especially if it is near the middle of the second H_ •. lwti.:.Ie. In: So6s A & PAPP L.(Eds.) Catalogue basal cell is not a conclusive character to separate o{ Pa!:!earctic Diptera Vol. 6 Therevidae - the two groups. /,mpid:.tae: 174-227. EN•_;EL f, 1939. - Empididae, Tachydromiinae. In: Acknowledgements LIND~:sR, E.; Die Fliegen der Palaearktische Regi,.·t, 4, 4: 1-119. Stuttgart. We thank Mr. Pol LIMBOURG {RBINS) who KDVAL:.v V.G., 1972. - Diptera of the genera collected the frrst Belgian Drapetis flavipes. Dr. Dra,. •etis Mg. and Crossopalpus Bigot (Diptera, Christophe DAUGERON searched the Macquart Empididae) from the European part of the USSR. Collection at the Museum national d 'Histo ire Entomologischeskoe Obozrenie, ·51, 173-196 [in Naturelle in Paris for the type material. Russian]. MACQUART J., 1827.- Insectes Dipteres du Nord de References la . Platypezines, Dolichopodes, Empides, Hybotides. 357 pp Lille COLLIN J.E.,l961. -British Flies 6. Empididae, 782 MACQUART J., 1834. - Histoire nature/le des pp. Cambridge Insectes. Dipteres. I. 578 pp. Paris CHVALA M., 1975. - The Tachydromiinae (Dipt. ROSER C. VON, 1840. - Erster Nachtrag zu dem in Empididae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Jahre 1834 bekannt gemachten Verzeichnisse in entomologica scandinavica 3: 336 pp. Wiirttemberg vorkommender zweiflugliger CHV ALA M., 2004. - Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Insekten. Correspondenzblatt des Koniglich Hybotidae. Fauna Europaea version 1.1, Wiirttembergischen Landwirtschaftlichen Vereins. http://www Stuttgart. (N.F.) 17(1): 49-64. CHV ALA M. & KOVALEV V.G., 1989. - Family

Bulletin S.R.B.E.IK.B. V.E., 146 (2010): 115-122 Checklist of the Belgian stoneflies (Piecoptera)

1 3 1 Koen LOCK , Jean-Pierre V AND EN BOSSCHi· & Peter L.M. GOETHALS

1 Ghent University, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, J. Plateaustraat 22, B- 9000 Gent 2 Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Zoologie et d'Ecologie anirnales, 50 Avenue F. Roosevelt, B- 1050 Bruxelles 3 Departement de !'Etude du Milieu naturel et agricole, DGARNE, Service Public de Wallonie, 23 avenue Marechal Juin, B-5300 Gembloux


In the present study, 52 of stoneflies are listed for . However, 14 of these have not been reported for several decades: some have probably been overlooked and will hopefully be rediscovered in the future, while others are probably extinct in Belgium. The latter species are especially potamal species that were restricted to the river Meuse and the downstream part of the river Ourthe. A few other species have been reported from the surrounding countries and may also be encountered in Belgium. An overview of the literature dealing with the Belgian stoneflies is given. In addition, three species are reported here for the frrst time for Belgium: Amphinemura borea/is (Morton, 1894), Nemouraflexuosa AUBERT, 1949 andLeuctra majorBRINCK, 1949. Keywords: aquatic ; Amphinemura borealis; Belgium; Leuctra major; macroinvertebrates; Nemoura jlexuosa.

115 Samenvatt! ~!g

In deze studie worden 52 soorten steenvliegen ge!neld ·:oor Belgie. Hiervan werden 14 soorten echter niet meer teruggevonden de laatste decennia. Enke!~ daarvan werden waarschijnlijk over het hoofd gezien en zullen hopelijk herontdekt worden j,, de :.)ekomst, enkele andere zijn waarschijnlijk uitgestorven in Belgie. Tot deze laatste groep beho;~n v.--.omamelijk soorten die gebonden zijn aan grote rivieren en die enkel voorkwamen in de Maas en b:t benedenstrooms gedeelte van de Ourthe. Daarnaast werden nog enkele andere soorten die worden waargenomen in de omliggende landen en die mogelijk ook in Belgie kunnen gevonden worden. Een overzicht van de bestaande literatuur over de steenvliegen in Belgie wordt gepresenteerd. Bovendien worden drie soorten voor het eerst gemeld voor de Belgische fauna: Amphinemura borealis (MORTON, 1894), Nemoura jlexuosa AUBERT, 1949 en Leuctra major BRINCK, 1949.


