2nd International Planetary Caves Conference (2015) 9015.pdf 3D PRINTERED STRUCTURE OF LACUS MORTIS PIT CRATER WITH ASSUMPTION OF A CAVE UNDERNEATH. Ik-Seon Hong1, Eunjin Cho1, Yu Yi1, Jaehyung Yu1, Junichi Haruyama2, 1Department of Astron- omy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, South Korea;
[email protected], 2Department of Solar System Sciences, Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan. Introduction: Several places presumed to be the en- until the actual exploration on foot and the small shad- trances of caves were discovered in the Moon and ow in the northern side also indicates that there is a Mars [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Besides, about 200 pit-looking ramp alongside the wall of the pit, it is considered that places, which are known as pit craters (abbreviated to this ramp could be an entrance to the inside of the pit. pits), have been discovered and these can be candidates Also, since the collapsed ceiling materials covered the of caves. The pits are found in the regions of the lunar floor of the pit, it is assumed that the entrance of the mare and in places that experienced melting due to cave was buried or the size of the entrance is much meteorite impact [7][8]. Other study showed that those smaller compared to the thickness of ceiling. Thus, the pits could be entrances of caves through comparing entrance is set to have a small size. Moreover, the big those pits to the actual cave entrance of the Earth [9].