lEltO ia EXTRAORDINARY PART II-Section 3 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY '1',1' ;::.-;:::.::.=:_-;::..==~=:':===---=====:_:':"":""--::::::'-:-':" . ----- ':=:=::'=:=.=,-=:::-'-:"'-':':=="::==-.=--';: =-=-:: :'.-=-==.:"-==-=.: -:.::;:.-.:':'="::"-=:=:--=:":':::":~~::':7=-:-':'-=-'=~,:.-. :=.:-_.~=:":' :=.:.. ,·;f~o.316-A] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, OCTOBER, 29, 1956 MINISTRY OF HOl\'IE AFFAIRS NOTIFICA TION New Del1ii, the 29th OctobeT 1956 S.R,O. 2477A.-The following Order made by the President is published Jorgeneral information:- ,:lTHE SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES LISTS (l\tIODl . FICATION) ORDER, 1956 In pursuance of section 41 of the States Reorganisation Act, HI;)lj (.37 of1956) I and section 14 of the Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Terri tories) Act, 1956 (40 of 1956), the President hereby nlakes Lhe following Order, namely:- 1. This Order may be called the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes .,.Lists (Modification) Order, 1956. 2. (1) The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Or~er, 1950, is hereby modi .', nE'd in the manner and to the extent specified in Schedule I. ,3. (2) The Co.nstit~tion (Sch'eduled Castes) (Part C Sta~es) ~rd~eJ~,1951, 'IS hereby modIfied m the manner and to the extent specIfied m Schedule .II. ( 3, (1) The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, is herl"by modified in the manner and la the exLenL specified in Schedule lIT. , (2) The Constitution (ScheGuled Tribes) (Part C States) Order. 1:Fd, 'JJiS;', IV.hereby modified' in the manner and Lo the extent specified in Sc!.-,.·d·de SCHEDULE I [See pa~agr8ph 2(1)J J\lodifications to tlle Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order.. ) 950. 1. In pcuag1'8ph 2, for "Part5 I jo XVI", substitute "Parts I to XIII" ( 21(;1/1 ) '.
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