
New Musician

Volume 58 | Number 3 Article 1

4-1-2011 Musician Vol 58 No 3 (Spring 2011)

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I t)1s1rlc1 4 • '\onh Cen1ral Oi<1ricl 3 • \or11J.,c,1 lh n, Gerheart Prc,1dcnt Jou�Sch1llac1. f'rcS1dcnt Dllnicl Fear Prcsidtt1l ,1atc as,ncia11on \lf the Mu,1c l:ducator, "lativnul Conl't:rcncc I'.<> 80\ 7,4 ·120:i flidJcn Cnc�cl 50H I 151h and parto1 Lhc S0u1hwcstc1 n D1v1s1on ol \1l· N(. l}TVne 'iM ��()(,', S,lnla IC, N:-.1x,501 F,1nn1ngto11. -.;:,..1 :<7401 llonw 'i75-5H-I000,4'\2.1 llomc 'i75-7'+3:!n 0111cc SO'i-5'1'>-86 11,,26� TIIE '\EW :\IEXICO MlJSICIA:", is published three tunes \\orl. 575-'174-0154 Wor� 505-171-3999 llumc. 505-.1�5-5129 per year: Printing by Busincs, Printing Service Inc., 431 <, MlcllnhbJnd ,, yahl)(.1.com m11llncuu,t1" mfo tffci!filfm, l..t2 nm 11, Stiver i\,c. SE. Albuquerque. \,.\,1 87108 Deadhm:s for th.: Fall. \.\'inter and Spring is,ucs arc: August I. October I. and l)btricl 2. So111he-,1 l>is1ric1 6 • Crntrsl Ohtrict 7 • \lhuqucrque March I. Anan l crlmg. Prcs1tk111 Kun schm1clt l'rc>1dcot SlC\C Snu"dcn.l'rc,1ucn1 Hl!/\\lcll <;1 160ltU St 1,w '\,enida LJ Co,1a i':L Subscrip11on r:itcto non-members 1s S9.00 per year: w1glc copy ll

The New Mexico Musician Spring. 2011 President's Report Joseph Flores

rc::.pected clinicians. energetic student Thank you to all of our 2011 honor musicians. and im,piring musi<: educa­ groups and their directors and students. tors who are passionate about their pro­ Congratulations again to the La Cueva fession' I IS Silver Jav Band. the Clo, is Thank you to the following mdividuals: Mumcipal Schools Ambassador Choir. I would sincerely like to thank the past the Las Cruces HS Symphonic Winds. leadership ofNMMEA. The past execu­ the Los Alamos HS Symphonic Strings. ti, e board has contributed greatly lo our and the Piedra Vista HS PVC Pipes profession and organi7alion Recogni­ Concert Choir. These groups. along tion and appreciation is due to these in­ "ith the La Catrina Quartet. the NM credible leaders: Dustin Seifert. Chuck Intercollegiate Honor Band. the NM Gerhcai1. Regina Carlow. Monica Intercollegiate Honor Choir. and all of Leammg. Kim Letellier. Paula Nichols. the 2011 All-State ensembles pro\ 1ded Neil Swapp, and John Trnitt. fhank you outstanding, memorable performance�. for your planning. organi7ation. and co­ Thank you also to Dr. Steve Block and ordination and thank you foryour years the UNM Music Department for their of service a::.executive officers! continul!d ::.upport of our organi1.ation. Special thanks also goes to Don Ger­ Not only is UNM our host, but they are Greetings my friends! I sincerely hope heart. our Execuuvc Director Every also a proud financial supporter of our that this article findsyou doing well dur­ member of NMMFA kno\\S that Don Fest!\ al and In-Service Conference. ing the height or music activities in the does a Im of \\Ork Rir our organiza­ And or course. thank you lO all or the spnng semester The sprmg semester is tion. JIO\\c,er. understand111g the mag­ members \\'ho attended, and assisted such a bus) um\! or year 111 music edu­ nitude ol the sc0pc or work that Don "ith the Festi\'al and In-Sen ice Con­ cation I find II runny ,, hl!n I am occa­ does for NM\1 I-Ai!> incomprehensible. forencc NC\\ Mexico is fortunate tu ,..ionall) asked if I am getting�, chance Don. thank you for all that you do for ha\'e ::.uch a �trong communit> of mu­ to "breathe"' m the ,pnng ...emc!.tcr. altct "l"vlMEA 1ha1 we rccogni1e, bm espe­ sic educ.nor� \\.ho are \\ ilhng to step in such a busy fallsemester ot' music activ­ cially for all of the man}. mam thing!'>. and assist with an:,th rng that 1s needed ities. As ) ou J..no\\.m so man} \\a) s the big and small, thal you do every day that to ::.upport 1h1s unportant 1.:vcnt. \'our spring semester 1s by far a busier tum. go unnoticed. hlll arc es:.cntml lo the presence and active part1cipat1on helped than the fall semester because ol all or success of NMM[A and lhe promotion create a dynamic opportunity for prnfcs­ the man) concerts. fesu, als. trips. rc­ of mus,c education tn Ne,, Mexico. s1onal gro\\-th, collaboration. and <;octal cn11ttng tours. and advocacy efforts.etc. I would also like to \\ hole-heartedly net\\ orking. Like you. even though my focus is on thank, Diamha Swoboda for her many Planning for the future: the bu�y events of my program during years or volunteer v..ork as All-State Yom new executive board met in Feb­ the ::.pringsemester. the warmer weather festi\al and In-Sen ice Conference niary and began the process of plan­ can't help but remind me that the end Site Chair. All members. but espe­ ning for the 2012 All-State Festi\'al of the school year is fast approaching. cially. past vice-presidents. ensemble and In-Service Conference. The vice­ And with the end of the school year just co-chairs. and clinicians owe a debt of presidents are talented individuals and around the corner, inc, itably we arc all gratitude to Diantha, and Lan-y Wheeler arc doing a fantastic job! Amell Da\ id beginning the process of rdlecting upon too, for their organization habits. prob­ Arellanes, Rusty Crowe. Mika Proctor, our school year. lem ,ol, ing skills. and uncanny abiliry Jennifer Rogers. Neil Rutland. and John A.,. I begin to reflect upon my own per­ to resolve all last minute •·issues··. If Trnitt each spoke thoughtfully and pas­ sonal school year. I am fresh from re­ you·,e not heard. the 2011 All-State sionately as the voice of your respective flecting upon our organization ·s largest was Diantha ·s last as Site Chair as she di, isions. You will findinfonnation re­ event, the NMM EA All-State Festival has "retired" from tl1e position. On be­ garding your particular division in each and ln-Ser\'ice Conference that was held half of NMMEA. Diantha we thank you of their articles. I strongly encourage in January. What an incredible e:..peri­ for all of your years of service and we you co contact them to thank them for ence for everyone who attended! High wish you good weather and great tennis! their hard work and offer them your as­ quality concerts and professional devel­ With this, I would also like to thank our sistance. The job of division vice-presi­ opment events such as ours imply do nev.. Site Coordinator. Diane Otti,. Di­ dent is a huge responsibility and cannot not happen v.ithout the meticulous plan­ ane shadowed Diantha at our Festival be accomplished without the help of di­ ning and dedication of key mdi, idu­ and J n-Service Con fcrence in January so vision members. Additionally, you will als. incredible conductors, world-class that she \\Ould have a better understand­ findthat you will gel even more out of keynote speakers. talented and well- ing of this very large and critical job. your conference experience by being in- 2 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 President ...

vol\cd Remember. our conference symposium will be held at the 111- have ne\'er worked a smgle day as a 1s onl)' as personally valuable a!> we credible. recently renovated Booker i.:lassroom teacher. However, now is as individuals choose to make it! T.Washington HS foruhe Performing not the time to step back and wait for Several other items \,ere discussed Arts. NC\\ Mexico "ill be proudly others to make an unifonned deci­ al the execumc board meeting. Of represented by perfonnances,clin- sion about the subJect area of \\ hich important note, 11 was discussed 1cs by John Truitt and the All-State we are the experts. In addition to be­ and agreed that for All-State aud1- Guitar ensemble musicians and also ing an exemplary music teacher 111 t1ons. absolute!) no exceptions will by Neil Rutland and the ENMU Per­ your classroom. I ask you to please be made 10 accept registrations afkr cussion Ensemble. For more infor­ stay informed, get involved. and join the final deadline. This will help to mation about this event. visit \\ w,,. the discussion al your local and stale streamline the reg1stratton process. menc.org/evcnts, \ icw/menc-south­ lcYels. If each of us do this, and we eliminate tedious audition list chang­ wcstem-divis1on-symposium choose a proacti\'e approach and es, and tbus elirnmatethe possibility MENC wi11 hold its annual Music highly prepare ourselves for these for errors. Also. due to the gro\vth Education Week in Washington DC transfonnations. then we can ensure and success of the Guitar Division June 24-28, 201 1. Registration for a solid future for music education in initiative. it \\ J!I be reconunended to the event can be 1atlore

The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 3 ...... · .. .· . .- ...... · . . . . MENC Southwestern Division Symposium .• • • f;J� - i . - MUSIC FOR ALL: Teaching Music "· ...••. �-@'... t. . · ... : . ,. . . _.r�- -...... in Urban and Rural Schools ...... - ...... June 13-15, 2011 Dallas, Texas · · ·eooker T.Wa �hi��to-e Performing and Visual Arts For more information go to: WWW.TMEC.ORG

Especially for those in urban and rural schools! If you teach in one of these special positions this Symposium is for you! It is uniquely designed to address the benefits. challenges, and Joys of teaching music in urban and rural schools. Wtth climes of Interest to teachers, music administrators, building administrators community arts organizations. community artists collegiate music education ma1ors and parents Francisco Nunez, Chorister. Elliott Del Borgo Artistic Director ADDED BONUS a new strand Crucial Community Partnerships Composer Keynotes The Well is Deeper Than You Think" Scott Shuler MENC President "The 21st Century Conductor Francisco Nunez Young Peoples Chorus of New York C11y 'Music Education in lhe Future The Geek View· David Sebald, Texas Tl Ml:: Pres1den1 Scott Shuler Denise Gagne MENG President Elementary Specialist A Sampling of Clinics Hands-on Instrument Repair· "It's not a rul Im D1gg1ng a Foundatton· "New Music Reading Session· ·culture Shock: Coping in a New Teaching Silua11on· ·Best of Both Worlds--A Band/Orchestra Director ··smartBoards in the Elementary Music Classroom "A Choral Reading Session for Your S1tuat1on Nan McDonald, Author. Don Haynes "Advocacy: Building Local Support for Quality Music Educatton Programs· Bandmaster Integration Specialist "Strategies that Fac ilitale Music Learning in the General Music Classroom· 'Choosing/Preparing/Teaching Choral Literature with Cultural Implications· Performances Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Waltz Orchestra

