at , Elwick and Hart

Produced for the Villagers by Hart and Elwick Churches Revd. Janet Burbury, The Vicarage, Hart, . TS27 3AP [email protected] Tel. 01429 262340 Mob 07958 131271

Dear friends, There are many outdoor events being planned for this month – not least our Bishop’s Prayer Walk in Hartlepool on June 1st, 2nd and 4th when Bishop Paul aims to meet folks in their everyday places so we’ll be walking about 6 miles a day and calling into places of industry, shops, drop in centres and ice cream parlours!

Do come and join us for all or some of the walks as we certainly don’t want to be walking alone! Find the itinerary on a Facebook page Prayerwalkdurham

Much of my ministry at present involves carrying out a consultation ex- ercise with all the Hartlepool parishes across the town to begin new ways of discovering how best to offer the maximum opportunity to bless and minister to our local communities. We are being asked to sit tight on structures and focus on outcomes, we are asked to build up the church and increase a variety of ministries….Now if you are thinking there must be another aspect to this agenda as there doesn’t seem to be any- thing new – well I’m afraid there is…… Given that we find ourselves re- lying far too heavily on the Church Commissioners and in order to get churches out of financial difficulties which we have been doing for the previous 10 years, we now need to serve our 12 churches with tight- ened belts by reducing the number of stipends (money priests are given on which to live - a bit like wages) from 8.5 to 7 by 2020. Now you might be wondering how that can be done as we all are! Fewer priests clearly need to cover more ground and church members will be required to join in with help in any way they can. Please pray for a successful consultation and perhaps some exciting new ways of working through- out our churches. How about the following 3 ideas?

Elwick offers a new opportunity to enjoy a Fish n Chip social evening in Elwick Village Hall. Hart aims to offer a Hart Church Lunch in Hart Vil- lage hall and how about this…

If you would like to embark in a bit of community gardening please let me know as I can see the value of having a community garden in the grounds of Hart Church. Just imagine, time to meet folks, put the world to rights and see some wonderful flowers and veggies grow. Please let me know if you might be interested in joining a community garden. We have someone who is ready to get it going so no real hard work to do – just the fun bit of growing!

Here’s hoping for a great June! My kindest regards go to you ~ Revd. Canon Janet 3

Regular Church Services


1st Sunday in the month: 10am ~Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages 6pm ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer). A quiet service lasting half an hour.

All following Sundays: 9.30 am ~ Holy Communion. A traditional service with hymns and a short address.


1st Sunday in the month: 8am ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer) A quiet service lasting half an hour. 11am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages.

All following Sundays: 11am ~ Holy Communion (Sunday School is during this service) A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

Also every 3rd Sunday: 4pm ~ Family Service. 3@4pm. A relaxed style of worship with a hint of fun!

EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 6.00pm. A service of evening prayer.

If you wish to book a baptism please contact HILARY SQUIRE tel: 01429 861605 [email protected]




HART VILLAGE HALL ACTIVITIES Monday ……………..PILATES 9.30—11.30 am HART STATION W.I. 7-9pm ( 1st Monday each month) ODDFELLOWS 2 - 4pm (2nd Monday each month) 11.30 -2.30 (alternate Mondays) Tuesday…………….. PARENTS and TODDLERS: 9-30-11.00 am SEQUENCE DANCING: 1.30-3.30 pm DANCE FIT: 6.00-7.00pm TAI CHI : 7.30—8.30pm Wednesday…………. TAI CHI: 9.30—11.30 am HISTORY CLASS: 10.00-11.30 am CORE FITNESS 6.30– 7.30PM Thursday……………. BIBLE PRAYER MEETING: 1.00—3.00 (not connected to HPPC PILATES: 6.30pm-7.30pm Friday……………….. FRENCH CLASS: 10.00 am-12 noon TAI CHI 7.00—8.30 pm WHIST GROUP: from 7.00--8.30 pm Sunday……………….YOUTH GROUP: (2nd Sunday of Month) 5.00-6.30pm COSMIC DANCE CLASS: 7.00– 9.00pm

Bookings : contact Frances Brown on 01429 273 475 Events:

ELWICK WI HALL ACTIVITIES WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: 1st Monday of the month from 7-9.30 pm PAINTING CLASS: Tuesdays from 9.30 am-12.30 pm YOUNG FARMERS CLUB: Tuesdays fortnightly at 7.30 pm CRAFT MORNING: Wednesdays from 10 am-noon WHIST: Wednesdays at 7 pm. New members welcome Bookings: contact Sylvia Jobson 01429 275340 Mobile 07503 332 927 Email [email protected] St Peter’s Church Monthly Service in the W.I. Hall. It has been decided to discontinue the monthly Holy Com- munion Service which took place in the W.I. Hall on the first Thursday in the month.

