The Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development 2 “When Taking Decisions Today, ­Policy-​Makers Must Focus on Sustainability

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The Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development 2 “When Taking Decisions Today, ­Policy-​Makers Must Focus on Sustainability The Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development 2 “When taking decisions today, policy- makers must focus on sustainability. You could say that policies must be designed with our grandchildren in mind. The Advisory Council on Sustainable Development raises awareness of the need for us to think globally in the decisions we take today and to always consider the implications for tomorrow’s world.” Dr Andreas Lenz, CDU/CSU Chairman of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development 3 The German Bundestag’s decisions are prepared by its committees, which are estab- lished at the start of each elec- toral term. Four of them are stipulated by the Basic Law, the German constitution: the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Defence Committee, the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union and the Petitions Committee. The Budget Committee and the Committee for the Rules of Procedure are also required by law. The spheres of respon- sibility of the committees essentially reflect the Federal Government’s distribution of ministerial portfolios. This enables Parliament to scruti- nise the government’s work effectively. The Bundestag committees The German Bundestag sets political priorities of its own by establishing additional committees for specific sub- jects, such as sport, cultural affairs or tourism. In addition, special bodies such as parlia- mentary advisory councils, The committees discuss and committees of inquiry or deliberate on items referred study commissions can also to them by the plenary. They be established. The commit- also have the right to take up tees are composed of mem- issues on their own initiative, bers of all the parliamentary allowing them to set priorities groups, reflecting the balance in the parliamentary debate. of these groups in the German When necessary, they draw Bundestag. The distribution on external expertise – usu- of the chairs and deputy ally by holding public hear- chairs among the parliamen- ings. At the end of a commit- tary groups also reflects their tee’s deliberations, a majority relative strengths in the ple- of its members adopt a rec om- nary. In the current electoral mendation for a decision and term, the committees have a report, which serve as the between nine and 49 mem- basis for the plenary’s deci- bers. sion. 5 We must not live at tomor- row’s expense – that is the basic principle of sustain- ability. We shouldn’t con- sume more than can be replaced in future. The term and concept of sustainability date back to 18th-century forestry practices, when people were only permitted to log as much wood as could grow back. This ensured that the forest remained available for future use and maintained its value over the long term. The concept later moved beyond this original context, evolved and entered into political and academic usage. Sustainability – a responsibility and obligation towards the present and the future Sustainability is an ethical principle which, as a cross- cutting issue, requires a holis- tic view of the challenges fac- ing society. It brings together our responsibility to those alive today with our responsi- bility to future generations. It also applies to the actions the needs of the present with- of every individual. out compromising the ability Rather than being limited of future generations to meet solely to environmental pro- their own needs”. Sustain- tection and nature conser- ability policy brings together vation, sustainability also many interwoven strands of encompasses the full spec- policy, which can no longer trum of issues relating to the be considered independently environment, the economy of each other. and social affairs. Instead, it is essential to inte- In 1987, the Brundtland Com- grate them and strike the right mission established by the balance in pursuing them. United Nations put forward And of course, sustainability a definition in its reportOur is not a subject which stops Common Future. It stated at national borders; it is also that societal development is a key issue in international only sustainable if it “meets cooperation. 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CDU/CSU 3 ■ ■ ■ SPD 2 ■ ■ AfD 2 ■ ■ FDP 2 ■ ■ The Left Party 2 ■ ■ Alliance 90/The Greens Number of members: 17 Chairman: Dr Andreas Lenz, CDU/CSU Deputy Chairwoman: Dr Nina Scheer, SPD 7 The concept of sustain­ able development was first established as a global guid- ing principle at the UN Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Building on this, the heads of state and govern- ment of the UN’s 193 Mem- After all, sustainable policy- ber States adopted the 2030 making relates not only to Agenda for Sustainable species diversity, climate Development, a pact on the protection and the consump- world’s future, in New York tion of natural resources and on 25 September 2015. It is energy, but also to the devel- based on the conviction that opment of the financial mar- global