Dans cette etude, 52 especes de plecopteres sont rapportees pour la Belgique. Parmi celles-ci, 14 especes n' ont plus ete rapportees depuis plusieurs decennies. Certaines sont probablement passees inaper9ues et pourront etre redecouvertes dans le futur, mais d'autres auraient disparu, en particulier celles que l'on trouvait anciennement dans la Meuse ou dans le cours inferieur de l'Ourthe. Quelques especes ont ete rapportees des pays voisins et peuvent aussi etre presentes en Belgique. Trois especes sont rapportees ici pour la premiere fois de Belgique: Amphinemura borea/is {MORTON, 1894}, Nemourajlexuosa AUBERT, 1949 et Leuctra major BRINCK, 1949. Un aper9u de la litterature est donne.

Introduction an overview is given about the literature dealing with in Belgium. Based on these data, The first checklist of the Belgian Plecoptera a checklist of the Belgian species is presented was made by DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS (1888), and three additional species are reported here for who listed 21 species for Belgium, however, the first time for Belgium: Amphinemura these were not all identified correctly as will be borealis {MORTON, 1894), Nemoura jlexuosa discussed below. Later, LAMEERE (1900) only AUBERT, 1949 andLeuctra majorBRINCK, 1949. listed 13 species in his 'Manuel de la faune de Belgique', apparently he neglected the previous Materials and methods study. NAVAS (1911) copied the list ofDE SELYS­ LONGCHAMPS (1888) and added one species: During the present study, all the available putata (Newman, 1838). However, material, adults as well as larvae, from the Royal the latter species is restricted to the UK and the Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), (FAUNA EUROPAEA, 2004) and no the University Faculty of Agronomic Sciences in material was preserved, this record was therefore Gembloux (FSAG), the Flemish Environmental omitted. AUBERT (1956), who studied the Agency (VMM), Ghent University (UGent), the collection of the Royal Belgian Institute of University of Antwerp (UA), the University of Natural Sciences, listed 50 species for Belgium Mons (UMons), the University of Liege (ULG) of which four were omitted here as will be and part of the material of the Departement de discussed below. Since then, only three species 1' Etude du Milieu nature} et agricole, Service have been added to the Belgian fauna: Diura Public de Wallonie (DGARNE; V ANDEN bicaudata (Linnaeus, 1758) was reported by BOSSCHE, 2007) was identified. AUBERT (1957), Capnioneura mitis Despax, The Belgian stonefly species can be identified 1932 was observed by HOFFMANN (1965) and with the key ofiLLIES (1955), which only misses Leuctra pseudosignifera AUBERT, 1954 was Capnioneura mitis DESPAX, 1932, but is not very recently found by LOCK & GOETHALS (2008). good for .larvae. AUBERT (1959) is incomplete, During the present study, most available but a useful addition, especially for Leuctridae material from collections of Belgian Plecoptera and larvae, while KIS ( 1974) is in Rumanian but was identified. In addition, field work was contains good drawings of adults. DESP AX carried out in order to get an idea of which (1951) is only for adults, it is incomplete and the species are still present in Belgium. Furthermore, key is not that good, but it contains C. mitis. The

116 keys for the British Isles {HYNES, 1977) and the nve;- Meuse and the river Ourthe in the {KOESE, 2008) contain only a ninc:eenth century (AUBERT, 1956). Per/odes fraction of the Belgium fauna and should mic·-ocephalus (PICTET, 1833) is quite common therefore not be used for Belgium, however, they so•.:h of the rivers Sambre and Meuse (DE give useful additional information. With the key Sr::.vs-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; of ZWICK (2004), all larvae of West Palearctic N.". VAS, 1911; AUBERT, 1956). species can be identified, but only to level. Results Dinocras cephalotes (CURTIS, 1827), Per/a burmeisteriana CLAASSEN, 1936 and Per/a In total, 52 