
r- o JO x c- f iCBMIl C )C X t* 4 or tips on staying fit, see special section in this week s_Focu•C 7 "C O **• 3! •** X I* t-i CT

1 It- -t -J \r, ..-+•-.. a - n Ui r^ " Your'Community Leader

•'' yOli. SSNO. 17 ' , -, SPRINGflELD, N.J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1984; oSe^ 30 cents

(Continued from page 9).

7, PAINTING ROOFING & SIDING WARTMENTS FOR RENT ,8 OFFICE TOlET SPRINGFIELD- Office receives 7G in special equpment JOHN SCOTT- CUSTOM MIKECIASULLI IRVINGYON- 4 room- COVERINGS. Interior/- • ROOFING apartment well- maintain- 2700 square feof. Private floor-.Cholce lo'catio.n,_Pro; puters forthi' Neurologically Impaired Ai.ihe rti'oting, Dr. Kratfcis Kenny, inventory." This initiate!, them into interests lie. The "Job - Placement instructed their its legal option was to EVf error Painting, Highest Quality Work •od.-' -Close— to—-all- ±. . ByVK.KIVKKKI.AN!) hold an auction and sell all the shoes to Paperhanglng, Line Strip Lowest Possible Price transportation.-$320 month lessional or business office. .' PHe Unipri Pqunty ftcgionpl Board of Program at Jonathan biiyton Kegionnl director of pupil Dorsomief services. thinking :'ibout a cureer. Services" instruct students on job- Also available 565 square one vendor. Ing and parking lot • REPAIRS'RE plus"Ti month security,' 'Ec .iicatlon: accepted-two-sizable-c'ori IliBh-Schooi^Tho-donorK-reqXiPsted-tn- -diKc'uliwd-lhc'-distriei-Sreilrt'i'r-eoun- - The-following-year-, the sludonts interview techniques, how lo get specialist. Fully Insured. References. Call 374-8534'or feet. Call 763-3900,'..'.• , '80. FIAT-'Splddr Converti- ROOFING '71 AMC AMBASSADOR- tri butiofis Tuesday night at its regular remain anonymous. . selling "'program for th(). Ktudenls. ciimplotc a- 14-pagc workbook on working papers, und how lo fill out-job Stephen Marcinak, chairperson of the ROSELL'E PARK. Line LEADERS'GUTTERS 783-6593. Air condition, power steer- ble, mint condition. VeBv The second contribution *«s made by. "Cureer counselling isVan ongoing "cureer investigation." The workbook applications. policy committee, reported the com- Striping and Parking Lot Tear offs bur specialty ing and brakes, automatic low mileage. Fiberglass «rt;a trt o rn a 11 c Hi sh^chiosh'^chiol to ."purchas.purchase designdesignatea d rooms. Available February transmission,' must sell. donated an Addrcssograph machine, a fact that in Ihe majority ;of guidance nwurenoss of self, awureness of cureer of graduutes from the regional districts "liberalized" approach for tuition of J.JAMN1K-FREEEST. — Fully Insured. • 15. Heat supplied. Call miles.) Best offer. Call 680 equip'meriti'rit . ThTh e acceptancta e ' _wawass 654-4446 i WANTED TQ RENT- Call 688-8056. . ' - Graphotype- machine.- and sdveral- counselling sessions, s'flmc time of opportunities, und, realistic up- for -evaluation of their career coun- students—who—want to—attend -the ,—Painting pocor-ating-^ after-Spm-399-1804:———— -5933,—J—-——-^ ~ aurhoriV"! nnn • thp pnnriition tKflt ththe [ COMPUTER.COUPLE cnbinets of plates- lo tne aisiritrs . career counselling enters nvT Kenny plicattons: 3 selllng~tralnlng. According "to ~his~ -regional- schools—but-haven't- moved - 8. Paperhang'inglnt.Ext. U N I F I E D .'. .LATE MODELS pijrchaseh s become'thbteh propert ty of tthhe 1 IRVINGTON- 2 Room LOOKING FOR 2-3 •73 CADILLAC SEDAN Trainable Mentally Hclarded Program said. . ' '• Kenny said that although all students slatistics, 63-B7 per cenl of the students intothearea yet. ^ UNION 687-6288: CONSTRUCTION- Com BEDROOM HOUSE BY '80 Si '81 models at rcijionaldlstrict.— : plete home ajterations. apartment, heat and hot "DEVILLE-. Runs well, wholesale prfcos. *Call for at the Arthur L. Johnson Regiottal High According to Kenny, the first step in do not reach a career decision in high reported their career guidance ex- John Conlin, chairperson of the KMG MARCH 1ST. PREFER needs body work. Loaded; The parents of a regional high school Custom oainting and water supplied. Rent S290. details. . •••••' • School. The equipment has ivn career guidance takes place in the ninth school,-Ihe guidance training they periences were "satisfying." education committee, announced the PAINTING-, plus 1'. months security. UNION/HILLSIDE/ Best offer. Call between 6 student donated almost $5.000-for the papor-hanging. ROOFING, ROSELLE PARK AREAS. , CUSTOM LEASE.487-7400 purchase of two Apple 11 microwm- estimated value of $2,000. d when Hlndenls take an ' interest receive leaches them the. decision Harold Donaldson, board member, committee would meet Monday to AND HOME- IM LEADERS. GUTTERS, Available February 1st. trtid 8,7439127. PROVEMENTS • 399-3330.' ... DAYS, 212-947-0888, ASK '72 MONTE CARLO- 350 making process. stated he suw surveys Ihut implied a discuss a number of proposals. Those and RAINWEAR. Rich FOR NICK, EVENINGS REASONABLE RATES • Margolin, 687 8105,' '73 CHEVY IMEALA- Ex ..high, performance engine, A career speaker program is also an large amount of graduutes were not mentioned were: limiting mathematics FIRST QUALITY WORK IRVINGTON- 3'. LARGE ANDWEEKENDS.201 727-. celleht running condition, much chrome, tan with tan class sizes to 25, discussion of support ol 8496. aspect of career counselling. satisfied with Ihe. guidance training Fully Ins. Free Est. WE STOP LEAKS- Clark ROOMS. EXCELLENT new tire's, new parts. Best interior. Really clean car! : Professionals from various fields are they received. a New Providence Board of Education" CALL ANYTIME: Builders. Inc. Serving LOCATION: NEAR offer accepted. Call after 5 Call68B-4T2B. ." TRANSPORTATION AND invited lo the schools to speak to Dr. Donald Mcrachnik, superin- request to the New Jersey School 964 1948 Union County For Over 15 PM, 686 5322. Years. • New Rooting 8, SHOPS: 145 AUGUSTA BUSINESS OPPS. '80 PLYMOUTH students who are interested in their) ine tendent of schools, suggested .that the Boards Association to reduce the lime ' K. SCHREIHOFER- Pain Repairs • Gu-tters 8. STREET. CALL 374 3300. '76 DATSUN 380 Z- HORIZON- Hatchback, or work. Students nlSo huve art op- district research a new way of ob- allotted for gym and health classes, and • t no interior, exterior. Free Leaders. All Vyork Automatic, AM/FM stereo, dark-blue, 4-speed, very portunity to enlist; in a "Shadowing taining feedback on the career coun- discussion-on—how—to-utilize-further •stiivates, insured. 687 ROSELLE- 3 Room studio VIDEO BUSINESS IS clean in and put. 47,000 Guaranteed in Writinp apartment in private BOOMING- EARN $50,000 air conditioned, well majn —Program."TJ .selling_program._since_many_s indents communityresources.. • 268, 687 3713, eyes, Fully Insured, Fret miles, -ono^owrier. $2,800. g^pg .veekencts: nome. All utilities included, to $75,000 ^A YEAR tainedrBesf offer. 372 8753. Call 763-3162.' • usualllly offereff d by local Rotary Clubs do not reply seriously in surveys. The State Department of Tran- Estinates. . • '— near public..transportation GUARANTEED. Invest '75 DODGE DART- power whose members offer to have a student The board received a legal decision sportation has plans to construe! a one NEWYEAR'S and shopping. S37.0. per now, have all the newest '83 SILVER CHEVROLET from its attorney, Franz Skok, as to foot drainage ditch at the rear of the SPECIAL 381-5145 month. 1 month security. games, have locations. One steering, air conditioning. CAMARO- Charcoal gray observe them on tlieir job site for a day. •nterior painting'. Also WILLIAMH.VEIT Call afterS PM. 245-1532. year service contract on New brakes, front shocks Interior, Sun roof, only Kenny mentioned the Boy Scouts how. to dispose of a supply of student Governor Livingston High School -.hoetrocking, waterprool Roofing Seamless Gul purchase of game. For in and complete exhaust 12,000 miles. $9,250. Call circulate career surveys to high school athletic shoes purchased in past yeafs. parking lot to prevent erosion VVork : '••» basements .and panel ters. Free Estimates. Own ROSELLE- Attractive 1 formation call: system $450. Call 686 34BH. Mike 731-9797 or783 2803. students to determine where career According to Merachnik, the board wps will begin in the spring. •Hi. Very neat and clean. L. work.- insured-Since -1932 bedroom Garden apart WEN D E L ' . S- rerdinandi & SONS, 964 3731153, . : . . ment on quiet street, near AMUSEMENTS,' 201375- f '359. . : park. Available February 8618. Ask lor Wendel. St. S350.' per month plus PAINTING BY First class HOUSE FOR SALE 7 utilities, call 635 7719 after tradesman. Home or com PM. Township committee meeting "ercial. Advice on your UNION SPRIN&FIELD- Garden Home painting problems. 30 WE PAY CASH- FOR apartment A rooms, with CANGEAUTp /ears experience in Ihe YOUR JUNK CAR OR BUY OR SELL CALL garage. S580-plus utilties. BODY SERVICE Wo Buy Junk Cars irad^. Phone Nick. 245 TRUCK. 375-1253. IRV,- to draw residents of Briar Kills Call 376 562). 4835,^Anytime. Insurance. Estimates • INGTON. HIGHEST __ TQP_$$_PAID... - Wrecker Service; CALL 24 hr; serv. 688-7420 PAINTING BY WANTED-IN ROSELLE PRICESPAIDI By VICKI VREELANI) things I have ever heard of. Our make more of a delay for emergency WHITE PARk-,Clean, quiet adult 687 3542 ANTHONY 465LEHIGH AVE. A group of Briar . Hills Circle response time is already slow, and that vehicles. We would have to go up Route Realty Realtors . 688-4200 and high school student would take out another three or four Benjamin Moore need small apartment in UNION residents determined to get Possum 22 West to Summit Road." . Paints UNION Pass-officially closed are expected to minutes." He suggested making the A spokesman for the fire department RELY ON A REALTOR home, or apartment house LINDEN INTERIOR near Roselle ' Park High RICHARD SHEINBLAH, DPS, PA. dominate Tuesday's townBhip com- street a One-Way. EXTERIOR For Buying Or Selling AUTOMOTIVE supported that view. "It would, without All Work CENTURY21 School. Furnished or unfur SERVICE mittee meeting. Also on hand will be doubt, cause us some delay. If a gale is RAY BELL8, ASSOC. njshed. Please call 379 Complete Repairs Walter Gardiner, Union'County traffic Elaine Aiier, a first aid squad Guaranteed 4561. put up, we would have to stop and open Insured , 686-6990 688 6000 Tires* Batteries •General Dentistry . engineer. member, said, "It would be a disaster." the gate. A tremendous amount of Automotive Accessories. . The coalition is armed with traffic SIDNEY KATZ UNION . Tune-Ups • ponding Patrolman Judd Levenson com- consideration will have to be given (o Painting, paperhanging, surveys and historical reports that say mented, "It is already difficult to get to the construction of something like that. - LARCHMONT APARTMENTS WANTED 1710 W. Elizabeth Ave. plastering inside 8. out. SOLD IN 8 DAYS _' 8 Linden. 862 9135. •Orthodontics—Adults & Children the opening of Possum Pass almost 30 Rolling Rock Road, Chimney Ridge It would have to be a gate that would Free estimates. 687-7172. WE CAN SOLL YOURSI I years ago was a mistake, According to Drive, and.Clearview Road. It would swing open." Listed on December; loth TWO RESPONSIBLE- WILLIAM E. BAUER- Pro Briar Hills residents, the street is used for $79,900. Sold on Nonsmoking, professional AUTO ACCESSORIES 10 •Endodontics .. (essional Painting, Interior December 20th for S76.000. Women desire two bedroom yiCmnwtcxELtojailij^MQ & Exterior, Paporhangincj, Proper pricing and profes -a pa rimeat- (.E.e_b±iiary_ ^Reconstructive Dentistry- Traffic surveys by residents have Home 8, Offices, Insured lional marketing of your, 1st). In Union County area. —BUY--WISE ' Let us paint the top '. ol Auto Parts counted upwards of 4,500 vehicles. giitee rrost valuable asset will References. Write ON STRIKE—Striking wo/kers picket Shop-ftife in Springfield The meat handlers Residents claim the traffic problem is your home safely. You do result in a quick salt' Classlied Box 4858, Subur WHOLESALE • Inhalation Sedation -the bottom. Become one of our satis!iec ban • Publishing, 129) ToThePuhllcv...... went out on strike Sunday_atit) aHe being joined on the picket line tomorrow by the- -compounded - by- speeding vehicles. UNION

'f •:••• T 2- Thursday, January 19,1984 SERVING SPftlNGHFLWMOUNTAINSrOE. KENlL WORTH

Library column NC" SPRINGFIELD, MOUNT AiNSIDE, KENILWORTH - Thursday/January IV, 1W4- 3 I MM ^ • =••« I Kenilworth Library offering co/nputer checkout - computer will not, damage the Scheurmann said the HbraryTshopped and books, of course The average price and7 (o9 p.m. daily, and Saturday from 1 By DENNIS fAISICHVSHVN - the library started lending the Timcx of u book is about $20, she said, when r —KENILWORtCH-Today's library Sinclair 1000 Personal Compufer about television, either. TheTimex is a basic around and found the ones they have on •i» m. until ii p.m. from September until *&• • computer, 6' inches by 7 inches, about sale at a local department store for $65 you take inlo account the expensive June. Many more people would like to offers more a lot than books. In fact,the "Inflt mnnjho ngn. iinrl Ihoro two • a rcfri'cnrchimks. Kenllworth Public Library allows' currently three aynilnble.-They jiro the size or a smiill dictionary. After it is each. She added that the library use,(he library, more often, she added, w nein a patrons to checkout computers, . hoping to obtain :i personal computer connected, the" image appears on the budget, which' was $65,000 last year, "We can't run the library on $65,000," especially college students who' often t television screen and-it in ready to doesn't enable them to many luxuries, Scheurmann said. Because of money ijpifeip whicH". are most for patron use in the library soon, have irregular class schedules, but the ^* k -BVIUlSICI'. SIMON reasons in 1U53. From Ihcn on she sang understanding, Yes, besides taking out "The Grapes Scheurmannsaid. . start. since the cost of everything comes from limitations, the library is forced to itionalaniphysicaL -ri'duco-winlOE-hourt from l-io-5-p.m,— almighty dollar rules out." JHRi lows—of—popularr-booksT-irt-^li borrow a computer; AndittOKirt-agt The-T(niex-computer-t»mes-^illMi Mosl-peoplaborrow-acomputer to see .— ringficld Library. Guild Opera's director-^Carol Ebert— family. . . an arm and a leg either, unless it is kept complete, manual-for assembly- and if they-want to buy one eventually, said MAKING MAItltlA(;i: VVOHK engaged Jackie tosing the role of HaUi Certain abnormalities in the out past its-return time. instruction and all the connectors which Scheurmann..who hits been the library, hook up to the television. There is one. -director for l:i ytarsrShirsaid they, have — "Giving Time A Chance," by Itonnu in the "Bartered Bride" (1954). In the schizophrenic may be observed. But not To borrow a computer requires n $15 Uomnuyand liepp've Harrison. film "Carmen Jones" her voice was all the following are—necessarily 'word of caution-if a patron has cable •added numerous books on. computers Kushen is selected deposit, and the rental fee is only $1 per televisOn.Jhe cable has. to be discon- since (he craze began, including dif- Two happily married women have dubbed for that or Anna Maghanf in the present: alteration of the senses Ceither day. Most people who take out a looked at marriage In a positive way. " Rose Ta too." over-acute or blunte), unability to nected. Not knowing this, some, people ferent ones for Various models, und computer from the ftenilworth Library have returned it saying it doesn't work. even computer books for children. They have interviewed several average Spirited, ambitious, under the respond appropriately, delusions and return it within a week, according to American couples who took their supervision of her. devoted father, hallucinations, altered sense of Self, . There are also books on what com- head Foundation Joan Scheurmann, library director, marriage .vows seiimisl.v, and hnvp Marilyn kept hard .at work. After his changes in emotions, changes in The instructions.are simple, and tell puters can do for you, not just in- lured widely on fd, drug and cosmetic and usually there'is npwniting list. the. user all he 'waiils to' knpw.. The structional ones. KENILWORTII-Allan S.'Kushen, tfwk'cd at making their commitment death (1956) she spent several years behavior. Since the disease is difficult senior vice president-public affairs, law. endure. They selected couples who had with the Gilsenkirchen Opera in West to diagnose, it must be evaluated by-at Schering-Plough Corp, has been elected In addition, he is a member of the forged a good relationship and who had Germany, singing many, of the stan- least one well-qualified psychiatrist. to the additional post of president or the board of visitors or the Yale Law School been married for at least five years. dard operatic roles, and then the dif- Dr. Torrey, a clinical and research Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc., Civil Liability Project and the New Some were two/career couples, others ficult one nf Marie in "Wozzeck". In the psychiatrist,.discusses possible causes effective Jan. I. lie replaces Kichard J. York Advisory Board or the Allendale were traditional; some lived lavishly, meantime her friendship witjh Henry of schizophrenia: genetic, biochemical, Bennett.,'who is retiring on thai date. Mutual Insurance Company. others had financial problems. Some^ -Lewis—a bassplaycr lirthe Los Angeles viral nutrltlonal."Whllq4inrdls~oase is The Foundation, an independenl, non- w^re young, others were elderly; some Philharmonic, later director of the New not usually curable, and is treatable, a profit organization sponsored by' Kushen resides in West Orange with had children,, others were childless. AlA l Jersey Symphony—blossomed into a course off action is prescribed. Advice Schering-Plough, supports activities his wire and two children. "— of thfiiti nrimltted-thaia-good-maiy-iago-—relationship—culminating—into—thoi£—for— family .members- U tok^7tl77a~ h surprising (10 others) marriage in lWSO'. considerable attention i's pai""'d to quality and delivery of health cure Also elected a! tfie recent .__.,-imnr Organizational meeting were three tnere are difficult as well as good limes. It was boycottebtd d by heh r motherth . Theihir behavior, support groups, living through medicuj aruTullied education. first years together were indeed happy, quarters' (home, hospital or in- It also supports higher education and . trustees. They "a re Itichard J. Kogan, JBuLev'cn thougji^reat differcnes exist Tnrctutive vice p resident- as to temperament, activity, and both advancing their careers;"" first stitution), legal and financial matters. cultural institutions, particularly living in Hollywood, then In Orange, where Schcring-PJo'ugh Corp. has pharmueeutical operations; Hugh A. philosophy, these can be resolved IVAndrade, senior vice President- amicably. N.J., after their daughter Angela was major facilities. born. Art show runs administration; and Harold It. Miser, • Thostories ofseven couples—a .few of Kushen joined Schering Corp, now a Jr . senior vice president-finance, all of them_prominent—are introduced here In 1970 Marilyn's fulfillment of her dreams was realized when she sang at subsidiary of Schering-Plough, in 1955 Schering-Plough Corp as samples of good marriage. There are through Feb. 5 as an attorney, and was elected vice 4'scources on intimacy and what love the Metropolitan Opera with Joan SPRINGFIELD-Juried Show '84, a Sutherland in "Norma." ; president and general counsel in 1973 Continuing on the Foundation's means to different individuals, national exhibition at Summit Art and senior vice president in 19110. He, She tells of her further achievements, seven-man board with Kushen are priorities in marriage (getting to know Center, Summit, is running through was elected a trustee of the Foundation, of her becoming a colo-raturo-mezzo, * Schering-Plough executives Robert P. onearidther, children, ability to meet Feb. 5. Six $250 prizes and six honorable Kushen is a trustee of Kean College, the her life with Lewis, then their divorce, Luciano, president and chief executive crises, social life) financial status, mentions will be presented at the gala Elizabeth General Medical Center and officer and R. Lee Jenkins, executive and her present liaison. This candid ALLAN' KL'SIIEN family ties, conflicts,, health and event. • ; tfie Arts Council of the Morris Area, and memoir is interspersed with absorbing vice ^president-consumer operations; finally, friendship. Jurors Ned. Rifkin, curator at New is a director of the United Way of anecdotes about herself, her family, and William H. Scholl, former vice Schering-Plough is an international AMERICAN MEZZO-SOPnANO Museum of Contemporary Art, New Morris County. N and friends, many of them prominent in chairrhan ol)fthe Board of Schering- manufacturer or pharmaceutical and "'Marilyn Home: My Life," wi th Jane York and of the '84 Venice Biennale; consumer products. Scovell. the world of music. Many photographs and Irving Sandier, faculty, visual arts Kushen received his B.B.A. and For young Marilyn, singing came as and discography are included. department, State University of New LL.B. in 1952 from the University of by Rose Simon York, Purchase, selected~the winners. Miami, Fla. and his LL.M. (Trade naturaL-as—broathing, She was Regulation) in 1955 from New York surrounded by a family which was UNDERSTANDING.MENTAL They are Nancy Callahan, Ralph DISEASE ' University, where he was a Food and thoroughly musical, and which sup- Capula, Katharine Carter,Mary Drug Law Institute Fellow. He is a ported her (especially her father) to "Surviving Schizophrenia," by E. Funnell, Joel Gale and Ann Kent Fuller-Torrey, M.O. member of Phi Delta Phi legal study:. music and to sing at every Summit. Gary Brlechleof Clinton is the .fraternity, possible opportunity—band concerts, More than two million people in the winner of -the special VI Johnson bond rallies, youth concerts). Born in USA alone are afflicted with the KraTTT" Graphics Award, endowed by the Among his professional affiliations, radford, Pa. (1934), Jackie sang her disease known as schizophrenia (not to Summit Art Center. Kushen is a member of the New York way to popularity in school, where she be confused with "split personality, and . Honorable mentions were awarded to GROUP PROJECT^-New office building that has been Constructed off of Garden and Florida Bars and The American waSi a good student academically as in spite of its prevalence and severity Tim Gaydos, Daniel Jackovino, State Parkway exit 138 in Kenllworth was directed by architect Gabriel A. Calenda College of Legal Medicine, and a well. Early in life she aimed at one (it is also very costly) very little at- Patricia Kettehring, Anne Ross, John _ of Springfield (second from right) and Edward J. Rondinelli, president of Rondell trustee of the Food and Dru|£ Law In- goal: to sing at the Met. tention has been paid to this "most Salvest and Sally Swenson. Construction Corp. Joining in the celebration of the completion of the building are stitute. He also serves on the Editorial tragic chronic disease remaining in the Larry Boorufian and John Hansen, presidents of Northern Feather, Inc. At the University of Southern JURIED SHOW '84 continues Advisory Board of the Food, Drug and California, she pursued her musical twentieth, century Western weekdays 12-4 p.m., and weekends 12-4 Cosmetic Law Journal, and has lee- career (master classes with Lotte civilization.") Unlike cancer, this •p.m. For further information, call 273- Lehmann) but left there for financial • disease does not,evoke sympathy or 9121. Drunk drivers target of 2 bills by Bassano State Senator C. Louis Bassano is ' whichihh rectentltetly passedd ththe SenatS e raising of the drinkiniki g age from 19 to 21, epidemid c proportions in our nation," urging Goy. Thomas Kean to sign into unanimously|\ would suspend the are beginnihg to have an effect. State Bassano stated. "We in New Jersey art law ..legislation requiring first 'time ; • driver'B •• HcensW .t)f;vlanv.:- underaged police -: .h&,vjLireportqd arresting ran at the forefront of the movement to -dranlc:6tf^h(lBrs-,to^erVc''a mlm'nVum of" drlnker'who useslhfls¥iaentlfica'tlon to: _a vejagejQL4fl2_y.outhiui _motbrfsts> ea ch4 crack down on drunk drivers. These 12'hOuTsin a county resource center to, purchase liquor, ffthfroffender does not month for drunk driving, compared to bills demonstrate our commitment lo C0AA|NG UP-Students at the Thelma Sandmeier School in . determine-whether the driver has, a have a license, it woulcr-require a pne- 600 each month last year. We hope to this eHort. In addition to tougher laws, year waiting period before a license get to a point where drunk driving ends Ml?^ll°pni/imn '"J?8 d^,in9 thei,r art class- Sandmeier students in to? drinking problem. • state officials are beefing up efforts lo a d 1 could be issued. in our state," Bassanosaid. alert the public lo the dangers of Peft h™iH T v, -fk 1 U Lauren Landow. In bottom photo are Pat Conte, "State, police, have determined t^at £ avidTazaki. The sudents, along with their counterparts from Caldwel nearly half of all fatal accidents in our "Too many of our young pebple are "Drunk driving has reached drinking and driving," he said. competition P 6d prePann9 their creations for the annual Channel 13 art state are due in alcohol abuse. We in the killed on our highways because or (Photos by iohn Boutsikaris) legislature are making a concerted, drunk driving. We are toughening Korn earns his degree at FDU HELPING..UNICEF—The children in Mrs. Kathryn Ensslin's 850 Watt effort to eliminate drunk drivers from the penalties they race ir they drink and fourth grade class at Harding School in Kenilworth collected $42 ourroadways," Bassanosaid. drive to discourage such behavior. KENILWORTH-Ronald Korn or He played four seasons for FDU, during their Halloween trick-o'r-treat travels to help the UNICEF Radiant Heater Another bill sponsored by Bassano, These bills, along with the recent Clinton Avenue, Kenilworth has captaining Ihesqiftid in his senior year, organization in its effort lo provide food, medical supplies and completed requirements tor the ^and gaining M.V.P. honors in his last education to people.in underprivileged areas of the world. From bachelor of arts degree at Falrleigh two seasons. Korn also played in the • loft \o right, Jennifer Zalinski, Jason Fennes and Cheryl Me Board of Health appointments Borough police busy in 1983 Dickinson University, Madison past two N.C'.A.A. (Ji)ll tournaments, Swooney, Ihe lop cpllectors'in the class. SPRINGFIELD-The Springfield HOLLYWOOD JUVENILE Campus. both held in Ohio. Wednesday of each month.at 7:30 p.m. KENILWORTH-TJie Kenilworth arrested 167 adults and 164 juveniles. Board of Health announced posilions in the council room at the municipal Police Department recently released There were 54 burglaries reported, 10 An English Nriajor with a con- for the new year, at a recent building. its year- end report for 1983, which stolen cars, 26 drug abuse violations, 24 centration in communications, Korn DON'T reorganization meeting. showed police responded to a total of driving under the inHuence. violations, achieved dean's list nonors in his final Dr. Allen J. Spiegel was appointed MISS A DeLorme finishes SINCE l»3? 8,580 incidents. one rape, two cases or prostitution, semester and was alsVriominated by chairman and Patricia Cubberly was three robberies, and seven bomb Dr. James Scqljy, dean orstudents, for WKKK ONE OF NEW JERSEY'S LARGEST The highest number of calls, 1,549, $2500 selected deputy chairperson. Richard recruit training scares. the national dean's list. The^SjW David ^ELECTIONS OF were general requests for police ser- Ol'LOCAL Sherman, Esq., will serve as the A total or 2,552 motor vehicle sum- Brearley Regional High^School vice. The report showed 915 false board's.,attorney, ArUlUL Biiehr.er, ._ _'S E RI.N.G FXEJLD=Ma r i n e R-v-t,, •Toys , •Juvenile Furniture Cr«sfIJn« Portable —monses—were -issued,—the—majorily— -graduate-also-distinguished-himstelf-in NKWS township clerk, was appointed Joseph F. DeLorme, son of Joseph M. tGSmes rWfSHts Clothing alarms-werecallecTin _ lsAll You Need Radiant Quartz Radiant Convection •'( 1,355) which were parking violations. varsity golf at the university. Secretary- and Registrar of Vital and Evelyn DeLoYme of 32 llenshaw •Tricycles •Bedding Spoco-savlng. with' sofoty tip ovo Other fairly common types of calls •Crafts •Carriagos & Strollers Fan-Forced Statistics, and Helen Maguire will Ave., has completed recruit training at Portable Kerosene switch, carrying handle Modoi no. 16H25. were: criminal mischief, 259; animal 1 '•COUPON" serve as deputy registrar. the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris OPENMON8,FRI.TIL9 complaints, 223; noise complaints, 175; The only way to JY4MMYS SpaceHeater I Other members serving on the board Island, S.6. YS a m DELIVERIES Heater motor vehicle accidents, 501; domestic are;'Gail Montanari; Doris Sobin and keep up on the local INTER COMMUNITY BANK During the 1 Uweek training cycle, he complaints, 35ti; a,nd motor vehicle News & to... Dr. Richard Luciani. Dr. Henry Birne learned the basics of battlefield sur- Dial 688-7057 95 complaints, 574. . .^ is the health officer under contract with vival. He was introduced to the typical 1730 STUYVESANT AVE. UNION Rag.5S.95 "The I Care Bank" the Regional Board of Health of daily routine that he will experience, Rag. 139.00 ' - More serious cases for police action SUBSCRIBE • BulK-lnhuiWdHlsrlof comfortable moist Summit. Susan Kellerman' was ap- during his enlistment and studied tho • h»«t. • FarWore*) lor wtdehe^t distribution were lesser in ^inicidence. Police pointed sanitarian for the year 1984. personal and professional standards .AutomiU(iti(W)v«f»hul-o«. Quartz tub* The board of health.meets the third traditionally exhibited by Marines. hating tUnMnls • St«W^» it*el nnadot • Conv*nlanl oanyMg handle. #4040 Awin ^00 gets you a 25 1320 Watt Portable ColoYConsole T.V. and Electric Heater . $1,251 JS3 in interest OR VIDEO STATION ,a $~\0,00frcpmbined THE BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE! investment fj gets you all fo Catch the Winter Olympics on a new premium items $4,850.30 in intere: Tl 99/4A COLOR TV Crestline BALANCE AT CreslUne Home Computer END OF PERIOD Radiant Your choice of either: 60 Mos 3,673.32 Radiant Cannot be combined with any other 19 "G.E. Color T.V. or New'84 Convection Convection $79.95 offer. Good at participating Dun.kin' ., 48 Mos 6.929.29 Hmatw Portable Radiant in stock all peripherals |—..-- Donutsshops.One coupon per • a Sanyo Microwave Oven 36 Mos 9,712.72 yne Hopt Fan TWced 8i.softwarfljwallablfi_ customer 36 Mos $13,129.32 Perimeter Heater BALANCE AT RU«dh«*|.oU||>utB,SoO J310V Watu. .wido DEPOSIT PERIOD END OF PERIOD onalo rolloclort j, in umit 2 Dozen V»nt ribbon .oljmool, Your choice of either: $ 2.500 72Mos\ 3,751.83 ^gaiuniliium Tor oroatBr heating. •- .on* r,.>. «i 1/16 thru 1/21 /84 25" G.E. Color T.V. Console or $ 5,000 60 Mos. N 7,346.64 Automatic room thor 99 MAGNOVOX £54.95 ommodewas designed moitat. Tip over ialo G.E. VHS Video Recorder $;' 7.600 48 Mos. $10,393.94 f onease of storaserso tv switch. Clock Radio Telephone " $T0.000 36 Mos. $1*2,950.29 lightweight, it can be Available at All transported anywhere, Clean-Heat 'ReKluco.imoko«m!nui»i»«rtl, Madison, N ,1. 1 Union, NJ EX6000...... $199.90 Model GJR 330 ItW worth the trip. Sp. Bernardsvillo, N.J. Stirling uiuiin f Die (Opining Soon).. 377-1000 @ 666-uu/u 221-1131 647-1239 • • MlllburnOlllw; v Llndan Office: Whlppany Olllce: Union Off let: • OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK m 343 Millbum Ayenuo . f iC5l)St GoorgoAvonu. • 54 Whlppany Rd'. •2331 Morris AvOnuo S74lprlnaf laid Av«., summit, m • Millbum, NawJpraoy 07041' Lindan^NowJoisoy"^ •Whippnny, New Jersey 07981 Uriion, New Jersey 07083

