Sea Harvest Island Poets & the Poetry of Islands
Sea Harvest Island Poets & the Poetry of Islands a source book D a v i d A n n w n The I sl a n d Poet Series Ynys ~ Ilha ~ Island ~ Øy ~ Insel ~ Isla i.m. George Mackay Brown 1921- 1996 This is the rune for sleep. This is the rune-tree for resurrection. Safe landfall, warmth and light I pray For your star-drawn prow, Orcadian. All parts of this document, aside from the work of other acknowledged authors are © David Annwn, 2003-2010.. Acknowledgement Very many thanks to Lucy Prinz of the Atlantic Monthly and to Peter Davison for permission to quote part of his online essay: 'Island as A Foreign Country...' Also to Professor Rajeev S. Patke of the Department of English Language & Literature at the National University of Singapore for permission to reprint part of his online essay: ‘The Islands of Poetry’. Grateful ackowledgements are additionally made to: Katrin Andresen of the Estonian National Library, Harry Bell, Dale Butler, Eric Chock, Peter Curman, Tom Eckerman, Bo Erikssson, Dr D Gorter, Ad. & Jenny de Haan, Erik Hedin, Hollie on Sanibel Island, Gwyn Jones, Joy Kobayashi-Cintron, Neils Larsen, Georgia Lee, Professor Helder Macedo, Ilse Mangelsdorf, Paula McCarron, Philip Mead, Ellen Okuma, Bolethe Olsen, Iain Orr for his personal island-library, Michael O’Shea, Fiona Owen, Roy Philbrow, Dean Tarrant, Francis Van maele, Betty Van Wonderen, Pastor Eckhard Wallmann, Laura Watson, Ketut Yuliarsa of the Ganesh Bookstore, Bali, Dr Robin Young, Margaret Daniellson, Eva Gustaffson-Lindvall & Camilla Persson at Mariehamn stadsbibliotek, Åland, without whose generous assistance this research would not have been possible.
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