Newsletter Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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Newsletter Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MARCH 1978 NEWSLETTER WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION FERRIS WEBSTER REPORTED TO BE NEW DR. STEELE ELECTED FELLOW OF ROYAL SOCIETY NOAA ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT Dr. John Steele was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London March 16th. The Society's citation says Dr. Steele A story in the Marth 13th issue of is~ IIDistinguished for his work on marine Ocean Science News says Ferris Webster, production and mathematical models for the our Associate Director for Research. will prediction of primary production in non be the new Assistant Administrator for steady-state conditions". Research and Development at the National The Royal Society of London, which Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. corresponds to the National Academy of Science Dr. Webster said in an interview with in this country, is the oldest continuous the Newsletter on March 17th. "The Secretary scientific society in the world. It was of Commerce has said that she will nomin­ founded in 1660 and granted a Royal Charter ate me. It takes a couple of weeks for of Incorporation by King Charles 11 in 1662. informal White House approval. Formal The Society's present activities include White House approval usually takes a holding scientific meetings, publication of couple of months." research work, presentation of medals, OSN quoted NOAA Administrator, Richard endowed lectures, awarding research grants Frank as saying, "Ocean R&D will be up­ and appointments. It represents the United graded significantly in the next six to Kingdom in the International Council of twelve months under Webster's leadership." Scientific Unions and plays a leading part As Assistant Administrator for Re­ in international scientific programs. search and Development, he will be running the Environmental Research Laboratories, the Office of Ocean Engineering, the STOMMEL RECEIVES AAAS-ROSENSTIEL AWARD National Climate Program, and the National IN OCEANOGRAPHIC SCIENCE Sea Grant Program. Henry Stommel, a pioneer in the study of oceml water circulation, was presented with the AAAS-Rosenstiel Award in Oceano­ graphic Science for 1977 at the AAAS annual ROSS AND RYTHER ELECTED FELLOWS OF AAAS meeting in Washington, D.C. He was selected for his "outstanding David Ross and John Ryther were elected achievement in oceanographic science with Fellows of the American Association for the emphasis on the physics and chemistry of Advancement of Science (AAAS) at the AAAS the water column and the atmosphere." His Council Meeting February 16th. studies have resulted in the publication of The MAS defines a Fellow as "one who two books, including The Gulf Stream, and has produced a body of work on behalf of the more than 100 scientific papers. advancement of science that is scientifically distinguished or socially highly significant, STAFF COMMITTEE - The Staff Committee has or both." selected Nick Fofonoff to be chairman and Dr. Ross was cited: "For research in Fritz Hess to be secretary of the committee. marine geology and geophysics of marginal CEPEX IS TOPIC OF ASSOCIATES DINNERS - A seas, and involvement of marine scientists combined presentation on CEPEX--Controlled from numerous countries in multi-discipline Ecosystem Pollution Experiment--will be given programs in the seas." by John Steele and George Grice at the Dr. Ryther was cited; "For research on Annual Associates Dinners. They will be held general marine ecology and particularly in at Woods Hole April 21st, at the Boston the area of waste management and recycling, Museum of Science April 25th, and at the and food produced from the sea." New York Yacht Club April 27th. Bob Davis is doing the final finishing on a mold for laying up the fiber­ glass propeller shrouds for the WHOI In-Situ .... -~ Pump (WIIISP). He is using t he l arge radial dr ill in the Iselin shop as a lathe since no l athe in the Institution is big enough . The finished shrouds are four feet in diameter. SHIP NOTES then made a Callao to Callao cruise on Leg 111 starting mid March to study the nitrogen The ATLANTIS 11 l eft San Juan, Puerto cycle in the water and sediment in an up­ Rico in February to conduct science operat­ welling area. A microbiology program was ions in a 30 kL.'1 square at about 250 N - carried out to determine bacterial biomass. 