• ' '' --"'V ..J... . , ' •*

' -'—J. •'I-

tiiiiliiUiisk^rti^ s d '•• i '*• •"\-"- ft? -

4- Thurstfdy,January 19,19tM- SERVINGjppiNGFJELD SEPVING SPRINGFIELD, MOUNTAINSIDE, KENILWORTH- Thursday, January <», 1984- 5

AdaBrunner 'Connolly stays Executive Editor. Scene around the towns -county consortium —WHIfanrGoodman— asRecboss Managing Editor MOUNTAINSIDE^-Jbhn A, Connolly Springfield Leader was unanimously reelected chairman •with Raymond Worrall 37 Mountain Ave., ~ of tHe Mountainside - Recreation SPRINGFIELD-A

;••• 6- Thursday, January J9.IW-SERVJNG SPRINGFIELD, MgUNTAlNSIPE, KENILWORXH- Murray builds a new office —SPRINGFIELD-Murrayr—Con Vfor statute struction Co. of Springfield will build a warehouse/office in Ramapo, N.Y., lor MOUNTAINSIDE-A recent .State - served. Accumulated credits should Pierce Business Archives. The 65,000 House demonstration by the Fraternal not apply until after that minimum is square ft. building is the third to be Order.of Police protesting the parole of ' served." constructed for Pierce by Murray, a -a-cortvicted "cop-killer" after.only Franks said he is preparing builder/developer headquartered in ^jiljlljj . legislation that would provide for the Springfield.. The two earlier Pierce ~ dersiandaEIe imllctmenroTbur-jMirole -Tninimumiime of lncateeratiort: ~" g —eligibility— statutuesf,—according- to J iiTheJRoller-parole-slaps4he-face of N.J-, and Clarkstowri; N.Y. Assemblyman Bob Franks (R-22). , law enforcement .officials and law- Located at the intersection of Rt. 45 Allen Roller, 31, received a 2lM0year abiding people everywhere," Franks and the New York State Thruway. the sentence for his role in a 1976 murder i>! added. "Seven years in jail is simply new building will be used primarily for a Newark police, officer.. He was not enough for a felon convicted of archive storage. Pierce, headquartered ; involvement in the slaying of a polic scheduled for parole on Tuesday .- ; iii Folcroft, JRa., manages and stoies "Under our' statutes, Roller was , officer." • inactive records for major companies ^eligible for parole consideration after, He-said the fault is not with e. sen- from Boston to Washington. The serving one-third of the' minimum tencing judge or the parole board. "The company reports a constantly in- sentence with additional time off for fault lies in the statutes which must be creasing demand for its services, which good behavior 'credits'",Frunkssaid. amended," he said-. "If my amending include storage, control of records and "Clearly, we must amend the statutes . .legislation had been the law today, computerized access and delivery of to deny eligibility for parole until at . Roller would not have been eligible for wantedmaterials. • • least one-half the minimum sentence is parole consideration until 1991. ' ArchitecrTtH' the now building Is ... • v James. R. Weill. 2 Garber Square, Ridgewood. He--notes thai the warehouse will be constructed of Blood drive set Tuesday precast concrete while the~attached MOUNTAINSIDS-The Junior you." •._••.. office area will provide a design con Women's Club of Westfield and-the— Although all residents and workers in Irasl of red brick and glass blocks. •"Wcstfield-Mounta'inside "Chapter oflhe Westfield and Mountainside are_. Murray Construction Co. projects Red Cross have joined together to covered for their blood needs, the under way in New Jersey include: the spbnsor a blbod^arlye" to jebver. the donation you give today is used for Garden State Executive Center in community's blood replacement noeds. someone who needs blood now. Blood is Middletown (290,000 sq. ft.): LiberU The drive is scheduled for Tuesday. given out-tin the basis of need and Corner Executive Center m Bernards from'2 to 7:30 p.m. at the Red Cross availability,' there is no surplus, all Township (87,366 sq. ft.) and donations are used. ' BANDING TOGETHER—Jonathan Dayton Regional High School band director Chapter, 321 Elm. Street, Westfield. Quaker-bridge Executive ' Center in New blood, donors are needed to People between the ages of 17 and 65 Lawrence Township (74.00O.sq. ft.I. In Jeff Anderson listens as marching band members practice for.their final com- petition. The band wot/nd up the season taking fourthplace overall at the Eastern replenish-the supply of blood units used -may donate blood. Donors should weigh •addition. MurraJ' is planning a 100,000 over the holidays in the area hospitals. at least 110 pounds. Seventeen year olds square fool office building al the Marching Bands Assoiciation's competition in Little Falls. EaHier, the band bad captured a fojjrth place at the Atlantic Coast Championship, with bestpercussion "Many people have never given blood need written parental consent. Credit Teleporl Satellite Communication because they say that they have never for blood replacement may be tran- Center on Staten Island. and best band front awards in all-groups. At the Chapter V Championship, Dayton took second place in Group I, as well as best hnusic, best percussion and best band been asked," explained Gertrude sferred at donor's request to any ' front. Winter1 activities include winter guard competitions and exhibitions, a mid- Elster, Executive Director of the local hospital in the U.S.A., Canada or -Rescue winter concert and a music department 12-hour marathon. . Chapter. "Well, the Red Cross is asking Puerto Rico. • - you, now, to give blood and help save a Donors may call the Red Cross at 232- busy in 1983 life, perhaps someone very close to 7030 for an appointment or'just walk in. MOUNTAINSIDE-The Moun- tainside Rescue Squad reported that it was involved in 534 incidents during SHOP 11183. Of lhat number, 319 were LOCAL emergencies, 83 were motor vehicle AM) SANK accidents, 72 transportations, seven Do you think we have enough nuclear firepower? fire standy. six dead on arrival, 2 CAS revivals, 1 childbirth, and 43 were SHOP classified as miscellaneous. OCR Over 8200 miles were expended during these rescue incidents, and 2163 AOYKH- A STATEMENT OF— man hours were utilized. TISEItS" During December, it was reported" AND CONTINUING STRENGTH there were 60 incidents, involving 742 SAVK miles and 219 man hours. MONKY Our government doesn't DECEMBER 31, 1983 OFFICERS ASSETS 6,327,466.37 -ROLAND LEWAN, JR...... ;•;,.,..:.... President CASH 174,992^ DOREEIM R.BYRNES .. .Senior Vice President U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS. 1 434^61^859.59 ROBERT J.MOIR. .. .Senior Vice President MORTGAGE LOANS 108,632,486.19 Today's Look JERRY PANZER ... Senior Vice President OTHER LOANS at Yesterday's think we have enough. MATHEW F. RAFTREE, CPA . !\ Senior Vice President FEDERAL HOME LOAN prices WILLIAM F.WARD:;...... ; .Senior VICBiPrestdent BANK STOCK 4,167,200.00 Perms 'Manicures -Color JULIUS KOEHLER, JR First Vice President OTHER INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 480,788,988.80 Pedicures-cuts Blow .... .Fjrst Vice President »• ••• CHARLES L LYNCHI ^_..... • ASSOCIATION PREMISES 1 NET 2,634,534.43 Judge for yourself. 1 .... .First Vice President ""- t!-"^ " EUGENE F. RADELL REAL ESTATE SOLD ON CONTRACT 395,000.00 The dot in the center represents ....,. First Vice President DANIEL F. RYAN FURNITURE-FIXTURES AND -•"•«. the destructive force of all the First Vice President ROSESIGLER 642,708.20 firepower used during the entire EQUIPMENT - NET.... Thurs.Prl. 8:50-8. • *•>•«- JOHN B. STRUCKO First Vice President Mon, TUOS, Wed, Sat 8:10.4:30 245* £•&* six years of. World War II. • . .Second Vice President PREPAID PREMIUMS FOR 14 soutti Michigan AVO.. kenllworth • • ••. « LAWRENCE E.BEHNING.. ' 768,929.76 Three million tons of TNT. RICHARD J.DOUGHERTY.. .. .Second Vice President INSURANCE OF SAVINGS • * *• • • • • • •.*;•••.%- _____ 7,198,754.81 I'liiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiliiaiii'iiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiniiiiai • * * • v...v Three megatons. _ ROSEMARIE LOMONACO.. .-.' .Second Vice President OTHER ASSETS 1 j _ The6theiLdots-portray-the-fire- CHRIS C. MATALAST ,. .Second Vice President $1,221,165,356.93 Just moved in?- •••...•. •..*•• .•.•.••*.• p.ower of the world's nuclear JOHN F. WOLGAST...... Second Vice President arsenals. 16,000 megatons. More DONALD J. BODE Third Vice President jl can help you out. • • . • •. than 1000 World War Us. __MARIEXROSBY .... • • Third Vice President LIABILITIES-RESEfWES-SURPLUS § Don't worry and-wonder about learning your way '•'L.'JL. •-.-» •-; TV"*7** —Bo-yotuhinlc-we-have-enough'?-- GERALpiNEDePETRA Third Vice President SAVINGS . '..,.... $ 732,605,275.91 , .»* »••••«» 3 around town. Or what to see and do. Or whom to ask. •••• •• •*. •: THe top lefthand circle (circle Third Vice President 1 As your WELCOME WAGON Hostoss, I can simplify the: DIANE C. KRAEMER...... ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME Q business of (getting settled. Heirf you begin to onjoy your F A) is the firepower of just one DOLORES LINFANTE Third Vice President • LOAN BANK. . 75,000,000.00 ,. • • • « :K»H •V • •• = now town ... good shopping, local attractions, (.ommunily j •••••.••"/• U.S. submarine. Think of it: Third Vice President § opportunities. •V. ,'t ISABEL PIZZOLATO —REVERSE-REPURCHASE s And my basket is lull ol useful gills to ploaso your twice the firepower used in -DEBORAH-PrSTOUTTTTTTT. TTTTTTRTrcfVrce HrestaenT .••:.•*.• • • • • •- AGREEMENTS 364,313,755.67 3 family. ' World. War IIab^aj_d_a__ingJe ;„;_ .1 Secretary O Takoa break trom unpacking and call mo. . • ••• • • • • ANNE SMITH..,-.—— « #• • • • M m N.J. MORTGXGE FINANCE -jr__• • *i -*—• -r-r ^submaTirreT^ ~^ i • Senior Auditor •••••.. • vl^ MICHAEL T. HOLMES...... : \ -.Auditor AGENCY FUNDS..... • •. 937,575.00 . • • • That one submarinecoutd . DAVID W. ROSSNAGEI ADVANCE PAYMENTS BY •v«*. • • .•• •• • destroy over 150 Soviet targets. EDWARD B. NAGEL...... Assistant Vice President 467 0132 a * We have 19 such subsYplus Assistant Secretary MORTGAGORS FOR TAXES « * • • ./.•>• MARY LOU PHIFER • •• • 4 • 15 others with even greater" JUDITH SCHROPE Assistant Secretary ~ AND INSURANCE... 1,762,742.90 * • • • • ! •:•••:••: ; ficeppweri. ~ .... .Assistant Treasurer .•;•••••.*. ANITA ERICKSON. OTHER LIABILITIES. . . 12,551,893.33 •»• • • . Do you think we have enough? Assistant Treasurer * • • • • .".".. • MARY LOU KOESTLE RESERVES-SPECIFIC . 122,638.71 «... • • • The Pentagon doesn't think ^ '•t • • a ".'••'*%•'• •"•Vry: ••..'.'•••• RESEHVbS • SUHTOJS* The Pentagon wants more; L^ke • • «• • • " • • • • . $1,221J_651356.93 • • • ••• • • • ». • • • • ' -•-".*•'.:. the new Trident submarine. Its • • • • .•• • *:• • « • • * DIRECTORS 'Surplus does not include $26,640,234.11 resulting from .;. •: •• firepower is portrayed by the •..... ROBERTA. BOYD, JR. ROBERT F. LeMOINE Ihe stale ol New Jersey Department of Banking Investment •...*• lower lefthand circle (c.ircle'B); .••«••• ROLAND LEWANi JR. Restatement Accounting Regulation. \ •AmerlcDn * • • " • About seven. World War Us. - EDWARD E. BRUEN, JR. JOHNF.MULLER, JR. :?£:•'"• Just two squares (labeled C) '.- NElLyV.BUIE JAMES O'BfflEN ^hlih C. STEWART HAUSMANN LLGS oULAMfi. . A. LOEW RICKERT megatons) represents enough JULIUS-KO€HL-ER,-JR. _ASOUND, CONSERVATIVE CHARLES A. SCHAIBLE Boneless firepower to destroy all the large- ANDREW G.KRESS, JR. SAVINGS INSTITUTE 5 9 and medium-sized cities in the SIRLOIN STEAK. $3 . entire world: ' . . • v.'.v:.-. Do you think we have'eriough? DIRECTORS EMERITI Baby Bocf The Reagaa Administration :HORBACK~ """•••" • THOMAS A. VULLY doesn't think so, In-the hext- LIVER decade, t|ie U.Siplans to build COUNSEL 17 ;G00 hew: nuclear weaponsv • HERRIGEL, BOLAN AND MANAHAN Iflyoitthink we already have SAVINOS IJ you \ti\\: tintl uvre xlutkctl bv, .AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Gorman Ham 'jht T V movie, "The l)iiy ^llvr" nml Campaign Against Nuclear War fenpiigh weapons,, call, toll-free, life K'opinnJor Mlnielhinn iwuri'le 25 Scollund Street. Sim Ffunciuco. CA y4l3.1 . l-800-NLJGLEAR..We will send- COUNSEL EMERITUS HOME OFFICE 549 Miiibum Avenue. Millburn • lo iln, (mul II will think lilts niH.iinr f EAST ORANGE 37 PraBpoct Stroot BOLOGNA .. .. youInformation about what you ' FREDHERRIQEL, JR. FREEHOLD Hinhwav 9 ond Adelphio Rood .rjfeciiw »wv It' ttlttcnle people tibliul YES. Enough is enough. We must reverse the arms race HILLSIDE 1125 Libarty Avonuo HomoMat|o_ 'the tltmxen ufihe niitlnir arm* hilihjz. I jw. We don't need more nuclear weapons. I want to help: can doSo.helphalt the arms race. Mombor F S.LI C. IRVINGTON 34 Union Avenue __ , up) liert'i it xiifmextiou unit tin nfler:" 1331 SpnnQfiold Avenuo D Send ino u photosiat copy of tills net so I cun run il an un ud in my lociil You caff-make a difference. 10.65 Sluyvoaont Avonuo newspaper. Unclosed is uchtfckfiir $S.(K) lo help co«or-u<>Kli> NAVESINK Hinhwov 36 ond Volley Dnvo KIELBASI... . fht XU(II!*SHOM! del louethtr ~ PLAINFIELD. 4DO Pork Avonuo wiihfritmls tmil Heiiiltborx wlntji'el P Send me u poster version ill' this- ud sirfrabli? fur framing.. United is u $K).0() SHORT HILLS Tho Mall (Uppor Levol) SPRINGFIELD 173 Mountain Avonuo Boiled 'aJTyiUTitiTiiiiil ehlp in wi llie cnxt iff check lo help cover the cost of cuch poster. . . ' . US.Congmsmalsiqffhave: SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS Hinhwov 71 publixhing thix ml in yimr Unvl i«r I'll Send hie I he 24 pu|te Nuclear Wur Prevention Munuul which lius pruclicul reviewed ihefqcth^thi$ ad and, ond Warren Avonuo 7? v t\tinhbtirhtnnl ntw\)ntper. "• • • informution about things I cun do righi here in my uomnulnily. Undated is u have found them accurate.- UNION 97 7 979 StMV oBonl Avonuo HAM...... cheek for 4.V(K) lor. euch munuul. ' . • . Thi offtr: Slmph lull tlw'Puhlic D Here is u lux deduclible contribulion lo bring ihlK-mpssuge to others: UND-O-Lllm Documentation available on Mtiliu Cmier, CtlS-^k MOM, mill- .$20 - $.15 • *sn $75 .$i0() ^^^SJIM) wt will .will y»u (/ copy oflhe oil In requests • Olhl'r: $ (Please inulce cheeks puyuhle lo Cunipuign Apimi Nuclear Wur.) . Ib. a form rtmly to plmr in ynw IIH> Nuhw". SALT BUTTER, • ..'>•.- ' 9t\litf1* •*•".'• ' poftK ;T ly/Stulc/Zip " •' ..'• '• ; .•~'.],.-,.;>...;.....,,''H....,l»hone..L... ' '....:..' I Ll)TZ'S ' • ^i^^^H^ ^^^^wm^ M^^^^iA ^^^^IB^ ^^^^^BA ^^^^r^Bi H^^^Mil ^^^^^Hd B ^^^MH| |^^^^HJ I^^^^BA H ^^^^I^ H^^^^BA H ^^^^IA HiH ^^^^A^^^^rIi m ^^^^ dH ^^^Pd 1 ^^^H^ Wm ^^^d I ^^^^fB l^ ^^^^H^ ^ ^^^1^ H ^^^^ii IH^^^^^^H1 8-. ThursdayTJanuarv.'W. 1»84- SERVING SPRINQFtEL l984—9 \z/J$ocial and church hews Obitmries Super Sunday El ineS e r "V^^ •. • •'' ' ' ' • ' • benefffccrides- f Social and church nevos ~\ °. " P° Fraricihe Si mini is wed rfff are announced NATE confab Bernard HurkhoiT and llerberi Synagogue will install on Elaine Snepar, director of education Cooper, co-chairmen of the second or Temple Sha'arey Shalom Religious to Mr. Netf of Irvington ing Board annual'. Pre-Super Sunday Super F-rancineSimlni* daughter of Mr. and School, Springfield, recently returned Celebration, have announced the Schneider as president from the National Association of Mc8TrFrank-Siminl-or_Moun|ainslde, ,a member numes of the Jewish Federation of" •formerly of-Irvingioir.-wus^mBrrled •- u ' founder of law firm of Schneider, Cohen, Solomon Temple Educators (NATE) conference ' recently lo Charles.NcW, son of. Mrs.- held yesterday in the First and DiMurzio ol Jersey City which Mr. Ledig was a member or the ticipated in a special program for- Lorraine Neff or Irvington, and the late Presbyterian church or Springfield by The evening of music, -dancing, i Young Israel predecessor, will-be practices law in New Jersey and New Mr. Charles Robert Ne.fr. > Springfield Planning Board and the F installed ' as president or the mulated to certify her as a "curriculum arrangement with the Smith and Smith & AM. Lodge 7, Newurk. He also was a refreshments and entcrluinmcnt. York. His wife, the former Marylin The Rev. Homer Tricules officiated «, (Suburban), Springfield. Mr. Ledig congregation at a dinner tonighl at 7 in Leventhal, and their children, Mark, implementation advisor" of the- new deacon in the First Presbyterian highlighted by the award-winning Union of American Hebrew at the ceremony in Scolcjt Plains died Saturday at home. "Partners in Faith," will be held Jan. the synagogue. Mountain Avenue and Mindy, Jay and David; and Schneider's Church of Springfield. Shunpikc Road. He will lead officers Congregations (UAHC) curriculum. Baptist Church. A reception followed ut -Born In Irvington. Mr. Ledig moved Surviving are his wife, MargareJ; a 28 in Temple Emanu-EI. Wesiriold. It is mother, Mrs. Helen Schneider, are all ''', the Sulphcr Springs Inn.' Berkeley to Springfield 40 years ago. He was the a curtain raiser ror-Kuper Sunduy when and trustees who will guide the affairs congregants of the synagogue. The curriculum-entitled-^o-see-the- ??"• ^r. C. Bruce Ledig; a daughter, of 'lhe_ congregation for the next two world through Jewish eyes," helps the , Heights/ oall B. Sonderman; a brother, Arthur the 1984 United Jewish Campaign of- The other officers to be installed The bride was escorted- by. her. ficially gets under wuy. - years. : ' tonighl are Fred Bayroff, Abraham learner develcfp perceptual," sensorial, Mrs.OvildHydel77 0.; two sisters," Katherine Jackson and emotional and'intellectual insights. For parents. Barbara Ann, Fornud.el of • Mae Weber, and rive grandchildren. Among the committee assistants are Schneider has served as an officer Borenstein, Ben Gabbai, Allen Penn, Mountainside served as matron of SPRINGFIELD-Services for Oliva Elliot Leviniand Millard Spiaitcr, both and a member of the board of trustees Norman Stier and Ralph Witzkin, vice members of tht Reform Movement, the honor for hei-sister. Uridesmaidsvyere. ; Hyde. 77, of Denver. Col., formerly of or Union; Itpz Dbrlcn and Robert of the congregation and its Young presidents;. Sanford Israel, treasurer; curriculum "brtings rorth the best set of options from which Reform Jewish Diana Crispin or Toms River, si^te? or Springfield,-were held Monday in the-Fabian E. Vincent - Weinbergi-both-of-Mountainside, and Israel predecessor since thc'laller. was Bernard Kotler, financial secretary; the groom; Diane Sinnott of.Wayside, IRENE M.TICKI Jacbb AT—Holle Funeral Home, "eslaElisheFin'TOl. lie was a member ijusan Roth, recording secretary, and teachers and learns can make sensitive Maurice Rakin of Linden. choices, and it creates a landscape for cousin or the bride, ancnSharonJIcjrgolt RALPH j. EHMANN _ MaplejvooS. Mrs. Hyde died Jan. 12 in MOUNTAINSIDE-ServJces ~ for . "Partners in Faith," a multi-media of the merger committee which helped Margot Schlesinger, corresponding of Edison. / ; -the Sunny Acres—Medical Center. Fabian E. Vincent. 73. of Mountainside, lo effect the union between the that secretary. ongoing evaluation, refinement and Denver. _ a. former borough councilman in presentation won the gold medal at the -redirection. _ Dana Nerr or Charleston, S. C.,served 26th annual awards-competition of the congregation and Congregation Israel Also to be installed are the board of x as best'man for his brother; Ushers TickhEhmann Boi'it In FarwcHHWnn,,JvIrs. Hyde Mountainside, were held Saturday in of Newark to form the present trustees, Lcib Anfang, PMlip Artman, The temple will introduce the new PtftNN1NG T=OR EDUCATION-DAY—Members of the combined Hadassah the Smith and Smith (Suburban), "International Film and Television -were-Prank-Fornadel^ofiMountainisldo, __ lived In Short Hills and Springfield Festival. Written by Issachar Miron, synagogue. In 1981, he was honored as Howard Block, Louis Brooks, Jack .curriculum into the school at the pre- --^'rifip»ers)-ynion,-Spr-ing(ield, Roselle Cranfond and Hillside, formulated plans -brottrertn=l8W-or the- bride;—Lester before moving, to. Denver three- years Springfield. Mr. Vincent died Jan. 10 in the congregation's "Man bT the Year." " school and primary department level in recently (for the event,"including lunch, scheduled Sunday at II a.m.in.IempfeT the composer_of. "Tzena, Tzena, Burstyn, ^ohn Craner, Solomon . Crispin of, Toms .River, brother-in-law ago. She had been a school teacher in the Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Schneider is a major partner" in the Greenfield, MelvirTHarelik, Sheldon September. ShoVnrei Torah, 9)0 Salein Ave., Hillside) at the home of. Gerda Mills of Hillside Mr. and Mrs.JMjchajsljTicki^f Essex Fin. . . Tzena," the show features two of the groom, and Jeffrey Sinnotl of Alken, Jlihnl,.fromJ928 untiI-1935. Mrs. narrators, soloists and an instrumental Kohn, Edward Kurlzer, Jody Levy, (fifth from left). They are, left lo right, Ellen Meth, Alice Lefcovic (Granford), Wayside, cousin.or the bride. Street, Trvington', have announceTdthe Hyde was a member of the Woman's Born in Newark, Mr. Vincent lived in Herman Mytelka, Melvin Ostrow, Sydell^pialter (Union), Lila Barsky, Mrs. Mills (Hjllside), Use Frank (Union), Dr. engagement of their daughter, Irene M. ensemble in a musical sajute to Israel, Mrs. Nerr was graduated from Ir- Club of Millburn, the WomeiVsjjuild of Kenilworth before moving to Moun- Jewish lie and Judaism's cultural Bigbahdevent Sidney Schiffman, Jack J. -Solomon, Guest speaker Pearl Lieff (Springfield), ' Ruth Friedman (Hill-side) and Alice Weinstein Ticki, to Ralph J. Ehmann, son of Mr. "the Community Con'gregrational tainside 49 years ago. He was a1 Phylis Stier, Joseph Weinbcrg and (Springfield). Additional information can be obtained by calling 926-6283. vingtbiTHigrschool and the School of and Mrs. Emit Ehmann of Kenilworth. inheritance. . Visual Arts, New York City. Church and the Drexel Club, both of Mountainside borough councilman for Isaac Wind. The bride-elect, who was graduated Short Hills, and the Suburbanites of several years in the 1940s. Mr. Vincent Reservations can be made by calling slated Jan. 28 set by temple Her husband, who attended Jersey from Frank H. Morrell High School the Jewish Federation of Central New Dr. Leonard Strulowitz, president for Preparatory School and Lincoln Millburri-Short Hills. was a realtor and owned the real estate The "Big Band" sound will be hoard Rabbi Benjamin A.kamin, North (Irvington High School), is an assistant Jersey. Green Lane, Union^, 351-5060. at the Parish House of the First the past two terms, will be inducted as Technical Institute, Union, is a,driver Surviving are a son, Richard A.; two firm of Fabian E. Vincent & Son in president emeritus. John H. Stifelman, American director of the World Union •Special.hyent celebrated supervisor, at Federal Savings & Loan Mountainside for .."26" years before Presbyterian Church of Springfield for Progressive Judaism, the in- Tor the Newark News Dealers Supply Association. .'"'.'' daughters, Barbara O'Neal and Carol past president of the congregation, will Kennedy, and six grandchildren. retiring five years ago. Mr. Vincent Winter retreat Jan. 28 from 8 p.m. to midnight." ternational body of Reform Judaism, The combined chapters of Hadassah, All Ages," led by Dr. Pearl Lieff of .Co. Her fiance, who was graduated from "Reeds, Rhythm and ALL That Brass," continue as honorary president, and Springfield; 'Divorce: Expectations The newlyweds," who took a was a charter member of the Moun- Abe Brotspies will be cited for his work will be guest speaker Jan. 27 at 8:30 Union. Springfield, Roselle-Cranford David Brearley Regional High School, tainside Volunteer Fire Department. a 16-piece btfnd, will provide the sound and Realities," Alice Lefkovic; "The honeymoon trip to tfie Virgin Islands, as chairman of the congregation's p.m. in Congregation B'nai Jeshurn, and Hillside will celebrate Education Kenilworth, is self-employed at MargareTPittenger He served in the Army during World set Saturday of music for an~evening of en- Short Hills. The Gommunjly is invited to Synagogue: Does It Meet the Needs-of Puerto Rico and-Florida, reside in : cemeteries. Day Sunday at 11 a.m. (snow dale. Feb. Jewelry Tool & Die Co., Kenilworth. • War II and in the Army Reserve for 20 St. Marguerite's House in Mendham tertainment and dancing. attend. / 5) in Temple Shomrei Torah. 910 Salem the Family Today?," Gerda Mills, and Irvington.* A September wedding is planned in SPRINGFIELD—A Mass for years. will be the setting for "Silence and Road. Hillside, The theme will be "The "The Elderly in Today's Family The committee, under the leadership The 136-year-old cot/gregation will J St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Margaret W. Pittenger of Sprihgfield Surviving are nis wife, Dorothea; two Society," a winter retreat, led by'the of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schenk, has Group to see observe UJA (United (Jewish Appeal) American Jewish Family in the 1980s- ^Structure." Buyla Falber. Vailsburg, with a reception at the Club was offered Jan. 12 in St. James Rev. Robert C. Morris Saturday from 5 Fact or Fiction." Jewish family daughters, Jacqueline F. Vincent and announced that tickets may be pur- Sabbath with every /synagogue and A buffet luncheon will be served, and MR. ANDMRS. NEFF Navahd Manor, Irvington. ' Church, Springfield, following the Elaine Cedarquist; a son, Donald-F.; p.m. through 6:30 pjn. Sunday. Morris, chased at the church office. Reser- temple in Essex and/Morris counties. Featured will be guest speakers. a musical interlude will be provided by funeral from the. Smith and Smith a trainer' in spiritual disciplines vations can be made by calling 379-4320 . 'IceCapades' Samuel Heilman, professor of sociology two brothers, Joseph and Merlyn, and Spiritual leaders are/Dr. Barry Hewitt Cantor' Martha Noviek, accompanied to be subject (Suburban),. Springfield, Mrs. Pit-six grandchildren., : adapted to modern life, is the director from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through and chairman of the department of 1 The Clara Barton Auxiliary of Greene, senior rabbi; Rabbi Stephen by Mrs; Mills. tenger died Jan. 9 in Overlook Hospital , of Interweave Center for Holistic Friday. W. Goodman and Cantor Norman . Jewish studies at .Queens College, and Nursery School to hold Summit. Living. Eastern .Union County Chapter, Among those serving oh the com- at joint event HYDE-Ovila, pf Denver, Col., Proceeds will go toward the Tower American Red Cross, has announced ' Summers. The Temple Choir will be Bayla Falber. a certified social worker. EILEENEBNETER Born in Scotland. Mrs. Pittenger St. Marguerite's, is operated by the Fund to "help rebuild the historic Workshops "ill ho held on "Singles of mittee ares Dr. Lieff, Alice Weinstein formerly of Springfield; on Jan. 12. that it will hold a trip to the "Ice directed by Warren H. Brown. •• and Ruth Weinstein, all of Springfield; ROBERTGILBERT "The American Jewish Family or the open house tomorrow lived in Springfield for 25 years. Qhe- "*• LEDIG-Carl F., of Springfiold; on Community of Episcopal Sis'ters of St. Springfield church's tower which was Capades," starring Dorothy Hamill, at The Couples' Club of B'nai Jeshurun Use Frank, Sydell Spialter and Dina 1980s — Fact and Fiction" will be the was a legal secretary for the Air • Jan. 14. John the Baptist. Additional In- removed last month because of the Meadowlarids Jan.- 29 rorih(T1730~ -will hold its annual tennis party Jan. 28 Jacoud. all of Union; Mrs. Lefkovic, topic for thqpEducatlon Day planned by -Temple Both Ahm Nursery School, and four-year-old children, Reduction, Inc., Murray Hill, for eight formation can be obtaine.d by calling structural deterioration. «• ' p.m. performance. at CenterCourt Raquet Club, Chatham. Meef/ngf is set Music leaders PITTENGER-Margaret W., of 7.63-8312. Ellen Meth. Mrs. Mills, Janice Carno, the Union, Springfield, Cranford and Springfield, will hold its' open house A full pre-school computer program years. Mrs. Pittqnger retired in 1964. Springfield; on Jan. 9. A motorcoach will leave from Kean Additional information can be obtained by Springfield Lila Barsky, Ruth Friedman and Rose Hillside chapters of Hadaasah Sunday Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Registration will be Instituted. Surviving are her husband, A. VINCENT—Fabian E., of Moun- Divorced mothers College.of New Jersey, Union, parking by calling 379-1555. Kalishman. betrothal told in Temple Shomrei Toraht 910 Salem for the 1984-1985 school year will begin. A large selection of class possibilities Raymond; a brother, John Wisdom, tainside, formerly of Kenilworth; on Orientation slated lot at noon and will return at about 4:30 Ave.i Hillside. . . It was announced that all.those who are .will be provided allowing parents to and a sister, Mary Orrell. . A special group for divorced mothers Tickets can be purchased from any of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V: Ebneler of Jan. 10. will be offered at the Jewish Family p.m. The group will have dinner at the Folk singer slated Hadassah unit the chapters or by calling 926-6283. Hackettstowtv have announced the T*he event will feature keyrfote Interested In the school are Invited to. custom fit a program to meet their by Parents' group Town and Campus Restaurant, Union. children's needs. Services, 567 Park'Ave., Scotch Plains, engagement of their daughter, Eileen speaker Samuel Heilman, professor of attend. . . . beginning Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. The Chris Hanns is chairman, and Gen by PTA of Caldwell The Springfield Chapter of Hadassah M. Ebneter, to Robert F. Gilbert, son of sociology and chairman of the Jewish Innovated events are planned for the Two-year-olds may attend nursery 'Death Notices- Parents Without Partners 418 will will meet Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. in Temple hold an orientation meeting tonigfit at 8 group will be led by Barbara Green- DiVenuto is president of the auxiliary. The James Caldwell School PTA, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gilbert of Department at Queens College, who pre-school children. Music enrichment school two or. three mornings; three- baum. Additional information can _be Additional information can be ob- Beth Ahtn, Springfield. Iris Segal is School lunches Beverly Road, Springfield. will provide a philosophic viewpoint; classes will be offered for the two, three year-olds may attend three, four or five , 4UDNE.Y. Edward J. age 83 years, ql Union, and Debra Radclllfe,. brothor. of Kenneth C. at the Franklin State Bank, 336 Park Springfield, will present folk singer Jim president. REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 1 beloved husband o( Evelyn (nee Bradley) Radcllffe, Charlotte .Crowning, Myrtlo,. Ave., Scotch Plains, in the lower level. obtained by calling 233-6770 or 352-8375, tained -by contacting Sylvia Pierre Alberton tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in the The bride-elect, who is completing a and Bayla Falber, who will deliver the afternoons with the option of one, two or devoted lather ol Edward W. Budney, Mrs. FRIDAY, pizza, carrot and celery Miller, Jean Mitchell, Edna Koon and Doris All single people (previously married Landy at 353-2500. school auditorium. Discussions will be held by Dr. Pearl bachelor of music degree In organ and a psychological view. three full days. Miriam Donohue and Francis V. Budney, Broadfoot, also survived by .nine grand- and now separated, divorced or Alberton, who features songs about Lieff on Education Day, Henrietta sticks, vegetable, fruit, batter-dipped master of science degree In Simultaneous workshops will be held Barn a[ance set ^ It was announced that many ex- also lurvlvod by six grandchildren, children. The luneral service was hold at Charge for pictures fish submarine sandwich with shredded • Relatives and friends kindly Invited to at- Tho MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 widowed) with children are invited to_ brotherhood, encourages "group in- Lustig. fund-raising vice president, on professional accounting at the, on "Singles of All Ages," to be led by tended lunch day programs will be SI1OIM.OCA1. lettuce, cheese wedge, peanut butter tend the luneral Irom HAEBERLE S BARTH Morris Ave., Union. Interment St. Ger- join and participate in the group ac- There—will—Be-Tr-$itr-chafge. for volvement." Parents are invited to benefit events, and Evelyn Spielholz on University of Hartford, West Hartford, .Dr. PearlLieff; "pivojree," to be led by . available for both the three and four- COLONIAL HOME. UOO Pine Ave., corner ol and jelly sandwich, large salad platter by school guild trude's Cemetery, Colonia. tivities for the family and adult ac- publication of wedding and engagement AM) SAVK CAK attend. the calendar journal. Conn., is organist-choir director at the Alice. Lefkovic;,.'.'The Synagogue," to year-old children. • '. VauxHall Road, Union, for a Funeral Mast. SHOP OUK ADVKHT1SKHS Mildred Seidman, program vice with bread and butter, homemade soup, Interment In Hollywood Memorial PaTfcT RiTfERSBACHER Jacob of Irvington, beloved tivities/Refreshments will be served. pictures. Wedding and engagement Congregational Church of Windsor, be led by Gerda Mills, and "The Tfie Sfchool Guild "ofV&l ''James, . Rehee Kahri," director 6f the nursery, AND SAVK MONKV . THURSDAY DEADLINE president, will present a panel desserts, milk; MONDAY, minute < Locks, Conn. Elderly in Today's Family Structure "' —Springfieldrwill hold a barn dance Feb, may be contacted at 376-0539 for ad- husband ol Myrtle (noe Rothrock). brother An adult social is held on the second stories without pictures will still be • steak on bun, frankfurter, on roll, egg EGLER Miss Pearl, ol Union, N.J. beloved ol John Is Florida. Rolatlvbs and frlonds published without charge. All Items other than spot news should discussion called-"The Chadchen Is v-iSjatO-p.m.-in-the-schooUaudltptium,- -dltlonal-lnfounallon. ~ . slslerj>ljMr«^Fann|e^Ayrray and Mrs. Edna Monday of each month. salad sandwjeh, potatoes, vegetable, —Hcrfiancerwho was graduated-from—tobeledby Bayla Falber,. were Invited to attend the sorvlce at Tho be in our office by 4 p.m. Thursday. Alive and Well and Operating in New A buffet luncheon will be served, and South Springfield Avenue. Eglor.-the-hjneral was-conducted from The CHARLES frHAUSMANN^* SON FUNERAL i large salad platter, homemade.soup, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Jersey." Springfield,- and the University of a musical interlude will be provided by.. The annual event will "offer both the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris HOME, 1057 Sanford Avo., Irvington. In- Participating in the event will be desserts, milk; TUESDAY, spaghetti Singles dance is set Avenue., Union. ' terment Glendale Cemetery, Bloomflpld. with meat sauce, bread and butter, Hartford, where he received bachelor Cantor Martha Noviek. novice and the experienced country Herb Ross, who" operates the "Singles ONATOWSKI Hepry, of Union, N.J. beloved "I know computers inside and out... tossed salad with dressing, fruit, hot of music degrees in organ and Serving on the committee together dance a chance to swing -a partner The B'rial B'rfth Bet.Chai Singles 35 SCHIFF Ernst, ago 75 years, of Union, THANK YOU,.. Network," Ortrud Bowman of husband of Alberta (Wheoler,) brother ol with the speakers will be Alice Wein- through the expert calling of aDick beloved husband,6f Mola (nee Lpmpo), ham sandwich on soft roll, American education, is organist-director of music plus will hold a dance Saturday at 8:30 Edmund, Irene No|ako oncl Antoinette Mary like Block knows taxes.'' "Character Profiles" and Mary Shaw father of George Ernst and Walter Schiff," M YOUR RESPONSE TO OUR SALE LAST WEEK WAS M at the First Congregational Church, stein and Ruth Hoffman,, both of Myers" p.m. in the Jewish Center of West Johnson and the late Stanley Gnatowskl. of the "Turning " Point, a singles cheese and tomato sandwich, large grandfather of Karen and Kathbryn Schiff. K FANTASTIC...OF COURSE, THE FACT THAT WE || "I'm trained lo know compuicrs, noi taxes. So Springfield, Ruth Frank of Union, Ellen Refreshments will be served; The funeral was conducted from Tho MC salad platter, . homemade soup, Wallingford, Conn. He is on the music •Orange; 300 Pleasant Valley Way. Rolatlvos and frlonds woro kindly invited to M TOOK OUR ENTIRE STOCK AND REDUCED PRICES S" I rely on H&R Block for lax preparation. organization that sponsors activities CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris faculty of the Bolton Public Schools in Meth of Cranford, Janicp- Carrio, Ruth Ticket information can be obtained :Refreshments.._wllL.be_,ser.ved. Ad- attond the funoral sorvlco at HAEBERLE S Block keeps up wiih [he lax chances. They're "arid self-awareness: Mae Cummins will- desserts,- - milk--WEDNESDAY—hot-1 : Aia . UnlonV-ThsFunoral Moss at Sacred u TO AN ALL-TIME LOW, HELPEP...WELL, WE WAIMV 5 "Frtedmaur Lila Barsky and - Rose M BARTHCOLONIAtHOME.-llOO Pino Avo:; " turkey sandwich with ravy, veal "Connecticut."' ~ "* ' by icallihg Margy or Ed Koempel at 467- • ditionalinfonhatiorrcaTibeobtained by Heart of Jesus Church, Irvington, N,J. HTU COrAlTINOrTHr MQWf NTUIvt"AWb"tlVE VOU "H • - trained lo spot every deduction and credit I'm moderate the discussion. cornor Vaux Hall Road, Union, Intormont A fall 1985 wedding is planned. Kalishman, all of Hillside. 3598. " " calling 882-1870,' " <•• entitled to. They roust Parmesan on bun, salami sandwich, • Hollywood Memorial Park. In lieu of, H HONEST VALUE. • % I H The public is invited to attend. • GOLDING Laurence, of .Elizabeth N.J. 'e Rqodi three out of potatoes, chilled juice, fruit, large llowers, contributions may bo made lo tho Jjeloved husband ol Ruth (Clayton) Goldlng Memorial Fund of Graco Lutheran Church every fourJJIock salad platter,••- homemade—soup, devoted (other ol William L. and Sjjson E. desserts, milk; THURSDAY, hot 2222 Vaux Hall Rd1. J ALL SPREADS clients get a refund." Guesffdtalk . Goldlng brother ol Dr. Charles Goldlng Dr. meatball submarine, potatoes, Beauty ^Howard EvGoldlna, Helen Conklln ond 5 OUILTS-BLANKETS vegetable, fruit, macaroni and cheese, Salon Laura, Pierce. The luneral was conducted VAN BRUNT Janot (Kinnoy). of Union, N.J. EVELYN'S from The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, boloved wife of the lato Albert W. Van H on IRS subject bread ahd butter, tossed salad with 5 STOCK DRAPES 22 Center Street • 1500 Morris Avo., Union. Intormenl Brunt, devoted mothor of Ronald A. Van 20 P/Boplt-wlio know UA.D HI f\f*W- Groceland Memorial Pork, Knnllwnrth ' Brunt, slstor of Holoh Adlon, also survlvod OFFJj A"nn Primerana, Internal Revenue by Iwo^arondchlldren. Tho funoral was Iheir business go to "*" Pi-PC* Service representative! will be guest sandwic large salad platter, RADCIIFFE Thomas A. ol South Bound conducted from Tho MC CRACKEN FUNERAL speaker at a luncheon meeting of the homemade Wp, desserts, milk. Brook, N.J. beloved husband of the late HOME, 1500 Morris Avo. A Funeral Mass ol ENTIRE ELIZABETH RAHWAY CONDOMINIUM Kiwanis Club of Millburn-Springfield CELESTE HAS Rose (Sllecchlo) Rodcllfjfijjjevotod fothor of Church of St. Mlchaol tho Archantgel, 1158 E. Jersey St. Thomas, RIcharaVTDenrils, Ronald, Dlano Union. BATH DEPT: 15f9Mainst. Jan. 26 at 12:15 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, RETURNED! 10 50OFF3 353-6072 381-8808 lit. 22 west, Springfield. Stork club (PARLLAITALIANO) ONE BEDROOM BEAUTY! Lots of closets. Springfield Public Notice LINDEN SCOTCH PLAINS The Kiwanis Club consists of a group An eight-pound, seven-and-a-half- FrldaysBy • - 241 St. George Ave. Pool and tennis court. Assumable mot of business and professional men who 1587 E. Second St. ounce son, Kyle Robert Wilt, ws born Appointment '. - " Notice Is hereby given that tho EFLANNELBACK 925-1750 322-2232 live or work within the area who are LgOAL NOTICE Hubluhuti u* Order ol tho Now Board of Adlunimcnt of iho tgage lo qualified buyer. $69,900. In Jan. 5 in St. Barnabas Medical Center, The Rtw Jer.ey Economic Jorsoy Economic ' DevolopmonT Township ol Springfiold, County of dedicated to tho community service- - this charming ranch located at 296 Northview Development Authority will hold Us Authority- M VINYL CLOTHS WESTFIELD UNION Livingston, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilt Union, State of Now "J or toy, will Springfield. Be sure to call! They meet.every Thursduy from 12:15 Terrace, Springfiold, N.J.7 was soli lor Mrs. regular monthly moo ting on Tho pro(ocKs) Include, but aro hold a public hoarlng on Fobrgary 309 South Ave. 1965 Morris Ave. of Cross Street, Kenilworth. ( • Wash & Set Fobruary 7,1984 at )0:M a.m. at Ms not limited 16 the (allowing; 71,1904 at 0:00 P.M. prevailing time to 1:30 p.m. in the Springfield Holiday Charlotte Sachs by Florence Rosenberg of Anno offices at Capital Placo Ono, Sullo NJEDA APPLICATION NO: 03 in tho Municipal building. Mountain 233-7274 600, 300 South-Warron Stfool, Tren 4405 687-6069 Inn. • Mrs. Wilt, the former Gayle Roessle, I,.• Cul & Blowstyle I Avonuo, Springfield, N.J. to can Sylvester's REALTY CORNER of Springfield, ton, Now Jer&oy, to discuss and Name A Address of Applicant! si dor iho application of Sol Waltor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy tako action on various application* Wxlcdayi 8:00 A.M.. B:OO P.M. Additional information can be ob- I • Manicuies j -N.J. ' . • / _ * Richard F. Polese, 10 Colonia lor a variance to the Zoning Or Roessle of Union, Her husband is the t tor Industrial Development Bond Drlvo, Scotch Plains, Now Jor&oy dinance, Section 17 7 2 concorntno Silurdiys a Sundnyi 9:00 A.M. • SAO P.M. 59 MAIN ST. tained by calling Cliff Bakley, ' Robert" Flllppone, ODD) financing. 07076 Dlock 131 Lot IB located ol 38 -AgPOINTMBNTS AVAILABLE son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilt of Bed- Financing for this (thoso) pro Owner, Operator or Managur (II floldsiono Drive, Sprlnollold,.N.J. MILLBURN president, at 533-79311. ' We wBuliJ Be^plwrtd to ainin you with atir real- 21 No.20th Street |oct(») is not an obligation of tho other than Applicant): Jorlta AAfg. Said application boino Calendar Curtain Sin minster. Permanents State of N«w Jersey. F.undlng-for Co., Inc, No. 0] 16 Is on file In tho Office of Sears a up e(tatc.•tijamactlbn.' We provide friendly personal protects m secured privately Description ol Prolectt The/pro Iho Socrelary of Iho Board of Ad 467-3883 service and we'll be happy to Rive you a professional Kenilworth through conventional londlng |oct Involves the acquisition of land justmcnl, Municipal Building, and Route 22 ot Jorrlll Road sources. and a building to bo used as a Is available for public inspection. Sermon dnnounced Donee is planned Call lor on appointment market analysis of "vpur home. No obligation of course! This notice Is bolng published In manufacturlhgAlanl. WATCHUNG, 07060 accordance with tho public notice Project Address* 40 Or own Mr. Sol Walter IOI'EN Dumua nEauun stdnE Houn&) The Ue-v. Matthew Garippu, pastor of The Essex-Union Chapter of Parents requirements of the Federal tax. Avonuo, Sprlnoflold, Union County, C/OWallus^cr-ow 1036 Stuyvesant Ave. UNION 75S 55 The Sign 6f Experience 379-7871« Equity and 'Fiscal Responsibility Now Jorsoy MacJiIno Product » . -755-2772 the Mountainside Gospel Chapol, 1180 Without Partners will hold a meeting — nCMiIi32fr-2300 TODAY Act.of 19Q3. AiWono having an In Maximum Aggregate Pace I Saint MarkvStrool Spruce Drive, will have as his sermon 376-9856 teroftt. In this- (Ihoso) mattor(s) Amount ol Issue: $550,000 Llndon, NcwJor&cy and dance Wednesday at II p.m. ut the ANNE SYLVESTER, Realtor _ may attend tho mooting to give 003633 Springfield Loador, January 0703a at the worship service Sunday at n Holiday Inn, Kenilworth. An orientation thefr rohimonts. 19,1984 - . 00363) SprinoMeld, Leader, January (Foo;$U.75) 19, 19114 - a.m., "Christianity Versus Per- ol A!!ptmenU0_.UJ- through ? 30 83 ', SPECIAL! ti.OOO.OO approKlmalo "A Pieichool Enilehmenl hpaiknca" • ( New Jeriey, for the tale ol two nil Dodgo, Modol SI. Ruulv OKI> will bi> (Any Household Appliances • Sylvania < Downstairs At Newberfy's ooened ana road In public at the Municipal BulUIInu, I3IS HID, Moun Anticipated Entitlement Porlod I 'f talnilde, New Jeriey on Monday, February U, I»a4at 10:00 n.m,, pruvnii AHolrriont 10 I 03 through 110S4' Ofl077 Discount • (- Ing time. A|l bldj lhall be accompanied by a dopoill In tho amount ol ion tl7,030.00 General Greene Shopping Center I1DH) percent ot tlta price bid. Termi ol th.o purchaio aro caih paydblp Kathleen Toland fU/00 On All Services special sale • save 34% Ky'i itulnyV now IINIMH ami' • ( within thirty (30) dayi ol the acceptance ol bid. The Borough reiervoi thu Borouoh Clerk AISO— — 1 • t. right to releet any m all bin. QOSMOMountalntujo Echo, January Orjllliiiil mill niu ol' II Itliul.cninri'. Morris & Mountain Avenues Hi \1U 1 't Speslllctlloni, InitruclloHi to bidden and all other detail! aro contain -KUOu Jii YittTwr ilium ! ed within thll Notice ol Bid.- Proipectlve Bidder It lo make arrangement! (Fee V sol 7 tDlscoun«on • t lor appointment lor.lnipactlon with Chlel William A. Alder ol the Moun A complete vacuum „ , ' $•• \ Our iwrfvcl IIIIHII'H niui'lu'il wllli MIIIIIC 0 "CarpalineAWallpaper • t talnildt Police Department (301) UlaiOO. • JA iirl..' • t PJ»H|{*M.IHiU L I •~r J Eureka /• Filter Oueent / Roval_/-Realna-4JElec^-J •Iliiil. ninvi'K' I'lmliliiirHHtrr-^fhi'. ri'iiliii of • t IDBNTIPICATIONl , ' / Panasonic 7 Sanltaire/ Shop vac. / Kirbv / Electro V i (Ml Dodge St. Regli, Serfal number • COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE VIDEO ACCESSORIES, BLANK TAPES, Mileage 13.H0 , ie / Rainbow / Kenmpre / oreck / premier / CJ. y A IIOIIIHI m. • t II bocfiia SI. Deoli. -Mileage 96,747 • ( THE-HOUHS OP I:M A.M. TO 4l]S it»ot-rM)oug.as-/-£iark-/-Norelco./ Magnum..: V • Wlllpipti • Ciiptlini. Rtupholiltt) CIEANERS, VCR SALES, RENTAL^ ll v/thlclH ar« Identicalallly equippedde Ll follow!: P.M, WBBKDAYS EXCtUDINO 174 Mllll.nrii Ave, MllllMirn • ( . 44doo d r uduid . policoli e »nulpm.»nt piekage, VI-engine, 4Barrel cur MOtlOAVS AT WHICH TIME THE •fuiHIlun* Wid I Popular VHS MoV/«t. All toting* bumtor, ill cubic Inch, Power brtkai, power tteerlno. AM radio, air con YAK A55BSSOR ON.A MEMBER c f •k\, • c dlllonlngdlllonlhg, rear wwindow d»lroiUr and electric trunk lock release. Body OP Hit STAFF SHALL BE IN AT condition...good. JBNDANCB. • 1018Stuyvesant Ave. MOVIEJIENTALS...$1.89 a day • ( Minimum •cc* RobtrlKttur €m Kalhlean roland TAU AKUUOT Union 688-7014 —•owuo.tiClwk- 0M«4IM0unlaln«lo>BcW>, January ; _ MU4 Mounltlltildt echo.J«nu«ry U,_ -(riir-n»TMT-+ O69-O888

