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3-24-1916 Western Liberal, 03-24-1916 Lordsburg Print Company

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Volume XXIX No. 19 Lordsburg, New BUMcnrnoN, m rs Mexico, Friday, March 24, 1916 SINCLB COPIES, TENmCUITO

DEATH OF BENJ. TITUS v ROAD WORK DONE1 MINES AND MINING SOCIAL EVENTS Another of Lordsburg's False Reports Ho! to the boys of the 85 Mine. St Patrick '8 Day " in the eve-ni- n' On Saturday evening at the 85 "pioneers has answered the call " of the Grim Reaper. Benjamin The Grant County road workers SELLS TUNGSTEN rROERTY Following, the Liberal is pub- was very appropriately Mine Theatre, the "boys" of our Titus, for twenty years manager have completed the new Border- One of the most important min- lishing an article appearing in celebrated by a large crowd of prosperous mining camp to the of the Binn Lumber Company land Route, going directly west ing transactions of the past few the Los Anéeles Examiner both old and young of Lordsburg south gave a dance. It, was Arizona from Lordsburg across the Ani- months was culminated here 'on of Marcha 17th on the second at the Hunter Ranch eight miles "some" dance. Everyone was here, Director of the Tuesday M. M. Railroad and Grand mas lake into Steins, and thence when Dr. Crocksr page, dealing with a " wild west of Lordsburg Friday eve- there and his neighbor and' one Eastern first sold his tungsten property at ning, Miss pvpr in Master of the Masonic lodge in to Rodeo, following the ridge road the attack on Lordsburg," a most where Rachael Robson of the best times had this off one mile this side of Steins. Victoria Mining district near Gage, was the charming hostess of a section was enjoyed by the four Arizona, died in the Ladies' Hos- N. M., inconsistent and outrageous in The new road is one of the best in to the Nevada Hills Mining most delightful party. About score who tripped light fan- pital at Deming following a Company, represented by Charles sult to the people of this city and the Grant county and is at present be- revealing stupendous ignorance ten automotyle loads of guests tastic at the invitation of the stroke of paralysis. Mr. Titus' ing by Starr ,who will have charge of the many heavily traveled autoists on the part of the publishers of motored out to the Hunter Ranch manv hosts. Muría wna furnish friend throughout the to and from points in Arizona.' A future operations of the mines. It evening, by were grieved to hear is understood that the considera- the article. How the Santa Fe early in the returning ed the Nead orchestra, the Southwest high and dry grade was built over at midnight. The evening was mention of which of his death as many believed the be tion received for the property was got its shops at Lordsburg and insures the the lake and will an "all the in perfect and the partyone which success of factor in the aged man to be in fit condition year round" highway. A short dis- the neighborhood of $15,000. how six thousand idle Mexicans that The property sold every person heartily enjoyed. dance. A varied nvneram wna to brave life for several more tance from Steins a good cut-o- ff consisted of went on a strike months after all years. connects the new road with the eight claims-locate- by Dr. M. M. strikes had been settled will ever Games were played and a musi- given. All who attended were Crocker years ago. ear- The account of his death Granite Gap road and thence in four In the be a mystery that only the Ex cal program rendered by some of perleclly delighted with tho old Border- ly nineties the property was work- Lordsburg's best talent. Re- dance and congratulate the follows connection with the ed for aminer can solve. land route. the silver contents of the The disgusting piece follows: freshments consisting of sand- "mine boys" on their ability to Following a severe stroke of The road workers have made an ore, but later tungsten was dis- wiches, pickles, cake and coffee entertain. paralysis while attending the excellent job of new pro- covered on the property. The served on appropriately de- the road claims developed by Threats to Rob Bank, Burn were grand lodge of Masons at Tucson tect and the people of Arizona who are two shafts corated plates. Punch was also PARCEL POST SOCIAL last week, Benjamin F. Titus pass- demanding good one 130 feet deep and the other Homes and Kill All Gringos Re- have been roads 90 deep. served during the evening. The ed away in the Ladies Hospital at in this section now give feet At the 40 foot level ported From Lordsburg, N. M. The Ladies Missionary Society should a drift has been run, developing Hunter home was. beautifully de- Derning at nine o'clock on Satur- Grant County credit for its efforts. corated in green with genuine of the Methodist church is plan- day night, aged 73 years. Mr. Ti- the main vein, which is about Reports ning to give a Parcel Post social on twenty feet wide. The lead is in of disorders have come imported Shamrock spragues to tus came to Lordsburg thirty years from numerous border points. Monday, May 1st. Announcements ago as manager of the Binn Lum- . WORK ON DUNCAN ROAD a lime formation, with quartz gan-gu- e delight those of the "old sod" are being sent to friends of the enclosing tungsten. Ship- The women and children in the ber Company, later buying out The road gang left Wednesday the who were present. rhurch telling of the plan and so- ments by district northeast of Hachita have Rob-so- n that business for himself, and morning to begin work on the road mde Dr. Crocker show The guests all voted Miss liciting a gift by parcel post not managing it for a number of years. Lordsburg a content of about 60 per cent been concentrated at Lordsburg, a delightful hostess and all to exceed 25c. When all gifts are between and Duncan. tungstic acid in the ore. M. M., and Kave He was interested in the Copper A survey is now being made and taken shelter were more than pleased at the received the sale will be held for The mines have been examined in the Santa Fe Railroad round-- 1 Queen and other well known min- as soon as more prisoners arrive , success of the party. the benefit of the society. ing properties in Arizona, and a by some of the world's best author-- house. The district is being ter- actual work will begin in making ities on tungsten all pronounce a great part of his wealth was de- this one of the best roads out of and rorized by Mexicans who, until rived from these sources. He was it as one of the best properties in recently, worked STEINS ITEMJ Lordsburg. the west. in the mines of A delightful surprise party was Hale Chenoweth of San Simon also a director in the Southern A good grade will be built, cul- that district. given Monday evening in honor of found several Pacific Railway, the Arizona East- The new owners plan extensive armed Mexicans last verts will be put in and every development work, They are said to have threatned Mrs. McClure and family, who will week who are said to have admit- ern railway Nation- to begin at twenty-fiv- e and the First effort will be made to construct a once, to burn all homes, loot the bank leave for Tucson. Over ted that they belonged to the Villa al Bank of El Paso, and a con- and a treatment plant will be attendance, highway that will last for many erected to mill the ore. of Lordsburg and kill every grin- guests were in band of outlaws. They were turn- servative estimate places the value years. Attorney go they can catch, in resentment each furnishing a part of the co ed over to a deputy at Rodeo. of his estate between $75,0000 and Hayworth of Prescott, A most en Ariz., accompanied Mr. Starr here over the invasion. pious refreshments. A car of ore is being shiipped $100,000, all of which is left to one by every one Mc-Ken- BELIEVED CATTLE STOLEN to close the transfer of the proper- Just north of Lordsburg there joyable time was had from Granite Gap this week. brother back in New York. who attended the affair. expects to ship Mr. Titus was the first grand Constable Oscar Allen, Sam Fos- ty. are said to be six thousand idle from bis ter, William Brooks and T. Reed Mexican miners on a labor claims in the near future. master of the A. F. & A. M. in Ari- J. The Bonney Mining Company strike. zona of Duncan made a thorough scour The Silver City is and always took a deep and this week received a No. 7 Cameron sheriff at active interest in the work of the ,of this section of the country Mon- swearing in every man in that day looking for five horses which pump, which will be installed in order in that state and in New the" No. 3 once, section-a- s a deputy, Mexico. were missed Sunday night from shaft at and kall the Lazy B ranch and which were expedience made in unwatering With a premonition that his end that part of the famous Bonney Money Makes Money. Circulate believed to have been stolen by Manager A. J. Interrieden of would not be long delayed, Mr. Ti- Mexicans orothers in the section. claims. tus recently made arrangements the 85 mine has received a copy Pay-U- p The coterie motored to Rodeo, San of the Chicago American of It. Keep It Moving Week for the disposition of his remains Simón, Paradise, Steins, and other CAR RETURNS BIG the J. L. Wells 16th instant, with a front page when call did come points looking for the missing ca- has received returns the for him, on thirty-fiv- e scare head and paragraph tell-o- f ballos. On Tuesday morning word tons of ore shipped a often docs one hear the expression, "Business is all right, and immediately after his death from the San Bra no lease on the to loot the town and was received that the animals were "threats HOW collections are bad." his body was prepared for burial found near the Lazy B ranch. property of the Bonney Mining kill all Americans." The Liberal Company, Make collections good. There's no better way to make by J. A. Mahoney, Inc., and was netting $1,021.00. , has it on display for those who them good than to pay up your debts. Promptness in paying debts shipped back to Huntington, PUTS UP MILE POSTS care to stand the shock. Long makes for a better community ail around. The merchant will ap- Island, N. Y., for interment in the W. H. Patterson of Gold Hill W. H. Stevenson, of Silver City, arrived here on Monday to accept preciate a prompt settlement of that small amount due him. If family burying ground. Two bro- has put up mile posts along the he gets quick cash for his sales he'll put in a belter stock of goods. Gold auto- a position with the Bonney mine. thers,. John E. and Joseph Hill road, showing the ARREST VILLA MEN be satisfied with a smaller profit. When a man is selling an Titus, to-th- Mr. Stevenson He'll ists the way up e beautiful is one of the old Several recruiting officers of the survive htm, both residents of the little camp in the mountains north- time mine operators of the Carlisle, article and he knows he has a long time to wait for his cash he is state of New York. east of Lordsburg. Pinos Altos and Santa Rita dis- Villa band were arrested in Clif likely to ask a little more than he would if he knew that his money tricts. ton the first of the week. soon would be forthcoming. IF PAY-U- P WEEK IS MADE THE MOST OF THE STATEMENT THAT COLLECTIONS ARE BAD WILL BECOME OBSOLETE. EV- INVASION NEWS ARIZONA DAY HERE ERY ONE WILL HASTEN TO PAY HIS DEBTS. IT IS PERFECTLY Complete accounts Mex- of the PLAIN THAT, WITH EVERY ONE PAYING UP, THE COMMUNITY ARIZONA DAY PLANS ico invasion will be found on WE WANT BE BE MONEY IN CIR- ARE UNDER WAY pages 6 and 7 of this week's WILL BETTER OFF. THERE WILL MORE At a meeting of the Lordsburg Liberal. CULATION. IT WILL NOT BE TIED UP. MONEY MAKES MONEY. citizens Monday Four Columns of inter held night, plans esting news of U. S. Troops CIRCULATE IT. KEEP IT MOVING. were gotten under way for the ma- the terializing of "Arizona Day" in and Pancho Villa. This town is isiirc of n groat awakening if Pay-U- p Week is en- Lordsburfc" when special excursion tered in tho right spirit. The exchanging of caxh makes for pros- trains will be run from Globe, Clif- perity. When tho employer pays the employee, the employee pays ton, Miami, the the butcher, the baker. The grocer, butcher, the Morenci, and inter- GRAND CONCERT FRIDAY grocer, the YOU mediate points. Committees were baker, in turn circulate the money in town.. Ready cash is a won- appointed to look after the finances The best musical attraction of derful business stimulant. Help this town along. If heretofore of the gal: event and a base bajj the season is booked for tomor you,have been tardy in tho payment of your obligations make a new For a Customer committee was appointed to look row (Friday) evening at the Star resolve. Pay promptly. the lo- after matter of securing a theatre when the Lordsburg Har This appeal is made also to those who do pay promptly. If cal team to compete with the teams mony Club and Miss Elizabeth of the Arizona mining camps. you have fixed a certain time to pay a certain bill during or after Garrett, New Mexico's sweetest p house makes good The committees are now taking Pay-U- p Week arrange it so that you can meet this obligation Pay-U- singer, will give their first public Week. Let the How and interchange of cash bo incessant dur- up their various duties and expect city. to make a definite report within concert in this ing this week. on its nromises on its , Miss Garrett needs no' intro a very short time, which full PAY-U- DESERVES 0 after duction to a Lordsburg audience, MAKE WEEK SUCCESS IT announcements will be made of the TO BE. sales in its every undertak- Arizona Day and the towns noti- Her concert work throughout the fied when full arrangements are west has given her a position completed. among the best singers and ac ing is the one with which oompanists. She will render five NEW BANK FOR SILVER CITY selections and will accompany the it pays the customer to do The Union Exchange Bank is the Harmony Club in four numbers. name of a new financial institu- Miss Garrett has trained some of tion which' it is expected will open Lordsburg's best talent into an business. Such a house must for business in Silver City on or excellent glee club which will be about May 1. The bank, which one of the features of the program, Shoes Shoes keep "the goods that make will make the third in that city, Tickets are now cn sale for the will have a paid up capital of $25,-00- 0, concert. Let everyone attend. in addition to a neat surplus. It will be the best treat of years. good" or lose its reputation The first directors will be L. H. Following is the program: Beautiful new' spring Ellis, Herbert J. McGrath, R. B. Powell and Eli Borenstein. Offi- and customers. In all 1 Piano duet its cers of the new bank will be chos- en after the charter is received, Trode Cavalerie A. Rubenstien line of Womens' Shoes modesty we want to say that when a meeting will be held for Misses Garrett and Marsahs pefectjng the organization. 2 Vocal Bird of Spring Denza we are making good and IN DISTRICT COURT Cilizabeia Garrett just received. Call and Chorus Eugene Rowland, charged with 3 having George Stars of the Summer Night holding our old customers, shot Haydon, was Isaac Woodbeay in- found guilty of assault with Lord h burg (Jlub inspect our line. New to Harmony tent kill and will be sentenced 4 (A) To My First Love, (B) To My and making new ones from ' Tom .iter. The case of Scarbor- Last Love Lohr ough has been continued until the Elizabeth Garrett 27th inst., line of Hats just in. steadily. and the case of Charlie 5 Solo and Chorus day to day Moore has been continued until next term grand O Fair New Mexico. .Eligabeth Garrett the of court. The lxrd8burg Harmony Club jury reported favorably on all in- - 6 (A) April, (B) Rain-drop- (C Car load of Furniture vestigations of the various county f Cloudcroft Elizabeth Garrett you see in OTJHfid, is So offices. , Elizabeth Garret if it it Among other cases disposed; of We close at 6 o'clock p. mi the past week were the following: 7 Chorus just arrived. . W. J. Etheridge, larceny, not guil- Plantation Medlev f ty; Porfirio Morales, larceny of Arranged by Elizabeth Garrett horse, plea of guilty Lordsburg Harmony Club and sentenced 8 Group of Old Favorites to SO days in the county jail ; Fran- cisco Morales, assault with a dead- Elizabeth Garrett ItIIE ROBERTS & LEAIIY TüBEaile DruiMercantileCo. ly weapon, not guilty; Lassero 9 Chorus I Quinar, asault with to kill, intent Aloha f. I Queen Liliuokalani MERCANTILE CO INC verdict of guilty; Bessie Owen, as- Arranged by Elizabeth I I Garrett sault with deadly weapon, verdict LKrusIurg Harmony Club of not guilty.


