New Mexico Musician Volume 58 | Number 3 Article 1 4-1-2011 New Mexico Musician Vol 58 No 3 (Spring 2011) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 58 No 3 (Spring 2011)." New Mexico Musician 58, 3 (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_musician/vol58/iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·.:.��!.�� Look Forward To Practice! You spend so much time practicing, you really should enjoy it. That's why Yamaha created the SV-150 Silent Practice Plus vmlin It feels. plays and sounds like an acoustic violin but it's got some maior advantages.. The SV-150 comes with a music player/controller that can hold gigabytes of your favorite songs and performance pieces Play along with them and listen-in privacy-through headphones You can slow down any song to learnit. or speed 11 up for a challenge.• The SV-150's violin tone is rich and natural Use the 24 included digital effects to sweeten it up and create any sound you want. • Last but not least. the SV-150 packs a tuner and metronome in the controller, it's everything you need in one package • Visit yamahastrings.com to learn more about the SV-150 and to find a dealer near you Practice will never be dull again Saveyour favonte Ad1ust the 1empo MP3,WAV. AAC of songsby up 10 and MIDI files on 25%w11hou1 an SO disk, put it affecting pitch ,n 1he conuoller. to practice at then play along your own speed "IMMEAOFFICERS PRl'-fDE�T Jo,crh Ilori:<. President THE 41',70 Calle De Nubc, uh Cruce,. N'vl �/!Oil Cell 575-644-�555 10,crhnflorevamsn.com NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN \ I( £-PRESIOE�T. BA:\0 ltu,1 t rowe. Band\ P Official Publication of the Hl I\ Cool '\�c. Ne,, Mexico Music Educators Association 11,,hh N\.I 88240 57,. l',IU-2483 ,75-492.9441, Volume LVIII Number 3 Spring 2011 crowon, a hobb"chool� net ISSN 0742-8278 \ ICE-PRESIDENT, CHORAL '\mcllOa, 1d Arcllanc,, Choral\ I' 1, I W foll,man Dr N\\ CONTENTS NMMEA Website: www.nmmea.com Page \lbu�ucrquc l\>\.t 117120 Otllc< PlnlOC: JJl(.)06:I H,,mc l'bunc 505-7ll!-<J-l54 DEPARTMENTS JU11n:llitnc�·r1}rthon .c.:um \ ICE-l'RE'-IDEJ\l. ORCIH s·t R \ President's Report ............ ............... ...............................................2 Jcmuicr Rog,·l'i.On;hc,U\1 \ I' Office Notes .... ..................................................................... ..5 12521· "'"'°un,Ap1 \ L�, Cruce,, ,r.1�11011 From the E:ditor's Desk ................ .................................................. ..6 Ollice 575-527-'1400 Vice Presidents· Reports llumc ,•5..j<lt,.50\)1 Band ....... .. .................................................................... .... 9 Jf<'fC" ,1 kp,.k 12 nm.u, \ I( 1·l'RES!l)E'\T. (;E., 'IL�IC Orchestra ................................................................................13 \t1k.1 Proctor Cicncr,tl MthlC \ P General Music .......................................................................... 15 105lt• llro.,khnc l'IJcc NI\ \lbuqucrquc, ''-1 �71 IJ Choral .................................................................. ................ 16 on1,·c l'hnnc ,o,.n�. 2un,10•1 Collegiate ................................................................................. 19 l di l'hunc 505--l511-YSW 1nJpn,,or:t1comcast net Guitar . ...................................................................................30 \ l([.J>RLSID£1'l,(01 LLGI \ff: ,c,I Kull,mcl. tullq:1.11c \ I' ORGANIZATIONAL MATTER� 1,1111 Soulh \vc K. S1.,111•n In l'on.ik, , �I s� 110 Rctircc.,,Mcnto1U1g Report.. ..... .. .. ............. ............. ......................21 (JfflCC Phone �7�·"°'h.! �r71 NMML.\ Award Info... ... ..................... ........................................................ .. 24 Jl,.m,· Phone. <�S.15" 1101, nt.'.'11rutl.uhJ" cmnu.cdu Um\crsll) News . ... .. ...... ... ..... .................................... ...... 25 P\,t l'IU SIDE.'\1 \\orlaholic Music leacher t\rt1clc . .. .. ......................... ................................. ...27 llu-..t 1\ S.,;1kr1 l'.l l'l..:u.h:fll 1,rn,....,,u1h \,c "· St:IHl>II lh NMMrl\ Music Industry Council Members .............................................. n J•,,nolc,, !\\I K� 1111 Advertisers.... ..... .. .. ........ .... .................................................................. 35 llll1.:c ,7, >1>1·!377 llrn111: 5-\.. \'to., 7.,., J11,1m ":1fcn a cnmu.cdu \( 11'\C,\ IC �-PRl'-IIH'\I. (,l I r,R Keith Jordan. l-:.dnor I\ ll correspondence �hould be John lniut (11111ar \ I' 1�1r, Kathrvn l>I I lomc: 505-293-5225 addressed to the editor. \lbuqucrque '\\I l<7111 Office: 823-2327 x241 1636 Soplo SE Othu· ,o,.145.r11 11,•mc ,u,.�5h-!lhlll ncwmexicomus1cianra comcast.net Albuquerque. NM 87123 1n1111/<1 aa.cJu E.