Prime Dexter Beef Locally bred & outdoor reared in Hart. Hung for 21 days 10 kilo pack of mixed joints, steaks, braising beef and mince all cut and labelled £75 Contact John on 7890 201109 5 ELWICK PARISH COUNCIL REPORT MAY 2017 Future Meetings - the PC has been informed that the school has now implemented a new charging policy which would raise the cost of meetings significantly. The WI has agreed to allow the P.C to hire their Hall at a substantially reduced fee, conse- quently, future meetings of the Parish Council will be held in the WI Hall. Because of this, the date and venue of the Parish Meeting has had to be changed. Parking - the PC has been concerned with the number of cars parking on pavements causing an obstruction and blocking drives. This was discussed with the Police who had asked that the registration numbers of offending vehicles be recorded and reported so that action could be taken. Village fete - the date has now been agreed as Sunday 25th June and the Steering Group is planning a wide range of activi- ties. Should be a great day. This will be open to all Elwick resi- dents. Put the date in your diaries!!! Christmas Tree - The PC has deferred a decision on the future of the existing tree for a year to see how the smaller ‘son of Christmas tree’ develops. Flower Tubs – 28 large plastic ‘oak’ styled tubs have now been purchased and it is hoped to replace the majority of the old tubs around the village. Work to replace the tubs would start imme- diately. Sponsors are still required for some tubs. Martindale House – in the absence of any response from the property owner and the unkempt state of the garden on the vil- lage green, the PC has decided to remove the garden and in- voice the property owner accordingly. The Ward Councillor reported that all contractors working on the development in Valley Drive have been informed that they must not come through Elwick to access the A19. (Pity those from the Elwick Grove development don’t follow suit!!!)

Seaton Decorators Commercial and Private Free Estimates Reliable, clean job All Exterior & Interior

Ken Kidson Tel: 07887 518459


EPC REPORT contd. Wheelie Bins – councillors noted that a number of house- holders at the north east end of the green were still either put- ting bins out too early and/or leaving them out for several days after collection day, making the village look unsightly. Dog fouling – it was reported that some dog walkers were still leaving waste on the footpath in the Ghyll. Not only is this offensive, it is an offence. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 26th June in the WI Hall. ELWICK WOMENS INSTITUTE Members were welcomed to the meeting held on 8th May, the minutes were read and Val Hazlewood gave the financial report. Tickets for the Group Meeting at Court W.I. were given out and transport arranged for those mem- bers going to Wynyard Hall for the Federation Luncheon on 25th May; Mr Paul Laidlaw, the TV antiques expert, is the guest speaker at this event. The two resolutions for this year’s Annual Meeting in Liverpool, Alleviating Loneliness and the Problems Associated with Microplastics Polluting the Oceans were discussed and it was decided to vote in favour of the W.I. campaigning on these two issues.

We then enjoyed a “lite bite” supper while putting our brains to the test with quizzes, courtesy of Sylvia Stockdale and Joan Carroll. The competition for the prettiest cup and sau- cer was won by Kath Rutter, Joan Carroll was second and Edna Beal third. The raffle was won by Doreen Cooke. Next meeting: Monday 5th June at 7.00pm. The speakers are Kath and Harry Gilbert with another of their lovely slide shows, this time New Zealand. The competition is—The Funniest Tea Towel.