species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) marginata (PANZER, 1799) have been reported have been found in Belgium (Table 1). For each frequently south of the rivers Sambre and Meuse family, the occurring species are discussed and (DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; an overview is given of the Belgian literature. NAvas, 1911; LESTAGE, 1920c; KLAPALEK, 1923; COOREMAN, 1946, 1949; AUBERT, 1956) Perlodidae and are still quite common. Perla bipunctata One specimen of Besdolus imhoffi (PICTET, PICTET, 1833 and Per/a grandis RAMBUR, 1842 1841) was collected by DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, were also reported (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, and was reported by KLAPALEK ( 1912, 1923) and 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, 1911; LESTAGE, AUBERT (1956) from Halloy. However, LESTAGE 1920c; KLAPALEK, 1923, LESTAGE, 1935; (unpublished data) indicated that this specimen AUBERT, 1956), however, verification of the did not contain a label when he studied it and it material present at the RBINS indicated that this should also be noted that DE SEL vs­ were all misidentified larvae. Marthamea selysii LONGCHAMPS (1888) did not mention this (PICTET, 1841) lived in the river Meuse and the species in his catalogue. For these reasons, B. river Semois {MAC LACHLAN, 1877, 1881 a; DE imhoffi was not included in the presented SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; checklist. Diura bicaudata (LINNAEUS, 1758) NAVAS, 1911; KLAPALEK, 1923; AUBERT, 1956), was only reported from Duzo-Moupas {AUBERT, but has not been observed for almost a century. 1957), but more recently, it was also found at several other locations in the Ardennes region. Isogenus nubecula {NEWMAN, 1833) occurred in Chloroperla tripunctata (SCOPOLI, 1763) has the river Meuse in the nineteenth century (DE been reported by several authors (MAC SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; LACHLAN, 1881 b; DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, NAVAS, 1911; AUBERT, 1956; LOCK & 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, 1911; LESTAGE, GOETHALS, 2008). /soperla goertzi ILLIES, 1952 1935; AUBERT, 1956). Despite some of these has only been reported from the Gaume-Lorraine records probably concern the more abundant region and (DESPAX, 1936) Isoperla oxylepis torrentium {PICTET, 1841 ), several only from Xhoffrais (AUBERT, 1956). Because records could be confirmed, however, C. larvae and females of the latter two species can at tripunctata has not been observed recently. present not be distinguished from /soperla serricornis (PICTET, 1841) was reported grammatica {POD A, 17 61 ), their distribution is from Spa and Longchamps-sur-Geer by DE probably underestimated. l grammatica is a SEL YS-LoNGCHAMPS (1888) and cited by NAY AS common species in the southern part of Belgium (1911), however, checking the identification of and is the only species of this family occurring in the material present in the RBINS indicated that Flanders (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; this material actually belonged to the species S. LAMEERE, 1900; FREDERICQ, 1904; NA VAS, torrentium. No wonder that AUBERT (1956) 1911; AUBERT, 1956; CORS et al., 2004; could not confirm this species from Belgium. S. DETHIER et al., 2008; LOCK & GOETHALS, torrelfiium, which is the only species of the 2008). /soper/a rivulorum {PICTET, 1841) was family Chloroperlidae that has been observed reported from Houyet by LESTAGE (1935), recently, is quite common south of the groove of however, this record could not be confirmed and the rivers Sambre and Meuse (AUBERT, 1956). probably also concerned/. grammatica. Per/odes apicalis (Newman, 1836) has only (RAMBUR, 1842) was only found in the dispar been observed along the river Ambleve in the

I 17 Table 1. Checklist of the Belgian Plecoptera. Species still prc:::ent : ·) in Flanders, Brussels an9 Wallonia; if species were not found since 2000, the last year the species was. ·bse' ··cd is indicated.

