A Magyar Microlepidoptera Kutatások Hírei 16. Sz. (2020.)

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A Magyar Microlepidoptera Kutatások Hírei 16. Sz. (2020.) Microlepidoptera.hu 16 2020 Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) Rajz/Drawing © Fazekas I. Redigit Fazekas Imre Pannon Intézet | Pannon Institute | Pécs | Hungary 2020 Microlepidoptera.hu 16: 1–54. | 30.12.2020 | HU ISSN 2062–6738 DOI: 10.24386/Microlep.2020.16.1 A folyóirat évente 1–3 füzetben jelenik meg. Taxonómiai, faunisztikai, állatföldrajzi, ökológiai és természetvédelmi tanulmányokat közöl Magyarországról és más földrajzi területekről. Az archivált publikációk az Országos Széchenyi Könyvtár Elektronikus Periodika Adatbázis és Archívumban (EPA) érhetők el: http://epa.oszk.hu/microlepidoptera valamint REAL J | EBSCO A folyóirat, nyomtatott formában, a szerkesztő címén megrendelhető. Hungarian Microlepidoptera News. A journal focused on Hungarian Microlepidopterology. Can be purchased in printed form and in CD. For single copies and further information contact the editor. Szerkesztő | Editor Fazekas Imre E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.microlepidoptera.hu A szerkesztő munkatársai | The editor’s assistants Ábrahám Levente (H-Kaposvár), Bálint Zsolt (H-Budapest), Barry Goater (GB-Eastleigh), Buschmann Ferenc (H-Jászberény), Gál Miklós (H-Komló), Nowinszky László (H- Szombathely), Puskás János (H-Szombathely), Pastorális Gábor (SK-Komárno), Szeőke Kálmán (H-Székesfehérvár), Tóth Sándor (H-Zirc) Kiadványterv, tördelés, tipográfia | Design, lay-out, typography: Fazekas Imre Kiadó | Publisher: Pannon Intézet | Pannon Institute | H-Pécs Nyomtatás | Print: Rotari Nyomdaipari Kft., H-Komló Megjelent | Published: 2020.12.30. | 30.12.2020 A Microlepidoptera.hu archívuma | Archives of Microlepidoptera.hu: http://epa.oszk.hu/microlepidoptera http://www.microlepidoptera.hu REAL J EBSCO Minden jog fenntartva | All rights reserved © Pannon Intézet | Pannon Institute | Hungary | 2020 HU ISSN 2062–6738 Tartalom – Contents Fazekas I. & Halász A.: A Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) új faj Magyarországon és földrajzi elterjedése Európában | Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847), a new spe- cies for Hungary and distribution in Europe (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) ……... 5–12 Fazekas I.: A Pyroderces sarcogypsa (Meyrick, 1932) taxonómiája, azonosítása és biogeográfiája (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae) | Taxonomy, identification and bio- geography of Pyroderces sarcogypsa (Meyrick, 1932) (Lepidoptera: Cosmopteri- gidae) ………………………………………………………………………... 13–23 Tabell J. & Kosorín F.: Coleophora grotenfelti Tabell & Kosorín, a new species be- longing to the C. dianthi species complex (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) …...25–32 Weidlich M.: Ein Beitrag zur aktuellen Verbreitung und zur Biologie von Acanthop- syche ecksteini (Lederer, 1855) (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) ………………….. 33–53 Könyvismertetés – Book review ……………………………………………………. 24 In memoriam Vétek Gábor (1980–2020) ………………………………………….... 54 Microlepidoptera.hu Journal info Name: Microlepidoptera.hu ISSN: 2062–6738 Journal DOI: 10.24386/Microlep First published: 2010 Frequency: one to three volumes annually Publication model: electronic and printed Publisher: Pannon Institute | 7625 Pécs, Magaslati út 24. | Hungary Digital Archiving http://epa.oszk.hu/microlepidoptera http://www.matarka.hu/szam_list.php?fsz=1205 http://www.microlepidoptera.hu REAL J and EBSCO Subscription 3000–4000 HUF/volume (in Hungary); 20–30 € / volume (in abroad) The periodical or individual issues can be obtained on the basis of exchange or via pur- chase. Please contact the Editor. Submission Deadlines: 31 March and 31 December. Editor: Imre Fazekas |e-mail: [email protected] A megjelent kötetek pdf-ben is elérhetők: http://epa.oszk.hu/microlepidoptera http://www.matarka.hu/szam_list.php?fsz=1205 http://www.microlepidoptera.hu REAL J | EBSCO A folyóiratot a MATARKA, a magyar folyóiratok tartalomjegyzékeinek kereshető adatbázisa dolgozza fel. A kéziratok benyújtásához, a formai előírásokhoz a szerzők részletes leírásokat találnak az Microlepi- doptera.hu honlapján: http://microlepidoptera.hu. A korábbi kötetek nyomtatott és CD formában a Pannon Intézet címén megrendelhetők: 7625 Pécs, Magaslati út 24. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.24386/Microlep.2020.16.5 A peer-reviwed open-access journal Microlepidoptera.hu 16: 5–12. | 30.12.2020 | HU ISSN 2062–6738 5 Academic editor: Imre Fazekas | Received 30.09.2020 | Accepted 19.11.2020 | Published 30.12.2020 A Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) új faj Magyarországon és földrajzi elterjedése Európában (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847), a new species for Hungary and distribution in Europe (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Fazekas Imre & Halász Antal Citation. Fazekas I. & Halász A.: A Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) új faj Magyarországon és földrajzi elterjedése Euró- pában | Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847), a new species for Hungary and distribution in Europe (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). – Microlepidoptera.hu 16: 5–12. https://DOI: 10.24386/Microlep.2020.16.5 Abstract. The Mediterranean tortricid moth Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) is newly reported for the Hungarian fauna. Diagnosis of the species and its bionomy are discussed and a preliminary map of its distri- bution in Europe is presented. The species does not appear to extend its range northwards naturally but relies on human importation of food plants. In a warm, sheltered urban microclimate, populations colonize and multiply rapidly and then spread locally. Keywords. Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Clepsis dumicolana, first record, faunistic, bionomy, distribution, Eu- rope, Hungary. Author’s address. Fazekas Imre | Pannon Intézet/Pannon Institute | 7625 Pécs, Magaslati út 24. | Hungary | E-mail: [email protected] (Corresponding author) Halász Antal | Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, 1121 Budapest, Költő utca 21. | Hungary | E-mail: [email protected] Summary. The genus Clepsis Guenée, 1845 is represented in Hungary by six species: C. rolandriana (Linnaeus, 1758), C. senecionana (Hübner, 1819), C. rurinana (Lin- naeus, 1758), C. spectrana (Treitschke, 1830), C. pallidana (Fabricius, 1776), C. con- similana (Hübner, 1817). In 2020, an additional species, Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847) was encountered; this species has never been seen in Hungary before. Two sepa- rate populations were found, one in Pécs, in southern Hungary and another Budapest, the capital of the country. Is the two localities are approximately 200–250 km apart. The species has long been known only from the Mediterranean region (see Ra- zowski 2002). The closest report to the Hungarian border is from Slovenia, but this is extremely old data (Mann 1854). There has been no proven observation from Slovenia since then (pers. comm S. Gomboc, November 2020). Since 2000, the species has been continuously observed in Central and Western Europe in Austria, Belgian, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, and England (see references). The first author has gathered various literary, museum and private collection data from many colleagues across Europe. This has allowed the con- struction of a preliminary map of the species here. The map can be continuously ex- panded. Proven site data are summarized in a table. Next to each locality, the year of observation or the original literature source is indicated. The larva feeds on the leaves of Hedera helix and pupates between spun leaves of this food-plant. Literature records indicate that the adults are on the wing from April to July in the Mediterranean Region. A second generation, flying from August to October, is known © Pannon Intézet/Pannon Institute | Pécs | Hungary | Archives: http://epa.oszk.hu/microlepidoptera 6 Fazekas & Halász: Clepsis dumicolana in Western- and Central-Europe. Hibernation is in the larval stage. No reliable statement can be made about the origin of the moth in Hungary. The isolated sites are far apart from each other speak and therefore suggest that active im- migration is not the source. Human introduction seems a likely explanation. There is little information available about the lifestyle of adults. They are active during the day, but also fly to the lights in the evening and the moth is apparently able to spread rapidly under the favourable conditions presented by the urban climate, especially since ivy stocks are represented almost everywhere in urban gardens and parks. They swarm on ivy in the afternoon hours and are therefore easily detectable. The adults can be found, in Hungary, from spring (May) to autumn (October); this is an exceptionally long ob- servation period which suggests that the species has two generations here. It is current- ly not known whether the species will prove to be a permanent resident; accordingly, no statement can be made at this stage about any possible endangerment. So far, warm city walls covered with ivy have not been particularly well researched in Hungary, and the possibility that the species has been here for several years cannot be ruled out. The urban microclimate is much milder than the cooler forests where the host plant is also widespread and so far, it has not been observed in the natural vegeta- tion within forests. Bevezetés – Introduction Magyarországon eddig hat Clepsis Guenée, 1845 fajt ismertünk (Pastorális & Busch- mann 2018): C. rolandriana (Linnaeus, 1758), C. senecionana (Hübner, 1819), C. ruri- nana (Linnaeus, 1758), C. spectrana (Treitschke, 1830), C. pallidana (Fabricius, 1776), C. consimilana (Hübner, 1817). A 2020-as évben Pécsett és Budapesten, igen lokálisan sikerült megfigyelni a Clepsis dumicolana fajt, amelynek ezek az első adatai az országból. Razowski (2002) európai
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