\ •\ ' I


A foul shot by Marccllo Itenno with 10 tiraziario six. whilo Nickfatal.lo had a shaded the Haiders. 12-10, us Clayton Alabama by Oklahoma. 17-18. Kreely Providence 3H-27, Millburn 53-28, and Providence victory 53-27. -seconds Jef Lin. the- game helped Ya le- goodfloorpampnima:lia;g=h.Trf=l4 e^gr1^ncetDTnrra6rrecenll>ntrfKe 7y Jonathan Dayton Regional High SchooL game in eight tries by bowing to North points for Harvurdrwhilrbrother Dilvo t>nded up with six points, as did Bobby added four and Joe I'ecora and Davis In the Bloomfield game, Paul Taher their favor. They lost to Millburn 53-48 boys basketball postcd-o couple of rurc Plainfield, iM-55. The Bears made a' Ivy League Divlson of the Springfield chipped in with II. Kamurai Bayrasli (ierson each tallied a baskel. Mike led the team with 12 points. David Lissy and to Bloomfield 57-38. Recreation Basketball League. (Irons. Victor Worlhinglon scored eight one-sided wins last week lo push its battle out of it" trailing only 26-23 at added eight polnls'and Dennis Coslello for the losers anil Keth Elson added two Montanari led I tic losers with six points, and Spencer I'untor each had 7 points In the Millburn game, Matthew . record to 7-2. halftimc. But North Plainficld <3?5> Renna finished with 22 points, while added a basket. while Jeref Pciwell added four points, as and 7 rebounds. Scott Lcoiuird. Josh Adam Miller directed the attack and points. Lynch led the seniors with 17 points, Da.yton was able to easily dispose of increased the margin lo eight points by Penn thumped Cornell,Mit-2i as Chris In the State U'ague. Utah edged did Chris LeU'vre. Wussurmun, Claudio Keyna and Greg followed by Chrin Monaco with 8, Rob lowly Middlesex. CM!). A 10-point the end of the third quarter. . . added 15. Tom Tedcsco and Claudio Monaco scored 16 point* and William The Springfield Junior Minulemen (jraziano had two points each. Renna also contributed. Neil Berman. Texas. 111-18. on a deciding baskel by Valention 7, Greg Walsh and Marcello streak lo close out the third quarter Brearley put three players in double Lee and Mike Bison added six points James Morrison, ('hades Mall/.man, opened their season against SI. Agnes The Senior Minulemen also opened Keyna nettpd 6 each. -j__ figures, with Nickel' netting 15 points, Paul Tucker and Scott Leonard each and Greg Wilcox five. Mall Lynch from • Scotch [»li|ins. Yhi- Juniors hib talHeoints for Princeton. Josh Bernie Franklin and Jon Iturger each Chris Knierim led the way for the scored-10-for-CornellnvhTlp—MIW scored tour points. defeated their opponents 4H-4I. Dave lost to their opponents 63-46. Robert In the - Bloomfield game, Rob Washerman and Spencer Parite each Zucker added four and Dan Francis ., Matt Applehiium scored eight points Lissy led the Juniors with 15 points Valention led the Seniors with 25 points Bulldogs with- 19 points and eight helped. Valention led the scoring with 16 points. three, along with strong rebounding. for Texas and Andy Arnold added six. followed by Paul Taher will) 12.Their followed by Adam Miller with 17 points, Danny Lissy, - Marccllo Reyna, Matt ^rebounds. Glenn Booker also had a Columbia trimmed Harvard, 45-85. as 11 well-balanced night, scoring 10 points Tom Berger and Hob Kischbergeacli Scott, Wisha and Jim Corbell each next game was ugninst Livingston, and: und Greg Walsh added A. The Senior's Lynch, Adam Miller, Chris Monaco, orts Robert Valentin* scored 30 points. had a basket. ' ' ...•-• and collaring li rebounds. Mitch added a baskel. the Minulemen won 57-30. The game against Livingston was a victory Lenny Saiaund Cameron Bayrasli also Justin Petlno had eight points, Gregg In the Small Fry League, jhe Lakors |__Nenner contributed 12 points. this week Hyan Kreely's two free shots led Miriutemen also delciilcd New for Ihcrri. 4H-M f/iljouuiri—hy—A—WUJ--scored— :— — Knlerim again led (he way with 17 Steve Barr 12 and Jerry Stickle 11. NP's points,,,,as Daytom bombed Arts of Jeff Gctz paced all scorers with. 17 Newark, 80-55. The Bulldogs, who points. placed five players in double figures, The Bears play at Governor tallied the first eight points of the game Livingston in Berkeley Heights and spurted out to a 22-R lead after the tomorrow night, 7:30, and aro home to opening period. Dayton wus in com- Middlesex Tuesday night at the same |—mand,—4M«~nt~(ialftirnoT—The timer" ~ ." = ~—•— QStuyvesant Bulldogs have a pair of home games Bunny Legg hit for 14 points but.it coming up. Dayton hosts Oratory, of wasn't enough as the Brearley girls BHAIRCUTTING were vanquished by Roselle Park, 50- k^i Quality Hair Cuts Summit Friday night, and then en- At Affordable Prices tertainsKoselle Park Tuesday, 4 p.m. 25. The winners" jumped off to an 11-4 The Dayton girls also had no problem opening period lead and were- never SENIORtlTIZEN i.t_h. Middlesex, breeding to.a 60-41 hb"aded. " _'_ = v ~lruimph. Llnda~H6ckslein collected "14 ~ "The Dayid Brearley girls^rcWfiHEcT TUES.. WEO.. FRI. of her 20 points in the first half as the' winlcss by falling to North Plainfirld, id Bulldogs built a 35-21 lead. Tracey Karr 44-27. The Bears jumped off to a 16-0 ' •3.25 added 12 points and Kathy Drummond lead and appeared lo be on their way tb chipped in with 10. Wanda Flipped led their initial triumph of the season. OPEN MON. thru SAT/ the way for the losers with 23 points., However, NP rallied to lie the game, 1654STUVVES/INT AVE. (JNION/ The Dayton girls .were home to at 18-18 by halftime. Brearley managed Weslfieldyesterday, and will host West lo scored only nine points in the entire i VVVWVIMV«»VWVlftMlM«MMW«»W*wUlUVWWWUWU Orange tomorrow, 4 p.m. The Bulldogs second half to go down to defeat..The will then visit Rosfille Park Tuesday, Bears actually scored more ridintiHn ! -25 Years in Business- > 7:30p.m. . the first quarter (16) than they did in SPECIALIZING IN SERVICE David Brearley boys bowed to the retnainin three quarters combined Roselle Park, 75-58. The winners (11). Legg scored 16 for Kenilworth^ Available 24 Hours a Day •grabbed a 21-8 first quarter lead_and_ The Bears play at. Governor were never headed. John Barr tallied 19 Livingston tomorrow night, 6 p.n^, and polnts-to-spark the Bears. The Beaii then are home to Middlesex on H&l were doubled by interrnisslon. 42-21. Tuesday. GOING FOR TWO—Willie Nickal of David Brearley Regional FUEL OIL CO. High School launches jump shot over Roselle Park defender / Ray Riley, Owner during last week's game. The Bears bowed to.the Panthers, 75- 58. Bui(dog,Bear bowlers 307 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE After two weeks of action at Green the following: Elliot Wansky (167), Len KENILWORTH Brook Bowling Lanes, Jonathan Dayton Tripodi (162), Will Kinney (161), Vin- TIGHT GUARDING—David Brearley's John Barr attempts shot Bear matmen coast Regional-Bulldogs and-David Brearley cent Tango»<150)y-a nd-Patli-Gilber-lson- _dgsplleJJghj_q.uardLnq by Roselle-Park player. Bears were_ Regional Bears are in a virtual tie for (140). Alternates are: Christine Collins defeated by Parithers775-58. (Photos by John Boutsikaris) first place in the Mountain Valley ' and John Drone, . -p Premium Fuel Oil with Conference Bowling League. "Actene A Conditioner" Added past two opponents 1 Coach Johrt Swedish's Bulldogs, who- Dayton girls 2nd in track David Brearley won two wrestling (100, 2:24), Frank Chessa (107, 5:15), captured the conference championship Running club sets matches last week:— Sheahan (114, 2:32); Dan Verno (128, last year, are in the top'stop by a 32-16 The Jonathan Dayton Regional High claiming the distance medley in 13:39.5 1:05); Lou Daddario 1140,2:40); Dennis record* while Coach Vinnie Albano's meeting for Feb. 6 School girls' winter track team came in and tying for first in the high jump with The Bears crushed North Plainfield, 1 Miller (147, 1:20); Fred Soos (157), Bears own a 31' a-16 -^ ledger in second The Amazing FeeTHunning Club will second Saturday in the first Union a total of 9-l6. On the distance medley 57-5. on the strength of five pins. :53). Frank Caldwell won a 12-5 place. meet Monday, Feb. 6, 7 p.m. at the County Girls' Indoor Relay Cham- team were: Laura Richter, Sandy Recording falls for the Bears were decision al 134. The rest of the victories Immaculata took third place with a Berkeley Heights Library, 290' Plain- pionships at Dunn Athletic Center, in Brenner, Tracy Biber and Mary Pat the following: Rich Sheehan (114, we/e by forfeit. 274-20'-;. score followed by New field Ave. The business meeting will Elizabeth. Parducci. Dawn Commorato and Karen 1:34); Dan Verno (128, 1:50); Frank The Bears have now won five of six Providence at l9'.a-28'2, and Governor include introduction of the new officers, Wnek composed the high jump team for Calawell (134, 1:52); Fred Soos (157, matches. Livingston Regional at 1.0-38. The MVC collection of 1084 dues and discussion of The Bulldogs recorded 22 points, Dayton. :54); andLouPaascarella (187,5:45). Brearley was home lo Middlesex last league meets at. Green Brook Lanes the upcoming race on Sunday, April 8. nosing out third place finisher Rahway, Dayton also registered a second in Posting decisions were: Ron Ryan night and will wrestle at Roselle Park, every Monday and Thursday with Guest speaker will be Hugh Swepney. which had 21. Plainfield won four of the two-mile.relayin 19:28.8; a third in (121, 8-41; Lou D'Addarie (140, 7-5); 7:30 Saturday night. The Bears will action starting at 3:30 p.m.. All mombers and friends are welcome eight events in totalling 38 points. the shuttle hurdles (34.2) and. a fifOHn ; Don Scorese (147, 13-3); and Mark then entertain Jonathan Dayton Top bowlers for Jonathan Dayton and new members may join at this Dayton captured two' events, thesprintmedlqy^5:02.5). ' _ Phillips (169, 17-5). John Chessa (100) Wednesday night. include~the~followingr Captain Sharon time. and heavyweight Tony Seragousa won The Bulldogs, who wrestled New Kutsop (156), Mitchell Cohen (151), SASH DOORS TRIM LUMBER .by_forfeitsJFrank Chessa lost his 107-. Providence last night, will be home to. Elva_ NugenLJlflQ),-J.on. Rubinstein., pound bout. 16-3. Millburn tomorrow, 3:30 p.m. and to (150), Greg Gppdfriend (140) and Don •"SlToPToCXi," " Advertisi ng Gets-Resu Its The Bears then pitched a shutout by Arthur L. Johnson Regional Saturday, DiLano (145). Chris Reid and Chris A.vn SAVE HAS ARE YOU MAKING routing Green Brook, 63-0. John Chessa 1:30p.m. Toner make up the alternates.- SHOP Ol'K ADVERTISERS AXD SAVE MONEY Want Ads Work... HOME First-class David Brearley's top bowlers include Nettes suffer close loss Call 08(1-77110 Planning IMPROVEMENTS? Preparation For rates. The Springfield Nettes dropped n___. third. n.t|»rier to mainimn » I7.u ln=.H Let Our Experts narrow 25-24 decision to Cedar Grove going to the final period. However, Welcome Wagon can help you plan your last week. Cedar Grove's Holly Weidlick *it 4 of 5 COLLEGE BOARD EXAMS Help You!... Classes In basic verbal and mothomotlcol wedding with tips and suggestions from a wide range free throws as her team took the lead hrookiakc day ca\ The locals had led, 5-2, after the first skills to prepare for April ahd May Flsrium P«V • S mlnutM (rotn Llv. MaH • So CIOMI of wedding professionals. All at no cost to-you! for good, 25-24 with 18 seconds Soholostlc Aptitude Tests IS.A.T.) , An Engagement Visit is easy to arrange. I'll bring • Ply Gem Paneling • Powei Tool! quarter on a basket by Laura Hyslop • Van Trampofftlon • Optional Lunch Program and Staci Weinerman's three points. remaining.- Maixner spurred., the For-Brochure and Information Coll- useful ideas-and-gifts-plus-cards-youxan-redeernfor -• Lumbei • CuslonvMillwoilr - locals with her defense, while ^TTYrTOIHTi Day Program • All Sport* Springfield held the lead at the half as • Computor Ct-Vldao Taping Init; more gifts at local businesses. • Moulding^ "• • WJSCO Skylights Panasonic Portable VHS video Recor Weinerman led the Junior High girls • Swim 14 poolil • Aril ft Crafta •Oymnaitloi. 1 Marianna Boffa hit a field goal and CLARION REVIEW COURSE I'm as dose as your phone and hope you'll call • Pie hung Ooois - • Alnum S Ooois with 10 points and two assists.-Liz- • Tannla • Dance • Racquatball • Muilo Weinerman added three more points to soon to arrange for a convenient visit. • Stanley Tools Pabst, Weinerman.-. anil Koppekiri-. at Newark Academy • Aerbblca • Horaabaok Riding - • Cedai I Redwood Sidings put the margin at io-7. ' ~ 'Dramr«-Clubr**Profaaalon8|-9hc • Gliddan Paints • Caiadco Windows combined^ 'for> nine steals and Felice -Other locations—MaplewoodrMontclalr, • Rainy Day Prograni B MUCH MOREI per year, for 36, 48, or 60 months, PLUS one of and YM-YWHA In Union Hyslop, Julie Koppekin, and Lauren Bartel grabbed seven rebounds. The Call Judy 533-1600 Nail Rothltaln, Camp Olractor Agaa 214 these fantastic bonus gifts! Meixner all scored field goals and locals' next game will be home Hyslop added a foul shot during the Saturday against Maplewood, 10 a.m. 992-6070.^. ^..992-6010 Maple & Spiingheld Ave.. The Berkeley Touch.it's full-service personal banking like Springfield, \.J. never before, with atilgh, guaranteed rateof return for longer- :i7)>-5950 • (iH(i-Hlil)ll term investment growth, plus a dazzling array of elegant state- World Fishing Expo is slated I DA Vin»Mjil«rch»rlin»Mjil«rch»rl))o ^w •"""»"•'«'iDincsur-pi.ur.mi' i of-the-art electronic gifts, FREE, when you open your account! HOURS 7:30-5:00>leekdays. 8:M-.4:OO Satuidlys . • The-seventh annual 'World Fishing In addition to the exhibits and in- YOU'RE INVITED TO Just deposit the specified amount to a.Berkeley Federal Sav- and Outdoor Exposition will run this cluded in the price of admission ($4.50 ings' 36, 48, or 60 Month Certificate and select your FREE year from Feb. 29-Mar. 4 al the for adults, $1.50 for children under 12), YOU CAN EARN f bonus gift according to the chart shown here. The Berkeley Rockland Community College Field there will be daily seminars and clinics Touch. Get it, and enrich your life with the double benefit of House in Suffern, N.Y. on hunting and fishing featuring many gifts yoy_can enjoy now and an investment you can count on As always, only exhibits and clinic nationally famous putdoorsmen and for the term you choose. Exclusively at your neighborhood programs that interest outdoor sport- local experts to share their knowledge *50*60'70*80 Money Tree! smen have been admitted, and the with expo goers. Parking is free. 1 gigantic field house will be filled with To Get This Invest This Or Invest This j Or Invest Thlsj aisle after aisle of fishing tackle fall boors will be open from 1-10 p.m. Bonus Item... (or 36 Months (or 48 Months for 60 Month?! OK" Color TV Special RCA 19" Remote Control Color TV major manufacturers will be Wednesday through Friday; from ()::1O Jlaaai ^^J I •* •* -, •mu-Vj*^^ Randix AM/FM represented), hunting gear, guides, a",m.-H p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m.-7 Radio/Phone , $. 2,900 $ 2,300 I 1,900 outfitters, lodges and travel exhibits, ' p.rruon Sunday. ~ ' • fishing boats and motors, taxidermists, ColecoVision 6,^00 5,500 The exposition-eat)-be-reaehed-b., custom rod makers, sportsmen's It "RCA-13" Color TV 13,300 8,500' taktnmcxit MIMAirmont Road) ofrthe organizations and a lot more. A large RCAJ9".ColorTV. • .. 19,000 -14,600 12,100 New York State.Thruway. Exit 14U is number of major sporting equipment the next exit west 61 the Garden State RCA 19" Remote retailers will be on hand, many will; OR MORE Parkway, and is about 10 minutes rrom Color TV _._ "22j8OO 17,500 14,500 special show bargain prices. the Tappan Zee Bridge. Panasonic Video |l PARTICIPATE IN CONSUMER- Q Tj£®_0§5prde£ 26,200 20,100 16,600 -^-^llaEAI^TBY^VAtOAIWQ-* I'arTasonlc Portable" "RandfiTAM/FM Clock Radio/Telephone RCA 19- Color TV Video Recorder 38^100 29,300 24,200 IMPOH1ANT CONSUMER INFORMATION Tho intoiusl rate ahown is BUb|tict toctianflt) dopundlnQ on murkot conditions, bul lht> mitt in oflifrl whim VOIM uccoitnl is upunud is ouaiantood lor thu full toim auloclod Inlorosl is compoundod and crodltod OTH£R Roll up your and crlspv cole Quasar , ~[ •inmiiillv Thu punjillv loi [imniiiliiii} willidiawal tu iho valuo ol Ihi) inmchandiao rucuivod in addition to tho lodorally.pio< COSMETICS AND ncntiud loss ol inluruttl >tidiirtil lomilfltlunH toqulro that Iho liiorchuntliso bo considorod as additional InlorOBt and its sleeves arid join slaw. You'll have Projectioction TV^ ^ IQQ1QOQ_ 77,000 _64,000~ whnliisulo valuo bit includod on IRB Foim 1000 lor tho yoar tho account is oponod All Itprna includo a lull manufacturer's w.lMlimv and Borkolov Ftictor,il Silvinrjs assumns no liability lor incidontal or conaoquontial damagoa. Allow lour wrioks loi •TXJl5nSllM|R PRODUCTS In the fun during „ a ball, from the Includes FREE delivery to your home and, in .New Jorsoy, FREE sot-up ol dulivurv S.imploft ol inany ul Iho ilontft availnblo In this promohon aro op dlspl&v at most Borkoloy Podoral OMICOB. This oiler Chuck Muer's minute you strap on' television and video tape recorders! : .III.IV bti withdrawn or rnudili.tid al any tirno -, month-long celebTa- your Rib Bib to when Men and Women tlon.Thehlfofthe f your server presents ^partv Is the generous your clean-up-towel- - ACT NOW . CAR WASH serving of delicious This riotous rib Where the smart money GROWS spare ribs for Just $6.96/STARW celebration Is In full GIFT PROGRAM ENDS Short Visits Required _. _ (hJjJ?bs..S9.95>(hJJbS995> ^ "" swing-through Model S2550P JANUARY 28, 1984. 1 6uistandfno"Zer\iih quality at a low, low price! Call For Appointment And each entree -< Janupry 3|st.so Distinctive TVansltlon* styled console. Full base. comes with home- get Into the party ,, Casters. Rlchly-gralned simulated Pooan finish. Plus ta made bread," SHORT HILLS. 556 Millburn Avo • 4B/ 2730 HARRISON RI8KARCH mood and come •.U+Pocus Picture TUbe Hours Monday Ihiu FnUciy. B 45 U> J 30 golden french fries - • . ondownl Thursday Evas, 6;O0 to B:00. Satuiday. 9:30 to 1:00 LABORATORIIS, INC. • b«ipendal)l«Z-1 Chassis UNION: 324 Chnstnul SI • 6877030 I Only Sun.: Mon. • Tues. • W^ -•EleetranloiUrtlna Federal Savings and Loan Hours Monday thru Friday, I):45 to 3:30 • One-Knob VHP and UHF Friday Evos, 8:00 to 8:00.-Snturday. 0:30 to 1:00 1814 Springfield Ave. Otfttir Dtanchou; East Hanqyer, Livingston, Newark, Monroo ; : Channel Selector HOT LINE 80O-672-4934- CLASSIC CAR Maplewood, N.J. 07040 , .' '. Chuck Muer's Township. PlalnBboro, Vlncenlown. Whlllno, —Call_T-Oll.-Hr'eeJpr_uP|'-to«the.mlnute^hlgh rates and ManchoBlor/Lakehurst, Lakowopd, BrloU, (Diagonally across iromeuroor King) Sirpnrrnnrkot brancHas at Pathmark In Qlllallo and Garwood "Smart Money"-services Irorn |(ie Berkeley Money Treel Momtici F S L IC • E4)ual Opporlunny Lanclar 1200 Morris Turnpike 600 Boulevard, Kenilworth The Mall ei» Short Hills Short Hills * 467-4109 274-2331

Anwdcon Evpimi and other maKx credit cofdi oewptttd.

*>^.V*'»MV^v^'«v*ll^Klll0i^j'>^*»-^iW*l Thursday, January 19 1984 -'

• ••*':•

1 •>'.*•'

r.. on Union County

January 19,1984 Soft packor new Flip-TopJbox. Section Two Of the Union Leader, Sprlngidold Leader^toyntainsWe Echo, Linden Leader, The Spectator, Kenllworth Leader Over 70,000 Readers Either way, you get a lot to like. spirits By BEVERLYGOLDROSEN "Ip proves that they're people involvement," Lanvater added. "Trillions of support groups all The disabled should not be who/ can. function,," she con- "Otherwise, one might have no around" also contribute to and 'isolated, inactive or forgotten". tinued. "They may need a id, but . reason to get up. in the morning benefit from Sharing, she added. according to a message by they can function." and' move about — what's the • "There are an awful lot of If: "Sharing", a non-profit /Through Sharing, the disabled point of watching the boob tube support. groups which help organization that publishes a can express their problems and all day? This way, if they can't families and. friends of the free monthly newsletter of the .utilize their talents — in cqm- make it into the. office, they can disabled to cope with people who handicapped. / piling the newsleitetas well as in alsowork through their home." have been debilitated as the The newsletter, which has a ,' reading it, Landvater explained. Landvater added that the result of an accident or disease," circulation of about 3,000 in New/ Volunteer Ina Eglitis, 21, newsletter is regularly sent to Landvater explained. Jersey and nearby states, was: exemplifies this point, and the agencies like Children's Reviews of books that pertain founded jn_1977 by Dorothy Itf spirit behind the cause, ac- Specialized Hospital, Runnells to disablities, including disor- Eandvater, president ajncTeditojr cording to Landvater. Hospital of Union County of ders like stuttering, are also i Prompted by the experienc'es Eglitis had been receiving- Berkeley Heights, the Cerebral included in the newsletter. of her son, DaVid, following a rehabilitative treatment at Palsy Treatment Center of "Sometimes problems like "near fatal" and ultimately Children's-Specialized Hospital Union County, based in Union, as stuttering are overlooked," debilitating 1972 car acc/dent, in Mountainside when a well as area colleges that feature Landvater explained. "But they Landyater originated/ the psychologist suggested she join facilities, training ,and cflun--.. _can_be_jusX—as-much of a han- 'organization and its newsletter Sharing after completing the. seling for the handicapped. dicap as those that are con- in an attempt to create^for the hospital's therapy program.. These • institutions, she said, sidered to be more serious." handicapped a forum in'which to "She. can't work full-time," participate in Sharing by ex- The same books are. available share-—information /and'~ ex- Landvater explained, "but \ she changing information regarding through Sharing's lending periences. . can work for us and utilize her services, products and groups library, Landvater said. "The essence of th£ newsletter talents. Ina records the totals of that are of interest to the The organization has also is mainly informative," Land- all the volunteer hours monthly disabled. effected legislative action on and yearly. She also does posters "We share together through behalf of the handicapped, vater said. "It's v,ery helpful to L 7 for us_and. art work- for.- the -the-newsletter and by -sending- public •transporta~tron" ~betng~~ they're going through they're not newsletter. information back and forth," among the "hottest" of these alone —to-be *fble to sayr Tve "That's the beauty of it — Landvater said (Continued on page 6) been through .mat,, or I'm going ..through-someihingiimilaF.^—— "It's a good way to share personal /experience," she continued/'it's a learning tool." Landvaier said that the other major/ concern "of "the organization, is\ to. help the LIGHTS disabled appreciate and utilize thei/potential — and to promote the/same idea to others, lat over 500 -handicapped blunteers produce "Sharing" indicates it is more than a-means ' to an end, Landvater said. In Focus Calender of—events: A \comprehensive look" at whats happening and where throughout the area in music, theatre, the arts, -reereation. If it's happening, : \ we've got it. page 8 Jwerff the~winning" ; New Jersey Lottery numbers for the past month. page 4 Senior center: All the latest information and .news of GETTING IN SHAPE—Women, Ilkezmen, have taken to weights to firm and tone, interest to senior citizens in their' muscles.-Plctured abovearetwolocal vvprrien pumping Ironi "at Guys & Doils UnibifCourity. - Health Spa, 52Q E.. St. George Avenue, Linden. A special physical fitness section page 2 can be found In Focus. The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar ci

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined .That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 11 mg "lar,"0.8 mg nicotine av.per cigarette, FIG Report Mar.'B3. Box: 11jfl"lar,"0 8 mg nicolineav per cigarette by FTC method

»'. • -•* TJ Serrior Center Families being sought 01 ByADABRUNNER home health care, the program on which , Last-yearfHie-reported, the Union waiting list, te home health care, the The-Unlon County Division on Aging the division is placing special-emphasis. County Division on Aging provided 'division chief said, "and those are only o 11 for exc RangeTstutlehts n jjj will find a little more money in its purse "The eldeflyln Union County ar^ badly 360,C(qo meals, about one-third of them the ones we know aboiit. . ." • c - this year than last. . -in-need-ot-assistance-for-home-health-—-delivered to th»homebound and the other Tha^Unibn-County-jbivlsion-onytejng- •The^American-Scandinavian-Studentr-—chaFaeterj-and-inlerest-in-the ASSE•—— •5 It wilTHelp flic division to continue its care,-—particularly—the—'medically .: two-thirds served atI6cations"throughoutrj:. "also uses some of ifs fundOoTTnedlcal = programs for the sick, the elderly and the Exchange (ASSET" is seeking local program. needy,'""' he saidid, These-artfh e thhe peoplle •. ththee countyrThescountyrThesee mealmealss we'rwe'ree serveservedd to transportation'programrftransportation, programs foo r the elderleldrly families to serve as.hosts for 15-Scan- ™ poor, according to Petekj_ Shields, : All the students are covered by com- whose- Incomes-are above the-elieibllity= '-an averafie-of"l-.SOOpersons=a-day, in- blind and hreplceprogramsTheTeported. " dinavian, German, Swiss and British prehensive medical and liability in- limits for Medicaid, he pointed out eluding 500 at their own homes, ac- The bulk of the money used by the high school students who are part of the >. But the increase-in ."jderal and state surance and have adequate money for ' "We have people on waiting lists for cording to Shields. . . division for its 'Operations comes [from ASSE exchange visitor program, ac- personal needs supplied by their parents. t; funds from $1,427,991 in 1983 to $1,480,643 home healthcare who are not getting the In addition, the diyison provided 54,000 the federal government, under the Older a will just about enable the division to keep cording to Cynthia Wright, feastern The host family furnishes meal and care they need," Shields said. "That's hours of nursing and home, health aide Americans Act.. • • Director of ASSE. housing. o up with inflation, he said. It won't really why I'm advocating passage of care for approximately 475 people. There 'cover the need — especially the need for Of the $1,427,991 it received in federal- "Seeing American culture and . 'medically needy' legislation." are at least another 90 people on a state aid last year, $94,860 cajsejjrom the The non-profit ASSE is affiliated with customs through the eyes of an exchange state and the remainder from. Ungle— the Swedish and Finnish Departments of student transforms what we" consider Sam. This year, the state sik -e dropped, Education and is officially designated by ordinary into something" fresh and ex- 'Wettest' December on record with New Jorsey putting up ^t,^ of the the U.S. information Agency as an ex- citing," said Wright. $1,480,643 total. . • change Visitor Program^ Families interested in serving as hosts December, 1983 w3s the wettest is 5.38 inches. The greatest December season, began on September 1 was 1988 The students7T6"and 17 years old, are for the 1984-85 school year should contact December in the 23-year history of snowfall recorded at the Union County compared. with the 1619.5 degrees To Publicity ASSE's local Area Representative; weather recordkecping at Union County fluent in English and are carefully College station was 22.8 inches in 1960— ' -recorded last year during the same Chairmen: selected for the program based on their Elliot Gersten, -1788 Union Avenue, College's Cooperative Weather Station the year the station opened. . period. Would you like some help Union, 07040; 687-7149. here. • high school performance, good The'coldest day was Christmas Day A maximum humidity of 100 percent in preparing, newspaper Rainfall in December totaled 11.31 when the thermometer plunged to a occurred on Dec. 6, 12, 13 and 28. The releases? Write to this inches, according to Prof. Raymond J. frigid two degrees. The warmest day was average relative humidity was 76.38 newspaper and ask for our Daly, director of DCC's U.S. Cooperative three days later when 59 degrees was "Tips on Submitting News * Weather Station. He said the previous percent,with a low of 54 percent on Doc. ^ Scott Arons __ recorded on Dec. 28. The] nWan tem- 20'. . . . " Releases;" record was 9.60 inches recorded in Dec. perature for the month was 32.74 degrees 1973. The greatest rainfall! in any one compared to 40.61 degrees in 1982. The day wa* 2.09 inches on Dec. 13, as highest temperature ever was in 1977 Attorney at Law measurable rainfall was recorded on when the mercury hit 75 degrees. The Valuable Coupon cdiaesTtemperature was -5 degrees in. isjDleased to announce December was .74 inches recorded in 1980. 1980. Ther§ were 1,000 degree days in the •JANUARY CLEARANCE• -• CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION—Fred Feldrrtan of Shadow the opening of an office Only a tract of snow—.3 inches—fell in month with an average per day of 32.25. • I Traffic accepts a certificate of appreciation from the American Heart December, while the norm for December • • HUGE DISCOUNTS • • • • Association, Metropolitan Chapter, and its executive director, Adele Total degree days since the heating Lerner, for his participation In chapter activities last year_,._The for thejDractice of law • • • • ON ALL FURNITURE chapter serves Union, Essex, and .Hudson counties. , at I I __ • • • so - 70% orr ••• • Daitch named president of property group •_ 58 Vose Avenue I • • •• ON SELECTED* • • • ~ The Property .Owners. Association.-, Guide, "designed- to help, the small South Orange, New Jersey 07079 Super Value • based in Union, - recently re-elected business • person managed property," Stanley Daitch of Scotch Plains as was distributed to all paid members at 201-762-0795 We have the LARGEST SELECTION ol KOSHER meats & groceries on the East Coast. president and named 19 other officers for the latest regular membership meeting I AMERICAN COMPORT DINNETTES 1984. at the Coachman Inn, Cranford. I 1014 St. George Ave. Linden 486-7373 SLEEP SHOP | Further' information regarding the •. This coupon good on any purchase ol The officers were elected at thcannuai.. Properts_Owners Association of New • "\ MOO or more including sale Items dinner at the Vesuvius Restaurant in.. Jersey Js_av.flilable._byi calling 964-5010. Newark. . . , • during business hours_or writing-to-POA- • 75^1 Valiiable Coupon J*Z5 Daitch said th.at the 1984 Management a 11901 fiords Avo,, Union. TOWNLEY SUPERMARKET Open Dally 1422 MORRIS AVE,, UNION From 8:30 AM DELIVER We Accept lo 6:00 PM Mon. • Sal. Food Stamps 688-9709 Here's an idea you can ' Foi T r[)iH|r ,iphi really clean up on iot Iowa Gold Label Jonos Western Pork BONELESS SMOKED HAMS Whole 6-8 Ib.avtj. HalvesV4 Ib. avg. r or Whole Ground Win a^spring Veal FROZEN (Family Pac) TURKEYS wardrobe! Hot or Sweet American Western Sunday Only, Jan. 22nd $ Pays $ Whole 1st Prize *300°° wardrobe .. ITALIAN SAUSAGE JOSHUAS EAST POINmillt SALMOimLmuiNi FROZEN 00 LEGS of LAMB Potato From • Individuals • Groups 2nd Prize *200 wardrobe^ or -The Turkey Organizations 3rd Prize !100°°wardrobe $f 69 $«89 Cold $119 Just^ilHn the entry blank Sea Li'!»Cin Thighs Noodle stray Ti, 01 below and drop it off at either ^ • Ib. • Reg. 'I- 1 -We Pay Cash For- the Westfield or Union store. Rokeaclt/Old Vienna soup Meat Tabalchnlck's News. . Carboard • Computer Print out (entry blanks also available at stores) FROM OUR DEL! i No purchase ncccssnry CUT FRESH TOORDER! Aluminum Cans Lead • Office Papers Drawing lo bo held. Frozen;, Thumann's thumann's Soups Copper Old Aluminum • Punch Cards Thumann's Natural Smoked Brass ,. Cast Iron • Stainless Steel HARD Ib. ' • Earn • Batteries ( • Glass Bottles BOLOGNA LIVERWURST 2 Ib. SALAMI fresh Killed pally Steak Patties Money SALAMI Selected • £ • Help clean up A & P Paper Stock Inc. your town BEEF l Recycling Plant Vs III. LIVER IBnl Chuck) • Conserve tbm' $>• Ib.. 48-54 So. 20th Stceetlrvington PRODUCE...PRESH FROM THE FARM! CHUCK STEAK * (Selected) EGGS TURKEY WINGS First Fresh Killed , w Extra CALL CARROTS ICEBERG ANJOU |-Centor-MM tiits 374175a 3TJagT LETTUCE PEARS -264 E. Broad St^Wcstflpld* 654-6171 oo Thurs. 'tlfcSPM Hmttti 1 985 Stuyvesant Avc.'ttnlon • 686-2600 S Th&Fl^JH^TM Wo ncccpt All McTMUfacturers Coupons " Major Charges Gladly Accepted

