i\ r- o JO x c- f iCBMIl C )C X t* 4 or tips on staying fit, see special section in this week s_Focu•C 7 "C O **• 3! •** X I* t-i CT 1 It- -t -J \r, ..-+•-.. a - n Ui r^ " Your'Community Leader •'' yOli. SSNO. 17 ' , -, SPRINGflELD, N.J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1984; oSe^ 30 cents (Continued from page 9). 7, PAINTING ROOFING & SIDING WARTMENTS FOR RENT ,8 OFFICE TOlET SPRINGFIELD- Office receives 7G in special equpment JOHN SCOTT- CUSTOM MIKECIASULLI IRVINGYON- 4 room- COVERINGS. Interior/- • ROOFING apartment well- maintain- 2700 square feof. Private floor-.Cholce lo'catio.n,_Pro; puters forthi' Neurologically Impaired Ai.ihe rti'oting, Dr. Kratfcis Kenny, inventory." This initiate!, them into interests lie. The "Job - Placement instructed their its legal option was to EVf error Painting, Highest Quality Work •od.-' -Close— to—-all- ±. ByVK.KIVKKKI.AN!) hold an auction and sell all the shoes to Paperhanglng, Line Strip Lowest Possible Price transportation.-$320 month lessional or business office. .' PHe Unipri Pqunty ftcgionpl Board of Program at Jonathan biiyton Kegionnl director of pupil Dorsomief services. thinking :'ibout a cureer. Services" instruct students on job- Also available 565 square one vendor. Ing and parking lot • REPAIRS'RE plus"Ti month security,' 'Ec .iicatlon: accepted-two-sizable-c'ori IliBh-Schooi^Tho-donorK-reqXiPsted-tn- -diKc'uliwd-lhc'-distriei-Sreilrt'i'r-eoun- - The-following-year-, the sludonts interview techniques, how lo get specialist. Fully Insured. References. Call 374-8534'or feet. Call 763-3900,'..'.• , '80. FIAT-'Splddr Converti- ROOFING '71 AMC AMBASSADOR- tri butiofis Tuesday night at its regular remain anonymous. selling "'program for th(). Ktudenls. ciimplotc a- 14-pagc workbook on working papers, und how lo fill out-job Stephen Marcinak, chairperson of the ROSELL'E PARK. Line LEADERS'GUTTERS 783-6593. Air condition, power steer- ble, mint condition. VeBv The second contribution *«s made by. "Cureer counselling isVan ongoing "cureer investigation." The workbook applications. policy committee, reported the com- Striping and Parking Lot Tear offs bur specialty ing and brakes, automatic low mileage. Fiberglass «rt<fetlng-'at Arhtur L. Johnson Regional IR'VFNG'TON- S Large, WANTEDJTO RENT CassalTPUbllcirtloiigrSprinBfialdrwho activity fronrgrades ana: We stress the is divided-in-thrcv sections: developing Kenny referred lo follow-up surveys. mittee is considering a more specialist. 2417405 .. • —Ereo-Esti mates. transmission, only 51,000 -h ard+tinprr-r->;a trt o rn a 11 c Hi sh'^chiosh^chiol to ."purchas.purchase designatedesigna d rooms. Available February transmission,' must sell. donated an Addrcssograph machine, a fact that in Ihe majority ;of guidance nwurenoss of self, awureness of cureer of graduutes from the regional districts "liberalized" approach for tuition of J.JAMN1K-FREEEST. — Fully Insured. • 15. Heat supplied. Call miles.) Best offer. Call 680 equip'meriti'rit . TThh e acceptancta e ' _wawass 654-4446 i WANTED TQ RENT- Call 688-8056. ' - Graphotype- machine.- and sdveral- counselling sessions, s'flmc time of opportunities, und, realistic up- for -evaluation of their career coun- students—who—want to—attend -the ,—Painting pocor-ating-^ after-Spm-399-1804:———— -5933,—J—-——-^ ~ aurhoriV"! nnn • thp pnnriition tKflt ththe [ COMPUTER.COUPLE cnbinets of plates- lo tne aisiritrs . career counselling enters nvT Kenny plicattons: 3 selllng~tralnlng. According "to ~his~ -regional- schools—but-haven't- moved - 8. Paperhang'inglnt.Ext. U N I F I E D .'. .LATE MODELS pijrchaseh s become'thbteh propert ty of tthhe 1 IRVINGTON- 2 Room LOOKING FOR 2-3 •73 CADILLAC SEDAN Trainable Mentally Hclarded Program said. ' '• Kenny said that although all students slatistics, 63-B7 per cenl of the students intothearea yet. ^ UNION 687-6288: CONSTRUCTION- Com BEDROOM HOUSE BY '80 Si '81 models at rcijionaldlstrict.— : plete home ajterations. apartment, heat and hot "DEVILLE-. Runs well, wholesale prfcos. *Call for at the Arthur L. Johnson Regiottal High According to Kenny, the first step in do not reach a career decision in high reported their career guidance ex- John Conlin, chairperson of the KMG MARCH 1ST. PREFER needs body work. Loaded; The parents of a regional high school Custom oainting and water supplied. Rent S290. details. •••••' • School. The equipment has ivn career guidance takes place in the ninth school,-Ihe guidance training they periences were "satisfying." education committee, announced the PAINTING-, plus 1'. months security. UNION/HILLSIDE/ Best offer. Call between 6 student donated almost $5.000-for the papor-hanging. ROOFING, ROSELLE PARK AREAS. , CUSTOM LEASE.487-7400 purchase of two Apple 11 microwm- estimated value of $2,000. d when Hlndenls take an ' interest receive leaches them the. decision Harold Donaldson, board member, committee would meet Monday to AND HOME- IM LEADERS. GUTTERS, Available February 1st. trtid 8,7439127. PROVEMENTS • 399-3330.' ... DAYS, 212-947-0888, ASK '72 MONTE CARLO- 350 making process. stated