What Goes On 6rttnbdt N,ws fltuitw Sun., June 21, 7 p,m. National OfRce Hours Conoe1't Band r4. America, Konda1 2- 4 p.m. eopJ, Mia "Buddy" Attick Park 8-10 p.m. copJ, ada Mon., June 22, 8 p.m. City Tuesday - 8-10 p.m, copy, ad1 Oounoil ~ng, Municipal Building Dtws Btuitw 15 Pa.rkwa1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEI ,1,-4111 Volume 55, Number 31 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20768-0068 . Thursday, June 18, 1992 Fraud Alert Ed Hug,hes, Presiden,t. CYf the City Reviews Office ·Park Greenbelt Volunteer Fire De­ GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW pall"tment and Rescue Squad, Plans, OK's Lake Park Plan NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Inc. cautions Greenbeliters -tha.t illhe F'i:re De,pai,tment hiaa be­ by Pat Scully come aware that some indi­ RATE CHANGE viduals supposedly represent­ Capital Office Park plans indude three more buHdings. ing it.he Greenlbeit Fire Depart­ At its June 8 meeting, the Greenbelt City Council heard a Effective July 1, 1992 display advertising ra,tes will be ment, have been soliciting res­ review of the proposal, approved the Buddy Attick Park as follows: iderll:8 by telephlOTle for dona­ Master Plan and urged the county to ;- appeal the Sunrise itiions. The department wanits project. Regular Rate: ...... $5.50/column inch ,to infOlffll aU residents tha.t no City planner Celia Wilson re­ draft are available at the city one is authorized to solicit do­ ported on the preliminary plan offices and· the library, Contract Rate: ...... $4.75/column inch naitdons on it.s behal:f by tele- of subdivision for the remaining City Manager Daniel Hobbs Nonprofit Rate: ...... $3.75/oolumn inch 1phone. The current fund drive undeveloped acreage at Capital called this period a chance for is done by mail only. Anyone Office Park. The plan calls for a final "reality check and vali­ I *National Rate: ...... $6.60/column inch wi.illl information thait would creation of three buildable lots, dation, to ensure that the lan­ lead to -the identiftealtion of with 568,000 square feet of of­ 1 Cl'as&i1ied Ra.tea Arre Uoohanged. Display ad ra.tes wiere laslt guage in the draft doesn't stray changed in Augll'8t 1989. lthe6e individuals, should call fice development, and one un­ from the intent of council." H,uehes !Wt 845-7000. buildable lot containing flood­ Other IH11es "'N'ationa.1 R'l1Jte includes 15% -agency commission. All other com­ plains, steep slopes and other Council also voted 4-0 to for­ missions and fees must be pa.id by advertiser. environmental consraints. mally request that the county B-W Parkway Currently city staff, MNCP,PC appeal the most recent court staff and the applicant are dis­ decision regarding the Sunrise Ramp Closings cussing the adequacy of public Apartments project. (Council On June 20, weather permit­ facilities, The developer may be member Thomas X. White was ting, the southbound lanes of the asked to widen Kenilworth Ave­ unable to attend the meeting Baltimore Washington Parkway nue; install traffic signals at because of a death in the fam­ Council Briefed on MARC will be shifted to the left toward the intersections of Ivy Lane and ily). the median onto new pavement. Kenilworth, Cherrywood Lane The latest court of appeals And Metro Start-up Plans For the past few months, the and Kenilworth, and Ivy a n d decision had restored to the Sun­ traffic has been shifted to the Cherrywood; and undertake cer­ rise developers the denser zon­ by Pat Scully rig.ht onto temporary pavement. tain other improvements such as ing in effect on the property be­ The on-ramp from Scuthway adding another dedicated left­ fore the Sectional Map Amend­ onto southbound parkway will be turn lane at the Crescent Road ment (SMA) was adopted May The MARC commuter rail station located at the future and Kenilworth intersection. Greenbelt Metro station will be in servi!ce in August, 1992, closed during the day in order 1, 1990. In the SMA, the site was to make the move. People wish­ According to Wilson, the de­ changed from R-10 (residential Jerry Gough of Metro t.old the Ci-ty Cou_ncil at the regular ing to go south on the Parkway veloper is reluctant to pay -for with a maximum of 48 units per June 8 council meeting. The staition is on the line that runs soould go west on Greenbelt aU- of the improvements called acre) to R-18-C (condominiums Road and use the Kenilworth for in the traffic study, feeling with a maximum of 12 units per from Union Stati~n in Was·hington to Oamden Yards in . exit onto the beltway and then that other contributors to the acre). Baltimore. back to the Parkway 11outhbound, increased traffic load, such as The court had esig.n Alterna.bi~ People of Greenbelt Hornes: Ravenhurst, lfuusbon, TX 77070. is located at 8501 New York Avenue in Washington, ·D,C. 12. !Review of Plans Recreation Center Analysis and Alloca­ 'I1he new school is goi,ng ,to in­ Alton L. Fowler tion Study • Phase I crease traffic on Resrearoh Road. ·------~------13. Briefing on ntness Center Final .A.rchitedtura!l Plan• If .Researeh Road ,is closed, obhere is one other rou-te-4hrough your 14. Review Olf Concept Plan on &oeevelt Oe!Vber wwn. Too lalte now-buses e.re City Counci'I Par}gjng Lat Projelcst rtrampor.bing non-Naidemis to 15. Anne1'81tion of Court Hi01.19e Propeity school. I will be surprised if all 16. &skeitbaH Cou• art Lakewood .Stream Valley tlhe ,buses can miS'S e.11 the suicid­ Meeting Schedu·le 111,nd 0en1>el'IW8y / Sit. Hugih'a Area al squirrels! I've been lucky so _1'7. 1Discussion al Liquor Control Board Decision far. Connie Houchens 18. 'nramm!r Olf !Jooation <:JI. Liquor Uceme The following meetings have been -scheduled by the City 19. Oity Solicitor's ·Reltaiiner Council for the summer months. AM meetings will be • Come Eat the Weeds • 20. Alpprovtaa of Job Deaoripibions Watkins Nature Center is hav­ held at 8 :00 ip.rn. in CouncM Room of the Municipal Build­ ing a series of programs for llng, unless cilanle. 