;•••?- Lottery winners V. DUE TO BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS WE WILL CONTINUE WITH OUR JEollowing are the winning New" Union County SANE eleetsislate Jersey Lottery numbers for the named issues analyst for the group. determine what $teps ifsny, were being weeks of Dec. 19, Dec. 26, Jan. 4 A new slate of officers to guide Union _'County-SANE in this year-of-natlonal- Tewly~-eTected_Chairman_JJiclssn takenjojprotect^res deWand^careJor andJan.ll. emphasized the importance of working . their medical needs in case of a nuclear PICK-IT AND PICK-4 elections was selected at tfie peace ac- tivist group's regular monthly meeting on woiects in> 1984 that result in the attack. Basically, he reported,Jhere was election of a President and a Congress'; very little in the Way or planmngfor this Dec. 19 —443,0893. recently at the Westfield Rescue Squad —headquarters^ - — dedlcated-to-a-mutual freeze-an(L,-kindotem_ergency, —Decr20 —276,0792r ~" Some of (he comments he received Dec. 21-266,5091. Bruce Nielsen was elected chairman of reduction of nuclar weapons, the several the organization, whose chief purpose.is hundred members of Union County from (own officials were remarks like, Dec. 22-734,3333. SANE will be canvassed for their "In case of nuclear attack, It's every ' Dec. 23-176,7978. . to work for a- reduction of nuclear weapons around the world, including a opinion, and specific projects will be man for himself," and "No plan is Dec. 24 — 577,8142. selected at the next meeting. .. possible, because we're living in a blast Dec. 26 -921,6540. bilateral nuclear freeze with the Soviet Union. Other officers, are Robert Berenson reported on a preliminary area." Citing a.recent newspaper article Dec. 27-985,4591. by 'veteran -statesman W. Averell Dec. 28 — 454,6420.— r Berenson, secretary, and Carol La survey he and other members made in. Pierre, treasurer. Jack Rockett was Westfield, Clark, Garwood and Linden to Harriman warning' of the increasing Dec. 29 — 184,2208. danger of nuclear war; Berenson said he Dec, 30-509,7533. was "very concerned" about the ap- Dec. 31^7148,4090. parent, lack of: preparation- in ,the area Jan. 2 —161,3932. Volunteers added to hotlines and planned to attend the next meeting of Jan. 3—246,9761. the Westfield town council to raise the Jan. 4 -223,6325. Eleven telephone volunteers recently, center board. Marilyn Thome will' be in Jan. 5-638,5353. completed . training and will soon be' charge of music. . issue (here. - ,-.•.' .„»' Jan. 6 — 411,4369. commissioned to the staff of Contact-We Contact-We Care (232-2880) and Deaf The next regular meeting of Union Jan. 7-276,5548. Care and Deaf Contact, area 24-hour Contact (232-3333) depend on public County SANE will be held on Feb. 6 at 8 p.m., the site to be announced: Jan. 9-713,8709. hotlines for. the troubled. generosity for their operating expenses: Jan. 10-490,0000. P.O. Box 37, Westfield. An allied line, Interested persons may call Carol La .the volunteers. were inducted at a Contact Union Essex, is on 527-0555.. Pierre,;ta$-W9: Jan. 11-887,3052. " special evening service'at Westfield Jan. 12 —451,1018. Presbyterian Church Tuesday marking Jan. 13 —332,8717. their finishing 50 hours of instruction in Jan. 14-LffiZ, 939Q,. ' _the 14th class of phone_workers-sim PJCK6 Contact-We Care 'originated in the Dec. 22-1, 10, 14, 26, 35, 36; _ community in 1975. OVERHEAD bonus —12595. GARAGE Dec. 29 — 2, 7, 9, 10, 23, 26; They will join the approximately 100 bonus —26561. trained workers who during 1983'have DOX)R Jan. 5 - 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 33; handled almost 25,000 calls from people bonus —31611. needing a listening ear. Jan. 12 — 3, 4. 11, 12, 13, 21; At the service, whjch will conclude the bonus —38202. Contact center's'annual dinner meeting. Rev. Charles Mingle of St. Stephen's Speech meeting Lutheran Church in South Plainfield will -Sanyo AM/PM _ deliver—the - commissioning—addrcssr -STEREO Thenext-meeting of the Union County"" wim HI mawMcv IVNTW. UHUI tlAOOMO DttKt ENHVI Other participants in the ceremony will lias nmma, u WAVII Speech and Hearing Association will be be Rev.. Wesley Olson, director-of Con- Sanyo TURNTABIE held at Children's Specialized Hospital, WltHCAMttOW tact-We Care; Mercedes Rossol, director ,4 Mountainside, on Wednesday, 3 p.m. of Deaf Contact; and Weyman The featured speaker will be Marsha Steengrafe, president of the Contact Hershman.. '• C. • INSTALLATIONS untMui •REPAIRS M-92E SAU •AUTOMATIC EUIPTICAI STEREO JVC RX-44 Digital OPENERS KICK OFF THE GAME WITH THESE * CARTRIDGES • PARTS &HDWE. AM/FM Recover •RESIDENTIAL SPECTACULAR SUPER BOWL SPECIALS! 100 Witt Total •COMMERCIAL •ft • INDUSTRIAL 8 9" WHITE PLASTIC PLATES (201)926-0582 For the Speaker Builder 8 7" WHITE PLASTIC PLATES 6860074 25 10 0Z CLEAR PLASTIC GLASSES * All 50 8 OZ. STVROFOAM CUPS ' REJECT CABINENTS Sizes Division 8-KNIEeEORK/SPOON wool • wool blonds 1 WHITE PAPER OR PLASTIC TABLE COVER (54" x 108") JAEGER LUMBER 50 WHITE DINNER NAPKINS 2322 Mortis Ava. 175 WHITE COCKTAIL NAPKINS Union, N.J. 07083 MONFItl 53O-S 30 SAT SOW00 25LB. BAG ICE MELTERPELLETS 1451 CHESTNUT AV. CLEANING WAREHOUSE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN S7.50 TO CflGAMZAimNS HILLSIDE; N.J. 07205 , JMGP PAPER SUPERMARKET I HI !4El!H0lli«uHnil ngmonWnmfcl tnl mm 50 left on CntVHjl A* tloii 'i 300II 0" III! OH «!• 2! Eli'l 10 l»ov SI Pfocwd over Hi 22 to lop ol lull tin! >pm 00 nohl otocert 10 slop S.Q" ao «H 0" CnMtnit Au«. now ,1'.' mtt on nom

BUY-WISE WtuilflW UUCtSTHWUTM* ^EYEGLASS OUTLET CENTER |ndtt for it since . that poinfr the Kean College Alumni sold," she explained. "People will be to hypothermia (an abnormally low body regarding resident's medications, which arrangements by phone ahead of their placards." - • ' " • temperature), if he does not shiver or may alter the body's ability to regulate arriving at Kean in 196S.Long before_ Association came up with $50,000 and WEDDING STORIES Landvater explained that these able to buy high quality merchandise at a isiiirr Kean'opened its science building in 1974, Professor Hall was very happy. - Wedding stories and photos must be godd price.' !. ' respond to cold temperature normally', if temperature. placards are now issued not to the he is unable to move around well; or if he Krall can be reached in the department Hall wanted the planetarium in the In November of 1981, after the in- submitted to this newspaper .within drivers of vehicles that transport the "We wish to function as independently of earth and planetary environments. A plans. ' — stallation of the domed ceiling, Hall eight weeks of therweaaing dale. as possible," she added. is taking medication that may alter the. disabled, but to the handicapped person body's ability to regulate temperature. . H Block opens, they are meant to aid.' Landvater said that the shop would'be "We'd like .to create changes for the a permanent fixture at Sharing' Signs of hypothermia include con- two hew off ices handicapped and for'society at large, she headquarters, until the organization fusion, slurred speech, shallow and slow Hospital receives " itself relocates to a larger facility. , breathing, along with drowsiness. „ • H&R Block tax service recently opened explained. "The disabled should be two new offices: at 1318.North Broad thought of first as a.person and secondly "We do need more space," she said. If anyone suspects that any person is as a person With a disability." • . "We've had. quite a bit, of growth and suffering from hypothermia, it is im- Street opposite the National State Bank a photo series on progress, and we'd like to rent a larger portant that that person is. kepCwnrm. (n. Hillside;'.-and atiUM East Jersey The organization is supported through Street in Elizabeth. ; :•.-. •_.;.^.i. donations from businesses and priyate place." and taken to an emergency room for. In the meantime. Sharing can be found medical treatment immediately. Office hours at, both offices are 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m.- natural childirth at 1788 _Springfield Avenue, New Fay has suggested for the protection of The St. Elizabeth modern, safe alternative _— To Publicity Chairmen: : 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Ap- Providence.^- — -——••• residents of these facilities that the H ospi la 1——-M ur-s ing—for_parents.who-want-their Would you like some help In preparing "If anyone would care }o share with following precautions take place. pointmenU areTiWllablerbntrare-not— Education Department babies born in private, newspaper releases? Write to this us," Landvater said, "either volunteers 1. Ensure that living areas are heated necessary .For furtherinformation,call was recently the recipient homelike surroundings but newspaper and ask for our "Tips on or new readers, they can write us or call to 72 degrees during the day and 68 the Hillside office* 923-2122,. or the * of a series of photographs do not want to give up the Submitting News Releases." •464-7790." .. degrees at night. Elizabeth" office, 353-6072. .. ^ ;• on natural childbirth to be security of the hospital's utilized in the audio-visual trained medical staff and portion of its ongoing life-saving equipment. Preparation for Childbirth Located in the-hospital's RICHARD SHEINBLATT, D.D.S., P.A. classes. ' -: .labor and delivery suite, - Vincent . Bellotti of the birthing room- shows •General Dentistry ' .. Westfield, a professional little resemblance to

\ • , photographer?—aiid—new" traditional lob.or-.or-.- • Bonding... • . . father, presented, the delivery rooms with their . AMflH, •Orthodontics—Adults & Children photographs to the tiled, .walls and floors BUDWWSER iJSmmum m w LIGHT 8CHLITZ HOMEUQHT hospital. -••'' crowded with' unfamiliar limited From Hottfld MILWAUKEE Inwoited From HattfttJ ma • Periodbntics ATteTTJeing treated for- equipment, USE OF. CASE OF CANS "•Endqdontics—; ~ ~ six years for infertility. Following the birth, the problems by Donald new baby is checked by the • Reconstructive Dentistry Frlcchione, M.D., ..SEH physician and nurses, and Chief of Obstetrics/- the parents may hold and • Inhalation Sedation Gynccology, and Dr. feed the child. "St. Malcolm Schwartz, Bellotti. Elizabeth's philosophy of (Nitrous Oxides and his wife,. Karin, en- family-centered maternity, •Intravenous Analgesia joyed the birth of their first care is one that views childj Justin, at St. pregnancy and childbirth —^— Hours By Appointment —-— Elizabeth. Bellotti was an as joyous experiences to be SIR JOHN CMIADUN active participant .who shared by the entire family INS SCOTCH MIST Richard ShCinblatt, D.D.S., P.A. attended the childbirth unit," states. Diana 174 m -173 1.75 preparation classes with Sullivan, R.N., Assistant 17.99 3.99 7.99 LITtR LUTEfl L1T6R 221 Chestnut Street" his~wife~Betore the~baby's~Director~~ror~Nursirig/7^ %MT 11.99 Roselle, New Jersey 07203 birth. The photographs\ Family Centered Perinatal 245-1615 . -which-he-donatedT-ta_thelCenterv ; • hospital ore for future St. Elizabeth was one of classes and show the actual the first hospitals in Union childbirth of Justin. County . and the first In presenting the photos, hospital in- Elizabeth to N.J.'S LARGEST SELECTION I Bellotti said, "The have the birthing room, OF GERMAN SPECIALTIES! I professionalism of the staff This alternative method of. COWO RED ,^, , BAR8ACC0 at St. Elizabeth and the childbirth is a part of the 1 CAUTOBNIA •'••.'.••." Offer starts Jan. 15,1984 and or-ds Feb. l5,l884:. outstanding. facilities component of selection of bviporWdiffDrnTtaiy Imnarttd From Mty CHA8U8 BUMUHtfy WGtUlbll* to impressed my wife and tne services available at St. / sum Frara Idly 4 • Next Generation tremendously. 1 was most Elizabeth to make child- .Tn\n 3.99 LITER * Model 38ED affected with the care our birth a happy, family- 3.88 f 4.99 (3-Ton O>nd«nslnf|Unil)\. • Technology: 2019 Morris Ave. baby received while in the centered experience. UNION • 686-3421 V. •' • Extra High Efficiency' ,.Fr«p«rKinirlnRiar Premium Bound One When a baby is born, the hours for . cial Sound (Juardl—— new parents become-very QUARTERS BEEF • 2 Speed Motor with nt'ingg to care N^Higlvljech "E Outdoor Thsrmostall f ^lf r i t I w ^d rooming-in of baby | Cut & Wrapped to Order • Woather Armor Cabinet g for the baby and take him |th mot(i which be i.avtrao* . ; Si 69 Compressor Crankcase Heatw! . • Solid State Tlmeouard n home as s«)n as possible, either modified or on *„. (Prevents Compressor Damagel) But the nursery team at St. . " hose first 1 LITER oO°o French Central Air Conditioning • h b T PIUS TAX

1 CALLYOUR DEALER: for the new. is}* to go home and start a new MANUFACTUREnS' nGDATES ARE LIMITED TO ONE COUPON PER HOUSEHOLD life with his parents. A ' All Boon & Sodas 12 Ol. (except Avhoiv noted) Casei ol 24. Pricos Include All Toxos (excopl soda). We Resenw the Right to Limit Quantities. iHome.Made Bavarian hospital is its people, and ALWAYS A SALE EVERYDAY IN EVERY STORE. PRICES OOOD THRU TUESDAY JAN. 24th the people at St. Elizabeth The next series of IBRATWURST willingly commit their Preparation for Childbirth UNION 1850 MORRIS AVENUE (EASTBOUND)"* BB6-0717 efforts in working together classes, which assist Juil helo'p Rl 12 4na CU'den Stao Pnri«w«v o fcYt o. BOTIOM to take care of their parents in the physical and patients' well-being." Zeng emotional preparation of ROUND ROAST Chen, M.D., SEH director the birth of their child, AIXSTOnnOPCNMONDAY-THURSDAV'TILOPMiPRIDAVtSATUROAY'TILIOPM of the nursery, and Mila dg begin Jan; 3* at St. ~la~Cfuz;! M.D., ajSSlslafir ElrBtlr-CIrwhlh director of the nursery, are held weekly from 7:30. XTRA LARGE EGGS :..- assisted- -in -the-,' baby's 4q ,9:30 pjn.- for. six-con?, medical care!in the nur- secutive weeks, are sery.. '- planned for the mother and NuiptMr 1 Ale Condltlonino Maker Mrs. Belotti used the coach witb a limited class IVERWURST hospital's birthing room, a size of 25 couples. "...