WESTERN LIBERAL FOREIGN 4 t t 1 1 4 t HEWS TO DATE Airmn are aiding the TJ. 8. troops LOHDSBURO - - NEW MEXICO In hunting Villa In Mexico. WESTERN DRINK HOT WATER AND RID I Farls V. Bush, Editor and Ownir. The Nova Scotia Legislature passed Pbllihd Every Friday. ill PARAGRAPHS the prohibition bill by a vote of 28 "fr i IN ING AND Oil to 8. I JOINTS OF RHEUMATIC RUST! Unconfirmed dispatches from Rome A pen NEWS fountain la mightier than tbi said the kaiser's throat la again If CAUGHT FROM THE NETWORK OF that word there's Ink In It giving him trouble. ABOUT WIRES ROUND Pope Benedict at Rome gave a I Why rheumatism and lumbago sufferers should drink phóspftatcd Anyway, the war never remain tha Western Newpapr Union Mewi Service. THE WORLD. private audlonce to M. P. Facbitcu, ame long enough to causa ennui. Metal Mining Price. not water each morning celore Dreaktast tha Serbian premier. Lead, New York, $7.75. It seems too bad that an Inquiry The interest of Austria In Porta-ga- l Bar silver, I6c. baa to atari after tha thing hap- DURING THE PAST WEEK have been confided to the Kpanlsn Kpellor, St. Louis, $tf.92 RUST ) pen. minister at Lisbon. Copper, casting, $28.50. o r yf At Guatemala City the national as- IRON i Arizona, A Frenchman declare America sembly unanimously ratified the lack poet. She baa many other good RECORD OF IMPORTANT EVENTS of Manual ERtrada Cabrera, The old Bullwhacker mine at Pres-cot- t, points, toa CONDENSED FOR BUSY president. which had a great reputation la the '70s, Is to be revived. PEOPLE. The London Opera House, which p y ' ZL.RUST OF Btiict neutrality In film kla censor-bl- was built by Oscnr Hammersteln In The Twin Buttes reining district l t u ralla for a definite observance of 1911, has been purchased by a vaudsH to the - south of TucBon is rapidly RHEUMATISH the three-mi-l limit frHfM Kiwiww Union rtews Berries. vlllu syndicate. coming to the front with producing ABOUT THE WAR Three British airmen, Lleutenan' mines. The natlona at war seem to the take Fighting around Verdun dwindled In Johnstone, Beaumont and Laldlaw, , A five inch vein of solid tungsten lew that an parate peace will lead to Intensity the last of the week. wtere has been struck on Tule creek by Art separata killed at London In accidents war later on. Russian capture Mamakhuatan, while on experimental flights. Cook and M. 8. Plumber ot Thoenlx, Turkish town sixty miles west of according to reports. old Premier Asquith Is 111, it was an- kidney and bowel pre- What baa become of the fash The Martinique group of copper Just a coal, when it bums, leaves ach, liver, the loned prcpbet who believed in a abort nounced in a bulletin issued at bis of- behind a certain amount of Incombus- vious day' accumulation of toxins and North ot Alsoe German at- in London, claims in the Twin Buttes district war and merry one 7 river. fice stating he is suffer- In ashes, so poisons; thus, cleansing, sweetening, outpost was re- heve just bonded to a Tucson tible material the form of tack against French ing from bronchial catarrh. been day day and freshening entire alimentary pulsed. syndicate by the Marylnez brother the food and drink taken after the Why ao girl can be Gen. Joseph Simeon Oallienl, min- In alimentary canal a cer- canal, each morning, before putting ia It that few for $20,000. leaves the Induced to take an Interest In suffrage Germana suffered heavy losses In ister of war, has resigned because ot tain amount of Indigestible material, more food Into tha stomach. before they are thirty t attempt to capture "Dead Man's bill" 111 health, and Cen. Charles Roque has Keith and Keith of Boston, have which if not completely eliminated A quarter pound of limestone phos- at Verdun, been appointed to succeed blm. bought a controlling Interest in the each day, become food for the mil- phate costs very little at the drug Now the crab want to be protected, Villa bandits burned a bridge on the At Liverpool, the Irian Nationalists, Oatman Pioneer mines for $250,000 lions of bacteria which infest the bow- store but Is sufficient to-- make any begin de- and yet everyone know It ta back- Northwestern railroad near San Po- celebrating the eve of St. Patrick' and will at once extensive els. From this mas of left-ove- r waste rhoumatlo or lumbago sufferer an en- velopment work. ward In coming forward. dro, Chihuahua. day under the chairmanship of T. P. material, toxin and ptomaine-lik- e poi- thusiast on the morning Inside bath. Important German ammunition de- O'Connor, pledged allegiance to the Tbe Sasco smelter at Tucson of sons, called tirio acid, is formed and Million of people keep their joints A talking diplomat can make lot of pot north of Verdun were blown up allies. the Southern Arizona Smeltiug Com- then sucked into the blood where It free from these rheumatic acida by trouble, but. It seems. writing on by French guns. The remolding of the system of the pany has been leased, by the Ameri- continues to circulate, collecting grain practicing this dally Internal sanita- -- can mora. & Refining Company water ul make whole lot Hard fighting between Austrlana government of the British empire can Smelting lor by grain In the joint of the body tion., A glass of hot with a one year privilege for expansion on ot limestone phosphate, drank and Italiana continues with no Im- after the war was predicted by Her- with much like rust collect the hinge yon year $2,000 breakfaBt, la wonderfully Invig- "You must think If live." uys portant change In positions. bert L. Samuel, secretary for home tor another at a month. as shown above. before Philadelphia A ' an professor. lot of u are passenger affairs, at a dinner giver in honor of The Green Monument group Men and women who suffer from orating; besides, It Is excellent oylnfc. then, know Dutch ship Tubantla health measure because It cleanses the and don't It 7 the Australian premier, William Mor- of claims in the Santa Rita moun- lumbago, rheumatism or sore, stiff, sunk by submarine of mine, with 38 aching begin drinking alimentary organs of all the waste, will Investi- ris Hughes in London. tains has been bonded to a group of joint should A aboard. gases sour making a correspondent observe, tbe gate. Ten thousand civilians, including practical mining men who will at phosphated hot water, not a a mean and fermentations, one. However. pre- one look sweet gossip evil la a great government employes and school once begin development and who ex- to magic relict from pain, but to and feel clean, and I The British report that the upris- It eiceedlngly well Intrenched. teachers, paraded Mexico City, carry- pect to start shipping within ten day. vent more uric acid forming In the fresh all day. ing ot the Senuasl tribes In westeru who try ing the national colors and banners system. Before eating Ireakfast each Those this' for one weak meth- Egypt Is being .broken. The head may And Satisfactory flood prevention bearing the inscription: "Homage to morning, drink a glass of real hot themselves free from sick od of the genius men of the tribes are asking for par- New Mexico. headaches, constipation, at- await the arrival Venustiano Carranza, the savior of water with a teaspoonful of limestone bilious up MIL, dons. It Is said. . of- Incorporation were who can train water to run his country's honor." Articles filed phosphate In it. This will first neu- tacks, sallowness, nasty breath and Around Riga .terrific artillery duels by the Mlrabal Coal Company of Gal- tralize and then wash out of tbe stom stomach acidity. Diplomata would not Indulge In are raging. In Galicia southeast ot With the object of securing arms lup. and ammunition, a of re- Unpleasant Outlook. much circumlocution If tbey bad to Kolkl and along the middle ot tho force rebels in Middle Val- Even the man who, la tired ot this cently raided Shuntak In Kwangtunj The oil business the First Tommy ' (in the trenches) pay cable toll out of their own poc- Stiipa river the Russians have made ley shows decided signs of coming to world In a hurry to move on province, twenty wt'es Can- so Bill? ket. small gains. south of Company, to the next Wot'cher lookin' blue abaht. ton, China. They secured a quantity life. The National Plaster Second TommyJest got a letter A message from Berne says that owners ot the mill at Oriental, south expert wbo predict a of these munitions aud escnped after from the missus, ter say 'er sister Is Tbe military Naby Dey, former Turkish am- of Lakewood, has moved its general long now confirm popu- a fight with government forces In puttln' up wlv 'er and 'as got the war merely Rome, Is reported bo offices to Dayton. no sur- bassador at to which tbe casualties on each side MOTHER! LOOK AT measles. It ain't a go, It ain't, wlv lar Impression and producea endeavoring to negotiate a separate 'art prise. were estimated at 300. The Pecos Mines Company, a clone me goln' 'orae on leave tomorrer, and peace for Turkey with the allies. . SPORTING NEWS - corporation of New York, which will a dangerous trouble like that In the Military training In echoola will Ond The various federal states which operate near Cowles, in the Hamilton 'ouse. London Opinion. with Prussia constitute the empire of The c Olympian games district of San Miguel county, was CHILffSJOÍlGÜE Bome of the kiddlea already prepared have been cancelled owing through on way Germany have shown signs ot dis- to the admitted to do business by the State alley practice tbe mobilization of the Greek army. Her Idea. borne. satisfaction with the manner In Corporation Commission. if cross, feverish, "Do you Cholly ever Murphy, constipated, think Primrose which the kaiser's government is car- Fankle the East Side light- Beal & Brown, who have a lease weight, outpointed give "California Syrup thinks?" Pennsylvania' forest Ore last .year rying on the war. Jack Glllis, the from the ' Porterfield brothers and "It he does, he takes pains to hide were worth 1850,000. wblcb amount WESTERN Frisco battler, in 15 rounds at tbe others, have made an important of Figs." It." would have been better apent for Ore-wor- National Athletic Club in Denver. of copper, ore The postoffice aud public baths at strike in the Burro A laxative today save a tick child Fred Fulton, the Rochester, Minn., , Monterey, Mexico, were destroyed by mountains. The richest of the ore tomorrow. Children simply will not fire. heavyweight boxer knocked out Fire- run from CO to 80 per cent copper, A I expression take the time from play to empty their smile also a facial , man Flynn of Pueblo In the second It is said. Mrs. Annie Asenath Adams Kiskad-don- bowels, which clogged up that serves to make a person you feel round of a Mil- become with of Maude Adams, died contest at like murdering think that you are glad mother at waukee, Wis. - waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach came. Salt Lake. Wyomlnjj. our. be At Madison ' The price of sugar is advancing Square Garden, where The cold weather of the- winter Look at the tongue, mother! If coat- the Willard-Mora- n woman proud to see a steadily with no pros.noct for any bout Is to take months hampered work In the Grass ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev- It makes a place on 25th strange man petting her baby, but the immediate reduction. the it was stated that Creek oil fields, but now that con- erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat the advance sale of tickets fathers feels like batting blm on tbe John Llghtburn was and for the ditions are favorable to work, wells heartily, full of cold or has sore throat fA Elder flgeat Wanted In Each stabbed contest now amounts to, more than n are beginning to brought again. any bean with an ax helve. probably fatally wounded in an $100,000. be in or other children's ailment, give a Tovtsj lor the outbreak at Point Isabel, Tbe Levi Oil Company reached tbe teaspoonful , of "California 8yrup of When you see what average fel- Tham Langford, the Boston Tar Figs," don't worry, Is the Tex. Baby, who ts second sand In Its well on section 33 then because it low drops In plate at the church rounding out his fif- perfectly Henderson "4 tbe Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hagndorn, year in the Grass Creek field at a depth ol harmless, and In a few hour It la be la dead teenth in the prize ring, Is bard to believe that formerly of Denver, but now of Raton, 1.535 feet, with the result that there all this constipation poison, sour bile end the aure of going to heaven. headed toward Denver again. The of- N. M., are principals In a dlvorco is now 1,000 feet of oil and not J and fermenting waste will gently ficial forecaster announced that . the proceeding In New city. particle of water in the well. move out of the bowels, and you have Popé Motorcycles An la the kind the Mexico dark cloud on the fighting horizon academic discussion Manly a well, playful child again. A thor- free-lunc- h T. governor would arrive shortly 24, Gulnn and David Dickie ar Rl may one that la carried on over the William Thornton, of after March ough "inside cleansing" is ofttlmes all As oar Jer AfDt, 700 haw of New Mexico from 1893 to 1897, who or in time for public exhibition tbe principal stockholders In a new oil those highest type Motorcycles on special low counter regarding tbe constitutional 1 necessary. should be the your spar Into profit also served in Legisla- March 31. company that is being formed for the that It terms. Torn tint and Ity of tbe Income tax law. the territorial first treatment given In any sickness. let as help roa do so. Write today for our new, ture and as mayor of Santa Fé, died development ci some prospective oil naososi ollar tree explanatory booklets. GENERAL , Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. sad at Santa Fe at the age of 7S. sites in tbe Enos Creek country on Most of the victim of the Zeppelin A check, for $43,538,111, one of the Ask at the store for a bottle of Becky Menrtlals Motorcycle Csnpanj raid on Pari were killed In their While most of tbe reports reaching the James Black homestead near Broadway Deavor, largest ever paid in the United States, Meeteetse. "California Syrup of Figs, which has 1016 Cot. bed and consequently cannot be sus- Columbus, N. M., unofficially from the passed through the New York clear- full directions for babies, children of pected of having attempted to escape. Mexfcan border Indicated Cody's municipal dump ground, grown-up- s that the ing house. . all age and for plainly troops In un- v ex- American Mexico were Robert E. Rlgby, assistant cashier heretofore considered valueless printed on the bottle. Adv. I work HAIR BALSAM It not bard that cause a molested . in their advance, there of cept for the purpose for which it it tbe Wabash Railroad at St. Louis, . A toilet preparatlea oí Mrlt man to neglect answering letters, but were also reports that a few snipers used, suddenly has become so desira- Close B. Palmer been leader ot P Blpe to eradicate deadraO. confessed to a shortage of $18,000. He has For downright slopplnes and laziness. At had been encountered. ' ble a property three of'era ' to v Restores Color end was arrested. that a church choir at Maple Grove, Tenn., I Í BoaotrtoOrerorFoded Hair. least, that I generally the trouble lease It have made by persons j too, acq SLOP at Drurg-tuta- Jose Pereyra, Carranxa consul at The estate of Henry been for the past 58 years. i,,21 with us. Columbjs, who was Gassaway seeking the lease to drill oil on killed by tbe Villi Davis, West Virginia, for raiders, met death trying to save the of Is estimated the site. BACKACHE, LUMBAGO The crusade against Immodest lives ot American women, according at $10,000,000 and the bulk goes to To Build Up dressing strangely enough I meeting to a story told El Paso, Tex., by three children. Uric acid causes backache, pains at Colorado.' with opposition right among women. Mrs. W. L. Ritchie. Mrs. Ritchie's Tbe funeral of Henry Gassaway After Grippe, Colds here and there, rheumatism, gout, Meanwhile men are looking on witb husband ran the hotel at Columbus Davis, former United States senator, A rich ore vein has' been discovered grave, neuralgia, and sciatica. It was Interest and was shot to death before ber eyes who died at his home in Washington, in the Golden Cycle mine in the Crip- Bad Blood Dr, Pierce who discovered a new by the VUllsta. was held at Elklns, W. Va. ple Creek district agent, called "Anurtc," which will a man usually throw out and completely At night realizes It was learned at Columbus, N. M., nine-mil- e tungsten Take a blood cleanser and alterative eradicate WASHINGTON . . A belt, with so well "An-uric- " be didn't do as be felt be that the shot which killed Colonel dis- that starts the liver and stomach into this uric acid from the system. Senator Benjamin F. Shlvely of In- Salida as the center, has 'been would when be tackled tbe Job In tbe Lopez, Villa's first chief during the covered at Salida. There is already rigorous action, called Dr. Pierce's Is 37 times more potent than morning, but be expects to do diana died at a Washington hospital you better raid, was fired by an American a rush to Wellsvllle, four and a half Golden Medical Discovery because of lithia, and consequently noed no next day. alter an illness ot many month. longer fear or rheu- tbe trooper at 1,200 yards. Lopez fell at miles south of the city, where tho one of its principal Ingredients the muscular articular Tbe Senate passed bill to appropri matism or gout, or many other dis- the first shot. richest color has been shown.- - Golden Seal- - plant. It assists the body statement that leading cartoon- ate $2,500,000 for equipping Puget eases which are dependent on tuio The That a reward of 40,000 pesos for to manufacture rich red blood which ists get a much aa $50.0K a year lor Sound navy yard to build battleships. Tbe price of tungsten ore jumped acid within the body. the body of Francisco Villa had been feeds the heart nerves brain and making ua laugh provea1 once more from $75 to $90 per unit on tbe Boul- worn-ou- Brig. Gen. John Cameron Muhlen- standing for sixty organs body. If you feel that tired, t most of our politicians ara wretch- the last days in der market. This rise, representing of the The organs work that berg, retired, former "paymaster gea-era- l Carranza consulates was feeling, backache, neuralgia, or if your edly underpaid. , disclosed the highest price since the European smoothly like machinery running In of the army, died at his home in through letters to an Albuquerque, sleep is disturbed by too frequent uri- war began, is quoted for CO per oil. Tou feel clean, strong and stren- Washington. N. M., cent nation, go to your best drug store and Carranza official. e Buy to- Of course. It Is true that future gen- ore. In February. 1915, sa-n- uous. "Medical Discovery" The Senate adopted resolution to the ask for Doctor Pierce's Anurio Tab- erations will have to pay for this war. Brigadier General Pershing's dis- class ot ore was quoted at $5.76 per day and in a few days you will know lets, full treatment 60c, or send 10 bring the mobile army to Its full patches to tbe blood out, and at the rate people are being killed southern department unit. , A that the bad is passing and cents for a trial package of "Anurlc" strength Immediately, which al- and starved to death there won't be had headquarters confirm reports thai new, rich, pure blood is filling your Tablets to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, ready been pussod by the House. A shipment pf 112 tons ot radium any too many folk In them to do the Mormon colonists from Colonia Dub-Ia- n veins and arteries. Buffalo, N. Y. job. Senator Shafroth was the principal and Colonia Morrales are acting ore, containing approximately $85,000 speaker in the Senate Thursday as scouts for the expedition. worth of rare mineral, was received On of tha Coco. The Reason. ugultiHt Myers "So Kitty said I bad a thick head of "Why do tbey call a baseball the A poetes who wanta a divorce says the bill to lease the Thomas Mott Osborne, prison re- at the Colorado School of Mines. It hair." - sphere?" -- her hushand practically made her hia public lands for water cower sites. former, Harvard graduate Is the isrgest shipment in and former ever made "Oh. she didn't mention the hair." "Because It Is whirled." valet. She looked after his laundry, Federico Alfonso Pezet, the Peni-vía- warden of Sing Sing, was acquitted Colorado. The ore came from Gil pin shirts, his bla buttons and hia mend minister. Issued a statement say- of the charge of perjury by direction county and Is tksBtlned for the United ing In the golden age they dldn t ing reports of that President Pardo of Justice Arthur S. Tompkins to a States Bureau of Mines Denver, call em valetsthey called era wlvea. Jury in Peru would resign were witUouv in the Supreme Court at West after it has been concentrated the foundation. N. at Plains, V. plant ot Golden scnool. An analyst ol character finds the Tho Senate adopted a resolution in- The body of a Mexican found near blondes ot more prominence In The purchase at tax ale the dorsing President the border at Columbus. N. M., was of what world. At they show plainer on Wilson's course in least Bending troops into Mexico identified as J. Pereyra, gives promise of being a heavy pro- tbe coat aleeve. and assur personal .a- - inc-ilca- people the expedition I) repreneiitative of the Mexican consu- ducing gold mine for $3.19 is shown economy punitive only. late in El Paso. in the records of the office of tho Our Idea of In maritime county travel is to buy a ticket one way. The diplomatic and consular ap- The twelfth Mexican suspected of Teller clerk and recorder. Tfci thereby conserving tbe balunce In case propriation bill for 1917, carrying Vllllsta activities arrested at El Puso, 'gold mine" referred to In the record i one ts blown up. 15.426,283 or 1,421,9C0 more than wai Tex., Ib in jail with eleven other is what is known aa the "Rottou uppropiiuted for 19ÍC, was reported t . former generals and "cabinet minl Hole" claim situated on Mineral Hill That proportion to "can" tha talk the House by the foreign affulrs com- ters" of Villa. a ehort distance from the northern boundary of city of nirnkeys baa one drawback tb mittee. Some of the large ranching and cat- line tbe of Crippie Creek. A few days ago monkey brand of conversation may The Senate pussed tho House bill tle interests on the Mexican side ul ore running i'rom $22.50 to $150 ton prove no more worthy ol preservation amending the postal savings bank law the border at Columbus, N. M., have a according ti beluga. returns on assays taken, was discov- than (bat of human so as to Increase the Individual de offered a reward of $50,000 for Fau-ch- on posit maximum from $500 to $1,000. VL'!a. dead or alive. ered tha "Ilotton Hole" claim. WESTERN LIBERAL.

