at Dalton Piercy, Elwick and Hart

Produced for the Villagers by Hart and Elwick Churches

Rev. Canon Janet Burbury, The Vicarage , Hart, , TS27 3AP [email protected] Tel 01429 262340 Mob 07958 131271 Dear friends, November is upon us with its distinct quality of sunlight, much of which at this time the year can seem melancholy, as it beckons in a reminder of what is to come with darker nights and cooler days. November also offers us the season to remember Saints and Souls – oh and that chap Guy Fawkes too! The act of Remembrance is one gift that qualifies us as human. It is a transporting act; one that makes past events and people come alive in our minds and hearts to enrich our lives and time here on earth. The act of Re- membrance gives us connective tissue. It is clear that Jesus understood this when he asked us to remember Him when we share bread and wine as ordinary things signifying his extraordi- nary presence in us today. So many communities are busy preparing to remember our service men and women who died in service. Information will be shared about them in new ways with added poignancy because of the centenary of WW1. So, few now have first-hand experience of that dreadful war and yet we all en- joy the legacy of freedom those brave men and women left to us today. In a small by meaningful way as we learn more about those brave servicemen we will I am sure find some connection with them which is the true power of remembrance. If you try too hard to make that connection happen it probably won’t – but to remember without complicating that act of doing so and without making de- mands of a particular outcome from it, then remembering can give us that connective tissue or experience of people and places from the past in the here and now. On November 1st we recall the saints and dear souls that we have loved and see them as great torch bearers, the tip of the wedge, the clearers of darkness. Like the single drops that sparkle in the sun as they are flung far ahead of an advancing wave or waterfall, they show the way for us today. Saints send shafts of knowledge, truth, wisdom, faith and inspiration, inject- ing the world with goodness which would, without them, otherwise lay dull and be a less hopeful place. Those we consider to be saints, are souls with a specialness with an ability to enrich our lives because they received motivation from God and they recognised that our spiritual needs are as vital as our most basic of physi- cal needs. Of course, none of us would consider ourselves to be a saintly but saint- hood begins from the moment we accept the challenge to try and follow in their steps. Everyone has within them ‘a next step’ to take them closer to God. All he asks of us to take that step. May this remembrance tide inspire you to let either those who have gone before us in the Christian faith or Jesus Christ himself, inspire you today for your tomorrows. Every blessing ~ Revd. Canon Janet

Regular Church Services

ST PETER’S, ELWICK HALL 1st Sunday in the month: 10 am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages. 6 pm ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer). A quiet service lasting half an hour.

All following Sundays: 9.30 am ~ Holy Communion. A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

ST MARY MAGDALENE, HART 1st Sunday in the month: 8 am ~ Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer) A quiet service lasting half an hour. 11am ~ Family Service with Holy Communion. A service for all ages.

All following Sundays: 11 am ~ Holy Communion ( Sunday school is during this service). A traditional service with hymns and a short address.

Also every 3rd Sunday: 4pm ~ Family Service. 3@4 A relaxed style of worship with a hint of fun!

Every Wednesday Evening at 6.00 pm A service of evening prayer

If you wish to book a Baptism please contact Hilary Squire Tel: 01429 861605 or Email: [email protected]

Notable services:

1st November, St Peter’s, 6.30pm All Souls. 22tndNovember 7pm Hart, A Service to Remember WW1 with supper. 2nd December Christingle Services during the usual Family Service times 13th December 7pm Hart, Wear you Christmas Jumper to celebrate Christ- mas. 20th December 7pm Hart, Nine Lessons and Carols 23rd December BENEFICE SERVICE at Hart 11am. (NB being at Hart helps Revd Janet prepare for a baptism after the service) 24th December 4pm Carols round Tree at Dalton Piercy 6pm Carols round Tree at Elwick 11.00pm Midnight Mass at Elwick 25th December 9.30pm Family Service at Elwick 11.00am Family Service at Hart

