at Dalton Piercy, Elwick and Hart

Produced for the Villagers by Hart and Elwick Churches Revd. Janet Burbury, The Vicarage, Hart, . TS27 3AP [email protected] Tel. 01429 262340 Mob 07958 131271

Dear friends, Is there anything about Christmas of which you are afraid? We all have Christmas delights to look forward to and the huge challenges that Christmas time concern ourselves with, whether it’s the big spend – or that lack of ‘Christmassy’ feel (whatever that means)! There are concerns about our family members and friends especially if they can’t be with us this time of year.

One of my concerns is that an increasing number of people are losing touch with the true meaning of Christmas and fewer people celebrate it as a way of showing gratitude for God’s gift to the world through the Christ child, displaying to us how heaven came to meet earth, with the purpose of taking humanity up to meet God. In other words folks are less willing or able to recall how God showed us the way to the truth and the fullness of life.

There’s a plethora of church initiatives we are planning for the next few months, where people on the edge of our churches can be reminded of the gospel mes- sage. One main project will be held between 2-5th March when we’ll have Bishop Christine from Newcastle and Bishop Mark of Berwick and their teams to visit Har- tlepool.

Hart and Elwick will support 3 main initiatives out of several events being present- ed by all our churches and going on at that time :- One is our photo exhibition where we can capture our favourite places in Hartle- pool that inspire us to think of peace, joy and heaven on earth. Anyone can enter a photo and we’ll get together on the evening of the 3rd March to enjoy each others pictures and listen to our bishop talk on the topics the photos are expressing. Another event we will be supporting is the theatre group ‘Saltmine’ who will act out parts of John’s gospel on the evening of the 4th March. I think lots of people inter- ested in the gospel will want to sit and enjoy, learn and maybe even challenge what this group shows us! The third event will be at St Hilda’s church when a re-enactment group will show us the life of Bede and Hilda. The bishop’s team will of course visit both St Peter’s and St Hild’s school children and staff. More details on this project will follow later. What a great opportunity these events will present those who are even vaguely interested in the Christian faith. I hope people will be enthused – encouraged and inspired to invite their friends and family to come along and join in the various events.

Another initiative is where we at Hart and Elwick are encouraged to produce a cul- ture within our churches that embraces servanthood towards our local communi- ties. What I wonder, will we be turning our attention towards? The church has been a great teacher to humanity through the ages where the gospel message of finding our way to the truth and the life has inspired, educated, offered spiritual ful- filment and inspiration to turn away from the dark ways of this world to the ways of God that bring light and joy into our lives – We should continue to do that …….How could you be part of this ? What about dropping in to Christmas services at a place in which to begin? Hope to see you there!

My most kind regards ~ Revd. Canon Janet 3 Regular Church Services

ST PETER’S, ELWICK HALL 1st Sunday in the month: 10 am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages. 6 pm ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer). A quiet service lasting half an hour.

All following Sundays: 9.30 am ~ Holy Communion. A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

1st Thursday in the month— 1st December 2.00 pm ~ Holy Communion in Elwick W.I. Hall. A quiet short service

ST MARY MAGDALENE, HART 1st Sunday in the month: 8 am ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer) A quiet service lasting half an hour. 11am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages.

All following Sundays: 11 am ~ Holy Communion ( Sunday school is during this service). A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

Also every 3rd Sunday: 4pm ~ Family Service. 3@4 A relaxed style of worship with a hint of fun!

Every Wednesday Evening at 6.00 pm A service of evening prayer

PLEASE NOTE SUNDAY 1ST JANUARY 2017 The following services 8.00am at Hart and 6.00pm at Elwick will NOT be held on New Years Day.

If you wish to book a baptism please contact Hilary Squires Tel: 01429 861605 [email protected]

Church Web Sites Deanery Web Site 5 HART VILLAGE HALL ACTIVITIES Tuesday…………….. PARENTS and TODDLERS: 9-30-11.00 am SEQUENCE DANCING: 1.30-3.30 pm DANCE FIT: 6.00-7.00pm Wednesday…………. TAI CHI: 9.30-11.00 am HISTORY CLASS: 10.00-11.30 am Thursday……………. PILATES: 6.30pm-7.30pm TAI-CHI: 7.45-8.45 pm Friday……………….. FRENCH CLASS: 10.00 am-12 noon TAI CHI 7.00—8.30 pm WHIST GROUP: from 7.00--8.30 pm Sunday……………….YOUTH GROUP: (2nd Sunday of Month) 5.00-6.30pm COSMIC DANCE CLASS: 7.00– 9.00pm

