Agreement in Tuyuca

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Agreement in Tuyuca AGREEMENTAGREEMENT ININ TUYUCATUYUCA bbyy JoshuJoshuaa WaynWaynee BowlesBowles A thesithesiss submittedsubmitted ttoo thethe facultyfaculty ofof TheThe UniversitUniversityy ofof UtahUtah iinn partiapartiall fulfillmentfulfillment ooff ththee requirementrequirementss forfor ththee degreedegree ofof MasteMasterr ooff ArtsArts DepartmenDepartmentt ofof LinguisticsLinguistics ThThee UniversitUniversityy ofof UtahUtah DecembeDecemberr 20082008 CopyrightCopyright © JoshuJoshuaa WaynWaynee BowleBowless 20082008 AlAlll RightRightss ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Joshua Wayne Bowles This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the GraduateCouncil of the University of Utah: I have read the thesis of Joshua Wayne Bowles in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission toThe Graduate School. Date Campbell air: SupervisoryCommittee Approved for the MajorDepartment ChairlDean Approved for the GraduateCouncil David S. Chapman Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACTABSTRACT TheThe maimainn premispremisee ooff thithiss thesithesiss isis thathatt subjecsubjectt agreemenagreementt morphologmorphologyy inin TuyucaTuyuca cancan bbee isolateisolatedd frofromm ththee restrest ofof ththee morphologymorphology.. SubjectSubject agreementagreement appearsappears onon evidentials,evidentials, nominalizersnominalizers,, animateanimate classifiers,classifiers, gerunds,gerunds, anandd ververbb stemsstems requirinrequiringg anan auxiliary.auxiliary. ThiThiss agreemenagreementt iiss instantiateinstantiatedd bbyy a pervasivpervasivee finalfinal vowevowell patterpatternn thatthat codescodes variousvarious valuevaluess ofof gender,gender, numbernumber,, anandd persopersonn featuresfeatures.. TheseThese finafinall vowelvowelss alsalsoo codecode thethe samesame informatioinformationn oonn nounnounss andand pronounspronouns.. BeforBeforee arguingarguing forfor mmyy analysianalysiss Ir providprovidee somesome preliminarpreliminaryy materiamateriall oonn Tuyuca.Tuyuca. ChapterChapter 1I iiss a briebrieff discussiodiscussionn ooff ththee sociolinguisticsociolinguistic contextcontext ooff ththee languagelanguage.. ChapterChapter 2 discussediscussess issuesissues relevanrelevantt ttoo TuyucTuyucaa datdataa anandd surveyssurveys somesome ooff ththee literaturliteraturee relaterelatedd toto TuyucaTuyuca;; iitt alsoalso discussediscussess somesome methodologicamethodologicall concernsconcerns arisingarising fromfrom ththee datadata andand importantimportant ttoo ththee thesithesiss iinn general.general. ChapterChapter 3 iiss a briebrieff sketchsketch ofof TuyucaTuyuca grammagrammarr importantimportant toto agreementagreement.. AnalysiAnalysiss isis donedone iinn ChaptersChapters 4 anandd 5.5. InIn ChapterChapter 4 rI argue,argue, inin a descriptive-typologicadescriptive-typologicall framework,framework, thathatt bbyy isolatingisolating agreementagreement a generalgeneral deverbalizindeverbalizingg functiofunctionn cacann bbee seenseen codedcoded inin ththee morphememorpheme I-g-I.l-g-l. ThisThis morphemmorphemee hahass predictablpredictablee interpretationinterpretationss iinn restricterestrictedd morphosyntacticmorphosyntactic environments.environments. ItIt cancan bbee interpretedinterpreted aass a progressivprogressivee oror perfectivperfectivee aspect,aspect, anan animateanimate classifier,classifier, a gerund,gerund, andand a nominalizer.nominalizer. IInn ChapteChapterr 5 Ir relatrelatee ththee generagenerall premispremisee ooff isolatinisolatingg agreemenagreementt iinn TuyucTuyucaa toto theoreticaltheoretical issueissuess belonginbelongingg ttoo ththee MinimalistMinimalist ProgramProgram.. I shoshoww thathatt isolatinisolatingg agreementagreement morphememorphemess fromfrom evidentialevidentialss isis,, assumingassuming ththee analysisanalysis iinn ChapterChapter 4,4, straightforward.straightforward. ThisThis hahass a practicalpractical advantageadvantage ooff makingmaking itit easieeasierr ttoo observobservee variatiovariationn betweebetweenn presenpresentt tensetense andand paspastt tensetense morphologmorphologyy ofof ththee evidentials.evidentials. I taktakee thithiss aass straightforwarstraightforwardd evidencevidencee thatthat tenstensee iiss fusedfused witwithh evidential.evidential. I alsoalso givgivee evidencevidencee thathatt supportssupports ththee pro-drop statusstatus ofof TuyucaTuyuca,, conjecturingconjecturing thatthat subjectsubject agreemenagreementt iiss packagepackagedd witwithh nominativenominative I alsoalso arguarguee