HART VILLAGE HALL ACTIVITIES .Monday...... PILATES: 9.30—11.30am ODDFELLOWS (2nd Mon in Month) 11.30am—2.30pm HOLLIS DANCE ACADEMY 5.00—7.00pm HART STATION W.I. (1st Mon in Month) 7.00—9.00pm HART PARISH COUNCIL (2nd Mon of Month) 7.00—9.00pm Tuesday…………….. PARENTS and TODDLERS: 9-30-11.30 am SEQUENCE DANCING: 1.30-3.30 pm DANCE FIT: 6.00-7.00pm Wednesday……….. HISTORY CLASS: 10.00-11.30 am TAI CHI 9.30-11.00am FULL BODY FITNESS 6.00—6.45pm PILATES 7.00—8.00pm Thursday CHILDMINDERS GROUP 9.15-11.15am PILATES: 6.00 -7.00pm PILATES 7.15-8.15pm Friday……………….. FRENCH CLASS: 10.00 am-11.30am HOLLIS DANCE ACADEMY 4.30—6.30pm WHIST GROUP: from 7.00--8.30 pm MARIA’S YOGA: 9.30 - 10.30 am £4 Saturday……………. HOLLIS DANCE ACADEMY 10.00 am—1.00pm Sunday………………..(2nd in the month) Youth Club 5.00pm—6.30pm

Bookings : contact Frances Brown on 01429 273 475 Events:


WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: 1st Monday of the month from 7.00-9.30 pm PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Last Monday of the Month 7.00pm-9.30pm PAINTING CLUB: Tuesdays from 9.30 am-12.30 pm YOUNG FARMERS CLUB: Tuesdays fortnightly at 7.30 pm NEEDLES & PINS Wednesdays from 10.00 am-noon WHIST: Wednesdays at 7 pm. New members welcome EQUIPLIATES: Pilates for riders but non riders welcome Friday 9-30am 10-30am HIITLATES: Saturday 8.30 - 9.30am RISING STARS: (Term time only) Sunday 10.00am - 1pm

Bookings: contact Sylvia Jobson 01429 275340 Mobile 07503 332 927 Email [email protected]

Seaton Decorators Commercial and Private Free Estimates Reliable, clean job All Exterior & Interior

Ken Kidson Tel: 07887 518459 All Souls’ Service with Hart & Elwick Churches, At St. Peter’s, Elwick Thursday 6.30 pm 1st November. You, your family and friends are kindly invited to our ‘All Souls’ ser- vice which provides an opportunity to remember lost loved ones and honour their lives. If you would like to come and hear the name of your loved one re- membered read out within the service, then please complete the list in church or give their name to Revd Janet when you arrive . We will of course, include all the names of those for whom I have conducted a funeral this year. I wish all you and your family well and hope that you feel most wel- come to come to this short and moving service. Every blessing ~ Janet Burbury (Revd.)

Tickets are available from Brian Footitt on 01429 277837 or Victoria on 0798 578 1364.

Fetching Feet Chiropody– For the treatment of corns, callus, verruca, ingrowing toenails, sports injuries and foot problems Sophie Louise Odgers BSc (Hons) Podiatry M.Ch.S Tel: (01429) 232 526 Mobile: 07828 540793 Email: [email protected] Registered with Health and Care Professions Council Evening & Saturday Morning Appointments and Home Visits Available Some News from


Elwick 200 Club The 200 club was drawn this month in church on Sunday October 14th. £30 no 45 John Heslop £25 no 91 Jean Johnson £15 no 69 Mel Barber £10 no 102 Evelyn Fennell £10 no 108 Margaret Moses

ELWICK LADIES FELLOWSHIP Members on holiday and sickness reduced our numbers to only 5 at this month’s meeting at Mary Carswell’s house. Nevertheless we spent an interesting afternoon discussing the lives of Christ’s 12 chosen Apostles, all of whom died in tragic circumstances and after such reve- lations we were glad to relax with customary tea and biscuits and enjoy a good chat. Thank you Mary for your kind hospitality. Next Meeting: November 12th at Sylvia Sadler’s home—3 North Lane.

Remembrance Service at St Peters Church on Nov 11th 9.30am

Please note that after the service we will be providing Tea/Coffee/Juice and Refreshments. It means people can look at the display that we are putting in church about the 8 soldiers who were killed in World War 1 and information about what went on. You can also enjoy a catch up with friends.


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Effective techniques for the relief of joint and muscle pains, back problems and sports injuries. North Tees Mission to Seafarers Appeal - Hart and Elwick.

This month every year sees the volunteers at the North Tees Mission to Seafarers prepare gifts to take on board ships anchored in our river, and distribute them to seafarers of all nations. The items that they value most are as follows...... Hats that keep them warm and cover the ears while they suffer the freezing blasts on the seas. Skin creams and lotions that sooth the effects of salt on face and arms. Other toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrushes, talcum powder, soaps cotton buds etc.

