at , Elwick and Hart

Produced for the Villagers by Hart and Elwick Churches Revd. Janet Burbury, The Vicarage, Hart, . TS27 3AP [email protected] Tel. 01429 262340 Mob 07958 131271

Dear friends,

At last the snow has disappeared and those of us who call themselves gardeners realise that we are a little behind with our preparation in making new life burst forth into our little patch of that surrounds our homes.

I’m looking forward to seeing houses adorned with eggs to remind us of the empty tomb and catkins that remind us that the trees are still growing and blossom will soon decorate our paths. Where’s the life in our communities at present?

We enjoyed a great St Patrick’s night in Hart Village Hall and soon we’ll have our Pie n Peas night at Elwick. These evenings are gentle social times when we re- mind folks that community spirit is not lost and in the villages we continue to value it highly.

Hart church is looking forward to seeing a new stained glass window which will de- pict the parable of the Sower. I’ll give you more details of that next time!! Children who attend Hart can now enjoy some new tailor made desks and seating which are fabulous. Many thanks go the Johnson family for their kind donation of this fur- niture which will serve generations of children in years to come.

As Jesus prepared to show the world that he came to offer the fullness of life, it’s interesting that most of the disciples abandoned him in the hours before his trial. Community and communion with his friends seemed to crumble and fall by the wayside. This is a strong lesson to us all just how easy it is to let community spirit slide and how isolated people become as a result. Jesus must have felt totally alone as he faced the questions from the political and religious leaders of the day. Thank goodness his mother, the other Mary and one other disciple had the dedi- cation and guts to stick by him at the foot of the cross.

How would we view the world without Easter? How would people be valued, if at all? It’s the promise of full life that ultimately gives us true self esteem as we acknowledge that God loves us so much that he sent His Son to show us the way to the truth and the life. Yes, I know Christmas is a joyful time but we also know it can bring pressures on us all to spend money we don’t always have and so on….but Easter, it seems is enjoyed by everyone as we put winter behind us and look out for signs of new life. Easter celebrations adorned in all their springtime colours with Easter bunnies, chicks and eggs giving us things on which to delight in the mystery of creation and recreation.

The fascination with an emptied tomb causes us to wonder how by the power of God’s love, the resurrection shows us the way to the truth and fullness of life. Without Easter we’d have eternal winter and no clear way to know we are Easter people loved by God. Let me commend these words to you by A.J.Flint: “Just think, if Christ who died had stopped at the cross, His work had been incom- plete. If Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb, He had only known defeat, but the way of the cross never stops at the cross and way of the tomb leads on, to victorious grace in the heavenly place where the risen Lord has gone.” Every Blessing Canon Janet Burbury 3 Regular Church Services

ST PETER’S, ELWICK HALL 1st Sunday in the month: 10 am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages. 6 pm ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer). A quiet service lasting half an hour.

All following Sundays: 9.30 am ~ Holy Communion. A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

ST MARY MAGDALENE, HART 1st Sunday in the month: 8 am ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer) A quiet service lasting half an hour. 11am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages.

All following Sundays: 11 am ~ Holy Communion ( Sunday school is during this service). A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

Also every 3rd Sunday: 4pm ~ Family Service. 3@4 A relaxed style of worship with a hint of fun!

Every Wednesday Evening at 6.00 pm A service of evening prayer

Lent and Easter Services NB These are in addition to our regular services

Thursday 29th March 6.30pm Maundy Thursday at Hart Friday 30th March 2.00pm Good Friday—Hour before the Cross at Elwick Sunday 1st April Easter—St Peter’s 10.00am, St Mary Magdalene 11.00am