ft. Twof,rM, pr.Mn FPfHH W. KAVPt". Oolilor K1DNEYS CLOQ IT FROM HAM WnNAItV. VlO-- l resident, WAI.I HK M. HU'll.Mt. Asst. Oeka DECREASE !l STOCKS ÍinrHMH.SY. Vln-- P rvnulnnt. U. T, HUOKK Ant. Culner EATIN3 TOO MUCH MEAT THE-- ICS Take Tabletpoonful of Salta If Back NEW. MEXICO GRAINS ON NEW MEXICO FARMS Hurts or Bladder Bothers Meat SMALLER THAN YEAR AGO. First National Bank Forma Uric Aold. STATE NEWS s We are a nation of moat eaters and Department of Agriculture Figures filled says CAriTAI. AND Hl'KKH'8. seo.Oee our blood Is with urlo acid, Show Stocks on Hand March 1 well-know- authority, who warns us nKPOMITS , a.SOO.OOS a and Prevailing Prices. to be constantly on guard against kid-- WeMorn N.wapapsr Union Nawa S.rvlce. And Good Demand for All Farm TTnlted. States Depository noy trouble. tOUIMI KVVÍIV.TS. April 7. M. 13. Springer. Products. do utmost Conference at Weatern N.wipnpor Union N.wa 4 per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts. Tbe kidneys their to froe July 4- - Cow buy ' Keunton at Bfirvtc the blood of this Irritating acid, but V6RRI, Santa Fé. A summary of the Correspondence li invited from those who oontomplsie opening Initial or additional S- Bankera' Annot It is no new experience for settlers Kl become weak from the overwork; Oct. New Mexico aooouuta la I'mo. Canon, March crop report for the slate of . country as - ation Convention at Grand located In a fertile such Jf finn nnn they get sluggish; the ellmtnatlve tls- Aria. New Mexico, as compiled by the Bu- Western Canada, where lands may be Assets sues clog and thus the waste Is re- reau of Crop Deposits by mall are promptly acknowledged. T'jcumcarl engineering Estimates and transmit bought at very reasonable prices, to made tained in the blood to poison the en citizens are ted through the Weather Bureau, a grain elevator scheme. harvest a crop that in one season pays tire system. United Slates Department of Agricul- cost Undoubt- your Clovls, which voted out the saloons the entire of their farm. When kidneys ache and feel ture, Washington, Is as follows: edly this was the experience of many lumps you sting Jan. 31, Is now a dry town. . like of lead, and have Wheat on Estimated stocks farmers during 1915, but one Instance ing pains tn the back or the urine Is The smallpox epidemic at Clovls farms: on farms March 1 of this year 323,-00-0 may be quoted. A settler who came cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad has assumed serious proportions. bushels, comparet with 380,000 a to Canada from the United States der Is irritable, obliging you to seek Ten natives and Indians have three year ago and 183,000 two years ago. some years ago decided to add to bis relief during the night; when you have dlod from scarlet fever at Empanóla. ü GARAGE Prices on March 1 to producers, $1.08 holdings by buying an adjoining quar- severe headaches, nervous and dizzy WI 1 The contract tor the Santa Fé round per bushel, $1.13 a ter section near his home at Warner, spoils, sleeplessness, acid stomach or compared with house and shops at Gitluu baa been year ago and 92 cents two years ago. at $20.00 an acre, with terms spread rhoumatism in bad weather, get from years. got let. Corn on farms: Estimated stocks over a period ot He the Ford Agency your pharmacist about four ounces of good The Luna county has a school where, ol on year, 682,000 land Into a state of cultivation Jad Salts; take tahlespoonful In farms March i this put quarter the nineteen students attending, but bushels, compared with 773,000 a year and last spring the whole glass of water before breakfast each girl. section in When the crop was one is a go and 2S3.030 two years ago. wheat morning and in a few days your kid Price threshed be found ft only took Nara Visa was tbe scene of a dis March 1 to producers, 91 cents per that Roadsters, Touring Cars neys will act fine. This famous salts half the wheat on farm to pay the grapes astrous fire when seven buildings bushel, compared with $1 a year ago le Is made from the acid of and whole purchase price of It; in short were destroyed. 77 years ago. lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and and cents two a single year's crop paid the cost ot A Full And Complete Line of Accessories flush potato growers Por Corn of quality: The has been used for generations to Sweet around merchantable the land, paid all the expenses ot op- clogged shipping out product percentage of 1915 crop which At All Time and stimulate kidneys, to neu tales are their the eration and left him a handsome sur- tralize tbe acids In urine so It Is no stored since last fall. was of merchantable quality Is esti plus as profit This settler bad some longer a source of Irritation, thus end The Santa Fe county grand Jury mated at 85 per cent, compared with adjoining land, and his whole wheat ing urinary and bladder disorders. concluded Its work with the return 88 per cent of the 1914 crop and 75 crop for the season amounted to Jat) la per tUu 1913 crop. Official Agents For "Pep" Baits Inexpensive and cannot of fourteen Indictments. cent of over 18,000 bushels. He Is now plan- injure; makes a delightful efferves The recent fire on the Gonxahtos Oats on farms: Estimated stocks on ning to obtain some sheep and invest nobody Daily Stage Line Between Lordsburg, Tyrone cent 11th! vwater drink, and messa partly destroyed the timber farms March 1 this year, 618,000 bush his profits In Uve stick which will as- can make a mistake by taking a little and damaged the range extensively. els, compared with 494,000 a year ago sure him a good living irrespective of occasionally to keep the kidneys clean 300,000 two years ago. And Silver City. Save Timé And Money Fire of unknown origin destroyed and Price what the season n.ay happen to be. and active. Adv. March 1 producers, 55 cents per tne Ottosen Drug Company's store In to Canada's flnan('l position is ex- CO a year Willard, Amin Bros.' store and one bushel, compared with cents cellent All speculation has been elim- Privilege Denied Them. ago 34 years ago. residence. and cents two inated, and trading is done, on a cash "Here's a picture of a woman golf Barley on farms: Estimated stocks WWWWWWVWX cbatuplon." The 1916 motor vehicle licenses Is basis, with restricted credit on farms March 1 this year, 40,000 figures Canada's "I see. And she looks almost grace sued total 4,940, or only 60 less than Detailed of trade bushels, compared with 61,000 a year for months ending October 31 Make Your Headquarters at the ful." the number Issued during the whole twelve ego and 19,000 two years ago. Price show how the war la forcing Canadian "Why shouldn't she look graceful?" of 1915. March 1 to producers, 66 cents per new One guess because golf cham trade Into channels. of the "I It's Rulph W. Enos of Silver City will bushel, compared with 78 cents a year extraordinary changes Is com- pions cannot consistently adopt the most in represent the Indian factory in the ago and 75 cents two years ago. merce with the United States. A pese famous by Annette Keller x made Albuquerque-Phoeni- motorcycle race couple of years ago Canada Imported man." lute in May. El Paso Chosen by Cattlemen. from the United States two or throe of city of Gallup, The fire limits the Albuquerque. Abner Wilson of hundred million dollars' worth ot In which no trame building can be goods more than she exported. The niprunnrn Clifton, was chosen president, Hotel erected, were extended to cover eight Arii., balance of trade was all with the William of El Paso, additional blocks. and Ammonett United States. The balance Is rapid- LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO secretary, at the final session of the com ly disappearing, and the present out- The principal speaker at the Panhandle & Southwestern Stock - mencement exercises of the Si nU look is that by the end of this year - men's Association. El Paso was Canada will have exported v Steam Heat. Hot, and Cold Water. Electric lights. Rosa High school, on May 19, will be to the chosen for the 1917 convention. Other Im- S . BATHS. REASONABLE RATES Roberts, United States more than she has PRIVATE LIVERJOPS Chief Justice Clarence J. officers chosen were: First vice pres City formal ported. The Silver council has ident, Thomas Love, El Paso; second figures past years Central Location, Restaurant Adjoining ly accepted the paving on Bullard and The for the four I For sick headache, bad breath, vice president, Thomas F. Moody of are illuminating. They are as fol Broadway streets, recently completed the Panhandle section; treasurer. X Sour' Stomach and lows: VWVWVWVVWVlitntVVWVVWVViVVtV at a cost of $20,000. John Wyatt, El Paso. The president Exports. Imports. constipation. H. F. baa been appoint- elect appointed J. F. Prlmm, EI Paso; 1913 $145.721.650 $412.657,023 8 ed Indian agent at Shiprock, succeed R. L. Johnson, Wilcox, Ariz.; Brite 1913 179.050,796 442,3ilaWft ing W. T. Shelton, who founded the Brayley, Las Vegas, N. M., and A. V. 1914 213,493,406 421.074.52S Homes on the Eas Forment Plan Get a box now. San Juan school and agency twelve McQuldy, Canadian, Tex., members ot 1915 314,118,774 346.569,924 No odds bow bad your liver, stomach years ago. the executive committee. Eight thou Four years ago. In 1912, the balance or bowels; bow much your bead Incorporation papers for the Gold sand dollars was raised to pay off the ot trade In favor ot the United setas, how miserable and uncomfort Bell Mining Company were tiled with association's deficit of $2,000 and pro States was no less than two hundred able you are from constipation, Indiges- - the State Corporation Commission vide a surplus for its activities. and sixty-seve- n millions, and this I'tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels the authorized capital of the concern vear, the balance is reduced to only you always get the desired results o Contractor, Builder, Estimator being 1100,000. Victim Government Agent. thirty-tw- millions. The figures are with Cascareis. Villa Was The Roswell city council has passed Albuquerque. Charles DeWltt Mil extraordinary and reflect the changed Plans and Estimating Free Don't let your stomach, liver and and new conditions In Canada. It bowels you miserable. Take an ordinance creating the Roswell ler, one of the victims of the Villa make which will looks as if for the first time In nearly " Cemetery Association, raid on Columbus, N. M., whose Cascarets put an end to the half a century this year Canada will Mining Timbers Framed. Mining Wedges made and Sold headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv hereafter have the control of the Ros charred body was found In the ruins well cemetery. was formerly ell more to the Untied States than ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, of the Commercial hotel, buy The tennis playors of New Mexico engineer of New Mexico he will from the Americans. Milling Machine Work backache and all other distress; territorial Advertisement cleanse your inside organs of all the will meet in state tournament In Ros and is prominently connected through bile, gases and constipated matter well this fall for third successive year. out the state. For several years past Knew the Drama, Too. which is producing the misery. The tournament will be staged Sept he has lived in Tnlarosa and has been Father, In the hall, has been stand A box means health, happi 4, 6, 6 and 7. connected with the United States land ing for an hour while MUlicent iuid ARTHUR W. HOUCK ness and a clear head for months. State land brought almost a record office. It is supposed that he was in Harold bid each other good night In Assayer and Chemist No more days of gloom and distress price at the sale at Carlsbad when Columbus on business for the land of- the doorway. Assayer and Chemist if you will take a Cascaret now and Capt. Fritz Muller sold 2.000 acres to fice at the time that he came to his 'Parting," quoth Harold, "Is such GEORGE W. CAMERON Agent for Ore Shippers then. All stores sell Cascarets Don't various parties. One parcel brought death. sweet sorrow that I could say good- ab the Douglas Smelters. forget tbe children their little in- - $25 au acre. night till " eprearntstlve tor "nlppere to the GOLD ANIt SII.VKK HUI. LION sides need a cleansing, too. Adr. A total of $994,500 will be spent on Judge Dye Passes Away. At this speech father gets a Shake EL PAoO BMELTEIt. FUKCMAAaCU Bog roads and bridges In New Mexico Santa Fé. News has been received spearean inspiration of bis cwn and 302 356 10th St. Out. OS Baa Frenelaee at. n rasa. Ta. Barred during the present year, according to ot the death In Roswell of Judge tramps down stairs. .p. u. nox as DOCaLA.4, ARIZONA. Husband Have you called upon an estimate issued by State Engineer M. Dye, one of the best-know- "Seems to me," he asserted, "there new people let? James those James Adams French. attorneys In the state and a candidate is too much adieu about nothing; Wife No, we can't associate with pasture for the Democratic nomination for the here." Philadelphia Ledger. Terrell & Black them. I was saved from doing It In More than a million acres of were swept by a prairie Supreme Bench at the last election nick of time. . lire that A. LAWYERS , tbe Death was due to asthma of long Husband What happened? started near Obar and burned for IMPORTANT THAT PUBLIC SKOULO SILVER CITY HEW MEXICO forty through northern por standing. Judge Dye was 52 years ATTORNEY AT LAW Wiféi Why. by thf merest accident miles the Will be at Lordsburg at theodicy of tion of Quay county. of age. KNOW ABOUT GREAT LORDSBURG," I heard that they run an. open car aU O. W Marsalis, on the tlrst and third winter. Judge. A copy of the President's proclama Wipes Homes,- - KIDNEY REMEDY KKW MEXICO. SATURDAY of each mouth for the creating the Bandeller national Prairie Fire Out tion Albuquerque, N. M. Prairie fires oovenlence of clients monument was received by Register The testimonial I am to aire yoa of Nara Visa, Quay county, and unsolicited. I have been auRer-in-g M.M.CROCKER, M.D. Delgado and Receiver Vigil of the north Minea DYSPEPSIA between Melrose and Clovls, Curry from lumbago for ten yeara and at and Huriink. MORNINGSTAR & AUGUSTINE s office Fé. A Mr. fltTalrtaa United States land at Santa destroyer' times waa unable to aland erect. Dletrlet Surgeon Southern Pactflo aad A rV Insurance county, thousands of acres Dean nf thi city, saw me in my condi- anna A New Meiloo Knllruail. Surgeoa M Governor McDonald notified the of fine range, many stacks of winter tion (lent over) and inquired the cause. Amerteaa Consolidated Copper Co. Leading Companies Scottish, of Washington lumbago, - Secretary War at that feed put up by ranches and a number I told bim that I had the lie LORDaaoan , NawMssios. Union, Firemen' Connecticut riDIGESTEON the National Guard of New Mexico, replied, "If you get what I tell you to. i, of small ranchers' and homesteaders' you need not have it." I aaid I would M consisting of sixty-on- officers and 877 HOME, PALETINK homes. Many homesteaders suffered lake anyming tor rue. 1 men, ready ou short in "'"i, Your Business Solicited Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour, was for service heavy losses. To fight the larger fire :et two boltlea o! ur. numera owamp-loo-t Milestone, notice. a special train with aid from Dalhart, and take it, and if it doee not ba Copras, gassy stomachs in five you O. K. I will pay for the medicine my-ael-f." Ada Brown, colored, of Raton, has Tex., was rushed tc Nara Visa. This 1 did ao and am a well man. For minutes Time itl pleaded guilty to robbing an Italian fire burned for a distance ot over for five months I have been aa well aa could Custom Assay Office Swamp-Roo- Acid some $750 be. before I took your t waa Sulphuric Tou don't want a slow remedy when miner of in East Raton ty miles. day night. : George in constant pain and Tbie Critchett & Ferguson your stomach Is bad or an uncertain The woman Implicated Wyatt may look like advertising, but it eeema now in custody, and William Thomas, Charges of Perjury Quashed. moat the pulwio Made from the celebra' efl CIIf toa one or a harmful one your stomach to me important that who is said to have the currency. Clayton. The IndlctT.ents againxt should be made familiar with this treat- Ores. Free from Antimony and Ar- is too valuable; you mustn't Injure it. 1 Judge O. T. Toombs and Carl Ekluud, ment as it is the only one know which senic. REPRESENTATIVE FOR ORE SHIPPERS Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its District Judge Edmund C. Abbott at is an absolute cure. I owe a great deal to chnrging subordination or perjury In Swamp-ltoot- , an-io- HIOH IMOTItlCit KNKROT. P. O. Box 712 El Paso. Texas. speed in giving relief; Its harmless-ness- ; Santa Fé sentenced Celso Roybal to Dr. Kilmer'a and am ' connection with the testimony of Ben others situated aa I waa should Gives more satisfactory results In Its certain unfailing action in serve from fifty to seventy-fiv- e years that at. y Chemicals jamin J. Harlan In the case against know and take advantage of it. Hoping Reduction Works than regulating alck, sour, gassy stomachs. in the state penitentiary may of ta the market at bard labor T. Mansker, deposed sheriff of that thia testimonial be benefit Its millions of cures in indigestion, tor murdering Alejandro Maeatas Robert to some one, I am, A long freight haul saved to the Union county, havo be-- quashed. A. AND, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach on 29. J. HOWL consumera In both states, Arizona near Española Feb. 173 lluinUildt SI. and New Mes. Fed & Livery Staele t trouble has made it famous the world Alamogordo will be called Dragged to Death. Dcuver, Colo. voters ' Prices In competition with tbe over. upon to decide whether tbe town shall Roy. José Herrara, a resident of State of Colorado I Eastern Maitets- - BURNsf Keep this perfect stomach doctor In Issue bonds in the sum of $275,000 or Mosquero, who has recently ben in City and County of Denver t JONES & your home keep It handy got a large Moutoya, was Personally appeared before me, Arizona Copper Co. 1ub for acquiring the city water sys the employ of Isidro Notary I'uhlic in and for the city and GLIKTON. AK1Z0NA. mock (rlr en rood Attention, fifty-cen- t case trom any dealer ana buggy by a runaway 'irttnrtittrrtiirr itud lryRt. Xj tem, and in tbe sum of $25,000 for thrown from a county of the 8tate of Colorado. J. A. then If anyone should eat something acquiring a municipal electric plant. team and dragged to death under the llonlund, known to me aa the person agree with them; if whose name is stihsorilwd tn the almve) FAYW00D HOT SPRINGS. PHONE 14-- 2 which doesn't at the general election, April 4. bufcgy. . i they eat lays like lead, ferments statement and upon his oath declares that J what George Woodhouse has been named it is a true and correct statement. for Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, A ejaBgWfaBpwvawawBBaBaanprBywgjae T sours and forms gas; causes head Kidney Ar- afBLIuStBBiaBakjaAa. and of the Board of County Com Meet April 25. DAN1KL H. DRAPKR. Ailnxnts, Inflamación, and nausea: eructa chairman Republicans Will Notary Public. terial Hardening, Locomotor A 'axis, ache, dizziness mlstiloners of Co!(ax county, to sue of acid and undigested foo- d- Santa Fé. The Republican State Prove Whit Swamp-Roo- t Will Do For Yoa Nrvous Breaking etc Perfect Treat- tlons ceed Rev. Harvey M. Shields, who ment, Per fee Chínale. Health, Plea- wwwwwwwvwwwwx remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin Convention for tlio selection of dele Send ti;n cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., all died in a Texas hospital. A succes gates to the National Convention wil Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot- sure, Large Modern Hotel. Booklet. comes in contact with the stomach will anyone. sor to Dr. Shioldu will be appointed In on April 25. tle. It convince You will T. C. MoDkbmott. Dr. R. E. BUVENS Its prompt be held Albuquerque infor-mntis- n. such distress vanishes. McDonald. ,N also receive a booklet of valuable ness, certainty and ease In overcoming by Governor The convention for tho nomination of telling about the kidneys and blad- SURIiKON. worst stomach disorders Is a reve- Thomas D. Burns, a pioneer settler candidates tor state otfices will be der. When writing, be sure and mention) DKSTAli the fifty-cen- nr try 3f , veteran poll beld'ln Santa Fé at a date to be fixed thia paper. Recular t and ono-doll- WHITE and ANDREWS Office: Brown Block lation to those who It. Adf. tire boltlea for aale at all druff Attorney a M Id St. .ician and legislator and owner ol at the April 25 couventlun. The basis torea. Adv. estab-lubment- s Is to be WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST BUILDING How to Talk to the Wounded. numerous valuable mercantile ot convention representation Permanently Located. county, Con- WASHINGTON,' D. C. "What the boches can't aland, you In Rio Arriba New the vote tor B. C. Hernandez for When there is a famine In the mat- Mining ces-c- Colorado gressman large election, upon Special attention to public Land and i LOHDfBC WO. NKW MIX ICO. know, ma'am, la cold steel." Mexico, and southern at last rimonial field at home a girl goes to O Sica lutcrior away will be 2C5 dele- be fort the General Laud and "Yes, I suppose It gets very col passed at his home at Tlorri which basis there some other town to study music or FOR INVENTIONS vvvveyvvvvvvvvwvwvwvwtf ,DcpartnKUt. PATKNT8 this time of the year." London Punch Amarilla gates. 4 teach school. 1