Mabelvale Elementary School African Drum and Groove Ensemble Dallas Independent School Distncl All-Star Jazz Band David Sebald Kalani Fulmore Middle School Chamber Choir T/:ME President Renowned Orum Artist New Mexico MEA All-State Guitar Ensemble University Percussion Ensemble Austin Community College Chamber Choir IS··" .:e �1\.� Register at: http://mencswsymposium.eventbrite.com/ e.> m ...,. '-i, ��-{" Symposium by the Texas Music Educators Conference and the Southwestern Division of MENC zw 0z -�- ::EON3W 4 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 OfficeNo tes Don Gerheart, Executive Director to someone else. We welcome Diane are returned and are undeliverable. The Otts who will serve as our All-State Site reason is simple. We Cr.cd four All-State group:, 111 January I \\Us so Lasl but not least please check our \.\ Cb­ years including being our leader for the pleased to hear outstanding performanc­ s1tc and our vanow , Imks to keep abreast past L\.\ o years and contmues as our Past es .....uh students who came together and of what 1s taking place such as "1land­ President. John Truiu has been the f\c1- \.\orked hard for two days "'ith a guest book" changes, the minutes of our 111g Vice President for the guitar scctton conductor and to :.ee so many parents meetings, deadlines. etc. A lot of valu­ and continues in that capacity for an­ and friends in the audience. r don't C\ er able infom1ation is posted to keep you other year. There arc a large number of \.\ant this to go away. What an cxpen­ informed. As al\., ays please feel our members who have also helped ,,ith ence! We need to not lose sight of the free to contact me 1f our have any ques­ audition� and with All-Stale in a number many wonderful things that take place tions or concerns. of different capacilics. Diane and John and that we experience with our stu­ Schutz have served as the site coordina­ dents. The excitement that takes place Have a restful summer and recharge tors in Las Cruces formany years. They when we arc performing for our parents your battencs for school to resume in have decided to retire from this position. and friends and the audiences at festi­ August. We wish them well and thank them for vals and contests arc so special. HO\.v all of their service to NMMEA. Dian­ about the reaction of our students \\ hen tha S\,\oboda and Larry Wheeler have they know they performed to the best of served as our site coordinators for All­ their abilities. Irreplaceable to be sure. State also for many years. They too have This is very important. There are times decided to retire and tum over the reins when we try to send email messages out to our members onl) to tind that dozens

The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 5 Music Education Workshops at the University of New Mexico Summer, 2011

The UNM summer music education workshop series provides vaiied and relevant topics taught by nationally and internationallyrecognized clinicians. This year we offer five of our traditional 2 Yi-day events, plus the fourth year of the New Mexico Kodaly Institute.

Music Education Workshops New Mexico Kodaly Institute Band Conducting Workshop Kodaly Certification Level I and II GaryGreen Regina Carlow. Marta Sarosi. Zsuzsanna June 13-15 Mindszenty. Shelly Cooper June 20-July I (incl Sat. June 25) Choral Workshop Rollo Dilworth Workshop fee: S500 ($600 after Ma) 6). Optional June 1.:;-17 umvcrsit) uedit 1s tn add11ton to tbe workshop fee. Planning for and Conducting Children's Choirs in the Elementary School Kodaly a la Carte Paul Hallsted The folio\\ ing individual classc:.ar� availabh!: June 15-17 • Solfegc Level I and II • Pedagog) Level I and 11 Classroom Guitar Pedagogy • Conducting Level I and II Lynn McGrath • Ad\'anced Musicianship June 22-24 Workshop fee: $175 (Adv. Musicianship is $200) Sparking Imaginations and Nurturing Young Music Makers For detailed infonnation about schedules, course Shelly Cooper descriptions, locations, registration. fee paymem June 23-25 and materials go to: You may register for university credit or pay a http:!/music. unm.edu/depart ment_areas/m usic_ ed/ $100 workshop fee. 1m1_kodaly_inst/index.htm For detailed information about schedules. course descriptions, locations, registration. fee payment and materials go 10: http://music.unm.edu/department_arcas/music_ eel/ workshops/index. h tm

The University of New Mexico

6 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 20 11 Editor's Desk Keith Jordan

Spanish, made by lhe Indian, com­ posed by the whites" John Philip Sousa." "The march New Mexico is an original composition by Com­ mander Sousa. It utilizes strains from "," our state song, wrillen by lhe greatly beloved Elizabeth Garrett. as well as Span­ ish strains taken from Mary R. Van Stone's book. Spanish Folk Songs of New Mexico. Indian strains and compiled by Elizabeth Del-luff. for all of which grateful thanks are here­ by given." A copy of the Lyceum program in C'lov1s b a,ailable for \-iev.ing along \\ ith a copy of the original score to "NC\\ Mexico March" at the Our guest colummst for this issue is still in use today with performanc­ I· NMU Golden Library in Portales. 1s Norvil I lowcll, legendary Clovis es by the Clo, is Commu111t) Band as Ne\', Mexico. Band Director To this day there has well as other local music and theatre It 1s mtcresting to note that Elizabeth only been one band from Ne,\ Mexi­ groups The light board for hom,c and Garrell \\ as the daughter ol the fa­ co. go to MiJwest in Chicago. Clm is stage lights and ropes to lower stage mous sheriff Pat Garrell ol Lmcoln IIS. 1969. Noni( Ho\,ell Conduct­ lights and curtain:)arc exactly ltkc County. ew Mexico Sheri1f(iarrell mg. they \\Cn: \\hen the theatre opened m 1s best remembered for ha, 111g shot lf you don't kno"' Non ii you shoulu 1921 llenry McCart) (oliase, Wllliam II. he ·s a trt>asure of knm, ledge, pract1- featured solo1srs on the Clou, Sou­ Bonn) and Hen!'\ t\n1rim) bul k.110\\ n . i.:alJ okes. and mus1c.wnsh1p sa Concert tncludcd \V11Jiam Tong. best as the 111famous . '' Comet. Ma1Jone Moody, Soprano. tn Fort Sumner July 14. 1881. John Ph11tp Sousa comes to Clo\'is: and l Jm.,,ard Goulden. X} lophone. Se, era I Sousa original compos11tons Non ii llowcll On \\'cdncsJay,NO\en1ber 14, 1928. were also perfonned includmg the John Philip Sousa and hi� Band ar­ "N ew Mexico March'' which is con­ Editor·s Notc-Non!I ha, been a rived at the Clo, b. cv, Mexico. sidered to be rather "corn) ·· by some. guest soloist with my jazz band on railroad station. After unloading their but it is probably the most descrip­ two separatc occasions no\\. Once m,;tnuncnts. they marched North on tive of the state marches composed as an r:b contrabass c;am1sophonc Mam Street to the Lyceum Theatre by Sousa. soloist.... I must say that hi� effort­ where they played a matmee perfor­ ·The New Mexico March" includes less musical :.lyle and the efficacy mance and an evening perfom1ancc. the following program note: of hts solos leave one breathless and While the old theatre has gone "Dedicated to Uovemor R.C. Dil­ exhilarated. We were proud to have through some renovations over the had such a superbly talented artist ac­ lon and the people of New Mexico. f years. it has excellent acoustics and Founded on melodies left by the company our musical efort.

The Ne,, Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 7 SOUTHWEST MUSIC FESTIVAL :\lay 5th. 6th. & 7th. 2011 Contctct: Kctthy Fishburn, Executive Director Grectter Southwest Music Festival 1000 S Polk Street,,.Amarillo, Texas 79101 (806) 373-5093 or (800) 444-4763 ,,.. Fax: (806) 373-5656 www.gswmf.com

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8 The e\\ Mexico Musician Spring. 2011 Band Section Rusty Crowe, Vice President

mentors. musicians, coaches, teach­ Department, Dustin Seifert and Neil er" and more important. somebody that Rutland along wiU1 the ENMU Music our students can trust. Ollcn tim� we Department and Keith Jordan and the are like their mother or father. We are La Cueva High School Music Depart­ molding these kids to be the futurelead­ ment. ers for our country. musicians for our • Band chairs, assistants and stage su­ symphomes. moms and dads for their pervisors: Small Schol Band: Bill Gri­ kids, as well as to be successful in their ner. Bill Lamb, Gary Shaver and John own careen.. Be a part of their lives Com·erse; Concert Band: Stephen through music! It ·s \vorth it! Snowden. Caitlynn Camacho, Antho­ This edition of the magazine contains ny Baca and Brad Dubbs; Symphonic infonnation concerning next year's All­ Band: 8111 Austell. Sam Nesbitt. Sarah State and should answer any questions Rede and Daniel Holmes-Symphonic you might ha,c but please feel free to Band. contac1 me directly iJ you need further • Workshop Clirnciaos and Sponsors. mforrnatton. ruscrO\VC(a hotmail com. Mary Jane Sak (NMMcA). Dean So­ I know 1t\ a bus) time ot year because renson (Kjos Music Company), Miller many of you just finished large group 2011 All-State A:..bill (NMMFA), JD Shav. lUNM) contest and the rest of you are ge1ting All-State 1011 ,,,as a huge succe:.s due John Almeida (NMMEA). James F read) for large group. Some of us still to the hard work of all district and state Keene (NMMl:A). Ken Van 'winkle have to pick music for our marching ollicers. silt: coorchnators. conduc­ and Pancho Romero (NMSU). Sarah shO\\. have drum major and color guard tors, sponsors, cl1mc1am,. ,oluntecrs. Rede (NMMJ::.A), Donna Schmidt tryouts and recrull al the elementary and students and the entire band di\ ision (1\IMMl:.A). middle schools. We have lots to do in membership. I would like to thank the • Il onor Groups: The Las Cruces I ligh .i 5hon amount of umc. As the school hundn:ds of voluntceN who made our School Symphonic Wind:, and th.:ir yeJr 1s en.our university percussion faculty. All-State. more importantly, 111\ite your adminis­ for their unendmg support of our or­ tration and fellow teachers to C\erything ganization and our students. Thank Upcoming Events you do. Remember it's not all about the you for your advice. expertise and yes, 2011 NMAA Stale Band Contest: This superior ratmg or metronome rehears­ even equipment! year the NMAA State Concert Band als. yet that docs help things quite a bit. • faeryone mvolved with UNM and Contest \\ ill he held at Cleveland High It's about the students! When we get AP$ for helping provide percussion School on April 15th & 16th. All reg­ excited abom teaching music, this will equipment lo all our performing en­ istration 111fonnation, materials and reflect 10 the students and then to the semble:,. guidelines can be found on the NMAA parents and administration. • The members of the 20 IO Audition web page. www.nmact.org. Bands re­ team: Barbara Lambrecht. Jeffrey D. ceiving a I or JI at their District Large Bemg a band director 1s more than just Shaw, Jennifer Laubcnthal. Rhonda Group Festivals are eligible and en­ f teachmg music. it's about molding and Taylor, Jef Piper. Dustin Sei fen and couraged to attend. There have been a shaping our students to be a belier per­ Scott Ney. number of changes made to the proce­ son in this crazy world. Yes we are band • Audition Site Coordinators: John and dures and formatting of the stale band directors. but we are also counselors. Diane Schull and the NMSU Music contest including the incorporation of

The New Mexico Musician -Spring, 2011 9 Band ...

