

Rosters and Bibliography

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GENERAL MARX, FRITZ MORSTEIN, ed. Public Management in the l>few Democracy. New York: Harper Annals of the American Academy of Political and Bros., 1946. 266pp. $3. and Social Science. 3457 Waliiut St., Philadel-. ^^IASSACHUSETIS. COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE CO­ phia, Pa.^ Bi-monthly. $5. OPERATION. Final Report of the . . . concern­ Editorial Research Reports. 1013 Thirteenth St., ing the Migration of Industrial Establish­ Nv W., Washington, D, C;Weeklyv Price on ments from Massachusetts. Boston, June 1939.. applicatiori. 79PP-» tables. (House No. 2495.) ^b'lic Administration: Review; journal of the MOONEY, JAMES D. and ALAN C. REILEY. Prin- ^American Society for Pubh'c Administration, ciples of Organization. Nev/ York: Harper and 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago. Quarterly. Non- Bros,, 1939. 223pp. $3. ^ • • members $5; single numbers $1.50. MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK, 1'94O; The' Authoritative Survey Graphic. Survey Associates, Inc., n2 E. Resume of Activities .and Statistical Data of 19 St., New York. Monthly. $3. American Cities. Clarence E. Ridley and Orin F. Nolting, eds. International City. Managers' -ANDERSON, WILLIAM, fundamentals of American Government. New York:* Henry Holt & Co., Association, 1313 E.. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 629 1940. 630pp. $3. pp., tables, bibliog. $5. (1941 edition will ap­ pear in April 1941.) BAKpt, GLADYS. The County Agent. Chicago: ODUM, HOWARD W. and others. American De- University ol Chicago Press, 1939. 226pp. $2. • mocracy Anew; an- Approach to. the Under­ CAUFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC standing of Our^Sbcial Problems. New York: ADMINISTRATION. Governmental Research Or- Henry Holt and Co., 1940. 614pp., illus. $140. ganizatioris in the Western States; a Directory PFIFFNER, JOHN M. Research Methods in Public of Agencies and an Index to Their Studies as Administration. New York: Ronald Press, of January i, ipsp. Arthur Harris, comp. 1940. 447pp., charts, forms. Price? Western Governmental Research Associationr PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLEARING HOUSE. Public 117 Library, University of California, Berke­ Administration Organizations; a Directory of ley, 1939. 123pp. $!• Unofficial Organizations injhe Field of Public CANADA. ROYAL COMMISSION ON DOMINION— Administration in the United States and Can­ PROVINOAL RELATIONS. Report of the . . > 3 ada, ip4i. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1941. 187pp. vols.; Appendices 1-8, A-K^ King's Printer; •• $1.50. .' . _ Ottawa, Ontario, 1938-1940. $53.50 the set; PUTNEY, BRYANT- "Administrative Lawmaking." CHILDS, HARWOOD L. An Introduction to Public ,Editprial Research Reports/ 101$ Thirteenth Opinion. New York: John Wiley and Sons, St., Washington, D. C, Sept. 9, 1939, entire 1940. 151pp. $1.75. • issue.;'.' •:.•".•.;• "Government Expansion in the Economic RAYMOND RICH AssoaAxES. American Founda­ Sphere." ARTHUR G. COONS, ed. Annals of the tions and Their Fields. Geneva Seybold, American ^Academy of Political and Social comp. 336 W. 42 St., New York, ^939. 218pp., Science, 3457 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Nov. tables. $3.75. . 1939, entire issue. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. COMMITTEE GRADY, JAMES F. and MILTON HALL. Writing ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Care Jiffporf^ in Effective Governmerit Letters. Employee Public Administration; Collected under the Training Publications, Washington, D. C, 'Auspices of a Special Committee on Research . »939- 1P9PP- 5i-50- Materials. Public Administration Service, 1313 LoRiMER, FRANK, and others. Foundations of E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 40 pamphlets. 10c ^ American^ Population Policy. New Yoilc: each. 20% discount on orders for entire series, Harper and Bros., 1940. i78ppi, tables, charts. including ring binder. • $2.50.' SOCIETY FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION. Admin­ LYON, LEVERETT-and others. Government and istrative Ability; Its Discovery and Develop- Economic: Life; Developrnent and Current ment.V/. V. Bingham, P. O. B. 266, Washing­ -Issues of American Public Policy, i vols. ton, D. C, April 1939. 17pp. 25c. (Pamphlet Brookings Institution, Washington, D; C, No. 1.) 1939-1940. 519pp., 79»PP' Vol. 1, $3; vol. 2, U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES CoMMrrrEE. ' The $3-50- Consumer Spends His Income. Washington, MCCAMY, JAMES L. Government Publicity; its D.C, June 1939. 47pp„ charts/ioc. Practice in'Federal Administration. Chicago: -—-The Structure of. the American. Economy. University of Chicago Press, 1939. 275PP-* Pt. I. Basic Characteristics. Washington, Ji. C, illus., tables. $2.50. 1939. 396pp., charts, tables. $1. 337 .-' • f

338 THESOOK OF THE STATES U. S. .TJEMPORARY NATIONAL ECONOMIC. COM­ KALIJARVI, TIIORSTEN V. and WILLIAM C. CHAM­ MITTEE. Bureaucracy and Trusteeship in Large BERLAIN. The Governmerit of. New Hampshire. Corporations. Marshall E. Dimock and How­ Durhairi:. University oi ^w Hampshire, 19139. ard K. Hyde. Government Printing Office, 283pp. ?2.50. '•,/'• Washington, D. C, 1940. 144pp., charts. Price?. KANSAS LF/IISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ (Monograph No. u.) - MENT. C/aJ'"s y^gairiiit 1/ie Slate: Adjusinient WESTERN GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. -and -Allowance of%Claims Against-'the^'^State Third' Annual Conference Proceedings ... of Kansas; Claims.. Practices in Other States; Oct. 2^-26, /p^o. 117 Library, University of and Application of Possible, Procedures to the California, Berkeley, 1940. 46pp., mimeo. Kansas Situation. Topeka, Nov, 1940. 3Jpp- WHITE, LEONARD D. Introduction to the Study (Pub. No. 106.) of Public Administration. Rev. ed. New York: ——Regulation of State Travel Expeiises. To­ Macmillan Co., 1939. 6npp. $4. peka, March u940. 41pp., tables, charts," (Pub. No, 97.),'- -rState .'Travel Expenditures. Topeka, Sept. STATE GOVERNMENT »939- HPP' mimeo. (Piib. No. 95.) State Government. Council of State Govern­ KENTUCKY. GOVERNOR. /iCc;nfucfty Government; a ments, 1313 E. 60 St., Cliicago, Monthly. 52.50. .Report on the Executive and Administrative^ AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. COMMITTEJE ON Work of the Kentucky State Government, PuBUC DOCUMENTS. Manual on the Use of ^935'^939- - Frankfort, 1939. 