LOCAL CHARACTERS You cannot criticise a thinking CARLISLE MANAGER HERE WESTERN LIBERAL Lordsburg, liks all other towns, man's acts intelligently and intelli- K. : : has-- local some of gibly you per- II. Welch, manager of the rUHI.ISHFn FRIDAYS, its characters, unless are a thinking COAL LUMBER INSURANCE by llol-n- a Carlisle mine Stecplerock N. FORMS CLOSE THURSDAY EVENING Ahich are well described son yourself. This applies parti- at Three factors in'your Existance Supplied with the Best Smith Dayton, in Cartoons cularly to those who are ever ready N.,-was- a business visitor here their-critic- A .it.?azine. to launch al javelins at Monday looking over mining Tout Nov Hel-m- EnUrrd I th Of re at Lonllurw. "ftvery small town," writes a he present distinguished occupant machinery and the local camp in Mrxico. t Swond Clfeu Mall Matter Smith Dayton, "has a xat boy. ' tlio presidential chair. Proba-ol- y general. Mr. Welch states that Lvcryuung Howard is the name of the fat no man in this country is so his company is expediating all 'TO Br PARIS V. BUSH. .)oy in most small towns. Of vell versed in-it- s history and the (jam Editar and Ooner work at the famous Carslile mine 'f ouipe he is never called Howard purposes and aims of the American laeing people and that water is lifted at jutside.of the home circle. Up to as is Woodrow Wilson. He a rate will soon leave the TRICES ape 14 building on a comprehen-iiv- e that r Build SUBSCRIPTION .he is Fatty, is broad of he called property "high and A Threa Month. - 11.00 and after that he is called Dutch, foundation and many are be- dry." Blx Month,.. census was taken at the camp iloward is usually seen munch- ginning to see and feel the far , YOUR On Year in- CoalWJ last week showing over 150 Subscription Alwayi Parable In Advance. ing an apple. His favorite sport reaching effect and import of his Prompt jr. s riding around on the grocer's n policy, which will habitants. Mr 'Welch Í3 now mwii with Bill Chidsey, who s. Joubtless shape much of our mater- planning extensive tests of treat- Deliveries Home When Fatty's father falls ial progress and intellectual deve-iopme- ment of the Carlisle ore and it is March 24, 1916 in century. bJL .icir to a little money, he buys the coming "I likely that flotation will be em- Ioward a pony, and he is also the crust the slow verdict of history," bodied in the resultant plant. said t Mr. Wilson, and we believe ANNOUNCEMENTS nost successful raiser of rabbits Pockets of ore 150 feet in width W. F. RITTER ii d white mice of any boy in town. that he will not only be vindicated, have been opened up in the Under this head, during; the corn- 'The townspeople Che, and if not singled out as a great Representing Leading Iisurance Companies call of the mine and much Sherwin-William- il g months, before the primaries, .ilolehill a character. By profes- military leader, it will be as a great s Paints ' Mil be carried the announcements international peace officer, who ore is already broken in the sion he is a handy man. Men who stopes ready treatment. of all who wish to present their lie iired to do something 'around stood at the crossroads of the for names to the voters nt the pri- he place,' always say, 'Oh, get world's great highways and direct- maries or in the general election in Jliet A'oiehiil to do it.' If Chet ed the swarming, teeming currents November This will, of course, ..n "be lured away from his seat of humanity into new and better necessitate the use of the these jn an empty box fields of national and personal American National writes, he will mow a Life, and In Lordsburg Clcacag, tinumns for from six to ten months awn, hang a screen door, turn an Accident Health Pressing, Altering regular advertising ice-crea- m surance. B. Cowell, and at the freezer, get up on a lad-Jc- r J. district a-- ri-te- s will be worth all that is and whitewash the kitchen manager. Cleaning , ed for the service, which for the veiling, beat rugs, put down We know is more to be as follows: straw that there Work fi,,,r,rt,j offices will :iiaU ug, wash windows clean a national feeling than the pride in and - For all Countv officers, $10.00. yell, work in Pressing , $15.00. the garden, or shovel the possession of a land that is rare For all District officers. jnow. He prefers to and valuable or splendid mem- write-u- p is work around the Agency at 85 Mine In the event that a .he livery stable, ory of a history of struggle for desired by a candidate, more than where there is Parlors iiiore going on and no woman those things of the spirit which ' a brief notice written by the editor, ' Main Office, LORDSBURG HOTEL may write around to "boss, him.' Chet can men call principles. The highest Muiiarkey & Saw the candidate or a friend always find sense of nationality comes with more extensive notices, which will the coolest spot in a of ten summer and the warmest corner in sense of purpose a sense of com- be charged for at the rate winter." mon purpose. In what direction cents a line. are we consciously going? What are we determined this land The average that sa citizen has small op- We, the people, desire no pre-ficiJ- "WHICH ARE YOU portunity of ever being uingled shall be? The United States is not out yet ours in or military program, When the Creator had made all for any great spectacular and hero- the proudest sense, and can not be until we are doing all which is not based on the social the food and beautiful things, in ic act. We can, however, be kind bettermctnt and improvement of ap- that can be done to give to all its rrder that they might be fully and imlite and helpful to One an-Hh- ei all the people. preciated, he made the beasts, rep- in a small vay. Salvation people and to the world the fullest EL PASO, TEXAS tiles and poisonous insects. ( many of us will depend for the expression of its highest intelli- When He finished, He had imst part on the prupoiulcri gence applied alike to its resources had iice of and to life of its people. It has been the experience in left over scraps that were too bad mall apparently insij;iiiJ'icant the. all industries that all accidents BUILDERS' MATERIALS to put in the rattlesnake, the hy-e"- a, deeds. They will form the ladder happen during the last hours of the scorpion, or the skunk, so h'l-- which will not only cnabL us to the day or during the last hours rt'.-i- t One good effect at least of the cov- i Heaven v pet-Mi- He placed all these together, but ill the war already been of the week, for then the men are wrapped sr.arehi to pass down to Va has felt in the ered it with suspicion, it n'. United States. The Bouth is no exhausted and worn out. with Jealousy, marked it with a longer a one crop country a and she Yellow Streak, and called it The heroic stand and noble con- stand no more with her hat in her KNOCKER. duct of the people hand asking every passerby Owing to the destruction that of France in to by BUILDING EQUIPMENT Then as a compensation for this Ihe great European war are a "buy a bale of cotton". She will was wrought the Civil War, the fearful creature he took a sunbeam vindication of popular republican probably have a most prosperous South did not recover her per and put in it the heart of a child, government. year in 1916, due to the diversifica capita wealth of 1860 until 1890 the love of a mother, the brain of tion of crops. Her redemption This fact can be used as a standard a man, wrapped these with civic God helps the honest; the crooks will be complete when she diversi- for arriving at some fair estimate of people Europe must pride, covered it with brotherly are helping themselves. Life. fies her politics. what the of ' love, gave it a mask.of velvet and undergo after peace is restored be- Write for our Catalogue. for You a grasp of steel, and called it a fore ever again reaching their for It's He made him a lover mer status. ' ; BOOSTER. i:i?rTXr;'.irosurraini'ii:-nr.p'iK- BUY IN EL PASO of field and flowers; and manly sports, a believer in equality and PUMPKIN HILL ITEMS justice. PUMPKIN HILL SAVED And ever since these two were created, mortal man has had the Worth Careful Thought The reputation of Pumpkin Hill privilege of choosing his associ and her people has been saved ates. ; - Do you read the label to know whether again! Agnes Simpson, who was Under New Management fired i MAN your last week, ju3t received a THE SUCCESSFUL baking powder is made from cream telegram from the Limburger The successful men are they who tartar or, on the have worked while their neighbors cf other hand, from alum Bean Lo.. stating that the six 13a,r beans she . minds were vacant or occupied or phosphate? that was accused of CentralL. J. MORRI, HARRY WRIGHT with passing trivialities, who have stealing have been located and been acting while others were Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder fa put into circulation. The beans PROPRIETORS wrestling with indecision- - They made from cream of tartar, derived from rolled out of the janitor's pants are the men who have tried to cuffs while he was skinning the read all that has beerj written. grapes, and adds to the food only whole- cat on the factory campus Fndav. Fine Grade of Bottled Goods and about their craft; who have learn some qualities. Agnes is inflated with joy and fellow-craftsme- Cigars, and, ed from the masters and n has received a pair of beautiful Wines all 'Classes of of experience, and pro Some baking powders contain alum or pearl handle blackhead tweezers Fancy Liquors. Keg Beer on Tap fited thereby; who have gone as a token of apology from not-- phosphate, both of mineral origin, and the a.bout with their eyes open, president of the bean factory, ing the good points of Other men's used as substitutes for cream of tartar who work, and considered how they I thinks a whole lot of Agnes' Your Patronage Solicited complexion, ex- night themselves do better. Thus because of their cheapness. but has never pressed himself in public. they . have carried themselves above mediocrity, and in striving Never sacrifice quality and healthful-nes- s for Hank Parsnip of Turnip Ridge to do things the best they could, low price. called the Pumpkin Hill have educated themselves in the at News 000 truest manner. office Wednesday to take a peep DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER at our press. Hank thinks of SPRINGTIME IS putting in press for making MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR a ; CLEANING TIME v cider next Beason, as his wife, DERIVED FROM CRAPES . No good housewife permits the who has been doing all the press- SPRING, SPRING spring months to pasa without ing, is eating anti-fa- t pills. -- cleaning out the winter's accumula- a 1 tion of dirt and trash. House-cleanin- g LET MIKE DO IT time is a recognized event Your humble editor received a arid although not a particularly from Growl popular one, letter the Pub. Co., its virtue is recogniz- this week, asking us to club the The Two go Hand in Hand ed by all. Bulldog Cleaning up nowadays is not Gazette with The Pump- confined to the homes. Many com- kin Hill News for 5oc a year. munities have annual clean up Read the Stories of It 3 needless to say that we flat- weeks when the dirt and filth of ly refused, as we are not in the HAVE "RED" DO YOUR PAINTING clubbing Bull- . streets, alleys and yards and va- business. If the cant lots is cleaned up. Fences are dog Gazette wants a pounding we T fixed, buildings repaired and paint- know a better method than hitt- McELO-Il- ed, and everything done that will ing it over the head with The help to make the town a better and Pumpkin Hill News. We refer 8 more attractive place to live. Savings Accounts the Growl Pub. Co.. to our con SOOGCOSOOCOOOC XSOOGOOQOOOCX stable Mike Soakem, who carries The man who edits the average a gate post country in his left hip pocket newspaper cannot well for that purpose. Mike says he avoid treading on somebody'soes bulldogs continu:ály. He expect isn't afraid of either,, as muat to be he has just equipped his pants censored often for unintentional In This Week's Liberal failures; must expect to be called with a new leather chest pro Always The Best I a coward because he does not pitch tector into the everything that somebody ALUMINUM SUSPENDERS thinks is wrong, and a fool if he speaks out too plainly on public We have received a letter from evils; he must expect to grind oth- the Neverbust Suspender Insti er people's axes, and turn the Our tute which has offered the editor Of What? Krindstone himself. Still we think of the Pumpkin Hill News a pair that it is one of the noblest pro- Savings Bank Department of its new 1920 model aluminum fessions on eurth; one in which elevators if we will print a $20 Fine bottled wines, and all classes the earnest man can do the most good display ad for the company in of Liquors. A to his fellow man and in Will Open Soon two issues. Our ad rates being special holiday line of which an honorable man can wield 2c yard, much power for good. but a put us out on this WHISKEY - WINES & CIGARS contract, although we would like The query arises, Are our rural very well to accomodate the For the Best Keg Beer in town call schools doing their part in making Neverbust concern, If your edit- life in the country desirable? An or had a pair of suspenders of at the Clifton1 Bar. Always Excellent ambitious pepole will go where his own he could meet the un- education can be had for their chil- limited express which stops in dren. There is no sense talking Pumpkin Hill every Saturday for of the charms of country First National Bank life and lunch. As it is, we have to re- ZOeur the independence and digrtity of LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO - main in bed every week on that Ollfton producing from the soil if the day when Mrs. Squash goes out J. S. BROWN, Proprietor school t command is no more mod-er- p than a wooden plow. to do the shopping. - OtóEIíVATIONS Protect Yourself and Family Change of Date of Sale FIRST SAVHiGS GAfiK ORGANIZED With Insarane In The black man's real offense la not his blackness, but his poverty. American Nat'l Insurance Co. PUBLIC LAND SALE Office cf the Commissioner of Public Lands, Reedy s Mirror. Of GeWeston, Texas III STONE COTTAGE III SCOTLAND RODEO Address enquiries to Box (82, Lordsburg State of New Mexico. Santa Fe, N. M., December 2, 1915 Refinement, after all, Is nothing The El Paso & Southwestern Notice is hereby given ihst pursuant to th more than cleanliness, moral and railroad has placed three large provisions of an Act of Cojtgress approved physical. gasoline lamps at the depot June 20, 1910Í the laws of the State of New lisa Not Long In Crossing Atlantic anil Mexico, and the rules and regulationa of thi Was, Taking Rest grounds. These are lighted when State Land Office, the Commissioner of Pub For the benefit of those who the passenger In Our trains arrive after REDROCK AUTO lie Lands will offer at public sale, to th have neither the tima or the dispo Virgin Soil Today Thrift Institutions dark and are a great convenience highest bidder, at ten o'clock, A. M., on sition to read Secretary Lane s to the travelling public, besides 1916, Kilve, - STAQE LINE Mny .the 8th, tn the town of now famous intereUtoir and yiu- Prove tiia Backbone ot Our Country. giving and grounds City, County of Grunt, State of New Mexico iTninaiing report; we nave gainerea the sattion in front of the court house therein, the - an te appearance. Leaves Lordsburg Wednes described tracts of land, vis: jome Stardust which we found sift- day and Saturday mornings Lots J, a, 5 6, 7, tlvv4, MiKNWtt ad all through it. N a little atone cottnuo in Kutliwell. Sec. 6, N V.syM Sec. 7, all of Sec. 9, al Plilladelphln. The plans for the Boston Scotland, in 1810 I lie llrv Henry with mail. Special attention of Sec. 16, Sec. 1ft, all of Sec. 19, al bank must, have been well matured, W. D. Queen and wife, for Duncan suv given to passenger service, of Sec. 20, all of bee. 21, all of Sec. 28, al. We are conducting the govern I eHtiibllslicJ the first for In December of 1810 the "I'rovldent merly of this place were visitors of Sec. 29, all of Sec. 30. Lots 1. 3, 3, 4 ment from dav to dav out of cur Inns bank whit u wun ut'Kiitiizeil Institution for Savings in the Town of to and from Redrock. birswH, tjswii, rwhc.s4, wtvi mcc. 11 n1 operated on the rXoi,'iilzpil mtvin here during the latter part of the of Sec. .12, of Sec. 33, T. 30S., R rent revenues. Onlv the richest of Boston"' Was chartered, beinsx the tlrst all all bunk principle week. Mr. Queen is now located SAM TURMAN; Prop. 10V., 11 of itc. 3, all ol Sec. 4, all ol Sec Jeonle could Dursue such a nolicv. wtileu Is: that from th public act of legislation In the world 7, at Vail, Arizona. 5, all of Sec. 6, all of Sec. N SKtf ind no nrivate enternr se uttemnta uenusiu reteiveu, tne hunk mumiiu, uy Which reeoRtifzcd the beneficial charac- NíSVVj Sec. 8, all of Set. 9, all of Sec. if I Judicious Investment, earn enough to Leave calls at Postoffice. 10, of 15, 16, K'A, ter of the savings bank. This bank in all Sec. all of Sec. SW4 pay tne expeuoea or management, pay WKjNWK Sec. 17, all of Sec. 18, all of Sec Uve years had deposits of $000.01)0 and Mrs. F. Beglinger was recently 19, all of Sec. 20, all of Sec. 21, all ol Sec Tma brinirs tn minrl t.Vi rnrr1- - "ter"st to the depositors and establlHh paid one per cent, quarterly. 22, T. JIS., R. lhW., NE'4NEJ4 Sec. 29 called to Douglas owing to the Jve tuought one fu''d to protect ti.em from Following letter received from NK'iNWtf Sec. 33, SEtfSWtf, NJjSW Sec the needed reform f the sickness and death of her brother, 34, T. 28S., R. 17W., Lot 4, Sec. 31, T. 29S n the ehofí vstpm ia tho . .vs. "lllulul "ij""'"'.' bis English correspondent, Mr. ICdily R. 3. Sec. 10 110 Iiuss liobinson, who died Lodge 16W.. S'iSKli Sec. NE4SK14 cioh of teaching into a real oro-- lT uuncn.n wa".1,Jl men.n9 nd a group of public spirited men be in a Pyramid No. 23. SWJ Sec. 11. EtfNWX., SEtfSEK ,,,e S',NWtf, Cession, as in the older countries. nret; e 5 Rare (ran an agitation that culminated in the hopital there. Sec. 14, EJ4NLX Sec. 23. SWKNWK 7"i vi J lui iliv oiiiiiiK.-- ui lili; V.kv1 K. of P. NWÜSVVVÍ Sec. 24. T. 29S., R. 17W. con Bank for Savings, now located at lilk'h taining 18.398.41 acres. The improvement several others as minded, but not Fourth Avenuo and Twenty-secon- V' y Meetln evarjrTuei. Tenias;. of house, corrals, wells W. Click suddendly on this land consist 80 practical, had attempted hundred-million-dolla- H. died With the ecentirn of rn or t,n theretofore Street, New York, a r f - water troughs, and surface tank, value A a? Visiting- brother luvlted. t0 muu savings banks, bnt m their In meantime, Phila- March 14. He had been ill but a $2,2110.00. í, minor minerals, the United States bank the Also VASFM Sec. WVÍSWVÍ Sec. 9, al' produces every .o make the pruiwaitlon attractive. delphia hud been busy, and organized few days and his death came as of Sec. 16. S',NWii. NEtfSWtf. NW54SE54 mineral that is J. J. Malum, K.K. . nnoHilH in njnotrv on1 ia tuiuuiucu ll'muics lililí Bull" lru VI the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society, a shock to many. Mr. Click was Sec. 17. t'iNttt 5cc. 1, BM.iia charity, and therefore fulled as bust Sec. 20, NWVÍ SWtfNEX. N'iSE'i. SEtfSEH .something that can be said of no which opened its doors on Monday, one of the early settlers of this Sec. Zr,- - bWytWA. w.w aec. a ness ventures. As early as 17U8 the December 2, 1810. being 34 other country. the first bank valley 10 Lcrdsburg Lodge No. 30. NEtíNWIÍ Sec. 27. KMNICM Sec. Wendover Bank" was by having come here about WWNWK, SEXNWU, NtMSWX, NX instituted of Its kind to ojien for business on the Ketr. two years ago. We engaged in the , I A A. M. SEVÍ Sec. 35. T. 33S.,' R. 18W., all ol the Joseph Smith, who with Western Continent. a. Land and water we have: the ' Sec. 32, T. 3iS., R. 17W., all of Sec. 34. T. rich parish loners agreed to receive cattle business and was success- W'A-SW- In spite of this early beginning, the vh'n Thursday nlrht of 30S., R. 19W., E'SNWi, SWtfNWtf, problem of bringing them together unís on deposit and repay the same at ful. Later he sold his holdings mi ll tsiouth. laltlug liroiuers Src. 25. SEU SEVÍ . See. 26. E'4 NF.Vi is one only of money. savings bankj as a mutual institution SWtfNE4L SEtfNWtf, F.J4SW5Í, NWMSEH Christmas with a bonus of one-thir- d has remained a New England Institu- here and was intending to go to Sec. 35 l, K. UW., ail oi oec. 10. the amount deposited. It was in sub en- L. W. M. Sec. 21, T. 32S., R. tion. In that this type of bank has the Uinta Basin. Utah, and J. Wells, WA. SE'i. WWNEVÍ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. like our modern G. P. Jeffuh, Secretary 20VV.. N",NWVÍ. SW'ÍNWH. NWtfSWW PUBLIC LAND SALE. stance "Christmas never become a financial factor lu the gage in ranching in that country. Sec. 11. SEWNE14. EV,SE Sec. 10. hfc Club." Trlseilla WakeBeld in 1709 or Ey,SWH, SWtf West and South, there being less than NWX, NNEX, SWNEtf Office of the Commissioner -- Public Lands, I SWtf Sec. 15, T. 33S., R. 18W., all ol Sec. of New Mexico. 