- Flanders Brussels Wallonia Order Plecoptera Family Perlodidae I. Diura bicaudata (Linnaeus 1758) . 2. Jsogenus nubecula (Newman 1833) 1888 1882 3. Jsoper/a goertzi lilies 1952 . 4. Isoper/a grammatica (Poda 1761) . . 5. /soper/a oxy/epis (Despax 1936) . 6. Per/odes dispar (Rambur 1842) 1889 7. Per/odes microcephalus (Pictet 1833) . Family Perlidae 8. Dinocras cepha/otes (Curtis 1827) . 9. Marthamea selysii (Pictet 1841) 1916 10. Per/a burmeisteriana Claassen 1936 . 11. Per/a marginata (Panzer 1799) . Family Chloroperlidae 12. Chloroperla tripunctata (Scopoli 1763) 1976 13. (Pictet 1841) . I 4. (Newman 1836) 1888 Family 15. Brachyptera braueri (Klapalek 1902) 1920 16. Brachyptera monilicornis (Pictet 1841) . 17. Brachyptera risi (Morton 1896) . 18. Brachyptera seticornis (K1apalek 1902) . 19. Taeniopteryx nebulosa (Linnaeus 1758) 1982 1949 20. Taeniopteryx schoenemundi Mertens 1923 1921 . Family Nemouridae 21. Amphinemura borealis (Morton 1894) . 22. Amphinemura standfussi (Ris 1902) . . 23. Amphinemura su/cicollis (Stephens 1836) . 24. Amphinemura triangularis (Ris 1902) 1954 25. Nemoura avicularis Morton 1894 . . 26. Nemoura cambrica Stephens 1836 . 27. Nemoura cinerea (Retzius 1783) . . . 28. Nemoura dubitans Morton 1894 . . . 29. Nemoura erratica C1aassen 1936 1895 30. Nemoura jlexuosa Aubert 1949 1918 3/. Nemoura marginata Pictet 1836 . . . 32. Nemoura sciurus Aubert 1949 1950 33. Nemure/la pictetii Klapalek 1900 . . . 34. Protonemura intricata (Ris 1902) . 1942 . 35. Protonemura meyeri (Pictet 1841) . . 36. Protonemura nitida (Pictet 1935) . 37. Protonemura praecox (Morton 1894) . 38. Protonemura risi (Jacobson & Bianchi 1905) . Family Capniidae 39. Capnia bifrons (Newman 1839) 1916 40. Capnia vidua K1apalek 1904 . 41. Capnioneura mitis Despax 1932 1964 Family Leuctridae 42. Leuctra albida Kempny 1899 . 43. Leuctra aurita Navas 1919 . 44. Leuctra digitata Kempny 1899 . 45. Leuctra fusca (Linnaeus 1758) . 0 46. Leuctra geniculata Stephens 1836 . 47. Leuctra hippopus Kempny 1899 . . 48. Leuctra inermis Kempny 1899 . 49. Leuctra major Brinck 1949 1932 50. Leuctra nigra (Oiivier 181 I) . . 51. Leuctra prima Kempny 1899 . 52. Leuctra pseudosignifera Aubert 1954 . . llo nineteenth century (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, iiequ~ntly {MAC LACHLAN~ 1881 b; DE SEL YS­ 1888; NAVAS, 1911; AUBERT, 1956). LON•...;CHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; FREr'·ERIC'Q, 1904; NAVAS, 1911; MARLIER, _ Taeniopterygidae 195: ; DEMOULIN, 1953 ; AUBERT, 1956; CORS et ~d., 2004; LOCK & GOETHALS, 2008). Brachyptera braueri {K.LAP ALEK, 1902) was An~:·hint!mura triangularis (Ris, 1902), on the found in the river Meuse and the river Ourthe eo;·, trary, has only been observed on a few (AUBERT, 1956), but this potamal species has not occasions (AUBERT, 1956) and has not been been reported for almost a century. Also reported since 1954. Nemoura avicularis Brachyptera monilicornis {PICTET, 1841) is a MORTON, 1894, Nemoura dubitans Morton, potamal species, which was found in the river 1894, Nemoura cambrica Stephens, 1836, Meuse the river Ourthe, the river V esdre and the ' . Nemoura marginata PICTET, 1836 and especially river (AUBERT, 1956), however, at least tn Nemoura cinerea (RETZIUS, 1783) are common the river Ourthe, this species is still present. As species (MAC LACHLAN, 1881 b; DE SEL YS­ indicated previously, the record of B. putata ~y LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NA vAS (1911) was discarded because thts FREDERICQ, 1904; NAVAS, 1911; LE ROI, 1912; species only occurs in the British Isles and the MARLIER, 1951; DEMOULIN, 1953; GROOTAERT Ulcraine (FAUNA EUROPAEA, 2004) and no & VERBEKE, 1983; BARVAUX, 1988; DOPAGNE material was preserved. Brachyptera risi & DETHIER, 2000; AUBERT, 1956, 1957; (Morton, 1896) is the most common species of DETHIER & HUBART, 2003; CORS et al., 2004; the family Taeniopterygidae (AUBERT, 1956; DETHIER et al., 2008; LOCK & GOETHALS, 2008; CORSet al., 2004), while Brachyptera seticornis MENTEN, 2008). Nemoura flexuosa AUBERT (KLAPALEK, 