmö is continuing. During 2016 we will e-commerce. ened its market share this year. The container decide whether to move the container oper- Infrastructural improvements are very im- terminal makes CMP a major port of impor- ation in Copenhagen. The background to this portant for us, particularly in view of the fact tation that provides the markets in and around is development in the Danish capital which that CMP is one of some 80 Core Ports within Copenhagen with consumer products etc. entails building offices and housing in parts of the EU. Being a ”core port” means that the fa- The terminal is used by the world’s 4 – 5 the port area. Our main option at present is to cilities in Copenhagen and Malmö are of par- largest shipping companies, which links CMP move the container operation closer to the ticular importance for the transport network to all major international ports. cruise terminal in Nordhavn, or alternatively in Europe and for the investments in transport The fact that more companies are choosing to make CMP the hub for their freight handling is positive, and demonstrates that we are competitive and have a strong offering. 4 COPENHAGEN MALMÖ PORT – ANNUAL REPORT 2015 “We have zero tolerance of personal injuries. Focussing on more preventive initiatives has enabled us to further reduce the frequency of injuries.” corridors that are currently being made. For tures on a range of environmental themes. productivity in the operation. our part, the status as Core Port also means The conference gave us the chance to Increase volumes and productivity

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