Population Density Is Held Brake on Growth Easter
ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER JOF-THE TO WNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE VOL. XLI, NO.-25 ■ THE HILLSIDE, TIMES, THURSDAY APRIL, 15, 1965 PRICE TEN CENTS PHONE 923-•9207 Progress In Cancer Fight Green Acres Aid For School Held Feasible - A special Greih-Acres Coni- Township. In- this respect, •mittee was formulated lastweek if certain arrangements as to By the Hillside Avenue School, the future' use of- th& Maplff’ '' w ............~ PTA, comprised of the follow- AVe, tract Were to be made"' tags - Mrs, Erwin Sehuman. whereby the Board of Eduoa. ■ principal; Dr, Wayne T, Bran- of the area for certain times om, Superintendent of Schools; of the day durlng- the year, Dr. HewyJ.Konzeiman, Chair-, This could' fall wlthtanto scope man , of the Home Owners Asso- of the Green Acres program.. clatldn; Mrs, Donald Glllmore, "Similar grants a re' being Mrs. Seymoqr'PollaA ansLMrs. arranged for nearby towns for. Richard Lacey. V property near a, school—and— A meeting Is s^meduled - successful arrangements are for Thursday April la at 8 P.M. being made for school use. at t o "Municipal Building when '"Currently,- -there - is' a ' tax-"-' t o eommittee will meet with :TeHef=hfli=pendtng=rhefsrezihjfc: M ayor Robe rt Di a mond, Mr. A1 - - -Assembly, recently passed by_ vin E. Gershen. Master t o Senate, grar.tlik municipal Planners representative, "and- ' tax rellef“ for -lands-taken by - Mr. Howard J. Wolf, Green the Green Acree program. The Acres Administrator, Depart- bill IS an- amendment to t o .nirmred are' workers forthe 1965 Hillside Cancer1 Crusade watching.Mflvnr Rnher-r Diamond sign ment of Goheegyattoh and '•Green Acres Act and It would a resolution marking the month of April Cancer.Month in hillside.
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