2nd bands into the competitive mix. - Portales, E.NMU (Dustin Seifert). in m. 15 play C#, E natural and G Please check the website for details. Don't forget that directors must tum within in beat one up an octave, loco 2012 Honor Band Applications: The in a signed commitment form for on beat 2). SSB Excerpt: Begin 2012 Honor Band will be selected each student auditioning for All­ on mcasuJe l (one) and play to the from the field of entries submitted State. Remind students that this fom1 downbeat of measure 11(eleven) on by band directors. The selection pro­ states that they will follow through the Bb. cess is outlined on the NMMEA web with both the audition and participa­ • P. 44, G# Minor-Andersen (Presto site. I encourage all bands that re­ tion in All-Stale if selected. molto) Dotted quaner = I l 2-120; cei\'esuperior ratings at their District Audition material can be found in SSB Excerpt: Begin on measure Large Group Festivals or the NMAA this edition. All tempos of the eludes l(one) and play to the

10 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 Band ...

• P. 55, #9; Quarter note I 08. SSB 24 measures, stopping on 3rd space •Elude 15 (p. 17). dotted quarter Excerpt: Begin at measure I (one) ''C" on measure 24. note = 52 - Measure 14 through and play to measure 27(twenly-sev­ Tenor Trombone / Euphonium measure 37 en) • "Selected Studies for Trombone", Mallets Goldenberg Modem All - "48 Famous Stud­ Voxman (pub. Rubank). P. 29 (Alle­ School for Xylo. Marimba & Vib. ies for Oboe and Saxophone". Fer­ gro Vivace by Kopprasch): half note (pub. Chappel and Co.) ling (pub. SouthernMusic Co.) = 92. SSB Excerpt: begin in mea­ • Elude XXXVIII (p. 92), quarter • P. 15, #29 in E Major; eighth note sure I (one) and play to the double note 116 - 126 - Measure I lo the 84-92 (Andante arnabile). Begin at bar on measure 22{twenty-two). downbeat of measure 21 measure l(one) and play to the end • "Melodious Etudes for Trombone. Timpani - Firth The Solo Timpanist of the etudc. SSB Excerpt: Begin at Book l". Bordogni/Rochut (pub. (pub Carl Fischer) measure I (one) and play through the Carl Fischer). P. l 0. #9 Andantino • Etude XVlll (p. 33), 4uarter note = end of measure 8(eight). con moto); dotted quarter - 75. SSB 112 - Measure 18 to the downbeat of • P. 9, #18 in Bb Major:

TheNew Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 11 Band ... Small School Band Concert Band only) by A ram Kiiachaturiant Directed by Monty Hill Directed by Kenneth Smgleton Snoeck Star Sp angled Banc/ arr. by Sweeney Nariona! Emblem Ma rch by Bagley/ Fire by Gary Gilroy Schissel Symphonic Band Angelic Fesrival Overrure by Rich­ Images 011 Suo Gan by Sheldon Direcled by Sarah McKoin ard Saucedo Albanian Dance by Hanson Children's March by Percy Grainger Our Ye sterdays Le11grhe11 Like Shad­ The Tr iumph of Ma.x imilic111 arr. by Benediction by Stevens m,:, by Samuel 1-lazo Kenneth Singleton Angels in the Architecture by Frank Espana Cani by P. Marquina'arr. by Nessun Dol'lna. from Tu- Tichcli Longfield mndot by PucciniNinson Amparita Roca by Jaime Texidor Trail o./Tean· by James Barnes Gayaneh Dance Suire No. I (Gopak

Required Range and Scale Requirements Wind and Percussion lnstrnctions: 1. The chromatic scale and all twelve major scales arc required from memory. Students should be familiar with enharmonic spelling. (For example: C# major = Db major) 2. Scales will be asked by starting tone. No transposition 1s required. 3. Students must play scales in as many octaves possible withm the required range indications, howc,er, students arc encouraged to exceed minimum requirements. Percussionists will play all scales two octaves. 4. The main judging criteria will be tone, accuracy, and speed. 5. Thi.' following range indications arc minimum:

Chromatic M8JOr M11:1or Chromauc .!! .!! � .Q Piccolo 0 Flute 0 u " f ' e • .Q � � • Bb/Eb Clarinet Bass Clannet

'U' 'O' ' 4 'U' u- .0. 0. � � Oboeand All Saxes Bassoon 9: ' e 'O' • • �.Q � • • Trumpet Hom ' 'O' V ' • • �.Q � 0. .0. Trombone/Euphonium Bass Trombone " u 0 ? & 'U'

lio lio Tuba 2

'O' 'O'

12 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 Orchestra Section Jennifer Rogers, Vice President

who ensured a fairand well organi7cd be an incredible opportunity for your audition process for our students. students and the process is not as dif­ Music Marl, Joe Keith. and Charles ficultas you may think. Please con­ Brandebury for taking care of our sider submillmg an application, the sheet music needs. Diantha Swobo­ process is outlined in the NMMEA da and Diane Ott&, who equip us wilh Handbook and thl.! deadline for sub­ adequate rooms and necc.!ssary equip­ mission is June I. ment for rehearsal:,. concerts. and I realize that many of you are in the clinics. Jennifer Laubenthal. Tracy middle of spring trips. festival per­ Carr, Pancho Romero. Debbie Taylor. formances. recruitmenL, and final Scott Ney, and Fred Bugbee for lead­ perfonnance of the school year, bur ing sectionals Wednesday evening. now is the tune to stan thinkmg about Art Sheinburg and Juli Palladmo. for all state aud1t1oru;. Audition dates co-chairing the Symphony Orches­ will be October 19and 20, at Volcano tra and Karen Bertucci-Doerfert and Vista in Albuquerque and October 21 Suzanne Shelton for co-chairing the at New Mexico State University in Fdlov. music educators, I walll to Concert Orchestra. The La Catrina Las Cruces. Each audition v..ill con­ thank you for trusting me as NMMEA St1ing Quanet for thci1 exquisne per­ sist of a maJor and nu nor scale, a pre­ Or�hestra Vice President. I am truly formance Fnday afternoon. And fi­ scribed solo, and two orchestral c>..­ honored. and J promise to dedicate nally. I would like to recognize Peter cerpts. You can find all the materials myself to representing you with dig­ Boonshaf1. Maria Stepanova, Carrie on the NMMEA website. all excerpts nity and fulfillingmy responsibilities Lane Gruselk. Pal Moulds. and Nick should be posted by May 15. Please to the best of my ability. I cannot Mariano for presentmg workshops he sure lo check back oftenin case of thank Momca Lcammg cuough. Her throughout Thursday and Friday. updates or clarifications that may be service to our organization has been Again. I cannot thank these indi­ pcrtmc.!nl to )our studcnt 's success e:xtraordinar} and I v.ould be lost viduals. and all the orchestra educa­ If you have any questions about the \\ nhout her g1 11dancc. tors \\ho contnbutcd to the 2011 All audition process please refer to the ,\s I begin this term r "ant encourage State, enough. v..ebs11e, the handbook \.,. 111 outl inc open Imes of communication. Ifyou Our 2011 All State tlrchcstra mem­ the entire process. have question:, or concerns feel free bers were fortunate to work with I am excited 10 announce our conduc­ to c-mai I me. m> address 1s jrogers(i, such gifted conductors. It was an tors for the 2012 All State Music Fes­ lcps.k 12.nm.us. Abo. I want to en­ honor to meet and work \\ llh Stephen tival. Our Symphony Conductor will sure that I have correct contact in­ Chin and Russell Guyver My stu­ be Philip Mann, the nev.music direc­ tom1at1on from all of you. If you dents enj oyed participating in these tor of the Arkansas Symphony and have not received an e-mail from me. ensembles. and I was impressed by the associate conductor of the San please take a moment and forward the outstanding musicianship our stu­ Diego Symphony Charles Lam, will me your e-mail address and current dents demonstrated tn the concerts on be leading the Concert Orchestra. contact informauon. Saturday. Charles 1s currently the orchestra di­ The 2011 All State Fcsti,al was a lt was a true honor to present Lhe Los rector of the Heritage Middle School great success for our young musi­ Alamos High School Symphonic and a Ph.D. candidate in music edu­ cians and educators alike: this would Strings. under the direction of Mi­ cation at Ohio State University. Both not be possible without the tremen­ chael Gyurik. as the 2011 A II State are preparing challenging program� dous efTons of numerous indh iduab. Honor Orchestra. Their concert was for our students. I cannot possibly mention everyone an inspiration to me. and they stand It is an exciting time LO be a music who contributed on this short list. as an example of the outstanding educator m New Mexico. Please but l must acknowledge the follow­ music programs New Mexico has to use tJ1e various centennial celebra­ ing. First and foremost. I want to offer. Again I want to express my tions as an opportunity to collaborate recognize and thank Don Gehcart. sincere congratuations to Michael with others and share your students· our executive director. Our all state Gyurik. and his students. for a superb talents with your communities. Ad­ string audition team: Gabriel Gordan performance. vocacy starts with you. and this is and Mark Tatum. The audition site NO\\ it is time for another ensemble an excellent opportunityto be heard. chairs: Clarissa Clark. Ruth Klein, to earnthe distinction of the 2012 All Thank you for sharing your talents John Schutz. and Kathy Dollahon. State Honor Orchestra. This could and expertise with the children of The Nev. Mexico Musician Spring, 2011 13 Orchestra ... Nev. Mexico J am privileged to be 3."Sonata No. I in G Minor, Presto .. CELLO working with such outstanding edu­ (S. I 00 I) J.S. Bach. all no re­ Major Scale: Eb Major cators. peats; dotted q::70-80( I :50 mins.) Minor Scale: D Melodic Minor 4."Conceno. Mvt. 2'" Tchaikovsky. Orchestra Audition dates and loca­ in All Time Favorite Violin Solos, I ."Minuets from the Suite in G Ma­ tions are: Schim1cr, m. 40 - 13 before the JOr" J.S. Bach. in Suzuki Book 4. A. Albuquerque: Volcano Vista I IS, end. q"'70-76 (2:30 mins.) no repeats (2:00 mins.) October 19-20. 2011 5:'Conceno #3 in G Major. 1st Mvt'' 2. ·-sonata in G Major. M, t. 2'" B. Las Cnices: NMSU. October 21. Mozart. solo entrance (m.38) end Marcello. International. all. ( I :40 2011 of exposition (m.94), q=l20 (1:45 mins.) mins.) 3."The Swan" Saint-Saens,arr. Ca­ Note: ··Solo Title" Composer. in Col­ 6:'Concerto No. 3. I st Mvt." Saint­ mille Buechner. Carl Fischer. all. lection. Publisher, section to play. h - Saens. solo entrance m. 64. h-70- (2:30 mins.) half note/q = quarter note/e - eighth 84 ( I :50 mins.) 4 "Sonata No. I 111 Bb MaJOf. Mvt. note (approx length) 2" Vivaldi. lntemational. all (2:30 VIOLA mms.) Note: All auditions will include Major Scale: Db Major 5."Suite No. 3 in C, Prelude"' J.S. sight-reading and orchestral excerpts Minor Scale: E Melodic Minor Bach. in Six Suites for Unaccom­ from the 2011 All-State music. Ex­ panied Cello. International, beg - cerpts will posted on the NMMEA I."Suite Hebraique, Mvt. 11. Proces­ 77. q-69-76 (2:45 mins.) website with permission from Luck's sional" Ernest Bloch, Schinner. all, 6."Concerto 111 Bb. 111. Rondo" Boc­ Music Library. q=80 (2 mins.) cherini/Grutzmacher, lntcmat1onal. 2."Suite V, Prelude'' J.S. Bach. 111 Six beginning m 96. q- -132 (2: 15 Note: Violin, Viola. Cello scale:, will Suites for Viola, Originally written mins.) be 3 octaves, q=90, no vibrato. sepa­ for V1oloncello, Schirmer. Adagio rate bows. Bass scales are 2 octaves, q 50. Allegro modcrato e= 190, bc­ BASS q 90, no ,ibrato, separate bows. ginmg to downbeat of m. 37 in the MaJor Scale: A Major Allegro Moderato (2:45 min) Minor Scale: G Melodic Mmor Note: All solos are listed in order of 3."Sonata No. I in C minor. Presto.. advancing d1tftculty. In order to get J.S. Bach. in Six Sonatas and Par­ !."Beach Spring.. Deborah Baker into Symphony Orchestra you must titas for Viola Solo. International Monday. 111 Light Festival Solos. demonstrate higher quahty mus1c1an­ (Clemens Meyer-Joseph Vieland). Lathan, all. 4-84 ( I :45 mins.) sh1p: choose your solo accordingly. all no repeat. dotted e 130 (2 2. "Habanera" Bizcl)arr. Monday, 111 Points for solos will be awarded clicks per measure) (2: IO mins.) Eight Festival Solos. Lathan. alI. based on the difficulty of the solo. 4."Concerto in C Major. 3rd Mv1:· q= I 04 ( I :30 mins.) The #6 & #5 solos will have a mul­ Cbandoshkin. in Solos for Young 3.'"Caballero" John Merle. in Festival tiplier of 1.0. the #4 & #3 = .9, #2 & Violists. Volume V. edited Barbara Performance Solos. C. Fischer, all, # I = .8. Therefore, if you play the Barber. Summy Birchard Inc .. Al­ h=80 (2 mins.) hardest solo perfectly you will earn legretto dotted q=I 00 (take edi­ 4."Tre Giomi'' Pcrgolesi/arr. Zim­ the full 150 points available. tor's Ossia), Meno mosso. dotted q mem1an, in Festival Performance =86 (take repeat), Tempo I, dotted Solos. C. Fischer. all. q=-80 ( I :45 Note: Editions are for reference q=IOO, skip from m 14. immediate­ mins.) only; teachers may select any edition ly tom 29, letter A, Second ending, 5."Etude #18 in e minor" Simancll. in desired as long as the same part of Letter D. measure 112 skip to letter 30 Etudcs. Carl Fischer. all. q=88 the solo is played. E and play to the end, (2:55 rnins.) (2:35 mins.) .. 5.''Elegy for Viola, op. 24" Faure. 6.''Adagio and Presto Antoniotti/ VIOLIN Transcribed by Milton Katin1S, In­ arr. Vance. in Progressive Reper­ Major Scale: Eb Major ternational,begin at a tempo, m. 30 toire, vol. 3, C. Fischer, all, Adagio. Minor Scale: B Melodic Minor - end, e=75, (2:30 min) e=60, Presto. q=72 (2:30 mins.) 6:'Concerto in D Major for Viola and I ."Sonata No. 3 in F Major, Mvt. I. , Mvt. I, Allegro" Hoffmeis­ Adagio" G. F. Handel, from 6 So­ ter. International (Paul Doktor). natas, all. (2:30 mins.) pick up to letter A - m. 69. skip to 2."Allcgro" Fiocco, beg. - m 50, letter D - m. 91, skip to m 115 - q= I 00-120 ( I :50 mins.) end, q=J40 (2:30 mins.)

