Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance (VEJA) Suite 5, Lamees Building, Cnr Frikkie Meyer & Rutherford Boulevards, Vanderbijlpark 1911, Gauteng, South Africa PO Box 4904, Vanderbijlpark 1900, Gauteng, South Africa Tel (016) 933.9079 Fax (016) 931.2653 eMail:
[email protected] Website: A Not for Profit Organisation (NPO), NPO No. 153-572 Press Statement Vaal Community take to Mass Action Challenging Corporate Environmental Injustices – Challenging ArcelorMittal and Seriti Mining Vanderbijlpark, South Africa 23rd May 2019: Today, the Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance kicks off two days of mass action against corporate environmental injustices in the Vaal area. Corporates such as ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) and Seriti continue with impunity their everyday business of polluting society that impacts upon people’s health and well-being. Government is a co-conspirator for they fail to enforce laws that are there to protect the people of the Vaal. The VEJA (Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance) [1] and members of the Vaal community will be in mass action on the 23th May outside the gated of AMSA Vanderbijlpark picketing at the main gate from 8am. On the 24th May at 9am, they will march from corner Deneyville Road and P10 Road to the gates of the of Seriti Coal Mine. The Vaal Triangle was declared the first High Priority Area (HPA) by the Department of Environmental Affairs in 2006. Since then nothing has changed in terms of compliance with ambient air quality standards that harms people’s health and well-being. AMSA is the biggest steel manufacturing company is South Africa owned by ArcelorMittal based in Luxemburg and London.