8uNcrlplloM and DNdllna Meeting wiith Senator, Delegaites, Monday, 7/6 lnfOffllllllon SHA Officials, and Suzanne Pllogman Regu1liar Oouncil meeliinae are open tJo t:be plJblic and 141 MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: $30 par yNr. interested cibimens are imtited Ibo atltetlCl If apecW Advartlalng and news artlclN may be on Frankfort Drive/Greenbelt Road accommodations are required make this meeting ao­ malled (Box 88, Greenbelt); dapoaltad to In our box al the GrNnbelt Co-op SHA on Ken.Hworlh Ave., 7 :00 p.rn. ceanble to any di:Nbkid ,pemo,n, pleue cul 4.'N-8000 or grocery atore before 7 p.m. TuNday 4.'74-1811 (TI'Y) reqoellb aCCOIIIIDCldalbin befoN or delivered to Iha editorial office In Reguilia:r Council Meeting Monday, 7/'n to aae:h Iha buamant of 15 Parkway (474- 10:00 am on die cla.y or the meeblnc. 4131). The office la open Monday Regular Council Meeting Monday, 8/17 from 2-4 and 8-10 pm for dlaplay ad­ For information, please call 474-88'70. vartlalng; deadline la 10 pm. Nawa artlclN and clualfled ada are accept• Dorothy Lauber, CMC Do~ Iauber, OIIO ad Monday from 2-4 and 8-10 pm and Tuaaday from 8-10 pm. OiJty Clerk City Clerk

AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Lakh Batra, Suzanne Batra, Virginia Beauchamp, Judi SordNUX, Shalla Charry, BU91NDS IIANAGIII: Mary Halford; C- af GrNllllan CIN:u..._: David 118"'- Leslie Clauaen, Sharon Clauser, Pat Davis, Dee Downa, Cindy Frend, JamN K. 899-4800 (Linda); lprlll9hlll L-• ClrculatlN: Colin Roberta, ~21; Nea ...._, Gina, Judy Goldstein, Kitty Hamby, Patty Hell, Lucille Howell, Jane Jaworski, frffltbdt flews lltuiew Elizabeth Jay,, Bonnie Jenkins, Martha Kaufman, Loulae Kramer, Jan Kuhn, Sandra 474-4131; ... llllolo.,...ar: J. H-n. ALl'IIID II. 8KOLNIK, PIIIIIDl!NT, 1151-1171 Lange, Dorothy Lauber, Edward Leake, Robar! Levine, Morrla Levitt, Batey Llkow­ ELAINII IKOLNIK, PREIIDINT, 1177•1 .. akl, Doug Love, Leta Mach, Elizabeth Maffey, Linda Mallardl, Ray Mccawley, Bemlna M-Gee, Anne Meglls, Mary Molen, Diane Oberg, Christina O'Boyle, JamN Pfll!IIDINT IIIIRITUI, 1115- O'Sullivan, Lisa Palarlno, Walter Penney, Martha Peredo, Ellffn Petaraon, Adrienne IIOAIID OP 'DIMCTOM Mltor: lla,y Lou Wllll~IMO!'i 4414"2 Plater, Bill Rowland, Mary Sandllanda, Linda Savaryn, Pit Scully, Paarl Slagel, Aalt. Editor: Barbara u_.., 47<1-1411 Sandra Surber Smith, Olga Strocovoaky, Batty 'Timar, Joanna Tucker, Jean Turkl• Diana Oberg, prNidant; Pat Sculi,, vice prw1ldanl and -ataq; ~ ._. N- Editor: Elaina Sllolnlk, 411-aM wlcz, Ottilie Van Allen, Marlen• VlkOr, TIiiie Watter, Dorothy White, Virginia Zenner. cllaap, ,.__; J- K. GINe, and Barbara UIINIIII. Page 8 ...... Thursday, - June 18, 1992 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW "Greenbelt 20770" GED Class ChemicatDependence Greenbelt CARES will offer COMMUNITY EVENTS Anonymous Program Debuts on June 30 its summer semester GED course Greenbelt Access Television, beginning Tuesday, July 7. The LtffLE & JUNIOR Babysitting Class Chemically Dependent Anony­ Inc. (GA"TE) will air its new course will meet for 10 weeks, Greenbelt CARES will offer a mous is a program that deals show, '"Greenbelt 20770" Tues­ every Tuesday and Thursday, MISSES SOUGHT 'babysitting course on Tuesday, !with the disease of addiction to day, June 30, 7 p.m. and Thurs­ from 9 :30-11 :30 a.m., in the Mu­ The Labor Day Festival in­ June za. The course will be ,held alcohol and drugs. No distinctions day, July 2, 7 p.m. on Channel nicipal Building. There is no vites Little Misses ages seven in the Municipal Building, 1st are made on the recovery process B-10. The show is the product charge for the class. Students to nine and Jr. Misses ages 10 floor conference room, from 9 based on any particular sub­ of Greenbelt children, ages 9-13 may participate if they are at to 13 to participate in the 1992 a.m. to noon. Students complet­ stance, believing that the addic­ who report, direct and moderate least 16 y,ears of age and have Little Miss and- Jr. Miss Green­ ing grades 5-8 will learn the tive-compulsive usage of chemi­ p r o g r a m segments regarding dropped out of school. Students belt Pageant to be held Labor responsibilities of babysitting, 'cals is the core of the disease school activities, girl scouts, may either bring their own text­ Day weekend. Each contestant first-aid, ages and stages of child ·and the use of any mood chang­ girls' softball and movie reviews. book or purchase one through will compete in different phases development and how to handle ing chemical will result in re­ Interviewed on the show are CAJRES. CARES ca·n also pro­ of competition, personal inter­ emergency situations. For en­ lapse. The groups meet regularly Rena Hull and Karen Yoho, lead­ vide information regarding the view, modeling (grace and c·ar­ rollment information call Green­ to help themselves and others ers of local Girl Scout Troops GED pre-test and give applica­ riage) of theme wear and par­ belt CARES 345-6660. to remain free from chemical and Dennis Lewis, coach of the tions for the student to take the ty dress, personal appearance dependency. Greenbelt Girls Softball team. actual GED test. (grooming) and public speaking. There are a number of meet­ Greenbelt 20770's reporters for For additional information and A Broadway theme will be the Toastmasters Meet ings in Prince Georges County. this program are: Stephanie enrollment call Greenbelt CARES background for this year's pag­ The Spring Speakers Toast­ !Some of the times and locatjons Clarman, Sean Cullinan, Rachel at 345-6660. eant. Contestants will first sing masters will hold their next reg­ ,are as follows: Gunde, Nicole Hinton, Kateri and dance to "Puttin' on the ular meeting on Tuesday, June 6 p.m. Sunday at Greenbelt Hull, Lynn Hull, Sarah Lewis, Ritz" Saturday evening of Labor 23, at 7:15 p.m. in the Commun­ 'Step Clu'b, 1515 Centerway; 6 Desiree W olkmer and Kris Zug- Day weekend. ity Room above the Springhill 'P•m. Sunday at Greenbelt Step 1by. Re.realion It eview Rehearsals will begin July 8. Lake Pharmacy. For more de­ Club, 155 Centerway (Beginners' This program is the first of For information on any of Call Cheri Gainor at 31'7-9943 tails call Ken at 336-7385 or 'Meeting); 12 p.m. Tuesday ait a continuing series of regularly these items call the Ree. Dept. for registration information. Joyce at 4'74-0567. Greenbelt Step Club, 155 Cen­ scheduled children's production. Busille88 Office on 474-6878, 9 Deadline for registration is Au­ terway; 7 p.m. Wednesday at !Children have been learning how Greenbelt Community Church, 1 a.m·--4 :30 p.m. gust 1. Nature Walks to operate the television camera, Standard First Aid Class Hillside Road (Women's Meet­ A National Park Service Ran­ idirect, prepare and present re­ Standard First Aid Class will ing); 7 p.m. Thittsday at Belts­ 'POrts and to critique their work. Country Concert ger will conduct a hike along a ville Baptist Church, Odell & be held July 7 and 9 from 7- Greenbelt Park hosts an eve­ lush stream valley in Greenbelt GA'l'E plans to cover swim meets 10:80 p.m. at the Youth Center. Powder Mill Road; and 7 p.m. and other summer activities for ning of country music with Park. Discover the history of the Friday at Greenbelt Step Club, Community CPR Claas "Virginia Rose." A picnic din­ its next Greenbelt 20770 pro­ park and its plant and animal 155 Centerway. .._,,, Community QPR Class will be ner is suggested. Meet at the life. Meet at the Sweetgum pic­ ___ gram. For those interested in help­ held July 14 and 16, 7-10:30 p:m. Sweetgum Picnic Area at 7 p.m. nic area, 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, ,. ing (that includes parents) con­ at the Youth Center. on Sunday, June 21. Alcoholic June 213 or Tuesday, June 30. tact B~ Zugby at 345-2065. Indoor Poot Cloeure -beverages are prohibited. For 'For information call 344-8948 At: t:h~iibrary The indoor pool will close at information call 344"'3948. or 344--3944. Learn Park History 8 p.m. this Sunday, June 21 for Wednesday, June 24, 2 p.m. Meet children'.s, book author Mary From wilderness, to farmland employee in-service training. Band Concert to park. Learn the history of Swim Meet Award Wnmmg. . Author Downing Hahn. Ha,hn was a chil- Greenbelt Park through maps, The Greenbelt Swim Team At Lake ,Park ' dren's librarian at the Greenbelt pictures, and slides. Meet at the. will host a meet this Saturday, The National Concert Band of At Library June 24 library. FoFr, aies 6-l,2. This is wed., the beginning of the Summer Park Headquarters building at June 20 at 9 a.m. at the outdoor America will perform Sunday, 1 p.m., Sunday, June 211. For pool. The pool will open to the June 21 at 7 p.m. at "Buddy" ·Mary Downing Hahn, award Quest reading program that runs information call 344-3948. public after the meet. Attick Park. All residents and winning children's author, will Wednesdays. guests are welcome. Bring a chair talk to children about her books Thursday, June 25, 10:15 a.m. or blanket. Rain location: Youth on June 24 at 2 p.m. at the ages 3-5 summer films and stor­ GREEN BEL TERS Center. Greenbelt Library. Hahn has ies. ·- written more than 10 books of ~ - Join Us realistic fiction and contempor- Golden Age Club ary fantasy for children. Her Fun at Goddard Centre Video by Adeline Hinson most recent book "Stepping on the It is T-minus one month and On Wednesday, June 24 Verna Cracks" was named an American counting until the model roeket 151-A Centerway Marrie will show a video of the Library Associa,tion 1992 notable contest on July 19. Now is the 220-2310 east coast from Florida all the book and also won the Scott time for participants to perfect (Located in tlhe Domino Piizza Bldg.) way up to Maine. O'Dell award for historical fic­ their techniques. The Goddard On July 1, the regular month­ tion. It is set in a fictional town Space Flight Visitor Center will WE ly business meeting will be held, resembling one in Prince Georges have model rocket launch prac­ along with birthday greetings to County during World War II. tice on Sunday, June 21 at 1 DELIVER those with birthdays in July. Hahn recently left the Prince p.m. Participants should bring Wednesday, July 8, Dr. Walter Georges County library system, the rocket they think will fly the Golman will present a descrip­ where she had worked as a chil­ best in July and do a test run Wl'N tion of the Metropolitan Wash­ dren's library associate, so that now. All interested persons are ington ear program for the blind she can spend more time writing. invited to watch. All launches A Color TV /VCR Combo Drawing July 4 and visually handicapped. She is working on a novel for are monitored for safety. . young adults. Wed. Is Discount Day Many Greenbelters will remem- ber her from her years at the Orientation June 25 I HAPPY I Gr~Jllbelt library. Teens and adults who would like to visit For Good Neighbors wi•th Hahn are invited to an in- The Greenbelt Police Depart­ formal reception following the ment will conduct a special FATHER'S program for children, orientation for Crime Preven- This is the first in the Sum- tion on Thursday, June 25, 7 p.m. mer Quest series of programs in the Community Room above DAY for children 6 to 12 years of age. the Springhill Lake Pharmacy. Jobst-Stride® The programs will continue on !People who can spare two Wednesday af.ternoons through hours to learn the do's and don'ts OVERTHECALF July. Hahn's visit is made pos- of self...protection, how to recog­ sible by the Friends of the Green- nize suspicious ·behavior and what LIGHTWEIGHT belt...... Library. to do a'bout it are invited. SUPPORT SOCKS ., ..._ FOR MEN I P&G OLD G • J•• DH~A NI ey really work. Don't look like • GREENBELT support hose and make your legs feel great. THEATRE Ie 129 Cmtenra7 474-974' • stay-up; cling free ALL SEATS $1.50 • eight-colors I • four sizes • dress or work THEREWAs Theres no such thipg as a free lunch. · . ONLY ONE. GREENBELT PROF. no;=:-;, OJrearlydinner;~isch,e. 1~q ·... .,_Cll'I_II< UN...... T:Jte ~trium Re~taurant in the Green'belt Marriott offers an early PHARMACY i bird dinner special between 5 and 7 pm for only $7.95. This special - Show Times - includes an entree and a trip to the soup, salad & dessert hart 6201 Gnervbelt Rd. • Fri., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. I So come to Marriott this week. If - GR£eE)' - 301 A74 5151 • - Sh ow Times - 1:20, 9:45 . you have an ·appetite for savi~ ~- - ,... • I l I Sat. & Sun. Sat. & Sunday f'OP ~ get •• great deal on an ~ , om-.,,. _ FR,EE Deliver¥ Aw.il111ble 1, 2:50 4:45, 7~20, 9:45 -arl:y. dinnv, ....