1902) is less common (AUBERT, 1949 is reported here for the first time for the 1956). The records of Brachyptera trifasciata Belgian fauna. Thirteen specimens of the latter (PICTET, 1832) (DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; species were found in Ombret on 19/411918, LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, 1911) actually however, they were wrongly identified as belonged to B. braueri and B. monilicornis. Nemoura erratica CLAASSEN 1936. Nemoura Rhabdiopteryx neglecta (Albarda, 1889) was erratica CLAASSEN, 1936 has only been found reported by PICTET (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, once near the river Semois in the nineteenth 1888; NAVAS, 1911), but could not be century and Nemoura sciurus AUBERT, 1949 confirmed, while the specimen reported by only in Cerfontaine and Gomzee-Andoumont AUBERT (1956) turned out to be B. risi. R. (AUBERT, 1956). Nemurella pictetii Klapalek, neglecta was therefore removed from the 1900 has been frequently encountered in checklist. Both Taeniopteryx nebulosa Belgium (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; (LTNNAEUS, 1758) and Taeniopteryx NA VAS, 1911; LEST AGE, 1922; MARLIER, 1946, schoenemundi MERTENS, 1923 have been 1951; AUBERT, 1956; DETHIER et al., 2008, reported on several occasions (DE SEL YS­ LOCK & GOETHALS, 2008; MENTEN, 2008). LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, Protonemura intricata (Ris, 1902), Protonemura 1911; LESTAGE, 1919, 1921, 1938a,b; AUBERT, meyeri (PICTET, 1841 ), Protonemura nitida 1950 1956· LOCK & GOETHALS, 2008), {PICTET, 1935), Protonemura risi (JACOBSON & how:ver, were often misidentified, which the~ BIANCHI, 1905) and to a lesser extent also was also indicated by AUBERT (1950). Recently, Protonemura praecox (MORTON, 1894) have all T. schoenemundi has been observed in the river been encountered quite frequently (DE SEL YS­ Ourthe and the river Lesse, while T. nebulosa LONGCHAMPS, 1888; NAVAS, 1911, 1913, 1914; has not been observed since 1982. AUBERT, 1956, 1957; CORS et al., 2004; DETHIER et al., 2008; LOCK & GOETHALS, Nemouridae 2008). Amphinemura borealis (MORTON, _1894) is reported here for the first time for Belgtum. ~e Cap~iitlae species was found along the river Hermeton tn Capnia nigra (PICTET, 1833) was reported Soulme on 26/4/20 I 0 and in Hermeton-sur­ from the river Ourthe by LESTAGE (1919), Meuse on 7/7/2010. Amphinemura standfussi however, this record belonged to the species (RIS, 1902) and Amphinemura sulcicol~is Capnia bifrons (Newman, 1839), which was also (STEPHENS, 1836) have been found qmte

119 indicated by AUBERT (1956). No further records :;·ianf:;•faris, N flexuosa, N. sciurus, C. mitis, C. are known for this species. Capnia vidua hifrc::s and L. major have still been reported Klapalek, 1904, which is known from two rece!:tly in Luxembourg or the German federal locations in the hautes fagnes (AUBERT, 1950, stat• ..; bordering Belgium (REUSH & WEINZIERL, 195 6), is the only species of the family Capniidae 20f: : ; ENTING, 2006; DOHET et al., 2008) and which has still been observed recently. we~ possibly overlooked. Capnioneura mitis DESPAX 1932 was only found : )f the 28 species that have been reported for in 1964 by HOFFMANN (1965), who found the Th~ Netherlands, only 11 species have been species during one day on four different locations found recently, while the other i7 are probably in Belgium close to the border of the Grand­ extinct (KOESE, 2008; KOESE, personal Duchy of Luxembourg. communication). All the species still present in The Netherlands were also encountered in Leuctridae Belgium. In northern France, stoneflies have hardly been studied (LE DOARE & VINc;ON, Leuctra albida KEMPNY, 1899, Leuctra Jus ea 2009). Based on its distribution in {LINNAEUS, 1758), Leuctra geniculata {REUSCH & WEINZIERL, 2001; ENTING, 2006), STEPHENS, 1836, Leuctra hippopus KEMPNY, Leuctra braueri KEMPNY, 1898 can still be 1899, Leuctra inermis KEMPNY, 1899, Leuctra expected in Belgium. There is also a small nigra (OLIVIER, 1811) and Leuctra prima chance that Isoptena serricomis (Pictet, 1841) KEMPNY, 1899 were all observed quite and Leuctra leptogaster AUBERT, 1949, which frequently {MAC LACHLAN, 1881 b; DE SEL YS- are very rare in Nordrhein-Westfalen and/or . LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, Rheinland-Pfalz {REUSCH & WEINZIERL, 2001; 1911; LESTAGE, 1920a,b, 1935; AUBERT, 1956, ENTING, 2006), could be encountered in 1957; LOCK & GOETHALS, 2008; MENTEN, Belgium. 