Wine & Spirits
Wine & Spirits Pasion & Traditë SPIRITS Historiku Background Kantina e Pijeve “Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu” eshte kantina me e madhe The winery “ Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu “ is the biggest winery in ne vend. Ndodhet ne Kodren e Rrashbullit dhe shtrihet ne nje siperfaqe the country. Is situated on the hill of Rrashbull and lies in an area of afro 45,000 m2. approximately 45,000 m2. Fillimet e saj jane ne vitin 1933, ku u krijua nga nje familje italiane ne Its beginnings were in 1933, which was created by an Italian family Sukth, ku behej perpunimi i thjeshte i rrushit me kapacatitete modeste in Sukth, in which was done simple processing of grapes in modest capacity. Ne vitin 1957 filloi ndertimi i Kantines ne kodren e Rrashbullit. In 1957 began the construction of the winery in Rrashbull hill. Kantina mori nje dimension te ri ne vitin 1960, kohe ne te cilen perfunduan The winery took a new dimension in 1960, at which time were completed 3 godinat e para, ku u rriten kapacatitet prodhuese. the three first buildings, and the production capacity increased. Puna voluminoze e ndertimit vazhdoi deri ne vitin 1987, duke e shnderruar Voluminous work of building went up in 1987, becoming this winery, the kete kantine ne kantinen me te madhe ne vend.. the largest winery in the country . Prodhimet e Kantines ishin Vera, Konjaku, Ferneti, Rakia dhe pije te The winery products were wine, brandy, fernet (tonic alcoholic drink with tjera. a little bitter taste), raki and other drinks. Produktet e Kantines jane vleresuar disa here me çmime ne konkurset Te winery products are evaluated several times with awards in national kombetare dhe nderkombetare.
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