- ."""'--~-:' •- . _ .. · · · , ., ,... · .,• ______, ...... ~ P&l'e 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW SODALITY ELECTS Bible School NEW OFFICERS This summer Holy Cross Lu­ Joseph E. Rosetti, 71, retired by Joanne Kellaher chief of security at the State De­ theran Church offers children partment, died of cancer May 23 •St. Hugh's Sodality Spring nine days of Vacation Bible at his home at South Daytona, Dinner, held June 3 at the Green­ School learning about "T h e Fla. belt American Legion, was well Greatest Adventure: Jesus Saves In Greenbelt the Rosetti& lived attended by Sodalists, guests and the World!" Classes for four on Pinecrest Court. Sodality moderator Father Crow­ year olds to fifth graders are Mr. Rosetti served in the Ma­ ley. offered· June 22-July 2 from 9 rine Corps during World War II Officers for the new year, a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. The program and paricipated in combat oper­ Mary Kerley, prefect; Joanne features crafts, music, games and ations in the South Pacific. He Kellaher, vice prefect; Marie snacks. attended Northeaaitern Univer­ Ammerman and Marguerite Kin­ For information or for a reg­ sity. cius, secretary; and Gloria Wil­ He was a special assistant to son, treasurer, were installed at istration form call Holy Cross then-Rep. John F. Kennedy (D­ a mass preceding the dinner, at 345-5111. The church is lo­ Mass.) from 1947 until 1951 when Dinner and entertainment by cated at 6905 Greenbelt Road. he joined the State Department. Gloria Wilson and Lori Moran His responsibilities at the State was enjoyed by all. Department included security ar­ Chairpersons for the dinner Baha'i Faith rangements for secretaries of were Kathleen McFarland and state and foreign heads of state, Marguerite Kincius. " ••• 1it i,s not for him to pride both in their own countries and himself wiho loveth bis own on visits to the United States. PAINT BRANCH country, bu,t rather for him ' Mayor Gil Weidenfeld presents a proclamation declaring He retired in 1981. UNITARIAN CHURCH who loveth ·the whole world. I Friday May 29 as a day of prayer for the spiritual healing . ,Survivors include his wife, 11he eal'tllh is bult one country of humanity to the Greenbelt Baha'i Community. The 3215 Powder Mill Road end maDJlrind its citizens." Priscilla White Rosetti of South (near Cherry Hill Road) mayor joined Anita Chapman, chair of the proclamation Daytona; six children, James and - Baha'i Sacred Writinp David Rosetti, both of Kansas Sun., Jane 21, 10:30 a.m. ''Re­ event commemorating tile Centenary of the Passing of City, Mo., Elaine Eismuke of Ma­ cent Annou'llCemenbs about Greenbelt Baha'i Community Baha'u'llah, ·Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith, with nassas, Janice Heimer of Glen 'tibe •Big Bang" Jonathan P.O. Box 2'5 more than 80 at a banquet held at Martin's Crossroads. Burnie, Barbara Koons of Hous­ Ormes. Child care avmd·lable. Greenbelt, l',lD 20770 - photo by Zach Peerand ton and Pam Pavoni of Falls Dr. Virginia Knowlea 937-3668 US-2918 ZZ0-1111 Church; and 10 grandchildren. Greenbelt Community Church UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Hillside & Oreseent Roads Episcopal Greenbelt Vol. Fire Dept. Phone: 474-6171 morninp Baltimon Blvd. at Powder MIii Learning for all ages Rd., Beltuille 8:30 a.m. Holy E:icharist SPAGHETTI 10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 9 :30 a.m. Sunday School '.'A church of the open mind, the warm heart, the aspir­ 10:3:> a.m. Holy Eucharist ing soul, and the social vision •••"

DINNER - Re..-. John G. Bala, Rector ----- 937-4292 June 28th 3-6 ~.m. l '~ITED METI IODIST Cl It 'HCI I $5.00 MOWATT_MEMORIAL <::>( 40 Ridge Road • Greenbelt • 474-9410 6-12 • 1h price Info Call: Catholic under 6 • Free 345-7000 Sunday Worship & Community Children's Education 11:ooa.m. of Greenbelt GREENBELT MUNICIPAL ACCESS CHANNEL B-10 Daniel Montague, Pastor · 474-1924 Counseling Service Available 301/681-3201 ' MASS Schedule for Tuesday and Thursday Municipal Building, Sundays, June 23 & 25 · 10:00 A.M. ''YOU PLUS GOD . 5:00pm Greenbelt Day 1992 Can make a difference in your life" 5:30pm NASA Video . 6:00pm T'ne Consumer Protection Commission Greenbelt Baptist Church 9:45 AM for Prince George's County presents: Bible Study For All Ages (Sun.) Worship Services (Sun.) 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM "For Your Protection" Midweek Prayer Service (Wed.) 8:00 PM Temporarily You must see this if you are For transportation questions, call 474-4212 considering Home Improvement! 8:30 AM - 12 PM unemployed? Crescent & Greenhill Road, 7:00pm Summer Sounds featuring: "One More Song" 8:00 m Re la of Cit Council Meetin 6/22/92

Ask About Health Insurance Saturday, June 20, 1992 The State Farm Way GRAND OPENING ... 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