64pp., illi^., State Publications. Jerome K. Wilcox, ed. 520 charts, N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 1940. 342pp., LiPSON, LESLIE. The American Governor; from, bibliogs. ?6. . Figutp/head to Leader. Chicago: University of BATES, FRANK G, and OUVER P, FIELD. State Chicago Press, 1939. 282pp. $2.50. (Studies in Government. Rev. ed. New York: Harper and Public Administration, Vol. 9.) Bros., 1939. 561pp. $3.50. s LOUISIANA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF GOVERN- COLORADO. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE OFFICE; ,4d- ;MENT RESEARCH. The Administrative System ministrative Commissions, Boards and Bu- of the State of Louisiana; Chart and Descrip­ • reaus in Colorado; Research Report for Mem­ tive Statements. T. J. Mechlin and Charles S. bers of the General Assembly. Denver, Dec. Hyneman. University, La., 1940. 8pp., charts 1940.36pp. (Pub. No. 40-3.) MACDONALD, AUSTIN F. American State Govern­ COMBS, WILLIAM H. and WILLIAM E. COLE. ment and Administration./Rev. ed. New York: . Tennessee; a Political Study. Knoxville: Uni­ Thomas Y, Crowell Co., 1940. 639pp., tables, versity of Tennessee Press, 1940. 353pp;. charts. $3.75. / charts. Price? . • MATHEWS, JOHN M, and ARTHIJR BERDAHL. Docu­ COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. Advertising iy ments and Readings in American Govern­ the States. 1313 E. 60 St.,'Chicago, March i:g'40. ment; National and State. Rev. ed. New York: 31pp., charts. $1. (BX-198.) Macmillan Co., 1940. 862pp., forms. $4. ——Better Care for Our Public Records;'a Sur­ MICHIGAN. BUDGET OFFICE AND.BUREAU OF GOV­ vey of the Organization and Methods Used by ERNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, A Manual State Agencies for Protecting Official and His­ of State Administrative Organization in Michi­ toric Documents. J. M. Scammell. 1313 E. 60 gan. Ann Arbor, 1940. 240pp. Price? (Michi- » St., Chicago,, March 1939. topp., mimeo. 35c. , gan Governmental Studies No. 4.) ^ The States Today; a Decade, of Progress in MUNICIPAL" FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. Ac­ State Government; ^a Collection of Articles counting for. Government-Owned Motor Selected from Thdse Published in "State Gov­ Equipment. 1^1^ E. 66 St.^ Chicago, June ernment" Magazine during the Last Ten 1940. 60pp., tables. 50c. (Accounting Pub. Years. i$i^ E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec. 1940. 78pp. No. 6.) '• 75c--' • -——Accounting for Governmental Supplies. 1313 DAVID, LEON THOMAS. The Tort Liability of E. 60 St., Chicago, June 1940. 60pp., tables, Public Officers. I'xxhlic Administration Service, forms. 50c. (Accounting Pub. No. 7.) . 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940, 93pp. $1. (Pub. . ——Accounting for-Public Property. 1313 E. 60 No; Sp. 16.) St.,,^hicago, May ,i939- 42pp., forms. 50c, GEORGIA, UNIVERSITY OF. Studies in Georgia's (Accounting Pub, No. 5.) History and Government. James' C. Bonner Governmental Timekeeping and Payroll Pro- and Lucien E. Roberts, eds. Athens: Univer­ cedure. 1313 E, 60 St., Chicago, June 1940. 62 sity of Georgia Press, 1940. 284pp. $2.50. pp., forms. 50c. (Accounting Pub. No. 8.) INSTITUTE OF WOMEN'S J*ROFESSIONAL RELATIONS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECRETARIES OF STATE. ^ Outline of the Structural Organization of the Proceedings of the . . . 1940; Twenty-Third State and Local Government of Connecticut. Conference, June 12-15, 1^40. 1313 E. 60 St., Connecticut. College, New London, 1939. Chicago, 1940. Ti3pp, $1.50. 431pp., mimeo., charts. $1.50. : NATIONAL ASSOCIATION' OF STATE AUDITORS, —j-Outlive of the Structural Organization of CoMFPROLLERs, AND TREASURE|RS. Purchasing the. State arid Local Government of the State by State Governments. E. E. Naylor. 1313 E. of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 60 St., Chicago, Nov. 1940. 8pp. ;^ §j. Connecticut College, New London, Dec. 193B. NEBRASKA. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Adminis­ 204pp., typewritten.. tration of State School Lands and Public ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 339

Trust Funds in Nebraska. Roger V. Shumate. COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. State Court Lincoln,. May 1940. 59pp., tables. (Report Systems. William E. Hannan and Mildred B. No. 10.) Csontds. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Sept. 1940. -Expense Accounts of State Officers and Em- .41pp., mimeo., tables. 5pc; (BX-203,) ' ployees in Nebraska. Roger V. Shumate. MINNESOTA. JUDICIAL COUNCIL. Proposed Changes Lincoln, May 1940. 32pp. (Report No. 11.) in Minnesota Civil Procedure. St. Paul, 1939.. • State Publications in Nebraska. Lincoln, X)ct. 1940. 33pp. (Report No. 13.)' ~ 7 . - NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JUDICIAL COUNCILS. NEW YORK STATE. DIRECTOR OF THE BUDGET. Spe­ The Annual Handbook of 'the i~. . Vol. 2, cial Services and Miscellaneous Receipts of Paul B, DeWitt, comp. 744 Broad St., Newark, the Administrative Departments of New York N. J., 1940. 143pp. • ;, State. In 19 parts! Albany, 1939. Variously- paged. (Legislative Document (1939) No. 73.) AERONAUTICS . '< OREGON. STATE PLANNING BOARD. Supplement to Air Law Review. New York Universi^, Wash­ "History of State Administrative Agencies in ington Squai;g: East;, New Ydrk.;Quarierly.'^$5. Oregon, 184^-1^37." Moxris S. Isseks. Portland, Journal of Air Law. Air Law Institute," North- Feb. 1939. 320pp., mimeo. westerft University, 357 E. Chicago Ave., Chi­ PATTERSON, CALEB PERRY and others. State arid cago. Qiiarterly. $5. Local Government in Texas. New York: Mac- U. S. CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY. 5/flfff Aero­ millan Co., 1940. 586pp. $2.50. " nautical Legislation Digest and Uniform State PROVIDENCE GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH BUREAU! Laws. Rev. ed; Washington, D. C., Oct. 1939. Your State; a Description of the Organization 165pp. "S^- (Civil Aeronautics Bull. No. 4.) •• •=«:.•» - and Operation of State Government in Rhode ——Survey of State Airport Zoning Legislation. /s/and. Providence, Dec, 1940. 68pp. 50c. John M. Hunter. Washington, D. C, June "Reorganizing, State; Government in Colorado." 1939. 28pp. table. (Report No. 6.) University of Denver Reports, Denver, Colo., WISCONSIN STATE PLANNING 'RoAWi. An Airport . . March 1939, entire issue, charts. • System Plan for Wisconsin: Madison, July * SHAFFER, SALXJE. Kansas; the State and its Gov­ 1940. 