14 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 201 I General Music Section Mika Proctor, Vice President their winter breaks to do extra prepara­ that extraordinary music educator that tion for U1e conference. Your commit­ you work with or know. Please consider ment to your students 1s an inspiration to nominating them for the John M. Batch­ us all. Thank you also to each presider eller Award for Excellence 111 Teaching and monitor for yow-willingness to help Elementary Music. Take time in your make each workshop run smoothly. It spring district meetings to choose a may seem like such a small job, but nominee from your without you things would get a little district. Forms and requirements are crazy. listed on the NMMEA website at wwv.. Our headliner, Dr. Artie Almeida, wac; nmmea.com. Submissions are due by a ball of energy that brought to us re­ June I, 2011. markable ideas, techniques, and mate­ HONOR GROUP: Please also consid­ rials. I knO\\ that her enU,usiasm got er submilling a recording of your out­ each of you excited Lo go bad. to your standing elementary performing group classroom and give to your students the to be next year's honor group. This is best. Dr Almeida\ brilliant expertise 1s not limited to a \'Ocal group. Any type an inspiration to anyone who has seen of perfonnance is encouraged to be It's amazing how fast time has flown her lead a workshop. submitted. Do not be nervous about since we \\. ere all together at the All-State 2012 submitting. Go for it! An application NMMEA In-service Conference! It al­ Next year's conference 1s going to be an for Genernl Music Honor Group can be v.ays seems like the third quarter goes exciting one. Many of you have offered found on the NMMEA website. Guide­ the fastest. I hope that your year has to lead Thursday workshops. We should lines for submissions are simple: (I) been full of beautiful music and learn­ have a large variety to choose from in­ submit a video recording of a recem per­ ing. not only for your students but also cluding SMART board. dulcimer, drum­ fonnance (not more than one year old) for your1ielf. Keep your head up as you mmg. movement. \1,. arm-ups ...and of (2) submit a letter from your local Su­ enter to one of the craziest umes of year course our ever popular multi-cultural perintendent or School Board granting for a music educator: programs. cel­ .­ vice president for the next two years. tor of the Elementary Music Education penscs. Send your submission to: Mika Please contact me with ideas and sug­ Program and Director of the lnterMusc Proctor 1 10516 Brooklme Place NW / gcsttons. pos111ve anti negative. I'\c Academy. Dr Jaccard directs the cl­ Albuquerque. NM 87114. already ha • Submissions must be postmarked no All-State 2011 and teaches in the Provo Cny Schools. later than June I. 201 1. I'd like 10 extend a huge thank you to He is a Fello,-.. of the Oxford Round Ta­ • Upcoming Professional Opportunities· Kim Letellier for a wonderful 2011 con­ ble on Public Policy in Artsand Scienc­ • MENC Southwestern Division Sym­ ference. Tier hard work and dedication es Education. a member of the OAKF posiunr "Teaching Music in Urban brought us a fantastic time together in National Teacher Education Committee. and Rural Schools" June 13-1 S. 2011 January. Thank you for bringing to us serves as Vice-President of the Interna­ Dallas. Texas: Two NM ensembles wonderful ideas that will enhance and tional Kodaly Society, and is a member will be feawred (NM All-State Guitar el(pand Leaching about the state of New of the Board of Directors of the Willems and ENMU Percussion Ensemble) For Mexico·s centennial. Thank you Kim International Music Education Associa­ more information. go to www.menc. . for your dedication to NMMEA over the tion. org/events/\ iev menc-southwestern­ division-sysium past two years. Thank you also to the Other Important Information Thursday workshop presenters. You are • MENC Education Week: June 24-28. Please make sure to update your infor­ Washington. D.C. For more infonna­ an integral part to making this confer­ mation at wwv..menc.org to keep our tion, go to ence a success. 111fom1ation accurate with NMMEA. Congratulations to the Clovis Ambas­ • www.menc.org/aboul/\ icw/music-ed- When you register for the conference. ucation-week-facts sador Choir for heing selected as this 111fonnation that has changed is not up­ year's Il onor Group. Thank you also dated unless a change fom1 has been That's all for now. I hope you have a to the performance groups (CIO\ is Am­ sent in. The quickest way to update is fabulous rest of the year. Bask in the joy bassador Choir and Los Alamos Swing through the MENC website. of making music with your children and Dance Club) for taking the time from It is the time of year to think about ha, earestful summer!

The New Mexico Musician Spring, 2011 15 Choral Section Arnell David Arellanes, Vice President jority of the students did quite well Don Gcrhcart. It was said at this All in Wednesday night auditions. The State that you arc the finest executin! choirs' perfom1ancc is a reflection secretary in the nation. There is no of your preparation and dedication. doubt! Music education throughout Thank you Choir Audition Teams. the country would be even better if Thank you co-chairi:. Robert Randall. all state organizations had what Ne� Ida Holguin. Steven Paxton. Shelly Mexico has in you. Andes and Ken Miller. Those who Finally, THANK YOU Paula Nich­ ha\'e served as co-chair understand ols for rising up to an enormous task. how very much you do. Logistics and canying it out \.\ ith integrity. hu­ seem seamless because of your hard mi ltty and honor. I only hope to do work. as well my confidence is inspired Thank you presiding volunteers and by your leadership. mus1c1anship monitors for helping our clinicians and friendship. You will be sorely All State Music Festi\al and In­ and guests. The saying ..timing is ev­ missed Service Conference 2011 was. in my erything·· \.\,as second nature for you. I am sure that 1 have left someone or opinion. a wonderful success and one getting people in and out on time and a fe\.l, people unmentioned. My sin­ of the best yet. From our fineguest keeping records as well as bemg a cere apologies ... You know. if you conductors and poltshed pcrfom1ing ·nmner' when needed. put in time and effort. all ofus benefit groups to our dedicated clinicians, Thank you climcians Martha Rowe. from the product. guest artists and Honor Ensembles, Candace Mayer, Joe Keith. Andrew Guest conductors for 2012 All State their directors. accompanists and Mcgill. Brad Ellmgboe. and Marilyn ,,.ill be Dr. Rollo Dilworth Mixed gues1 speakers you made this Barnes you keep our creativity en­ Choir and Ms. Charlotte Adams year's Festival and Conference ex­ ergized and bring ncv. methodology. rrcble Choir. Dr. Dilworth 1s Asso­ c1t1ng. educational and inspirational. fresh ideas and reminders of thing� ciate Professor of M us,c and Director Success like this docs not come eas)' we used to do but may have forgot­ of Choral t\.cti\ it1es and Music l:.du­ and. although I wonder if anyone re­ ten. cat1011 at the North Park Univers1t, ally reads through all of these articles Thank you stage crcws ...who loves School of Music m Chicago, lllinots or even one, I must thank and con­ this job'! Somebody has to do 11 • Charlotte Adams 1s the founder and gratulate -;o muny people who make and you came through so well Pnnc1pal Conductor of the Colorado tt '\\Ork'. Thank you outgoing officers. Dustm Women's Chorale in Dem·cr. Colo­ Congratulations Virginia Nickels­ <;eifcrt. Neil Swapp. Paula Nichols. rado. ll ircock. NMMEA "2011 Music John Truitt, Monica Leaming. Kim The choral audition piece will be Educator of the Year'' and ·'National Letellier, Regina Carlow and Chuck Handel's "Let Their Celestial Con­ Federation of High Schools Out­ Gcrheart you arc the backbone of certs All Unite" (EC Schinner #312) standing Music Educator Award" re­ the body that is NMMEA. for SATl3 choir and piano. cipient. Those who heard Virginia's Thank you Jane Gerheart for your A reminder to directors - be thinking acceptance speech at the NMMEA continual work in every aspect of the about sending your recordings for Business/Awards Luncheon were left "process"' - aren't you supposed to consideration for next year's Honor laughing, crying (all for the right rea­ be 1eti1ed? How you do it for now Choir. The application and direc­ sons) and so proud to have Ms. Nick­ this umpteenth year is amazing. tions are on the NMMEA website. els represent all that is good in teach­ Thank you Greg Tyrone -it is always It ·s never too early to get your choir ing. Virginia also earned accolades wonderful to see that smile even into the mix. as director of the PVC Pipes Con­ when everyone wants just ·one more Please get in touch with me with any cert Choir from Piedra Vista High thing'. Your hard work is truly ap­ concerns. ideas or anything else that School, this years' Honor Choir. preciated. may help us continue our quality of One word came LO mind after hear­ Thank you Keith Jordan you are offerings to NMMEA, the All State ing their perfonnance - stellar. The the 'face' of NMMEA to other states Music Festival and In-Service Con­ choir was tmly impressive as were and, most importantly, to administra­ ference and. above all, our youth in their accompanists. Robyn Woodard. tors and legislators lhrough the New music around New Mexico. Keith Lemmons and Doug Brown. Mexico Musician. The quality of the Congratulations to all choir directors publication is so impressive and far Respectfully submitted, for preparing the students so well. beyond those of states 5-l O times the Amell David Arellanes Yes. there were a few who were 1101 size of New Mexico. prepared well enough - but the ma- Thank you. thank you, thank you