informallinformallyy thathatt verbalverbal inflectioinflectionn oftense-evidentialsof tense-evidentials anandd subjecsubjectt agreemenagreementt araree "extensions""extensions" oofthef the ververbb phrasphrasee anandd relatrelatee ththee predicatiopredicationn oofYPf VP ttoo somesome speecspeechh timtimee anandd discoursediscourse situatiosituationn oftheof the ververbb event,event, relativrelativee ttoo somesome specificspecific worldworld.. ThiThiss resultresultss iinn a modemodell offunctionalof functional hierarchhierarchyy thathatt placeplacess EvidentiaEvidentiall undeunderr TensTensee PhrasePhrase.. I conjecturconjecturee thatthat thisthis EvidentialEvidential positiopositionn iiss a predicationalpredicational oneone,, iinn contrascontrastt ttoo ththee mormoree accepteacceptedd notionnotionss ofof MoodcvidentialMoodevidentiai oorr ModalModalepistemic,epistemic, whichwhich areare knowknownn ttoo bbee aboveabove TensTensee PhrasePhrase.. I providprovidee twtwoo detaileddetailed modelsmodels,, oneone withwith ththee conventionalconventional hierarchhierarchyy andand oneone witwithh mmyy hierarchyhierarchy,, arguingarguing forfor ththee latter-basedlatter—based oonn generagenerall principleprincipless ofof syntacticsyntactic economeconomyy anandd locality.locality. I alsoalso providprovidee a technicatechnicall analysianalysiss ofof syntacticsyntactic localitlocalityy foforr ththee morphosyntactimorphosyntacticc fusiofusionn ooff tense­tense- evidentialsevidentials iinn a DistributedDistributed MorphologMorphologyy framework.framework. v I dedicatededicate thithiss worworkk ttoo mmyy wife,, whwhoo hahass alwaysalways believedbelieved thatthat I wilwilll bebe a goodgood linguist-Ilinguist—I hophopee ththee followingfollowing doesdoes nonott disappoint.disappoint. TABLTABLEE OOFF CONTENTSCONTENTS ABSTRACABSTRACTT .......................... ... .. ...................................................... .................................. iivv LISLISTT OOFF TABLETABLESS .. ... .................................... ....................................... ............. .. ............... iix LISLISTT OOFF ABBREVIATIONABBREVIA TIONSS ................... .. ....................................................... ................x ACKNOWLEDGMENTACKNOWLEDGMENTSS .. .. ............................................................................ .. .............xxi i INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN .. ............................................................................................................. 1I 1I.. TUYUCTUYUCAA ANANDD ITITS PLACPLACEE ......................... .......................................... .... ... ............. 2 1.11.1.. ThThee peoplpeoplee anandd ththee lanlandd ........................................................................................ 2 1.2. The language and the family: Sources and influence .......................................... .4 1.2. The language and the family: Sources and influence 4 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ........................................................................... .. 6 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 6 2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... ...... 6 22.1.2.. MorphosyntacticIntroduction assumptions .............................................................................. 86 MorphosyntactiAdditional commentsc assumption on the sorganization of raw data .. ....................................... 98 AdditionaLiteraturel overviewcomment .......................s on the organizatio.......................n of raw ................................ 109 LiteraturSome tertninoloe overviegyw . ... ..... ....... .............................................................................. 120 22.5.6. ASom notee terminolog on glossesy in the data .................................................................... .......... 1312 2.2.67. A notenote onon dataglosse .. .......s in .th.........e dat..a.. .......... .................................................................... 1413 2.7. A note on data 14 3.3. BASIC TYPOLOGICALTYPOLOGICAL PROFILEPROFILE ....................................................... .................. 1616 IntroductionIntroduction ............................ ..................................................... ....................... 1616 WordWord orderorder inin TuyucaTuyuca ......................................................................................... 1616 SomeSome featuresfeatures ofof agreementagreement
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