Bookings : contact Frances Brown on 0429 273 475 Events:


WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: 1st Monday of the month from 7-9.30 pm PAINTING CLASS: Tuesdays from 9.30 am-12.30 pm COMPUTER CLUB: Tuesdays from 2.00pm—4.00pm YOUNG FARMERS CLUB: Tuesdays fortnightly at 7.30 pm CRAFT MORNING: Wednesdays from 10 am-noon WHIST: Wednesdays at 7 pm. New members welcome

Bookings: contact Sylvia Jobson 01429 275340 Mobile 07503 332 927 Email [email protected]

ST PETER’S CHURCH A Service of Holy Communion will be held on Thursday 1st December at 2.00 pm in Elwick W.I. Hall.


Seaton Decorators Commercial and Private Free Estimates Reliable, clean job All Exterior & Interior

Ken Kidson Tel: 07887 518459 4 Special Services for Christmas are as follows:

Services for December and New Year 2016 - 2017 St Mary Magdalene, Hart 4th December, 11am ~ Christingle Service 15th December 6.30pm ~ Nine Lessons and Carols – a traditional service cele- brating Christmas. 18th December 4pm ~ ‘3@4’ Family Service. We’ll make a Nativity Scene. Children are welcome to come dressed in readiness to join in. 20th December 6.30pm ~ Christmas Celebration with refreshments – Feel welcome to wear your Christmas jumper for this light hearted celebration! 24th December 11.00pm ~ Midnight Mass is at St Peter’s Elwick. 25th December 11am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion 1st January 2017 11am ~ Family Service St Peter’s, Elwick 4th December 10am ~ Christingle Service. 24th December 6pm ~ Carols round the Tree on the village green. 24th December 11pm ~ Midnight Mass.

25th December 9.30am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. 1st January 2017 10am ~ Family Service

Dalton Piercy 24th December 4pm ~ Carols round the Tree on the green.

Please note the 8.00am service at Hart and 6.00pm service at Elwick on Sunday 1st January 2017 have been cancelled.

Fetching Feet Chiropody– For the treatment of corns, callus, verruca, ingrowing toenails, sports injuries and foot problems Sophie Louise Odgers BSc (Hons) Podiatry M.Ch.S Tel: (01429) 232 526 Mobile: 07828 540793 Email: [email protected] Registered with Health and Care Professions Council Evening & Saturday Morning Appointments and Home Visits Available 6 We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up

The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I ac- cidentally got gin in the steam iron.

“Thanks very much for the beautiful jumper,” said Charles, kissing his grandmother du- tifully on the cheek. “Oh, there’s nothing to thank me for,” she murmured. “That’s what I thought, but Mum said I had to.”


Tuesday 27th December, 2-4pm in the WI Hall

I/we would love to come:

Name/s……………………………………………………………. Age/s…………………………

……………………………………………………………. ………………………..

…...... …......

Please return this slip by Friday 16th December to: Louise Parks, 42 The Green: Hilary Thompson, Holmlea The Green: or Sylvie Howe, 6 Greenlea

------7 Some News from


200 Club Draw for November

£30 No 7 Jack Smurthwaite £25 No 114 Peter Smith £15 No 121 Stan Laws £10 No 81 Sarah Hanwell £10 No 132 Ken Bellerby

Why not join our “200” Club and have a chance to win one of our monthly prizes for just £12 per year. Money received through this draw helps towards the upkeep of St Peter’s Church.

If you would like to take part please contact Penny Heslop on 274650 to receive your number.


Pat Horsley will be collecting the blue boxes for emptying in the New Year.


For Grass Cutting


CRAIG MULLOOLY of Elwick Village on

07795 522243


114 The Innovation Centre, Queen’s Meadow Business Park Hartlepool

tel 01429 239550

Effective techniques for the relief of joint and muscle pains, back problems and sports injuries. 8

Elwick Parish Council – December Monday 2016

1. The Post Office – residents expressed concern that the village post office was now closed. This was causing great inconvenience to the village, particularly the elderly resi- dents. The PC had received a letter from the Post Office stating that the closure was temporary whilst alternatives were explored but no date was given for reopening. The Clerk was asked to write to the post office expressing concern.

2. Parking on the Green – it was noted that some residents were continuing to park on the Green which is illegal. The Clerk was asked to investigate all aspects of this matter before involving the police

3. Rural Transport – Rural Community Transport Scheme has now operated for a num- ber of weeks and has been used by some residents but it is hoped that take up will in- crease once the service is known about.

4. Rights of Way – the PC has investigated rights of way to the west of the village and established that none existed around the playing field.