ED CORNELIUS, Agent '1601 Ora Glen Dr., Salte 101 , Serenity Cards & Gifts (J'ust ·off Hanover Parkway) for all your card and gift shopping needs! iClt: Greenbelt MD 20770 Nl-'1111 GIFTS: CARDS: •ReecmrJBoob Like a good neighbor, Slate Farm is there. Holy Cross Lutheran Church • Plaqa• 6905 Greenbelt Road STATE FARM • Lapel Piu Worship Services: Saturday, 5:80 p.m. -A Sunday, 8:80 &11:15 a.m. Infant care provided at each aerrice) INSURANCl Sunday School and Bible Clauea 9 :50 a.m. e 143 Centerway State Farm Mutual Greenbelt, Maryland Pre-School Department 9:50 and 11:15 ·a.m. Automobile Insurance Company For information regarding pro(n"ams for youth, young adulte, Home Offiu:: Rk,omington. Illinois (When a1aoe repair med to be. Diredtly acrou the atreet from the singles, and senior citizens, please call the church office. Call for details on <.'OVc:rag,: , Edward B. Birner, Puw1 141-5111 costs, restrictions and renc:wahility, Greenbelt Step Clob and Domino'._) Thursday, June 18, 1992 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 6 GREENBELT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION See the Day Lillies NEW CARS: 7:9o/o APR up to 36 months Local Families Needed Greenbriar News Tour the National Arboretum's USED CARS: 1O.OOo/o APR up to 36 months The pool season is here! Reai­ extensive daylily test planting In Cultural Exchange dents will find many changes on Call 47 4-5900 for more information. Approximately 30 French and their first trip to the pool. Reno­ Longer terms available of species and varieties assem­ 15 Spanish teenagers are eager­ vations of the recreation area 112 Centerway Roosevelt Center bled fr.om other botanical gar­ ly planning to experience life continues, soon the new picnic A credit u

' AQUATIC CLASSES THE FOLLOWING AQUA_'NC OLASSES RUN TUESDAY - FRIDAY FOR TWO WEEKS Bel-Air Bowie - Large Colonial STARTING JUNE 23RD. Featuring large family room addition with fireplace, new Puehohliers (PB) 'Resident Non-Pauholden (R'-NPB) Non-Residen:t/N'on-Passho1den (NR-NPB) w /w carpet and new paint thru-out. Vacant and offers ACTIVITIES 1 · AGE. TIME COST SESSIONS big lot with shade trees. A must to see. $144,500. All Water Babies 3-18mos. 9:45a-10:15a $25PH 8-½br terms. 345-2151. (swim with "rentl $30 R-NPH sessions $35NR-NPH Aqua Tots I (1%-4yn.) 10~30a-11 :00a $25PH 8-% !hr. Riverdale New on Market. (swim with parent) $30R-NPH sessions $35NR-NPH Four bedrooms, two full ba.ths, ce:Qt. ia/c, new w/w car­ Aqua Tots II (1%-4 yrs.) 11:15a-11:45a $25PIH 8-%:br. pet, new appliances, new roof and it's wcant so you can (swim with parent) $30R-N1PH sessions move in 45 days~ FHA or No down VA terms. Oall and $35NR-NPH Beginner thru Swimmer 5 & up Session I 9:00a- 9:30a $25PIH 8-% hr. go see thiis one. 345-2151. Learn-to-Swim Lessons Session ll 9:45a10:15a $30R-NPH sessions Session HI 10:30a-11:00a $35NR-NPH. Session IV 11:15a-11:4oa FHA OR VA RATES NOW 8½% don't wait. Paa't 6 ANNOUNCING SPECIAL SAVINGS PHARMACY SUPERMARKET Patron Appreciation CREENBELT SUPERMARKET 474-4400 474-0522 Discount Day Filled \\"hilc you wait WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th PHARMACY HOURS HOURS · 5o/o Discount to All Customers CONSUMER '.\IO~DA Y-FRIDAY: 9-7 '.\IO.:-i))AY-S.-\1TRDAY: 9-9 on all Purchases All Sale Prices Effective Monday, 121 Centerway-Roosevelt Center-Greenbelt SATl'RD.-\Y : U-6 Everyone Is Welcome June 22 thru Saturday, June 27 CLOSED SC:\'D.-\ YS Sl'~IH Y: 10-6 STILL OFFERING MANUFACTURER Hanover Fresh Guallty Meats Oodles-0-Noodles Far111 Fresh Procluce Noodle 61n9 Fresh Lean $ · 89 Co-op Lean Beef Bonele11_ Soups /7 ( whh !!.'!1!~-~ng !~o!~!.~~·- Po~k 3'°9c Nutritious Extra Large GROUND • SIRLOIN lb. s2 99 3 oz. CLIP AND SAVE WITH THESE Beans / u BANANAS s1-00 TOMATOES _,,c. CHUCK lb. TIP STEAK • C O - 0 P S U P E R C O U P O N S 1n oz. Lb. Red & White 14 3 lbs. Fresh Grade A Split 69 Fresh Grade A 1O lb. bag Yellow Corn- 2;99 ·------1 ~~----- I Sweet Peas­ 1 BUY l i Pop Secret #103667 I Northern 4 pk. BLACK 99 Super Chicken • Chicken Leg 39 Sliced Carrots­ 1 th 10 PLUMS Select ea. 29__ ( Cut & French I GET 1 I MICROWAVE BUY I B~ ' m C Breast lb. Quarters lb. C :=: Lb. 39c Cucumbers Gr. Beans 1-6 oz. min. 11VEGErABLE or FREE I POPCORI GET 1 I Tissue -----c-:---~=- Thick Center Cut 79 Co-op Lean Beef I PASTA CLASSICS I FREE ------Southern 5 '2 2 Breast-0.Chicken 6¼ oz. 1 With tbla coupon +flO min. purehaee. Exeludi.... l Red & White 8 oz. PORK RIB • BEEF • 1 G~id lb. 99 ·• With thia eoupon +flO min. purchue. Excludiq T t PEACHES s1. a9 CHOPS lb. KABOBS I~ S/9 9 Chunk 49c I ~ui:_n_I~.:.~~~~~:.~~::~~:~~~-1 ~~~2~'::..~~t_!~-~~ ~8/l~--~~: Soa-uceo C Lb. 59C POTATOES Co-op Lean Beef 99 M;;;-;-a---;-:sh':-:-sL-ow-=-Sa~lt --..;::::;;;;:,~9-9 Light Tuna I Tek ea. I Viva roll Boneless Whole s1 HAM California Lucky Leaf reg. ½ gal. Avocadoes G~EEN Si~~,:,i::: • SLICES lb. • BEANS 79c O::;~.-,-:;, !~=~:RUSH 19e1 ;::-LS 49C Apple $).39 Ea. 59c Coffee Whh 1bb ...... H•• min...... Ex,I•-' With .., ...... +910 mln. --zxo1-. Juice Campbell's 8 oz. =~:e:!st s3.99 f;:!hi;ski', I Coupon Items. Limit 1 per Cua, Good 6/22-6/2'7,1 Coupon Items. Limit 1 per Cu•• Good 8/22-8/'2'1, Extra Large Whole 89c 2-29 1 Golden ~rain LEMONS • Fresh lean Boneleu Sa usages 19 1 Macaroni 3~1 3;89c Mushrooms ~rDna~=, qt.$1- ilil;,.-;om*7';.u9;; c-·1 ~~;~~;f ___S_I_ :49 & Cheese ~~t~p- :-::-~----;ab:-8-o-,-2---2- 9- Dinner 6¼ oz. Verdelli E~:~~!ed s2.19 a ress ng BLEICH I SU"·R :;~!.berries $ ,.89 SPINACH 99c Shasta 6)99 I all Our Vatue 50 pk.-9 in. 10 oz. With thi1 coupon +,10 min. purchue. Excluding! With thia coupon + $10 min. purchase. Excluding Foam 1 f Coupon Items. Limit 1 per Cus. Good IJ/22-8/27, I Coupon Items. Limit 1 per Cu,. Good 6/ 22-6/27, 99c Sodas 8 ·c'Risi,n Qt. EN 12 oz. cans I Cheerios #103667______- I Platas . s2.1• c~ic:K 99c -£11Ey------coi'~ oz. .41f C PICKLES FRANKS All Liquid ½gal. I ORIGINAL sl 791 T s)-79 KraftEconSize24oz. SLAW .. DELI DEPT. Laundry 2•79 I CEREAL • I TEA BAGS Salad S)-99 DAIRY DEPT. Detergent I l #31260 regular/round 80 pk. min. Dressings FROZEN FOOD DEPT. BEER & WINE DEPT. I With thia coupon +SlO min. purchaae. Excludlngl With thia coupon +flO min. purchase. Excludinr _____,;;;. ____ Ralston 14.4 oz. min. 2 ~~~1~ 2 2 BlueBo~net ~ex Cereal !~~ ~~BL.[~-\.!,e~fi~~;-if';:~~-1 Li~t_l 6:~;;~~~~- ~= s3.49 :e>:ST S2.39 .. pk-, s4.2• s,~ R1ce-Corn- ir-,,...