. ., \ — : Green Belt Hike, 8-10 miles^JO a.m.. O Hickson. Now Uwbup FelJri2rtecElviSr—-munity-Center, 3L4:CJiestnuU5tJRaKl!e; Kaklat Circular, »10 miles moderately n Music Jan. .7; 9 p.m.;, :;j1iey'_re Playing Our Park. Jan;»r245-O666. -r- fast, 9:20 a.m. 527-4900.. c Song." The Revelers, in. residence at Ell Uses ofplano pedal. Carol Ferrl, Kean UlCtyHiki Chansonettes (/» College teacher. Madison. Public Bodegon Restaurant 169 West Main St., , Art Jan. 22. Mills Reservation Dog Walk, 6 o Library. Jan. 19,9M5fi.m. 527-2371. Rahway. Jan; 20 through Feb. 18, Friday _ -mUes^O_a.m.;^dogslpcrmitted._JU^Oa'm;^dogslpcrmittedJnn Disc 'mlData Concert by Choral ArtrSoclety of New and Saturday, 8:30 p.m. 574-J25S. Uncle . - . termediate Ski Tour, fl:30 aim;, Wayne. rehearsals set ; Jersey, under direction of Evelyn Floyd Show, Jan. 21 at 9 p.m. Henny Exhibit and sale by artists~Carol Wyanolie Circular,"Wanaque, 9:15 a.m., By MILT HAMMER an alburn that he could finally say was , Bleeke. First Presbyterian Church', Youngman, Jan. 28,9 p.m. The Amazing —' Mills.ReneFriedman, eHone Foosaney Ruskir nAr tan dGallery Hugh, fast paced, strenuous. 527-4900. Pick of the LPs, "Once A Rocker right for him, his self-produced "Once A after holidays i Kreskin, Feb. 4,9 p.m. Jack Jones, FebFeb. Mills. Renee Foosaner Art Gallery, Union and Springfield avenues, Cran- Paper Mill Playhouse, Brookside Drive, . Always a Rocker," by Project Rocker Always A Rocker" on the new The Chansonettes of "Westfield, : ford. 8 p.m. 27(J-7071. 17,18,19. Club Bone Dinner Theater, Rt. MCA Records. 35,Sayreville.727-S000: Millburn. Now through Feb. 12. One hour (MCARecords). '. directed by" June Cotter and ac- • Allnations Dance Co., "Joy -in Every For 's, first The new and true Joe Perry Project 1 "The Rimers of Eldritch," play,, at before. performances, and during in- CultureJB^ord companied by Jean'Schork, will resume Land. ' YM-YWHA of Metropolitan New New Jersey Public Theater, 118'South termission of "The Guardsman." Also _ recording for the MCA label, the album consists of lead> singer Mach Bell, who activities and refiearsals this week | Jersey, 760-Northfield Aye., West Ave., East,. Cranford. Weekends to Feb. noon to 3 p.m., Fridays. • — • title is definitive. It zeroes in on the grew up across the tracks from Joe and following the holiday break. i Orange. 3p.rn.-3an. 22.736-3200, ext.511. • elects officers eponymous nature of the group. As the had formerly fronted a band called 4. 8:30p.m. 272-5708. • . Charles. Lanman: Landscapes • and Rehearsals have begun for the spring ! . Spring concert auditions for Chorus of .. The Cultural and'Heritage Programs mysterious . mad doctor of third' Thundertrain, bassist Danny Hargrave program which will have a patriotic ' MUSIC, Inc., South Plainfield" High "The Old Flag," by Vincent Cahby. To Nature Studies, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. to generation of rock guitarists in the 1970s, and drummer Joe Pet, formerly of Berlin Feb. 4. World premiere. George Street ,Sat.; 2 to 5 p.m., Sundays, to Feb. 28. Advisory Board of the Union County theme, it was announced by Muriel • School. Jan. 23 and Jan. 30, 7:j)0 p.m. Board of Chosen Freeholders held its .phenomenally . successful group Airlift. The Joe Perry Project-has been Lawrence of Roselle Park, program • Concert set for April 28. 756-7439 or 560- Playhouse, 391 George St., New Brun- Morris Museum of Arts and. Sciences, playing to sold out dates. When the group swick. 846-2895. .:".•• annual - meeting recently, in the County and more recently the leader chairman, • • • ' 0561. Morristown. 538-0454. • < : of his own band, Perry's deeply rooted returned to New Hampshire, 6,000 loyal "Ah, .Wilderness!" Princeton Holiday art exhibit of Yard School oL. .^Administrative Services Building, fans waited outside to get a glimpse of A medley of American folk songs will Sing-In. Kean choral Society. Wilkins Westfield. The Advisory Board elected . rock sensibilities continue to prove that be sung. The songs include "Shenan- Theater Building, Room 143, Kean University, McCarter Theater, 91 Art's "Older Adults'' classes to Jan. 29, their home townhero. University Place, Princeton. Jan. 19, officers'and set- dates for. its regular once is not enough. doah," "Betsy From Pike," "Skip to My College of New Jersey, Union. Jan. 25 at 8 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lobby of Whole Theater On "Once A Rocker Always A previews; opening to Feb. 5. "Ian Co., S44 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair. 744- meetings in 1984, Joe Perry's image as the dark stranger Lou," George M. Cohan's "You're A p.m. 232-2348,232-1108. Rocker," Perry wrote. all the music Grand Old Flag," "Alexander's Ragtime "Partners in Faith" at Second annual Mckellen Acting • Shakespeare." One- 2933, : ' . . ••'..' L. In leather pants is just part of rock, and except for T. Rex's "BandA Gong," and. man show. Jan. 30.8 p.m. (609) 452-5200.. Mrs; Bettie MacDonald, was named Band," the jazz-rock "Sing Out, Sweet ^^py ^MiGhdM —roll-tradition ^-Kid»-jilway&-hfive-bccn_ a song called "Women in Chains." Mach Land" and ."If I Loved You" -from "Langston,". a tribuTe~~foriii6lBck- drawn to the unknown, and Perry knows • Bell wrote all the lyrics except for Joe's by Issachar Miron, Israel) composer and History Month, Crossroads Theater Co., Audrey Morgan of Roselle Pork, were Rodgers and Hammerstein's educator. Temple Emanu-El, Westfield. :elected_ylce^chairman_and_seccetary, it. His idiosyncrasies'give a personal "BJack.Velvet Pants." Some of the songs "Carousel." —- : MJUkNB|k ^dimension to hison stage persona; .-- depict the band's personarirxperrences. Janr28 evening: —.—±- Jan. 20 through Feb. 12 twith previews respectively. .'.''' The Chansonettes is a group of women Copcert featuring Allison Brew.atEL_ Jan. 19f. 249-5560. It-wouldn't be fair to talk about Joe This is most notable in "Four Guns The Advisory Board, will meet Feb. 6, West," wheih documents the members' who "like to sing for fun." It was an- pianist. Fellowship series of Saturday "Same Time Next Year," Cranford • Women Lawyers in Union County Perry without mentioning his - former nounced that any area woman, usually Night Concerts. Morristown Unitarian cocktail party honoring Union-County March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4, Juner25; ; last road trip when they narrowly Dramatic Club,-78 Winans Ave., Cran- Aug. 6, Sept. 10, Oct. 1, Oct. 29, and Dec. relations with Aerosmith. Joe met lead one who enjoyed the Glee Club in high Fellowship, 812 Normandy Heights Judiciary, Jan. 19,5-7 p.m.', Old Mansion, singer Steven Tylras teenagers in. New. . escaped arrests for indulging in what Joe . fond. Jan. 27 through Feb.ll weekends at 3. Interested citizens of Union County are calls "normal fun." "Adrianna" is about school or college.is welcome to join arid Road, 8p.m. 540-1177. 8:40.276-76U,7tO9R.m. 917 North Broad St., Elizabeth. 687-7080. Hampshire when on summer vacation. may sit in at any rehearsal." Rehearsals Free concert by Chamber Orchestra of invited to attend. Meetings begin at 8 a girl the group met when touring South "A Community Celebration of Yiddish "A Community Celebration of Yiddish -with their parents. Steven's band played are held on the first and third Wednesday the Society of Musical.Arts. Jan. 29, 3- p:m. at the offices at 300 North Ave., local clubs, and Joe, as a fan, would America^.while "Crossfire" is a place Culture." New Legacy series of Jewish you don't want to get caught. "King Of- _nights in the Presbyterian Church in p.m. Morrow Memorial Methodist Culture," new Legacy series of the Westfield. / catch his act. In 1970, while. Joe was Westfield, Education Association of Metro-West. Jewish Education Association' of the Kings" (ells the story of a girl who Church, 600 Rigewood Road, Maplewood. Dr. Kurt Leviant, Rutgers University jamming with future Aerosmith bassist Rehearsal at 1 p.m.. — MetroWest. 1 Henderson Drive, West^ ' The Cultural and Heritage. Programs makes, you feel like a King of Kings. Additional information can be obtained professor; Cantor Norman Summers of , broke up. It seemed only 1 Flute, harp duo. Carol .Wincenc and... CaLdwelLJati. 22jrom 1 to 4M5j»;m' 575- Advisory Board devises.and rccom- "Walk With Me, Sally' is a.rock and roll bvcalling Mary Stanke of Mountainside Temple B'nai JeshurunrShort Hillsrand- L Mends" "programs^to rencpurager-and naturarth'at'Joe Perryand at283-»315. Heidi Lehwalder. Wilkins Theater For 6050, ' . •",' ' should get together. - t song, and "Never Wanna Stop" is how . the Performing Arts, Kean College of . Ruth Kaminska, Yiddish Theater ac- promote, public interest In local, county, . the band feels about its outlook on life. tress. At JDA, 1 Henderson Drive, West Slide show on Union County Vocational The collaboration led to several gold New Jersey. March 3. 8 p.m. Lance Technical Schools, Jan. 19, 3:30 p.m., in . state and national history and culture. "Once A Rocker" speaks for itself. Joe Caldwell. Jan. 22,1 to 4:45 p.m. The JBoard. deals _wltb^f ine_la,nd. per- and platinum records and' sold out produced the record with some, Spring concert Olson, 527-2088. the Elizabeth Public Library auditorium, stadiums for Aerosmith. It all came to an "Cavalliera Rusticana," opera by "The Shadow Box," Godot Productions forming arts, historic . architecture, assistance from engineer Michael Golub, in cooperation with Middlesex County' , fourth floor. 889-2000, ext.2K abrupt end in 1979, when Joe declared Mascagni. N. J. Ballet Co. Wilkins Union County Hiking Club* 3 hikes, archeology, and geneological and and session piahist Harry King. Joe feels auditions set College Performing Arts Department at historical research, advising the.Board that he would leave Aerosmith to form this album reveals a funkier side of his Theater, Kean College of New Jersey, - Jan. 21. South MountainTTamble, 5 miles, his own band. It wasn't a decision made Auditions for the spring concert for the Union. March 10, at 8p.m., March 11 at 3 Studio Theater. Feb. 16, 17, 18 at.8 p.m., of Freeholders on these matters. • personality. . . Chorus'of MUSIC, Inc., will be held and Feb. 19 at 3 and 7:30 p.m. 548-6000,. wlth~lunch afterwards.' Staten' Island in haste. Success had become routine for p.m. 527-2337. : Monday and Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the ext. 367. • ' Joe.' Gone, were the challenges of Joe's lived and dealt with so many of struggle, and in its place came life's changes, but so far, he says, the instrumental room of South Plainfield SetonPrep High School. The chorale, group will . Seton Hall Preparatory frustration with his creative intuition. highlight of his career was his jam with Theater There were problems within the cocoon his mentor Jeff Beck. Hestill includes prepare the Brahms "Liebesliedcr" and School in South Orange is JOE PERRY other choral works by Schumann and . seeking information on any like confinements that goTalong with the ."Train Kept A Rollin'" in every live "The Guardsman," starring Lucie Films high price of success, especially living performance. His only other influence Schubert for the annual spring concert Arnaz and Laurence Luckihbill, . now Prep graduate who is not first album, "Let the Music Do the April 28. "Living. Free." Jan. 22. 2 p.m; on the Alumni mailing list, • and working with the same people every Talkin'." beside Jeff Beck is Clint Eastwood, through Feb. 12. Paper Mill Playhouse, UNIVERSAL GENEVE day. Eventually, Joe fulfilld " his possibly becuase of the similar The group has announced that it plans Millbiirn. 376^343. Trailside Nature & Science • Canter, especially the classes' of Joe's creative drive helped him reach Mountainside. • - - - obligatibrf to Aerosmith; Buthis musical Machiavellian attitudes they share. ., to extend its members. "Members are "Alterations," now through Jan. 29. 1934-and 1944. -For more new musical goals, -and after a second "Fatso," with Dom DeLuisc and Anne' jjprvor yearned to beTeleased, and on the Joe Perry's career has taken roads carefully chosen by audition. A singer "Talley's Folley," Feb. ?• through March information contact. Pat album, he decided to look for a record must display a pleasing voice and Bancroft, noon to senior citizens and 7:30 Mr Mnhnn.-Sfitnn Hnll Pran TU nf platinum Bnprpsq with a major label more receptive to his»high-pox high-powere* d filled with twists and turns but through it -4r-"-Blithe Spirit," March—Ifr-through- all his mystique and charisma survive. —musieal-abilityT-Potontial-membersJieed- April 8. B.p.m., Tues. to Fri., 5 and 9 p.m., p.m. for public. Disney's "The Lady and Alumni office, So. .Orange, band, he set out on his own with enough brand of rock and roll, aas well as his the Tramp," 3:30 p.m. Casano Com- personal need for freedom of expression. With "Once a Rocker," Joe proves he not prepare any. vocal material for the Sat., 2 and7 p.m., Sun. Whole Theater N.J. 07079 or.call 761.-9512. original material for a solo LP. audition." Co., 544 Bloomfield Ave., Monfclalr. 744- Columbia Records signed Perry for his ' A year and a half later, he emerged with always is a roqker. — * 2933. "Send Me No Flowers," Gary Powell. GO Kay Nell, Robert Kras, Wade Betler, Pal ssCOUPONssss CO CO COUPON 100 $100, CO Womon'i Factory Outlet Boutltflm •fijf% 1 off on O off on €0 GO For Your Insurance Needs WOMEN'S & MEN'S all CHILDREN'S CO WINTEILCLEARANCE f| SHOES CO M MVMJMJI soup or SHOES CO Compare Our Prices On: dessert with any spocial; OFFER GOOD Till J*N 31 GO SALE 60 FAMOUS •Furniture •Bedding evenings only. GO CO €0 BRAND— •Carpeting | SPECIALS | GO 20 - 30% OFF €0 686-7793 25 W. Wostficld Ave. Fried Pirate's Roselle Park 341-0088 loAU WINTER CLOTHING**€0 UNION, N.J. • CHARGE IT Platter *698 60 • AUTO With This Ad 60 Shrimp Scampi * 60 • LIFE Broiled Flounder 60 FLORAL DUE Designing and Special Order W ork Almondine 60 HOME Jeweler and Watch Maker on Pri-mincii ssCOUPON s 60 Repair* While you Wall .' ~ Broiled Boston 60 OWNERS Scrod *S» 1 60 Dinners'include 50* OFF sub 60 •Balloons "•..FruitBaskete 2$vOFFLlsdro s:fK» salad and potato. 60 ^^^Bring youfown liquor. 75* OFF Whole Sub 60 • Arrangements • Bouquets 60 Mon.&Frl.Operiill9:00I\M. _ . Now open lor breakfast , •LivePlants •Silks TW,, Wed, Thurt., & Sat.tll 6tOO P.M 60 Wo sell milk, bread & newspapers Springfield lnxplr.H/I/84) £0 CO- Call for dbectioiui 376=5137 60 CA»|PIJS1IJB_S_HO_P €0 CO 60 343 Morris Ave. €0 GO 60 Springfield 4.67-3156 €0 GO 60 342 (,'lieMmit Street Union €0 236 Morris Ave, Springfield •"• '.'' '•••' A t Five'PointT* 687-37O7 ^ Mori-Sat 9-6, Siin 10-2 ,~~ €0 Partners in Faith' is set A free concert is set Sunday 2S^ 1 Sold Brass, an ensemble of 10 brass, Issachar Miron, Israeli composer and Miron has composed more than 2,000 players, will "present a free concert educator, will direct his award-winning songs and instrumental works including Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Crescent production.JTartners hTFaitH?' "on '•the™' the. international hit, "tieha,r'Tzcna, Avenue-Church, Plaint leld. evening of Jan. 28 in Temple Emanu-El, Tzena."' _ The program wlirinclude works by '" Wesllield:. Sponsored~by'' the"• Jewish ~He;ls" the recipient of such awards as member' composers Carl Delia Peruti Federatioh* of Central New' Jersey— the Industrial Film Festival Gold Medal and David Sampson, and the Charles (UnlonCounty), "Partners' inFaith" will for Music, the International Film and Ives' "Variations on America," be the highlight of the second annual pre- Television Festival 1979 Silver Medal for arranged, by guest organist Clare Super Sunday celebration. . .' • Music, the 1980 Silver Medal for Script, Gesualdo. Also on the program will be Big Band music S^ri»« semester sef Music, Multi-Media Design and Direc- the works of Jeremiah Clarke and AAbvie timecjock tion, the 1981 Bronze Medal for Script, Richard Wagner. forTh afer s hobl Two free films Music and Direction, and the 1982 bronze The concert is supported by a grant set by L'Affaire The Whol*e Theater Co' . :Professional BELLEVUE I (Montclair) — LOST PICTURE SHOW- (Union)- and silver- medals, respectively, for from the Union County Cultural and SCARFACE, Fri., 1, 4:15, 7:30, 10:45; SCANDALOVS, Fri., 8:40, 10:20; Sat.,- L'Affaire, 1099 Rt. 22, «astbound in Theater. School, 544 Bloomfield Ave., will be shown "Casting Light" and "San Francisco, My Heritage Programs Advisory Board Montclair, will begin its spring semester, Sat., 1,4:15,7:30; Sat., 1,4:15,7:30; Sun., . 5:20, 7, 8:40, 10:20; Sun., 2, 3:50, 5:40, San Francisco_Is_ Jerusalem by the through funding made available by the Mountainside will stage a return to the 7:30, 9:20; Mon., Tues., -Wed., Thur., The Casano Community Center, 314 Big Band era with a 14-plece orchestra during the weelrof-Janr30r-The-school 5:15, 8:30; Mon., Tues., Wed, Thur., 1, Chestnut St., Roselle Park, will show two Golden Gate" for script, composition and New Jersey Council on the Arts. will offer comprehensive professional 5i 15,Si 30..- "•••, ~ • ~r _ 7:30,9:15. , direction, playing tunes from the 1940s and early " StRAND"(Summit)-GORKY PARK, free movies Monday, 1950s on the evening of Jan. 28. Music by multi-level training in acting, dance and BELLEVUE II-MAN WHO LOVED ."" "Fatso," a romantic comedy, starring Additional information can be obtained voice for children through adults taught WOMEN, Fri., 2:15, 5:15, 6:15, 8:15, Fri., 7:30, 9:45; Sat, 2, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40; ICOUPONE Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman will be Sun., 2, 4:25, 7, 9:25; Mon., Tues.; Wed., Dom DeLuise and Anne Bancroft, will be by calling 351-5060. . featured by the David Aaron Orchestra. by a. faculty, ofpracticing professionals. midnight; Sat.,'2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15; Shown at noon to senior citizens and at 1 Thur., 7,9:15. Some of the' members of the orchestra Creative Dramatics I and II for ages Sun., 6:15,8:15,10:15; Mon., Tues., Wed., 7:30 p.m. to all residents. five through 7 and eight through 10 also worked in the big name bands. ' thur.,2:15,4:15,6:15,8:15.. That afternoon at 3:30, the, Walt Disney Shows slated will be available at the Maplewood ex- BELLrEVUE - MI^traeOMMON , STUFF , Robert Connelly, chef and owner, has tension, Wednesday afternoons at the • picture, "The Lady and Tramp," will be announced that a $20 ticket will inclute a VALOR, Fri., 1:45, 3:45, 5:45,7:45; Sat., shown to children and their parents. Ethical Society Building. 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45; Sun., 5:45, 7:45; for Princefon choice of prime rib o beef or filet of sole, . There will be no admission charged for Eugene O'Neill's only comedy, "Ah -Uxes^and-gratuitieslincludfii,.: Reser- Additional information can be obtained 9:45; Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., 1:45, the movies which arc shown on a large, IYER FflCE ; Wilderness!," will preview Jan. 19 and bycalllng7« 2933r -" ~ 3:4575:45r7:45r9:45r- — The only place in town to got a vations can be be made by calling 232- professional^ screen._AdditionalLJn- continue through Fob. S nt the McCnrter 4454 or 232-3388. FIVE POINTS CINEMA (Union)— formation can be obtained by caling the Theater, Princeton' "University, 91 'Joy ./n Every-tana" SUDDEN IMPACT. Call theater at 964- community center at 245-0666. _•. University Place. It w'H be "presented NANCY CONNOLLY 'Langstori play 9633 for timeclock. Fri., Sat. adult under the guest direction of Margaret STMMBOLI! set for Y on Sunday midnight show, FELICIA. . Uses of P/anoPecfa/ Booker. . Whats a Slramboli' ? LINDEN TWIN ONEr-Hot Dog,.Fri., Come in and lind out. The Allnations Dance Company will "Judevine: A Vermont Anthology," a Simon musical We're sure you'll leave preview slated 7:45, 9:35; Sat., Sun., i, 2:50, 4:40, 6,:30, set by Kean teacher collage of poems by David Budbill, put perform "Joy in Every Land," a 8:20, 10:05; Mon.,'Tues., Wed., Thur., fooling good inside! The Crossroads Theater Co., 320 selection of ethnic dances and songs from Carol Ferri of Moplcwood, who has together by associate artistic director 3! Memorial "Parkway, New Brunswick, 7:30,9:20. Robert Lanchester, creating a new play has local talent around the. world, at a special faniily LINDEN TWIN TWO—SCARFACE, taught piano at Kean ^College of New will begin the new year with "Langstoh," Jersey, Union, will speak on the "Uses of for McCarter Theater's developmental Nancy Connolly of Linden will be program at the YMVWJHA of Fri.^8; Sat., 2:15,5:30,8:45; Sun., 2,5:15, ? a tribute for Black History Month. The Metropolitan New Jersey/760 Northfjeld the Pianq Pedal" Jan. 19 at 9:45 a.m. in Stage Two project, will be presented at featured in Neil Simon's stage musical, 8:30: Mon...Tues.. Wed.. Thur., 8. "They're Playing Our Song," which original" adaptation will be directed by Ave., West Orange, Sunday at 3 p.m. ~ the Madison Public Library. She and Murray Djodge Theater on the campus executive director Rick Khan and will Charles Huether, a piano technician, will now to Jan. 29.. opens Jan. 20 at. the El Bodegon any large hold previews on Jan. 19. Performances Additional information can be obtained Restaurant, Rahway, .presented by the. by calling the Yat 736-3200, ext.511. show slides and discuss the pedal Ian McKellen, English stage actor, will will be held Jap, 20 through Feb. 12. POINTS CINE . mechanics. Sponsors are the Music bring his one-man show, "Ian McKellen Revelers. Connolly also will double as the STROMBOLli Five Crossroad veterans will be Educators of New Jersey. ~ -Acting Shakespeare," to Alexander Hall production stage manager. < WEDDING STOIIIES. featured. They are Clifton Powell, Nick umnoa noons newts Additional information can be obtained' on'the Princeton University campus for Robert Warren, FMS, a Marist brother Smith, Candy Mayfield, Ron Talton and Wedding stories arid photos must be at Roselle Catholic High School, will emit EathMMd lit by calling 527-2371. - one performance only, Jap. 30 at 8 p.m. Brenda Thomas. submitted to this newspaper within SUDDEN IMPACT have the featured role of Vernon Gersch, Additional information can be obtained eight weeks of the weddingdate. a composer of hit songs. Brother Warren 1^ by calling 249-5560. also will choreograph the show. OFF any HUGE . The play will run for six weekends through Feb. 18, Fridays at 8:30 p.m. and STROMBOLI Concert is set bychoraiunit COCKTAIL LOUNGE - ENTERTAINMENT or Large Pizza BUSINESS MEETINGS-BANQUETS Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Additional in- Viewing lh<; Watchung Mountains 1 • HUqincoa MCCI ipioa'B«rNij»jti OFFER GOOD 1/19-2/2 The Choral Art Society of visory -Board made 5P.U. formation can be obtained by caling 574= New- Jersey, under the available by the New to 1255. musical direction" "of ' Jersey State Council-ontl HAPPY HOURS 6 P.M. Jfl SOU'S ISTUFF YER FflCEl Evelyn Bleeke, will open Arts. EVERY MONDAY thru FRIDAY First anniversary its 22nd season Saturday at Additional information - IAUUU)IES ARE OUR GUESTS IN THE Somebody's Place Coffeehouse will Corner of Rahway t Elmoro Avi., Illioo«th 8 p.m. in the sanctuary of can'be obtained by calling SLITTC-N PLACE celebrate its first anniversary Saturday RAVEN'S MEST LOUNGE) Sorving lunch, "dinnor onclloto mlo snacks the First Presbyterian 276-7071. & with the group, "Bones & Joan," at the Church, Union and ^S WEEKS DINNER SPECIAL Cranford Alliance Church, Retford and 289-1977 C SeratdliomJtn.23thiulin.27 Springfield avenues, Cherry streets, Cnmford, from v:3U to ll a^^HMMtaMBlMaii PORK CHOPS MURPHV Cranford. It will feature,, ToJubllclty COME SEE WHAT EVERYONE ' p.m. All are welcome. Refreshments will soloists Mary Ann Hsien- Chairmen; with Spaghetti 6 Salad be available. Yin Teng, soprano; Alan Would you like some help «KS- VEN'SNEST LOUHGEOPEN SATURDAYS 6 P.M.-Z Ml. •STALKING ABOUT! Scale, baritone, a 35 in preparing newspaper 2735Rle.22West.Unio ,A member orchestra and a releases? Write to this; 5 Houn Open Bar . UuMlnitM«(UiilwMotoilod|t 75-voice chorus. 'ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS" newspaper and ask for our Cocktail Hour The society is supported 1 Count Dinner 687-8600 "Tips on Submitting News TlcreilWcddlwCake ' by. a grant from the Union Releases." JDallvJpurnaL County Cultural and Silver Catulelabrai and Fiowcn Flaming Jubilee Show, Private Bridal Dec: 2, 1983 Heritage Programs Ad- Hoomi, While Clove Service * There 5 something for everyone at sutton Place * .FROM 95 24 unique dining In a casual atmosphere t^~>-~ * for the lighter appetite, available anytime are: famous broadwav burgers, sumptuous salads, authentic N.Y. dell style sandwiches, and an assortment ITALIAN-AMERICAN ABangOut^m Of appetizers you can't resist URING DOWN THE PRICES RESTAURANT • for themore discriminating diner a full range ! Featuring: •.-••••--•— •: pfour ^^^ of your favorite entrees Including fresh seafood, PETTUCCINE TORRES • Fettucini • La Sagna ( steaks, chicken, pasta, plus outstanding dally specials • Vea) Specialties • Scungilli Restaurant!