HART CHURCH Anne Johnson 01429 269699 Shirley Brown 01429 269418

ELWICK CHURCH Victoria Harrison 07985 781 364 Colin Reid 07824 482 877



Sunday……………….YOUTH CLUB 5 - 6.30pm…... (second Sunday in the month) Monday...... PILATES: 9.15-10.15am PILATES: 10.30-11.30am ODDFELLOWS: 11.30am-2.30pm (2nd MONDAY in month on Alternate months ) HART STATION WI 7-9pm (first MONDAY of the month) Tuesday…………….. PARENTS and TODDLERS: 9-30-11.00 am SEQUENCE DANCING: 1.30-3.30 pm DANCE FIT: 6.00-7.00pm Wednesday……….. HISTORY CLASS: 10.00-11.30 am TAI CHI 9.30-11.00am PILATES ; 6.15-7.15pm Thursday CHILDMINDERS GROUP 9.15-11.15am PILATES: 6.00 -7.00pm PILATES 7.15-8.15pm Friday……………….. FRENCH CLASS: 10.00 am-11.30am TAI CHI 6.00—8.00 pm WHIST GROUP: from 7.00--8.30 pm

Bookings : contact Frances Brown on 01429 273 475 Events:


WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: 1st Monday of the month from 7.00-9.30 pm PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Last Monday of the Month 7.00pm-9.30pm PAINTING CLUB: Tuesdays from 9.30 am-12.30 pm YOUNG FARMERS CLUB: Tuesdays fortnightly at 7.30 pm NEEDLES & PINS Wednesdays from 10.00 am-noon WHIST: Wednesdays at 7 pm. New members welcome PILATES Friday 9-30am 10-30am

Bookings: contact Sylvia Jobson 01429 275340 Mobile 07503 332 927 Email [email protected]

Seaton Decorators Commercial and Private Free Estimates Reliable, clean job All Exterior & Interior

Ken Kidson Tel: 07887 518459 5


Fortunately the threat of snow and ice disappeared and we were able to hold our monthly meeting on Monday 5th March as arranged. Details were given for the Floral Workshop, which is to be held on Thursday 22nd March from 1.30pm until 4.00pm and the lists of names for the Federation Annual Lunch at Wynyard and our trips to Hawes and Keswick were re-circulated for any additional names to be added.

Our speaker for the evening was Lynn Allison who told us about her nursing ca- reer . She began her working life as a shorthand typist and then decided to join the services and train to be a nurse. She joined the Navy and went to Portsmouth to become a Queen Alexandra Nurse spending many years at various Naval hospi- tals including a posting to Malta. At the age of 22 she had the chance of a posting to Singapore for 10 years but turned it down as she had to commit to being single and childless during that time. After the Navy, she went as a nurse on the Oil Rigs but didn’t like the noise or the smell of oil. Back on dry land she continued nurs- ing holding many different positions during her career.

The competition for a first aid kit was won by Sandra O’Connor, Sylvia Jobson was second and Carol Berthou third. Lee Elliott won the raffle.

Next meeting 9th April as Easter Monday falls on the first Monday of the month.


The AGM of EVA was held on Wednesday 21st March at “The Bungalow”, The Ghyll, Elwick and attended by nine residents of the Village as well as the commit- tee. The Chairman's and Treasurer's reports were accepted and Committee and Of- ficers proposed, seconded and voted to remain as the previous year: Louise Parks Chair Hilary Thompson Secretary Roderick Thompson Treasurer Margaret Ashton Tony Cook Sylvie Howe Margaret Smithson

There was a great deal of useful discussion regarding the future of the Association and, with our small, ageing committee, how we can continue to support events in the Village.

Fetching Feet Chiropody– For the treatment of corns, callus, verruca, ingrowing toenails, sports injuries and foot problems Sophie Louise Odgers BSc (Hons) Podiatry M.Ch.S Tel: (01429) 232 526 Mobile: 07828 540793 Email: [email protected] Registered with Health and Care Professions Council Evening & Saturday Morning Appointments and Home Visits Available 6

St. Peter’s Elwick CofE VA Primary school Big Fish Group News.

This year we are taking part in a lent challenge as a school. Over the 6 weeks in Lent, Archie will guide the students through 6 key topics:

Faith, Wisdom, Hope, Community, Respect & Dignity, Action.

We have been challenging pupils in our school by offering Bible Scavenger Hunts at break time and dinner time. We have also been making a Bible time line for our hall where all of the classes will be making a picture to fit on the time line from the topic they have been learning about. We hope this will help us to remember the Old and New testament stories.