6. .11 of Sec. 7. Sec. 18. of Sec. btste Hayes WOODMEN OFj WORLD all of all Santa Fe. New Mexico. March 10. 1916. Shemp has sold his claim 19, T. 33S., R. 17W., all of Sec. 4, all ol Notice is hereby ariven 24, 33S., R. 18W.. that Dursuant to to W. O. Shugart. Mr. Shemp Mo. 88 Sec. 23, all of Sec. T. ihe provisions of an Act of Convress ap CAMP SE'A Sec. 22, all N54, SWtfSWtf, proved June 20, 1910, the laws of the State intends to leage soon for the 4th Saturday Bight at ta Sec. 27, all of Sec. 33, all of Sec. 34, all Meets everfind 4 of ;t mew Mexico, and the rules and regula- - Basin country where he K.. of P. HALL ol Sec. 28, JJS., K. 1 w ., ail oi aec. i, Uinta i. 10, ions of the State Land Uffice. the all of Sec. 2, all of Sec. 3, all of Sec. Commissioner of Public - Lands will of' expects to locate. M PI. her. O. O. II of Sec. 11. all of Sec. 12. all of Sec. 13, H. M. Beynold Clark ier at Public Sale, to the highest all of Sec. 14, all ol sec. is, nyiinc bidder, at 3 o'clock P. M.. on 22, 2, - SEtfNEV Sec. NW Sec. 23, Lots Saturday, 17, 1916, i r V 24, 34S., R, June in the town of Silver i k 4, NW'i, NWtfNEtf Sec. T. Lity, County of of Mexico, The soap agency business is HMir un CITt C- - tiZ C... B MlZVWU Orant, btate New X- O- aF- t ,n front of the house the fol- 5J O- - - - Sec, 9, FM, court therein, the order for the day. II. P. - SW5ÍNWX, NWSWJi Ny,NWK lowing described tract of land, viz.: Sec. 17, N Sec LOUDFBURG LODGK No. 60 EK.SWX SWJÍ. NWtfSEtf All of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 3S, T. 21S., R. Collier has invented a washing 3. 4. 5. 6. Sec. 19. 1. 2, 8 o'olooll 18. Lots Lots EKNW'K IOW 1 1 A Cl.VCl C1VU.'J GU'l Meet everv Monday niRbt at 20, 34S., R. 19W., all of In. L ' ' 1 compound and been granted a to SWJ4NW5Í Sec. T. SWKSEJ4, K'ASb, Sec. 1, 30, All v,'Kii..vr--tü.- leltlna' omitiera Invited atteud --Sec. 14, of All Sec. :5aia,:.:iiiii,. Sec. 12. W'i Sec. 13. all of all Sec. 31, LA, NWMSWtf. SWSWSá, WHNWJf, patent present 15. EV4 of 23. NW5Í, therefor. At the S. K. Oaks, Noble Grand Sre. Sec. 22. all Sec. SWtf SEViNWX Sec. 34, T. 21S., R. 20W., All 24, of of Wsi. Tyra, Secretary SWW. WWSEVÍ. SEWSEJ4 Sec. all Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, SyiNEM, time several Rodeo parties have sec. ü5. a i sec. a: nyi. rivascva. otc.y4 stftiNW!, ny, ec. s, All ot Sections 6, 7, obtained state rights for sale NWÜSWÜ Sec. 27. Z.Vi. SW14 Sec. 34. Ul ol the . i. 9. 10. 11. 17. 18. 20. 21. 28. SV4 29, .i r c T it3 T mili T ntm. NE!4. Sec. All Sec. 30 T. 22S.. K. 19W All of Sections of this compound and have left 3, 4, EtfSWX. SE;4 Sec. 19, NEV4, 1. SENWK 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. S! for the scene of action. . II. B. Sec. 19, Kyi, SF.Vi, Sec. 22, NtfNWM. 29. 30. 31. 32. NV4SW5Í Sec. Tex- flEW LOCATION Sees. 26. N!4. NKNEK. 3K.H. NWJ4SWK, Click and E. E. Lee left for Sec. 34, T. 33S., SENE,., 33, NENWJ4, W!,NWi, SSWS Sec. 23. 'WW Sec. 24. WH Sec. 2S. iy 9 o. a. as last week. Max McCarty and k. w.. an ot sees. ana i. ta., VII of Sec. 26, EV Sec. 27. All of Sections 3U, 19W.. .11 Sec. 18. 31S.. R. 19W.. all of T. 31, 32, T. 22S.. K. 20W.. All of Sections 1. 2. 3. J. H. Tompkins will be the Paci- 31, 32S., R. 19VVy all ol - Lordsburg Dairy of Sees. 19, 30, T. 4, 5, 8, 10, N'A Sec. 12, Wyi Sec. 14. All of The 8, in ocy aec. fic Coast agents and several other Sees. 5, 6, 7, nwj4sw4, Sections 15. 16, 17, 21, 22. NWM. Sec. 23, 17 .13- R. of 1. 2. 3 T. S- all Sees. syi 24, All 22S., K. 21W;, parties are figuring on accepting tn 11 11 11 1A VIA VIAWI. VWUVWU Sec. ol Sec. 25. T. "SANITATION FIRST" containing 40,469.28 acres. The improvements agencies. Sec. IS, EX, VAWy,, SWXSWK Sec. 22, all n this land consist of two wells and wind Ol Sees, i, 24, , O), ÍI, 34, 33, 30, 1. 3o. mills, value $1120. No bid will be accepted 1U. 11 , .. i) t ,.-- " R. 20W.. all ot Sees. I. i. 3. 1. 33S. for ($3.00) per Now at Sheakspeare Camp 13, ol less than three dollars acre. R. 20W, NE!4 Sec. 11, all of Sec. all will subject ,i' ANIMAS VALLEY above sale ol lands be 14. NEWNWW. NWSElá. Sec ihe TJnnr nnltvuriaii fn f nrrlahiiror hw. ' : SElíSElí to the following terms and conditions, viz.: Xi .1 "F.U. SEÜtlW!. ElSWiá The pay ''"'"f - successful bidder must to the re- and 85 Mine. Sec 22, all Of Sees. 23 and 24, tyi, WW- Commissioner of Public Lands, or his agent Elihu Thomson and sons 3. NWU. KSWU Sec. SWVS. nvi.lL, h 'i. Ey.SWK holding auch sale, ' 01 the turned from the northern part SWWSEX Sec. 26, EKi, E54NWK, prices offered by him for the land 27, Y.'A, Sec. 34, of countrv Sec. NW5i. E'jSvv4 4 per cent advance for the with a bunch of ALLEN & LINES, Prop. NWUNEU. NNWSÍ. SWSáNWSÍ. WS4SWW interest in T, the batanee of such purchase prices; the THE FIRST 8AVINGS BANK, ESTABLISHED A CENTURY AGO AT i goats late Saturday evening. SWÜSEíí, EWSElá Sec, 35. all of Sec. 36. fees for advertising appraisement 61,393.02 and and RUTH WELL, SCOTLAND. 31S., R. 20W., containing acres. The all costs incidental to the sale herein, and imorovementa on this land consist ot house, each and all of said amounts, must be de wagon shed, blacksmith shop, barn, grain posited in cash or certified exchange at the Mr. and Mrs, B. room, frncinir. value 2300. J. Seale and ., time ol sale, and which said amounta and all ganlzed a society to receive certain flfty of these banks west of Buffalo Also all ot sec. 3, i. as., k. i n nyi, f them are subject to forfeiture to the son Ira, who have been residents Sec. 32, T. 29S., K. 16W., all ol Sec. sums on deposit monthly, according to Bad South of Baltimore. 1 NSEli acres. State of New Mexico if the successful bid- - of the valley for eight years and LYMAN H. HAYS I 2, T. 29S., R. 17W., containing 1.660J0 ters do not execute a contrsct within thirty I age and to pay the samo as a pension According to latest reports, there are There are no imDrovements on this land. who recently sold their home man days after it has been mailed to them by after sixty yeurs of ago. In Sickness a fS3 banks of the mutual type, located Attorney at Law, Wilcox, Arizona No bids will be accepted lor less inree the State Land Office, said contract to pro- - here, departed overland for Ariz- Dollars ($3.00) per acre, which is the apprais weekly benetlt was allowed, and on , aa follows: Maine, 4S; New Hampshire , vide for the payment of the balances of the T . . ... i ed value thereot, and in addition tnercto in purchase of 48; ona Wednesday morning, March ' improvement prices of said tracts land in thirty death a funeral benetlt. This was in. Vermont, 21; Massachusetts, H)l; O Practice in fUDllCLianaSana bidder must also pay for the tquaf, annual with on all el- . - . : I . m i installments, interest 8Ul,i)t,,nee like modern "Sick Rhode 15; 8. They expect to j.oin their ai t a i which exist on the above described lands, ,l.i..J n.umn,...... í Í,,.., ..... our and Island, Connecticut, 81; New ft Mining Jiaw opeeiaitv. at the anoraised value, per Aid Societies" SO common HUlollg Ell York, HO; N'ew Jersey, 20; I'euusyl dest son, near Tucson. ue cent annum, in advance, payments and The above aale ol lands win suDjeci intereat due on October 1st of each year, I ropean plan tn the fntlowina conditions, viz: the sue nations. But Duncan's Tenia, 10; Delaware, 2; Maryland. I. cessful bidders must pay to the Commis íaúoní .n5 ,err.a.rm;yXgreor;dX WaS ,lle OU,' 0ne tu ''rOVe dil"t"l'le t0 ich for all but 3-- In th of Public Lands, or his azent holdini v, Judge O. G. King and Holmes .nr prices law. in peoples aim to an limes, auu men united Mates. urh ..le. of the offered The Commissioner of Public Lands of New Uy0Uld by them respectively for the land: four per support Itself. Ills bank would The deposits lu these six hundred Maddox motored to Silver City Lordsburg Cafes ac jai.iS ui anas agVHt iiuiuiiig iuvii aitr, c cent interest in advance lor ene oaiance o serves the right to reject any and all bids sustain liseit on tne earning power oi banks total $.'i.!lló.lJ0.l!Mi. of which via. Lordsburg Wednesday the purchase the lees lor adver such prices; offered at said sale. Possession under con - money, rather than on the money earn $l,700,(!;i,"t!i is In New Yolk, followed 8th, where Mr. Maddox was tiaing and appraisement and all costs inci tracts of sale for the described tract a bovej lng hud From the $soi.-ilO.KS'- dental to the sale nerein, ana caen ana ai will be given on or 1, 1916. ,)0wer accumulated. by Massachusetts with witness before the Grand Jury. of said amounts must be deposited in casi Witness my hand and the official of .,,..,,, the idea spread aeal la depositors New York llkewie leads They Dem-in- g Club House Saloon or certified exchanse at the time ol sal the State Land Office this 10th day of March, returned Friday via. which amounts and all of them are throughout England and Ireland and having 3.114,2-1- depositors, while Mas , and A. D. 1916. e.J,.r..H i .1 and Hachita and report the FINE WINES AND LIQUORS State of New "-- . subject to forfeiture to the ROBT. P. ERVIEN. I " achusetts hus 2.21!),S4. ao noc ex roads in condition and Mexico it the successful oiuuers Commissioner of Public Lands, State hundred such banks in 1810. figures include, fair the CANO, within thirty days after con I These do not the FRANCISCO Prop. mite contracts of New Mexico. A a on nutrnnui nf llnni-iin'- a hank country looking fine. The gentle- tracts have oeen mailed j.o mem oy mc 17, 1916. 1 stock savings banks, of wliiHi there provide First Publication March North of Railroad Tracks. State Land Office, said contracts to Last Publication May 26, 1916. Brow the Edinburgh Savings Bank. re l.Uuo in men report having had a jolly payment ol puf' uiiwards of varioiis purts for the of the balance tne 181-- auu wmcu u outing. hase orices of ssid tracts of land in thirti wnicn dates front of the country, nor bunks of discouni equal, annual installments, with interest on still lu existence. It was In this bank peiuting savings dcpartiueuts. So; all deferred payments, at the rate of four RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN that we find the same methods as are per annum in advance, payments la It to bo Inferred that one Is bettei per cent NATIONAL FOREST In vogue, modus operandi of Constable Oscar Allen of Lords- and intereat due on octooer isi oi eacn still the than the other; but the Centennial cele year, and auch other conditions, obligations, List --8724, 478 the su ilngs bank having changed but biatlon which commemorates a ecu burg motored up the valley to reservations and terms as may be required Notice, is hereby given the lands dea Keg Beer on Tap that little in the century past. This bank of bnuklng Is lionci, subpoena Chas. Conner W. B. by law. erlbed below embracing- - 440, aerea, with th tury savings to ill Each of the tracts as described herein will l8sued ,,,, 1)ouk8 tue recogulzed form s Conner and Mr. Tillory to appear I . . . to the savin; bank with u Commissioner of Chirlcahua National Forest. New Maxtee, win , . , , , , , . mutual Fine Wines and Liquors be offered separately. The Ul BUW11KB UUim ill or his agent holding sucn el lucin c luutmcr disparagement to other types, whose before the grand jury. Public Lands, Uy a or Restaurant in Connection sale reserves the right to reject any and provisions of th homestead laws of the ünhV ness. It was managed nouj history Is not so clearly dcllned. al all bids offered at said sale. Possession ed SUtea and the act of June 11, 1M (84 Stat, trustees who gave their services gratis. though operation may dmic under of sale for the above de their have contracts 2SÍ), at th United Sutes Land Office at Las a same rate of t R, puij depositors the s great a good. In hi-- i S. Dunagan was in Silver VENDOME HOTE BUILDING scribed tracts will be given on. or before Cruces. New Mexico, on May 1 An mevsaxi 1916. 191. Iljtel.e8t i, uut no tock and conse October 1st, . . . to tlie Legislature In fifiverno City on court business Wednesday my ana tne oi settler who was actually and in rood faith . llio. Witness hand omciai seal iu-"l'- - De- elalmlne any of the above lands for - Clinton of New York chiiiiftei'.red the March 8th. the State Land Office this 2nd day of aTii- It sought safety first cember, A. D. 1915. toral purposes prior to January 1. 1908. and tuul institution. '' vlngs bank as "an Institution to KU131. CKVlCiH, haa not abandoned earn, haa a preference It sought r. aud profit afterward. the cherish meritorious industry, encoui Commissioner of Public Lands, rlirht to make a homestead entry for the lands I of Investment, namely State of New Mexico. Mrrhcst forms age frugality, and to promete the wel After the Columbus massacre actually aceupied. Said lands wars) Hated Imiii.Is. First Publication. Feb. 11. 1916 fare of families, 'tlie cause of inoraMt.. some uneasiness was felt by resi- Cafe 14, 1916 be- - St. Elmo Lust Publication. April bTwíwhrh.;.'. Owing to the close association and the good order of sot iety." And dents of this valley, owing to the the prior rlttht of any auch settler, provided tweou the mother country and the col was right. It has any he done all this in report that an army of Mexicans W. M. MEANEY, Prop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION said settler or applicant is qualified to make onles, it was but natural that thousands of Instances for a hundreii homestead entry .and tne preference rUjht fa should was moving toward Ilachita. Department the Interior. U. 8. Land Off lot movement that succeeded tliero years and well of exercised prior to May 1. on which date merits all the honoi rucas, M.. February 14. 181- - l.ii, here muí the ldi a WU3 not at Laa C N. th lands will be subject to settlement and entry ' aud credit that may cone to It after hereby given Doran A. L. Wo. Atlantic, Notica la that by any qualifM penum. Th. lands are a. crosshig the a century of honorable conduct. Mr. Bill and Mr. Bill N. M., who, on Juna 1909, Parker nan. of Animas. 1, follows: The SKy4 the NV4 SEW, the The uew country had lis problem of entry No. 08328, BWY, NE. Burcham were in town on busi- mada homestead for NE 8WV4, See. 24, T. 88 8.. R. 21 W.. N. poverty no less than the old, aud lu DINNER 16. Township 28 S.. Ranga 19 W., N. M REGULAR Section M. P. M.. 160 aerea, application ot. Mrs. Cora I Condi- ness Saturday. haa filed notice of intention to tha endeavor to ameliorate the P. Meridian, A. Sanford. Cloverdale. New Mexico; LUt t-- maka final fiva rear proof, to establish claim Uoa q( tue jowor classes uumerous un Mil. I .. . to land above deaeribed. before Alfred B. l.,,,, lil li uuni HOW TO CULTIVATE THRIFT. 4 the The BW 8WV4 of See. 16. the NV4 NH uc """ y Mr. Mrs. P. L. Ward and We give a first class regular Ward, U. S. Commissioner, at Anlmaa, N. M., j and NE4, NV4 NWS4. 22, T. 8., R, I Daseil on tuo pick huh uui wmi-i- day of March, 1918. 8e. It ii First learn to distinguish be-- Mrs. Pence and mother were every day for 85c. on tha 28th W., 120 aerea, application of Jasper W. Even were legalized in tue at Dinner aa witnaasea: tl lotteries Claimant names Sanford, Elbow Lake, Minnesota; List tween luxuries and necessities. nimas visitors on the 11th. service is said Tas W. Gallman, Charlea Conner, Melvln A. 8724. tempt to allevluto the current distress Our regular me y, You do not need all you think Wood, John Freeman, all of Anlmaa, N. M. me wn HB.K on., n Tnmmnnv Hall was originally luatl by all who try it to be the the WVj SEV4 SEVi, SWV4 SEfc. Bee. you need, and certainly not all Feb.26-Mar.2- 4 John L. Burnsida, Resistor. SE. tuted as a society to "afford relief to i 8. the NU NEVi. Sec. 17, T. It 8.. R. 11 W, you buy.. You want things be-- Goat men are busy shearing best in town. Clo tuo Indigent and distressed inemljcra, 160 aeres, application of Frank O. Elvey, 4 cause you see them that Is flocks. Among those who PUBLICATION verdale. New Mexico; LUt widows aud others." Fully forty what their be NOTICE FOR their shop windows are for. Second, shearing II. E. Dupuy, Give usa trial and Department of tha Interior. U. 8. Land Off! February 19, 1918. C. M. Bra. such societies were organized for aim are are: 4 learn to know good value. Learn at Laa Crucea. N. M.. Fafk. M, It law Assistant Commissioner of the General liar purposes before the advent of the R. L. Dupuy, John Mills, Howard convinced. Offle. where and when and how to buy. 4 Notice la hereby given that Ben F. Oit. of savings bank. Arnold, Mr. Lawhorn, W. W. M 1918, 4 Lenrn to know good meat from Playaa, N. who, on Feb. 18, made in doubt as to whom Iones, Jjm Henidge and A. B. entry. No. 011808, for Historians are 4 - homestead Ntt SW; td'-- had, nourishing from the worth- Up-To-Dato-C- afe is due credit of bringing the Owing to large 8 Mi NWli, Section 8, Township 11 &.. Rang NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the less. Learn to Judge clothing Varbrough' the but1 It Is conceded re-ent- ly 17 W., N. M. P. Meridian, haa filed notice Of- over to America. that which have Department ot th Interior, U. 8. Land - ' and shoes, aud buy good mate- - lumber of goats to maka final three esr proof, to Colquhoun, a London Magis Lordsburg, N M. of Intention at Las Cruces, N. M., Feb. 21. 1918. Putrlck rial It pays in the end. Third, been brought to this part atabllsh claim to th land above described. Notice ia hereby liven that William W. trate, wroto Thomas F.ddy of New S. Commissioner, keep, track of your expenses. the country there will be a before J. M. Tripp. U, Jones, of Anlmaa, N. M.. who. on Sept. 14, York a letter lu 1810. outlining the plan f M., 8th day of April, 19UJ. )iow much costs you Playas. N. on the 1914, mad homestead entry. No. 011784, for .hp., i,i successful operation III Know it to arjíe shipment of mohair from Claimant names as witnaasea: 14 Bee. 17 Township 4 live, apd bow much you spend spring. Cropra St Sc. I. NMi land. A similar pamphlet fell Into the Vnimas station this F. 8. Cooper, Jno. W. Walker. J. A. 4"on various Items of the house- - 4 Playas, N. M. ."naT'three y- " Jnmt'8 J. B. Wade, all of notio. of Intention to make -r ' "."'T.0 bold. Limit your "pleasure mon- - Mar.l-t- l John L. BurnaldeRecUter. nroof. to establish el.lm to tha land, above t&0 Slltue year, BI1I1 Tile 111 si .lllllie nil RIA 4 ey" and choose wholesome pleas- - 4 CASTO deaeribed. before A. B. Ward. U. 8. Commla notllli'ement Of fl savings Imilk 'II tills Rev. Ira M. Bryce of El 4 you 4 The For Infants and Children sloner, at Animas, N. M., on th Ith day of I country appeared in the Christian DIs ures. If like the theater, preached Cloverdale learn where to see the good plays 4 Paso, at The Liberal ads brincr results. April, 191. clnle. a small religions paper. In De up- In For Over Years 4 con-- Tuesday the 7th. and at the Use 30 this Claimant name as wltneasesi -- Thla rtlel stiifml that at reasonable prices, and go Read th LIBERAL ads E. ,, ikia liotii-- e Mon- John F. Burns, Iaaaa H. Arnold. JJoward school on were In successful latently. per Animas week. Dupuy, Patrick M. Iwln, all of Animas, N. such institutions morning lLiili and at the The best jpb printing at the operation in cnginuu auu chuiiuuu aim day the Signatura of Ktü nf miilnio-li- Liberal. Mar. U 1 John L. Burnsld. ReglsUr. that Buch a hank was proposed for wnnTEUN Mm;:iAL.

