Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament
CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ( Biblica Tr PRESENTED BY ALFRED C. BARNES. NOT TO BE TAKEN IL, FROM THE ROOM. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 070 685 833 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. — — — — — — T. and T. Clark's Publications. In Three Volumes, Imperial 8vo, price 24.S. each, ENCYCLOPEDIA OR DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL, HISTORICAL, DOCTRINAL, AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY. BASED ON THE REAL-ENCYKLOPADIE OF HERZ06, PLITT, AND H4DCK. EDITED BY PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D., PROFESSOR IN THE UNION THEOLOaiCAL SEMINARY, NEW TORK. 'As a compreliensiTe work of reference, within a moderate compass, we know nothing at all equal to it in the large department which it deals with.' Church Bells. ' The work will remain as a wonderful monument of industry, learning, and skill. It will be indispensable to the student of specifically Protestant theology ; nor, indeed do we think that any scholar, whatever be his especial line of thought or study, would find it superfluous on his shelves.' Literary Churchman, 'We commend this work with a touch of enthusiasm, for we have often wanted such ourselves. It embraces in its range of writers all the leading authors of Europe on ecclesiastical questions. A student may deny himself many other volumes to secure this, for it is certain to take a prominent and permanent place in our literature.' jEvangelical Magazine. 'Dr. Schaff's name is a guarantee for valuable and thorough work. His new Eacyclo- pasdia (based on Herzog) will be one of the most useful works of the day.
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