=~; Buy Q!il a¢ CREAMY DELUXE RTS, · I A.. 0 _ '3,99 with coupon .. ,!,. Fo4gers L~!:::d~- n , tiGHY -s•ss .99 BEEF lb Margar1ne ~, • 1 lb. ¼11 Wheat-Multi Bran I GetQl:ilsuPERM01stcAKewxFREE I L.....,,. ; ~ ~ ,§ R-/Dacaf a oz. 2 9 ConlllnerQlfe(lilrillcl'>IIIIICOUIIClllPl(l)Ufdlae, I , , 20# I I 1 ~ -v Mix /7 BEER I TtllQIUl)Cllllll)'nol bt11JIIUefor.e a District Saint Petersburg " • crews; and to provide hospitality not be collected. To coincide with this collection day, the Brown Court Commissiorter -and was held I,t, $2150 - iool. ,all ,trans., :hotels, me8ils, __..,+---1 , • for visiting participants. on $30,000 bond ·pending trial. t Station Road Landfill in Upper : entertainment, transf~rs, etc. -=.i-----i • This year's Festival features The victim was taken to Prince programs on the state of New Marlboro will hold a "Free Jt- Call Dave Lorentz 301-589-4483 : Homeowner Disposal Day." The Georges Doctor's; ~irospital and : 1-800-695-0317 : Mexico, "Workers at the White treated for a fra~ed leg. House," American Indian musi­ normal tip free will be waived and large/bulky non-commercial Two nonresident- teenagers, cians and Maroons ( descendants aged 16 and 17, we"te -arrested i--- Greenbelt's Oldest Travel Agency £ of enslaved Africans who es­ items will be accepted. For more information call 95-CLEAN. and charged with battery after OPEN SAT. 10a.m.-2p.m. : caped New World plantations in they struck two other youths ! the 16th and 19th centuries). with their fists on the Spellman i 474-1300 5510 Cherrywood Ln. t The Festival particularly needs French. Dutch, Navajo, Jamai­ Overpass around 2 p.m. on June 5. J 345-9003 TDD Se ha&la Espanol ; bilingual volunteers who are can creole or Sranan, a language A 29-year-old resident man fluent in English and one of the spoken in Suriname and Frenc'h was arrested and charged with ...... following languages: Spanish, OuianL battery on June 8 after he struck ---:u~~ ..a an officer who was trying to question him. The officer was investigating a report of a sus­ picious person in a building in the 7400 block of Greenway Some of Maryland's worst Center Drive. The man appeared before a District Court Commis­ sioner and was held on $1,500 •• bond pending trial. . accidents lead to Prince A 21-year-old nonresident man was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana on June George's finest achievements. 5 after his car was .. stopped for an equipment violation in the •• area of Cherrywood Terrace and When an accident victim has virtually no chance of survival. the Trauma Cherrywood Court. After appear­ Team at Prince George·~ Hospital Center can change the. odds. ing before a District Court Com­ missioner, the man was held on Prince George's is the only hospital in this part of Maryland with $500 bond pending trial. On June 7 a breaking and en­ •• trauma surgeons on duty 24 hours a day. Every day. For Prince George's tering was reported at the swim­ Hospital Center is the only designated Trauma Center in this part of ming pool storehouse of the Maryland; the one to which the State Police bring victims of the region's University Square Apartments. A CD player and weights were worst accidents. stolen. On June 6 a 1988 ·Chevrolet• And it's among the nation's best, credited with saving the lives of 95% Blazer was reported stolen from of their patients and counting each life saved as their finest achievement. the 6000 block of Breezewood Drive. It was later recovered. The Trauma Center's physicians and nurses are specially-trained and On June 7, a red 1990 Ford experienced in the split-second diagnoses and treatment that can make Mustang LX 5-0, MD tags XSE- the difference between death and life. Anesthesiologists, cardiologists, 109, was reported stolen from the parking lot of TGI Friday's obstetricians and pediatricians are prepared to help at a moment's (6400 block of Capitol Drive). notice. And all of these specialists are supported by dedicated people Also on June 7, a blue 1971 Chevrolet van was reported stol­ in every department of the Hospital Center. en from the 7700 block of Han­ The Trauma Team's expertise and excellence under pressure are over Pkwy. Vandalisms to, thefts from, typical of the Hospital Center's staff. Together, all of them have made and attempted thefts of autos healthcare above the standard their standard. were reported in the following are·as: the 6400 block of Capi­ tol Drive, 36 Court Crescent Road, the 7700 block of Hanover Pkwy, 3 Court Laurel Hill Road, the 7200 block of Mandan Road, 4 Court Ridge Road and the •• 9100 block of Springhill Lane. DuVal '72 Reunion •• Classmates from DuVal High 3001 Hospttal Drive Chellerly, Maryland 20785 (301) 618-2000 School Class of 1972 are beins sought for the 20th Reunion on September 5. For information, call (301) 621-9784.


FOR SALE $13',900 Glenn Dale - Close to GreenbeLt - Good Schools - 3 BR, 2 BA split level - Large :v-rd, mat\re tree. on cul-de eec


An allili,ote o( Dimensions Health Corporation, • no(.for-pro/lt heolthute sysllem. 474-5041 /577-4032 r.-:====.;:;:::;===:=.l' Page 10 GREENBELT NEWS-REVIE:w Thursday, June 18, 1992 J.· Henson PHOTOGRAPH/CS . DON'T RiENT-Purchase. a one­ ·next bedroom Gm and enjoy all the CLAISDFDED Our Household Haiardous Waste benefits of holneownership at an HOUSECLEANING - I haT• • portraits economicali lower-than-rent cost. Greenbelt rel•· of 3 7ean. W Nk- RATES Collection Day will be -­ Call Lorie Seheibel, Lawton Real­ 17, bhreekl7, monthl7, $46 to $5&. • CLASSIFIED: miniaaa portfolos Sunday, June 28th, ty. 474-6041M7-4032. Kelocf7. (Glftn Dale) 805-H78. '2.50 • advertising for ten words, 15c each additiOll­ Barn - 3pm at "HOUSEMATE wanted. Non al word. No charce for liating • cotnmerdal pho·""togr-ap--.,, · smoker, :furniture, linen, utilities, Prince George's Community Home & Business items that are found. Submit ad Collg~.- 301 Largo Road maid service, own bath and TV. with payment to the Newa Re­ Largo, Maryland. l111provements New house, Greenbelt Woods, new office by 10 p.m. Taeada7, $450/mo. Call 794-9336." or to the New• .Re'riew drop box J. Henson F• 111111e balannatiaa aD l5-CI.EIII." WISLER CONSTRUCTION in the Greenbelt Coop crocu'J' phofogapher l>J,yw&ll • Pamtlinig • Car­ MISHKAN TORAH •tore before 7 p.m. Tauday, or pentry • A0COIJBtical Ceilinc mail to P.O. Box a, Greenbelt, • Ti-le • Etc. NURSERY SCHOOL .Maryland 20770. 