76pp.j mimeo., charts. (Bull. No. 11.) ernment. New York: Ally^ atid Bacon, 1939. 142pp. 40Ci AGRICULTURE AND FORESTS SHELDON, ADDISON. E. Nebraska Civil. Govern­ ment. University Publishing Co., Lincoln, American Forests. American Forestry Association, Nebr., 1939. 386pp., illus. Si.28. j Washington, D. C. Monthly. $4. TANGER, JACOB and HAIIOLD F. ALDERFER. Penn- NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION. 'sylvania Government, State and Local. Penn­ Forestry Organization in l^ew England. Bosr sylvania Book Service, Harrisburg, 1939. ton, June 1940. 50pp., mimeo., charts. (Pub. 467pp., charts. $3. NO. 61.) ^ UTAH. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. DEPART­ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Planning for MENT OF PoLrriCAL SCIENCE. Pu6/jc Adminis­ a Permanent Agriculture; including a .Num­ tration and State Government in Utah. G. mary of the Programs Administered by the Homer Durham. Logan, Nov. 15, 1940. 36pp., ... that Influence the Use of the Ldnd; mimeo., tables. Studies in Public Affairs, Prepared for Community and County Land Series 1940-41, No. 1.) f Use Program Planning Committees. Wash­ VIRGINIA. GOVERNOR. Hand&ooft on the Organiza­ ington, D. C, June 1939. 71pp. 15c. (Misc.- tion and Activities of the Executive Depart-, • Pub. 35iw) . ments of the Commonwealth of Virginia. U. S. FOREST SERVICE. State Forests for Public Division of the Budget, Richmond, Jan. 1940. ' Use. Washifigton, D, C., 1940. 36pp., illus., 34pp, and charts. tables. 10c. (Dept. of Agriculture, Misc. Pub. . WASHINGTON (STATE) . SECRETARY OF STATE. N6. 373-)' ) Washington State Government. William P. -Forest Taxation Inquiry.. State Forest Tax' pucker, ed. Olyrapia, 1940. 114pp., mimeo., Law Digest of 1939. Louis S. Murphy. Wash­ charts. ington, D. C, Oct. 1, 1939. 52pp.+i mimeo., U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. STATE LAW INDEX. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Digest of Outstanding State Legislation on Agriculture, 19^^-19^9. Washington, D. C, American Bar Association Journal, 1140 /N. 1946. 113PP, 20c. (State Law Digest, Report Dearborn St., Chicago. Monthly. $3. No. 4.) Journal of the American Judicature Society. Law School Bldg., University of Michigan, BUSINESS REGULATION Ann Arbor. Bi-monthly. 20c. DAVIES, AUERBACH, CORNELL and HARDY. Digest ARIZONA. LEGISLATIVE BUREAU.. Grand and Petit of Pari-Mutuel Laws in. Principal Racing Juries in the United States. Phoenix, 1940. States. \ Wall St., New York, 1940. 26pp.; 27pp., mimeo., tables. (Legislative Briefs, ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.'' RESEARCH H^- No. 4.) VAKTMEfir. Allowances of Expenses of Litiga­ BRADWAY, JOHN S. Legal Aid Work and the Or­ tion in Cases Involving Insurance Companies. ganized Bar. Duke University, Durham, N; C, Springfield, Dec. 1 gjo. lopp., mimeo., table. 1939- 248pp.: $2.50. (Pub. No^ 36.) 340 THE BOOK OF THE STATES -—Licensing of Funeral Directors and Embalm- INTERSTATE COMMISSION ON THE DELAWARE RIVER ers in Illinois. Springfield, July 1940. igpp-. BASIN. The Delaware River Basin; Flood Vol­ mimeo., tables. (Pub. No. 26,) umes. Robert E; Horton and Richard Van -Ownership of Real Property in Illinois bv Vliet. Broad St. Station Bldg., Philadelphia, Non-Residents of ffteSfafe. Springfield, March Jan. 1940. 38pp., charts, tables. (Series C, 1940. 13pp., mimeo., tables. (Pub. No. 20.) No. 1.) —Statutory Regulation of Investment Coun­ The Delaware River Basin; Physical Facts; selors. Springfield, Sept. 1939. 26pp., mimeo. a Graphic Compendium Containing Maps and' (Pub. No. iff.) Charts. Broad St. Station Bldg., Philadelphia, -Taxation'of Pari-Mutuel Wagering at Horse 1940. Unpaged. Tables, charts, maps. Races. Springfield, July 1940. 25pp., mimeo., •The Delaware River Basin; Planned Prog­ tables. (Pub. No. 27.) ress in Pollution Control. Broad St. Station -The Use of Tetraethyl Lead in Gasoline. Bldg., Philadelphia,' Jan. 1940. 19pp., illus., Springfield, Aug. 1940. 5pp., mimeo. (Pub. . charts. (Series B, No. 3.) No. 36.) The Delaware River Basin; the Upper, Val­ KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DE­ ley; Planned Development or Exploitation? Broad, St. Station Bldg., Philadelphia, March PARTMENT. State Registration and Licensing of Architects. Topeka, Jan. 1941. /18pp., >9k9'.20 pp., illus., charts. (Series B, No. 2.) mimeo., tables, chart. (Pub. No. 107.) . U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE. ENERGY ——State Regulation of Weights and Measures; RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Energy Resources and National Policy; Report of the . .. Washing­ a Review of-Present Administrative Organiza-. ton, D. C-, 1939. 435pp-, tables, charts. $1. tion in Kansas, Possibilities for a More Com- prehensive and Co-ordinated System, and Regulation in Qther States. Topeka, Nov. DEFENSE 1940. 23pp., mimeo., tables. (Pub. No. 15.) Defense. National Defense Advisory Commis­ .-r—A Survey of State Market Agencies. Topeka sion, Division of State and Local Cooperation, March 1940. 36pp., tables. (Pub. No. 96.) Washington, D. C. Weekly. 75c. , MARYLAND LEGISLATIVE^ COUNCIL. RESEARCH DIVI­ AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. £ducat»on. SION. J5«I Wmg ana' Loan Associations. C. and the National Defense. Washington, D. C, Keating Bowie, Jr. Baltimore, Nov. .1940. June 1940. igpp. ^ 72pp., tables. Research Report No. 9.) AMERICAN COUNCIL ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS. COM­ ^r--—Retail Instalment Selling. Charles Mindel.. MITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEFENSE. Total Defense; Baltimore, Sept. 1940. 67pp., tables, charts. Report of . . . Washington, D. C, June 1940. (Research Report No. 6.) . , »5PP- -'-'-^-Regulation of Fireworks. Carl N. Everstine. AMERICAN MUNICIPAL AsisociATioN. Tfte British 'Annapolis, March 1940. 57pp., mimeo;, tables. Defense Program and Local Government; (Research Report No. 1.) Coinpiled from British Documents__aiLd -^T—. i .Supplementary Report,. . .Annapolis, Periodicals by Don ^, Price and James L. Oct. 1940. lopp., tables. (Research Report Sundquist. Public V Administration Service, : No. 7.) 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 55pp. 75c. (Pub. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOOATION. Model No. 69.) ; State Fireworks Law. 60 Batterymarch St., -1 Defense Training for Public Employees; the Boston, Mass., 1938. 7pp. loc. Status of In-Service Training Programs. 