wns to be Kivon a rlfta to kill lh 'grl!))?on' In Columbus. 1 told hlrn 1 YOG FOLY DIFFERENT SIZES AHD SHAPES OF EGOS IILL1Í ESCAPES hi GiO NOTICIAS would shoot in first " i bdllcve you would,' ho said." IV. ru na protects the family Mrs. Wright was guarded outside of against coyghs, colds, catarrh, ESTADO Oil VILLA'S HOUSE Columbus, about 600 yards, wbilo ttm brot.chitis, catarrh of the stomach, attack was made on the city. She liver and kidneys. It Í3 just as asked to be released, her guard De Interés para toda ia gente but sure to relieve a case of catarrh of de Nuevo said he must have Villa's consent. Mexico. Woman Mount When the bowels as it is a case of catarrh Ready to When the troops retreated she started " toward Columbus. Villa, one of the of the head. She Is 'Caught. Anyone "tern Ninpir I'fflon Mr Sarvlna. last of the fleeing raiders, stopped suffering from catarrh, Nuevo Mexico. beating his horse and men with bis severe or mild, acute or chronic, in I epidemia sword upon seeing her. any organ or part of the human de viruelas en Clovls HEARS HUSBAND IS SLAIN ha tomado serias proporciones. "Do you want to go home?" he body, should at once get a bottle of asked. """ Diez y Feruna. nativos tres indios sucumbie- "Do you mean Mexico T" ron to she As soon as the value of Teruna á un ataque de fiebre escarlatina Mrs. Wright Says Mexican Rpel Chief asked. en Kspafiola. . is fully appreciated in every house- Expected Help of Germany and "No. to the United States." hold, both as a preventive and a N'ara Visa estuvo la escena de un Japan In Trouble With the "Yes." . Incendio desastroso cuando se quema- "Go." be said. relief from catarrhal affections, United States. of ron siete edificios. "May I take my mare and saddle?" tens thousands of lives will t saved Clovls, que, el 31 de enero votó El Paso. Tex. Mrs. Maud Hawk She asked. and hundreds pf thousands of chronic lingering cases will be Toe Small Ideal Shape Too Long. para la eliminación de las cantinas, es Wright the American woman who "Yes," be answered, and rode on. ahora una ciudad "seca." rods nine days with the Villa troops Mrs. Wright then rode Into Colum- prevented. PeruSa, indeed, is " Much baa been said about high rec- the various breeds and varieties can El contrato para la casa "redonda" preceding the raid on Columbus. N. bus. household safeguard. ords made by egg-layin- g free-for-a- hens In the not enter a competition on de ferrocarril y los talleres del Santa M., learned that her baby, which had A course of Peruna never fails contesta aa well aa s, record made by size of birds,' shape, color, comb, ear-lobe- Fé en Gallup fuá concedido. been taken from her and given to a to bring relief in such cases, since hens In the yards of poultry breeders. shanks, etc., they REGAINING PLACE for are not El condado de Luna tiene una es- Mexican family, was safe at Pearson. there is no remedy like it, as The number of eggs produced la not the same n, with different breed but cuela en donde, entre los diez y nueve Mex and that her husband had been thousands of people have testified. all that should be considered, for an the size AS IDOL OF PEONS and shape of all eggs should escolares hay solo una muchacha. murdered by the soldiers a short dis- Pwnm Tableta ara now available egg to be of value ahould be of good be the same. tance from their home. Mrs. Wright in eoBveulenl Uua. liaay Sake. Los habitantes de Tucumcarl la sine and shape, and be covered with a An Ideal egg should be an oblong están arrived in El Paso with Mrs. H. J. attund, smooth shell. oval, preparando los planes para el estable- Villa's Sym- slightly tapering from one end Slocnm. wife of the 13ih cavalry com- Audacity Wins Him Children for Farm Work. - It la Indeed very fortunate for the to the other Bhould weigh cimiento de un elevador de granos. and two and mander. pathy Among the Ignorant The Kent (England) education com- poultry Industry hens' eggs are one-sixt- h Los cultivadores de batatas alrede that ounces, or 26 ounces to the I want to go to my baby," Mrs. mittee has again decided to all so near the same size. The eggs dozen. dor de Portales están expidiendo su release Eggs of this size and shape Wright said. "It would only take me Mexicans. children twelve years of age up of the different breeds In the nation- are producto en almacén desde el o to lío and the correct size to fill the stand- three days to walk to Pearson." i wards from school em al egg laying contest at Mountain p. pasado. attendance for ard 'egg case filler, and. If Incubated, She was Informed that the child Villa's audacity In making such a ployment In agriculture "during the Oroye, Mo., varied In weight from 2.03 will give a better results than where El orador principal en los exámenes probably would be brought to Juarez bold attack on American soil and bis Bummer months. Children of not less ounces to 2.29 ounces, while the hens , sizes and shapes are Incubated de fin de ano de la escuela superior on the train which is to bring the escape from the small mounted forces than twelve years of age themselves averaged In weight from together. are also to de Santa Rosa, el 19 de mayo, será el Mormon colonists. that pursued blm from Columbus has be released this year for employment 3.12 to 6.36 pounds, and trange as The old idea that round eggs hatch Juez Clarence J. Roberts. 8toical, She Tells Story. done much toward placing blm back in home duties if thereby their tooth It may seem, the hens whose av- pullets Dry-eye- f.ggi and the long eggs hatch cock- El incendio que recientemente so and stoical after the terri on his pedestal as the popular Idol of ers can be employed eraged 2.03 ounces S.7S in agriculture. averaged erels is incorrect, for a hen lays uni- declaró en la mesa de Gonial Itos ble experience In which she had suf the peons and ignorant Mexicans rounds, while eggs av- the Ones whose formly shaped eggs regularly which destruyó gran parte de la madera fered hunger, thirst, exposure, facing Tbe American invasion has given eraged 2.29 ounces FIERY RED PIMPLES averaged only 3.40 hatch approximately an equal number causando mucho daño en los montos. almost Inevitable death. In addition to him tbe argument that Carranza is In pounds each. In fact, the size of the of the sorrow worry over loss league with "gringos" and dec- cockerels and pullets. El limite de incendios de la ciudad and the the the hen has little or no Influence on the Nothing can be told from the size of her husband and child. Mrs. Wright laration that plans are on foot to Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura Soap) four-poun- de Gallup, dentro del cual no se pueda aize of an egg. A d hen will and shape oí an egg told her story to a representative of place the states of Chihuahua and and Ointment. Trial Free. whether it la fer- construir ninguna casa de madera, fun lay an egg the same size as an eight-poun-d tile or infertile, or the Associated Press as though It Sonora under AmeiVan rule, after whether It would icnaido sobre ocho cuadras adicion hen. hatch a cockerel or a pullet, were commonplace. She had suffered tbe example of Texas and California. Smear tbe affected skin with Cutlcnra but the ales. Ointment on finger. The nUt and shape of an egg la a shape ot an egg la a characteristic so much she apparently had lost all In all public statements since the end of Let It re- Ralph W. de rep main five to ten point all breeders can work for, as It which is transmitted to the offspring. Enos Silver City sense of fear. Because she suffered Columbus massacre. Carranza . has minutes. Then wash la off with plenty of Soap is the only thing in common with all Therefore, use as breeders only the resentará fábrica india en la corrida In silence, never complaining, and carefully avoided reference to the Cutlcura and varieties. hens which de motocicletas Albuquerque-Phoenl- x holding herself aloof from the UotJe American Invasion, of which he has hot water. Dry without irritation. produce eggs of correct ' In poultry shows, the breeders of size and shape. que se tendrá en la última parte de of soldiers, fugitives, derelicts and received both personal and official In- Nothing Kite Cutlcura for all skin mayo. vagabonds on the border, she was formation. troubles from Infancy to age. La Junta de la ciudad de Silver called "La Reyna," queen of the Vll- - In El Paso, it is taken for granted Free sample each by mail with Book. CARE AND FEED FOR CHICKS MAKE PROFIT WITH POULTRY City formalmente aceptó el enlosado listas. by the troops. Villa bad told that the "gringo hate" so carefully Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. I de las calles de Bullard y Broadway, one of the officers that be preferred to cultivated In Mexico for the last sixty Boston, sold everywhere. Adv. Youngsters Are Better Off Without Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Guineas recien completadas, al costo de have her die of exhaustion rather than years, is now so strong that Carranza Food for First Forty-Eigh- t Hours Could Be Raised as Well as $2U,000. to kill her outright and because she would lose all prestige If be recog- DISEASE ON THE DECREASE Keep Them Warm. Chickens on Average Farm. Un incendio de origen no conocido proved to be able to withstand hard nized an invasion by the despised men destruyó la botica de la Compañía do ships better than his own men he of the North, whether that Invasion Association for the Study and Preven t!y If. I KEMPBTER, University of Mis- room promised he would was under name of "punitive ex- souri, College There is enough, feed enough Drogas de Ottosen en VilUrd, la tien release her after the tion of Tuberculosis Has Good of Agriculture.) he had Columbus He pedition" or any Studies at the Missouri agricultural and time enough on most farms to da de los Hermanos Amln y una casa stacked also other Innocent Reason to Be Proud. raise kinds' agreed to give her $100 gold and a per- phrase. experiment station warrant the follow- several different of fouls. de residencia. Not only could a large flock pure- mit to travel unmolested through any it Is believed the general plan of In- While the latest report of bu ing recommendations in regard to the of Las licencias de vehículos con tac the bred chickens be kept, but turkevs. part of Villa territory. vasion of Mexico under consideration reau of census shows In 1914 care and feeding of young chicks: tores dadas en 1916 llegan al total de that geese, ducks and guineas could also Villa Expected German Aid. by tbe American forces is laid along tuberculosis caused over 10.5 per cent During the first two days of the 4,940, ó sea C0 menos que el número be raised. Villa only talked to me twice," Mrs. three avenues of entrance. According of all deaths in the registration area chick's life It should rest and be kept de las que se el en- Where one lives within dieron .durante Wright said. "I avoided talking with to this theory, one United States col- of States, As warm. It is better without having reach of a tero año de 1915. the United the National city or good shipping him because he would have thought I umn will enter Mexico through Juares Study food until It is forty-eigh- t hours old. facilities it sociation for the and Prevention would not be a very difficult matter La junta de la ciudad de Roswell admired him and would have forced another from Douglas, Ariz., and a of Tuberculosis points out In a state- Then the following mixture should be pasó ordenanza-creand- to make several hundred dollars a una la Aso- me to accompany him. He told bis third will start from the blackened ment that the death rate from this fed in dry litter and also in a shallow year ciación de Cementerio de Roewsll, officers bow he would wipe out the ruins of Columbus. tray: parts finely in clear profits from the fowls disease is steadily decreasing, having three cracked wheat, on que desde la fecha será encargada de town of Columbus and when the Unit- The theory Is based on the belief three parts finely corn, one the farm. declined from 200.7 per 100,000 popula cracked Much deDenda unen la dirección del cementerio. ed States tried to Invade the Mexican that the war department has decided part steel cut oats. Keep some of the Interest tion In 1904 to 146.8 in 1914. This Más de un pastu territory Germany and Japan would to take measures by which it hopes to this lu litter taken and the facilities for raising the millón de acres de would indicate, the association claims. the at the time. birds marketing raje quemados step in to Intervene, Villa believed throw a line of forces midway east Chicks should have access to a and the products. fueron en un Incendio that the antituberculosis movement or que principió y con this firmly. I have overheard him and west cross the state of Chihua- clean drinking fountain which ahould cerca de Obar se ganized in the last ten years is hav- tinuó cuarenta por make such remarks from time to time. hua, thereby cutting VTila off from be so constructed that they cannot POULTRY PRODUCTS BY MAIL sobre millas la re ing a marked effect on the mortality gión noreste del condado de Quay. Whether agents of these two coun further recruiting his forces in the of tuberculosis, especially since the get themselves wet It is also desir- tries are making blm believe this or central part of the republic. Must In Se gastara un total de $994,500 en death rate from this' disease seems to able to give them access to sour skim Carcasses Be Wrapped Oiled whether it Is an Idea which came to With this line on the south the Paper Marked los caminos y los puentes de Nueve be declining more rapidly than the milk or buttermilk. Twice dally the and Perishable--Be him I do not know. But be Is con- Douglas column on the west and the Eggs. Mexico durante el presente año, se general death rate from all causes. chicks should receive rolled oats or Careful With vinced that he. will be In Juarez column on tbe east. It Is be- gún estimación publicada por el inge- assisted the Commenting on this decrease the following mixture: three parts fight he has started lieved Villa will be cornered In a "U." in the Poultry by niero de estado James Adams rate from tuberculosis, the bureau ot bread crumbs, three parts corn bread, which is to be shipped French. How I wanted to escape to tell the the tips of which will touch tbe ' inter the census says: "As a result of a one part boiled egg. This mixture mail must be marked perishable. The H. F. Coggeshall fué nombrado dt people of Columbus national border line. carcasses about the attack! more general understanding of the may be fed dry or it may be moistened must be suitably wrapped in agente indio en la reservación de But I was watched all the time. The Then by the closing ot this cordon paper, Shel-ton- , laws of health, the Importance of fresh with sour milk. A very small amount oiled then in heavy corrugated Suiprock, en sucesión A W. T. first night I was allowed to sleep In an and the starting of the third expedí - air etc.. due In part, no doubt, to Che ot charcoal and finely cut green food pasteboard, then an outside wrapper que fundó la escuela de San Juan abandoned edobe hut which was pre tionary force on a straight sweep ot good, strong paper, or efforts of the various societies for the should also be fed. enclosed in y también la agencia hace doce años. pared for me. About thirty-saddle- s south from Columbus. It Is believed boxea prevention of tuberculosis, there has Continue the mixture of wheat, corn so constructed as to protect the La were piled In front of the door. The that tbe bandit chieftain and his forces other parcels. tierra de estado se vendió en un been a most marked and gratifying and oats until the chicks are four precio sin precedente en la venta de guards slept with their heads to the will be surrounded and forced Into a old, Eggs in parcels weighing more than decrease during recent years in the weeks changing gradually from Carlsbad cuando el Capitán Muí-le- r door, and their feet to a Ora just be decisive battle, instead of an endless twenty pounds will accepted Fritz mortality from this scourge of civili- the finer to more coarsely ground be for & yond. period of guerrilla warfare in the vendió 2,000 acres varios intere- only 1904 feed. Keep the following mixture In local delivery when so packed as to Tries to Flee on Horse. hills. sation. In a decade from sados. Cierta parte se vendió en $25 Villa's 1914 a box where chicks may run to It at prevent damage to other mall. "I lay down, but not to sleep. About The cordon would further have tbe to the death rate from tubercu- el acre. losis in, all its forms 200.7 11 times: 30 parts wheat bran, 30 midnight, I heard the snoring of tne effect of starving out Villa and his fell from Los papeles de para 146.8 per 100.000, parts corn meal, 30 parts wheat mid- RIGHT START WITH POULTRY incorporación Mexican guards. I peered through followers and Isolating them from all to the decline being la Gold Mining Company pre the year dlings, ten parts beef scrap, sifted fueron opening of the saddles and spied Vtl communications with potential assist continuous from to year. This sentados en la oficina la Comisión is a drop ot more 25 per fine, and one part bone meal. Don't Begin With the Idea of Getting de la s charger, a splendid steed, about ance In other parts of the republic than cent.'.' de Corporaciones de Estado, el Keep fine charcoal and grit where Large, Profits Out of Fancy siendo fifty feet from the hut One by one I The success of the plan Is admitted capital nueva com- chicks may haye free access to It - Breeds 8howlng. autorizado de la removed the saddles and stepped over to depend largely upon the ability of The Humorous Hat. and pañía $100,000. any Feed four times dally. Continue the de the sleeping forms until I reached tht the American forces to overcome the "Has she sense of humorV "I tblnlT-Bo-. green feed and iva the chicks milk. No one should start into the grow- El gran jurado del condado de San- horse. ever spreading Carranza opposition don't She can look ai It may be advisable to feed a wet ing of poultry on a large scale with ta Fé terminó su trabajo con la pre- "The horse was tangled In his rope which Is now being considered one of her hat without laughing." mash once a day at 4:00 p. m. Feed the idea of getting much out of fancy sentación de catorce condenaciones. I began to untangle the horee and the strongest factors in the csmpalgn MORE only what the chicks will eat up clean breeding and showing. El registrador Delgado y también el then one of the Mexicans turned over With the pitifully small forces svall THAN EVER Change gradu- production He saw was wrong. I present. It Increased Capacity before going to roost Better start with the of registrador Vlgil de la oficina de tie- something stood able at Is believed tbe for Work Sine ' Leaving Off ally from chick food to cracked corn a fine line of table eggs and dressed rras de gobierno en Santa Fé recibie- behind the horse. Dut the horse re American forces will experience' great Coffee. and wheat Chickens that are not poultry and in the course of years ron un ejemplar de la proclamación fused to stand still and It 'kept me difficulty In covering tbe 30.000 or busy square In Many yarded ahould be fed corn and wheat branch out into the fancy business. del monumento keeping behind the animal. Final more miles the prescribed former coffee drinkers who Presidente creando el ly In Utter as a scratch food and should It takes much more knowledge and nacional de Bandolier. the guard came out to where tbi area of the "U." and at tbe same time have mental work to perform day also have access to a dry mash in a experience to handle the fancy side horse was. protecting their Hues of communlca ter day, have found a better capacity Ada Brown, un negro .Ratón, de- hopper where they can help them-se- '. than it does the practical si'Je. de " 'What are you dolnc here?1 I askrd tlon. both from the onslaughts of the and greater endurance by nslng Fob-tur-a es. lante del jue confesó su culpabilidad 'What are you doing here? he asked. entrapped bandits and tbe hostile dis instead of coffee. An Illinois cu el $750 --un itali- Kaise chickens with the Simplest Learn to Make Living. robo de de minero " 'Untangling this horse. I replied position of the Carranzlstas. woman writes: ano en Ratón. acusó rations possible. Clean food, consist- The little things on the farm this East La mujer Then he finished the task I started. I Tbe last is a negligible quantity by "I had drank coffee for about twenty ing of cracked and (round grain; ani- year will likely mean more than ever á George Wyatt ahora arrestado, y a longed for a hatpin, a dagger, a pen no means. Mexicans are Mexicans years, and finally had what the doctor , que, mal food, such as sour milk, butttr-ntlk- before. The chickens, eggs, butter, William Thomas, se dice, tendría knife, anything to kill the man. I first and Carranzlstas second. As Car called 'coffee heart.' I was nervous and commercial meat scrap and bone fruit, vegetables, etc., will a la moneda. could have shot him had, I bad a gun ranzistas they hate Villa, but as Mexi extremely despondent; had little men- provide ' meal; clean water, plenty ot shade, living on most any farm if attention El gobernador McDonald notificó al But if I could have killed blm I could cans they solidly hate Americans. tal or physical strength left; had kid- comfortable and dry quarters, free- is given to them. And the living is secretario de la guerra en Washing- have escaped, since none of the other ney trouble and constipation. dom from lice and access to clean, the most Important and the most ex- ton de que la Guardia Nacional de horses could bsve overtaken me. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS "The first noticeable benefit which success- "I hut. fresh earth are essentials for pensive item in the farmer's account Nuevo Mexico, consistiendo en sesen- returned to the From then BARRED FROM MEXICO followed the change from coffee to ful brooding. Why not study how to make a living ta y uno oficiales y 877 hombres, es- on I was watched constantly. For Postum was the improved action ot with little things and leave the larger taba lista para cualquier momento que three days and nights we were without Brownsville. Tex. Aq official decree the kidneys and bowels. In two weeks Fresh Air In Poultry House. things for cash income T se deseen sus servicios. Are In the frost-covere- mountain 'larrlng all American newspapers from my heart action was greatly Improved admit- country of northern Chihuahua. Foi Matamoros, and my nerves steadier. Have a light poultry house, El juez de distrito Edmund C. Ab- the Mexican town across pro- thirty hours we were without water "Then I ting plenty ot fresh air without Keep Out Rats. bott en Santa Fó sentenció á Celso he from Brownsville, war became less despondent. But the soldiers often did without by and ducing direct drafts ot air. The germs Every poultry house should rest on Roy bul á una pena de entre cincuenta Issued tbe military autborltlet the desire to be active again rather than see my canteen empty. today No showed ot physical of most diseases cannot live in fresh a foundation wall that goes into the y setenta y cinco años de trabajo for- there reason was given rroof renewed and "When we neared Columbus Major Tbe strength. or very strong light ground sufficiently deep to keep out zado en la penitenciarla de estado por action came as a surprise here mental Nicholas Hernandea. one of the mean "I formerly did rats. el asesinato de Alejandro Maestas and two arrests of newspaper car mental work and had est men 1 have ever known, said 1 riers to give it up on account of coffee, Giant of Turkey Family. cerca de Española el 29 de febrero. resulted. but The Bronze U the giant ot the tur- Good Place for Ashes. since using Postum I am doing hard grown A George Woodliouse fué nombrado mental labor with less fatigue." Nam key family and can be easily good place to put coal ashes is Id Average Age Increasing. proper one de presidente de la junta de admin- To Clean Glass. slven by Postum Co., Battle Creek, with care. corner of the poultry house. Hem The number of people who attain like to istradores del condado de Colfax, en It Is a good Idea to clean the glas? Mich. scratch and dust themselves in the age of a hundred grows greater over pictures Poultry Relish Bugs." coal ashes. jucesiín al Rev. Harvey M. Shields, with a cloth wrung from Postum comes In two forms: yearly. This Is not a fancy, but a hot water and dipped In Let the turkeys andchlckens follow jUv falleció en un hospital de Texas. alcohol. Pol Postum Cereal the original form-m-ust Un Dr. deslg-jaa- definite statistical fact, which proves lab them Immediately until they the plow if convenient They need the Try Out the Incubator. sucesor al Shields será ar. be well boiled, 15c and 25c pack- por el Gobernador McDonald. that the' average length of human life dry and glossy with chamois or tissue ages. tugs and worms. Never put eggs In an Incubator un- on this planet is slowly but steadily paper. til it has been running a few days Thomas D. Burns, uno de los s Increasing. Instant Postum a soluble powder Bad Air Injurious. so that you may be sure it operates más ancianos de la región norte lIsBolves quickly In a cup of hot wa fowls bad perfectly. le Nuevo Mexico, politico veterano Japanese Like Vsms. ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes More die from air than Big Advantage. from cold weather. wgislador y dueño de varios establo Japan baa erected a monument ovet delicious beverage Instantly. SOe and . There must be a tremendous advan- mercantiles de en e the grave or the scientist who Intro iOc tins. Cleanliness Is Essential. imientos valor tage In being so rich that a merchant First Eggs Not Absolute cleanliness Is the foremost andado de Río Arriba, Nuevo Mei duced tbe sweet potato Into theemplrt Both forms are equally delicious and Fértil. Is afraid ot making you mad In seal- for first eggs of the season are essential In killing, plucklnr pre- co, y del sud de Colorido, expiró ei general cultivation more than twi cost about the same per cup. The and ing a bill. ago. hardly ver fertile. paring ducks for market .u casa ea Tierra Amarilla. centuries "There s a Reason" for Postum. old by Grocers, WESTERN LIBERAL.


