SEFARAD (Sef) Vol. 66: 2, julio-diciembre 2006 págs. 407-442 ISSN 0037-0894 From Spain to the Balkans: Textile Torah Scroll Accessories in the Sephardi Communities of the Balkans Bracha YANIV * Bar-Ilan University When the curtain of the hekal–the Holy ark–of a Sephardi synagogue in the Balkans is drawn back and its doors thrown open, a colorful, com- plex sight is revealed (fig. 1): Torah scrolls enveloped in wrappers and binders, mostly hidden beneath mantles which open in front. Mounted on the hard top of each such mantle is a silver crown, from which rise high silver finials. The sight recalls the way Torah scrolls are kept in other European communities–which is not surprising, since the practice of Balkan Sephardi communities in this area is based on the common European tradition, whose geographical provenance expanded when the Spanish refugees brought it to the Balkans and to North Africa. The com- mon denominator of the way Torah scrolls are kept in these communities is the material of which the various accessories were made: cloth. All other Jewish communities in the East and the Eastern Mediterranean, in- cluding Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, keep their Torah scrolls in vertical–cy- lindrical or prismatic–wooden cases. This sharp distinction has its roots in the ways books were customarily stored and protected in antiquity, when the usual form of a book was a scroll. Much has been written of the various accessories used in antiquity to store Torah scrolls in a respectful manner: 1 the receptacle in which Torah scrolls were kept; the case used to carry the scroll from place to place; and *
[email protected] 1 For a comprehensive account see B.