1^1$ NATIONAL HIGHWAY USERS CONFERENCE. State E. 60 St.,: Chicago, Dec. 1940. 67pp., taibles. Restrictions on Motor Vehicle Sizes and $1. (Report No. 144.) - Weights. 1Q4P ed. Washington, D. C, 1939. AND THE CIVIL SERVICE ASSEMBLY OF THE 120pp., charts, tables. , UNO-ED STATES AND CANADA. \Emergefzcy Per­ U. S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. State sonnel Policies; a Check List of Items.Which " Limitations on Sizes and Weights of Motor Might be Considered by State and Local Vehicles;, An Analysis of the Statutes of 48 Governments. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Sept. States and the District of Columbia. Washing­ 1940. lopp,, 25c. (AMA Bull. No. 142; CSA ton, D. C., June 1940. 264pp., mimeo., tables, Bull..No, 14.) charts. BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. Fundamental Economic Issues in National Defense. Harold G. Moul- CONSERVATION ton. Washington, D. C, 1941. 32pp. 25c. (Pamphlet No. 26.) Reclamation Era. Bureau of Reclamation, Wash­ CALIFt>RNIA, UNIVERSFTY OF. • BUREAU OF. PlffiLIC ington, D.C. Monthly. $1. . ADMINISTRATION. Civil Relief for Draftees. Soil Conservation. Soil Conservation Service, Russell Barthell and Robert Ward. Berkeley, Department of Agriculture, Washington, Jan. 21, 1941. 17pp., mimeo. (1941 Legisla­ . D. C. Monthly. $1. tive Problems, No. 2.) AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTTTUTE. Petroleurh CONNECTICUT. GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION TO STUDY \ Facts and Figures. 6th ed. 50 W. 50 St., New EMPLOYMENT. Job-Training for National De­ York, 1939. 190pp., tables, charts. $,i. fense; the Connecticut P/arj. Hartford, 1940. ARKANSAS STATE PLANNING BOARD. Arkansas H> 31pp., illus., tables, charts. ; Water Resources. Little Rock, Junie 1939. COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. Section Re- 82pp., illus., table, charts. / ports Adopted by the Federal-State Confer-

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ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 341 ence on Law Enforcement Problems of Na­ St., N.W., Washington, D, G., Oct. 24, 1940, tional Defense. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Aug. entire issue. 19, 1940. Variously paged, mimeo. SoaAL SQENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. COMMFTTEE CULVER, DOROTHY CAMPBELL, comp. Administra-' ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIPN. Civil-Military Re­ tion. and Organization in Wartime in the lations; Bibliographical Notes on Administra­ United States; a Bibliography. Fuhlic Ad-• tive Problems of Civilian Mobilization. Louis ministration Service, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Hartz and others. Public Administration Serv­ 1940. 17pp. 50c. (Pub. No. 7 u) ice, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 77pp. $i. FOREMAN, CLARK and JOAN RAUSHENBUSH. Total TAX FOUNDATION, INC. Proceedings of a Sym­ Defense. New York: Doubleday, Dorah and posium on Industry and National Defense, CO., 1940. Unpaged. $1.25. August i^, 1940. .. .30 Rockefeller Plaza, HART, ALBJERT G. Economic Policy for Rearma­ New York, 1940. 67pp., mimeo. ment. Chicago: University.of Chicago Press, ToBiN, HAROLD J. and PERCY W. BID^VELL. MO- 1940. 35pp. . 25c. . (Public Policy Pamphlet '. bilizing Civilian America. Council on Foreign No. 33.) - Relations, 45 E. 65 St., New York, 1940: ILUNOIS STATE PLANNING COMMISSION. United 276pp. $2.75. .: States War Department Activities in Illinois. TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND, Housing for De- ,407 South Dearborn St., Chicago, July 1939. , fense. Miles L. Colean and others. 330 W. 42 40pp., iUus,, tables, charts. . St., New York, 1940. ig8pp.,. tables, charts. INTERNATIONAL ASSOOATION OF FIRE CHIEFS. .. $1.50.-••.•",•. Disaster and War Emergency Planning; Re­ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGVICVLTVKE. Regional port of Sectional Committee on Disaster Adjustments to Meet War Impacts. Washing-, Emergencies Presented before the 68ih An­ ton, D. C, Oct. 1940. 65PP.-J-, mimeo., tables, nual Conference . . .August $-8, ip^o.z^ charts. W. 40 St., New York, Sept. 1940. 31pp. 15c. U. S. DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS. Conserving (Educational Bull. No. 2.) Manpower in Defense Industries; a Plan for ", -—-A Major Disaster Emergency Plan. 24 W. Pooling Safety Services to Conserve Man­ 40 St., New York, July 1940. 49pp. 15c. *"' power in Defense Industries. Washington, JOINT CoMMrrrEE ON LIBRARY RESEARCH FACILI­ D. C, .1940. 7pp. 5c, (Special Bull. No. 4.) ' TIES FOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY; Guide to U. S. OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT REPORTS. JDe/en^e Librairy Facilities for National Defense. Vrel.' Employment and Training for Employment. ed. Carl L. Cannon, ed. American Library Washington, D. C, Dec. 1940. 25pp. -•" Association, 520 N. Michigan Aye., Chicago, 1940. 235pp., mimeo. $1.25. EDUCATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSING OFFICIALS. Journal of the National Education Association, , Defense Housing Digest; a Summary of Laws, 1201 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, Pi^C. Regulations, and Results. i$i^ E. 60 St., Chi­ Monthly (except July, August, Septembert^2. cago, Oct. 1940. Variously paged. $1." (Pub. .Research Bulletin of the National EdvCcation :. No. N128O ^, : • Association, izoi Sixitenlh. St., N. W., Wash­ NATIONAL EXECUTIVE ''^COMMITTEE OF HOUSING ington, D. C. 5 tiioaes a year. $1. AuTHORmES. Danger to National Defense AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRA­ , Program Because of Housing Shortage and TORS AND THE. NATIONAL EDUCATION AssoaA- Program for Immediate Action. Washington, TION. RESEARCH DIVISION. Staffs and Salaries of D. C, July 6, 1940. 24pp. State Departments of\ Education, 1939-40. PATCH, BUEL .W. "Federal Taxes and Defense Washington, D. C, May 1940. 47pp., tables, Financing." Editorial Research Reports, io.i$ -forms. 5bc. (Circular No. 5, .1940.) Thirteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C, AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. The State Li­ Dec. 4, 1940,. entire issue. . brary Agency; its-Function and Organization. PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMY LEAGUE, INC. Civil Ex­ ' 3d ed. 520N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 1939. penditures During and After War Periods; 36pp., mimeo. 