16 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 Choral ...

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The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 17 18 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 201 1 Collegiate Section Neil Rutland, Vice President

dents. "The problem is". we tell our­ Take time to consider what that fu­ seh., es. "there is so liLLlc time and so ture folio\', teacher should be able 10 much to do". and "There 1s so very do. Ho" should they thmk'' What little time to think". We are all so are essential skills. and what skills busy "paddling the boal" that we desirable but non-essenual? What can ·1 look up and see \\ here we ,ire arc the attitudes that '" ill make for heading. the most success for the program If you are under the impression thac as well as the individual? We often someone else is steering while you avoid these discussions because we paddle, I have bad news. v. hen it know there are as many answers for comes to education. panicularly these questions as there are teachers. in a field like music when.: the lo­ but by avoiding the topic we rob our­ cal teacher 1s also the curriculum selves of the opportunity m influence designer and chief ad, ocate for the our future for the better cause. the same person that provides I know you arc busy. but I new11he­ the work must also set the direction. less challenge you to engage with One of the mo t crnital areas where your future colleagues. Show an in­ those working the hardest must also terest in their education. Challenge prondc leadership is Ill the area of them to be the teacher you want in music teacher preparation your school system. We arc HO\\ look1 ng to wrap up a spring that seems e\.en more hec­ As collegia1e chair I urge )'OU to make I find the low numbers of student uc and pressunzed than last year's some time to com,1der you're the M LNC members m this state dis­ Contests and fc st1vt1b loom near (or students studying to become music turbing. 11: indeed, these sllldcms educators. The), in ju.;t a re ..... shon arc thinking of themselves as profes­ have Just happened) testing head- years. ,.,. ill be the ones standing wuh sional educator:.. wh) are the} not in­ 1ches. concerts. trad111onal commu­ or nity pcrfom1,mccs. i:ommcncement \OU lo accomplish the goals your \'oh cd with the most significant or­ exercises. the musical. program If you are a choir direc­ ganization promoting and supporting tor. or band director. thin!,. carefully music education') One ans,\ er I have fhc musical! about what you "ould like to see in heard on that topic 1s that McNC Added to all or that, no one seems 10 the general music teacher at the cl­ seems lt:ss relevant than other. more knov. anymort: just when urn., aca­ cmcnta1y schools thot feed into yulll spccwli/cd organizations. Another 1s

The New Mexico Musician Spring.2011 19 Music Faculty Joseph Kline Dean, College of Fine Arts Dustin Seifert Department Chair. Director of Bands, Euphonium and Tu ba Chris Beaty Saxophone. Jan Studies Tracy Carr Music History. Double Reeds Mark Dal Porto Music Theory. Aural Skills, Piano. Composition Michael Ellzey Tr umpet Travis Erwin Guitar/Bass Instructor Tiffany Holmes Flute Bruce Keeling Tr ombone Jennifer Laubenthal Clarinet John Olsen Piano Cheryl Pachak-Brooks Studio and Class Piano Jason Paulk Director of ChoralActivities Kayla Paulk Vocal Cooch. Accompanist Neil Rutland Associate Director of Bonds Percussion. Music Te chnology Jason Vest Voice Liz Wade Voice Jeanie Wozencraft-Ornellas Voice

20 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 Retirees/Mentoring News Ron Lipka, Chair MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL This our profession. as he did. J pray God's is another great idea. In lme with my blessing on Michael and Win ·s extended concerns last Fall over the intense family. Our state will rrnss this "larger marching band competition Valencia than life" leader. friend and mentor. High School in Los Lunas 1s offering Knowing he is already starting his heav­ Lhe Manzano Mountain Marching Band enly band.. PcrfonnanceAssessment Festival. Thi.! Diane Schul/ brainchild of Bill Austell and Anthony Baca. this is "an mdependent festival A true loss for all ofus. He was m many designed to provide positive adjudica­ ways responsible for encouraging me to tion v..hile pro\ iding constnicti,e sug­ apply at Los Alamos ... SO glaJ I took hi, gestions, designed 10 contribute to the advise! He "ill be missed. Pam Towry further development of each respect1\e Church program." fn other words this is a festi­ val not a competition. An oppo1tunit) to Ron. so sorry to hear of \\'in ·s pas::;­ perform. recei\ e comments and a rating ing \\ in v, as a past N\IIMFA Pres1- (I-\). It v.tllbe on a Saturday (TBA) in den1 ( 1975-77) and was clccteJ to 1hc EXPA 'VDING THE \tt .fMEA October. 2011. Contact NMJ\.IEA llall of Fame 111 1990. If \JE.YTOR/NG PROGRAitJ Bill Austell baustellw llschools net An­ memory serves he \\.as NMMLA Band Here's a nc,\ idea proposed by Mike thony Baca t0nybaca(?Lgmail.com Jor Vice-President prior to being elected Whnc. proprietor of The Music Box dan Sa.>re jmsayre(a. gma1l.com President Will was great music educa­ m Las Cruces. Connecting \\ ith our tor loved b)- thousands of students and ncv. teachers has always been diffi­ \\IN CHRISTIAN IN MEI\IIORIU'1 colleagues. He \\ ill be mis:-cd b) all cult We've tncd many ways Lo gel new My great friend and a friend to all Nev. who knc\\ him.: Norv1l Howell teachers to reque"L mentoring sen icec; Mexico music cduc:1Lors dted m Janu­ ,, ith little success. Chatting "i1h me al at) . When "is1ting \\ ith Wrn shortl) l lJ. Ron Thanks for inclu a wonderful tdea. Ir they won '1 come Mexico Music Educators to respond to WIN CIIRISTIAN REMEMBERED 10 us we need Lo go Lo them. We retir­ any issue affectmg music education. No Vvm and I got into the band directing ees could vis11 these nev.bics and make other coordinator had that power. busmess al about the same time around them aware that somebody out there Following arc some tributes to the mem­ 1958 We began work mg together while cares and offer fri ends�ip. TI1e idea is ory of one of our finestcolleagues: he was at Albuquerque High School and not for this contact person to necessar­ I at in 1964. We had all the ily become the mentor but 10 identify Thanks for letting me know, Ron. Win enthusiasm and dedication of young the need. make the initial contact and was a very kind, caring individual, v, ho men of the word that music should in­ assist in finding a personal mentor for wa::; always available Lo help a follow spire youlh and we were the messen­ that teacher. So I am soliciting volun­ music education. lie was an excellent gers. Jaa as partof school music was in teers LO make this happen. Janet Isham role model for us all. -Greg Tyrone its infancy then and we stro\ e Lo bring in Kirtland has already offered to help this great music to our kids by forming and she really knows the Northwest. We How sad to hear of the passing of our a big jaz7 band as part of our program. just need a few active members lo get friend and colleague- Win. He took me They were called "stage bands" then as the ball rolling. Having been an active as a ..rookie" choir teacher and men­ they had originally been formed to back mentor for the APS fine Arts Depan­ tored me from his office in Santa Fe. I the annual high school stage produc­ ment for eight or nine years (along with remember preparing my choir room and tions which were common at the time. Nina Hobbs, Tom Martin and Charles students for his upcoming visit to our Once we got the bands established we Faulkner) I can testify that mentoring is school. He always had time to answer thought it would be a great idea tO get a highly needed and most satisfyingjob. all my questions, and to spend quality the student jazzers from our schools to­ Please contact me if you would like to time with my students. I respected his gether for some fun. Dale Kennedy at become such a leader for your area. opinion, and aspired to care for others in Del Nortealso had a group so we chose

The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 21 In Memoriam ... !>e,cral chans, persuaded Lhc great us ro take refuge in Lhe pat10 at Pat bola entered from one end zone. El­ Arlen Asher Lo join us as soloist and O'Briem, bar. We were sippin' Lhe dorado from the other. we met in the came together at Albuquerque High famous Hurricane when the deluge middle played some music together. with the kids from all three bands came and floodedthe patio at our feet welcomed both Homecoming Courts playing music together and getting with several inches of water. But wa­ with appropriate pomp and circum­ to know one another in a jazz experi­ ter wasn ·1 our concern. We sat on our stance. We weren't rivals; we brought ence. That was Lbe first school jazz bar stools dangling our feet above the music to our students collectively. festivalin New Mexico and Win flood. enjoying lhe atmosphere. the Win continued this sptrit when he followed it up with the WEST MESA booze and forgetting school bands joined the State Department of Edu­ JAZZ FESTIVAL which eventu­ for awhile. cat ion as Music Coordinator. He ally evolved into the current ALBU­ There was a time when marching tirelessly traveled the state helping QU ERQUE JAZZ FESTIVAL. band was fun and entertainfog for new teachers, providing them with We had fun learning the trade to­ the students and the football game resources for success. One project gether and attended workshops. con­ crowds. Win saw that and always was 10 do video tapes of successful ferences and conventions picking up worked v.ith the school to provide music teachers in rehearsal 10 dem­ idea:. and inspiration Sometime in memorable shows. For every Home­ onstrate to others techniques and the late '70s he and I went to Nev. coming halftime he would take the practices that might work for them. Orleans for a convention of the special song that the Homecoming Jt was a huge project in the days be­ American School Band Directors As­ Committee had chosen, lift it from fore tiny hand held video cameras sociation. I ·m sure we learned a lot the recording, arrange it for band and but he cruTied it out. His legacy of and heard some great bands but what orchestra. perfonn it at the assembly working with and for others in music we remembered most was playing and halftime. Quite a chore but he education will resonate forever. hooky from the meetings one atler­ loved doing it. Once the Homecom­ noon and wandering around New Or­ ing game celebrallon for Eldorado Ron Lipka leans taking in the sights like Jackson and Cibola coincided. What to do? Square and the French Quarter. The We got together and plolled a half­ weather was very hot and very humid time show that used both marching and soon storm clouds persuaded b,mds on field at the same tune. Ci-



22 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 201 1 #

THE MUSIC =====! , -' ,1 - MA RT TNC.