44l-9231 llieeneed • Bonded • lmured Regiatntion for Fall '9Z BOXED: $5.20 column inch. Min­ MHIC #40475 346-1281 • now underwa7 imum 1% inches ($7.80). Dead­ Warm C'&ring environment line 10 p.m. Monda:,. CALDWELl1S APPLJANCE R.-dlinem acti:ritiee Include name, phone no. and ad­ ELLERS TYPEWRITER R:il:­ dress with ad copy. 1-d• not con­ House Cleaning SERVICE -· All makes repaired. PAIR - Electric, standard and a & 4 yr. o1d claufaee Call after 5 p.m. 840-8043. Oa1l for Info. sidered accepted until publuhed. Do you Med help with portable. Call 474-0594. CHIDOOA.RE, 15 years exper­ GREENBELT WINDOWS & 474-4224 or 390-9732 your h9use cleaning? Let us 46-G Ridge $57,900.00 help. We are a husband and ience, · Greenbelt 2+, all hours; PAINT INC.-Replacement win­ wife team working in your 345-2083. dows and doon and vinyl siding. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR SALE by OWNER area for over :five years with Phone 474-9434. llHIC 26097. :Dlpert and Reliable Pian• Ser­ $1,000 OIJOSING HELP exullent Greenbelt references. GUITAR LESSONS - Scalea, Tice to Greenbelt. Benjamin Ber­ chords, tlheory, reading. Full kofHJ'. 474-6894. 2 Bedroom - excellent condi­ We provide weekly, bi-month­ time instructor. 987-8370. tion, modern open Kitchen, ly and a spring type clean;ng. PIANO LESSONS - Green·belt. New Carpet, Dishwasher, Also available is win

• Auto Accidents • Wills • Personal lniury • Family Law ?; . - • • - T • - - ·,. .... ~~~.:..t ... ' Appointments available in Greenbelt _.,. , ~ ~ . '•J upon request ~ •.. '1~· Call .ur'iitting <6al'lery: Jn,. 899-0660 .HAIR DESIGNERS • SKIN CARE SPECIALISTS ------GREENWAY"EAST PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 7525 GREENWAY CENTER DRIVE • SUITE T9 GREENBELT. MARYLAND 20770 _.74 3_.71. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 47,-3470 ~ -. • Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates -. We Talce The Time To Do The Job Right "Custom Kitchens & Baths" KENT'S CARPET CARE ADDITIONS CONCRETE Professional & Quality Carpe.t Cleaning PORCHES MULCH TWICE AS GOOD Featuring Our Two-Step Oleaning Process SUNDECKS Home & Yard LANDSCAPING First - Rotary Shampooing • Followed by Steam Cleaning FLA. ROOMS TOP SOIL FREE FREE PAINTING TREE SERVICE ~~:J:,~i: ESTIMATES STORM DOORS IMPROVEMENT .STORAGE V Spot Removal * Ask About Our * WINDOWS V Furniture Moved & Replaced SHEDS CERAMIC TILE SERVICES V PromptCarefully & Courteous Service --~~-·. BACKHOE GUTIERS V ~me or Next Day Call Back :M.H.I.C. #13141 RENTALS ROOFING * Evening & Weekend Cleaning * * Vacant Home Special * Bob Wilhide ·345-8368 Tom Rygiel (301) 474-3529 e 24 HOURS A DAY . Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Auto Upbol1ter7 Thursday, June 18, 1992 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 11 FREE-,,Mature forsythia bush­ HOUSECLEANING DONE - es. Call 474-4291 after 7 p.m. $9 an !hour, Monday through Open Hou• Friday. Good references. Cell PE.RIM-ANENT-PART TIME Sat.· 6/20 1-4pm MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - 441-1976 & leave - message for Greenbelt area drs, office, after­ Bob. Beaot:i:ful 3 Fin. IAwel 'Ni. ADVERTBilNm Gned,elt Rd. ,74-826L FlOUNiD - Kitten at Lakeside J>ecswed on Front .PMV'II Heights. U. OD Mandan &f. FOR SAL'E: 2 br, 1¾ ba, brick North Apts. on 6/16. Approx. townhome ('69,500 + closing N81M)ff9d - Ahollt 9 Yrs. Old 9-10 weeks old. Call to- identify. MIOVING - 19 years of goodies U. on llandan Teiuee help). 'Call ~ndrea, M/F, 9:00 220-1718. from A to Z for sale, antiques ., 81'8 · a.m. to 4 p.m. 474-4161. Call220-0831 ( ! ) , baskets, candlesticks, dog REw.l': Efficiency and 1 b/r Bicycle Repair chain, elephants (white), fabrics, c.a JIii. lkGWe,: apartments in old Greemelt. Se­ garden tools, hose, ice bucket, (Ml) m..t•; (»1) JM-SM7 TO THE BEST DADDY IN THE Very Reasonable jewelry, knick-knacks, linens and cure Bldg., individually controlled 1..-cAP..._Bealton heat & A/C. Call Christine 474- WHOLE WOR:LD. Daddy, thank free Estimates much more. Saturday, June 27, 4161 M-F 9-6. you for taking such good care 10-3, 104 Lynbrook Court. of me and mommy. I love you so House calls or while you wait much. Happy Daddy's Day! Love, service avail. Reconditioned :,our daughter Chelsea Noel, Bikes. FOR SALE: Details 474-5525 GRBENBELT / WESTCHES­ Remenicks Improvements TER P A:RK: Sing,li,s/!Reltireee._ OPEN HOUSE QUEEN SIZE FUTON and con­ - QUALITY WORK - Bring Your Oheckbook! Condo vertible frame. Like new. $100 or on 'ten'alCe waikout Mlvie). '$67,- Sunday, June 21 1-4 p.m. best offer. 474-4340. SPECIALIZING IN 1Bricht, sunny 2BR TH. W /D, CERTAINTEED SOLID VINYL REP~CEMENT 959; cloi,ing coat help. BRIUOE OHWDCARE AVAILAB!JE ·­ * WINDOWS -Age-._ ~ (·H), 621- ·DW, HWFI 2 A/C'a, remod­ MEIUUl.AT KITCHENS . . BATHS eled bath, modem kibclhen, Christian mom seeks playmate * * 9588 (0). for 3-year-old son. Sing-along Fruit/shade .treee, $58,900. 1.nd story-time, PT/FT. Green~ NEED DAYCARE for infant on 51 C Ridge Road belt (OVC), 345-8681. 441-8699 or about Sept. 8, 1992 in New Licensed Bondrices B oa.u-MotorCJ1clea-M otor Home• in InformaJbion Systems Management or related computer - We Insure Everyone e111d Stated V a.l1ie or ooncenrtration or equivalent experience in operation of variety of systems and software; a&tisfactory completion CALL • Monthly P-ayment Plana Clarie Ca,ra - Same Day Coverage of security clearance. Seitz 10714 B.altimore Blvd. (Rte 1) Dan - Low Down PaJ'Dl91lt "Twin Chimneys Office Park" Apply: City of Greenbelt Personnel Office, 26 Crescent 4r4-0100 - FR-19 Forms Pro'rided Beltnille, IID 20706 Road, Greenbelt, J4D 20770. (301) 345-7203. EOE