35c. Discussion of the Possible-Effect of Prepared- KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNOL. RESEARCH DEPART­ ness on Civil Cbvernment^xpenditures. 806 MENT. Free Textbook Programs; Survey of Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Aug. 1940. Legislation and Administrative Practices, Meth­ Unpaged, charts. ods of Financing land Installation in other PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS States, and Possible Application 'to Kansas.: SECTION. Ouf/me of Industrial Relations Poli- Topieka, Nov. 1940. 56pp., tables. (Pub. No. .y^ies in pefense Industries. Princeton, N. J., 103.) , June 1940. 47pp. 75c. ' NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOOATION OF THE UNFTED PuBUC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. HOW Shall We Pay STATES. Analysis of the Statutory Provisions for Defense? Maxwell. S. Stewart. 30 Rocke­ for State Teachers Retirement Systems, izoi , feller Plaza, New York, 1941. 30pp., charts, Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C, Jan. . loc. (Public Affairs Pamphlets, No. 52.) 1939. 30pp., tables, 25c."— • —-// War Comes; Mobilizing Machines and -I—A Decade of Court Decisions ori Teacheri Men. Percy W. Bidwell. 36 Rockefeller Plaza, . Retirement, ipjo-ipjp Inclusive. Washington; \ New York, 1940. 32pp., charts. (Public Affairs • . D. C, Feb. 1940. 30pp. 25c. ^ V Paanphlets, No. 48.) ——TRESEARCH DIVISION.;:Sta£e School Finance . PUTNEY, BRYANT. "Price Control in Wartime?." Legislation, 19^9.' Washington^ D. C,, Jan;.. Editorial Research Reports, 1013 Thirteenth 1941. 17pp., mimeo. 342 THE BOOK OF THE STATES NEBRASKA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Nebraska Edu­ -Proportional Representation — the Key to cational Survey. Roger y. Shumate. Lincoln, Democracy. 2d ed. George H. Hallett, Jr. 299 Dec. 28,. 1939. 50pp., mimeo. (Report No. 9.) Broadway, New York, 1946. 177pp. 25c. U.^;S. ADVisdRLv COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION.-.Edu- ., cation in the Forty-eight States. Faytqn Smith, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 'Frank W. Wright arid associates. Washington^- D. C,-"iggg. 199pp., tables. 30C. (Staff Study BLACHLY, FREDERICK,F. and MIRIAM E. QATMAN. - No.- 1.) ,. •• Federal Regulatory Action and Control. ——Organization .and Administration of Public Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C- Education. Walter D. Cocking and Charles H; 1940. 356pp. $3. • GilmorCi Government Printing Office, Wash­ CpRWiN, EDWARD S. The President; Office and ington, D. C.v.iggS. 183pp., tables, charts. 2oc.' Powers; History and Analysis of Practice .and, (Staff Study No. 2.) - . Opinion. New York: New York University -r——State Personnel Administration with Special Press, 1940. 476pp. $5. ;. Reference to Departments of Education. Kath- HERRING, PENDLETON. Presidential Leadership: . erihe A. Frederic. Washington, D. C, 1939. the Political. Leadership; the Political Rela­ 271pp., tables. 35c. (Staff Study No. 3.) tions of Congress "and the Chief Executive. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1940. 173pp. •• ?i-5o. . ELECTIONS LASKI, HAROLD J, T/je/4mer/caM Presidency; an Interpretation. Nevi York: Harper, and Bros., AMERICAN COUNCIL ON PUBLIC AFFMVS. Absentee 1940. 278pp. $2.50. Vjoting and Registration. James K. Pollock. MACMAHON, ARTHUR W. and JOHN D. MILLETT. WasTimgton, D. C... Oct. 1940. 19pp., tables. Federal Administrators; a Biographical Ap­ proach to the Pro bleni of Depart mental Man­ ^-r-The Poll Tax. Frank P. Graham and others. agement. New York: Columbia University .Washington, D. C, 1940. 23pp. 25c. ^ Press, 1939..524pp. $4.50. BEAN, LOUIS H. Ballot Behavior; A Study of REYNOLDS, MARY TRACKETT. Interdepartmental Presidential Elections. American Council on \ Committees in the National Administration. Public. Affairs, Washington, D. C,, 1940. jNew York: Columbia University Press, 1939. ' 102pp., tables, charts. S 1.50. 177pp. $2.25. . COUNCIL OF. STATE GOVERNMENTS. Ballot Analysis and Ballot Changes Since 1930; a Survey of SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. PU&/IC\(4rfminiV- • State Laws Regarding the Various Types of tration and the U. S. Department of Agricul­ Ballots in Use Throughout the Country. ture. John M. Gaiis and others. Public Ad­ Spencer D. Albright. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, ministration Service, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 'June 1940. 35pp., mimeo., tables. 50c, 1940. 534pp. $4.50. '——Registration for Voting in^the United States; an Analysis of Constitutional and Statutory SUMMERS. HARRISON B. AND ROBERT E. SUMMERS, comps'.'*~/ncreasmg federa/ Poii/cr. New York; •4 Provisions for the Registration of Voters in the Several States: John B. Johhson . amj H. W. Wilson Co., 1940. $1.25. (The Refer­ Irving J. Lewis. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Feb. ence Shelf; Vol. 14, No. 3.) 1941. 71pp., mimeo., tables. 50c. (BX-214.) -Voting in the United'States: Qualificattohs ,'.FINANCEV :./' ..;.••". > ••: and Disqualifications; Absentee Voting; Voting BUEHLER, ALFRED C.-. Public Finance. 2d ed. New Rights of Persons in Military Service. i$\$ E. York: McGraw Hill, .940'. 846pp,, tables. $4. 60 St., Chicago, Aug. 1940. 27pp., mimeo. 50c. CROUCH; WINSTON Wl.'i'/afe Aid to Local Gov­ (BX-2b2.) . ernment in California. Berkeley: University HERMENS, F. A. Democracy and Proportional of Californ'a Pres?, 1939. 421pp., tables. Price? Representation. Cbiczgo:. University of Chi- "Debt Umiti." Jux Policy, 135 S. 36 St., Phila­ .-^cago Press, 1940. 40pp. :25c. • ^' delphia, Feb 1941, entire issue. ILLINOIS LEoisLATivE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART- GROVES, HAROLD M. Financing Government. New : Mzm. The Direct Primary Ballot. Springfield; York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. 777pp., tables. July 1940. 15pp., mimeo., forms.' (Pub. No.- HUNTER, MERLIN H. and HARRY K. ALLEN. Prin- LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. BURE,\U OF GOV- ciples of Public Finance. 1st ed. New York: ERNMENT'TRJESEARCH. 7?egjs/ra^»o« of Voters in Harper and Bros., 1940. 672pp. $3.50. Louisiana. L. Powell. Baton Rouge, ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DE- . 1940. 14pp. (This is Your Government, No. 1.) ; PARTMENT. The Problem of Local Fiscal Con­ "MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAIJ OF GOVERN­ trol with Special Reference to Control at the MENT.-Foiing Behavior: a Case Stitdy. James County Level. Springfield, Aug. 1940. 34pp., K. Pollock. Ann Arbor, 1939. 40pp., charts, mimeo. (Pub. No. 29.) tables. (Michigan Governmental Studies, INDIANA. INTER-ORGANIZATION COUNCIL. Indiana .• No..3.yv.- State Government and Public Assistance Fi­ NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE,/I Model Registra-. nances; a Research Report. 525 Meridian Life \ iion System; Report of the Committee'^ on . Bldg., Indianapolis, 1939. 40pp., tables, charts.] Eleciidn Administration. .3d ed, revised. • KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ MENT. T/ie Problem of Special (Fee) Funds ^ . Joseph P. Harris. 299 Broadway, New York, >939- 73PP- 50c. /- ; in /Karisas; Preliminary Analysis. Topeka. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY MS March ig^. 58pp., tables, charts. (Pub. No. KANSAS LEGISLATIVE

