Ix References

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Ix References IX REFERENCES Aeschimann, D., Lauber, K., Moser,D.M.,Theurillat, J.-P.: Flora alpina 1–3. Haupt Verlag, 2004. Aichele, D., Golte-Bechtle, M.: A Field Guide in Colour to Wild Flowers. Octopus, London, 1976; 399 p. Aichele, D.: Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe. Hamlyn, London, 1992; 400 p. Akeroyd, J.: Collins Wild Guide: Wild Flowers. Harper Collins, London, 2004; 255 p. Anderberg, A.-L.: Atlas of Seeds and Small Fruits of Northwest European Plant Species. Part 4. Resedaceae – Umbelliferae. Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm, 1994; 281 p. Anonymus: Reader’s Digest Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants and Flowers. 1st Edition. Reader’s Digest Associ- ation, London, 1971. Anonymus: Royal Horticultural Society Gardener’s Encyclopaedia of Plants and Flowers. 2nd Edition. Dorling Kindersley, London, 1994. Anonymus: Plant Finder 2003–2004. 15th Edition. Dorling Kindersley, London, 2003. Anonymus: Index of Garden Plants. 1st Edition. Macmillan Press, London, 1994. 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Brecher, J.: Semená pol’nohospodárskych rastlín a burín. Slovenské vydavatel’stvo pôdohospodárskej literatúry, Bratislava, 1958; 245 p. Brockman,C.F.,Merrilees, R.: Trees of North America. Golden Press, New York, 1979; 280 p. Brouwer, W., Stählin, A..: Handbuch der Samenkunde. DLG Verlag., Frankfurt/Main, 1976. Camoletto Pasin, R., Borri, F., Quaranta, L.: Documenti sulla Flora Vascolare del Bacino del Torrente Sangone: Alpi Cozie, Italia, Piemonte. Catalogo dei Dati Bibliografici (1785–1988) e dell’Erbario Rea – Val Sangone (1945–1986). Vols 1–2. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, 2003; 953 p. Copikˇ V. I.: Visokogorina flora ukrajinskich Karpat. Naukova Dumka, Kijiv, 1976. Copikˇ V. I.: Viznacnikˇ roslin Ukrainskich Karpat. Naukova Dumka, Kijiv, 1977. Copik,ˇ V. I., Dudˇcenko, L. G., Krasnova, A. N.: Dikorastušcijeˇ poleznyje rastenija Ukrainy. Naukova Dumka, Kijiv, 1983; 396 p. Davis, L. W.: Weed Seeds of the Great Plains: A Handbook for Identification. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1993; 208 p. 955 REFERENCES Delcourt, P. A., Davis, O. K., Bright, R. C.: Bibliography of Taxonomic Literature for the Identification of Fruits, Seeds, and Vegetative Plant Fragments. Environmental Sciences Division, Publication No. 1328. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, 1979; 84 p. Delorit, R. J.: Illustrated Taxonomy of Weed Seeds. Agronomy Publications, River Falls, Wisconsin, 1970; 175 p. Delorit, R. J., Gunn, C. R.: Seeds of the Continental United States Legumes (Fabaceae). Agronomy Publica- tions, River Falls, Wisconsin, 1986; 134 p. Deyl, M., Ušák, O.: Plevele polí a zahrad. Nakl. Ceskoslov.ˇ akademie ved,ˇ Praha,1964; 387 pp. + 150 draws. Dobroˇcajeva, D. N. (Ed.): Opredelitel’ vysšich rastenij Ukrajiny. Naukova Dumka, Kijiv, 1987; 151-152, 493, 502, 528, 539 pp. Dostál, J.: Kvetenaˇ CSRˇ a ilustrovaný klíckurˇ ceníˇ všech cévnatých rostlín. Pˇrírodovednéˇ nakladatelství, Praha, 1950; 2269 p. Dostál, J.: Klícˇ k úplné kvetenˇ eˇ CSR.ˇ Naklad. CSAV,ˇ Praha, 1954; 1184 p. Dostál, J., Cervenka,ˇ M.: Vel’ký kl’úcnaurˇ covanieˇ vyšších rastlín. Vols 1–2. Slov. pedagogické nakla- datel’stvo, Bratislava, 1992; 1567 p. Elwes, H. J., Henry, A. H.: The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. 7 Vols. Repub. by S. R. Publishers Ltd, Wakefield, Yorkshire, 1969. Futák, J.: Slovenský herbár. Spolok Sv. Vojtecha, Trnava, Vols 1–2, 1946; 877 p. Futák, J. (Ed.): Flóra Slovenska I. Všeobecná cast’.