Watt. 21 ft. K riiy-tir.ii- M V ... LANSING DISAVOWS ANY INTEN- Weil m ON HEARST RANCH TION BY UNITED STATES TO FREE FR0J.1 DAilDBUFF Cortftnt 15 FlnH PracTi., INTERVENE IN MEXICO. XDUSH r.TctcrCcr For Infanta a nd CntUrcn. Waatarn Nawapapar Union Nawa SarTlce. Girlti Beautify Your Hair! Make It b CAMPAIGN'S SUCCESS NOW DE- find tho Rjcncy j Washington, March 15. Secretary 80ft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try for Your TerrUorj PENDS ON LOYALTY OF CAR- Lansing, following the publication of Moist Cloth. Get a Car Freo and qualify to make ttOCO U:IU the to tV00 year 1' Know the reply to Gen. Carranza, gave out and no In the Anromobile Bn - Holfors That RANZA MEN IN FINAL DA8H. A IWl briri pa full dataiia of inia the following statement of assurance Try as you will, after an application fm Anto Oflnr. Vvrlla quick bcre tone f trrrifm-- to taken. A4dnae me lik tUia L tí, to the Mexican people: of Danderino, you cannot And a single llueh ireaKAent. Genuino Gestoría "In order to remove any apprehen- trace of dandruff or fulling hair and BUSH MOTOR COLLECE, Inc. BANDIT COLONIES sion that may exist, oither in the your scalp will not itch, will OT. - ama aiutuuaMi RAIDS but what Wartk Car Street and Chicago Aianue. III. United States or Mexico, the Presi- you most, Chlcaw, dent has please will be after few Alfaya authorized me to give In his weeks' use, when you nee new balr, ALCOHOL-- 3 PKR Cr.NT name the public assurance that the fine iind downy yes real- YJETZ AVegetable FrepamlionforAs-sinúlatingth- c military operations at first but , PENNED OUTLAW MUST CUT HIS in contemplation - Bears by this government ly new hali- growing all over the Ik food and Regula tho - will be strictly linflllitSloTixlLSindlImvflsof Y.IJ WAY OUT THROUGH LINE8 confined to the object already an- scalp. i5 nounced, no A Immediately dou- OF TRAINED FIGHTERS. . and that in circumstances little Danderlne Iw will they be signature suffered to intrench In bles the beauty of your hair. No differ- any degree upon the sovereignty ot ence bow dull, faded, brittle and IYomoles Digcs(ion,Cliecrfiil-nes- s Mexico or develop Weatern Newapaper L'nlon Nawa Parvlca. into intervention scraggy, just cloth .,at. .'-- nnd lfcst.Conlaiai neitlirr Ü any moisten a with of kind in the international af- Danderlne and carefully GIMaeaT MWaaw Opium,Mi)rphnc noríüncraL El Paao, Tex.; March 21. Pancho fairs of the sister republic. draw it tn through your hair, taking one small 6 Cray & g Sí Not Narcotic. Villa has been driven into a trap by "On the contrary, what now is being Pasnnr, p rs rapid done is deliberately Intended to pre- strand at a time. The effect Is Im- Davis, Electric the advance of the American your llghlip 'Si troops, according to the information clude the possibility of Intervention." mediate and amazing hair will ana starter, Z3 K. p. 1 3. United SUtes be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an received Sunday in wireless dis- Concedes Right bill climber ; t8 to 80 m Ilea on I salino kotMt Salto Following is appearance an Incom- Ortat m.OdO patches in tele- the answer of the of abundance; EiuMilliia mile on oe aet of tire. from the front and Rpeecluoieter, one man mohair top, 4"l in Ga-vlr- United States to the Carranza nota parable luster, softness and luxuri- lit 'tarifa. graphic messages to Oon. Gabriel In. wheel tmnr, gx,l Inch tlree, weight suggesting a reciprocity agreement in ance, the beauty and shimmer of true poniKla MKTZ Dlmrlbiitnr for Colora.10,l.0 Carranza commander at Juarez. New Uexloo. Wyoming aud Western Nebraska. - Imwf the matter of troops from each gov- balr health. Mrevaaia t Everything seems now to depend on THE HEADINGTON ernment crossing the boundary line in Got a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's AUTO CO. TI A perfect Remedy forConsFTpa-tlon- . Uso the ability of the Carranza garrisons Bncoeaaura to OoiuraUo Darfe'raar Go. pursuit any prove 1636-4- 4 to hold their end of the net. On three of bandits, sent to Carranza Danderlne from store and BROADWAY DENVER. COLO, Soiir Slomach.DiarrhtwL. through that your Is as pretty Worms. sides the bandit chief is hemmed In Consul Silliman at Guadala- hair and soft LIVE AGENTS WANTED Feverishness and jara: as any that it has been neglected or fe Loss Sleep. by strong Carranza columns, while on l0SsES 'JREUr PRÍVENTE). of For Over "You are fol- Injured by careless treatment DI the fourth the American soldiers are Instructed to reply as that's iCVft Catttr'a Blaaktof lIIU. Signalling of lows to Secretary Acuna's note of all. Adv. Ill ill prlwt. frMli. rrllttile; DrK-rr- h driving forward with amazing speed. Watrn RUkmrn be tti.y pre- - March 10: W" a tatt hará alliar iranlaaa talk Villa was in the Babrlcora lake re- "The government of tho United Improved Process of Freezing Fish. pLa Will for NKik'n awl . gion, on of Mrs. 1 FV m ata. Blnklae run .00 The Cuctaur Company; Thirty Years the ranch Phoebe States has received the courteous note It Is announced that a Danish com- MM-á- Jk akaa. Blaotlae Pilla H Hearst, which he has ravaged several of SeQor sat- pany,- Vm anj tnlortor, but Cuitar! Wirt. NEW "VORIC. Acuna and has read with with headquarters at Copen- The Hjrlorlty of Cuitar anxtiirta la tuc to oxer IS lÍHi times in the past Babricora Is about isfaction his suggestion reciprocal Trn nf gclftnft1g hi vaatinaa and aaruraa enlk. for hagen, Is utilizing a new process for Inilit an Cuttir'a If tinohuinaM. rtlrfr fifty-fiv- e order miles south of Galena, privileges to the American and Mex- freezing fish, which is declared to be THE CUTTER LABORATOSV. Barkal-ur- . Calllarala, where one section of the American ican authorities in the pursuit and ap- a decided improvement over previous expeditionary force has arrived and is prehension of outlaws who infest their respective methods. Recent demonstrations re- 111 pushing forward at the rate of thirty-thre- e 'territory along the 151 dl)) L international boundary, and who are sulted in the freezing of herring in a k miles a day. A few miles west half which, system a menace hour under the PrfEELEY Baaet Cbpt of Wrppr TMB OCWTMM M WW IT to the lives and property of MM!, of the bandit's position is Namlquipa, residents in that region. previously employed, took several INSTITUTE which is held by a powerful Carranza "The government of the United hours. garrison. On the weBt are the frown- States, in view Com. eighteenth and Curtis 8ts. Synthelio Eggt. The Soldier's Estimate. of affairs which have DENVER, COLO. ing barriers of the Sierra Madre existed for some time along the inter- Vm Marine after Riaatora la Cold. An of Graz Is A con- - Austrian scientist member of the first Canadian mountains, barring the way to Sonora. national boundary, and earnestly de- Cutting- Winds and DuhL It Restores, Liquor and Drug Addiction said to have been making synthetic tingent, writing home, says: "1 guess siring cooperate Jtofrcuhcs and Promotes Eye Health. by Gen. Gutierrez, Carrunza's field chief, to with the de facto Good for "'"all Ryea Need ured a ciemiñc courae ot mcdicatiob. eggs. tc extract seven years of-th- is war that Cara. He has beeu able the the first are declares that he holds all the passes government of Mexico to suppress this Murine Eye ltemedy Co., Chicago, The only place in Colorado where the albumen the blood of going to be the state of of which re- Vends Eye Book on request. Genuine Keelcy Remedied, are admh.itere-- i contained iu worst." Canadian to Sonora. To the Couth Villa's way lawlessness the bullocks, sheep, plga, ani- American. cent attack on Columbus, N. M., is a and other is blocked by the Carranza garrison slaughtered consump- deplorable example, and to insure Ninety-Year-Ol- d Tree Bears. mals for human from Madera, a town of considerable tion, and to present it In such a form Throw Off Colds and Prevent Grip. peace and order in the regions con- Apples plucked from the oldest ap- Make the Liver WTiall yon lmportauce. is headquarters of The no trace of orlglu. rael ft emd eomlna ra, take L.A XA It tiguous to the boundary between the ple tree on the Pacific coast. In Van- that it has its riVIt B HOMO ÜU1NINM It mnsx of Madera Company, Ltd., an American two republics, readily grants permis either in or smell. As prepared Colrti and Urlp. onlrOne BROMO OUlMUHa'-- couver barracks, have been sent to Do its Duty taste W tlUVllSaliiaureen bolita. concern with vast lumber, mining and 8lon for military forces of th,o de facto by system, is a coarse, yellow the department of agriculturo by A. Nine times in when the liver his it railroad interests. On account of the government of Mexico to cross thj ten Is powder to ho given A A. Ouarnber:;, inspec- right the stomach and bowels are right which has the Prediction. importance of town, exception- international boundary in pursuit of name of process Knlcker Who will be presiden- this an tor of that district. This famous tree CARTER'S LITTLE baematalb. His has the ally heavy force to lawless bands of armed men who have already been applied in a of tial candldatesT Carranza is said entered Mexico from the United is almost ninety years old and pro- LIVER PILLS number hold German .and Austrian abattoirs, and Bocker "Very" and "I." it. States, committed outrages on Mexi- duced a fair crop of a pides last year centiv hut firm) v com whole seems to hang haematalb is in use in many hospitals The situation can soil and fled into tho United on Carraizlsta8. It they remain CARTEL of tho central empires as a substitute Smile on wmli day. That's when you use the States, on the understanding that the To keep clean and healthy take Dr. So116' V loyal to the chief, which up to de government of Mexico grants Cures Con-- for eggs. It iissolves in water, and Red Croas Bag Blue. Clothes whiter than first facto Pierce'a l'leaiant Pellets. They regulate jAXlVJ now. All grocer. Adv. the present they have shown every the reciprocal privilege that the mili- liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. aHoation. In-- l II IVER can also be used in the preparation of I Indication of doing, Villa appears tary forces of the United States may digeation. a It PILLS. pastry and other dishes. Sick jrjA Explained. trapped. ,Ie, of course, realized pursue across the International boun Neutrality. It dary Mexican territory Headache. r The Ancient Mariner shot the alba- that he is on ground of his own choos- into lawless "We are maintaining a strict neu- of men who d and Diitreaa After Ealing. Men can't undemVand why women tross. ing bands armed have trality." and in a country admirably suited the United States from Mexico, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. un- "Hardly! We are praying that the worry over trifles a id women can't "I mistook it for a neutral canary," for guerilla warfare and surprise at- outrages on American soil committed right side may win and are quite con- Genuine must bear Signature derstand why men 0 not. be explained. tacks. And fled Into Mexico. While Carranza leaders and United "The government of tho Unitcu vinced as to which is the right side." States authorities have avoided any States understands that in view of its one question idea of the reciprocal arrangement Red Crona Ran Blue, much better, noes friction there is serious farther tltnn liquid blue. Get from any which may arise any to proposed by the do facto government at time grocer. Adv. -i the arm is now complete and m force R. rolm nn,W m- threaten the situation: As OaJUaUi rvt). entire tho and the reciprocal prlvilego thereunder PATEUTSS Itl(l lines of communication of the Ameri- may accordingly be exercised by Girls win be girls If the. n i be can force lengthen, the problem 3f either government without further in- married women. W. N. U., DENVElR, NO. 16. bringing up supplies becomes increas- terchange of views. ingly more pressing. It Is expected "It is a matter of great satisfaction here that Washington sooner or later to the government of the United will request permission of Gen. Car- States that the do facto government has been so friendly in the mat'er of .... . ranza to use the Mexican railroads If i S. E . 7 m m cooperation with the United States to such a request has not already beeu of grant apprehend and punish the bands made. To that might be a step outlaws who seek refuge bevond the which would be misconstrued by many International boundaries in the erro- Mexicans. On the other band a re- neous belief that constituted authori- fusal would scarcely harmonize with ties will resent any pursuit across the the professed desire of the Carranza boundary by the forces of the govern Efficiency built the Panama Canal, after inefficiency failed government to in every ment whose citizens have suffered by efficiency doubled effective- way with the American the crimes of the fugitives. The of the Panama CanaL the authorities. spirit of cordial The arrival of this is being anx- "With the same ness of the U. S. Navy without aading a ship to it. It crista friendship the government of the took over 8,000 miles out of the trip from New York to iously awaited, on both sides United States will exercise trrtTpr'.vi San Francisco and changed the highway between London lege granted --by the de facto govern With the American Army (via wire- ment of Mexico in the hope and con- and Australia from Suez Panama. , to less to Columbus, N M ), March 20. fident expectation that bv their mu be Efficiency insures against lost motion it produces the ut- After marching more than 110 milei tual efforts lawlessness will eradl peace and order malntalne-- most service of equipment and yields the finest at Into Mexico in 42 hours, the Ameri- cated ind Now in Good Health Through Use out product, In the territories of the United State . can punitive expedition received In- inter- the least cost . and Mexico contiguous to the Lydia E. Vegetable formation apparently' locating Pancho national boundary. of Pinkham's Villa, the object of the chano. (Signed) "LANSING." Compound. Say it is Household CZAR LOSES AT LAKE NAROCZ. Ceriain-- URGES SPEED ON LEGISLATION. Necessity. Doctor Called it a teed Report 9,270 Dead on Field Nine Senate Warned Villa May Unite Mex- ' Thirty-on- e Killed and Injured in Punitiva Army. Miracle. Air Raid on England. ico Against Washington, March 14. Danger of Roofing London, March 21. With the slack growing out of All women ought to know the wonderfu effects of enlng of the fighting grave complications is efficiency product around Verdun, sending of American troops into an the rtUBBiaris have big offen- the taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on started a Villa and his Every advantage that money and machinery can offer is used sive movement against the Cermnns Mexico to hunt down menn was urged in the Senate by those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: increase production, maintain the quality and lower on eastern by Ger- bandits to the .he cost. the front. Raids of mills is advantageously man seaplanes on Senator Chamberlain, chairman the u Each of the General's enormous located the east coast ol Bo ! Ilarrisburpr, Tena When I 'was single I suf- England In which persons were military committee, and Senator to serve the ends of efficient manufacture and quick distribution. nine advocating laying fered a great deal from female weakness because s thirty-on- e rah. Republican, in ' is equipped ate machinery. Paw-material- killed and Injured, and by my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Each with the most aside temporarily all other legisla- P1 quantities ahead of French airmen on Metz and other Ger- Lydia E. Finkiiani's Vegetable Compound for that are purchased in enormous and far tion in order to dispose promptly of the needs of manufacturing, thus guarding against increased man towns, the sinking of a French and was made stronger by its use. After I was destroyer by preparedness measures. Their state- due idle machinery. also insures favorable buying, torpedo a submarine In married I took tho Compound again for a female cost to This the Adriatic, and the reported torpedo ments precipitated a general discus- and the pick of the market. trouble and after three months I what the lug of an Austrian hospital ship by an sion in which Senators Vardaman anil doctor called a growth, lié said ft was a miracle Expert chemists at each mill are employed to select and blend the entente underwater boat are recorded Simmons deprecated suggestions that 'II that it came away as one generally goes under was not prepared asphalts, and every roll of CERTA IN-TEE- D is made under in official and unofficial communica- the United States f" the knife to have them removed. I never want to any might their watchful care. tions. to deal with situation that be without your Compound in the house." Mrs. Berlin chronicles an attack of great arise in Its relations with Mexico. JTbank Knobl, 1642 Fulton St., Llarrisburg, Fenn. CERTAIN-TEE- D resists the drying-o- ut process so destructive violence by the Russians around Dria Whllo the Senate debate was in ordinary rooting, because the felt is thoroughly saturated with Hardly to a wiaty lake and Lake Narocz, but says progress. Speaker Clark and Majority - Able to Move. blend of soft asphalts, prepared under the formula of the General's the Russlims were repulsed with grent Leader Kitchin wore reporting to Albert Lea, Minn.