The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 23 NMMEA Awards Nominations Due July 1

The Edu­ 6. The New and Emerging Teacher resume and any supporting mate­ cators Association, recognizing the Award: rial for each nominee. Six copies invaluable service given by mem­ Recognizes individuals who arc of these documents and one photo bers of the profession in bringing new lo the profession of music will be forwarded to the immediate the best in music education to the education, who have demonstrated past president by July I. young people of New Mexico, significant success in their early 5. The NMMEA selection com­ hereby honor that service with the years of teaching, and who are mittee will consist of the live establishment of a comprehensive likely to make significantcontribu­ vice-presidents and the immedi­ awards program. tions to the field of Music Educa­ ate past president, who will serve An important part of each dis­ tion in the Schools of New Mexico. as chair of the committee. Cop­ trict's spring meeting agenda is to 7. The Award of Distinction ies of materials in support of each provide the opportunity for mem­ Recognizes Districts or Individu­ nominee will be forwarded to each bers to submit nominations for any als that have perforn1ed above and vice-president prior to the summer or all of the following awards: beyond the call of duty in the name board of directors meeting. The I . Music Educator of the Year: of Music Education in our State. committee will select and identify This award recognizes individuals Each award will consist of a plaque recipients at the summer meeting. who have made significant contri­ or certificate indkating the name Copies of the criteria for each butions to the field of music educa­ of the award, the year, and the award along with application form tion in the schools of New Mexico. name of the recipient. Appropri::itc are available on the NMMEA web­ 1. The John M Batcheller Award: recognition will be published in site by clicking on the ''Forms" This award recognizes individuals THE NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN link and then clicking on one of the who have made significantcontri­ with presentation being made at awards listed. butions to the fieldof music educa­ the next All-State Music Festival It is important that sufficient in­ tion in leaching elementary school Business/ Awards Luncheon. formation is provided in the pack­ music. age indicating why the nominee 3. The Hall of Fame: This award should be considered for an award. recognizes the invaluable service Procedure for Nominations: Do not assume that the NMMEA given by members of the profes­ I. Members submit nominations committee members know each sion by bringing the best in music in writing to their respective dis­ person nominated. Also include a education to the young people of trict presidents prior to the district summary of the candidate's work New Mexico. spring meeting. and a list of outstanding achieve­ 4. Administrator Award. This 2. At the regular spring meeting, ments which are directly related to award recognizes an outstanding the district president will announce the criteria of the award. Include school administrator who bas dem­ those nominations received and ac­ a picture, preferably a black and onstrated support for and commit­ cept any further nominations from white. Packages that do not meet ment to high-quality music educa­ its membership. the guidelines will not be consid­ tion programs in their school(s). 3. The district president will ap­ ered. 5. The Emeritus Teacher Award: point a three-member committee All nominations forNMMEA This award recognizes the con­ from that district to screen and se­ awards must have an updated re­ tributions of retired music educa­ lect nominees to be forwarded for sume on file. Candidates not se­ tors who continue to contribute to fu rther consideration. lected will have their reswne re­ the New Mexico music education 4. The district selection commit­ turned.To be considered for fu ture community. tee is responsible for obtaining a awards, unsuccessful candidates must resubmit an updated resume.

24 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 University News sion faculty are looking forward to Charleston, West Virginia for a per­ learningfrom them and having them formance in September. They're in irn,pire our student music educators. the process of learning a whole new During the Honor Band weekend. season of works. New Mexico State Unh·ersity the NMSU Jazz Ensembles under the The quartet has recently been award­ Nancy Joy direction of Dr. Pancho Romero will ed a ne,� commission from the Greetings from the beautiful present a concert on Friday and the Puerto Rican composer, Roberto Si­ Mesilla Valle} and the Ne\\, Mexico NMSU Symphonic Wind l::.nsemble erra. Symphony Space, inNew York State Univc1sity Music Department! umler tht!direction of Mr. Monty Ifill City. has commissioned this new We 1rust you are having another will also present a concert at 7:30 work \\>h1ch will be premiered there exciting year or great students and p.m on Saturday. All concerts \\ ill on May 12th and 14th. This is the wonderful music making! be held in the NMSU Music Center. 2nd commission the quartet has re­ Our Spring Music Major Schol­ Atkinson Recital Hall and admission ceived since it formed in 2004. The arship Audition date is scheduled for ts free. La Catrina Quartet is scheduled to Monday, February 21st. Please con­ Other concerts featuring the wind perform in the Atkinson Recital I!all tact the different areas to schedule an and percussion areas include the on NoYember 19th at 7·30. Upcom­ auditton time. Symphonic Band under the direc­ ing tours include concerts in Ohio. Vi ind & Percussion. Rena Crollctt tion of Mr. Monty Hill on February Kentucky, Los Angeles. Utica. NY 575-646-2304 or crollett(ociate Dean of Arts & lls second year at NM�U as Stnng symphonic mas:se, or Haydn in 11, <:;ciences and fom1er Department Quartet 111 Residence. rhe) ha\'c choral-solo setting, while also shO\\ ­ Chair. Dr Greg Fant ha'> been pro­ been plca,c in upper admin­ been teaching cour:.cs in Ear Train­ [the Grand Mass] is the only work istration!! ing. Music Theory. Music Technol­ that stands between the B Minor The New Mexico State Univer­ ogy, String Techniques. and Func­ Mass of Rach and the D Major Mass sity Bands "' ill have a busy sched­ tional Piano. The quartet's , iolist, (Mtssa Solernnis) of Beethoven." ule tn the Spring semester of 20 l I. Jorge Martinez and his wife, Veron­ Dona Ana Lyric Opera (DALO) is The NMSU Southwest I lonor Band ica, just welcomed a new baby boy. NMSU's opera program. Under the will take place February 11-13. This David, into their family on October direction of Profo:ssors Dr. Andre,\ e\.ent will fe ature the best wmd and 4th. Thcy'"e all begun to settle into Zimmem,an (stage director) and Da­ percussion students from the South­ Las Cruces comfortably. vid Klement {conductor). the compa­ west. Dr. Timothy Rhea, Director Recently, the quartet taught an ny draws on student. community and of Bands at Texas A& M University all-day clinic with local High School professional talent. DALO's 20 I 0 "' ill serve as the Symphonic Band string students from El Paso in prep­ full production of Donizetti's L'Elisir clinician and Dr. Craig Hamilton, Di­ aration for their All-Region Compe­ d'amore (Elixir of Love) was greatly rector of Bands at Ouachita Baptist tition. This effort was graciously co­ enjoyed by audience and participants University will serve as the Concert ordinated by NMSU Alumna. Andy alike, and received generous praise Band clinician. Both Dr. Rhea and Moran, the music director for El Paso for both the musical preparation Dr. Hamilton are considered the best Youth Symphony Orchestras. TI,e and production elements. The singer in their field and the wind & percus- La Catrina Quartet also traveled to casting was particularly strong; al-

The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 25 University News... most all of the principal roles could the Utah Symphony and Professor of Neighoff(oboe). Melissa Rice (clari­ be triple cast with students, the ma­ Hom at University. net). Blayne Bass (Lmmpel). Megan jority of which have come to the at Homswoggle. Brunson (euphonium), and Frankin NMSU Music Department from New Dr. Mark Dal Porto, Professor of Piland (tuba). The first four were Mexico high schools. Music, had his orchestral work Song New Mexico AII-Staters. The last, a On March 4th, 5th, 6th, 2011, of Eternity performed on April 16, Texas All-Stater. DALO will be presenting a full pro­ 2011, by the Knox-Galesburg Sym­ Best wishes for a successful end duction of Mozart·s L'Nozze di Fi­ phony Orchestra conducted by Dr. to the spring tem, and a rejuvenating garo (The Marriage of Figaro) at Lhe Bruce Polay in Galesburg. Illinois. and relaxing summer! Atkinson Recital Hall. The depth of Dal Porto's work was chosen as a re­ singer talent at NMSU has again al­ sult of an internationalcall for scores The University of lowed the double and triple casting issued by the Knox-Galesburg Sym­ New Mexico of most of the roles. The community phony. Colleen Sheinberg can expect more entertaining eve­ Dal Porto\ choral work Spring. The 20 I 0-20 I l academic year mar.le, nings of comedy, passion, and musi­ the Sweet Spring (set to words by the centennial of choral activities cal elegance. Thomas Nashe) was performed by at the U01vers1ty of Ne\\ Mexico. Hom Professor, Nancy Joy per­ the Freudig Singers of Buffalo, New UNM now boasts six choirs with formedas a Contributing Artist at the York at the Living Legends Con­ nearly four hundred singers, and Southwest Horn Symposium in San temporary Choral Music Concert on during the year, various events have Diego, CA in May and at the Interna­ October 16, 2010. l11s composition marked the anniversary. including tional Women's Brass Conference in was one of three chosen to be per­ the Concert Choir's tour to Italy and Toronto, Canada. She also performed fo1med out of a Lotal of seventy-three the University Chorus's perfo1mancc various solos and chamber music at submitted from around the world en­ in Carnegie Il all. Upcoming is the the 42nd International Hom Society compassing three continents. sewn world premiere ol a work commis­ Symposium 111 Brisbane, Austrn­ countries, ,md 19 US states. sioned for lhe occasion Requiem lla. Jn addition to her perfo11nanccs. ENMU Chom , performed Haydn's for chorus and orchestra, "nltcn by Ms. Joy arrived tv.o weeks before Mas:.m Time t)f War at Carnegiellall conductor and composer Rene Ch1u­ the symposium to serve as lntcma­ along "1th 225 smgcrs from across scn. This will be perfonned 111 Pope­ llonal Workshop Coordinator and as the count!), including Bos4ue School JOY Hall on April 26. 2011. with Or. the Co-Chair of the ITISScholarship (Joanna Hart. c..lirector). Dr. Jason . Clausen conducung lhe Uni,crs1ty Compctit1om,. Paull-. conducted the festival perfor­ Chonis. Concert Choir and Sympho­ We look forward to seeing all of mance for MidAmcrica Produet1om, ny Orchestra. A II UN M alumni \\ ho you at the 201 I NMMEA Conven- on Monday. March 28. 2011. have sung in the choral program 111 11011 in Albuquerque!! l Stop by and A perfonnance on the ENMU the last one hundred years are m, ited say "hello'· at our booth•!! campus will take place on Friday. back for this celcbrallon. with a re­ April 22. 20 I I nt 8 p.m. in the Uni­ ception to follow. versity Theater Center. Admission is Eastern New Mexico UNM 's women's choms, Las Can­ free. Contact Dr. Paulk with ques­ University tames. received a very positive re­ tions at jason.paulk(Zt enmu.edu or Dustin Seifert view of its recording My Dancing 575-562-1798. Greetings fro111 Grt>yhound Country! Day (Raven label, OAR 980) in the Five mcmbe1s of the ENMU Wind Kayla Paulk, ENMU vocal coach November/December 20 IO issue ol Symphony performed as members of and accompanist, accompanied the the American Record Guide. Philip the College Band Directors National 20 I I New Mexico All-State Mixed Greenfield writes, "A tribute not Association Small College Inter­ Chorus. under the direction of Dr. just to the spirit of Christmas but to collegiate Band in late March. The Joshua Habem1ann. at the University the spirited brand of music-making ensemble was formed for a perfor­ of New Mexico. This semester, her going on at the University of New mance at the association's National recording collaboration with Dr. El­ Mexico." Las Cantantes is directed Convention held in Seattle. Dr. don Matlick, Professor of Hom at the by Dr. Maxine Thevenot, and among Lowell Graham, Chaim,an of the University of Oklahoma, is being re­ the works on the CD is Prof. Bradley Department of Music at the Univer­ leased on compact disc. The CD will Ellingboe's Magnificat for voices, sity of Texas - El Paso and fonner feature music from the Paris Conser­ marimba and oboe. conductor of the Air vatory. written for hornand piano. In Students in the violin and viola stu­ Force Band, served as clinician and May. Mrs. Paulk will travel to Jemez dios have had the opportLmity this conduclor. Students performing Springs. NM. to accompany Dr. Lar­ year to perfom, in several excellent with the ensemble included: Megan ry Lowe, former Principal Hom of masterclasses offered by intcrnation-