5. Outstanding Matters – the Ward Councillor reported on a number of street lighting issues which had either been attended to or were in the pipeline. She also reported that the pavements in North Lane and the road down Church Bank are to be resurfaced this year.

6. The Computer Club – the PC is concerned at the low level of useage of the Comput- er Club which runs in the WI Hall every Tuesday afternoon and hoped that villagers would support this venture.

7. Elwick By-pass – Councillors were shown a map of the proposed new by-pass. Whilst it was noted that the final decision on the route had yet to be taken, they wel- comed the fact that the proposed route appeared to go well to the north of the village.

Next meeting Monday 28th November at Elwick School.

REDHILL WINDOWS & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE (Fensa Registered & all work guaranteed) Contact STEVE on 0778 687 6650 Email [email protected]

Windows and Doors (UPVC) Composite Doors Conservatory / Porches Affordable Prices


We are a personal domiciliary CARE AGENCY providing care for our clients in the comfort of their own homes where they can live independently with safety and dignity. Our services include: Assistance with personal care Food preparation, cooking, washing up Help with housework, laundry and ironing Support with shopping, appointments, outings

Services can be purchased via your personal budget, direct payment, personal health budget or privately. Very competitive rates. We recognise the importance of privacy, dignity, choice and fulfilment. To find out more telephone 01429 222225 or 07963 716101 Managed by nurses. Registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC). 9


Eight members met at the home of David and Margaret Self . They thoroughly enjoyed a pictorial journey around the Shetland Islands given by Norma Pagdin and Joan Brad- bury. We admired the beautiful views of the many islands and the close up shots of the equally colourful flora and fauna. Just how did Norma and Joan manage to get so close to photograph the wonderful sea birds!

Thank you ladies for a most enjoyable and informative afternoon.

Next meeting: Monday 12th December at 4 Hillcrest Grove—2.00pm.


Members met on 7th November which was our Annual Meeting and 86th Birthday. We were pleased to welcome Margaret Watson, who had come in her capacity as a County Advisor from the Federation of W.I’s. We dealt with the usual business of the meeting, which included final details for our Christmas Lunch at Hardwicke Hall Man- or Hotel in Heselden, before moving on to the Agenda for the Annual Meeting.

Mrs Val Hazlewood gave details of the financial statement and read the Secretary’s re- port on behalf of the committee. Once again this showed we had had a busy year and enjoyed a variety of events. Mrs Sylvia Jobson gave her President’s report thanking everyone for their support and hard work, which had ensured another successful year. Cath Stoves was thanked, on her retirement from the committee, for her help and sup- port over the years. The Rose Bowl was presented to Sylvia Stockdale the winner of the monthly competi- tions.

The committee members remain the same , Joan Carroll, Joyce Gibbin, Hazel Moy, Sylvia Stockdale, Joan Sturrock with Sylvia Jobson as President and Val Hazlewood as Treasurer.

Business over we all enjoyed a game of bingo followed by a quiz and wine with nib- bles.


Offering a wide range of foot care treatments for: Athlete’s Foot, Corns, Calluses/Hard Skin Removal, Fungal Infections, Toe Nail Cutting, Verrucae, Bunions, Cracked Heels, Ingrown Toe Nails. Diabetic Foot Treatment Specialist Home Visits on request

Call Kirsty on 01429 292002 or mobile 07936 00 93 13 to book your appointment (£5 OFF FIRST VISIT) 10




Broadband. Hartlepool MP Ian Wright has written on villagers behalf to the CEO of BT regarding our poor broadband speed. If the proposed development at Dalton Heights goes ahead an almost 50% increase in dwellings will com- promise our broadband speed even further.

Village Parking. Work on the welcome extra parking bays in front of Dene Garth and North View is almost complete. Residents are asked to please park responsibly and use their own garages and drives for parking, allowing those without access to house parking to use the bays. The village green is be- coming a churned up muddy eyesore by inconsiderate parking.

Speed control measures. Solar illuminated signs should be in place by the end of December at the an- cient gates at either end of the village. Our ward Councillor will ask HBC to consider whether long speed humps might also be appropriate to slow down through traffic. A Highways inspector is investi- gating whether the stone bridge is structurally sound enough to cope with HGV traffic. Appropriate weight signs may be necessary. The report should be ready for the December DPPC meeting. High- ways have again asked Elwick Grange HGV traffic to use the A179. Apparently their sat-navs direct them through the village.

