JAVA Advocate--October 2006
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Japanese American Veterans Association JAVA ADVOCATE October 2006 Volume XIV—Issue 3 Inside this issue: JAVA Inducted Into Veterans Day President’s Message 2 National Committee JAVA Appoints New Vice 3 President JAVA was inducted as an associate recognition. He also conveyed Presi- member into the Veterans Day Na- dent Bert Mizusawa’s appreciation and JAVA Quarterly Luncheon 3 tional Committee (VDNC) on Septem- noted that Bert had met with Secretary ber 14, 2006 in a ceremony at the De- Jim Nicholson, HCVA Chairman Steve Dedication of Hershey 4 partment of Veterans Affairs head- Buyer and other key VA officials re- Miyamura Monument quarters in Washington, D.C. cently in Iraq. Shima then introduced JAVA members who served in WWII: Ben Kuroki 4 The VDNC is mandated by Congress, Grant Hirabayashi of Merrill’s Ma- formed by Presidential Proclamation in rauders; Joe Ichiuji, 522nd Field Artil- MIS Role in WWII 5 1954, with the U.S. President as honor- lery Bn, 442nd RCT; and Dr. Norman ary Chairman. VDNC is responsible for Ikari, 442nd RCT. Following the cere- the planning, promotion and coordina- mony, Shima represented JAVA in its Korean War Armistice 5 tion of national Veterans Day pro- Day new status by participating in prepara- grams. The Chairman of VDNC is the tions for the Veterans Day program at Meet the Generals 6 Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Hon- Arlington Cemetery, wreath laying orary Members are the Secretary of De- ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown fense, Chairman and Ranking Member Soldier and the White House breakfast. Latin Americans of Japa- 7 of the Senate Committee on Veterans nese Ancestry Affairs (which includes Sen. Akaka, Mizusawa said that “JAVA’s accep- Literary News 7 honorary chair of JAVA), and Chair- tance in VDNC is recognition of JAVA’s man and Ranking Member of the House leading role in representing Asian Pa- Committee on Veterans Affairs. cific Americans veterans at the na- Sandra Tanamachi Award 8 tional level. It is an honor for JAVA to Executive Director Terry Shima repre- represent our great APA veterans and sented JAVA at the induction cere- Kay Wakatake Promotion 8 their honorable service in defense of mony, thanking the committee for this our nation.” Letters to JAVA 9 Ben Kuroki Invited to White House Dinner JAVA Witness Act Signing 9 On June 29, 2006, 35 JAVA mem- Donations for JAVA Activi- 10 bers were invited to the White House ties South Lawn for the welcoming cere- mony of Japan’s Prime Minister Editor’s Note 11 Junichiro Koizumi. That same night, Ben Kuroki, a WWII veteran, Eyeglasses Collection at 11 was invited to a State Dinner at the October Luncheon White House, which honored the Japanese Prime Minister. L-R: Julie Kuroki Cooney, Ben Kuroki, First Membership Application 11 Lady Laura Bush, Prime Minister Junichiro Continued on page 4. Koizumi, Pres. George Bush, Shige Kuroki. PAGE 2 JAVA ADVOCATE OCTOBER 2006 Chair. VDNC plans and jointly lay a wreath at the Korean President’s Message coordinates Veterans Day War Memorial on the occasion of To Fellow JAVA programs nationwide, par- the Korean War Armistice Day. I Members: ticularly the Arlington National am encouraged that our comple- Cemetery where the President ment was made up of Korean We hope you like delivers his remarks to the nation American, Chinese American, our newsletter's and military personnel at home Vietnamese American and Japa- new name, the and abroad. JAVA's new status nese American JAVA members. JAVA ADVO- reflects the Department of Veter- CATE, which best ans Affairs recognition of JAVA as Closer to home (at least my cur- describes JAVA's aspiration to the Nation’s lead veterans organi- rent home in Iraq), Veterans Af- represent the interests of our vet- zation for Asian Americans. This fairs Secretary Nicholson and erans and the community at is indeed a great milestone, and House Veterans Affairs Commit- large. I appreciate Warren Tsu- one that every member of JAVA tee Chairman Steve Buyer re- neishi’s suggestion for the name should be proud of. cently visited Iraq, and I had the and Kay Wakatake's effective edi- pleasure of having lunch with torship. Additionally, JAVA is on the them and their staff members, White House invitation list for who were in Baghdad and Balad First, I am pleased to announce Asian American events. On July on a trip to visit "prospective" vet- Cal Shintani as JAVA’s new Vice 27, JAVA's legal counsel, Gerald erans. They are both interested President. He will fill in the large Yamada, who gets invited to the in JAVA’s views on veterans is- shoes of Vic Mukai. Cal is a White House in his own right, wit- sues. graduate of the U.S. Naval Acad- nessed the signing of the Voting emy as noted in the article on Rights Act Reauthorization and In closing, Maj Gen David E. page 3 of the JAVA ADVOCATE. Amendments of 2006 by President Clary, USAF, who recently re- Vic came on