^ { • full service "Skyline Bar" open until 2:00 a.m. featuring • Calamari • Mussels • Scampi v • Steaks "Chops""" •pedal ' • ' JL • music from the 30s to the 80s Bring your" •utlneiimen'B q» I-VZ? Opan Daily: 11:30 to Mldnlla * Happy Hour 4:00 to 7:00 s , Mon thru Fri ..-' Fri. &Sll. Till A.M. own uilne Luncb •' • ^r "* Saturday Bloody Marys i 00 from 1:00 to 4:00 „ Complete - ^ - - AILV SPECIALS INCLUDE.,-,,;,. A ** •' -MAIOH CREDIT CARDS • SHRIMP COCKTAIL $795 Dlnnera .'. ' "^"15: '• BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH - OPA-OPA DRINK -•.'#'• Come see our view of New York and SNUFFVS- ' trv our famous 5th Avenue Fiz! "HESTNUr CrjlLDr?EN'3 MENU •, M lmm TA^ERMh-^ m\ mt M'Um mUm H lil ,• Serving continuously " 649 CHESTNUT ST, FREE —Annlvorsnry or Ulrthdny Cnko wllh Rosorvnllon Mon-sat, 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, 'A Roselle, N.J. ,- UNION » \CHINESE RESTAURAMf V Pftrk & Mountain Avo.. Scotch ilns. N.J. 322-7720 Sun 4-00 to 10-00 •,-..-1.1.1.:..1::1,'.1.1..-.:. '• # 241-8223 , {Wovifbpen For Lynch from 11 A.M.W i; ' . . linden48o-5i80-«6-52Bl ' ' "nt ' G87-0707 1 •»• '.-•;•• •> •: • Protein- rich foods help sleeping Trouble pg -Magazine, been eaten during the day. So.if a person has eaten —-plenty- 6f-BrotMn.-ricWo Watermelon ,-corn,-rice- - Foods-high-in-protein- -protein-rich-beef—salmon— o din-ing foe dmrandhave a pudding, potatoes, grape, _pften_CQntain an amino acid or blucfisK during the day,-^- n _ piece of watermelon before apple and orange juices all cnliflri tryprnprum, cort Adaptive Swim c bed, according to Dr. ^^ iitdigJtGlmn cause drowsiness and sidered to be a sleep In- can enhance hfa—sleep- \n Kuhn !Schwam/quotex|in enhance sleep if -certain ducer Tryptophan is-ac- O inducing, properties at 2 an issue" of Glamour-. proteih-rich foods have tivated by carbohydrates. - night by eating something •o high in carbohydrates, like Seorbe* Safety watermelon, two to four hours before bedtime. • - I r proves Make sure to avoid the following uppers —tea, Nutritional chocolate, colas, pickled an aid to herring, Chianti wines, Guidance D The benefits of exercise are intimatelexercisey healthy exercise feel seasier and injury. champagnes and aged tied to the. difficulty and duration of the less likely. cheese.- They all" contain Sneakers. Once you could shoot hoops, . Tennis should be played up on the toes.° arrangement, the manufacturer claims, In general, these shoes are very exercise we choose—how hard it is and. Heavyhands is for the young and old, small .amounts of lope around a tennis court, or bat a home Therefore, a stiff heel counter is not as enables the player to naturally play up on lightweight iso they dcrnotradd extra how long We do it. from the most sedentary and inex- stimulants that inhibit Wheelchair run in them. But in the past few years, necessary as in running. the toes and thus move more effectively weight to the feet. ' * . • ' ' Heavyhands is a new kind of exercise perienced to the most accomplished > sleep. ' sneakers have gone the way of the <(o the ball" of combined movements: arms, legs and athlete; Heavyhands will enhance any Athletics dinosaur. . , - =•-• Many tennis shoes are built Up in the , Although a relatively new athletic - often times trunk muscles work together. exercise program and is an important To relax before bedtime, heel area for better forward momentum. , While one sneaker used to resemble - What has emerged is athletic foot- pursuit, there is even a shoe for aerobic - another, the categories of athletic shoes The upper body is studiously em- adjunct to weight training. . Glamour suggests an wear: court, runnings turf shoes and But research suggests that this strategy exercise. Unlike the others described, an phasized'. • •. .' herbal bath (herbs steeped, may be a myth. are many and varied. Although it all may The Heavyhands Principle -leads to their offspring. For tire vast majority of aerobic shoe features extra forefoot seem confusing when you flrif enter an Small aerobiahnnd weights especialljc? many health related benefits; resting in warm water), but if hhtlbthlf A new shoe, caned tne uataiysc, -cushioning, since acfob1c~5XeTelSe aneT "athletic lobtwear- Store, begin by trying" —designed fur this purpose by m/lPsre— -and-exerctsinB~pnlse rates and—blood— —thenHsnH-enough-time-to- -AccJdent- sneakers are a memory. features a two-piece sole with no sole dance include a number of movements on a few pairs of shoes: Your feet will used in a: variety of movements including pressure lower. In addition, more body bathe the whole body, take . Prevention The new athletic footwear is designed under the midfoot and no.heel lift This on the toes. thank you. •. • • •' ' . dance, calisthenics, walking, jogging-and fat is lost per minute of exercise. a shortcut and soak the -by how the fooHunctiona-in-aparticulot sTinfirtwhnvlng. Thousands of repititions Also,.Heayyhnnds_can.be_used.indoors hands in an herbal bath sport. Manufacturers spend years and may be performed. during prolonged or out, more varied than other systems, instead. According to millions of dollars to research the foot -workouts. relatively inexpenseve, more adaptable Glamour, "Certain.-hepbsr- and its interaction with different types of Nutrition is vital to one's heal ih The Heavyhands Principle works to group participation, and makes liko lemom balm leaves, Family athletic shoes. / It may not seem like iceskating season athlete bound for the Olympics, but it's overeating and obesity. The study because 'the heart is less strained when "respectable" exercise available to promote, a feeling of Counseling If you're still questioning why you to you, but for Wofld Figure Skating crucial for anyone interested In main- analyzed three-day dietary records of supplying oxygen to many trained beginners. The handweights designed by calmness. Others like shouldn't run in a tennis shoe and vice Champion Rosalynn Sumners, it's time taining good health.- ', '.,..'.'' 28,000 'people polled in. the Nationwide muscles than when equal work uses only AMF make for both good control of rosemary flowers, give you versa, researchers offer the following to buckle down to a strict diet and Research shows that of. more than Food Consumption Survey conducted by a specialized few muscles. added levels and finely graded increases. a refreshing sensation." explanation. exercise regimen designed to prepare 32,000 people surveyed by the'U.S. the U.S. Department of Agriculture. - • Heavyhands training allows a given . : , In running, the dominant motion is a her for.the next, and perhaps biggest, government,' those with the fewest,. You don't have to bora world champion amount of work to be done at a slower illllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliU forward roll and the more the shoe challenge 6( her skating career, — the symptoms of nutritional health problems like Rosalynn Sumners to make the most heart rate. Distributing the, exercise mimics this natural rolling motion, the 1984 Winter Olympic Games slated for ate a-variety of foods from the four food of good nutrition. Whatever-."title" you work among lots of muscles makes . hettir protected the foot will bo. Sarajevo, Yugoslavla,:inJEebr.uaty., -. gprpylESj strive, for will ~eome~8~littie~easlerlfyoD~ To do this, a shoe heeds a stable All summer long, she will spend eight and fewer sugary foods and beverages. ,ea,t right—and work hard 1 ' '"'•• - ' platform that will move the foot forward •to 10 hours a day working onher skating Another study, conducted by Unversity Outpatient in a straight movement. A firm heel technique. In addition to her long of Nebraska researcher Dr. Jack L. ° WEDDING STORIES Howard A. Kern, M.D. counter, the back of the shoe which holds workouts at the rink, Roz will continue to Smith, shows that soup may act as.a Wedding stories and photos must be Clinics the heel in place, is a must. Some shoes study ballet and jazz to improve the "dietary pacesetter" to help, moderate submitted to this, newspaper within Dermatology even have a rear-lacing system which artistic qualities of her skating that have caloric intake,. helping to prevent eight weeks of the wedding date. HEARING AID CENTER cinces the shoe in around the heel become her trademark. . Lila L Harsh, Licensed Hearing Aid Dispenser . In general, a running shoe laces from And she'll keep a close eye on her diet Dermatologic Surgery Handicapped the toe area to the top of th.e foot.-This to maintain the le-pirairtTWelght loss that Service on all makes models again helps to keep the foot moving in may have been the crucial plement in her 1 Awnreness one continuous motion. Gold Medal winning mental attitude and -Day and Evening; Hours. Repairs & batteries. Moving onto the tennis court, the skating performance at the 1963. World Treatment of all skiti conditions! primary motion is side-to-side and the Championships in Helsinki* Finland. • foot needs to be protected from the "I eat a lot of chicken and fish, and a Dorb»Bailyn PUVA Treatment of Psoriasis Medicaid & UAW Accepted stresses of this weight shift. Support is lot of vegetables and fruit. And, Weight Control thus built jnto the midfoot of a tennis basically, I stay awaj^from the junk food Medical and 276 MORRIS AVE. Shoe." Less"SupporPan"d SPRINGFIELD^79-3582 given to forward motion. foods," Roz said. 547 East Broad Street Unlike the sole of most, running shoes, - "The rink is po cold, and when we get Dental Westfield Sililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiini lhe_£OEners_of-aJcnnis-soIe-aro-rounded -off-the-ieer-we-like-to-have-something- Speakers' k«VW«-niM welohtriAwobletVSMW worn • siuru • Orthopedic Supplies '1.:.. will!Matching bracelet, • whirlpool • sunroom • Shower i Dressing Mcllltl w • pressure-proof to 330 f«l in • wonton'sExarelu Classes t BoavBuliaino • • WttcrprdDICatCewis HOURS BY APPOINTMENT MOUNTAINSIDE • penonillMd supervision • Free Mbvslttlna • Dlibttlc Homt Tttllni MuhlnH t Suppllu Its lamed Opler case, like classic ' ' ' • Incontinence Needs (Includini polo, iu[jed use ind high peilormince 272-3200 NEW JERSEY Minify t Silk Producls) . . *• » fc . . . irt built Into lh« Rolen timepiece. • ComilBtenl Mds. Home Blood Pressure Kits Mo'n., Wed., Fri. 91,3-7; Tuei. 3-7, Sat; 101 233-3720 - ' "Vii; '•" . v v»Cin»s«CiulcriM ' • Wilken.» Commodes - Purcha MIODLLSK MAll So PUir.riciO SilMftRentils, Grennan Chiropractic HMLTH SPA MORRIS Cf1 MAIL. Medicare Provider y Ir Call for a FREE rtOP'O t«ACt Cthllfl Hi* >" Life Center g tnJmB IMMVQljf Notgoodwlthanv Trial Visit Phone Orders Accepted other promqtloii jewelers '547 Boulevard, Kenilworth (atchestnutsu. 486-0100 LOIiNIK MORRIS 1 Sri!lVIS«ftl Linden 486-0100 WWWWMMMMMIi I Polltrve self image key td hea o Along with being-a physical state, favor of a piece of fruit, at least most or work, the latest in sweatshirt couture ,Thjs old;ajJagej^y^#re what you eat'' n health is, perhaps even more so, a state the time, can make the difference bet- c may inspire you. . ' - - - seems truer " today/ than ever, as Nutritionalguidance 500MG 100 TABS.., 86 < Name • Pulse display VICTORY • All with gurarnteed New Year's Resolutions I -Age,- •Any purchase'of $7.50 or more entitles you to your choice .-Power-Switch Address. -Phone. of FREE Shampoo, Conditioner or Lotion. • LED pulse bllnkor personalized instruction Ot(cr Expires Frl. 1/30/84 a P.M. [ Blinks with each | - »-Free babysitting— ' •nHnrFtnnrt Until .Innunry 31.'W84 Hnatofmilso Hand strap Monday-Friday • 10am-6pm Sensor plug mmmmtm _D Advanced Seminars _. Saturdays • 10am-2pm Sensor cord FITNESS FORUM I I VITAMIN I Col|ar clip "Advanced Eveningi Seminars for Licensed Prolesilonals' Pulse sensor 973A Stuy vesant Ave. | •D-Hplreur Design Classes .0 Sculptured Ndll Classes V . IFACTORV '201 ROUTE 22W • HILLSIDE, NJ Bracket TM PHONE (201)926-2946 Used In attaching. HELPWWTEO 1 HELP WANTED 1 HELP WANTED T~ HELPWANTED FOR SALE 3 WANTED TO BUY 3 *> •> • re tEGTar^ECRETAttV PART TIME T STOCK HELP- ~ -Wanted For=Gash- EMETEfRY PCOTS OLD BOOKS 8. STAMPS Elizabeth law. firm, MANAGEMENT BOOKKEEPER For busy retail store.' HOLLYWOOD. Elmora v-isedtiph; Ex-, Rapidly expandlno Men's formal Friendly, atmosphere. App- ORIENTALRUGS O FDR r Part time bookkeeper for MEMORIAL PARK perlence : required; - Must wear chain u«klno aggreuivo ulf' persohel agency located in ly In person, HARROWS, ANTIQUES n hve excellent typing, steno starter to~|oln our management Jethhestnahe Gardens, Private Buyer-224-6205. SUBURBAN taam. Starting salary plus commis- Union. MusLhave. payroll,, Route 22, Union. Mausoleums, Off4ce;--1500 t/i and dictaphone -.skills. sions. Eor Interview call 9-S pm. taxes and accounts LASSIFIED LldlgBtrwr~TBxperlt!nnce^ SECRETARY- Springfield tuyvesant Ave., Union. WANTED- 8 or 9 piece b DANTE TUXEDOES receivable/payable ex- 688-43DQ "rultwood or Pecan Dining helpful. Salary comrnen-. M1W. St. George Avo. perience. - law offlce.JBrlght beginner c surate with, experience. Undtn.-NJ. - with good skills. Non oom-set,-ln fairly good z1 /CALL 4SiM» FLEXIBLE HOURS CONCERT TICKETS ondltion. Call 686-7299. Call 353-5300. • , •: • Qualified candidates will smoker.' • Yes 5 MAINTENANCE~MAri- MEDICAL ASSISTANT bo considered, immediate- 379-2444- • Police z TRAINEE 'y. All responses confiden- • Nell Diamond n Needed. weekday aTTCT tial. Call or send resume to- TYPIST- With receptlqnlst NSTRUCTiONS 5 O 686- weekends. Mechanical ex- Full time. Will train ag- duties. Good typing skills, • V/anHalen , c gressive, articulate in- day. • N.Y. Rangers Reaching over 70/000 readers in the. Union Leader, Springfield Leader, Mountain- perience a plus. Call Mon- steno and dictaphone z dividual as Optometrlc S.K. Associates • Liberachl AATH TUTOR SERVICE- side Echo, Kenilworth Leader, The Spectator in Roselle & Roselle Park and the days and Tuesdays'. 964- 1767 Morris Ave. helpful not required. Good 5718 ask for Norman. technician for our ultra telephone personality, • Ozzy Osbourne will utor your child in Linden Leader, , . - •••""7 . Y.'" .. . • ,-• •' .-.. /700 modern eye care center. Union, N.J. 07083 • Billy Joel Verier;11 Math 8. Algebra In 687-7350 general office experience. ~ MODELS NEEDED" Contactlens wearer a plus. Salary commensurate with 851-2880 our home. Very Call Jack at 376B900. (Maior Credit Children' 6 months to 14 PART TIME DRIVER- experience. Elizabeth law eas> lable rates. Call years'. Premier. Modeling Cards Accepted) iarv 687-3956. NEED EXTRA CASH?- I With car for early morning firm, Elmora section. Call rapidly growing children's newspaper home delivery. 353 5300.—- FRENCH PROVFNCIAL- CHILD CARE 1 I HELP WANTED 1 HELPWANTED 11 HELPWANTED 1 HELPWANTED 1 dlvislbn now : seeking need transportation, for PRIVATE 1 HELPWANTED details call 687-6539. Route In Summit, Monday Bedroom set. Single bed, INSTRUCTIONS special children to'join.In hru Saturday 5 to. 7 AM. TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST- CLERICAL- Position In uL TIME New Jersey's , largest Experlence Important, orner desk and chair, hut- ON GUITAR EXCELLENT- Private in Compact routes, deliveries h, end table, and mirror. ''jfessional musici.n will home pre-nursery pfogran1 suburban, weekly BOOKKEEPER- For.Spr-' modeling and advertising only, no collections. Good flexible 4-5 days; pleasant newspaper office. Strong Ingficld/ N.J. brokerage company.' No experience executive offices, Summit General Electric upright .ring out your musical (1 year plus). Flexible OFFICE salary plus bonus. SUN- reezer. All in good condi bllity. Beginners and ad hours. 964-9274 or 964-5822. MTs and LPN's 3-11 and 11-7 Shifts typing and-accurate spell- .flr.m. Experience with ADP necessary applications now DAY only routes available Center, all transportation. payroll accounts payable/ Call manager 5221400. ion. Call 686-5075 after 4 anced students. Call Ing are a must. Duties, In- being accepted. Call 256- CLEANING also, 6 to 8:30 AM, 2770155. M.. EXPERT BABYSITTING- clude responsibilities In cash receipts, commis- 1000 for appointment. teve, 686-2851- JOHN E.RUNNELLS HOSPITAL OF UNION COUNTY sions, full benefits. Send PART TIME DAYS - f RUCK D R I V E R Available In our spacious classified advertising PREMIER Malor tiorbldo manufacturer, PART TIME HO" L "CY W O O D department and serving as resume-to PO.Box 599 Spr- MODELING locatod In Konllworth locks respon- WAREHOUSEMAN- Must Springfield home. Ideal en- SALESPERSON MEMORIAL PARK- New vlronment. Good BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. 07922 office receptionist. Full Ingflejd, N.J. 07081. AGENCY sible maturcmlndod person to 3-4 days per week. be able to drive stick shift maintain corpornlo olfico In cloan, crypt, double Inside ERVICES OFFERED references. Hours flexible. 343 Bed JCAH Accredited Hospital located In beautiful suburban setting where a Ime. 3761200. ' . 809 Rlvervlew Drive orderly fashion. Related experience CURTAIN BIN vehicle. Newark Glass, 515 ~ FABRIC CUTTER proterrod. Individual should bo a North Michigan Ave. Gethsemane Chapel Call 376-4567, after 7:30 caring staff works within a therapeutic community in a team approach for quality . Totowa, N.J. 1036 Stuyvesant VAausoleum. Reasonable. .p.m. . .. AIHIER^TOP LINI- Sewing background prefer- selfstarter with oood ludgement Avenue Kenilworth. red, flexible hours, own State Licensed and pleasant mannor. Excellent !01-9298769. BURGLAR ALARMS • nursing... '• * WO EVENINGS PER compensation. For immediate con Union, New Jersey transportation.' Cell Dan" . E.O.E. TEACHER. AIDE- Part DEADBOLTS • LOCK- LOVIN6GR ANDfARENT_ WEEK- Lincoln Technical Equal oppt. emp. sldorotlon, call B. collint at 24 wooo. ~:0~ INCH COLONIAL BARS-SAFES- "We'll Beat NEW PAY SCALE •r)stitute"has-aparHime-<4' nlelle at 447-9214. _._.:.-.. Equal opportunity employer m/f time hours, AM or PM at TYPE- Person needed, to child care center in Union. LOVESEAT And easy ny Pricel" AMERICAN take care of new born child ~R"KI's with license -'518,000. per annum — Additional salary based on Education ours-2 evenings per week) MAKE MONEY-WO~RK- PHONE SALES chair (like new), 42 inch SECURITY SYSTEMS. 4 of working couple, 5 days iosltlon available for an in- FAST GROWING ING AT HOME- Be flooded PART TIME- Work from Experience necessary. Call maple coffee table, two and Experience—Full Time and Part Time openings... ~ ESTATE -Management : home telephone program. We have a product that YMCA, 6B8-9622. CENTENNIAL • CRAN- per week. Long lasting dividual to receive and wlth- offers. Details-rush pewter hurricane lamps. FORD. 276-8265. LPN-s — Full Time Openings... firm looking for .sharp, In- stamped adtfressed Average $4.00 to S8.00 or everyone . needs ""relationship sort. If in- lalanco tuition payments, "MONEY". Part time UNION COMPANY- Needs Call 686 6621. terested please call 964- 'revlous bookkeeping or dividual. Rebl estate or envelope to M & D Enter- more per hour. Flexible EXCELLENT BENEFITS lotfal "experience • helpful. hours. Be your own boss. work from home. Call J.B. part time bookkeeper. 5808. ashler experience' prefer-. prise PO Box 884, Spr- Moran. TALI AN Living room set, Paid orientation Prescription Plan ed. For consideration Dictaphone or: steno a ingfield, New Jersey 07081. Call 8621828 or 6880B10. Hburs flexible. Call 686- blue velvet; 2 pieces, very CATERING MATURE" WOMAN To Overtime Pay Medical Insurance lease cafl the' office must, Typing 50 to 60-words 6550. good condition, $150. babysit for fifteen month per- minute'. Call Mr. PROCESS MAIL AT 486-7070 WE DO ALL Annual Medical Exam Tuition Reimbursement ^manager at 944-7800. An MAKE MORE MONEY Magnavox stereo, $50., TYPES OF PARTIES old child. Two days a week Davlno, 467-3100.' • WORKING OVERSEAS IN HOME- $75.00 per nun LOST AND FOUND State Pension 14 Paid Holidays . qual opportunity dredl No experience. Part PRINTING Grandfather Clock, $75.00. INDOOR-OUTDOOR and occasslonal evenings, mployer m/f. -• COUNTRIES LIKE 688-8981. ' BIRTHDAYS SHOWERS references required. 467- Tax Sheltered Annuity Sick.Leave Pay ' FULL AND PR or • full time. Start im- Growing Black/White off- Lost & Found ads will run KUWAIT, SAUDI set printer has openings on WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES; 4541. Good Clerical .skills and ARABIA', VENEZUELA, mediately. Details-send MICROWAVE OVEN- 20 x GARDEN J. POOL PARTIES Free Parking Paid Vacation 3 shifts for experienced for two wooks FREE as a OCTOBERFEST & CARNIVALS telephone ability. Pleasant ETC., ALSO POSITIONS self-addressed stamped large model. Cherry MATURE EJCPERTENC" -S.hiftDifterentials ~ 3-Pp.rsnnal Business Days f.lFRK_TYPIST .envelope lo^CAL^SOas,, typesetters on . Quadex servlco to resldentsJrM>ur 9 STATE FAIRS J, COUNTY FAIRS -)nsuwnce=offlce=inUnlon ARE—A-VA*bA B L-E—IN- yvQQd_dlQ!B9_roqrn tab 1^, 3 .SPECIALIZING IN ED WOMAN- Will babysit Dental Plan Part time. Hours, flexible. Call Lols.964-7400. P.O. Box 3149, Stuart, FL systerrCWIII cdnsTdergood Communities"! " piece living room ^seT ATI your child In my' home NORTHERN REGIONS 33495. typist (70 wpm). Good op- CHARCOALED Mature- minded individual OF. CANADA, ALASKA ike new. Must sell. ROAST BEEF 8, Monday thru Friday. Call for growing Insurance of GV portunity, excellent Reasonable. 925-9199. Contact the Personnel Department 322-7240: Ext. 355 for applications and appoint AND THE NORTH SEA. PART TIME- Day help FOUND- IN ROAST PORK 289-3397. flee in Union. Variety of-6f- Thousands of vacancies benefits. Call 753-0200, ext. SPRINGFIELD- Two large ments for interviews. must be filled Immediate- PERMANENT/- needed. Apply in person 12. For Info Call Sig flee responsibilities. 687 TEMPORARY WORKERS dogs, (1) Black 8. Brown 376 5547 PERMANENT CHILD ' • An equal opportunity employer 3377. . ly. $17,634 to $50,112. Call • betwean 2 8. 4 PM. ROY CARE. . POSITION NEEDED ARE ROGERS, 2650. Rt. 22 PART TIME- Typist for Ir- German Shepard, (1) GARAGE SALE 716-842-6000, Ext. 31497. , Black mixed breed. Have DR. ELI KAR P- AVAILABLE IN SUMMIT- CLERICAL- Part time, TRADESPEOPLE, Union. . vington Medical Practice) Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- GOVERNME(T'Tr~JOBS- LABORERS, PROFES- miscellaneous paper work. been taken to Kindness HOUSE SALES ^ODIATR 1ST SPECIALIZ- morning and alternate Kennels. Call 382-6100. NG IN GENERAL day and Friday. Ex- CABINET MAKER- Saturdays. Accounts Thousands of vacancies SIONALS ETC.'FOR FULL Reply to Classified Box CONDUCTED INFORMATION SEND A 4861 Suburban Publishing For a free consultation PODIATRY. Office Hours perienced, reliable person Trainee,' with some ex- payable, one right system. must be filled Immediate- •. PART TIME LOST-" 12/20/83, Shoprite By Appointment. 165Moun desired for one year old. PRINTING perience In general shop Experience preferred. ly. $17,63.4 to $50,112. Call SELF-AD DRESSED, —149-1—Sluyvesant Ave., to sell, full or work, and formica STAMPED ENVELOPE CLERK TYPIST Union, 07083. Parking Lot, BLACK . partial contents of tain Avenue Springfield, Must have own HAMILTON WINE & LI- 716-842-6000, Ext. 36325. LEATHER CLUTCH N.J, 379-3803. transportation. B/W Offset Printer expanding work force. laminating. Call for Inter- QUORS, T2321 Route 22, TO: • ' ' your home or apartment view 862*7727; GOVERNMENT -JOBS- Union aroa PURCHASING CLERK PURSE, containing small References. 273-3151. Immediate openings on: Union. Mrs. Elber, 964- " Overseas, Dept. — HourHAMIPM belge'change purse with St. CALL ELECTROYLSIS BY 5111. »T6,559-$50,553/year. Now I 5032 Responsibilities Include Full time position LIZVANCE RELIABLE- Mature '"'• CLER ICAL?~ Hiring; Your Area. Call available. Knowledge of Christopher medal/beige ANDREA- Permanent 1st Shlft-7:45 A.M.-4:00 P*M. 701 Washington typing, filing, and the abili- billfold- 687-4998, 6B8-2B00. 687-3365 remqva.1 of unwanted hair. woman needed to babysit • General Bindery Worker Part time afternoon and Dlctaphono Typist/ 805-687-6000 Ext,-R-T44B.' . Street ty to handle phon.es. calculator, typing and In my home, duritrg school Saturday Positions. Hours Part Time • working with figures. Com PLEASE RETURN. . Private, reasonable, con- 2nd Shift-4:00P.M.-'Midnight GENERAL OFFICE BUFFALO, N.Y. Familiarity with purchas- fidential, also ear piercing. year. Call 9640067 after 4 • Stripping Comboperson , Monday-Friday,' ,12 to 5 For social service agency 14205, USA ing departments pro- pany benefits, Equal Op- WANTED TO BUY PM: . p;m.,:Saturda.y,_8l4i3ac,jTL_ WORK- Mature minded In- portunity Employer. Fpr PERSONALS 2 Senior citizen discounts. ' •--•-V2S0Mum-Pressman/W-- .with experience. and dividual-full-timer diver- cedures a plus. Call 688- For appointment 686-8581. • General Bindery Workers » Typing necessary." Plea- general office duties. MATURElALES-Ferson 6900 Ext. 322 between 9 AM- interview call 686-6500. ANY LIONEL, FLYER, WORKING COUPLE sant working conditions. Strong clerlcalbackground sified, office duties, good wantod for ladies clothing MIRACLEOF Seeks woman to care for in- 3rd Shlft-AAidnlght-8:00 A.M. telephone voice, typing a 3 PM to set up an appoint- IVESANDOTHER MARK LIBRARY • 2/C Miller Perfecior Pressman/W - Excellent benefits pro- and phone communication. store, Friday,. Saturday ment for interview. PICKERS/PACKERS- ST.JUDE fant In our home near must. Knowledge of shor- Electronlcs-eofopariy-seeks TRAINS SERVICES- Experienced. gram. Apply at Personnel Must type 55 . words per and Sundav! Experience O Holy St. Jude, Apostle Professional Consultant for Union Center. 