Federation of St. Peters and Hart

What an exciting month we have had since we last spoke! Life in our Federation is never dull.

This half term, Year 3 and 4 from across the federation took part in a residential to Ford Castle on the Northumberland border. Whilst there we experienced archery, den building, holding birds of prey and so many other interesting activities. For many of us, this was the first time we had been on ‘holiday’ without a member of our family. We found it very ex- citing and showed how mature and sensible we all were.

Sadly, due to the weather and our schools being closed, world book day was rescheduled to the first day back after the disruption. Our theme was – characters we admire from a story – and what a day it was! All classes received a brand new book to look at, children designed new front covers, wrote stories and shared their favourite reading books with other children from different classes. We even have a book fair to look forward to very soon. Reading is important in our Federation and we love it! Check out our website or facebook pages for more news of what we have been up to!

Prime Dexter Beef Locally bred & outdoor reared in Hart. Hung for 21 days. 10 kilo pack of mixed joints, steaks, braising beef and mince all cut and labelled, £75. Contact John on 07860 201109. 7 Some News from



Ten ladies spent a very pleasant afternoon at the home of Mary Carswell. As it was our A.G.M. we reviewed our last years activities and discussed our future agenda. This included afternoon tea at Hardwick Hall Manor Hotel, Blackhall and a trip to a bird sanctuary—weather permitting!

Thank you Mary for your hospitality and look forward to meeting everyone again at Pat Horsley’s house, 2 Greenlea on Monday 9th April at 2.00pm. PS Ladies—don’t forget the work “STAMP” for the next meeting.

VICTORIA thanks all the well-wishers but her operation scheduled for the 21st March was cancelled as there were no beds available in Intensive Care.


For Grass cutting or driveway and Patio Pressure Washing please contact CRAIG OF ELWICK VILLAGE on 07795 52 22 43 For a NO OBLIGATION quotation.


114 The Innovation Centre, Queen’s Meadow Business Park Hartlepool

tel 01429 239550

Effective techniques for the relief of joint and muscle pains, back problems and sports injuries. 8

ELWICK CHURCH PIE AND PEA SUPPER ( Pies will be Minced Beef)


In Elwick W.I. Hall at 7.00pm

Bring own drink for evening Tea/Coffee will be provided in interval

Tickets £5.00 Bingo & Quiz Inc. Bingo & Quiz Raffle

Please pre-order your tickets by Monday 9th April By ringing Sally Ried on Mob: 07932 372 130


Will contributors to Village Life please note that the deadline for articles is the 21st of the month to enable editing and printing to be completed in time for distribution on the last Sunday of the month.

Items should be sent to BOTH editors each month

Sylvia Jobson (275 340) Victoria Harrison mobile 07985 781364) [email protected] [email protected]

Heels & Toes —Sue Donnelly TCFCP Dip AFCP Mobile Foot Health Care Practitioner

Offering a range of treatments which include, Nail Cutting,Athletes foot, Corns, Calluses/Hard skin, fungal infection, cracked heels, Verruca &ingrown toenail, all in the comfort of your own home v

Call Sue on 07727767617 to book an appointment


9 Elwick Parish Council

The year has started with both bad and good news. The good – well firstly, we have received a grant from Awards for All to purchase even more play equipment, to go with that ordered with our Red Gap grant, to refurbish the Playing Field. We had hoped to have it all in place before Easter, but the weather has defeated us – it will however be completed in April.

Secondly, we ARE to get a by-pass around Elwick, though exactly when is yet to be confirmed – it is looking at present to be no earlier than 2020. It will reduce the need for so many vehicles coming to/ from the town to use the road through Elwick as a short-cut to/from the A19 and thus make the village safer and quieter!

