Fawlty Towers Waldorf Salad with Basil the Rat
Cayman Drama Society [J'l£1l'Ai1X FAWLTY TOWERS WALDORF SALAD WITH BASIL THE RAT at The Prospect Playhouse, Red Bay PERFORMANCES April 30 (Gala!), May 1, 2, 3, & 4 May 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11 1997 ~:··FE(·:: . G~~:tke~:tonth Lllnck.speci~I~'1 "" .. ';,;;~;";,~~ibp;.:~flJa4,:~od~ ~:Buff~~':$7~,50 ':, ., flil~i1~iif~~~r';~!;~:Sria~~r~~~!(;t,'"' ::/';:';:::;~;:::'r'(Conch:~~ew:'Cracked: Conch.:FrittersS,slad: Ba~) ,',', :TH:vR;;:Cajp~:,N~ght N~"OrJ.eaJl;s(yie<::~':"", ",' .$1~~~' :' ::",.:':<,;::(Jambaiftt'illacltenPri'ln~.Rib,:cbi];,FisbtSatadY';::,:: ,' :FRl;;"':lJobs~er;DirinerFor.J'wo'Any Style' :":, ,:$42.95: ,• •,SAT~;::.,'" Seaf6od,biavlo'(Lob~tet, Fuh,Sh~p~Sq~id):' " $13.95': " :., ':SUN~"",' Triple Shrimp 'Cmn 00: for; two' ', .. :, '$29~9S ...... (: . .:., :: .:.: :.'.: :... :: :.~.:.~. ., ..... -:.:.-: ::·::,;::::},~"::::;::';: •.• ':,:·Yeg~:&i,a~:pasta'S6.00,L",.:,~"."rr,:~~,:$9~2:~i'»blner:;;,:::',::./::'::":,r: .:':.::,:'". ,.:::,,:'~'::'~~~:,~~"~;:~'i~6:~itY',~iJh:pr()~i~::i\i'~;;4'p,erions:"::.,,, , '.', .:', ~~~t~:fn;i~MeetfngROOIII'AY'lliJabie, ,,: ,', ::;"Re:serVa:fion andtakeou. orders 947l..S217/ Message from the Chairman/Director Dear Theatre Patrons, All good things must come co an end and by rhe rremendous success ofall the Fawley Towers episodes we have staged (eleven co dare) you have rhoughr them good. In fact last years "Fawley Towers" broke all records for the Society in atren dances - we even rumed people away on our normal 'quid night THURSDAY! I muse say rhar I never expecred rhem ro be sc popular nor did I rhink that I would be adapting and staging all rwelve ofrhe TV scripts. It was a good friend of mine and the CDS, Ketti Kennedy (now Mrs Kerri Hulit), who in 1990 was laughing in my earshot whilsr reading a book.
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