Fetching Feet Chiropody– For the treatment of corns, callus, verruca, ingrowing toenails, sports injuries and foot problems Sophie Louise Odgers BSc (Hons) Podiatry M.Ch.S Tel: (01429) 232 526 Mobile: 07828 540793 Email: [email protected] Registered with Health and Care Professions Council Evening & Saturday Morning Appointments and Home Visits Available 7 Some News from



On Thursday18th May we welcomed five members of the Cleveland Nortumbrian Pipers Association,. The W.I. hall was the venue and over forty friends and villagers enjoyed a thoroughly entertaining musical evening. Brian, the leader explained how the pipes were made and how they were players. It all looked very complicated and needed nimble finger work. The evening was brought to a close with the enthusiastic singing of Bobby Shaftoe and The Keel Row. Many thanks to the ladies who sold raffle tickets and served tea and refreshments at the interval. Their efforts were much appreciated.

Our next meeting: Monday June 12th at the Hard- wicke Hall manor Hotel, Blackhall for afternoon tea at 2.30pm


114 The Innovation Centre, Queen’s Meadow Business Park Hartlepool

tel 01429 239550

Effective techniques for the relief of joint and muscle pains, back problems and sports injuries. 8

Elwick Village Fête

2pm Sunday 25th June Lots of activities for all the family including:

Children’s games Children’s sports Dog Show Second-hand Book Stall GT Silver Band Tombola Baking Competition Tug of War Welly Throwing Strawberry Tea

Open to all who live in Elwick Parish

Look out for the flyer through your letterbox in the next week or two with plenty information about the day’s events……. ……..and on 24TH JUNE, the night before the Fete , be sure to join us for the “VILLAGE HOP” in Elwick WI Hall from 7—11pm dancing to the

“ROCKAHOLICS” Tickets are £7.50 which include Pie and Pea Supper and are available now . Contact Lousie on 269353 or Hilary on 272532 or any EVA committee member.



For Grass cutting or driveway and Patio Pressure Washing please contact CRAIG OF ELWICK VILLAGE on 07795 52 22 43 For a NO OBLIGATION quotation. 9 Children’s sports information For us to keep the children’s sports moving smoothly we would like you to come and register for the races you wish to take part in on the morning at Village Farm, 2 the Green El- wick. (Victoria Harrison’s) Please come up the drive to the back door. Please register between 11.30 and12.30 (If anyone is out on the morning please turn up at 1.45 on the green to add your name) The Races are as follows: Under 6 age - Under 11 age - Over 11 age Egg and Spoon Race Running Race Sack Race Beanbag Race

CHURCHWARDENS CONTACK DETAILS HART CHURCH Anne Johnson 01429 269699 Shirley Brown 01429 269418

ST PETERS CHURCH Victoria Harrison 07985781364 Colin Reid 07824482877 Please contact us if you have any questions etc.


£30 L.Ward £25 Miss L M Graham

£15 Mr T Lowry £10 Mr K. McFaydn

£10 Mrs J Etherington 10

Hartlepool Prayer Walk with Bishop of Durham Come and join us at any point in the walk! NB the timings are approximate! Thursday 1st June 8.30am St Oswald’s community garden for Morning Prayer Fr Graham confirmed (TS24 8EY) 9.00am Mosque (TS24 8EY) 9.30 Hartlepool FC ground (TS24 8BZ) 9.55 leave by Mill House exit (If there is time, walk up Raby Rd, Blake St, Rodney street then Murray St Lothian Rd) (TS24 8AR) 10.15 Civic Centre (TS24 8AY) 10.45 Meet Civic Centre staff 11.15 Middleton Grange Shopping Centre (TS24 7RZ) 11.55 FE College Bishop Paul to meet the Principal (TS24 7NT) 12.20pm Church Street to asylum drop in centre (TS24 7DX) 1.00pm CIL (Centre for Independent Living) at the end of Burbank Street, refresh- ments in the café, meet with clients and centre manager. (TS24 7LT) 1.45pm Burn Road industry.(TS25 1PL) MKM building supplies. (TS25 1RH) 2.15 Newburn Bridge (TS25 1NY), Walk along sea front (TS25 1NY) 3.00 Ice cream at Seaton Beach 3.25 Young’s Fish Shop, 32 The Sea Front (TS25 1BS) 3.45 Station Lane (TS25 1DS) - Seaton Lane (TS25 1JB) via Jutland Road Housing Estate (TS25 1LS) to 4.30 Rossmere Park – Prayers in Rossmere Park, Rossmere Way (TS25 5EF) From 6.30pm onwards - Belle Vue Club (TS25 1QU) with the “Seatones” a 40’s memo- rabilia band. Tickets are available £5.00 per person. Today’s walk is aprox 6 miles. Opportunities to pray with or walk with Bishop Paul 8.30am St Oswald’s Community Gardens (TS24 8EY) 11.15am Walk from Civic Centre (TS24 8AY) through Middleton Grange Shopping Cen- tre (TS24 7RZ) 2.15pm Meet Bishop Paul at Newburn Bridge (TS25 1NY) – walk along Sea Front 3.00pm Buy Bishop Paul an Ice cream at the van on the Sea Front at 3.45pm Walk with Bishop Paul from Seaton Carew (TS25 1BS) to Rossmere Park (TS25 5EF) 4.30pm Gather in Rossmere Park (TS25 5EF) for Closing Prayers for the Day.