The bad news – Highways England want to close the A19 crossings at Dalton Piercy and Elwick in Au- gust, and plan to make the A19 into an Expressway! With the delay in the building of the by-pass this will be particularly hard on Elwick residents as it means that, for the next four years at least, anyone wishing to travel north will have firstly have to either, drive south down the A19 to the A689 Wynyard roundabout before turning back to head north or drive into the outskirts of town and out along Hart Lane to the A179 roundabout at Hart, and thence to the A19/A179 junction at Sheraton. The only other option is the short-cut along Hart Back Lane to the A179, but this is a single track, with many, many potholes, few passing places and a challenging access onto the A179. Coming from the south, drivers will have to take go up to Sheraton before returning on the south-bound carriageway or use the A689 and Dalton Back Lane via Dalton Piercy village to get home, but both will involve extra costs in terms of time and fuel with, as the Parish Council sees it, no benefit whatsoever to Elwick residents!

The Parish Council has written to Highways England expressing concern about this, which we under- stand is being introduced earlier than necessary in order to allow the building of a further 450 dwellings in Hartlepool. Also, whilst fully supporting the principal of a by-pass, we expressed concern about its proposed design/route, and the fact that Hartlepool is being expected to pay for it! It is to be part of the National Road Network and so, we believe, the government should pay for it. The by-pass design appears to have it joining the Elwick/Hartlepool road near the top of Craddon Bank. This would make it extremely difficult for drivers from Elwick wishing to turn right onto the by-pass in order to get to Hartlepool and could well lead to some very serious accidents, as we already know that many people drive far too fast for the current road conditions. We have suggested that instead, the by- pass should be taken right down to the current Hart/Dalton crossroads, which should be replaced with a large roundabout.

Of course, all this doesn’t mean that we aren’t still continually asking the Borough Council to fill in pot- holes, repair pavements, clean up fly-tipping and dog dirt, stop heavy-goods vehicles using the village as a short cut and, and, and……anything else that is their responsibility. Will anyone listen to us? We live in hope!

Finally, Parish Council elections are to be held on 3rd May. If you are considering standing for election, please feel free to contact me to discuss the role and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor. Nomination packs are available from the Civic Centre.

Minna West, Clerk.


Mounted and Unmounted EquipilatesTM Biomechanics screening Mat Pilates and Reforming Contact Claire Dryden M: 07500 041 512 E: [email protected] 10


Broadband: Your Councillors have worked so hard to get some action on this as we know how important it is to residents. Keith Wilson from the Tees Valley Combined Authority will come to the next DPCC meeting at 7.00pm, Thursday 12th April in the Village Hall (note earlier start) to give a progress report and answer questions. Please come along to impress on him how important it is for the village to have access to high speed broadband. It seems at last success is in the air.

North View Parking: The Clerk has obtained the government guidelines for parking bays. Cllr. Noble will measure the N. View and Dene Garth lay-bys; for discussion at the April PC meeting.

Road repairs: Good news. Brenda Loynes, our Ward Councillor has been in talks with the Borough Engineer about the constant flooding on the stretch of road leading to the bridge. He’s done a survey and thinks he may have a solution. Then the road will be re- surfaced, as HBC have money for this from the Tees Valley Combined Authority. The full Dalton main road is to be re-surfaced 2019/20, but could be brought forward if it deteriorates before that.

Pond: By the time you receive this work on the pond should be underway. The weath- er is holding up other projects we already have funding for. We are now discussing projects to apply for funding for 2018/19. We have some suggestions already from vil- lagers, but would like more. Please contact the Clerk or a Councillor with any ideas you have for improving our village environment. So far we have: Larger notice board; Fencing for allotments; Bulbs and flowers for our 18 pots; Benches for the pond and the Batts; Table and chairs for Village Hall meeting room; Footpath from Manor Fields entrance to link up with the one at Three Gates to Sambuca. A new Village Hall is still top of the list, but until we can get an agreement with HBC about the land it sits on we can’t apply for funding.

Skips: The Parish Council has agreed to continue paying for skips for residents. Due to the cost they will be reduced from every 2mths to every 3mths; April/July/October/ January, (usually second Sat. and Sun. of the month). Dates will be posted on the no- tice board and in Village Life when confirmed.