4 days per Offlceweekdays,V4p.m. ' thand or dictaphone preferred, good salary. lull time person to fill parts Top prices paid. Good Opportunity Excellent Benefits minute-. Diversified duties helpful. Excellent working and Martyr, great in virtue 635-2058 Library needs. Will week. 688-8692. Call 7530200 Ext. 12 or Apply to: SEARS, ROEBUCK and pleasant surroundings. Call 836-4266 and leave orders. , Di verslf i ed and rich In miracles, near conditions; company paid name and nymber. RED DEVIL INC. warehouse duties, no heavy 334-8709 organize, expand, revise. Appellate Printing Co, 177 Ryan St. All paid Jewish holidays 340O.VauxhAll Rd. Kinsman of J?SJJS Christ, Business plus professional a co. benefits. Area code 201-687: Union, N.J. 07003 . lifting. Excellent benefits. HELPWANTED South Plalnfleld, N.J. • .. plus legal ones. Calf Gloria 1416. _ faithful intercessor of all A a P PAPER STOCK, libraries. Union County 1 LousonsRoad, Jones 674:4330. MANAGEREx^ee Equal Opportunity Call 688-0224.- • who invoke your special Union For retail store In Union. Employer M/F NC- RECYCLING area. Available evenings" DRIVERS- GAL7G~UY~PRTDAY~ Fart RESTAURANT HELP- Al patronage in time of need PLANT. , • • company, pioa&s ttibmlt vour SSWlnans Avenue, and have cash register ex- Rarltan Road, Saturday SINCE 1920 ., CERTIFIED PUBLIC BILLING CLERK light .cleaning, One day per roiumo to: Claislllod Box 4863, law Hrm..cal| 964-5090. February 4. 9 to 5. Call 245- 2426 Morris Ave., Union »<^oL>i;Viniir«;fr>': Call Mr siihurhgfl P"hlhhlnaT "o* Rtiiyun.' . ' Cranford perience. All shifts are ACCOUNTANTS "Busy" \ South' Orange ad ilon, M.J. comnutac^dlitElbulo*. i EquatOppty-EmfJjMidE- -atlble^th HELP 2350. •___ Daily 8-5 Sat.. ugkt parion w/bkkpg, liwenlory or Rapp 467-5572. •ant Aunmin- tvonuo., .union;llnlnn; . MmiNow, Jerte!•«.,v. avatlablerAppV Small business accounting agency seeks person: with: - BOOKKEEPER CLERK>YplST computer termlnsl opsratlpn «xp t6 07083. ' • Mature minded"persor. 8*«H«8>BS*36 "MANICURIST" and tax services. General bookkeeping:' "experience, Growing" company - seeks General office -work, work In.their.rapldiy. expendlna co, •»'• Equal ooptv. ; the 7 11 Food'Store, 1361 with some experience In ledger, payroll reports and EKC«I companv benellU, 5«nd •Minimum '-• — — Qrnp.* wi/f-~—""~ ^BEAUTICIAN..." FOR SALE T.V. SETS WANTED above- -average -typing full time person to assist in answer phonesrand,typing roium» to; AL LEWIS UTICIAN Stuyvesant Ave. Union. doll'-Will tralH: Gqoglpro^ or income taxes prepared at 5 years experience In com- ExnerJonced:, only, Par. Wor-king-or_.nQt^Cttler,PktCl skills; Comfortable with bookkeeping department. etc. Part time, may work DATA SYSTEMS ._ mercial, and industrial P^T spects for growth- and reasonable rates.- ; figures. Accuracy essen- Experience necessary. Ex- jOBS ORSEASrito time. Complete nail care In SNOWBLOWER-For sale tables only. Days call 753- Into full time, Union based work,, with contractor. Call 4 BOOKKEEPER- For small management..Full time/ tial. Call Ms. Strano. cellent benefits.. Cal!_5> to 5, company. Call' for Inter- OIN.J, :• '- • money,,, fast, $20,000 to busy; shdp -with pleasan part time. Convenlen S75.00. Call 6860383 Satur 7333, eves., 464-7496. Cash P.O. Box 5002 ' 352-1974, between 8 AM 8.12 $50,000 plus per year. Calf store. Flexible hours. CaK days between 2 and 4. paid. 851-0152 r- 7«-8100 --•-•-•• 4880224. view 487-1030. N,oon.- working conditions. Call ' after 6 PM. 688-4485. hours. Call 688-3936. Union, NJ 07083 - - • 1-2J6-453-3000, Ext 26024. to 6. 379-3450. I o ACCOUNTING 6 CLEAN UP SERVICE 6 HOME IMPROVEMENTS JS.', JEWEIERS 6 MOVING t STORAGE , 6 PAINTING ROOFINGS SIDING 1-v-i 6 .HOUSE FOR SALE 7_ APARTMENTS FOR RENT 8 APARTMENTS WANTED 8 BUSINESS OPPS. .9 : AUTO ACCESSORIES R & W AMERICAN RED BALL I A BETTER NEW JERSEY MIKECIASULLI UNION SUN ROOFS OF NEW CLEANING TEAM CARPENTER • Loca.1 & worldwide movers. PAINTING HILLSIDE- Liberty TWO RESPONSIBLE- -i ,- ACCOUNTANT CONTRACTOR; All phases • NEW YORK ROOFING PRICE SLASHED Avenue near Morris Ave., 4 Own Your Own JERSEY- • Installed Same Have your home or apart- •ANTWERP , Red Carpet service to /AND. HOME IM- Highest quality Work- If you're handy and looking Norr-smoklng', professional Day • Leak Proof • In- S Offers accounting, book- ment, cleaned by us. We of Home Remodeling, FLORIDA.. ' Agent rooms, 1 bedroom apart- women desire two bedroom " keeping and tax services. "Aitcratlon^Kitchens-Bathr -tUAMOHCLSETJ-ANG- PROVEMENTS Lowest Possible-Price for a good buy, this ones for ment. Excellent, location Jean-Sportswear crease Ventilation & Cool- supplvrouroWn equipment" EXTRAODINAIRE TJNTVET?5TirYVCl REASONABl-EJIAJJIS ' ' ' -. «REPAIRS«RE- you! "As Is" condition, 6 apartment, (February Ladles Apparel, Combina- ing • Life Time Guarantee. . £ for all businesses and in- and", we come with General Carpentry, f bslness-OCT-cttredcoul ^ -lstLJn Union County area. Cabinet & Formica Work. MAN UF AC-TURING - 276-2070. 1601 W. Edgar FIRST QUA ROOFING . " room-colonial needs work tion, AccBssorlBS,—targe $20.00 OFF with this ad. 624 5—divlduals. Free Initial con- references. Call us today. Road, Linden. PC 00102. Fully Ins. Free Est; pie* buses, shopping, etc. References. Write £ sultation. Call-325-6425. R.Hblnze 684-7924 SPECIALORDERS • LEADERS•GUTTERS but has plenty of potential. Rent $325. Call 3251448. — Size ' store. -National W. 1st Ave., Roselle. 245- 375-4538 or 372-1954- after OFFICIAL G.I.A: CALbANYTIME: Toar-offs our specialty 50 x 108 lot, 2 car garage. Classfled Boy 4858, Subur- brands: Jordache, Chic, 9309. 5:30 PM. Free Estimates. IMPORTER POS .T —* 8444948- Free Estimates Just reduced to $54,000. ban Publishing, 129+-I- Lee, LevlrVanderbllt, Hod, TO MAKE OLD CEILINGS" . Moving and Storage IRVINGTON- "ii/TLARGE Stuyvesant Avenue, Unlonr-J—Simne OLDSMOBILE CARPENTRY' . —- --„ ^=NEWP~ ; -APPRAISER- Fully Insured CALL 353-4200 ROOMS, EXCELLENT- Sax, Esprrit, Brit- (The Recommended" WrYEAR tania, Calvin Klein, Sergio Oldest & Largest I —•"SHEET ROCK Movef) •:...: 454-4444 : LOCATION. NEAR Exclusive ELECTROLYSIS -6 •SUSPENDED SKI SETTING CO. SPECIAL TRANS 8, SHOPS. 165 Valente, Evan Plcone, •'I A-l ALTERATIONS and OUR 25th YEAR Interior painting. Also WANTED- 3 Room apart- Clalborne, Members Only, Olds Dealer In HOME IMPROVEMENT- PLASTER 905 Mountain Ave. • PC 00019 - WE STOP LEAKS- Clark AUGUSTA ST. CALL 374- ment tor mature lady with Union County CHRISTINE'S •BATCHING Springfield, New Jersey .sheotrpcklng,. -waterproof- Builders, Inc. Serving 3300. • Bill Blass, Organically CARPENTRY • WIN UNION ' 687-0035 ing basements and'panel- references, Call 688-0371. Grown, HealfRtex, '300 ELIZABETH ,7 DOWS • CEILINGS • ELECTROLYSIS Days 824-7600 486-7414-5- 375 Roseland Place Union County For; Over 15 -IRVINGTON- Three and MOTORS; INC. Medically —" approved After 5 P.M. 687-4163 or 374-8880 lng:.Very neat and clean. L. Years. -*—New—Rboffng 8, YOUNG PROFESSIONAL others. $7,900 to $24,900, In- DOORS • PARTICIANS • Ferdlnandl 8. SONS, 944- half rooms, well maintain- ventory, airfare, training, Value Rated Used Cars ROOFING. No Job Too Big method of permanent hair PAULS Repairs • Gutters ..A. ed, convenient to all COUPLE- Seeking Union 582 Morris Ave., removal. 1st treatment 'n ""NICO 7359; — ,.• L e a d.e r-s,—A.I.L__W_oxJ<_ .540 NORTH AVE. County apartment near fixtures, grand opening, Or Small. Reasonable. 596 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ; MJ..AA MOVERS' transportation. $320,- etc. Randy Keenan (612) Elizabeth 3541050 9783. price. Free consultation Guaranteed In Writing.- UN1ON/ELIZ.,LINE references, one and half route 22/24. Excellent : • Additions KITCHEN CABINETS G FlrsTcTass references available. Call 8B8-6555. . 'i Reasonable rates. 245-7467. formerly of tradesman. Home or com- Fully Insured, Free month securlty^requlred. SMYTHE VdCvo'"" 1 BELLIS CONSTRUCTION- • Kitchen RernodeJIng Estimates.'- , • work AB7-5737 and home *i Yale Ave.,; Hillside mercial. "Advice on your" Call 374-8534 or 783-6593. VIDEO BUSTNESS IS Exclusive Volvo All Type Of Carpentry • Bathrooms DOLLY MADISON APARTMENTS FOR RENT 8 686 2770, Bob. Dealer Work Done. ADDITIONS • FENCES • Redwood Decks homo painting problems. 30 3815145 ROSELLE- Attractive 1' BOOMING- EARN $50,000 • Aluminum Siding KITCHENS LOCAL 8. LONG years experience in the bedroom Garden apart- to . $75,000 A YEAR DORMERS • DECKS • Buy Direct-From Factory DISTANCE MOVING 326 Morris Ave. ROOFING AND SIDING.. • Roofing trade. Phone Nick. 245- WILLIAM H.VEIT ment on quiet street, near FURNISHED ROOMS 8 GUARANTEED. .Invest CHAIN LINK AND WOOD and Save. ' ' PM 00177 f Summit No Job Too Small, Free • Dormers 4835, Anytime. Roofing — Seamless Gut- ROSELLE PARK park. Available February now, have all the newest FENCING- At Reasonable • All Carpentry Work FREE ESTIMATES ters. Free Estimates.. Own 1st. $350. per month plus games, have locations. One Estimate. Fully Insured. Prices. FenceCraft In- 688-7748 TB SPACIOUS UNION- Furnished, large year service contract on 273-4200 Ask ForMlke:.688-4635. 964-7112 * Rte. 22 Springfield work. Insured. Since 1932.' utilities. Call 635-7719 aftor bedroom, wall to wall dustries. 851 0017, Union. ANTHONY 373-1153. . i ' purchase of game. For in- 379-4070 7 PM. carpeting, air conditioning .Authorized G. GREENWALD~~ R & T PUGLIESE 1925VauxhallRd. Benjamin Moore ' APARTMENTS j) ; - formation call: : Unlori Paints UNION- Luxury two and all utilities, kitchen W E "N ' D E L ' S Factory Service Carpenter Contractors 49! SQ. FT. BUILDING KTTCHINS in GARDEN facilities. $65.00 per week. Long Term Leasing All type repairs, remodel- Counter tops •INTERIOR HQOSE FOR SAIEU,. V bedroom apartment with AMUSEMENTS, 201-375- Green vinyl chain link In- CONTRACTORS RITTENHOUSE . - '• EXTERIOR garage. Available References required. For 861B A*.MorW?ndel. ing, kitchen, porches, stalled. Gates and ter- Formica facing •••-• MOVING \ SETTING appointment, call 686-0005. enclosures, cellars,-attics. RESIDENTIAL • New kitchens ' All Work UNION Alr-CondlUoned February 15th. $675, heat AUTOS WANTED 10 minals sale price.- ! men In a truck. Prompt, Guaranteed Fully insured, estimates 8. COMMERCIAL Reas. Prices-Free Est. IBDR.I515 and hot water Included. AUTOMOTIVE 10 BILTRITE FENCE :ourteous Service. \ Insured • 484-4990 • Professional couple prefer- OFFICE SPACE given 688-2984. Small jobs. 635-6565or 8260010— ADDITIONS, Bob Costello, 24 hrs. 245- 141-9791 PM 00112 BUY OR SELL CALL 2BDR.I620 —*• We Buy Junk Cars 5060 x ' : red. No pets. Call Thursday V ALTERATIONS OS W, Westfleld Ave.' SIDNEY,KATTT Cable TV available. Full evening afer 9:30 PM Or CANGE AUTO TOP $$ PAID IMPROVE YOUR HOME dlnlno room, large kitchen KENILWORTH- Ideal for BODY SERVICE WITH GIL- We do repairs:' (•we --w+tt—ASS-I-ST— IN- PalnJlngj Raperhanglng, Friday and Saturday even- 24 hr.serv. 688-7420 FIREWOOTT —KflTCHENCABINEfs" mastering Inside •& out. that can accommodate Insurance or growing ser- • Insurance Estimates • build anything from DESIGN PROJECTS) Sold and (stalled . Old WHITE our own clothfit wtther & ings after 6 PM at 964-8866. vice business. Centrally- Wrecker Service. CALL WE PAY CASH- FOR shelves to home im- SHORTLTNETAOVIERT . .Free estimatesestim . 487-7172. dryer. Cable TV. INSURED cabinets and countertops 'acking 8, Storage, located. New" brick 687-3542 YOUR JUNK CAR OR provements. Large 8. small FIREWOOD resurfaced wl Inform lea. Realty Realtors 688-4200 DeautKully landscaped peciallsts In piano &' ap- WILUAM E. BAUER- Pro- garden aptt. Walk to all building, wall to wall 465LEHIGH AVE. TRUCK. 3751253. IRV iobs. 964-8364 or 964-3575. Split-Seasoned, ready to 272-8865 484-0777, INGTON. HIGHEST burn. HARDWOODS, llance, moving. 24 hour fesslonal. Palnting,-lnterlor UNION tchoolt & tralnt. IS mln. APARTMENTS WANTED carpeting, 400 square feet. UNION 4 Exterior, Paperhanglng, .RELYONAREALTOR exproM ride to Penn. 51a Very reasonable. Call PRICES PAIDI JOE DOMAN- 682-3824, GUARANTEED. Full ROOFING- • Leaders and orvlcev486-7247. Llc.450. . lion, N.Y.C, Excellent LINDEN ALTERATIONS/- Cord! Call 322-5331 or 636- Gutters • Aluminum Siding Home 8, Offices, Insured. For Buying Or Selling APARTMENT For White anytlrpe, 241-8562-or 9W- LIMOSINE SERVICE Let us paint the top VJ of (hopping close bv< EKperl 4037. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS REPAIRS. New or Enlarg- 0278; • All Type Carpentry • ODD JOBS . CENTURY 21 -ttaff onpremliet. working couple, apartment SERVICE 10 ed. CLOSETS/CABINETS. Dormers-Windows- y6ur home safely. You do RAYBELL8.ASSOC. raised Collie and nursery ihb bottom. '" OFFICE ' SPACE- 3 Complete Repairs Customized' TABLES/- orches • COMPLETE ATTENTION BRIDES!II- 688-6000 COLFAX MANOR girl. Willing to do MULTIPLY BERBERICK&SON UNION 944-4942 seperate office areas, on Tires* Batteries ST.ORAGE AREAS, FURNITURE REPAIRS WASONRY WORK * MAKE TOUR DAY UNION- 2 Family house, Collax Avc. W., maintenance. Leave occpled tenancy. Rent Automotive Accessories. YOUR SAVINGS FORMICA /-W 0 O D , Waterproofing. Foundation SPECIAL. Ride In total Expert MOVING & message. 354-6548, MULTICHEVROLET STORAGE at low cost. PIANOS & ORGANS brick, gas heat, fireplace, Al KOHCIIC Ave., VV. negotiable with desired Tune-Ups PANELLING/ lasements. No |ob too big comfort in beautiful'white centrally located, near area needed. Can be seen 1710 W. Elizabeth Ave. NEW USED LEASES DAM IANO—FURNITURE r-smallr OK-CONT-RAC- limousine, ^ Residential,* CQDjmerlcal^ Hoscllc Park PROFESSIONAL 2277 MORRIS AVE., & PIANO REFINISHING- schools, shopping and _ BUSINESS MAN 33- Wants" at 333-Hurst-St—tindon or WINDOWS/DOORS. ORS, 499-7449/Co(onla. 50% LESS ' transportatlonTXall forap- -Resident Mgr. -call-862-7727: UNION Expert reflnlShlng at then reg. price dressed in Distance. No iob to small. Ing, resToTTng. Used pianos, to share an apartmentTri" TOWN a COUNTRY • polnjment. $129,500. 688- Union. Call evenings, Lee RENT- in conveniently AUTO ACCESSORIES —10- CARPETS reasonable prices. • Hand ribbon. WHITE LIGHTING 561-2013. Lie.00210. bought, sold and rented. 8493. Principals only. 245-7963 Skipped-No.Dipping • Free CONTRACTORS LIMOUSINES, Days 245- Quality work, weekend and 354-3258. located modern office estimates,- pick-up and 5 years experience. Inex- 2050, Nights, 241-1305. HANDYTASN evening appointments. building .1605 Vauxhall BUY-WISE CARPET delivery «. Repairs and lensive. We perform most alntlng, paper-hanging', Richard Zlss6861237. Road Union. 6,000 square Auto Parts Blasemart Limousine :arpentryN & odd Ipbs, restoration of all furniture lomo . Improvement HOUSE FOR SALE ' HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE feet; available immediate- WHOLESALE REPAIRS and antiques • Pianos, >roiects-Paintlng, plumb- Service.'•:• lean-ubs. No |ob too small, ly. Short term or longer '64-8809. ~~ PRASAPTANO . To The Public Restretches, Steps, Relays, repaired, bought and sold. ng, electrical, also odd • Airports. Hotels. Motels SERVICE term lease available. Will Cleaning. NEW CARPET residential subdivide all services.-Mr. 786-5449, Day or Eves, 7 obs such as ceiling fans, ODD JOBS • Piano & Musical In- ASKABOUTOUR _, Open 7 Days SALES INSURANCE Days. rac lighting, Insulation Executive Serlve. N,Y.C. strument Technician • Pro- EOUITYdDlMNCE (Sf Baker 201-740-1200.. Sun. 8 am to 12 pm CLAIMS. LOW PRICES. roiects, hot- water Trips Electrical work.. Ceiling ASK ABOUT OUR PROQPiAM —*"-•• '/. V fans hung. A/C.llnes, plum- fessional Tuning & Repairs Wed. 8, Sal. FREE ESTIMATES. PER-. leaters, furnaces'. Free Group rates to • P-lanos &.. Instruments FIEALESTATE OFFICE TO LET 8 7:30 to5:45 p.m. SONAL SERVICE. THE :stlmate. Call 688-5885. Travel Agn. Jlng, painting. Etc. Call ^.SCHOOL _ ichert CARPET DOCTOR. 388- 164-6045 or tf87-5529. \ • bought 84 Sold. , •ptopit p/ «««:J«mii IfiM rail oilato. Ifin \I\IM Wtlchcnr Weekdays 7:30 GARAGE DOORS (201)673-6689 Peter C:Prasa am to 7 prri 2354 evenings. 1 SPRINGFIELD- Office This weekend NCOME TAX RETURN Rubbish Removed . 9231983 2700 square 'feet, Private GARAGE DOORS - In- 688-5848 FLOOR COVERING AND CC LIMOUSINE . I.I • furniture wood 8, floor. Choice location. Pro attend your CARPETS- Repaired and stalled, garage extensions, CPAONCALL metals taken away. Attics, fesslonal or business office. Vauxhall Section • repairs 8. service, electric Your reliable partner and ' 2091 Springfield- Installed. New and Used. No More Long Lines Ideal choice for business. basements 8, garages Also available 565 square house of operators 8, radio controls. And High Prices . leaned. Reasonable rates. feet. Call 763-3900. - Ave., Union Call Pat 862-5424. ST E V-EN:S^_QV_ERH£AD- and pleasure. To travel at worship Have—your—Fadsr-ai trasv. Fur ResBrvallons-aH—: DOOR,24l-0749. tate Returns In the conve- CARPET CLEANING Estimates Call: • ' . ' * lence of your own home at 201-424-5200 O NEW OVERHEAD easonable rates. AINTING DOORS- AND PROFESSIONAL USE LIVINGSTON SCHOOL CARPET CLEANING- OPERATORS IN- Senior Citizen TH THE UNION • This \4 year youno Raised UF FREE Scotchgard with Discounts^ Ranch loaturon a malntonanco lr<;c ox STALLED. Residential FEMININE TOUCH- USTOM PAINTING- Phone torlor w/central air. Six rooms on the UNION Young Ciipo...convenWnMy NEW every Carpet cleaning. Call repairs. Call after 6, 467- Call Leonard LADY G' LIMOUSINE ESIDENTIAL ONLY, in- main lovel for oasv living fl« Iwo rooms located near shopping, transportation S< Day or Night. 763-5091. LlottaCPA terior and Exterior. FREE on Iho lower lovol (or the Doclor, Ac schools lor lots through teens. Enloy JERSEY 5414, ask for Tony. . SERVICE. Equipped With •687^8383 comfortable living for your family in this CAR WORLD •countant -etc. or the largo • family. Homes 8, Offices. Masna early for Color TV, Stereo-Bar. • ESTIMATES. 487-2480. . . Gasbollora 3 bedroom, Vi bath aluminum sided Spacious it well kopl. aro iho words to Cart A Trucks Dought Maintenance. ''Gold Seal" appointments AIRPORTS • PIERS • Hot wolor hooters doscribo this homo. homew/family room. Carpet Cleaning. Free 964-1738 BUSINESS TRIPS • ALL DAILY SPECIALS- $89,900 U-0330. A Sold DamesficForoifjn -•sti mates! HEATING SPECIAL OCCASIONS. family house Interior or $129,900 U-0340 Performance ECONOMY TAX 944*3107 Union, N.J. (24xterior, $375; 4 family, ERVICE- • 16>VEARS 575 and up. Also trim win- CEILINGS GBOJAEKELINC. Hours). Gladys CGigi) Dan- EXPERIENCE,* Prepared cy, Owner-Chauffeurette. lows and doors, scaffold Affiliates: n the convenience of your /ork, carbentry, very The Latest Look R;W. GUEMPEL lome. FROM S10.00. Call e/asonable. Roomsj In Acousutical FALTERMEIER FUEL OIL ANDREW MANNO: 687- lallWays, $35 and up. Free Appearance so4o FOR APPOINT- MAINTENANCE istimates, fully' Insured. TRUCKS CARS Sprayed textures ceilings. APOLLO FUEL OIL co. •' MENT. „. . 174-5434-741-5511.. . Choice of medium or J21W. St. George Ave., Linden 1108 W. St. George Aye., Linden D & S MAINTENANCE IF WHERE YOU coarse aggregate textures, . 515LEHIGH NSULATION INC.:- 110 East Blanke St. NTERIOR & ixTERIOR JET AGE EFFICIENCY glitter' affect available. AVENUE, UNIQW Linden, N.J. 07036, 925- 'alnting. Leaders ,8«. Gut- LIVE IS IMPORTANT 925-7020 99E5-O6OO Dries to a crisp, handsome N.J. 07083 ^ ers. Free estimates. In- L&S PLUMBING UNION - DlockS Irom Wothlngton'School SPRINGFIELD Quiet,, park'like set iAVE S- Insulate. .-Now 8473. . ' and convenlont fthopplna contor. Lovolv ting for this coiy 1 BR Condo. Property . finish. No painting, _. Tel. (201)4870900 ured. Stephen' Dpo. 233 8, HEATING colonial fotiturlno n Excess • Heating Cosi. R a H JANTTORIAL carpellno included. Low maintenance. Auto, P/S. P/O, A/C JO.iOd '4,495 P/5. P/B, 4M/FM, LOJdod. SO.000 "»,33 J flaws and cracks Fn plaster IK KEROSENE SI .40 MAINTENANCE CO.- small inbs, water he'atrs, ohon- &V' 3 brlohl, cross-vontllAted Pool and tennis facilities on premises. ceilings at very low prices. FUEL OIL --CALL FOR :all for Free Estimate. NTER~IOR a ixTE*RIOR bathrooms, repairs, etc. bedrooms lor cool summor living. Ap One parking space Available at $10. per HEAT: CONTROL, EST. Quality Work. Reasonable peallno to Iho pockclbook as'woll as the Commercial/residential. PRICE Rates. Offlce'Bulldlngs- aintlng, leaders a. gut-376-8742. (Lie. NO.354) . mo. 1978 Chevy 4x4 C-20 197.8 Cadillac Coupe-Split Seats Fully Insured. Free 1951.753-7911,272-7272. ers. Free estimates. In- U-0240 S.tores-Etc; Free NEED A PLUMBER? $88,500 . U-0283 $69,900 P/S, P/B, Alp/PmU.SOO AC, C/C, Whooli. Loaded 41,100 ^ 6,395 estimate. — TEstimates. Call 487-3075 PO ured. 686-7983 or 753-7939. Call GERARD, no.|ob too '4,995 Call: 382-7894 INSURANCE Glannfnl. ' • ' HOME IMPROVEMENTS BoxjSiOLUnjon NJiHOSL small. - Visa 8c Master CAREER OPPORTUNITY OHN~SCOTT-—C U^TOWT Charge." 232-3287, License It you'ro presently in fjool Eslato or con Union Office 1979 Chevy 21-28 TDool CLEAN UP SERVICE Got Insurance • 1982 Datsun K-Cab 4X4 > Oftc BOB ft JEFF :OVE RINGS,. Interior/- No. 4866. / sldorinu a cflroor chanoc you nrc cor 4 ipd, A/C, P/S. P/B, P/W Problems?. xterlor Painting, fjlnllv Invllod to attonct Iho Wolchorr Co., 201-687-4800 P/S, P/D, Airl/FmlS.UO 0,O"D STAWSKI MASONRY 6 Rooiiort "Caroef In Real E«t*lo Nlohti" S3,SCO '5,495 Let Us Help aperhanglng, Line Strip- ROOFING ft SIDING . CLEAN-UP Custom home alternation, You Solve Thorn 6 Rubblsh_Qf_any kind and Interior and exterior. Com- ALL MASONRY- Step's, ng .and parking lot Discuss First Hand ALLTYPES.OF ipeclallst. Fully Insured, *-How you can act started In Rpal 1975 ChevyC-20 4x4 4 1980 Camaro-TRoof quantity removed. Attics, plete carpentry service. INSURANCE sidewalks; waterproofing. GAG ROOFING CO. Estato Salos cellars, garages cleaned. Self employed. Insured.-Wo SOSELLE PARK. Line A ' «Why youcanbQmorosucco&Mul with 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hulo.ic.rs.'r.BM.loo U. lull. P/S. «i""" U.IO0 - . 241-0045 ——- veofTRUCK Shingles', Hot roofs, Constructlon'clean up. rUCKr also do community grants Str1plng-Bnd-parlclrig~tof ' Woichort Roaltors S2,995 S AUTO, LIFE, A. ZAPPULLO 8. SON, 487- Specialist. 241-7405. repairs, / gutters, leaders, • Whore the opportunities are 5,595 635-8815 — ,• "GENESIS- also painting. Licensed, In- > What It takos to bo auccossful MICHAELJ. CARPENTRY & PAIN- - HOMEOWNERS 6476,372-4079. • Soatsarollmitodl To make 8.ALLCOMM'LLINES 7JAMNFkTFlRiiIsTT sured.Free Estimates. 373» 1981 Datsun K-Cab. 1977 Ford Granada 3RENPEVILLE 9S7B,' reservations call Patrick TING, INTERIOR 8. EX- INCOME TAX SERVICE ' MASONRY Painting-Decorating . ' KoilVi Manao^' Weichert Cip VSwtd. IC. Ira'fm. 44,100 Duckll S»ti lull. U. P/S. P/B SO.000 u 201 4B7-40OO. TERIOR. ComptatComplete homp INSURANCE AGENCY Steps, . sidewalks. all 8. Paperhanglnglnt.Ext. N I E D s TANGOFEDOft Realtors 1,99,5 C & C CLEANING SER- general repaisalr servicservicese . •masonry, a veal's .-ex- UWON487428e^ O WcrKW*CortC r i VICE. General House DIAL perlence. Quality work, ptete home alterations, Date: Thursday, lanuary 26th BASEMENTS •ATTiCS 862-7499,842-3545 Reasonable prices. ° SCHRElHOFER- Pain Halroiolltait cleaning. Offices & Stores. 'REMODELING Custom painting and Place: Welchtil Co., Realloii -PlftorwaxlnftraxlnoTpe? t ^.MlcbaetAaanoo FULLY INSURED, .3791. a interior, extqrior. Free_ fm^anglngv- ROOF INfi,_ 1108 St. George Ave. 'MlbtA" Walter P. aFedor" 1307 Stuyvtunt Ave. evens, windows <• nndomiitionl 530 S. WOOD AVE. 268, 487-3713, ' eves, Union, N.J. cleaning. • 7U-X94I -351-9211 . -M. DEUTSCH and RAINWEAR. Rich •>• Linden — 925-8600 LINDEN BST, 1M7 SPRINGFIELD eekends, . Margolin, 687-0105. •3 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED V - LATEMODELS - '73 CADILLAC SEDAN '80 8. '81 models at. t- DEVILLE-; Runs well, -wholesale prices. Call fir 3 needs body work: I parted. details. • • _S Best otter. <;all between 4 CUSTOM LEASE-487-7400 ~> and 8,743-9127. '73 MONTE CARLO- 350 >• '75 DODGE DART- power high performance engine, t- steering, air conditionino. much chrome, tan with tan Table Saw -10",% horsepower § New brakes, front shocks Interior. Really clean carl O and complete exhaust Call488A12B. . motor with extra blades. u SyStem S450. Call 686-3488. '83 PON.TIAC J 2000- 4 Door, 4 cylinder, many ex- Good condition".' ."~" 0 -80 PLYMOUTH tras.' Excellent condition, 1 HORIZON- . Hatchback, mileage 13,455.-16,500. Call 3 dark blue, 4 speed, very after 8 PM..743-2942. 5 clean in and out. 47,000 •n PORSCHE- 914,5 speed, j, miles, one owner. $2,800. 00 3 Call 763-3162. • 47,000 miles, removable top, custom sheepskin in- •5 for first 20 words terior, Al shape. Must sell. '80 FIAT- Spider Convert! Asking.$4,280. Call 488-7684. •1" each added 10 words. ble, mint condition. Very USE A PREPAID low mileage. Fiberglass •73 FORD VAN- 6 Cylinder, Enclose check hardtop, ' automatic automatic transmission, or money order. , . transmission", must sell. runs well best offer over CLASSIFIED AD Call 688-8056. $700. Call 375-4221.