- For about a year I had sharp pins across board of expert chemists. It is then coated with a blend of harder Ioshos, 9,270 RusHian dead having been their colleagues of the House on a my back and Lips and was hardly ablo to move around the house. asphalts, which keeps the inner saturation soft. This makes a counted in the Lake Narocz region. conference with President Wilson, My head would ar-h- and I waa dizzy and had no arpetito. After Vaux-Pamlou- taking roofing more pliable, and more impervious to the elements than Saturday the Germans in the who urged them to speed up the leg- Lydia E. Finliham's Yctablo Compound and Liver Pills, I sector, northeast of Verdun, program with Vlow to am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months the harder, drier kind. islative a action old lipgi'n (mother spirited attack agalnut on all important measures In time for and ain doing my work all alone. I would not be without your CERTAIN-TEE- D is made in rolls; also in slate-surfac- ed shingles. remedies in house Mrs. E. the French, but were driven back. adjournment in June. the as there aro nona like them." F. There is a type of CERTAIN-TEE- D Yost, Oil Water St, Albert Lea, Minn. Burn Monterey Presidio. for, every kind of building, M". A. E. English Shoots Husband. Mexicans Monterey, Cal. headquarters with flat or pitched roofs, from the Frederick, Mrt. Mrs. I'lolse Youn The , Three Doctors Gave Her Up. ' building at the Monterey Presidio was " largest er to the smallest mm '.iiHíhIi el ot and killed her husband, Tittsburg, Fenn. Your medicine has helped by Monday K. English, a lawyer of New totally destroyed fire me wonderfully. was 18 1 residence or Arthur being When I a girl years old York, at their home nenr here. The morning, about six hours after was always sickly and delicate and suffered from D cavalry CERTAIN-TEE- is guaranteed for hooting was dono in the presence o' vacated by troops of the First irregularities. Three doctors gavo me up and said d Mexican border. Fire 1 5, 10 or 15 years, according to ply 'hair G year-ol- daughter and Is said who left for the would go into consumption. 1 took Lydia li. (1,2 or 3). Experience proves that to have occurred during a quarrel. men attempting to extinguish the nnkham's Vegetable Compound and with tho third it lasts longer. flumes found that the water supply bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular Soldirt. Reach Yum. had been cut. An Investigation was and I got strong and shortly after I was married. General Roofing Manufacturing Company Yuma, Ariz. Company D, Twelfth started Immediately by caretakers Hów I have two nice stout healthy children and am World' Lar Manufacturan of Roofing an Building Papen charge. It is believed by the able to work hard every day." "Mrs. i ' J nfantry, arrived here Saturday fron left in Clementina ' '; New YtV City ftCMeaso PMkd.lpkia Si t Bo.t. CI.sUad ','iFHl"n, rl7... In command of Liuut authorities that the fire was started 1ubriiino,S4 Gardner StTroyllilFittaburg.l'enii. Wtt.biucb S f rm nct.c Cnnaal Hmm OvWaMa LmAiii.Im KanMCIty &aHl ldioapetia 0. a Bwijduii. md the water supply cut off by All women aro Invited to write to the Lydia E. Plnlibam MMt-dn- o Co, L.JUU, ILui., for apeciul advice, it will be couildtmtiuL IS LOHDSEURG GROWING? ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED LOCAL fiPERSOIÍÁli TTT IT TVT T 1? T) KCROPFAN PLAN AH LOU BARCER The engagement of Miss Clar- xu HiTlir 7 JLiP JL VJ IV I P SHOP A very important item evidenc- 1 11 l'i it U f lli KATL3 $1.00 AND LP illa Thomas, of Deming, N. M., to EL FASO, TEXAS J ing the growth of Lordsburg and r en junta, vy. Sydney Kirkpatrick, of Santa Fe, town vicinity i3 the rapidly growing F. MrVannon was in from Caters particularly to Mininar and Cattlemen end their families.' BATHS. LAfNDKY AfiENCY N. M., was announced this week I the local poHt-offic- e. Separ Tuesday afternoon. Ladies' dinning room will seat one hundred persons Buffet for1 men will seat patronage cf by Mrs. A. L. Sil- N"it door to Mnflta-- 1 Hardin has compiled Argenbright of sixty persons. Eieven private dining rooms for banquets and private dinners, Postmaster City. J. Campbell was in Lordsburg will seat ninety persons. J - N KW MKXICoT and ver Mr. Kirkpatrick is a J. I.OKUXIU'llH. the figures of this year's last this week completing his filing on in- on of Mrs. Robert Woods, of Red-roc- k, year's business showing an his land claim in the Animas. THIS IS THE BIGGEST LITTLE HOTEL ON THE OVERLAND TRAIL crease of 64 per cent in January and holds a very responsible and February 1916 over the same position in the office of the State Tl. T. Mnllin- - fnrmprlv of ITn- - Dr.J.G.Egon's period of 1915. The postal re- Engineer. Miss Thomas is a very chita, arrived in the city Tuesday. ceipts showed a growth of 112 charmrng young lady, and is well does not Rev. J. A. Land will conduct ser Auto Service to 85 Mine per cent This last item known in southwestern New Mexi- vices as the local Baptist church speak well of the Lordsburg co, both Sunday morning and even any time, Day or Night money where she has resided since people in keeping their girlhood. The wedding ing. Is y ffirel Fur All classes of Magazines will take lint , at home. some time in June. and Newspapers. , Over $3,600.00 was sent out of News of the Mexico invasion will town during January and Feb- be found on the inside pages of thas week s Liberal. Agency fsr Finest BsKcry Ccsis ruary of th3 year. Local and Personal ELECTRIC LIGHTS ? Mrs. J. R. Ownby spent last week in Deming visiting friends. She Local and Personal Chas. II. Warner, secretary of returned home Monday night the 85 Mining Company is in the A .. A. Williams in rlrillincr for I R. L WRIGHT j city. He will return to Los G. E. Head was here from Angeles Friday. water near Gold Hill for B. M. Duncan over Sunday. That is the first question asked Mrs. Flovd Huntington of the A Case of small pox is reported Jack McAllister has bought the by renting or buying homes. Whcel-vsTÍrj- Saturday night for in those Blacksnilh, ht 85 mine, left town. range stock of R. N. Ilollis and her former home in Washington wife and expects to move the ' Spring and axel Welding spending several The Mornin estar saloon was cattle HAYE IT DONE NOW state after broken to the Steeplerock country soon. Wood Working months with her husband who into by robbers early is one of the operators of the Thursday morning and about Dr. and Mrs. Walker of Douglas, 'You will be surprised to learn Horseshoing. $150 in cash taken. Nevada lease. Ariz., who have been spending the how little it costs to have your The rains of W1niar1av anA past month here, left oa Monday NORTH OF R. R. TRACK Thursday for the northern part of the state, home wired. REDROCK morning have set the where Dr. Walker has purchased a cow-me- n ' to smiling once again. pKarmacy. The dance at the Wright farm The grass is now a howling Estimates Furnished Saturday night was well attended success. Hachita'was up daylight Mrs. Cecil Adams of and did not break till in the city the last of the week, re One and Ca78 & Colla A Carnival will onen nn nt. Hi Blcci Mrs. Frank Graves of Duncan is the turning to her home after spending visiting relatives here this week. 85 mine on April 2nd to meet the short time at Alexander" Hot SURPRISE GROCERY Mr. and Mrs. Bud Daniels of the ray Day rush. Springs. - Saturday Truck FM ranch were down M. Martindale. manap-e- r Delivery STORE COMPANY night to take in the dance. Mac of the The Lordsburg Power Company Western Union at Lordsburg received a handsome one-to- n Re- ICE POWER -- left Ft)r FUANCI-O- O RA HELA tarted, but must have got side- Ice PKOI'IUETOIl tracked somewhere, for he never Friday afternoon forDeming, N. public truck Monday morning, 'rrived. , M. where he will hav rhnro-- o nf which has been put to work sup Fresh Meat3, - Vegetables and the office there. J. Strout of plying the town with ice. The Groceries. PROMPT Deliveries A party of surveyors with Mr. Telluride, Colorado truck is one of the latest models Homer Neel in charge, are at pres- arrived here put by Phone No. 6 - 2tRings to take the local office. out the Republic people and ent surveying the Box Canon, above looks very Metropolitan on the Power Store North of S. P. Tracks Redrock, supposedly as a damsite Mr. Terrell, the new nharmnpist streets of Lordsburg. Lorou CllllÍ for power purposes. This part of at the Faerie Drue Mprcnrilo the Gila seems to be receiving a Company's J. W. Crowdua of El Paso was lot of attention in the" way of sur- store has purchased here several days, the first of the veys lately. a new Uverland roadster from week on business. Were always the local agency. glad to see you, Billy. ANIMAS Contractor Barber Shop" ITEMS Jack Heather has Miss Lena Baker, who has been IStElmo a Studebaker truck which he haá Mr. Gwartney of Lordsburg teaching the Cloverdale school, Nésch's Sanitary Bakery put to work delivering materia! was here Saturday evening en visited his wife, Mrs. Janie for his growing business. in Rear of St. Elmo Bar Gwartney, teacher of the upper route to Silver City. O TWO fMIAIRS Nesch's Butter Crust Bread Animas school.last Sunday the 19. Paul Nesch. nwnpp ihl Harry Wright has purchased a 8 H S. (.ILLfTM. PllOl'RIKTOIt S of Sanitary Bakery, returned to fine residence lot from W. H. BEST ON EARTH Every Loaf Wrapped There has been an exodus of Small and is contemplating build- - Aeoncy El Paso Steam Laundry women and children from Clover- - Deming Friday night after at- I tending to Hnv ing a beautiful residence here in Lordsburg's Class Bakery dale during the past few days affairs her for a the near future. First owing to the Mexican trouble. Mr. Henson the first manager of Where Quality, Service and Satisfaction are guaranteed. Head Among those who have left are the bakery went to DemingThurs-da- y The Lordsburg postoffice is now quarters for everything in the Bakery Line. Special orders for the Sanfords, the Turpins, the with his wife and sister-in-la- w, settled in its new Quarters in the rancy Bakery Goods solicited. Phone orders delivered. Johnsons and the Beals. being frightened over the east part of the Roberts & Leahy expedition. - Mexico G.E.Hfllrom Mercantile, Company's building We Have tlie Business, and we Want YOUR Business Miss.Baker. teacher at Clover- - has taken over the management where a lease for five years has dale, closed her school friday and oi tne establishment. Mr. Hal- - been granted the company. Our Guarantee Protects You. Out-of-To- Orders Solicited by tom a son-in-la- w eft the Station auto for her is of Mr. Wood- J. B. Downey and Mr. Hogue, nome in Silver City. ward of the Parlor Barber Shop. Phone 38 of the Holt Manufacturing Com- Paul Nesch, Proprietor J. H. Henson, Manager pany, N II John McCabe and Mr. Augus Harrv Martin thp well lrnn makers of the Caterpillar , J tractor, were here Tuesday even- (tfljnrolato tine visited the XT ranch Friday, cattle-ma- n and banker of Steeple ing in their car. AVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVS-VVVVVVVVVVVV- u "THE APPRECIATED a March 17,returning to Lordsburg rocK.was in tne city Saturday en vwvwv.v' v-- . i CANDIES" If-T- Tf the following day. route to Duncan. Whilo Viom V.a Manager Briel of Star thea n . ... the II .,A.r tiiu-- fii. attended to land business ter has added another serial pic ni uun aiunc C. A. Smith paid a flying visit before We tell so many of these the local Commibsioner. ture to his Tuesday evening pro Phone42 BuicK Car Service Phone42 to P. M. Ewing and family of gram in "The Girl and the Game.' Touring famously food chocolates that Chino Pond Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Schlesinz- - a railroad thriller in 15 parts. we can always tupply any of the er were in city W. M. BENTLEY. Proprietor R. S. and son the Friday from I here will be three more episodes Oohnton popular uortment. Burns have re tne Animas. of the "Diamond From the Sky." And turned from the Playas Valley, alwaya Fresh Conoprf- These are the kind you see where they have been shearing The Schubert fYimnanw STORE FOR RENT: Store ANY PLAGE ANY TIME gave room 18 advertised in ' goats. one or the most enjoyable x 70 feet. Fine loca musicales Lordsburg tion. Address Box 1, the Saturday Evening Post Mrs. Milton. McWhorton and has been enono--h appurn and are Wantmt fortunate to nt Reasonable Rates Careful Drivers What She 3on were over from Playas the Train No. 102 was delayed here Thursday. Star theatre last Thursday several hours Wednesday morning THE MINT CLUB nignt. ror iour years tnffi com- owing to a derailed car near Lis J Mrs. J. C. Wright is visiting pany has been entertaining the bon. relatives in Texas. neorjle of Lordshnro-- urhn havo learned to appreciate them more The First National Bank of this ' PROPRIETOR Mrs. Viola Wright has gone to as time passes. They are, all city will soon establish a savings Lordsburg and will remain until artists par excellence. department paying 4 per cent in the present scare is over. terest on deposits. Several ex cellent articles on saving are now RAILROAD MEN HERE being run in the Western Liberal Here's What You Waftt prior to the opening of the sav 85 Mine Directory W. E. Barnes, traveling freight ings department. Insurance-- Real Estate and passenger agent of the South ern Pacific, arrived here luesday SALESMEN: POCKET RTrtli! MISS ALLEN MARRIED evening in the intersts of his road LINE, NEW LIVE PROPO- Miss Maude Allen, formerly of and left Wednesday afternoon for SITION, all merchants in towns this city but now residing with oo i.ieai niamei Clifton and Morena on his com of 100.000 and under want it. her parents in Duncan, Ariz., was Morniñgstar S Augustine H. L. SWINK, Owner business. Pavs $5.00 commission on each married Saturday to Mr. Lucky, sale. No collecting, no risk to a well known paining engineer of FRESH MEATS George A. Irwin, traveling Morenci. Miss Allen's host of freight and passenger agent of merchant. We take back unsold Prompt Ovllrortn made In I.ordubur goods. friends here extend warmest con 14 Leading Fire Companies the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Easiest, biggest paying gratulations and wish her every Insurance looeoooooocooorx Paul railway, was also a visitor side line ever offered. CAN-FIEL- D happiness. here Wednesday. MFG. CO., 208 Sigel St Chicago. R. K. Minson, general freight IOOOCOOOC hoocooooooccocoom and passenger agent of the A. & N. M. P. Farrar the Tailor has a few AUTO DELIVERY M. Railway, was in the city Tues- uncalled tor pants for sale. day. Mr. Minson reports all opera- STAR THEATRE W. JOHNSON tions in the Clifton-Mor8n- ci dis- E. L. Todd of Deming. New J. trict progressing as in the days Mexico, offers hatching eggs for 85 MINE STORE of old. sale from pure bred S. C. Rhode Star Saloon Island Reds, at SJ to $2.50 for 15. World Features 1 Morniiitt Town Prices at the 85 mine Fertility guaranteed. now showing zcamp. Automobile De 1 free Under New Management ilivery anywhere in this vicin Thursday Nights Order your spring now, ity. Get Be--( suit Johnson's Prices previous to the spring rush. The Big Universal Program ifore You Buy. prices are right and workmanship Friday and Saturday Nights and a fit guaranteed at your local OOCOOOOOOOOCOC tailor's. M. P. Farrer. Plenty of Fun, Thrills RECORDS? and Entertainment Large and Juicy Beers EzIPtLcn, Binders to keep High class tailoring, cleaning, press- Finest Wines, Ropes Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ing and altering. Ladies and.Gentla-me- ni Liquors, Spurs, -- With LOCAL AVrUCATlONS. tl,,r cunnot 'em in and over 1,000 stock suits made at home from $18.00 PRICES: Thursday, 15 and 25c rwA Hie ftrut 4 tb lilMfUM. Cwlarrb 1 a' bkimj to $40.00. See M. P. Farrer, th and Gentlest Bar Saddle Horses or rtmMltutloual tliaf.H, anil In vri)-- to cure u forms to keep 'em on. We tailor. -- 4. yuu uiut tuka rvuivdli-a- . Hall's Calarrtl Cura la takvn latcrnuiljr, and acta dim-l)- , Uti complete stock and tba bl.d auU Uiucm Kiirriva. lUM'a i'alarrb have a For Our Regular Show t ur a not a inui-- uii'Uli-lut- . It wa tro Ranch for Rent: For sheep or aiTibrd tr otte vt tua t .iirlrluna In tlila we know how to help you goats. 12 miles west of Lordsburg. Remember the Price, 10 and 15c roumrr lur yrara ana u a tvKular iirwrliJllou. It la rommxu-- of tUa t Imilca auown, ctiuv pick out the ones you need. Water. Improvements. Early rain. blnri altb Itie bckt blixnl nurlfter. ai'tln til- Enquire at Liberal. ' 1-- rcvtlr oa tha muiiAia aurian'a. Tha tMrf.-- t - ' uU.luallnn nt tLr two liiarrillf lita la Wbiit lro ñ Clo.-a.d- Zj- IbTIcli-alc-; irtmui-rin- rOBMS EINDERS DIACONO FROM SKY uurra rima lu curing catarrb. EssIPiEn ICE CREAM Elite ice cream TIIE - lor leattniouiaia, rrt. PEOPlUETOIl j - . now being received. Toiletgoods. : I jr r. CHUNKY CO., Fropa., Tukdo, a FOK SALK BY Every 8ild by Druffiflata. pilca 7.V. Confectionery at Mrs. M. M. Tuesday Taka UaU't rau.ll I'll la tut cotuUpatlwo. The "Western Liberal Steven's. ' Í!!!!!!!!Ií!!!íl!!!íl!Ii!!!!!iíiM