THE FOOT LADY—KIRSTY BRUNT TCFCP Dip AFCP Offering a wide range of foot care treatments for: Athlete’s Foot, Corns, Calluses/Hard Skin Removal, Fungal Infections, Toe Nail Cutting, Verrucae, Bunions, Cracked Heels, Ingrown Toe Nails. Diabetic Foot Treatment Specialist Home Visits on request

Call Kirsty on 01429 292002 or mobile 07936 00 93 13 to book your 11

BISHOPS ITINERY CONTD Friday 2nd June 8.30am Hilda Church (TS24 0PW) – Walk to House of Prayer. 8.40 House of Prayer 9.15am Fish Quay (TS24 0JH) 10am Northgate Tea Shop (TS24 0JT) 11am Central Estate (TS24 0 ) 11.15am West View Estate 11.45 Hartlepool Hospice (TS24 9DA) 12.30 Hartfield’s for lunch (TS26 0US). Walk through Throston Grange (TS26 0TX) and local shops 1.45 Golden Lion, Dunston Road (TS26 0EN) 2.30 Hartlepool Cricket Club (TS26 0DA) 3pm Place in the Park, . (TS24 7LE) With Evening Prayer Opportunities to pray with or walk with Bishop Paul 8.30 St Hilda and walk to the House of Prayer for morning prayer at 8.40 10 am Headland Café and Bakery (TS24 0JT) 11.45 Hospice (TS24 9DA) 12.30 Lunch at Hartfields (TS26 0US) 1.45 Golden Lion, Dunston Road (TS26 0EN) 3.30 Place in Park (TS24 7LE) for evening prayer Sunday 4th June 9am - St Columba's (TS25 4NY) - Mass Depart from Columba's and walk down Oxford Road (TS25 5RJ), cutting through one of the streets to get to Cornwall Street (TS25 5RY), along Stockton Road (TS25 1JW), past Co-op funeral services, to Stranton (TS24 7QT), then to Bur- bank Street (TS24 7JW) for open air service. 11am - Open Air service at Burbank (TS24 7JW), lunch then walk to Marina. 2pm Trincomalee visit at Historic Quay (TS24 0XZ) 3pm RNLI visit and out to sea! (TS24 0RY) 6pm Confirmation service at St Hilda’s (TS24 0RY)




Planning Application for 31 bungalows at Dalton Heights: This application went to the May HBC Planning Committee Meeting and was ‘Approved’ by a 7:3 vote. The HBC Planning Officer who prepared the case recommended ‘Refusal’ to the Commit- tee on several grounds, but was overruled. We were allotted 4 minutes to put our case and were not allowed to contribute to the Committee questions/debate that followed. No appeal is al- lowed. After planning permission has been granted the only re- course is to challenge the decision through the courts via a Judi- cial Review. An Action Group has been formed to explore this option. Thank you to all the parishioners who took the time and effort to vociferously object to this development, (there was only one in favour). Flooding: The water company has been excavating gullies at the A19 ‘ancient gates’ end of the village in an attempt to im- prove the road flooding due to run off from the fields. Village Road: HBC have listed the complete resurfacing of the village road by 2020/21, but will consider it earlier if the condi- tion worsens. Red Gap Wind Farm: Dalton and Elwick Parishes will benefit from funding from the company who have installed the turbines on the other side of the A19 as they fall within the Elwick parish boundary and are visible from Dalton Piercy. The funding is over 25yrs and around £54,000 per year. An administrator (Grantscape) has been appointed and we can submit bids in a two step process, the first round beginning in August. Initially the villages will have priority but HBC have argued that pro- jects town wide should be allowed to bid.