26 The New Mexico Musician -Spring. 20 I I University News ... ally renowned anists this fall. On spired by his artistry. enthusiasm and ing is in the works. This project will August 28, violinist Borivoj Mar­ energy. On November 29. Matthew feature J. D. Shaw, UNM's Professor lit11c-Jercic gave a masterclass in McBride-Daline, ,iola professor at of Hom. Recording will begin 111 the Kurt Frederick Rehearsal Hall. Mr. Louisiana State University, offered a spring of 2011, with a projected re­ Mart111ic-.lercic is the concertmaster recital and masterclass for UNM stu­ lease date of early 2012. The Wind of the Santa Fe Opera Orchestra and dents in Keller Hall. The recital in­ Symphony and Symphonic Band also Lhe music director ofthe Zagreb cluded the Schumann Fairytales and will perfom1 in Popejoy Hall on Soloists. a duo for two v10las by Frank Bridge. April 4. with Prof. Shaw as soloist. On November 5, virtuoso soloist performed with UNM viola profes­ TI1e concert will include Elsa's Pro­ Phillipe Quint taught a, iolin master­ sor Kim Fredenburgb. In April, cession to the Cathedral by Richard class in Keller I lall This class was Prof. Fredcnburgh will be traveling Wagner. To Walk with Wings by Ju­ made possible by the New Mexico to LSU to give a masterclass for Dr. lie Giroux and Poseidon by Hardy Symphony Orchestra, with \\ horn Daline·s students and will also serve Mertens, plus other selections to be Mr. Quint was appearing as soloist in as a Judge for a national viola compe­ announced. The Wind Symphony the Korngold concerto. Four UNM tition that is hosted by LSU. and Symphonic Band will also team violin students had the opportw1ity to The band area has announced that a up for a concert entitled "Mass and perfom1 for Mr. Quint and were m- fifth UNM Wind Symphony record- Brass" on May 6 in Popejoy. The Wo rkaholic Music Te achers 1 'INCENT J. KANTORSKJ Workaholics Anonymous wa� found­ ing all over again. gies are essentially ubiquitous now. ed in I 9!n b} a Nev. York corporate Some music teacher:,, choose to people can fill their time \v ith work financial planner and. perhaps not­ spend more time at work than neces­ rather Lhan enjoy more leisure time. surpnsmgly. a schoolteacher. This sary while others may focicompelled If we choo:-e. we can be plugged organization. which is comprised of or pressured to work more than 1he) into work constantly with Blaekber­ people "who share their experience. \\Ould like ro because they think nes, cell phones. email. iChat. iPads. strength, and hope wilh each other it \o\ill help them bu1ld or maintain Skype, text messaging. voice mail. that they may �ohe their common their reputations as ,;,ucccssful teach­ ,ind so forth. even \\ hen on , aca­ problems anr\... an inor­ "ith :-o man} \\ay::. of connecting to states and 18 countncs 111clud111g dinate amount of time Regardless it. \\.here and when do people v.ork? Australia, Au:.trm. Brazil. l:ngland. of \\ hethcr a music teacher chooses I-or a \\ Orkaholic tht: ans,,er 1s sim­ I ranee. Portugal. Sweden. Swllzcr­ to \\ ork excessively or docs so for ple: "Anyv. here and anytime." lantl and Ukraine. rhcre is clearly a other reasons. it 1s important to ask Perfectionism need for people \\ho admit to them­ themseh cs if then· comm1tmcnl to \Vorkahol ics otlcn exhib1t perfection­ ,;clvcs that the) are addicted to work work JCOpardi1cs their health or ism, which Merriam Webster ( 2010) and real11e they need other people stra111s their relationships \\ ith fam­ defines as "a disposition to regard to help them sohe their addiction. ily. fr iends, or other valuable people anything short of perfection as unac­ Famil) and friends of "orkaholics in their lives. ceptable." Being a perfectionist can can also gain support from the Work­ Although someone who exhibits one be extremely frustrating for a music Anon branch of the organization. or more of the following behaviors teacher and his or her students be­ Music teachers may be prone to 1s not necessarily a workaholic, they cause, rcgardles� of how much time workaholic behaviors simply be­ are nonetheless typical characteris­ or effort is expended. they rarely. if cause of the nature of their jobs. tics of people who are addicted to ever. attain their goal. Of COUfSC, it IS There is always more to do - more work: axiomatic for music teachers to have concerts to prepare. more classes ro Constamly Plugged Into Work the mindset of "gctting it right" in or­ plan. more trips to organize. more When personal computers became der to nurture their students· musical musicals to rehearse. more scores popular in the early 1980s many growth by challenging them to reach to study. more festivals and contests people thought that this new technol­ realistic goals. However. if a music to host. and more of the many other ogy would create more leisure time teacher has the mindset of "getting it important things music teachers do because it would allow them to finish perfect" they will set the bar impos­ every day. Not only is there so much their work much more quickly than sibly high for their students who may to do, but there is often little time to before. However. since computers conclude, erroneously. that they have re-charge one's batteries before start and other sophisticated technolo not done wel I. (continued 011 page 35.. .) The New Mexico Musician - Sp,ing, 2011 27 28 The New Mexico Musician - Spring,2011 NEW MEXICO KODALY INST ITUTE

JUNE 20 • .JULY 1, 201 1

The UniverS'ity of New Mexico's Center forthe Fine Arts

Kodaly Certification I & II

•0[• Kodaly a la Carte Solfa, Condu.ccing, Pedagogy. Matrxials, Choral Ensemble, Advaruied MU8icia.nship

Faculty Dr. Regina Carlow Thi:: Uni ver a ity of NewMex iao

Dr. Shelly Cooper 'The Un iversityof Arizona

Professor Z6117BIUIWI.Mindszenty Universityof Budapest

Profeseor Marui.Sarosine &ebo University of Budapett

Contact Julia Churah Hoffman New l'>1'!n<10 Kodaly lnrotute ft1SCO! 2570 I Uruverut-.rofNewM.Ea:1<10

Albuquerque, NM 87131 1kaholf@unm edu 505277 1462

The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 29 Guitar Section John Tr uitt, Acting Vice President

Students accepted in the All­ 4.The sight reading example will be no Slate Guitar Ensemble will be longer than eight measures, in a key placed by the audition team signature of up to three sharps or two in parts 1. 2 3. or 4. The first flats,in simple time. all in the open po­ four ranking sllldenls will be sition except on the first string which the pnncipal players for parts can be up lo the seventh fret, and dou­ I. 2, 3. and 4. Each successive ble stops will be limited to cadential ranking group of four points. students will be placed in parls Once again Jeremy Mayne and Jim Ri­ I. 2. 3. and 4 consistently vera will produce the youtube tutorials throughout the group. l:ach 10 help in the preparation of the eludes part wi II be listed alphab1c:u­ and scales. They will be up at the be­ cally. The d1111cian will ha,c ginning of the school year. Directors the right to move players from should let me know iftbey would like part to part at his or her discre­ me to supply them witJ1 practice sight­ tion. for balanct! or any other reading examples to use in preparation reason. for the audition. The 2011 New Mexico All-State Guitar The new seating will have the 1:nscmble 1s going to be a very tough eftect of putlmg e>..pericnced players Audition dates and site for the 2012 New acl to follow! Our clinician Matthew th.roughout the group so that the lower Mexico All-State Gmtar Ensemble: l-linsle) of the Austin parts will sound \'\ llh as much conli­ October 19. 201 l Cibola High School Society did an ab:.-olutely,,onderful job dt!nce as the higher pans Jo There are October 20. 2011 Cibola I ltgh School . in bringing the music out of our seven­ two possible negal1\CS to thts, both far October 21. 2001 Las (n1ces. NMSL ty-two member group this year Mon­ oum dghed by the musical necessity (1f needed) of makmg. the change. The lir:st 1:. tJiat ica Leanung. Orchestra Vice President Eduardo Trujillo will be our site host in there ,, ill be students \'. ho arc relatt\.dy summed it up when she grabbed me af­ Abuquerque once again! mcxpcncnccd who \\ 111 be 111 the first ter the performance in Popejoy Hall anJ Our clm1c1an for All-State 2012 1s truly and second part nov,. and second. stu­ said "You are 111 trouble now! Llow arc someone \\ ho has shaped the world of dents may not feel the same 111011, a11on you ever going 10 top that?" Truly. the guitar education for many years. Bill lo try to place high 111 the ensemble at group exceeded all expectations with a Swick is the director of the highly rec­ aud1uons. Directors will need Lo be sure perfonnance that was simply lumines­ ognized guitar program at the Las Vega� to tJlk to the students about the ptior ily cent in ics beauty and musiciarn,hip. The International Academy for Visual and to have a balanced cn:-.cmbk. and what bar has been set very high for future All­ Performing Arts, and also the coordina­ that will mean when they receive their State Guitar Ensembles! tor of gLdLar for the Clark County School placements for next year's group. The whole experience of All-State 2011 Distnct. Clark County Nevada has The audition material fornext year will was a great one for the New Mexico more than sixty guitar programs. and be: Guitar Initiative. Our workshops were more than 2500 students studying gui­ wonderful and very well attended. and tar in those programs. Bill brings with I .Study # 11 111 dm by Matteo Carcassi. the section meeting was very produc­ him a depth of knowledge about guitar quarter note = 72 (25 Melodious and tive and collegial. Some great sugges­ literature. teaching methods. resources Progressi\ e Studies. Op. 60. FJ H Pub­ tions were made for the future growth and the history of guitar education in lishers) of our enterprise. and one of those sug­ the United States that 1s unparalleled. gestions for how we seat our All-State He has composed and arranged many 2.Study # 6 by Leo Brouwer. from fatu­ Guitar Ensemble has now become real­ pieces forguitar ensemble. and supplies dios Scnc1llos quarter note 88 (2nd ity. The method that we will now use = many guitar programs with literature senes. Max Esehig, Publishers) lo seat the group will be the ··stacked through his website. WW"-.billswick. quartet" system. In the recent meeting com. Along with having made appear­ 3.The scales will be the Lwo octave of the NMMEA Executive Board, this ances at many national events. Bill's c#minor and the three octave G ma­ is the amendment that was made to the groups have consistently been among jor from DiaLomc Major and Minor handbook concerning the seating or the the most highly praised and awarded Scales. Andres Scgov1a.(Thcodore ensemble: ( Section H. #4) of all high school guitar groups. Bill Presser. Publisher.) quarter note = 88