^ m


—Selected Proceedings, Eighth Annual Meeting INTERSTATE CONFERENCE ON THE OHIO RIVER of the .'. . jtncluding the First Annual Meet­ SANiTATior^CoMPAcr. Report of the . . . ing of the management Division, Pittsburgh, Called by the Pennsylvania^-Cgmmission on Pa., May iyi8, 1940. 1313 E. 60 St.,. Chicago, Interstate Cooperation .. . .. 0^>siy, 19^9. July 1940. 49pp.,' mimeo. 50c. (Pub. No. 1939. 7pp., mimeo. Apply to CounciKof State N122.) Governments, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicagis ^ISIATIONAL PUBLIC HOUSING CONFERENCE. Broad- "Interstate Tariffs." Tax Polity, 13^ S.^36 St., \ ening the Base of Public Housing; Addresses Philadelphia, May 1939, entire issue. ' Delivered at the Ninth Annual Meeting of "Interstate Trade Barriicrs." Indiana Law Jour­ the . . . 122 E. 22 St., New York, 1940. 35pp. nal, >] 16 Union Title Bldg., Indianapolis, Dec. 25c. 1940, entire issue. PERRY, CLARENCE A. Housing for the Machine JOHNSEN, JUUA E., corap. Interstate Trade Bar­ Age. Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22 St., riers. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1940. N^jiv York, 1939. 261pp., illus., charts. $2.50. 215pp. $1.25. (The Reference Shelf, Vol. 14, ScHNAPPER, M. B., comp. Public. Housing in No. 2.) America. New York; H. W. Wilson Co., 1939. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERSTATE TRADE 369pp. $1.25. (The Reference Shelf, Vol. 13, BARRIERS. Trade Barriers among the States; No. 5.) the Proceedings -. . . April 5-7, 1939, Chicago, U. S. HOUSING AuTHORity. Housing and Wel­ Illinois. Council of State Governments, 1313 fare; Report of Survey- Conducted by . . . E. 60 St., Chicago, 1939. 127pp. ?*• Washington, D. C, May 1940. 53pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY USERS CONFERENCE. Ports of U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES PLANNING BOARD. Entry and Other Highway Barriers. Chester Housing; the Continuing Problem. Washing­ JI. Gray. Washington, D. C, 1940: 15pp., ton, D. C, 1940. 22opp., tables, charts. Price? illus. U. S. TEMPORARY NATIONAL ECONOMIC COM- NEW YORK (STATE). LEGISLATURE. JOINT LEGIS­ . MITTEE. Toward More Housing. Peter A. LATIVE COMMHTEE ON INTERSTATE -COOVtSiK- Stone and R. Harold Denton. Government rioJi. Report of the . . . Albany, 1939. 261pp. Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1940. (Legislative Document (1939) No. 100.) 223pp., tables, charts. N^oc. (Monograph NovEs, CHARLES £. "Barriers against Interstate'; No. 8.) . Conamerce." Editorial Research Reports, 1013 Thirteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C, INTERSTATE ILE:LATI0NS March 17, 1939, entire issue. AMERICAN TRUCKING ASSOQATION, INC. Highway PuBUC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. State Trade Walls. Barriers. 1013 Sixteenth St.,. N. W.. Washing­ F. Eugene Melder. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New ton, D. C, ii940. 72pp. York, 1939. 31pp.. charts. loc. (Public Affairs CARMAN, ERNEST C. "Should the States Be Per­ Pamphlets, No. 37.) mitted to Make Compacts without the Con­ U. S. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. MARKET- sent of Congress?" Cornell Law Quarterly,, ;, INC LAWS SURVEY. Comparative Charts of State Cornell University, .Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 193^,'' Statutes Illustrating Barriers to Trade between pp.28o-284. States. Washington, D. C, May 1939. 88pp. 25c. CHICAGO, UNIVERSITY OFi ROUND TABLE, ^^CO- -—'-A Digest of State Laws Relating to the Prob­ nomic War between the States; a Radio-Dis; lem of Interstate Trade Barriers for States cussion. William Spencer, Neil Jacoby, Frank Whose Legislatures Convene in 1940. Wash­ Bane. Chicago, Feb. 4, 1940. 29pp., charts, ington, D. C, 1940. Variously paged. . loc. (No. 99,) "What Can Be Done About Interstate Trade CouNOL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. .Trarfe Barrier Barriers?" Tax Policy, 135 S. 36 St., Philadel­ . Research Bulletin Series. (14, bulletins pn phia, Nov.-Dec. 1940, entire'issue. various aspects of interstate trade barriers.) 1513 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1939. Variously paged, \ LABOR mimeo. 25c each; $2.50 a set. American Labor Legislation Review. American ILUNOIS. COMMISSION ON INTER-GOVERNMENTAL Association for Labor Legislation, 131 W. 23 COOPERATION AND ILUNOIS FLOOD REUEF AND St., New York. Quarterly. $3. PREVENTION COMMISSION. (First) Report of the Monthly Labor Review. U. S. Department of ... to the Governor and the General As- ' Labor, Washington, D. C. Monthly. $3.50. . , sembly. Springfield, 1939. 3»pp. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUI^AU OF PUBUC INDIANA. COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE COOPERA­ ADMINISTRATION. Government Mediation and TION. 5