Flooding/Sewage. There is some improvement to flooding issues after work done by HBC in the sum- mer. However with the first heavy rainfall of winter, flooding from surface run off from fields has re- turned. Particularly bad are stretches of road running down from Dalton Heights towards Abbots Lea and between the pink house and Mayfield house. Several months on the sewage odour issues have not been resolved. The pipes throughout the village are scheduled to be cleaned on the 20th Nov. A repre- sentative from Northumbrian Water will report to the Dec. meeting. NW is adamant that the capacity of the sewage pipes is quite able to support another 31 homes at Dalton Heights. Please come and have your say.

Mirror. HBC will not replace the damaged College Close mirror, declaring they are no longer ac- ceptable for blind exits. We have asked for an alternative suggestion to this serious safety hazard.

Rural Plan. The Regeneration Committee validated the Plan at its 16th Nov, meeting. Consultation begins in mid Feb. for 8 weeks. Next step is it goes to the Government Inspectorate and finally to the village referendum before it becomes legally ‘made’.

Thanks. The DPPC wishes to thank Matthew Jones for his hard work in the village as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. He has completed several verge tidies, litterpicking and cleaning signs in the village. Well done Matthew. Many thanks also to the recently arrived Barber family, Lor- raine, Colin and Josh who organized (with help from a couple of resident witches/warlocks), a very successful packed out Halloween ‘Spooktacular’ held in the super scary Haunted Mansion Hall. £608 was raised for the Macmillan Charity.

Full minutes on Notice Board and website: Next Meeting th Thursday December 8 7.30pm in the Village Hall


CATS AT HOME TEES VALLEY Professional Cat Sitting Service Cats at Home Tees Valley offers reliable care for your cat in their own home whilst you are away, whether it’s for a weekend break, a two week holiday or just a time when you can’t be there Call—07817 304410 email [email protected] Visit— Run by cat lovers, for cat lovers! 12




10.00am - 12noon

In the W.I. Hall



In aid of Church Funds

If you wish to donate a prize for the raffle please give to Val Hazlewood, Joyce Gibbin Sylvia Stockdale or Sylvia Jobson

We are a firm of whole of the market independent mortgage brokers in Hartlepool

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Freephone: 0808 22 23 24 5 Registered Address Office Phone: 01429 263354 113a York Road Hartlepool TS26 9DL 13 Some News from

HART and

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Members were welcomed to the home of Iris Bartholomew for our November meeting which opened with prayer.

Mary, Margaret and Shirley reported on their recent visit to the Hartlepool Mosque for a peace conference. One of the speakers was Bishop Mark who spoke about world peace and justice and showed his cross of nails made from nails saved from the bombing of Coventry Cathedral, a site which became a centre of reconciliation.

Shirley then taxed us with a quiz before Iris served tea and refreshments. Iris was thanked by Anne Mole and the meeting closed with the Grace.


Phone Tracy Johnston on 01429 860846 or Email : [email protected]

STATE REGISTERED CHIROPODIST - HOME VISITS -  Rachel Raine BSc(Hons)., M.Ch.S., S.R.Ch. Tel: 01429 273477 14 Christmas Fair. Thank you for all contributions to this event. It was a happy introduction to the Christmas season. As a result of this fund raising we have paid the final instalment to the Parish Share taking our contribution this year to £22703.

Unfortunately we were again a target for thieves who stole lead flashing from a section of the church roof. The roof has been repaired using different materials. We hope in the foreseeable future to have security cameras installed. {when we have the required planning permission}

Charity Update. Thank you for the beautifully decorated “shoe boxes” filled with a variety of gifts for Children.

We hope to again take a selection of gifts to The Mission for Sea Men in mid-December.

During December there will be a collection for the Children’s Society. This church charity gives support to families who need financial help and advice. They also offer care and practical support to the many children who leave their homes and go to live on the streets in large towns and cities.

News from the 3 @4 team. Our Christmas cake has been prepared by the children during the service, Andrew and Judith have successfully baked it and we look forward to eating the cake during the Nativity service on December18th. at 3 pm. Please bring any costumes you may have to transform the children into Shep- herds ,Angles Wise Men.

Date for your diary. Come in your festive Christmas jumper, sing carols by candle light and take part in a Christmas service with a difference, enjoy seasonal refreshments. Church will be decorated Friday 2ndof December, please come and help . We would like to thank the Hart Parish Council for their gift of the Christmas tree.