board to assist me Bush. This Act renews and turned from Turkey for Pentagon and the Executive Council with strengthens our Nation's commit- duty, will be the quarterly lunch- JAVA’s transition to a nationwide ment to enforce the right to vote eon speaker on October 21st. I organization. With that job effec- for all Americans. hope you can make it. tively done, Vic will continue to provide support while he focuses Also on July 27, JAVA combined Officers on business pursuits. I look for- efforts with the Japanese Ameri- BG Bert Mizusawa, USAR, President ward to working with Cal in his can Korean War Veterans to Cdr (Ret) Calvin Shintani, USNR, new leadership role. Vice President David Buto, Secretary The major news this Earl Takeguchi, Treasurer quarter is JAVA’s induc- tion onto the prestigious Executive Council Veterans Day National David Buto, Secretary Committee (VDNC) on Grant Ichikawa September 14. The BG Bert Mizusawa, USAR, President VDNC is mandated by Calvin Ninomiya the Congress, and the Terry Shima, Executive Director President of the United Lt. Col. (Ret) Michael Yaguchi, USAF, States is its Honorary Deputy Executive Director Gerald Yamada, General Counsel JAVA President BG Bert Mizusawa (right) and Major General Joseph F. Peterson in Baghdad, Iraq. MG Peterson has been nominated for Honorary Chairs appointment to the rank of lieutenant general and assignment as Deputy Senator Daniel K. Akaka, U.S. Senate Commanding General/Chief of Staff, United States Army Forces Command, Senator Daniel K. Inouye, U.S. Senate Fort McPherson, Georgia. He is currently Commanding General, Civilian COL (Ret) Sunao Paul Ishio, USA Police Assistance Training Team, Multi National Security Transition The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta Command - Iraq. This operation is part of Operation Iraq Freedom. MG Peterson, native of Honolulu, Hawaii, has been deployed to Iraq since Newsletter Editor October 5, 2005. He was commissioned a 2LT on November 3, 1972 and has MAJ Kay K. Wakatake, USA since served in Korea, Germany and a number of stateside posts. OCTOBER 2006 JAVA ADVOCATE PAGE 3 Calvin Shintani Appointed JAVA Vice President The JAVA Execu- Inc., recently acquired by Man- (ACTD) at the Office of Naval Re- tive Council (EC) Tech International Corp. He has search; Special Assistant for Mo- announced a served in executive-level manage- bilization for the Deputy Assis- change in its ment, corporate development, and tant Secretary of the Navy; Plans membership fol- senior business development posi- Officer, Naval Space Command; lowing the recent tions for various companies. Action Officer, Office of Political- resignation of Vic Military Affairs, Office of the Mukai. President After graduating with distinction Chief of Naval Operations Bert Mizusawa has ap- from the U.S. Naval Academy in (OPNAV). Shintani retired as a pointed Calvin Shintani as Vice 1980, Shintani served on board Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve, President to serve until December the USS Los Angeles (SSN688); in 2000. 31, 2006. A new slate of officers he qualified as Nuclear Engineer will be presented to the EC at and Submarine Officer. His final Shintani has two children, Ryan that time for the 2007-2008 calen- active duty assignment was as (16) and Christina (14), and re- dar years. Lead Operations Briefer to the sides in Northern Virginia. His Chief of Naval Operations. While father, Munro Shintani, served Shintani currently is the Senior an officer in the U.S. Naval Re- in Fox Company in the 442nd Vice President of Business Devel- serve (1987- 2000), Shintani’s as- Regimental Combat Team and opment at CACI, Inc. He formerly signments included Liaison for resides with his wife Fran in was vice president of business de- Joint Countermine Advanced Con- Texas. velopment at Gray Hawk Systems cept Technology Demonstrations July Quarterly Luncheon at Harvest Moon On Saturday, July 29, 2006, over 90 engaged in organizational work due to an anomaly, to avenge the JAVA members and guests at- with the WWII veterans prepara- mass destruction caused by interna- tended the quarterly luncheon at tory to assuming leadership roles. tional terrorists on 9/11. Nakamoto the Harvest Moon Restaurant in He said JAVA is sound and organi- described his recent deployment to Falls Church, Virginia. Cal Shin- zationally well-positioned for the Iraq. His positive remarks about his tani, retired U.S. Navy submarine future. Iraq experience and the Iraqi people’s officer, served as the Master of resilience provided a story not carried Ceremonies. Following the Pledge After a delicious Chinese gourmet by the media. SGT Nakamoto and of Allegiance and a Moment of Si- luncheon, the program continued his wife Sherry then concluded the lence for fallen comrade LTC Barry with Korean War veteran Gene Ta- program by entertaining the audience Saiki, Terry Shima provided the kahashi speaking about his experi- with three songs, two of which were Executive Director’s report.