They really appreciate this form of charity, many are poor and send home their earnings to needy families.

Please bring your gifts to church and I will take them to the Mission to Seafarers. Thank You in anticipation of your generosity. Ian Lightfoot.

ELWICK WOMEN’S INSTITUTE We were very pleased to welcome guests Kath Cooper and Megan Marshall to our October meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved and the financial statement given; correspondence and the Federation Newsletter were also dealt with. Names were taken for a trip on 21st November to Mainsgill Farm and Coffee Shop for lunch then to Leyburn in the afternoon for a spot of Christ- mas shopping. Our speaker for the evening was Maggie Moore, who paints pots, glassware and pictures to raise funds for The Dog’s Trust. Maggie is a very talented lady, she started with a blank canvas and began to paint a leaf, it wasn’t long before she stopped and started to tell jokes. This paint a bit, tell a joke, paint a bit continued until she end- ed up with a beautiful picture of a bouquet of flowers. Her jokes weren’t bad either—it’s the way she tells them. The competition for an amusing photo of a pet was won by Joan Sturrock with Kath Rutter second and Sylvia Stockdale third. Janet Kelly won the raffle. Many thanks to all those who supported our Coffee Morning on Sat- urday 6th October, it was a nice social event, which raised £362 to- wards the upkeep of the W.I. Hall.


ELWICK PARISH COUNCIL Report for September 2018

A bit of a mixed bag this meeting – with trees and other maintenance issues, the fete and the cin- der paths being the main items of discussion. Councillors confirmed their June decision to remove the Italian Alders from the small green at The Walk, and were pleased to note, as agreed, the removal of the old Christmas tree and the tidy- ing and trimming of several trees, which has considerably improved the look of the green. Yet another tree causing concern to residents though, was the tree beside the car park area behind Manor Close; the Clerk was asked to seek the identity of the owner to request the tree be inspected and the necessary work carried out to make it safe. It was agreed to postpone the next Litter Pick to the 13th October, in order not to conflict with the WI Coffee morning on the 6th, to have the two new benches, donated by the Village Association, placed, one at the top of North Lane and the other in the Playing Field, and to organise another defibrillator training event. The dreadful smell from the stream at the bottom of Church Bank is to be reported to the Environ- ment Agency and the stones around the green painted before the winter, if a volunteer can be found to do this. The fete, though sadly not particularly well supported by villagers, proved quite a success, thanks to the many volunteers who gave their help both before and on the day. The surplus made will be used for further village events. The renovation of the cinder paths at each end of the village green will go ahead, now that funding has been agreed, but the style of replacement fencing is still under negotiation with the Conserva- tion Officer, and we might need to seek planning permission too so, though it may take a little time, the paths will be resurfaced and a new fence erected on Church Bank.

Minna West, Clerk.


A date for your diaries

The Children's Christmas Party will be on Saturday 29th December this year. It will be held in the WI Hall from 2-4pm. Gavin Lancaster will entertain the children and there will be a children's party tea, and mulled wine and mince pies for mums, dads and grandparents. Children of family/friends staying over the Christmas period will also be welcome. Look out for the booking form in next month’s Village Life (so we can know numbers for teas, gifts etc.)


HART CHURCH Anne Johnson 01429 269699 Shirley Brown 01429 269418 ELWICK CHURCH Victoria Harrison 07985 781 364 Colin Reid 07824 482 877 CHURCH WEB SITES

Prime Dexter Beef Locally bred & outdoor reared in Hart. Hung for 21 days. 10 kilo pack of mixed joints, steaks, braising beef and mince all cut and labelled, £75. Contact John on 07860 201109. The ‘AYES’ have it! Hartlepool Rural Plan Steering Group were delighted with the news that the Rural Plan has been overwhelmingly supported by our residents. The result of the Referendum on 4th October showed that 330 voted in favour with only 75 against, a pretty clear majority, in anyone’s books! Our task now will be to ensure that the Borough Council gives it full and proper regard when making decisions on planning is- sues in the rural area. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Dalton Piercy, Elwick, Greatham & Hart Parish Councils and Parish Meeting


If you have a village life donation envelope to hand in (as we have no post office) please can you post it through Victoria Harrison’s front door letter box, address is 2 the Green, Elwick.