Remember. Mid Night Mass is in St Peters Elwick this year. No 8 AM. Holy Communion in Hart church Sunday January 1st. 2017 15

VICTORIA HOUSE FUNERAL SERVICES 26 Victoria Road, Hartlepool TS26 8DD Tel: 01429 234 777 E-mail: [email protected]

Apolena Wilson Dip FD, LMBIFD Carl Mean Dip FD, MBIE Andrew Gardner Dip FD, Andrew Evans MBIE

JOHN KING BRICKLAYER Professional &competitively priced brickwork & block paving no job too small Tel. 0791 9235569 for free estimate or contact Sybil or Mick 01429 864289 16

PAUL’S TRAVEL 16 seater Mini Bus available for all occasions 01429 236360 We also provide the Service 65 from We operate Monday, Thursday and Friday Elwick, Dalton Piercy, Hartfields, West Park, Ryehill Gardens, Tunstall Avenue, Grange Roadk Victoria Road, Marina Way, Maritime Avenue, Mainsforth Terrace, Burbank Street, Stockton Road Concession Bus Passes are Welcome Under 18’s in full time education free all year round. 17

Hart Village Hall in partnership with Rural Arts Hart Village Hall is delighted to be hosting a range of exciting shows over the coming months by working in partnership with Rural Arts.

Jack and the Beanstalk by Pocket Panto Wed 28th Dec 1.30pm and 4pm, £6 Join Jack and his hapless mother Dame Dotty as they venture up the beanstalk and back in this traditional pantomime. Meet Daisy, the moonwalking pantomime cow as well as the most fantastic Giant on the touring theatre circuit, all the way from Hollywood! Bringing fun, laughter and a happy ever after!

Pitschi the kitten by Theatre Fideri Federa, Sat 25th Feb at 2pm, £5 A lovely children’s play is based on Swiss author and illustrator Hans Fischer’s award winning picture book, Pitschi, a tale that has delighted generations of children – and cat lovers – all around the world. (Aimed at children age 2-7) “PURE MAGIC FOR CHILDREN” Fringe Review

Chip Shop Chips by Box of Tricks Theatre Company, Sat 13th May, £10 plus cost of fish and chip supper (pre-ordered) Transported back to a time of chippy teas and Northern Soul, Chip Shop Chips is an im- mersive love story set in a chippy. So put on your dancing shows, tuck into a fish sup- per and brace yourself for a unique theatrical experience. This is theatre but not as you know it; dinner and a show all rolled into one. Further information and tickets contact Emma 01429 280596,


Computer-Smart All Aspects of Computer & Technology Problems Undertaken Virus and Spyware /Adware Removal Desktop PC and Laptop Upgrade Broadband and Wifi Install /Setup/Connection Problems Photo or Data Backup Mobile Phone Setup or Issues resolved Android & internet TV also available

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Baptisms At St Mary Magdalene, Hart

23rd October Zachary James Woods 30th October Jake Oliver Gretton 13th November Jude Alan Cox Alfie Wilson 20th November Arabelle Madeleine Gravett Esme Rebecca Swinbourne We warmly welcome these new members into the family of the church.

Weddings At St Mary Magdalene, Hart.

29th October2016 Jonathan Martyn Townshend and Samantha Claire Lockley We wish them every blessing for their new life together.

Funerals At St Mary Magdalene, Hart. 5th November Christine Barr

At St Peter’s, Elwick 27th October Patricia Laws May they rest in peace.


Will contributors to Village Life please note that the deadline for articles is the 21st of the month to enable editing and printing to be completed in time for distribution on the last Sunday of the month.

Items should be sent to BOTH editors each month

Sylvia Jobson (275 340) Victoria Harrison (231987 mobile 07985 781364) [email protected] [email protected]


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CLINICAL AND THERAPEUTIC HYPNOSIS SERVICES For treatment regarding any of the following C HUTCHINSON MOTOR ENGINEER conditions, by a fully qualified Hypnotherapist Servicing and repairs NORTH ROAD GARAGE, Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation, Depression, Stress, Phobias and many more. 18 North Lane, Elwick Please call 01429 894036 or 0790 5271743 Tel: 01429 869 943

POSH TOPS LTD Let us put the Sparkle back into your granite worktops. Our skilled technicians can bring your existing worktops back to pristine condition with our refurbishing service. For a professional and free estimate tel: 07760 883 789 FEET FIRST—MOBILE FOOT HEALTH CLINIC Treatments include: Nails Trimmed, Thick nails reduced, Corns treated, Callus reduced, Cracked Peter. N. Olsen & Dry Heels treated, Verucca treatment, Fungal Chartered Accountant Nail infection, In growing toe nails, Diabetic Foot Tel: 07776 208 445 Care advice. With Stephanie & Annette e-mail [email protected] SAC Dip RFHP S227450 / S227158 Tele: 07787259442 / 07951702182 for an appointment