2008), while Leuctra aurita Navas, 1919 and Leuctra digitata KEMPNY, 1899 were only found Acknowledgements on a few occasions (AUBERT, 1956). Leuctra major Brinck 1949 is reported here for the first In the frrst place, we would like to thank the Royal time for Belgium. One female of the latter Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, the Flemish Environment Agency, Gembloux Agricultural species was found in Borgoumont in September University, the University of Mons, the University of 1932, however, it was not recognised as such. Liege, the Free University of Brussels and the Recently, LOCK & GOETHALS (2008) reported 'Departement de l'Etude du Milieu naturel et Leuctra pseudosignifera AUBERT, 1954, agricole, Service Public de Wallonie' for the however, this species was captured in 1918 by opportunity to study their collections. For the help LESTAGE and the species has now already been during the study of the collections, we would like to captured in at least five locations. thank Rose SABLON, Thierry BACKEUAU, Jerome CONSTANT, Patrick GROOTAERT and Boudewijn Discussion GODDEERIS {Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Erik GHYSELBRECHT, Joost MERTENS, Lieven DETEMMERMAN, Thierry W ARMOES, During the present study, all the 52 species Christophe MAES, Saskia LAMMENS and Wim reported for Belgium (Table 1) could be GABRIELS (Flemish Environmental Agency), Thierry confirmed except Capnioneura mitis. However, VERCAUTEREN (Provincial Institute for Hygiene, the latter species has also been found in the PIH), Jeannine BORTELS (Gembloux Agricultural Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg as well as in University), Laurent CREPIN (University of Mons) Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany (HOFFMANN, 1960; and Pascal LAYS (University of Liege). We are also REUSH & WEINZTERL, 2001; ENTING, 2006) and grateful to Karlien DE TEMMERMAN for the help therefore, there is no reason to doubt the records during sampling. Finally, we would like to thank of this species. During the last couple of years, Klaus ENTING for proofreading this manuscript. Koen LOCK is currently supported by a post-doctoral 38 species have been collected, however, 14 fellowship from .. the Fund for Scientific Research other species were not encountered. Some of the (FWO-Vlaanderen, Belgium). latter species are most probably extinct, especially potamal species such as l nubecula, References P. dispar, M. selysii, B. braueri and X apicalis. AUBERT J., 1950. - Note sur les Plecopteres However, C. tripunctata, T. nebulosa, A. europeens du genre Taeniopte1yx Pictet

----·---·------120 (Nephelopteryx Klapalek) et sur Capnia vidua FAL·:-:!\ EUROPAEA, 2004.- Klapalek. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen FRr0ERICQ L., 1904.- La faune et floie glaciaires de Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 13 : 303-316. l':ateau de la Baraque Michel (point culminant de AUBERT J., 1956. - Contribution a !'etude des !·Ardeooe). Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de Plecopteres de Belgique. Bulletin de l'Institut ::elgique (Classe des Sciences), 43 : 1263-1326. royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 32 (15): G.,OOTAERT P. & VERBEKE K., 1983. - Nemoura 1-12. cinerea Retzius (Plecoptera) toch nog aanwezig in AUBERT J., 1957. - Deuxieme contribution a l'etude West-Vlaanderen. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe des Plecopteres de Belgique. Bulletin de l 'Institut Entomologique de Belgique, 119 : 300. royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 33 (27): HOFFMANN J., 1960. - Faune des Plecopteres du 1-3. Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Archives de AUBERT J., 1959. - Plecoptera. Insecta Helvetica, 1: I 'Institut grand ducal de Luxembourg, Section des 1-140. Sciences naturelles, physiques et mathematiques, BARVAUX E., 1988. - La faune entomologique du 19: 121-208. Rocheux. Revue Vervietoise d'Histoire Nature/le, HOFFMANN J.A., 1965. -Apropos de Capnioneura 45: 59-74. mitis Despax, nouveau Ptecoptere pour la faune de COOREMAN J., 1946. - Per/a cephalotes Curt. de la Belgique. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe vallee de Warche. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 101: LXXI-LXXN. Entomologique de Belgique, 82: 147. HYNES H.B.N., 1977. - A key to the adults and COOREMAN J., 1949.- Nouvelle capture des larves de nymphs of British stoneflies (Plecoptera). Kathariner. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Entomologique de Belgique, 85: 105. Publication, 17: 1-90. CORS R., DETHIER M. & CUPPEN J., 2004. - Les ILLIES J., 1955. - Steinfliegen oder Plecoptera. Die invertebres des eaux du Turon (commune de Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Theux). Bulletin de la Societe royale beige Meeresteile, 43: 1-150. d'Entomologie, 140: 34-42. KIS B., 1974. - Plecoptera. Fauna Republicii DEMOULIN G., 1953. - Recoltes d'Ephemeres et de Socialiste , Insecta, 8 (7) : 1-271. Perles dans la region du Bas-Escaut. Bulletin et KLAPALEK F., 1912. - Collections zoologiques du Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, Baron Edm. D. Selys Longchamps. Catalogue 89: 124-125. systematique et descriptif. Plecopteres Fasc. 4, 1. DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS E., 1888. - Catalogue Fam. Perlodidae. Bruxelles. raisonne des Orthopteres et des Nevropteres de KLAPALEK F., 1923. - Collections zoologiques du Belgique. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Baron Edm. D. Selys Longchamps. Catalogue Belgique, 32: 103-203. systematique et descriptif. Plecopteres Fasc. 4, 2. DESPAX R., 1951. - Plecopteres. Faune de France, Fam. Perlidae. Bruxelles. 55: 1-280. KOESE B., 2008. - De Nederlandse steenvliegen DETHIER M. & HUBART J.-M., 2003. - Nouvelles (Plecoptera). Entomologische Tabellen, 1 : 1-158. recoltes et observations concemant la faune LAMEERE A., 1900. - Manuel de la faune de souterraine de Wallonie. Bulletin des Chercheurs Belgique. Tome 2. Bruxelles, 858 pp. de la Wallonie, 42 : 45-56. LE DOARE J. & VIN<;ON G., 2009.- Les Plecopteres DETHIER M., DOPAGNE C. & CUPPEN J., 2008. - de France : inventaire des especes signalees en Qualite biologique des ruisseaux du domaine France (Plecoptera). [ universitaire du Sart-Tilman (Liege, Belgique) - -invfmr/_P_som1a.htm; 29/12/2009]. Heteropteres et Coleopteres aquatiques. Faunistic LE ROI 0., 1912. - Zur Kenntnis der Plecopteren von Entomology - Entomologie faunistique, 61 : 59- Rheinland-Westphalen. Berichte uber die 73. Versammlungen des Botanischen und des DOHET A., ECTOR L., CAUCHI H.-M. & HOFFMANN Zoologischen Vereins fUr Rheinland-Westfalen, L., 2008. - Identification of benthic invertebrate 25-51. and diatom indicator taxa that distinguish different LESTAGE J.A., 1919. - Note sur la capture en stream types as well as degraded from reference Belgique de 0/igoneuria rhenana Imh. Bulletin de conditions in Luxembourg. Biology, 58: la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 1 : 26-29. 419-472. LESTAGE J.A., 1920a. - Note preliminaire sur la DOPAGNE C. & DETHIER M., 2000. - lnsectes et decouverte de la larve de Leuctra geniculata mollusques aquatiques des etangs 'Les Cours' a Stephens .. (Plecoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Bolland (Pays de Herve, Belgique). Natura Entomologique de Belgique, 2 : 43-44. Mosana, 53 (2) : 51-64. LESTAGE J.A., 1920b. - Etudes sur la biologie des ENTING K., 2006. - Kommentiertes Verzeiclmis der in Plecopteres. I. La larve de Leuctra geniculata Rheinland-Pfalz nachgeweisenen Steinfliegenarten Stephens. Annates de Biologie Lacustre, 10 : 257- (Insecta: Plecoptera). Lauterbornia, 58 : 41-55. 268.