680 W. An acoustic navigation net was de­ total microbial biomass and rates of amino ployed and piston cores and heat-flow mea­ acid mineralization. s urements were taken. Seismic reflection OCEANUS made cruises from Woods Hole profiling was carried out. The s hip re­ to Savannah. Georgia and from Savannah to turned to San Juan and then embarked on a San Juan for the U. S. Geological Survey cruise which ended in Woods Hole mid March. in February . On Leg 1 current meter and The purpose of the cruise was to recover tripod moorings were recovered and deployed the PARFLUX E mooring array which was de­ and hydrographic measurements were made . ployed in November 1977. A large volume On Leg 11 high resolution refl ection data in situ filtration system was deployed and was collected in the Virgin Passage and a series of dives made in the Guadaloupe­ north of St . Thomas. OCEANUS made a Martinique area. cruise f rom San Juan to Woods Hole carrying KNORR began her 18 month Pacific cruise out a microbiological research program in in January. Leg 1 was a cruise for NOAA the area of the Puerto Rico Tr ench. Deep out of San Juan. KNORR then departed for water samples were taken by conventional Cristobal, Panama on Leg 11. The purpose and high pressure equipment. Gravity cores of this leg was to make an organic chemisty were taken and the automated deep sea and biological s tudy of the Peru upwelling vehicle was deployed and recovered . Phyto­ zone using in situ particulate matter filter plankton clones were collect ed underway . pumps, sediment traps, filtered water samples OCEANUS then went to the s hipyard in Newport and box cores t o investigate the reaction for routine maintenance. of mechanisms and rates of transfonnation Notices, photos, and items of inter­ of organic matter in the sediments and water est _to the oceanographic community may be column. and to estimate the particulate flux sent to Phyllis Laking. Co- op Building, of organic matter to the sea floor . KNORR Ext . 252, for inclusion in the Newsletter. KNORR'S DEPARTURE ON PACIFIC EXPEDITION - There was a lot of activity on KNORR in the weeks before the Pacific expedition began. Top Left - Charlie Olsen paints the WHIMP (Woods Hole Interstitial Hud Probe) international orange. Top Right - Billy Baker, Buzz Mclaughlin an d Artie Dunn work on one of KNORR ' s cycloids . When KNORR left on Leg 1 January 28th Hugo Leiber of the J. M. Voith Company in Brenz. West Ge rmany (the company that built the cycloids) was still on board. John Leiby followed KNORR out into the Sound with George Cadwalader's boat to take him off. Center Left - Jerry Cotter helps Hugo Leiber over the rail while Tom O' Neil, George Dunlap, Tony Cardamane, John Dol by, and Harry Rougas l ook on . Right - Hugo Leiber bids KNORR farewell from George's boat. Bottom Row - KNORR steams away. The design used for the mail stamp and patches i s s hown in center. Photos by Don Souza and Vicky Cullen. SELL, SWAP OR WANTED COLUMN JOIDES OFFICE TO BE AT WOODS HOLE Several people have suggested it would A group of nine U.S. institutions has be useful to have a column devoted to items formed a Washington-based corporation people want to dispose of or acquire sO this called the Joint Oceanographic Institutes, sell or swap column will be a regular feature Inc. JOI has offices in the Watergate in the coming months. complex in Washington, D.C. It will be Any reasonable item can be put in the the prime contractor for several projects column, including the kitchen sink, but since relating to deep-sea drilling including the Newsletter is printed sporadically only the JOIDES advisory committees. The 12 times a year it is not suitable for fast JOIDES office, under subcontract from JOI, turnover needs such as finding a place to will come to Woods Hole in July. That live or disposing of a ripe tomato crop. office will consist of Art Maxwell as Notices should be as brief as possible. Chairman of the Executive Committee, Jim Heirtzler, Chairman of the Planning Com­ Bathroom basin, free standing bathtub with mittee. and a scientific assistant. claw and ball feet, kitchen sink, best offer. Phone Tommy Stetson. ORIENTATION SESSION FOR NEW EMPLOYEES Would like to buy, borrow or rent SNUGLI baby carrier. Call Larry at Ext. 520. An orientation program for new employ­ Wanted: 16 foot glass runabout with canopy. ees was held March 15th. Call Ray Davis. at Ext. 587. Jack Lindon said letters were mailed Free for the digging - two handsome spread­ home inviting new employees and spouses ing yews three feet in diameter. Phone since December 1977 to attend. Twelve Nancy at Ext 270. employees and one spouse came. They were welcomed by Art Maxwell, told about the SEA STORIES - The Women's Committee spon­ history and organization by Bernie Zentz sored a meeting in February about women at and Jake Peirson told about the education sea. Marty Coneybear and Debbie Mennett program. Discussions ranged from personnel told of their experiences while working on practices and benefits to bulletin boards. SEAPROBE last summer as an ordinary seaman They had lunch at the Carriage House. and emergency medical technician. Jack Mr. Lindon said their supervisors were in­ Lindon and Don Moller also made contribut­ vited too so that the employees and spouses ions to the discussion.
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