\F("t fl\� DIRM 1 OR l)onahl L. (,crhcan <P M 1111brc, Ur. L ," Alamo, '"' x7,44. .171i, Otl1'c '1�!.lJN4() l111mc I, n.91(.lll <lgl'rhcan" nmmc.1.com '\ \I\11 \ DI',I RI( f PRE$IDE.;\f ', rhc Ne" \kx1co M11,1c l ducator, A.s,ocmllon " a federated mstrkt I • �outll\\C>I t)1s1rlc1 4 • '\onh Cen1ral Oi<1ricl 3 • \or11J.,c,1 lh n, Gerheart Prc,1dcnt Jou�Sch1llac1. f'rcS1dcnt Dllnicl Fear Prcsidtt1l ,1atc as,ncia11on \lf the Mu,1c l:ducator, "lativnul Conl't:rcncc I'.<> 80\ 7,4 ·120:i flidJcn Cnc�cl 50H I 151h and parto1 Lhc S0u1hwcstc1 n D1v1s1on ol \1l· N(. l}TVne 'iM ��()(,', S,lnla IC, N:-.1x,501 F,1nn1ngto11. -.;:,..1 :<7401 llonw 'i75-5H-I000,4'\2.1 llomc 'i75-7'+3:!n 0111cc SO'i-5'1'>-86 11,,26� TIIE '\EW :\IEXICO MlJSICIA:", is published three tunes \\orl. 575-'174-0154 Wor� 505-171-3999 llumc. 505-.1�5-5129 per year: Printing by Busincs, Printing Service Inc., 431 <, MlcllnhbJnd ,, yahl)(.1.com m11llncuu,t1" mfo tffci!filfm, l..t2 nm 11, Stiver i\,c. SE. Albuquerque. \,.\,1 87108 Deadhm:s for th.: Fall. \.\'inter and Spring is,ucs arc: August I. October I. and l)btricl 2. So111he-,1 l>is1ric1 6 • Crntrsl Ohtrict 7 • \lhuqucrque March I. Anan l crlmg. Prcs1tk111 Kun schm1clt l'rc>1dcot SlC\C Snu"dcn.l'rc,1ucn1 Hl!/\\lcll <;1 160ltU St 1,w '\,enida LJ Co,1a i':L Subscrip11on r:itcto non-members 1s S9.00 per year: w1glc copy ll<J\is. -SM l<!\101 R1u RJnch,,, 1"1\187124 \lbuqucrquc. :-.�1S7I09 " S�.00 Change of address should be reported 10 [xecu11vc OOicc. 575-9ll5-2277 Home 505-X96-(1{,t(\ 11om� '\05-573-8&2: Work: 505-1196-5840 Work. 505-990-32�0 Director Don Gerhcart. llomc 575-693-0590 ucrl··a pl:ucau.nct kd-c.htnJ.<]l:!!.J.lNI,;QJl1 Ja�ksunm,b:1nd�Jn:-.nco11l Co,cr by Robby Poole The New Mexico Musician Spring. 2011 President's Report Joseph Flores rc::.pected clinicians. energetic student Thank you to all of our 2011 honor musicians. and im,piring musi<: educa­ groups and their directors and students. tors who are passionate about their pro­ Congratulations again to the La Cueva fession' I IS Silver Blues Jav Band. the Clo, is Thank you to the following mdividuals: Mumcipal Schools Ambassador Choir. I would sincerely like to thank the past the Las Cruces HS Symphonic Winds. leadership ofNMMEA. The past execu­ the Los Alamos HS Symphonic Strings. ti, e board has contributed greatly lo our and the Piedra Vista HS PVC Pipes profession and organi7alion Recogni­ Concert Choir. These groups. along tion and appreciation is due to these in­ "ith the La Catrina Quartet. the NM credible leaders: Dustin Seifert. Chuck Intercollegiate Honor Band. the NM Gerhcai1. Regina Carlow. Monica Intercollegiate Honor Choir. and all of Leammg. Kim Letellier. Paula Nichols. the 2011 All-State ensembles pro\ 1ded Neil Swapp, and John Trnitt. fhank you outstanding, memorable performance�. for your planning. organi7ation. and co­ Thank you also to Dr. Steve Block and ordination and thank you foryour years the UNM Music Department for their of service a::.executive officers! continul!d ::.upport of our organi1.ation. Special thanks also goes to Don Ger­ Not only is UNM our host, but they are Greetings my friends! I sincerely hope heart. our Execuuvc Director Every also a proud financial supporter of our that this article findsyou doing well dur­ member of NMMFA kno\\S that Don Fest!\ al and In-Service Conference. ing the height or music activities in the does a Im of \\Ork Rir our organiza­ And or course. thank you lO all or the spnng semester The sprmg semester is tion. JIO\\c,er. understand111g the mag­ members \\'ho attended, and assisted such a bus) um\! or year 111 music edu­ nitude ol the sc0pc or work that Don "ith the Festi\'al and In-Sen ice Con­ cation I find II runny ,, hl!n I am occa­ does for NM\1 I-Ai!> incomprehensible. forencc NC\\ Mexico is fortunate tu ,..ionall) asked if I am getting�, chance Don. thank you for all that you do for ha\'e ::.uch a �trong communit> of mu­ to "breathe"' m the ,pnng ...emc!.tcr. altct "l"vlMEA 1ha1 we rccogni1e, bm espe­ sic educ.nor� \\.ho are \\ ilhng to step in such a busy fall semester ot' music activ­ cially for all of the man}. mam thing!'>. and assist with an:,th rng that 1s needed ities. As ) ou J..no\\.m so man} \\a) s the big and small, thal you do every day that to ::.upport 1h1s unportant 1.:vcnt. \'our spring semester 1s by far a busier tum. go unnoticed. hlll arc es:.cntml lo the presence and active part1cipat1on helped than the fall semester because ol all or success of NMM[A and lhe promotion create a dynamic opportunity for prnfcs­ the man) concerts. fesu, als. trips. rc­ of mus,c education tn Ne,, Mexico.
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