ˇ (Flora of Slovakia I., General Part). VEDA Press, Bratislava, 1966; 797 pp. Futák, J. (Ed.): Flóra Slovenska II. Pteridophyta, Coniferophytina. VEDA Press, Bratislava, 1966; 345 p. Futák, J., Bertová, L. (Eds): Flóra Slovenska III. Veda Press, Bratislava, 1984; 608 p. Flood, R. J.: Seed Identification Handbook. National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge, UK, 1986; 72 p. Gejdeman, T. S.: Opredelitel’ vyššich rastenij Moldavskoj SSR. Kišinev, 1986; 638 p. Goliašová, K. (Ed.): Flóra Slovenska V/2. VEDA Press, Bratislava, 1998; 635 p. Goliašová, K., Šípošová, H. (Eds.): Flóra Slovenska V/4. VEDA Press, Bratislava, 2002; 835 p. Harding, P.: Wild Flowers of the Peak District. Hallamshire Press, 2000; 144 p. Harris, J. G., Harris, M. W.: Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary. Spring Lake Publishing, Spring Lake, Utah, USA, 1994; ix + 197 p. Hegi, G.: Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, Band I, Teil 3, Spermatophyta: Angiospermae: Monocotyledones 1(2) Poaceae. Parey Buchverlag, Berlin, 1998. Hegi, G.: Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, Band IV, Teil 3, Dicotyledones 2. Teil, Leguminosae – Tropaelaceae. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 1975. Hejný, S., Slavík, B., Štepánková,ˇ J. (Eds.): Kvetenaˇ CR.ˇ Vols 1–8. Academia, Praha, 1988–2004. Hron, F.: Rostliny polí a zahrad. SPN, Praha, 1974; 408 p. Howes, F. N.: A Dictionary of Useful and Everyday Plants and their Common Names. Cambridge University Press, 1974. Hussey, B. M. J., Keighery, G. J., Cousens, R. D., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S. G.: Western Weeds. A Guide to the Weeds of Western Australia. The Weeds Society of WA INC., 1997. Jávorka, S., Soó, J.: A Magyar Növényvilág kézikönyve. Vols 1–2., Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1951; 1120 p. Jirásek, V., Zadina, R., Blažek, Z.: Naše jedovaté rostliny. Nakladatelství CSAV,ˇ Praha, 1957; 384 p. + 120 draws. Jonsell, B. (Ed.): Flora Nordica. General Volume. Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, 2004; 287 p. + 105 figures (maps, photos and drawings). Jonsell, B., Karlsson, T.: Flora Nordica. Lycopdiaceae – Polygonaceae, Vol. 1. Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, 2000; 368 p. Jonsell, B., Karlsson, T. (Eds.): Flora Nordica. Chenopodiaceae – Fumariaceae. Vol. 2. Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, 2001; 430 p. Katz, Ja., Katz,S.V.,Kipiani, G.: Atlas and Keys of Fruits and Seed Occurring in the Quaternary Deposits of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Commission for Investigations of the Quaternary Period, Nauka, Moscow, 1965; 367 p. Klika, J.: Lesní dˇreviny (lesnická dendrologie). Ceskoslovenskᡠmatice lesnická, Písek, 1947; 394 p. Klika, J. (Ed): Jehlicnaté.ˇ CAV,ˇ Praha, 1953; 312 p. Kobylka, B.: Izbové kvetiny. Slovenské vydavatel’stvo pôdohospodárskej literatúry, Bratislava, 1956; 104 p. 956 REFERENCES Komarov,V.L.,Shishkin,B.K.,Bobrov, E. G. (Eds.): Flora U.S.S.R. Vols 1–30. Nauka, Moskva-Leningrad, 1934–1964. Korsmo, E.: Unkrauter im Ackerbau der Neuzeit. Biologische und practische Untersuchungen. Springer, Berlin, 1930; 580 p. Korsmo, E.: Weed Seeds. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo, 1935; 175 p. + 306 draws. Kott, C. A.: Karantinnyje sornyje rastenija i borba s nimi. Nauka, Moskva, 1953; 224 p. Krautzer, B., Peratoner, G., Bozzo, F.: Site-Specific Grasses and Herbs. Seed Production and Use for Restoration of Mountain Environments. FAO, Rome, 2004. Krippelová, T., Krippel, E.: Semená burín. SAV, Bratislava, 1955; 282 p. Krussmann, G.: Manual of Cultivated Broad-Leaved Trees and Shrubs. 2nd Edition, 3 Vols. Timber Press, Oregon, USA, 1984. Krussmann, G.: Manual of Cultivated Conifers. 2nd Edition. Timber Press, Oregon, USA, 1985. Kozlovskaja,N.V.,Parfenov, V. I.: Chorologija flory Belorussii, Minsk, 1972; 308 p. Kubát, K., Hrouda,L,Chrtek, J., Kaplan, Z., Kirschner,J,Štepánek, J.: Klíckekvˇ eten˘ e˘ Ceskéˇ republiky (Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic). Academia Praha, 2002; 928p. Landers, J. L., Johnson, A. S.: Bobwhite quail food habits in the southeastern United States with a seed key to important foods. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida, Misc. Publ. 4:1–90, 1976. Leadlay, E., Jury, S.: Taxonomy and Plant Conservation. Cambridge University Press, 2006; 366 p. Lippert, W., Podlech, D.: Wild
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