Langriville Parish Council Meeting

6th March 2017 – Village Hall 7pm

No requirement for public forum.

In attendance District & Parish Cllr Neil Jones Chair , Cllr Duncan Eaton, Cllr John Wood, Cllr Paula Cooper, Cllr Jan Walker Cllr Joy Cawthorn

East Lindsey District Cllr Tom Ashton

Kevin Partridge

66. Welcome to all present at the meeting 67. Apologies from County Councillor Colin Mair accepted. 68. Declarations of interest – Cllr D Eaton declared an interest in the application S/096/01999/16 Laburnam House as he is renting out land to the applicant. No further declarations made. Chairman made provision for District Cllrs report at this point due to Cllr Tom Ashton having a further meeting to attend. ELD Council tax vote to increase by £5 per household the bulk of this being taken up by the services provided by the drainage board, E L provides in cllr Ashtons view very good service in all areas, the lighting will be retained by the district and upgraded to LED savings will pay for the upgrade over a 7 year period. The Council tax increase for Langriville PC is around the middle of the ranges of increase across the Towns and parishes, Cllr Ashton also made the point that Langriville PC punches well over its size/weight and delivers very good value for money. Unitary referendum has been deferred to a later date tbc. Cllr Ashton left the meeting. 69. Notes of meeting held 9th January, Proposal to accept as true and correct record of the meeting, seconded, all voted in favour, RESOLVED Chairman signed and dated the minutes. 70. Casual Vacancy – Kevin Partridge resident at Antons Gowt had sent in an interest letter to join council, after a brief question and answer session Cllr Mrs P Cooper proposed that Kevin Partridge be co opted , seconded by Cllr Mrs Jan Walker, all voted in favour, RESOLVED – legal paperwork to be completed and returned to ELDC, a declaration of acceptance of office was signed by Cllr Partridge and the Clerk to Council. Cllr Kevin Partridge joined the table. 71. Police Report - Council received written report from PCSO Ali Evans, no serious crime reports – reports of suspicious callers knocking on doors and asking for a light for cigarette, these people may be checking out the area, please continue to report any such callers and more importantly get vehicle registrations. 72. BT Call Boxes – Proposal to keep the new style box on Armtree Road with the option of housing a defibrillator also to check the status of the Antons Gowt Box already decommissioned, also for potentially for a defibrillator. 10

73. Speed Indicator – parish Council have still not confirmed their involvement with this purchase – Proposal to move forward with the purchase for & Langriville from Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Wood, vote taken 5 in favour RESOLVED purchase will made early in next financial year. Cllr Mrs Paula Cooper wished her objection of purchase be recorded. 74. Planning – S/096/01999/16 Laburnam House , Chicken sheds, is on hold awaiting further information from applicant. S/096/02472/16 Land to North of The Retreat, Leagate Rd, application to build 4 properties on land previously agricultural, this has been called to committee due to number of objections and concerns from residents; Cllr Mrs P Cooper , declared that she is working for the applicant and is in full support, at this point Cllr Cooper was asked if she wished to declare an interest, the offer was declined, Cllr Cooper was requested not to continue with any further involvement with the discussion and informed she could not represent the Parish Council at Committee at ELDC. Chairman Cllr Neil Jones will represent the parish at the Committee meeting to put forward the views of the residents. 75. Finance – proposal to pay all as listed Clerks salary Feb & March £248.20, HMRC Feb & March £56.80 LALC subs £138.28 , seconded all in favour RESOLVED 76. Agenda items for May – Defibrillators, Annual parish meeting.

No further items brought forward at this meeting.

Meeting closed