Closure A19/Dalton turn off: You will all have had the flyer from DPPC about the Au- gust closure of the A19 / Dalton and Elwick turn offs – full info on notice-board, This is premature as the Elwick by-pass is now not scheduled until 2020 at the earliest. It will impact severely on residents’ access to the A19. You can let HBC know of your concerns by writing to Kieran Bostock, Principal Engineer, HBC, Civic Centre, Victoria Rd., Har- tlepool. TS24 8AY, or email: [email protected]

New Village Resident’s Association: Now up and running with a formalised structure and officers voted in. The governing documentation/policies etc. have been sent out to members who attended the first meeting and will be on the agenda for approval at the next meeting on Thursday 22nd March, 7.00pm, Village Hall. Please come and join in - lots of ideas for events etc. rolling in!

Elections: Local / Parish Council elections are on May 3rd. Election packs are available from the Civic Centre from 19th March. If anyone is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact our Clerk Minna West, who is happy to explain what’s in- volved. Entirely voluntary by the way. Your current Parish Councillors are:

Darab Rezai (Chair); Alan Timothy (Vice Chair); Mandie Burroughs; Keith John- son; Lyn Noble; Mike Patrick.

Acting Clerk, Minna West: email: [email protected] or phone; 01429 894720

Full minutes on Notice Board and website:

Next DPPC Meeting Thursday 12th April 7.00pm in Village Hall (note early start).


MyLife Living Assistance offers professional and compassionate support in the home to enable a more independent lifestyle. We can offer you and your family: Assistance at home Companionship Service Respite Support Help getting out and about Personal Assistance Please get in touch to talk about how we can best help 01429 856407: [email protected] 12

VACANCY for a Parish Council Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer DALTON PIERCY PARISH COUNCIL

Dalton Piercy has a vacancy for a part-time Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer to the Council.

The role is home based and applicants should have suitable home office facilities to enable the effective and safe fulfilment of the role. The salary is based on 17.5 hours per month, with the hours of work being inclusive of attendance at monthly Parish Council meetings, held on the second Thursday evening of each month (except August) and the Annual Parish Meeting.

This position requires a well organised person, motivated to be involved in local issues and with a good sense of humour. Applicants are required to have good oral and written communication skills, a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel and to be able to take meeting minutes and manage the Council’s ad- ministration and finances. Previous experience in the role is desirable, however, those with excellent administrative and people skills are encouraged to apply. The applicant must have their own internet access and be experienced with email and internet use. The Clerk will also be expected to keep the Council’s website up-to-date, and experience of this would be desirable, however, training can be provided.

Salary will be pro-rata in accordance with the most recent NJC LC1 Scales and will depend on experience. Preference would be for CiLCA qualified applicants or those working towards this qualification, although this is not essential as in-post training is available.

For further information, a Job Description and Person Specification, and the sub- mission of applications (including CV and covering letter) to Minna West 07774 991518 or email: [email protected]. Closing date 20th April 2018.

We are a firm of whole of the market independent mortgage brokers in Hartlepool

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Freephone: 0808 22 23 24 5 Registered Address : Chadwick House Office Phone: 01429 263354 127 York Road Hartlepool TS26 9DL 13 Some News from

HART and

Middle Warren


March 2018 Draw.

£50 no 39 Mrs. L Cole.

£20 no 159 Mr K Kidson.

£10 no 189 Mrs.I.Bartholomew.

£5 no 214 Mrs J Pendlington.

Thank you for your continued support, We anticipate using some of the funds to purchase a new carpet to en- hance the welcome in our children's corner.

We hope members will renew their 200 Club membership this April. If you are not a member contact Alison or Anne


Rachel Raine BSc(Hons)., M.Ch.S., S.R.Ch.  Tel: 01429 273477 14


LADIES FELLOWSHIP. Our March meeting was held in the home of Shirley Brown. The weather was bitterly cold, however Shirley gave us a warm welcome. We had hoped to see some of North Hart Farms young lambs but weather prevented this. After an opening prayer with the Lord’s Prayer apologies were taken. Organisation of the Easter Fair was under-taken. The Fellowship made their usual donation to Tear Fund, Sheila was happy to accept. All members enjoyed the tea especially the little chocolate Easter egg. The April meeting is to be in the home of Sheila, on April 11that 2 o’clock.