N. M. B. PAINTING & DECORATING CERAMIC TILING Interior and Exterior, Paper Hanging Kitchens, Bathrooms, Conservatories Wall &Floor Coving Good Competitive Prices Free Estimates:- Call Neil on 01429 286 729 or mobile 07505 150357 13 Dalton Piercy PC Report contd.

Based on the ‘wish list’ from the questionnaire that was circu- lated to Dalton residents our bids will be for funding for: Village Hall (still a problem with HBC owning the land, so probably not possible to bid this round)/ Play area/ Pond/ Refurbish phone box including a defibrillator/ Extend footpath from centre of village to Sambuca/ Batts maintenance/ Maintaining tracks uniformly / Benches. If anyone has more suggestions (can’t be anything HBC has a statutory right to supply or maintain), please tell a Councillor or contact the Clerk. Email: [email protected] AGM – looking back over the year: The AGM took place at the May DPPC meeting. Cllr. Darab Rezai continues as Chair with Cllr. Alan Timothy as Vice Chair. We also warmly welcome a new co- opted member, Mike Patrick. Mike has lived in the village for many years and has previously served on the Parish Council. We’ve been busy over the year with the production of the Village Design State- ment and the meetings involved with the creation of the Rural Plan. The new car parking has been a big plus. The villagers have really come together to contribute to objections/petitions/the broadband voucher scheme/community work by Matthew Jones for his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and volunteering to plant up and main- tain the flower pots. Thank you all for your support. Fingers crossed for some successful Red Gap funding bids for the coming year.

Full minutes on Notice Board/website:

Next Meeting :Thursday June 15th 7.30pm in the Village Hall

We are a firm of whole of the market independent mortgage brokers in Hartlepool.

\Contact one of our friendly staff for a free Initial consultation

Freephone: 0808 22 23 24 5 Registered Address Office Phone: 01429 263354 Chadwick House 127 York Road Hartlepool TS26 9DL

14 Some News from

HART and

Middle Warren

NEWS FROM HART LADIES FELLOWSHIP. Ladies were welcomed to the home of Sheila McDonald, during tea and chat we enjoyed beautiful views of the garden and made plans for meetings during the summer months. Early in June we are meeting with members from Elwick for afternoon tea in the Hardwick Hall. We so enjoyed the combined meeting last year and were able to catch up with the latest news. HART 200 CLUB Thank you for old and new members for renewing your membership. Lat year, we used part of the 200 funds to pay for the hooped ladder in the tower. This year we envisage using part of the funds to provide a new storage cupboard. MAY RESULTS £50 N217 Mrs J £20 N120 Mrs C Foster £10 N148 Mr R Johnson £5 N 53 Mr J Gatenby


Phone Tracy Johnston on 01429 860846 or Email : [email protected]


Rachel Raine BSc(Hons)., M.Ch.S., S.R.Ch.  Tel: 01429 273477 15



The Annual Accounts have been through an Internal Au- dit and the Annual Return has now been submitted to the External Auditors for approval. This will be the last year that we shall have to have a formal External Audit, although we shall continue to have an independent exami- nation of our finances and publish them on the new website, along with our agendas, minutes and so forth, in accordance with Transparency require- ments. The Parish Council is currently researching alternative surfacing for the car park by the church as it is felt that road planings are too easily disturbed by vehicles and the weather. It is a something of a challenge as the car park lies on top of an historic manor house and we are not therefore allowed to install a permanent surface. As the Chare wall is also in need of repair, the Parish Council is consider- ing an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund at some point, once the ac- tual requirements have been ascertained, possibly if they are willing, in conjunction with the church. The Borough Council has been asked yet again to undertake maintenance and repairs to drains, roads and pavements around the parish, and to ensure that all areas of grass are properly cut, as well as to review our street light- ing to eliminate ‘black spots’ between lights. A growing problem of litter- ing and fly-tipping is not unique to Hart, but we have made a Freedom of Information request to ascertain the cost of cleaning up all the rubbish be- ing dumped against the income received from charging to use the refuse sites around the Borough. We await the results with interest!