he suw surveys Ihut implied a discuss a number of proposals. Those and RAINWEAR. Rich FOR NICK, EVENINGS REASONABLE RATES • Margolin, 687 8105,' '73 CHEVY IMEALA- Ex ..high, performance engine, A career speaker program is also an large amount of graduutes were not mentioned were: limiting mathematics FIRST QUALITY WORK IRVINGTON- 3'. LARGE ANDWEEKENDS.201 727-. celleht running condition, much chrome, tan with tan class sizes to 25, discussion of support ol 8496. aspect of career counselling. satisfied with Ihe. guidance training Fully Ins. Free Est. WE STOP LEAKS- Clark ROOMS. EXCELLENT new tire's, new parts. Best interior. Really clean car! : Professionals from various fields are they received. a New Providence Board of Education" CALL ANYTIME: Builders. Inc. Serving LOCATION: NEAR offer accepted. Call after 5 Call68B-4T2B. ." TRANSPORTATION AND invited lo the schools to speak to Dr. Donald Mcrachnik, superin- request to the New Jersey School 964 1948 Union County For Over 15 PM, 686 5322. Years. • New Rooting 8, SHOPS: 145 AUGUSTA BUSINESS OPPS. '80 PLYMOUTH students who are interested in their) ine tendent of schools, suggested .that the Boards Association to reduce the lime ' K. SCHREIHOFER- Pain Repairs • Gu-tters 8. STREET. CALL 374 3300. '76 DATSUN 380 Z- HORIZON- Hatchback, or work. Students nlSo huve art op- district research a new way of ob- allotted for gym and health classes, and • t no interior, exterior. Free Leaders. All Vyork Automatic, AM/FM stereo, dark-blue, 4-speed, very portunity to enlist; in a "Shadowing taining feedback on the career coun- discussion-on—how—to-utilize-further •stiivates, insured. 687 ROSELLE- 3 Room studio VIDEO BUSINESS IS clean in and put. 47,000 Guaranteed in Writinp apartment in private BOOMING- EARN $50,000 air conditioned, well majn —Program."TJ .selling_program._since_many_s indents communityresources.. • 268, 687 3713, eyes, Fully Insured, Fret miles, -ono^owrier. $2,800. g^pg .veekencts: nome. All utilities included, to $75,000 ^A YEAR tainedrBesf offer. 372 8753. Call 763-3162.' • usualllly offereff d by local Rotary Clubs do not reply seriously in surveys. The State Department of Tran- Estinates. • '— near public..transportation GUARANTEED. Invest '75 DODGE DART- power whose members offer to have a student The board received a legal decision sportation has plans to construe! a one NEWYEAR'S and shopping. S37.0. per now, have all the newest '83 SILVER CHEVROLET from its attorney, Franz Skok, as to foot drainage ditch at the rear of the SPECIAL 381-5145 month. 1 month security. games, have locations. One steering, air conditioning. CAMARO- Charcoal gray observe them on tlieir job site for a day. •nterior painting'. Also WILLIAMH.VEIT Call afterS PM. 245-1532. year service contract on New brakes, front shocks Interior, Sun roof, only Kenny mentioned the Boy Scouts how. to dispose of a supply of student Governor Livingston High School -.hoetrocking, waterprool Roofing Seamless Gul purchase of game. For in and complete exhaust 12,000 miles. $9,250. Call circulate career surveys to high school athletic shoes purchased in past yeafs. parking lot to prevent erosion VVork : '••» basements .and panel ters. Free Estimates. Own ROSELLE- Attractive 1 formation call: system $450. Call 686 34BH. Mike 731-9797 or783 2803. students to determine where career According to Merachnik, the board wps will begin in the spring. •Hi. Very neat and clean. L. work.- insured-Since -1932 bedroom Garden apart WEN D E L ' . S- rerdinandi & SONS, 964 3731153, . : . ment on quiet street, near AMUSEMENTS,' 201375- f '359. : park. Available February 8618. Ask lor Wendel. St. S350.' per month plus PAINTING BY First class HOUSE FOR SALE 7 utilities, call 635 7719 after tradesman. Home or com PM. Township committee meeting "ercial. Advice on your UNION SPRIN&FIELD- Garden Home painting problems. 30 WE PAY CASH- FOR apartment A rooms, with CANGEAUTp /ears experience in Ihe YOUR JUNK CAR OR BUY OR SELL CALL garage. S580-plus utilties. BODY SERVICE Wo Buy Junk Cars irad^. Phone Nick. 245 TRUCK. 375-1253. IRV,- to draw residents of Briar Kills Call 376 562). 4835,^Anytime. Insurance. Estimates • INGTON. HIGHEST __ TQP_$$_PAID... - Wrecker Service; CALL 24 hr; serv. 688-7420 PAINTING BY WANTED-IN ROSELLE PRICESPAIDI By VICKI VREELANI) things I have ever heard of. Our make more of a delay for emergency WHITE PARk-,Clean, quiet adult 687 3542 ANTHONY 465LEHIGH AVE. A group of Briar . Hills Circle response time is already slow, and that vehicles. We would have to go up Route Realty Realtors . 688-4200 and high school student would take out another three or four Benjamin Moore need small apartment in UNION residents determined to get Possum 22 West to Summit Road." . Paints UNION Pass-officially closed are expected to minutes." He suggested making the A spokesman for the fire department RELY ON A REALTOR home, or apartment house LINDEN INTERIOR near Roselle ' Park High RICHARD SHEINBLAH, DPS, PA. dominate Tuesday's townBhip com- street a One-Way.
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