Write your ad in the spaces below and mail to SUBURBAN PUBLISHING CORP. CLASSIFED Mcaicemajce, P.O. Box 3104, Union, NJ. 07083 ; i iilK <*

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686-7700 Suburban Publishing Co. lr..il>

IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIlllllUUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIUIItllllllllllllllll • v. handy reference \:. nd^e^ bu5lnesses and services an expert close as your tele as close as yqur'ih imiuuimimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii

;, "GENESIS" LONdO& A&J HOME CPAONCALL^ o ACCOUNTANT BARAN smnm CARPENTRY & No More Long Lines - DOLLY IMPROVEMENTS •v.. A/C*nd ' PAIN TIWG" And High Prices • u Over fourteen years ex- CERTIFIED PUBLIC MADISON perience to do business "REFRIGERATORS SALES & SERVICE— VOLVO • MASONRY , Have your Federal and • 16YEARS o ACCOUNTANTS INTERIOR 8. accounting work; Com- Domestic 8. Commer ,«10MPT4CUHrtDUS •LIGHT CARPENTRY State Returns in the con- - - EXPERIENCE • KITCHENS puterized general Small business accoun ^SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS EXTERIOR venience of your own. cla't Air conditioners •Insurance Estimates. : ..; • REPAIRS • SALES .'.,'''"/.EXCLUSIVE •HANDY MAN WORK 'Prepared in the conve- Buy Direct 2 ledger, Inventory, • ac- ting and tax services. and refrigerators. •' home at reasonable nience ot your home. count anaiysls-quaeteKly • INSTALLATIONS • Wrecker Service VOLVO DEALER Complete home general rates. • From Factory o General ledger, payroll EXPERT REPAIRS . •WASHING MACHINES • DRYERS FROMS10.00 tax returns, financial CACL >Ji MORRIS AVE SUMMIT repair services. No Job Too Small Senior Citizen • statements, etc. reports and Income FAST SERVICE . •DISHWASHERS • ALL RANGES Discounts Call U •••REFRIGERATORS • FREEZERS CALL; PAT FREE ESTIMATES O. • REASONABLE RATES taxes prepared at REASONABLE ' . •-•*IRj:01IDttJ0NERS BASEMENTS *AniCS Call Leonard . 273-4*00 / 862-5421 ANDREW MANNO: TANGOFEDOR "SSf u. CALLM.MAILLOUX reasonable rates. RATES OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 6873542 REMODELING LiQttaCPA Rte. 22 Springfield 687-8770 AUTHORIZED •'• For Estimates on earlyfor . 687-6060 .-., Dial686-3779 » 4G5LEHIGHAV. .. FACTORY SERVICE / FreeEslimale i Ash (or Michael Any Home Needs - appointments FOR APPOINTMENT .S)bs.»M00U[..imDt« (.(.no) 3796070 851-0152 . 1406AShi|fva>ant«va., Union ; LONG TERM LEASING 351-9212 • UNION 9M-1738 AUTO DEALERS AUTO DEALERS AUTO PARTS AUTO POLISHING AUTOS WANTED LANDSCAPING LIBRARY SERVICE LIMOUSINE SERVICE LIMOUSINE SERVICE MAINTENANCE MASONRY Sarvlce With The Feminine ALL MULTIPLY— T&T MARK ' CC LIMOUSINE R&H Touch • A/ASONRY- YOUR SAVINGS WE PAY ALTERATIONS LANDSCAPING LIBRARY JANITORIAL Your reliable part- Steps and •-.'.:•• •.-•• • Lawn' maintenance, SERVICES MAINTENANCE OLDSMOBILE n r LAOYG' CASH 1,-jwn ' chemical ser- ? and .IdeaL CO, ^Jd —Oldest-Srtiargest— HOME IMPROVEMENT .LIMOUSINE SERVICE. TceTSprlng^eieari" up, Ex p e r"i e n c e d • choice for business Equipped With Color TV waterproofing Exclusive pS hrub planting & care. Professional. Consul- Self employed. - CAR.OR TR.UCK~T" arid pleasure. To Ster«o-Bir Olds Dealer in tu>- Tttpa WINDOWS --.-• tant-Jor-.LLbrary-needs. Quality Work We also do NEW-USED- . 0PEN0PEN77 PAYSPAYS; FREE ESTIMATES travel at ease. • AIRPORTS • PIERS Union County Sufi lam to 3 p m riBllll UiU f6T 0 yilH CEILINGS^ DOORS ' Will orga'hize, expand, Reasonable Rates COSM wUk mite* wwuty revise. Business plus • BUSINESS TRIPS Community Grants - ELIZABETH LEASES Wfd I S*t 7 JOtO J 45 p m 375-1253 : ' PARTICIANS, 232-5302 or 654- For Reservations Offlce-Bulldlngs Wlfli d*y* 1 30* m to7pm TbfMdhk professional libraries. • ALL 8PECIAL OCCASlul 'Insured. . MOTORS; INC. 2277 MORRIS TOVINGTON • ROOFING .. ... k —and- Stores-Etc. Value Rated Used Cars ; 4162.: "*- - Union County area. 964-3107 Union, N.J. Free Estimates AVE . 1688-58481 HIGHEST PRICES No. Job. Too Big Or Available evenings & " Estimates Call: (2.4 Hours) A. ZAPPULLO & SON 582 Morris Ave. Pis&Eas 1 ; Call 687-3075 VIUI Hill Siclion Smallv Reasonable Sundays. 2d9 1950 after 5 Gladys (Qlgll Dancy PO Box 680 Union, N.J. • Elizabeth 354-1050 UNION, 686-2800 . PAID! PM. *l 2091 Sl»iri|fiilil«»t., Union' 687-3841 201-6245200 Owner-ChauHaurettd - 07083 687-6476,372-4079. CARPENTRY CARPENTRY CARPETS CARPET CLEANING CATERING CEILINGS MESSENGER SERVICE MOVING & blURAGE MOVING & STORAGE PRINTING PAINTING PAINTING

XARPET-REPAIRS- CARPET CLEWING tWESrLOO PAINTING BY JOEDOMAN —BELLIS-^ ~~^CKTERING ^COURIER ScotclKiorcl INWOUSTICAL TOTS MOVERS ANTHONY 686-3824 CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION,, WE DO ALL SERVICE 1M RESTRETCHES& TYPES OF PARTIES APPEARANCE : FOUMERIVOF PAINTING FREE -h,very YALEAVE. HILLSID€ PAINTING AND 3ENJAMIN All Type ol • . INDOOR-OUTDOOR Spuy«d leiluiid ctilinp. Choice Need Something RESIDENTIAL ONLY ALTERATIONS/ CLEANING PM 00177 MOORt PAINTS Carpentry Word pone V DIRTHDAYS'SHOWERS . o| midium «eoim luiefili tin-' REPAIRS 1 NEWCARPETSALES WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES Important done or • HOME IMPROVEMENT ADDITIONS •OORMERS Call Day or Night . GARDEN «. POOL PARTIES . IUIM. glitter IHKI inilibl;. DHH . Interior and DECKS INSURANCE CLAIMS - transported . that •REASONABLE INTERIOR Now or Enlarged W350? OCTOBERFBST &.CAR NIVALS lo * crisp. hartrJio'me finish. No - Exterior ROOFINGindSIDING LOW, PRICES STATE FAIRS & COUNTY PAIRS you just can't ac- MOVING & RATES EXTERIOR CLOSETS/CABINETS No Job Too S"mjll Frte Ettimttt FREE ESTIMATES ' piinlini hecRury. Con«jlj rninoi complish yourself. FREE f-ullv jniurtd- • ' Homosaoiliccs SPECIALIZING IN • FIRST DUALITY Cuilomliod TABLES/ . s Iliwuni) encks in plulei ctilinp . STORAGE All Work ESTIMATES STORAGE AREAS PERSONAL SERVICE CHARCOALED- ' Magna Maintenance jfury low vwti. Commjicul WORK FORMICA/WOOD Ask For Mike: THE CARPET DOCTOR • ROAST BEEF 8> Call MAC LOCAL ILOMC 687-06^5 Guaranteed "Gold Seal" Carpet Cleaning ROASTRORK iHid«nli>l. • Fully inlurtd'Fite' DISTANCE MOV1NO Fully Ins. Free Est. PANELLING/SHEETROCK _{INJON 388-2354 FdrlnfoCallSiQ WINDOWS/DOORS Mlinilti;' • ' " • 376-7289 375 Roseland Place CALLANYTIME: Insured 686-6990 687-2480 .688-4635 • • evenings -,- : • Free Esiimatesl - 3W-SS47-- ' •Call: 382-7894 ..- . Bonded Call 688-7768 964-1948 . mlVAUXHALL Rp .UNIUM CLEAN UP CLEAN UP SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE FENCES PODIATRY KNCtS FENCES PAPERHANGING PAVING PIANOS PLUMBING PLUMBING Have Truck > Will Travel «?»=». • ' ' MORRIS FENCE SALE PODIATRY Clean Ups - and light CLEANUP 1 CHAIN LINK WILLIAM E. PRASA PIANO '•^6 CLEANING J -hauling;—We—supply=^ —»-Robblsh-Removsl— , - • — "~~^jk^m~ SERVICE ?Sff OR. ELI KARP COMPAHY BAUER JOSEPH labor, truck time and • Attics, Cellars, lHifilrLln.lt.) - ~ WOOD FENCING _ FENCES PODIATRIST • Piano 8. Musical / Phone\ gas. You supply rubbish Garages Cleaned Green- vinyl chain link IRON • ALUMINUM PROFESSIONAL Instrument '• Me GADEY SPECIALIZING IN to be thrown out or SPECIALIZING IN; "• Construction Cleanup Installed. Gates arid ter- WORKS INC. / 687 8383 \ At Reasonable PAINTING . Technician (PLUMBING LIC. 5013) GENERAL PODIATRY items to be moved. •RESIDENTIAL Any kind and quantity o( minals sale price. Prices -i R«»ldenll«l Chain Link, • Interior Painting Auburbiim ' Electric Sewer- . Office Hours By Ap- , - •COMMERCIAL:. Aluminum Laltlcei. Induilrlal,'. • Professional Tuning ' Reisoruble Rita debris removed. _ 24 hour service Wood fence-Pr«Mure Treated / 1 Ilimliliio 4 \ Cleaning Service Posti; FoV Chearfgl.; Prea &. Repairs pointment •AND MEDICAL BILTRITE FENCE • Paperhanging •' CONSTRUCTION/RESIDENTIM., FenceCiaift Ettlmales Dial ' . - • Pianos8. Instruments DOD UARVIN I No Job Too Small OFFICE CLEANING iMMxitall CMinunW A vhakWorii DOF1NSTEIN RODDUno J Please call . M. M.J. PRENDEVILLE 635-6565 or 485-0700 •..: -• • Home & Offices 1 '65 Mountain Avenue Industries bought & sold. Oldft. Ill ' fltnu J. UiMiau I 354-8470 Frederick at 665-1493 or • Call 753-4424 • EASY TERMS '•.- 7 HrilniJ«.**N"j 1)7305""/ Springfield, N.J. 826'0010 PETER C. PRASA 753-10.T4— •• ••-- • . - For Additional Info. 635-8815 »7MT.PLB*SAMTAVE. • Insured FrwVlH.iiiliH^lill'ufur*) 851-0017 Union .V suu Lie.•\t STORE Quality Work • Hand Stripped-No Dip"- Guaranteed Workman- Complete Home Altera- KPOU0FUEIOILC0. " Jisi.KlllilH.WfiMKiMo.VNJ.gjiwi :tlons •Repairs, Custom, • NEW POOL SALES • Personalized Letters' . Lowest Possible & HARDWOODS ping klthchens & Bathrooms, • Dormers • Resumes • Reports ship. 34 years ex- tions Price SHINGLE ROOFING • Free estimates, pick- •Additions • SERVICES. ' GUARANTIED . Tel> (201) 687-090JQL Additions • Dormers * • Mailing Lists perience, formerly at Custom painting and • REPAIRS up arid delivery •Basements REPAIRS. • Small Business $68. per Square Full Cord! Attics-> Siding • Roofing' • Bathrooms STEINBACH'S. Dis- paporhanging • RE ROOFING m • Repairs and restora-. •POOL.OPENINGS Inventory Control • LEADERS also tlpn of all furniture and • Gutters. • Kitchens • Accounting and courit for Senior ROOFING antiques . • LIQUIDCHLORENE •GUTTERS ALUMINUM 1-K KEROSENE .. $1.40 CAU. FOR ESTIMATE Payroll •Citizens. FREE Shop- LEADERS, GUTTERS car. oMs our specialty" 322-5331 IS YRS. EXP. FULLY 1 SIDING • Pianos repaired, 4867924 We also do Computer In- aJHome Service. AND RAINWEAR Free Estimates bought and^o[d. CAUPETE: INS. 08 W. Webster stallation, Custom Soft- Call -fuiioli-«itro»Niici Call: WALTER CANTER at Rich Margolin Fully Injured ; Avenue, Roselle Park. ware and training. 6M-4446 674-69B6 Days.' R.Holnio Edt.lWl 9644974 245-8098 " ' • 232-3485. 757-6655 687-8105 HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT WANTED TO BUY HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT SINGLES TILE WORK TREE SERVICE VACUUM CLEANERS ' ALLHOME ALUNIMU -R&TPUGUESE NEED VACUUM TURNING AI P PAPER STOCK, INC. IMPROVEMENTS JAYBAR DeNicolo CLEANER SERVICE? CEILINGS SIDING & BUILDING CONTRACTORS NICO RECYCLING PLANT __ C>rrwnli» • Roolini • HOME POINT SINGLES TUECONTtAaOt a 14 SOUTH JOIh STREET ROOMING HOME IMPROVEMENTS" IIVAM.IIHIDIHI Cullm • Piinlini IMPROVEMENTS The ' Intelligent alter- KITCHINI-UTHHOOMI IRVINCrON.NEWJERS^YOMII Light Mjiignry • Addition! PUT CASH IN VOUR POCKETII BUVEROF SCRAP •SHEET ROCK Decks/' additions,' live for selective ••MIM-OMUYIN* Oiwtwiyi Sf Old • Kitchtn Rtmodilino TIL! flOWII NEWSPAPERS . HOOPER WO L«5 PLUS, •SUSPE1IDED «milifiwmi basements, \ OLAll-BCUJLEi : ,. II WP6IU100 L»l- Ro'Job IboSma PLASTER cnetis, attic . and^ •VUUUUS; ALUMINUMCAN .. .. Ill PER LB Painting and • Aluminum Stding Join now and get MAINTENANCE UUIUKUI HQtil J) COMPUtER PRINT OUTS AND TAB CARDr Call Anytipie •PATCHING • Ruling Whole house fans. tlEWTION • TOPPING • C0HPUTE electrical work. ADDITIONS WWHCUlinui«IMY ~ BATTERIES •CARDBOARD LEAD "OLD ALUMINUM • Darmtrt .p£ee JEst.l mates. Z?m|?4l0 d < »ll C»rMnlry Wdrli JrffiSmS WORLD DESIGN _ COPPER'BRASSCAST IRON ' ' |?0 Insured. FREE! .:" SERVICE '.'NURSERY STOCK UfOAR IPrlct SublKl.ToCtuiHHI WE WILL USISt IN H1ICN f»0Unsi4 Mike, 687-2599 •Her S P.M. 68/-4163 Call 354-7729 cm 686-5550 POSTS" • no. EsniuiEsi ruuv 964-7112 . 3M-8338 201-374-1750 272-8865 (201)467-9780 IUVWIU INSURED *4f»t)t Ma,ry Shaw-Director