challenges can only be kets, public debt, and econo- resolved by working together, mies’ potential for innovation. and that, to this end, the guid- At the same time, other vital ing principle of sustainable issues are also at stake: social development must be applied cohesion, food, health, gender consistently across all policy equality and social- security fields and in every country. systems. Overview of the 17 international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) enshrined in the UN’s 2030 Agenda 8 The work of the Parliamen- tary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development The Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Devel- opment was first established in 2004. Since then, it has supported and scrutinised the Federal Government’s sustainability policy, working At the heart of this Bundestag across party lines and taking body’s work is a shared con- a cross- cutting approach. In viction that the Parliamentary the current electoral term, the Advisory Council can achieve 17 members of the Advisory the most in terms of promot- Council, chaired by Andreas ing systematic sustainable Lenz (CDU/CSU), want to development if its members continue the constructive reach a consensus. The Advi- work carried out in recent sory Council is therefore unaf- years. The members take up fected by shifting majorities issues in response to current and can bring a high degree of events and set targeted prior- continuity to its work, across ities in their work. party lines. 9 One of the Advisory Council’s key tasks is examining and assessing the Federal Govern- electoral term, the sustainabil- ment’s bills and statutory ity impact assessment process instruments. The assessment is to be developed further. is based on the SDGs, Man- The idea behind this is to agement Rules, indicators and allow future assessments of goals set out in the German individual government initia- Sustainable Development tives to focus more on their Strategy. In the last electoral impact on sustainable devel- term, the Advisory Council opment. assessed and reached a cross- The Advisory Council also party consensus on more than plays an active role in debates 800 government initiatives; about sustainable develop- where necessary, it submitted ment and in the process of critical opinions to the lead updating the Federal Govern- committees and federal minis- ment’s National Sustainability tries. To date, the assessment Strategy. It provides construc- process has examined formal tive input regarding changes requirements, with the aim of to the indicators and instru- raising awareness of sustain- ments. In addition, the Advi- ability issues. In the current sory Council forges links 10 between key players in sus- tainable development and integrates them into the polit- ical process, via hearings, communications, motions for resolutions, opinions and position papers. The Advisory Council also intensively scrutinises and supports the Federal Govern- ment’s sustainability policy at European level, particularly in the framework of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy. It presses for this The principle of sustainability overarching strategy to be should form part of the polit- better anchored in the EU’s ical bedrock. It is the bridge institutional structures. In between today and tomorrow, addition to sharing informa- between generations, between tion in Brussels and Berlin, policy- makers, businesses, the Advisory Council makes society and the environment. use of parliamentary instru- In short, sustainability helps ments such as communica- in striking a balance between tions and motions for resolu- economic, environmental and tions in this context, too. social objectives. 11 Dr Nina Scheer, Dr Andreas Lenz, SPD CDU/CSU Deputy Chairwoman Chairman Political scientist, Business administrator, lawyer, musician, b. 23 Apr. 1981 b. 11 Sep. 1971 in Ebersberg; in Berlin; unmarried. unmarried; one child. Bundestag Member Bundestag Member since 2013 since 2013 Advisory Council members The 17 members of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development 12 Matern von Marschall, Professor Sybille Benning, CDU/CSU Claudia Schmidtke, CDU/CSU Publisher, CDU/CSU Landscape manager, b. 3 Aug. 1962 Cardiac surgeon, MBA b. 8 Jan. 1961 in Freiburg in Healthcare in Münster; im Breisgau; Management, married; married; b. 29 Mar. 1966 four children. two children. in Neumünster. Bundestag Member Bundestag Member Bundestag Member since 2013 since 2013 since 2017 Kai Whittaker, Michael Thews, Peter Stein, CDU/CSU SPD CDU/CSU CDU/CSU spokesman SPD spokesman on Urban planning on the Advisory the Advisory Council architect, Council Chemical engineer, b. 18 Jan. 1968 Economist, b. 6 Sep. 1964 in Siegen; b. 10 Apr. 1985 in Bremerhaven; married; in Baden­Baden; unmarried; two children. unmarried. one child. Bundestag Member Bundestag Member Bundestag Member since 2013 since 2013 since 2013 13 Bernd Westphal, Dr Rainer Kraft, SPD AfD Trade union secretary, AfD spokesman on Dr Dirk Spaniel, chemical laboratory the Advisory Council AfD technician, Chemist, Engineer, b. 30 Sep. 1960 b. 8 Jan. 1974 b. 3 Nov. 1971 in Hildesheim; in Gräfelfing; in Marburg; married; married; married; three children.
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