Elwick Tuesday Morning Art Group. New members are invited to join the Art Group which meets on Tuesdays

9.30 to 12.30am, in the W.I. Hall Any one interested in drawing or painting should call at the Hall one Tuesday morning for further information. Beginners welcome.


I understand that Dalton’s October ‘News’ was omitted from Village Life. For those who did not get a circulated copy I’ve included much of October’s news with a few updates.

Rural Plan Referendum: Well – a resounding YES vote. Across the villages, 330 YES, 75 NO. A 19.2% turn out. Thanks to all of you who are obviously sufficiently concerned about the future of our villages to come out and vote. A better than expected turn out.

Broadband: The broadband issues have been referred up to the government minister responsible for the programme. He is meeting with Openreach/BT who is responsible for the installation of the fibre network. Since June BT has missed three self imposed deadlines but is still claiming they are committed to 98.1% fibre cover by 2019. No response yet.

Vandalism: We have had several instances of wilful damage in the village recently. Stones protecting the corner of the pond have been thrown into the pond. The two sets of lights on our Xmas tree have had the cables cut between the box and the tree and new wooden fencing in the Batts has been badly damaged in a couple of places. Many houses in the village now have CCTV cameras and the Parish Council would be grateful if anyone notices any suspicious activity to let the Clerk know. We will inform the police of any criminal damage.

Red Gap funding: HBC tell us that planning permission is not needed for the picnic/play area itself, but the safety fence needs permission to ensure it complies with specific health and safety regulations. The new Xmas tree lights have arrived and our Ward Cllrs. Brenda Loynes and Mike Young will ask HBC to install them. Three smart new benches have also been delivered. Several residents asked that we have more seat- ing available in the village.

Dene Garth/North View Parking Bays: A couple of residents have put in a complaint to HBC about DPPC extending the parking bays. HBC asked us to put in a retrospective application for planning permis- sion. HBC Planning Committee Refused the application on the grounds that we have extended into a very small area, where the bus stop is, which is Village Green and therefore violates HBC’s open spaces policy. DPPC will appeal the decision.

Permeable grids outside North View and Allotment gates: These were installed to repair damage to the green where vehicles needing access had churned up the grass to a treacherous mud bath. A couple of resi- dents complained to HBC that DPPC has created car parks, when parking on Village Greens is illegal. We were advised at the outset that planning permission was not needed, but HBC have insisted we put in a retrospective planning application. DPPC have complied with the request and it goes to a Planning Com- mittee shortly for a decision. Thanks to residents who have written or registered their support for the works on HBC’s Planning Portal. The Reference no, for the ‘Find a Planning Application’ on the Portal is H/2018/0358, if you would like to read the attached comments from residents and various ‘bodies’ who HBC has consulted before it goes to the Committee. . Clerk, Jennifer White: email: [email protected] phone; 07879 632 229 Minutes on Notice Board. Next DPPC Meeting Thurs. 8th Nov. 7.00pm, Village Hall


Private and Group Sessions

Mounted & unmounted Equipilates™ Biomechanics screening Mat Pilates & Reforming Contact: Claire Dryden M: 07500041512 E:[email protected] HART VILLAGE EVENTS GROUP PROUDLY PRESENTS


Saturday November 3rd 2018 5 PM TILL 7 PM Lantern Parade through main gates of Raby Arms at 5.30 to church field Hot food served and glow sticks for sale Come early, limited parking. Fireworks start at 6.15pm (If bad weather alternate date will be arranged, watch for updates on our Hart Hub) News From The 3@ 4 Team During our service in October we welcomed the first pil- grims to walk a section of The Canute Pilgrim Way. Mem- bers of St Hilda’s Church Hartlepool walked to Hart. We had a combined service celebrating” Jesus as Light of the world”. The service ended with lighted candles and glow sticks and wonderful singing. Our service in November is Stir Up Sunday. Andrew will co -ordinate the mixing of our Christmas cake. Do come and enjoy our very relaxed family service and check on An- drew’s Christmas cake recipe. The date for your diary is 18th November at 4 pm.