30 TheNew Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 Guitar ... has even been awarded a Grammy! 7.Bananita. Agustin Barrios 2011 All-State Guitar Ensemble. but 1-la\ing lmn here in lhe Centennial or Mangore ,(composed 1912) A1T. his rehearsals were models of plan­ Statehood year is especially appro­ Bill Swick www.BillSwick.com ning and motivation. Thanks, too. to priate. and a great honor for us. Bill the Executive Board members who has chosen a 1errifierepertoire for 1he Speaking of future All-State Gui- helped to see our initiative through group to play: 1ar Ensembles. we can no longer its first steps. Undying gratitude Repertoire for the 2012 New Mexico say that New Mexico is the only goes to Luis Delgado and Janet Kahn All S1a1e Guitar Ensemble state in the Union to have guitar in who have ma

The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 31 NMMEA Music Industry Council Members 2011 Music /11dus11:v Council membership is available to all c01porations. businesses. and educational institutions 11"10 ll'ish to support the actil'ities of the New Mexico Music Educators Association. These 111emben are an imporrwu part of our organi:ation and deserve your support.

American College of Musicians Fruhaur Uniforms J. W. Pepper Pat McCabc-Lcchc Darrell Blanchard Mary Green PO Box 1807 800 East Gilbert 5420 S. Green Street Austin. TX 78767 Wichita, KS 6T2 I I Murray, UT 84123 512-478-5775 316-263-7500 801-265-0868 fruhauf(a. fr uhauCcom [email protected] Baum's Music Company William Krum. Jr. Getzen Company. Inc. McGraw-Hill 2908 Eubank Blvd., NE Mary Rima Cora Jackson Dixon, Albuquerque. NM 87112 PO Box 440 Exhibit Coordinator 800-372-0707 Elkhorn, WI 53121-0440 420 E. Danieldale Road Suite l 262-723-4221 Desoto. TX 75115 3301 Southern Blvd. Ste 403 inforrnation@,getzen.com coradixon-jackson(0mcgrws-hill.�om Rio Rancho, NM 87124 505-994-1108 Grand Mesa Music Publishers MENC baumsmusic(W,aol.com Walter Cummings Elizabeth Lasko 312 Country Club Park 1806 Robert Fulton Drive Buffet Crampon USA Grand Junction, CO 81503 Reston, VA 20191 Mary Marshall. 970-245-1685 800-336-3768 Marketing Coordinator gmmusic((,iearthlink.net clizabcthl(a menc org 14125 Beach 81\ d. Jacksom illc, I L 322">0 Greater Southwest Music Festi,al The Music Mart. Inc 90-1-821-0234 Kathy J-1shbum Joe Kellh mary.marshallQi buffetcrampon.us I 000 S. Polk St. 3301 Carlisle Blvd. NI Amarillo. TX 7910 I Albu4ucrque. NM 87110 Olivas Mm,ic Co. R00-444-4 7 o1 800-545-6204 Jimm) Olivas info1c1 mu<.1cmart.com 1320 N. Zaragosa Suite 115 Hummingbird Music Camp El Paso, TX 79936 Wanda Iliggins New Mexico Army National Gu�rd 915-858-6700 PO Box 106 44th Am1y Band colivasmusic(ii.elp.rr.com Jemez Springs. NM 87025 WO l Wendy rranchell 505-829-3060 600 Wyoming Blvd. NE Eastman Mrn.ic Company group(c1,hmnmingbirdmusiccamp.org Albuquerque, NM 87123 lkuko Salazar. Education Progamming 505-271-7142 22525 Gateway Center Drive ln

32 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 NMMEA Music Industry Council Members 2011

Robertson & Sons Violin Shop White's Music Box New Mexico llighlands University Don Robertson Mike White Edward Harrington 3201 Carlisle Blvd. NE 200 South Downlo"' n Mall Dept. or Visual & Perfom1111g Arts, Albuquerque. NM 87110 Lac;Cruces. NM 88001 Music 800-284-6546 505-526-6677 PO Box 90003 wh1tesmusicbox(f1 aol.com Las Vegas. NM 87701 Second Wmd Repair 505-426-2720 Janel Hannon Yamaha Corporation charnngton(a nmhu.ed 2432 Rose A\c. N\\ Adria Lc\',l'>. Albuquerque. N 'v1 87014 ( om cnt1011 Coordinator New Mexico Stale Uni\ ersit)' 505-241-2099 6600 Orangcthorpe .Ave. Dr. \\,111 iam Clark sccondwindrepair

The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 33 34 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 Advertisers

Baum 's Music ...... 17

Eastern New Mexico University ...... 20

Greater Southwest Music ...... 8

Highlands University ...... 22

Hummingbird Music Camp...... BIC

MENC Southwest Division Symposium ...... 4

Music Mart ...... 23

New Mexico State University ...... 18

Robertson & Sons Violin Shop ...... BC

University of New Mexico Kodaly Institute ...... 29

University of New Mexico Summer School...... 6

University of New Mexico ...... 34

University of Texas El Paso ...... 28

Summit Tour and Travel Company ...... 37

Superscopc Technologies ...... 8

Yamaha Band ...... IFC

The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2011 35 Wo rkaholicMusic Te achers VINCENT J. KANTORSK! (co11ti1111etlfrom page 26... ) 1998.2001 ). Leaming to say no may a basic checkup, especially to moni­ Delegating Work be rather difficult for novice teach­ tor the "silent killers" of blood pres­ Many workaholics findit difficult to ers, but it can become easier for them sure and cholesterol. These checkups delegate work because they feel the with practice, especially if they arc may show that significant changes only way to have something done honest with whoever is asking them need to be made in diet. exercise, well is to do it themselves, which to do something extra. stress levels. or other aspects of life. can lead them to believe that they Schedule Non-Work Time If this is the case. a workaholic has are indispensible. In the case of mu­ One way for workaholic music a very simple question to answer: sic teachers. not delegating work can teachers to limit excessive work time "Do J make the changes and enjoy a leave colleagues unprepared to take is to schedule family, social. exer­ healthier life or do l continue work­ over for the person if he or she can­ cise, and other non-work activities ing as hard as l am now and take the not be at work for either a short or in their appointment calendars. But chance of doing serious short or long extended period of time due to illness sunply writing down a time slot is tern, ham, to myself?'' or other valid reason. This can be es­ not enough. Scheduled non-work ac­ Music teachers who consider them­ pecially problematic if the absences tivities need to be considered as im­ selves workaholics, or who realize occur during one of the high pres­ portant as scheduled work activities. that they have workaholic tenden­ sure periods that every music teacher This may be easier said than done cies. and would like lo learn more experiences during a school year. In for a workaholic because he or she about workaholism may want to refer some cases, not delegating work may is relinquishing a portion of one of to the following publications: have adverse effects on students. col­ their most treasured thmgs in life Ki/li,1ge1; B. (2004). Wo rkalrolics: leagues, parents, or administrators. "'or� time. Some teachers may need The respecrab/e addicts -A fa mily especially if a school-wide fu nction to have a family member or friend rnr11il•a/guide. Bz�ffalo. NY: Firej/1'. is involved. help them find times for non-work Ras111usw!11, P. (2008). When 11·<>rk Although there are many ways to activities in their calendars that will takes control: The p.�)'C/10/ogy und avoid or stop workaholic behaviors. fit casil) into their v.ork schedule so effect.\ of' wurk addiction. lo11do11: the followmg strategics may be espe­ they will lmve httll· or no excuse for Kanwc cially helpful. cancelling. Robtns,m, B. £. (2007). Chained to Learn to S"J' 'Vo Ta l.ea Break the de.,;k. A guidebook (i,r 11·orkalw/­ Leaming 10 sa:- no is absolute!} es­ In 1879, Alexander Graham 13ell said ic,\ , the11 partnen and c/iilclr<'n, and senltal for av01d111g or stoppmg to hi� wife. Mabel "Rut oh. do not the d111idam who rn:at !/rem (2nd v.orkaholic behaviors. Music teach­ do ru; you often do and stop me in ed.) Vcw }ork \.e11 Yo ri. Unh·enill the midst of my work ...the work is Pres.\. ers are a::.kcdthroughout their careers . to do legitimate and important extra never done" (Bell a:. cited tn Gray. Sm11. B. f2000) Coming 11p for 1.111. ,,ork. such as be on a cornm1Hee or 2006. p.14 J J. Somet imcs workahol­ 11011 to build a balanced life 111 c1 part1c1pate 111 a new pro.1cct. but be­ ics (e.g .. Alexander Graham Bell) get workaholic ll'orld Ne11· York: Hyper­ fore committing to the task. they so immer:.ed 111 their v.ork that they ion. c should consider three things: how do not want to take breaks and may IVo rkuho/is Anonrmom llorld Ser- much time it \\ ill take. when 111 the even get 111itated when asked to do 1·1ces Orga11b1tio11. (2009/. m,rka­ school year 11 will occur. and ho\\ so by people "'ho care about their lrolics A 110111·11w11s hook oj recm·erl'. much stress it will add to their regu­ well-being. Also. some workaholics Menlo Park. CA: A 111/un: lar work loarl. A workaholic ma) not may feel guilty for taking a break "Re-printed will, permission .fi'om think about these issues before agree­ from work for a few days, cvt:11 if tire Ohio Musil Educators A �soria­ mg to do the task or. even if they do that "break" consists of being sick tion and the auth01: " think about them and realize U1at the at home. Sometimes taking a break Lask will add substantially to their needs Lo be built into social settings. workload. they might agree to do it When a colleague of mine hosted a anyway. However, committing to the party recently, his invitation slated extra work could come at a price if that there would be no talk about it leaves considerably less time for work at the party. This may have spouse. family. exercise. hobbies. been difficult for some. but it is a socializing, or other enjoyable non­ good example of how to purposefully work activities. A workaholic music separate work from non-work. even teacher needs to be especially aware when surrounded by colleagues. or his or her spouse and family be­ Check Yo ur Health cause research has shown that addic­ It is important for every music teach­ tion to work can have serious det­ er. regardless of his or her age. to visit a doctor periodically if only for rimental effects on them (Robinson. 36 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2011 WHEN??? FALL Band, Orchestra. Choir and Guitar Camps WINTER Christmas Concert Preparation SPRJNG Festival and Concert Preparation SUMMER Ten Weeks Music Camp Students Age 8 through 14

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