Minna West Clerk to Hart Parish Council

VICTORIA HOUSE FUNERAL SERVICES 26 Victoria Road, Hartlepool TS26 8DD Tel: 01429 234 777 E-mail: [email protected]

Apolena Wilson Dip FD, LMBIFD Carl Mean Dip FD, MBIE Andrew Gardner Dip FD, Andrew Evans MBIE

JOHN KING BRICKLAYER Professional &competitively priced brickwork & block paving no job too small Tel. 0791 9235569 for free estimate or contact Sybil or Mick 01429 864289 17 Latest News From The 3@4 Team.

We had a wonderful time at the Rogation Service. Andrew told us the story of Jonny Appleseed, the American, who sold his house took his bible and travelled to many states.

He made lots of friends who enjoyed hearing the sto- ries from the Bible. He always planted apple seeds on his travels. Many of his orchards still produce fruit today.

Wer went into the churchyard to offer prayers, prayer’s for the local farming community, village and industry. We were fortunate the sun shone and there was little breeze so al the children were able to successfully blow their bubbles. It was a lovely fam- ily service.

The Next 3@4 is on Sunday June 18th.

During this service we will be celebrating Pentecost.

You will hear the story of the Tower of Babel.

As Pentecost is considered to be the birthday of the church we will have a birthday cake. I am sure there will be a gift for all Fathers on their special day.

PAUL’S TRAVEL 16 seater Mini Bus available for all occasions 01429 236360 We also provide the Service 65 from We operate Monday, Thursday and Friday Elwick, Dalton Piercy, Hartfields, West Park, Ryehill Gardens, Tunstall Avenue, Grange Roadk Victoria Road, Marina Way, Maritime Avenue, Mainsforth Terrace, Burbank Street, Stockton Road Concession Bus Passes are Welcome Under 18’s in full time education free all year round. 18


Baptisms At St Mary Magdalene, Hart.

16th April 2017 Caleb Mark Byron 23rd April 2017 Marshall Maximus Wilson 14th May 2017 Gracie Lynne Burdiss

We warmly welcome these new members into the family of the church.

Weddings At St Mary Magdalene, Hart.

6th May 2017 Bradley Jackson and Laura Mary McGregor

We wish them every blessing for their new life together.


Will contributors to Village Life please note that the dead- line for articles is the 21st of the month to enable editing and printing to be completed in time for distribution on the last Sunday of the month.

Items should be sent to BOTH editors each month Sylvia Jobson (275 340) Victoria Harrison (mobile0798 5781364) [email protected] victoria [email protected]


Our Professional Services include all Outlying Districts

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Weekly or Fortnightly Mobile Hairdresser and Nail Technician References can be supplied Fully qualified, can provide makeup service for any special occasion. For more details RING JULIE on 0191 5861348 (home) or 07561519293 (mobile) Cut and blow dry £15, full head colour £25, full set acrylic nails £18 Rapture Hair Extensions—price upon request DOG TREK – Dog Walking Service Call Amanda - 07983532751 Based in Elwick Village 1 hour walk is £7 for 1 dog 30min walk is £5 for 1 dog PETER JENKINS And it’s £2 extra for every other dog MOTOR ENGINEER Email: [email protected] MOT, Servicing, Repairs Tel: 07804873169 Free Collection and Delivery Service Or look me up on Facebook The Barn, Hart Village Tel: 07788 710 921

WROUGHT IRON & C HUTCHINSON MOTOR ENGINEER Servicing and repairs METAL FABRICATION SERVICES NORTH ROAD GARAGE, Seaton Carew Single Gates, fencing, handrails, postboxes 18 North Lane, Elwick Tel: 01429 869 943 Keith SimpsonTele: 01429 836221 / FEET FIRST—MOBILE FOOT HEALTH CLINIC 07975 984 960 Treatments include: Nails Trimmed, Thick nails reduced, Corns treated, Callus reduced, Cracked Peter. N. Olsen & Dry Heels treated, Verucca treatment, Fungal Nail infection, In growing toe nails, Diabetic Chartered Accountant Foot Care advice. With Stephanie & Annette Tel: 07776 208 445 SAC Dip RFHP S227450 / S227158 e-mail [email protected] Tele: 07787259442 / 07951702182 for an appointment