My Life Living Assistance offers professional and compassionate support in the home t to nable a more independent lifestyle. We can offer you and your family: Assistance at home Companionship Service Respite Support Help getting out and about Personal Assistance Please get in touch to talk about how we can best help 01429 856407: [email protected]

Pocket Panto - Dick Whittington Hart Village Hall Thursday 27th December, 1pm & 3pm

Back again for more panto fun and frolics, Pocket Panto proudly present “Dick Whittington”. Join the cast as they transport audiences, young and old alike, to old London town to meet the legendary pantomime character Dick Whittington. Joining Dick will be his companion Tommy the cat and a cast of loveable char- acters, played as ever by three talented professional actors. Watch out for the evil Queen Rat and the hilarious ghost gag! Be sure to shout out as loud as you can…. “It’s behind you!!!!” There will be songs, laughter and happy ever after. Everything you’ve come to expect from a visit from Pocket Panto. Tickets £6 Box Office Contact: Janet 01429 266225 or Emma 280596

Date for your diary. Saturday November 17th Hart Church Christ- mas Fair, Village Hall at 10.30 to 2pm.Come meet your friends, enjoy festive food and buy

some Christmas gifts.

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Freephone: 0808 22 23 24 5 Registered Address Office Phone: 01429 263354 Chadwick House 127 York Road Hartlepool TS26 9DL Some News from

HART and

Middle Warren

Ladies Fellowship. The meeting was in the home of Iris. It was decided by Mary, Iris, Shirley, and Margaret that regretfully this would be the last meeting of St Mary Magdalene’s ladies fellowship. Shirley gave a talk God given harvest, when she recalled harvests of her childhood on Middlethorpe farm with her parents and two brothers. After happy talk and many memories remembered the last meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer. It is anticipated meetings in future will be in one of the lo- cal hostelries. We are suggesting that December will be the first opportunity to meet.


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Rachel Raine BSc(Hons)., M.Ch.S., S.R.Ch.  Tel: 01429 273477 200 Club News. Winner of the October Draw £50 98 Mr.G White. £20 173 Mr I Robson. £10 30 Mr J Gatenby.

Charity Update. Our chosen Charity for November and December is the Chil- dren’s Society. It has been the tradition over a number of years to send gifts to the local mission for Seafarers. Every Sunday evening, Ian Lightfoot goes to this mission, and would be de- lighted to take any gifts you wish to send. There will be a sug- gestions list at the back of church or chat to Ian. Our Christingle Service will be in the Family Service 2nd De- cember, during this service we will support the Children’s So- ciety. Their work is not only with families experiencing diffi- culties, but also out on the streets with the youngsters who are homeless and without hope.

Dear villagers. We are local people, who have recently moved into one of the villages, on the outskirts of Hartle- pool. We are interested in setting up a mobile shop to ser- vice the villages. We would hope to have a post office ser- vice as part of this, as well as selling main staple products, and We are also open to suggestions. We would ask for your help and support in this venture by gaining potential interest and demand for this service. If you think this a good or bad idea can you text the num- ber below giving any comments or suggestions. Telephone 07902524837. Many thanks for your time and support. Lesley & Bryn Become a host with…… Dog lovers wanted to care for friendly dogs whilst Their owners are away. It’s great fun, a dog to suit your lifestyle. Companionship and fitness without the commitment Of owning a dog of your one Please call: 01429 860846 or visit our website

Christmas Fair at Hart Village Hall Saturday, 17th November 2018 10.30am to 2.00pm Join us for Mince Pies, Christmas Cake, chat and cup of coffee. Cake Stall Jewellery Stall Tombola Christmas Wreaths Stall Christmas Decorations Handicrafts Christmas Cake & Jam Stall Christmas Gifts Face Painting Homemade Ginger Wine Christmas Cards Gingerbread W.I Scarf & Handbag Stall

***Homemade Corned Beef Pie as special request!!

Parish Share. Our Parish Share is £24,070. We have paid to date £21,500. Leaving a balance of £2,570. to be paid by December.

VICTORIA HOUSE FUNERAL SERVICES 26 Victoria Road, Hartlepool TS26 8DD Tel: 01429 234 777 E-mail: [email protected]

Apolena Wilson Dip FD, LMBIFD Carl Mean Dip FD, MBIE Andrew Gardner Dip FD, Andrew Evans MBIE

JOHN KING BRICKLAYER Professional &competitively priced brickwork & block paving no job too small Tel. 0791 9235569 for free estimate or contact Sybil or Mick 01429 864289

World War I Special Celebration of Remembrance Armistice 1918

On Thursday, 22nd November 2018 at 7pm.