<"*«<«, ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 345 loney, Connecticut State^Employment Service, COLORADO. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE OFFICE. The Hartford. ' Initiative and Referendum in Colorado; a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LABOR LEGISLATION. Survey Prepared by the ... Denver, 1939? 26pp. Proceeding of'the Sixth .... Nov. i^-i$, ip^p. COUNCIL OF STAT&.JGOVERNMENTS Constitutional Division . o£ Labor Standards, Washington, Amendments and Direct Legislation, 1940; a D. C., 1940. 109pp. (Bull. No. 35.) Digest of Constitutional^Amendments, Ini­ NEW YORK (STATE) . LEGISLATURE. JOINT LEGIST tiated and Referred Statutes Voted Upon in LATIVE COMMRRTEE ON INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR the Several States during ip^o. i$i'3'E.^6o St., RELATIONS. Report of the . . . Albany, 1940. Chicago, Dec. 1940. 27pp., mimeo. 50c. "(B^— 77pp,, chart. (Legislative Document (1940) 212.) ^\^ No. 57.) —r-Legislative Reference Work in the United PRINCETON UNIVERSHTY. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS States. Eleanore V. Laurent. 1313 E. 60 St., SECTION. Problems and Policies in Industrial Chirago, June 1939, 35pp., mimeo. 50c. Relations in a War Economy; a Selected, -Proposals for Legislative Reorganization; a Annotated Bibliography, li^ev. ed. Helen Survey of the Reorganization Measures In­ Baker. Princeton, N. J., May!'1940. 30pp. tended to Expedite the Legislative Process and PuBUc AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. Should Married^ Equalize Legislative Representation. Margaret ^ Women Work? Ruth Shallcross. 30 Rocke^ --^S. Culveri 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago.^Sept. 1939. feller Plaza, New York, 1940. 3xpp., charts. 20pp., mimeo. 50c. IOC. (Public Affairs Pamphlets No. 49.) ILUNOIS l^CISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DE-" U. S. DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS. Industrial PAKTMZHT.^he^ Committee System of the Illi­ Home-work Legislation and its Administra­ nois General Assembly. Springfield, Dec. 1940, tion. Washington, D. C, 1939. 133pp. 25c. 23pp., mimeo., tables. (Pub. No. 35.) (Bull. NO. 26.) Electrical Roll-Call Device in Legislative -rr—Recent Progress in State Labor Le^lation;. Bodies. Springfield, May 194b. 17pp., mimeo., a Report of the Secretary of Labor to the . tables. (Pub. No. 24.) Seventh National Conference on Labor Legis­ MCGEARY, M. NELSON. The Developments of lation. Washington, D. C, 1940. 30pp., charts Congressional Investigative Power. New York: IOC. (Bull. No. 42.) Columbia University Press, 1940. i72ppi-$2.25. U. S. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION. Wage Rate MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY, OF. BUREAU ( ' GOVERN­ Laws on Public Works. Washington, D. C, MENT. Direct Government in Mti.':igan—the Aug. 1939. a27pp. 25c. Initiative and Referendum. Ann Aroor, 19.10. VIRGINIA. LEGISLATURE. LABOR RELATIONS COM­ 2opp. (Michi^n Pamphlets, No. 8.) MISSION. Report of the . . . submitted to the The Initiattve and Referendum in Michigan. Governor and General Assembly. --Richmond, James K. Pollock. Ann Arbor: University of 1940. 155pp., tables. (Senate Doc. No. 3.) Michigan Press, 1941. loopp., tables, charts. "The Wage and Hour Law." Law and Con­ 50c. (Michigan Governmental Studies, No. 6.) temporary Problems, Duke University School State, Law Index; an Index, to the Legislation of Law, Durham, N. C, Summer 1939, entire of the States of the United States Enacted issue. during the Biennium, 1937-1938; Seventh WEIGERT, OSCAR. Administrative Problems of Biennial Volume. Government Printing Office, Employment Services in Eight States. VuhMc Washington, D. C, 1940. 761pp. $1,50. Administration Service, 1313 E. 60 St., Chi­ U. S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. State Proposals cago, 1940. 50pp., charts, forms. $1. (Pub. Voted Upon: 1940. Washington, D. C, Jan. No. 72.) I 6, .1941. 22pp., tables. (State and Local Gov­ ZISKIND, DAVID. One Thousand Strikes of Govern­ ernment Special Study, No. 11.) ment Employees, New York: Columbia Uni­ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. LIBRARY^ List of versity Press, 1940. 279pp. ?3' Latest Law Compilations with Subsequent Ses- • sion Laws to Date. Minnie Weiner. Washing- . ton, D. C, June 1939, 20pp., mimeo. LEGISLATURES AND U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. STATE LAW INDEX. LEGISLATION Current Ideas in zpjp State Legislatures; a Review of Bills Introduced and IMWS Enacted Law and Contemporary Problems. Duke Uni­ during the. Year. Washington, D. C., 1941. - versity School of Law, Durham, N. C. Quar­ 86pp. loc. (State Law Digest, Report No. 5.J terly. $2. U. S.. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION. Schedule ARIZONA. STATE LEGISLATIVE BUREAU. Dual Pub­ of Latest Editions of Federal, State, and Terri­ lic Employment of Legislators; with a Com­ torial Statutory Compilations with Supple­ pilation of Provisions Contained in the Sev­ ments and Subsequent Session Laws to Date:. eral State Constitutions. Phoenix, 1938. 25pp., Also Contains Information as to the Dates on mimeo. (Legislative Briefe, No. 1.) which the Legislatures Convene, Frequency of CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSFTY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC Sessions, and Time Limit of Regular and ADMINISTRATION. Legislative Apportionment. Special Sessions. Minnie Wiener, comp. Wash­ Berkeley, Jan. 20, 1941. 46pp., tables, charts. ington, D, C, April 1940. 20pp., mimeo. (1941 Legislative Problems, No. 1.) VIRGINIA. COMMISSION ON RBDISTRICTING OF ——Legislative Councils and Commissions. Grace HOUSE AND SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. Report of M; Kneedler. Berkeley, May 31, 1939. 34pp., . . . to the General Assembly. Secretary of mimeo., tables. (1939 Legislative Problems, State, Richmond, 1940. 22pp., charts. (House No. 12.) Doc. No. 6.) ^ 346 THE BOOK OF THE STATES LIQUOR CONTROL Public Personnel Review. Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada, 1313 E. 60 "Alcoholic Beverajge (Control." Law and Con­ St., Chicago. Quarterly. $5. temporary Problems, Duke University School of hayf, Durham, N. C, Autumn 1940, entire State and Local Government Quarterly Employ­ „™ issue. ment Survey. Bureau of the Census, Washing­ ton, D. C. Issued Jan., Apn, July, and Oct. 1 C.U.IFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC (One of the series each quarter is on state ADMINISTRATION, State Liquor Control Ad­ ministration; a Statutory Analysis. Dorothy employment and another shows functional dis­ Campbell Culver and Jack E. Thomas. Berke­ tribution of state employment.) ley, Feb. 15, 1940. 8opp., mimeo., tables. 50c. CIVIL SERVICE ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED STATES '. AND CANADA. Civil Service Agencies in the DISTILLED Si'iRirslNsrrruTE. Summary of State Liquor Control Laws and Regulations Relat- United States; a 1940 Census. 1313 E. 60 St.; . ing to Distilled Spirits as of October 2, i^^g. Chicago, July 1940. 59 pp., tables, charts, ^oc. 6th ed. Washington, D. C, 1939. 15pp. (Pamphlet No. 16.) 1 GREEN, THOMAS S., JR. Liquor Trade Barriers; . A Digest of State Civil Service Laws. 1313 E. Obstructions to Interstate Commerce in Wine, , 60 St., Chicago, Dec. 1939. 35 pp., mimeo. 