Charity News . Lisa Saxon was the lucky winner of the Valentine pamper box, £40 was raised and added to the Leprosy mission total. The Charity we have are supporting during Lent is the Leprosy Mission. Last year we were able to fund a donkey, goat and chickens.

Church News Thank you to all who came to the Easter Fair, enjoyed the teas and supported the stall holders. Funds raised are to go to this year’s Parish Share..

Become a host with…… Dog lovers wanted to care for friendly dogs whilst Their owners are away. It’s great fun, a dog to suit your lifestyle. Companionship and fitness without the commitment Of owning a dog of your one Please call: 01429 860846 or visit our website 15

LENT GROUP GET TOGETHERS. This year we took as a theme the film The Kings Speech, and followed the concept of Finding A Voice. I am sure the friendships developed in our meetings will enable us to have courage to speak out when re- quired. Thank you to all who braved snow and ice and bitterly cold winds to come. Rev. Janet and Anne.

3@ 4 NEWS. March 18th. We were amazed and delighted to see the snow and ice had not deterred the 40 adults and 12 children who came to the service. Rev Janet spoke of the joy in the crowds as Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Andrew retold the old story of how the donkey got the mark of the cross on his back to an enthralled group of young peo- ple. The children waved the paper palm leaves they had made, then filled the church with hundreds of multi coloured bubbles as they joined the happy shouts of the crowd Alleluia . April18. It will be the first 3@4 service after Easter Day, this is a time when we celebrate Baptism. We are fortunate so many families bring their children to Hart Church for Rev. Janet to baptise. During this ser- vice all who wish to share communion or have a blessing will have the opportunity to do so.

VICTORIA HOUSE FUNERAL SERVICES 26 Victoria Road, Hartlepool TS26 8DD Tel: 01429 234 777 E-mail: [email protected]

Apolena Wilson Dip FD, LMBIFD Carl Mean Dip FD, MBIE Andrew Gardner Dip FD, Andrew Evans MBIE

JOHN KING BRICKLAYER Professional &competitively priced brickwork & block paving no job too small Tel. 0791 9235569 for free estimate or contact Sybil or Mick 01429 864289 16

Report for March 2018

We know and understand that the Borough Council is ‘strapped for cash’, but the Parish Council has become increasingly concerned about the lack of response by Borough Council officers to many of the issues reported to them which, if rectified quickly, would not then escalate into major/ expensive problems. To this end we have asked for, and finally, after three months of asking, agreed a date for a Walkabout with relevant officers and our Ward Councillor, Paul Beck. We want to show them, amongst other thing, exactly where the roads flood due to blocked drains and gullies, the increasing number of potholes, where dog waste is being left, the number of non-functioning or obstructed street lights/signs and why we need an extra grit bin. Hopefully this will lead, at last, to some action on their part to resolve these issues.

Councillors were extremely worried to hear of plans by Highways England to close the crossings on the A19 at Dalton Piercy and Elwick this August, a full four years or more before the Elwick By-pass will be open; we have written, to both them and the Borough Council, expressing our very real con- cerns. Why the concern? Well, there just isn’t the road infrastructure available to cope! All vehicular traffic from the east currently using these crossings to access the A19 northbound, will either have to first travel south to the A19/A689 roundabout at Wynyard before turning back northwards or, and much more likely, will use the A179. This means many more vehicles needing to join the A179 from Hart Lane at the roundabout, which is already causing concern. There have been several ‘near misses’ of late, with some drivers travelling too fast and failing to see vehicles accessing the roundabout from Hart village or Hart Lane. The only other access points are from the single carriageways of Hart Back Lane and Worsett Lane, both badly potholed and with difficult access onto the A179. Vehicles travel- ling to the villages, or north-, from the south will have to travel up to the A179 to gain access. With the installation of traffic lights at the A19/A179 junction, expected in May, it is highly likely that traffic will back up on the A179, as A19 traffic will always be given priority, compounding the issue. We have not been advised of any plans to upgrade the road infrastructure – indeed, knowing the financial constraints they face, it is unlikely that the Borough Council would have the money to do this.