In this service we will celebrate the Peace agreement and acknowledge the sacrifices made. They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn. At the going down of the Sun and in the morning.


Christmas Jumper Service of Celebration th Thursday, 13 December 2018 7pm

Join us for a relaxed festive evening with Carols, Poems and readings rounded off with Mince Pies, Christmas Cake and Warm Mulled Cider.

Please come in your Christmas Jumpers and bring your voices for festive car-

ASHFIELD CARAVAN PARK CAR BOOT SALE at Dalton Piercy, Hartlepool 10.00 am - 1.00 pm EVERY SATURDAY PLEASE ring 07787 568 165 for further information or [email protected]

Johnny Thirkell - Blown It!

Hart Village Hall Saturday 10th November, 8pm

You won't have heard of Johnny Thirkell. You wouldn't recognise him in a line up! He can walk into any pub unnoticed but he’s on just about every song on the jukebox - for he has been trumpeter of choice to the biggest names in music. Having played with David Bowie, Jamiroquai, Tom Jones, George Michael, Tina Turner, The Who, Barry White, three of the Beatles, Rod Stewart, Joe Cocker, Sting, Bon Jovi, Queen, Eric Clapton, Wet, Wet, Wet, Rick Astley, Lisa Stansfield, Level 42, UB40, Swing Out Sister, ABC, Seal and many more, 'Blown it!' is a unique informal interactive evening of outrageous and hilarious story telling and a chance to shine a light on the magic of some of the favourites from your record collection. Ooh, and he’ll play the trumpet too…. Tickets £8 Box Office Contact: Janet 01429 266225 or Emma 01429 280596

VILLAGE LIFE DEADLINE Will contributors to Village Life please note that the deadline for articles is the 21st of the month to enable editing and printing to be completed in time for dis- tribution on the last Sunday of the month.

Sylvia Jobson 275340 Victoria Harrison MOB: 07985 781364 [email protected] [email protected]


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From the Registers

Baptisms At St Mary Magdalene, Hart 23rd September Amelie Rose Hall 30th September Sofia Rose Readman 20th October Edward Adam Turner

At St Peter’s, Elwick Hall 6th October Francis Louise Barrett And Sophie Alexandra Barrett 22nd September 2018 Libby Sophia Mae Stokes 21st October Rory James Harrington

We warmly welcome these new members into the family of the church. Weddings At St Mary Magdalene, Hart. 29th September 2018, Robert James Bartrum and Re- becca Marie Newton-Smith We wish them every blessing for their new life to- gether Funerals At St Peter’s, Elwick 24th September 2018, John Gilhespy

May they rest in peace.


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DOG TREK – Dog Walking Service Mobile Hairdresser and Nail Technician Based in Elwick Village Fully qualified, can provide makeup service for any 1 hour walk is £7 for 1 dog special occasion.

30min walk is £5 for 1 dog Cut and blow dry £15, full head colour £25, And it’s £2 extra for every other dog full set acrylic nails £18 Email: [email protected] Rapture Hair Extensions—price upon request Tel: 07804873169 Call Amanda - 07983532751 Or look me up on Facebook PETER JENKINS MOTOR ENGINEER HART HEATING MOT, Servicing, Repairs GAS and PLUMBING SERVICES Free Collection and Delivery Service The Barn, Hart Village Gas Safe Registered Tel: 07788 710 921

Tele: 01429 264 703 Mobile: 07557 903 384 Peter. N. Olsen Email: [email protected] Accountant Tel: 07776 208 445 WROUGHT IRON & e-mail [email protected] METAL FABRICATION SERVICES Single Gates, fencing, handrails, postboxes The Fence Company Keith Simpson Equestrian & Farmland Fencing Tele: 01429 836221 / 07975 984 960 Garden Decorative fencing, Decking & more Call for a quote, or book an appointment On line at :- LOVINGLY BEE [email protected] Bespoke and handmade Wedding Stationery or 07938 360 587 Invitations for any occasion. Bespoke handmade and hand finished gifts. Everything made to order. Hart Ironing Service If you have something in mind? Delivery & collection available Just ask… Call Kendra Keeley on 01642 655 439 or Prompt turnaround 07921 924 584 - [email protected] Ring Chris on Tel 07432 735096