121 LESTAGE J.A., 1920c. - Note sur les Per/a (s. str.) An,.,zles de la Societe Entomologique de Be/gique, beiges. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de 25 : CXXVI-CXXXIX. . Belgique, 2 : 66-68. MAR: IER G., 1946. -Presentation de l'imago et de la LESTAGE J.A., 1921. - Etudes sur la biologie des lco· ve de Nemurel/a picteti Klap. Bulletin et Plecopteres II. La larve de Nephalopteryx .-::males de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, nebulosa L. Annales de Biologie Lac~stre, 10 : ::2:99. 231-260. M.".!{LIER G., 1951. - La biologie d'un ruisseau de LESTAGE J.A., 1922. - Nemurel/a picteti Kip. plaine, le Smohain. Memoire de I 'Institut royal des (Plecoptere) ( 1) et sa dispersion sporadique en Sciences naturelles de BelgiqU:~, 114: 1-98. Belgique. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de MENTEN J., 2008.- Steenvliegen (Plecoptera) van het Belgique, 4 : 43-45. Dijleland. De Boomklever, 2008: 60-65. LESTAGE J.A., 1935. - Les Ephemeropteres de NA VAS L., 1909. - Nouvelles classes de Nevropteres Belgique. 7me Note. Bulletin et Annales de la en Belgique. Revue mensuelle de la Societe Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 15 : 315-321. Entomologique Namuroise, 9: 54-55. LESTAGE J.A., 1938a. - Le nombre variable NAVAS L., 1911. - Synopsis des Nevropteres de d' apophyses abdominales sur les exuvies de Belgique: famille Perlides. Revue mensuelle de la Taeniopteryx (Nephelopteryx) nebulosa L. Societe Entomologique Namuroise, 11 : 97-1 00, (Piecopt. ). Bulletin et Annales de la Societe 107-110. Entomologique de Belgique, 78 : 353. NAVAS L., 1913. - Mis excursions por el extranjero LESTAGE J.A., 1938b. - Etudes sur la biologie des en el verano de 1912. Memorias de la Real Plecopteres (1): remarques critiques sur le genre Academia de Ciencias y Artes, (3) 10: 479-514. Taeniopteryx Pict. (olim Nephelopteryx Kip.), et NAVAS L., 1914. - Supplement aux nevropteres de sur la differenciation des larves connues en Belgique. Revue mensuelle de la Societe . Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique Namuroise, 14: 46-48,57-59. Entomologique de Belgique, 78 : 439-452. REUSCH H. & WEINZIERL A., 2001. - Regionalisierte LOCK K. & GOETHAI.S P .L.M., 2008. - Distribution Checkliste der aus Deutschland bekannten and ecology of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Steinfliegenarten (Plecoptera). Lauterbornia, 37 : Flanders (Belgium). Annales de Limnologie - 87-96. International Journal ofLimnology, 44 : 203-213. VANDEN BOSSCHE J.-P., 2007. - Distribution and MAC LACHLAN R., 1877. - Note sur Per/a selysii, identification to genus level of stoneflies Pictet. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de (Piecoptera) in Wallonia, from 1989 to 2005. Belgique, 20 : LV. Report. Centre de Recherche de la Nature, des MAC LACHLAN R., 1881a.- Note sur le male de Per/a Forets et du Bois. DGRNE, Gembloux. selysii Pictet. Annales de la Societe Entomologique ZWICK P., 2004.- Key to the West Palaearctic genera de Belgique, 25 : CXVIII-CXIX. of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the larval stage. MAC LACHLAN R., 1881 b. Trichopteres, Limnologica, 34 : 315-348. Nevropteres-Planipennes et Pseudo-Nevropteres.