Parish Council elections are to be held on 3rd May; nomination packs are available from the Civic Centre. Parish Councils are the first tier of Local government; they need to reflect the wishes of their communities and to provide activities/services accordingly. If you would like to know more about the role and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor, do please contact me, or have a look on our website:

Finally, the Annual Parish Meeting is to be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 23rd May. EVERYONE is welcome - come and find out what is happening in and around the village, help us to decide priori- ties for the next year and enjoy a social get-together over coffee & cake, wine & cheese!

Minna West, Clerk

PAUL’S TRAVEL 16 seater Mini Bus available for all occasions 01429 236360 We also provide the Service 65 from We operate Monday, Thursday and Friday Elwick, Dalton Piercy, Hartfields, West Park, Ryehill Gardens, Tunstall Avenue, Grange Roadk Victoria Road, Marina Way, Maritime Avenue, Mainsforth Terrace, Burbank Street, Stockton Road Concession Bus Passes are Welcome Under 18’s in full time education free all year round. 17

The Unknown Soldier by Grist To The Mill Productions

Hart Village Hall Thursday 26th April, 8pm

In association with Rural Arts, turning village halls into theatre venues for an evening!

Tickets £8, U18s £6, tel. Janet 01429 266225 or Emma 01429 280596 The Unknown Soldier is Grist to the Mill’s Edinburgh Fringe 2016 sell out show by award nominated writer of Casualties. A tribute to the end of the Centenary in 2018 the play is a story of comradeship, betrayal and of promises both broken and kept following the carnage of World War One.

“An unmissable and thought-provoking play that has so much relevance in today’s society” Edinburgh Festivals 18

If you wish to book a baptism please contact Hilary Squire

tel: 01429 861605 [email protected]


Our Professional Services include all Outlying Districts

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Ring Hartlepool Day or Night (01429 862 021) 19

SURFACE SMART LIMITED LEIGH ROBINSON The Exterior Cleaning Specialists Painting & Decorating Facias, Brickwork, Patios, Moss Removal (domestic & commercial) Roofs, Driveways, Render, Tarmac. Free estimates 01429 277739 : 07701 058 384 Email: [email protected] 1 St Oswald’s Crescent, Facebook - surface smart north east Tel: (01642) 532 153 WHY CLEAN WHEN WE CAN? Domestic Cleaning/ironing 406 ELECTRICL SERVICES Also Light Meals Prepared if requested A Domestic Electrician

Weekly or Fortnightly NIC EIC Insurance backed warranty References can be supplied CCTV Installer, No job too small For more details RING JULIE on Mark Jobson 07812043188 0191 5861348 (home) or 07561519293 (mobile)

DOG TREK – Dog Walking Service Mobile Hairdresser and Nail Technician Based in Elwick Village Fully qualified, can provide makeup service for any 1 hour walk is £7 for 1 dog special occasion.

30min walk is £5 for 1 dog Cut and blow dry £15, full head colour £25, And it’s £2 extra for every other dog full set acrylic nails £18 Email: [email protected] Rapture Hair Extensions—price upon request Tel: 07804873169 Call Amanda - 07983532751 Or look me up on Facebook

HART HEATING PETER JENKINS GAS and PLUMBING SERVICES MOTOR ENGINEER MOT, Servicing, Repairs Free Collection and Delivery Service Gas Safe Registered The Barn, Hart Village Tel: 07788 710 921 Tele: 01429 264 703 Mobile: 07557 903 384 Email: [email protected] C HUTCHINSON MOTOR ENGINEER Servicing and repairs NORTH ROAD GARAGE, 18 North Lane, Elwick Tel: 01429 869 943

WROUGHT IRON & METAL FABRICATION SERVICES Peter. N. Olsen Single Gates, fencing, handrails, postboxes Chartered Accountant Keith Simpson Tele: 01429 836221 / 07975 984 960 Tel: 07776 208 445 e-mail [email protected]

LOVINGLY BEE Bespoke and handmade Wedding Stationery or Invitations for any occasion. Bespoke handmade and hand finished gifts. Everything made to order. If you have something in mind? Just ask… Call Kendra Keeley on 01642 655 439 or 07921 924 584 - [email protected]