f • _..,, . • t I • • I • • • It • W • • I # Ill r Pap12 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday,June18, 19&2 Summer Bird summer bird feeding, and answer Registration Opens PGCC Summer Course for Seniors queationa. Prince Georges Community througshout Prince Georges Coun­ Feeding Seminar These free seminars will be For Summer School College's Continuing Education ty. The Sec'ondary Summer School On Saturday, June 21 Dr. held 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at office is offering tuition free There is a registration fee fG-'!' Aelred Geis, world renowned bird Wild Bird Center, 10831 Lanham­ Program of the Prince Georges senior citizen classes throughout the summer semester and sen. County Public Schools is planned feeding expert, will show slides, Sever:n Road, Glenn Dale, 805- the summer in a variety of sub­ iors can take as many courses discuss the best strategies for 4858. for students who are presently jects. as they like for that one fee. enrolled in grades 7-12. Classes Courses in art, music, C'llrrent Students must be :Maryland r------are available during the day or issues and even microwave cook­ residents and 60 years or older. evening. Classes begin July 7. ing are offered at multiple sites call 322-0875, High school graduates may en­ Green&eft Video roll in any course necessary for 114 Centerway (Old Greenbelt) behind Mellon Bank their admission to college, and 441-9446 college students may enroll in any course which may be of ben­ efit to them. Prince Georges •County .Public School students, For Sole By Owner 49c MOVIES as well as private, parochial, and nonresident students are eligi­ ble, Beautiful, lower-level end, 1 Bedroom, New Registration forms are avail­ EVERY DAYl!I able in the guidance offices of l all middle, high, and evening Kitchen, New Bath, GE Heat Pump/AC, New •nt up to 6 movi_es with no credit card I.D. I high schools. These forms must Rent movies on Saturday I be signed 1by the principal and return on Monday - for 49c I a guidance counselor of the regu­ Carpeting, Landscaped Yard, and much morel All I lar day school or evening sr.hool R•ntals - Sales - Service - Production I before the &tudent registers. LOWEST PRICES 1·N TOWNIII I Registration is being held at: $44,900. Serious buyers only. 345-8368 I Eleanor Roosevelt High School, .4.•k about our film flow proceas I ! 7601 Hanover Parkway, on June 30-9 a.m.-3 p.m., · July 1-2-8 ------p.m. and July 2-9 a,m,-2 p.m. There is a substantial fee to GREENBELT HOMES, INC. TOWNHOMES HALF BATH on 1st floor! Open kit. w/dishwasher & be paid at the time of registra­ merrillat cabinets, laundry rm & fenced yard w/patio & tion. Certified checks and money 3BEDROOMS shed backs to woods. Move-in condition. $60,900 orders must be made out to he Summer School Center. BLOCK home with FREE GARAGE! Fenced yard MODERN Bright upgraded kitchen w/tile counters, w/ fruit trees and roses. Large, bright, EAT-IN kitchen, Greenbelt $126,500 W/W carpet, W/D, modern bath, 2 fans, window A/C W/D, W/W carpet & A/C. Ideal location. $72,900 Gt-eat Price! Great Lo0111tionl and brick patio. Located in a quiet court. $54,900 SBR, 1-¾ BA, TH, Countey $3,000 CLOSING HELP! $3,000 CLOSING HELP! Kit. & Deck & Bsmt. BRICK END UNIT! Sep. dining room, 2 A/C's, W/D, College Park $60-130'1 END UNIT home has mature trees & fenced yard in dwasher, parquet & hardwd firs. Wonderful, private Weatcbester Perk. 1,2&8B:R a quiet location. Lighted ceiling fan in enlarged dining Higmlrise & Garden OondO'I, yard w/trees & fence. Modern kit & bath. $91,900 area. Opened up kitchen & modem bath. $58,900 Adjoin Greenlbelt Pk. Pic!tun $3,000 CLOSING HELP! Perfect. Set.ting. BLOCK home has modem kitchen that is loaded; dishwasher, disposal, compactor & oak cabinets. Greenbelt OWNER SAYS SELL OR RENT W/OPTIONI AH Spruced Up! 3BR, 1-¾+ Sep. dining rm & addition. Move-in cond! $77,900 ¾·BA Condo 'ItH. New ca,rp~ Open & spacious kitchen. Refin. hdwd floors, fenced $2,000 CLOSING HELP! yard & shed. Modern bath. Move-in cond! $54,990 Greenbelt $142,900 $2,000 CLOSING HELP! PRIVATE & backs to woods! W/W carpet, 2 fans, 8paeiOU8 8 level TH. 4 ~ 3 ¾BA, FP, Fml7 Bin. End Lo.t W/D, dishwasher, fenced yard, nearby playground LOWEST BY FAR - Remodeled Kitchen is open & and lots of parking. BARGAIN PRICED $59,900 For Information airy with lots of counter space & W/D. Fenced private Call Mary Igoe­ yard w/shed. Attic w/stairs. Ready to go! $51,800 GARAGE comes with this sunny BLOCK home. New $3,000 CLOSING HELP! Tel. 301-345-9600 vinyl siding. Beautiful new parquet firs. Laundry rm addition & new washer. Desirable location. $77,500 Long & Foster GOOD BUY! Enlarged dining area, W/D, carpet, C. Real Estate NOW $2,000 CLOSING HELP! fan & A/C . Modern bath, fenced yard & storage shed. Freshly painted BRS and hardwood floors. $54,900 Like a 2 BEDROOMS $3,000 CLOSING HELP! OPEN HOUSE B•Q PLATEAU BRICK HOME - Excellent location. Big bedrooms, SUN 6/21 f 2•5PM good neighbor, W/D, dishwasher, separate dining room, hardwood State Farm floors upstairs, fenced yard, attic and more! $74,900 $3,500 CLOSING HELP! 1 BEDROOM

is there. WALK to the Center. New covered deck, refinished PERFECT STARTER HOME Cozy upper level unit See me for car, home, .. floors, new washer, dryer and ceiling fan. Freshly with breakfast nook, built-in A/C, W/W carpet, built-in llfe and health painted kitchen w/new floor. Ready to go! $54,500 linen closet in upgraded bath and attic. $39,900 Insurance. $3,000 CLOSING HELP! $1,000 CLOSING HELP!

Don W. Taulelle, CLU REDUCED! BLOCK home has separate den on 1st LOWER LEVEL END UNIT No stairs! Open and 7707 Belle Point Dr. expanded kitchen, hardwood floors, W/D, beautiful Greenbelt, Md. 20770 floor. Spacious kitchen, W/D, large BAS, freshly fenced yard and modern bath. Hurry! $38,900 474-5007 painted, W/D & workshop/storage addition. $67,900 $ 3,000 CLOSING HELP!

STATE FARM UNBELIEVABLE! Over $23,000 in renovations & remodeling! NEW everything; ceilings, walls, kitchen, bath, hardwood floors, appliances & more. $59,900 ·,REAL1Yl . • I •. INSURANCE.. NOW $1,000 CLOSING HELP! ® LEONARD & HOLLEY,. WALLACE GORGEOUS, private, wooded yard. Enlarged dining ·98i:..0044 area, new stove, upgraded bath, hardwood floors, 2 State Farm Insurance Companies A/C's, freshly painted. Tranquil location. $54,900 Home Offices: $3,000 CLOSING HELP! ""'7ien buyers think Greenbtlt, Bloomin_gton, Illinois they thin~ IIBALTY J. •