especially if it is near the middle of the second H_ •. lwti.:.Ie. In: So6s A & PAPP L.(Eds.) Catalogue basal cell is not a conclusive character to separate o{ Pa!:!earctic Diptera Vol. 6 Therevidae - the two groups. /,mpid:.tae: 174-227. EN•_;EL f, 1939. - Empididae, Tachydromiinae. In: Acknowledgements LIND~:sR, E.; Die Fliegen der Palaearktische Regi,.·t, 4, 4: 1-119. Stuttgart. We thank Mr. Pol LIMBOURG {RBINS) who KDVAL:.v V.G., 1972. - Diptera of the genera collected the frrst Belgian Drapetis flavipes. Dr. Dra,. •etis Mg. and Crossopalpus Bigot (Diptera, Christophe DAUGERON searched the Macquart Empididae) from the European part of the USSR. Collection at the Museum national d 'Histo ire Entomologischeskoe Obozrenie, ·51, 173-196 [in Naturelle in Paris for the type material. Russian]. MACQUART J., 1827.- Insectes Dipteres du Nord de References la France. Platypezines, Dolichopodes, Empides, Hybotides. 357 pp Lille COLLIN J.E.,l961. -British Flies 6. Empididae, 782 MACQUART J., 1834. - Histoire nature/le des pp. Cambridge Insectes. Dipteres. I. 578 pp. Paris CHVALA M., 1975. - The Tachydromiinae (Dipt. ROSER C. VON, 1840. - Erster Nachtrag zu dem in Empididae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Jahre 1834 bekannt gemachten Verzeichnisse in entomologica scandinavica 3: 336 pp. Wiirttemberg vorkommender zweiflugliger CHV ALA M., 2004. - Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Insekten. Correspondenzblatt des Koniglich Hybotidae. Fauna Europaea version 1.1, Wiirttembergischen Landwirtschaftlichen Vereins. http://www Stuttgart. (N.F.) 17(1): 49-64. CHV ALA M. & KOVALEV V.G., 1989. - Family Bulletin S.R.B.E.IK.B. V.E., 146 (2010): 115-122 Checklist of the Belgian stoneflies (Piecoptera) 1 3 1 Koen LOCK , Jean-Pierre V AND EN BOSSCHi· & Peter L.M. GOETHALS 1 Ghent University, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, J. Plateaustraat 22, B- 9000 Gent 2 Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Zoologie et d'Ecologie anirnales, 50 Avenue F. Roosevelt, B- 1050 Bruxelles 3 Departement de !'Etude du Milieu naturel et agricole, DGARNE, Service Public de Wallonie, 23 avenue Marechal Juin, B-5300 Gembloux Abstract In the present study, 52 species of stoneflies are listed for Belgium. However, 14 of these have not been reported for several decades: some have probably been overlooked and will hopefully be rediscovered in the future, while others are probably extinct in Belgium. The latter species are especially potamal species that were restricted to the river Meuse and the downstream part of the river Ourthe. A few other species have been reported from the surrounding countries and may also be encountered in Belgium. An overview of the literature dealing with the Belgian stoneflies is given. In addition, three species are reported here for the frrst time for Belgium: Amphinemura borea/is (Morton, 1894), Nemouraflexuosa AUBERT, 1949 andLeuctra majorBRINCK, 1949. Keywords: aquatic insects; Amphinemura borealis; Belgium; Leuctra major; macroinvertebrates; Nemoura jlexuosa. 115 Samenvatt! ~!g In deze studie worden 52 soorten steenvliegen ge!neld ·:oor Belgie. Hiervan werden 14 soorten echter niet meer teruggevonden de laatste decennia. Enke!~ daarvan werden waarschijnlijk over het hoofd gezien en zullen hopelijk herontdekt worden j,, de :.)ekomst, enkele andere zijn waarschijnlijk uitgestorven in Belgie. Tot deze laatste groep beho;~n v.--.omamelijk soorten die gebonden zijn aan grote rivieren en die enkel voorkwamen in de Maas en b:t benedenstrooms gedeelte van de Ourthe. Daarnaast werden nog enkele andere soorten die worden waargenomen in de omliggende landen en die mogelijk ook in Belgie kunnen gevonden worden. Een overzicht van de bestaande literatuur over de steenvliegen in Belgie wordt gepresenteerd. Bovendien worden drie soorten voor het eerst gemeld voor de Belgische fauna: Amphinemura borealis (MORTON, 1894), Nemoura jlexuosa AUBERT, 1949 en Leuctra major BRINCK, 1949. Resume Dans cette etude, 52 especes de plecopteres sont rapportees pour la Belgique. Parmi celles-ci, 14 especes n' ont plus ete rapportees depuis plusieurs decennies. Certaines sont probablement passees inaper9ues et pourront etre redecouvertes dans le futur, mais d'autres auraient disparu, en particulier celles que l'on trouvait anciennement dans la Meuse ou dans le cours inferieur de l'Ourthe. Quelques especes ont ete rapportees des pays voisins et peuvent aussi etre presentes en Belgique. Trois especes sont rapportees ici pour la premiere fois de Belgique: Amphinemura borea/is {MORTON, 1894}, Nemourajlexuosa AUBERT, 1949 et Leuctra major BRINCK, 1949. Un aper9u de la litterature est donne. Introduction an overview is given about the literature dealing with Plecoptera in Belgium. Based on these data, The first checklist of the Belgian Plecoptera a checklist of the Belgian species is presented was made by DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS (1888), and three additional species are reported here for who listed 21 species for Belgium, however, the first time for Belgium: Amphinemura these were not all identified correctly as will be borealis {MORTON, 1894), Nemoura jlexuosa discussed below. Later, LAMEERE (1900) only AUBERT, 1949 andLeuctra majorBRINCK, 1949. listed 13 species in his 'Manuel de la faune de Belgique', apparently he neglected the previous Materials and methods study. NAVAS (1911) copied the list ofDE SELYS­ LONGCHAMPS (1888) and added one species: During the present study, all the available Brachyptera putata (Newman, 1838). However, material, adults as well as larvae, from the Royal the latter species is restricted to the UK and the Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Ukraine (FAUNA EUROPAEA, 2004) and no the University Faculty of Agronomic Sciences in material was preserved, this record was therefore Gembloux (FSAG), the Flemish Environmental omitted. AUBERT (1956), who studied the Agency (VMM), Ghent University (UGent), the collection of the Royal Belgian Institute of University of Antwerp (UA), the University of Natural Sciences, listed 50 species for Belgium Mons (UMons), the University of Liege (ULG) of which four were omitted here as will be and part of the material of the Departement de discussed below. Since then, only three species 1' Etude du Milieu nature} et agricole, Service have been added to the Belgian fauna: Diura Public de Wallonie (DGARNE; V ANDEN bicaudata (Linnaeus, 1758) was reported by BOSSCHE, 2007) was identified. AUBERT (1957), Capnioneura mitis Despax, The Belgian stonefly species can be identified 1932 was observed by HOFFMANN (1965) and with the key ofiLLIES (1955), which only misses Leuctra pseudosignifera AUBERT, 1954 was Capnioneura mitis DESPAX, 1932, but is not very recently found by LOCK & GOETHALS (2008). good for .larvae. AUBERT (1959) is incomplete, During the present study, most available but a useful addition, especially for Leuctridae material from collections of Belgian Plecoptera and larvae, while KIS ( 1974) is in Rumanian but was identified. In addition, field work was contains good drawings of adults. DESP AX carried out in order to get an idea of which (1951) is only for adults, it is incomplete and the species are still present in Belgium. Furthermore, key is not that good, but it contains C. mitis. The 116 keys for the British Isles {HYNES, 1977) and the nve;- Meuse and the river Ourthe in the Netherlands {KOESE, 2008) contain only a ninc:eenth century (AUBERT, 1956). Per/odes fraction of the Belgium fauna and should mic·-ocephalus (PICTET, 1833) is quite common therefore not be used for Belgium, however, they so•.:h of the rivers Sambre and Meuse (DE give useful additional information. With the key Sr::.vs-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; of ZWICK (2004), all larvae of West Palearctic N.". VAS, 1911; AUBERT, 1956). species can be identified, but only to genus level. Perlidae Results Dinocras cephalotes (CURTIS, 1827), Per/a burmeisteriana CLAASSEN, 1936 and Per/a In total, 52 species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) marginata (PANZER, 1799) have been reported have been found in Belgium (Table 1). For each frequently south of the rivers Sambre and Meuse family, the occurring species are discussed and (DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; an overview is given of the Belgian literature. NAvas, 1911; LESTAGE, 1920c; KLAPALEK, 1923; COOREMAN, 1946, 1949; AUBERT, 1956) Perlodidae and are still quite common. Perla bipunctata One specimen of Besdolus imhoffi (PICTET, PICTET, 1833 and Per/a grandis RAMBUR, 1842 1841) was collected by DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, were also reported (DE SEL YS-LONGCHAMPS, and was reported by KLAPALEK ( 1912, 1923) and 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; NAVAS, 1911; LESTAGE, AUBERT (1956) from Halloy. However, LESTAGE 1920c; KLAPALEK, 1923, LESTAGE, 1935; (unpublished data) indicated that this specimen AUBERT, 1956), however, verification of the did not contain a label when he studied it and it material present at the RBINS indicated that this should also be noted that DE SEL vs­ were all misidentified larvae. Marthamea selysii LONGCHAMPS (1888) did not mention this (PICTET, 1841) lived in the river Meuse and the species in his catalogue. For these reasons, B. river Semois {MAC LACHLAN, 1877, 1881 a; DE imhoffi was not included in the presented SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, 1888; LAMEERE, 1900; checklist. Diura bicaudata (LINNAEUS, 1758) NAVAS, 1911; KLAPALEK, 1923; AUBERT, 1956), was only reported from Duzo-Moupas {AUBERT, but has not been observed for almost a century. 1957), but more recently, it was also found at several other locations in the Ardennes region. Chloroperlidae Isogenus
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