25c. Beer, and Distilled Spirits. Public Adrainis- ' (Special Bull. No. 12.) - • " tration Service, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. -r—r-Monthly Pay Rates for Selected Classes in i^ ^ 34pp. 60C. (Pub. No. 70,) State Services. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, June ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ 1939. ip., table. MENT. Restrictions Upon the Extension of -Proceedings of''Thirty-First Annual Meeting . Credit to Retailers of Alcoholic Beverages. • of the . . . Oct. x6-20, /pjp. 1313 E. 60 St., Springfield, Sept. 1940. 7pp., mimeo. (Pub. Chicago, 1940. 86 pp., $5. (The 1940 Proceed­ NO. 33, Research Report on Proposal No. 84.) ings are summarized in Public Personnel Re- INDIANA. COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE COOPERA­ ' view, the new journal published by the As- TION. Recent Developments in Liquor Con- . seipbly.) ' , . i\-- \ trol. Indianapolis, March 12, 1940. 12pp., CUSHMAN, FRANK. Training Procedure; a Discus­ mimeo. (Bull. No. 5.) sion of the Problems Encountered in Planning, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF "STATE LIQUOR AD­ ^^Organizing, Operating, and Maintaining Effi­ MINISTRATORS, Proceedmgs of the . •: . Sixth cient Training Programs in Industrial, Busi­ Annual Convention, March 20-22, ig)9,''Coral ness, qnd Public .Service Organizations, liev/ Gables, Florida. 1939. 125pp., tables. Apply York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1940. 230 to Secy.-Treas. Michael F. Costello, 308 State pp. $2. / Office Bldg,, Providence, R. I. $2.50. FIELD, OLIVER P. Civil Service Law. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, June 1939. .1 ——Statistical Report of the '. . . jp)p. Reginald . T. Cole,jSecy., Nfontpelier, Vt., 1940. 52pp. $5. 286pp. $5. . ILUNois LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ : PARKS AND RECREATION MENT. Factors Involved jn... Pension Legisla­ Parks and Recreation. American Institute of tion for Governmental Employees in Illinois. Park Executives, 327 West Jefferson St., Rock: Springfield, Feb. 1940. *43pp., mimeo., tables. ford, I|iini6is. Monthly. $2.50. (Pub. No. 19.) . , Recreation. National Recreation Association, 315 • Right of Appeal from Removals under the Fourth 4ve.,= New York. Monthly. $2. Merit System. Springfield,."Feb. 1939. 2opp,, HJELTE, (GEORGE. The Administration of Public ,mimeo. (Pub. No. 9.) Recreation. New York: Macmillan Co., 1940. NATION '.i. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM LEAGUE AND THE 416pp., tables, chart, forms. $3. NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE. Draft of a State NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION. Introduction Civil Service Law. 521 Fifth Ave., New. York, to Community Recreation. George D. Butler. 1939- 36pp. 50c. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1940. 547pp., tables. SHORT, LLOYD M. and GORDON O. PHERSON. A r; Survey'of University Graduates. Employed in $3-50- Government Service 1^28 to /p^tf. University ——Proceedings Twenty-fifth National Recrea­ of Minnesota, Public Administration Train­ tion Congress, September 50 — October 4,1940; ing Center, Minneapolis, 1939. 40pp., tables. Theme: Recreation — Under Present World SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. COMMITTCE Conditions. 315 Fourth Ave., New York, 1940. ON PuBUC ADMINISTRATION. Research in Pub­ 197pp. Price? lic Personnel Adrlninistration; Scope and U. S. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE. FC« and Charges Method. Leonard D. White. 261 Broadway, for Public Recreation; a Study of Policies and New York,. 1939. 36pp. 50c. Practices. Washington, D.C., 1939. 56pp., U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION. Proceedings'of the illus., tables, charts. 40c. Advisory Conference on Public Service Train­ -^—-jp40 Yearbook, Park and Recreation Prog- ing held at Wdshingtpn, D. C, April 2j-2p, . ress. Washington, D. C, 1940. 92pp., illus., /j)jl9. Washington, D. p., 1939. ii7PP-. mimeo. tables. 35c. (Misc. 2272.) VIRGINIA ADVISORY LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, 5

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 347 sioJi. The Wisconsin' Slate. Government In- —Federal Relations to Local Planning. Wash- Service Training Apprenticeship Program; its ingtwj, D. C, Dec. 15, 1939. 364PP,, mimeo. First Year. Horace S. Fries and Ernest Engel- •, (Circular 14.) bert. Madison, Dec. 1939. 57pp,, mimeo. 40c. -Fields of Current State Planning Board Ac­ tivity. Washington, D.C, Apr. .25, 1940. 77 pp., mimeo. (Circular 8, Revised.) >i-—PLANNING .' • -The Northern Great' Plains. Washington, American Society of Planning Officials News Let­ D. C, May 1940. 44pp., tables, charts, loc. ter, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago. Monthly. $2. -State Legislation on Planning, Zoning, and Planning and Civic Comment. American Plan- . Platting. Washington, D. C, Sept. 10, 1939. . ning and Civic Association and National Con­ 60pp. (Circular 12, Revised.) ference on State Parks, goi Union Trust Bldg., -Public Land Acquisition in a National Land- "VVashington, D. C. Quarterly. $3. Use Program. Pt. i. Rural Lands. AVashington, American Planning and Civic Annual, ip^o. D. C, 1940. 24pp. loc. Harlean. Jaraes^ ed. American Planning and U. S. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. DIVISION Civic Association, Washington, D, C., 1940. OF RESEARCH. Rural Migration in the United •278pp. $3. States. C. E. Lively and Conrad Taeub^r;'-. Washington, D.C, 1939. 192pp., illus., tables. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANNING OFFICIALS. Con­ (Research Monograph 19.) ference on Planning Problems and Adminis­ tration; Proceedings of the Conference held in Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 18-19, 1^40. 1313 E- POLICE AND CRIME iSo St., Chicago, 1940. 85pp. $1. —-—National Conference on Planning; Proceed­ Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. ings of the Conference held dt San Francisco, Northwestern University School of Law, 357 Calif., July' 8-1 r, 1940. American Society of E. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Bi-monthly. §3.50. Planning Officials, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Police Chiefs' News Letter, International Asso­ 1940. 194pp. ?2. _ ciation of Chieft of Police, 918 F St., N. W., NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL PLANNING [COMMIS- " Washington, D. C. Monthly. $1. siON. Planning Marches On; the Record of CANTOR, NATHANIEL F. Crime and Society; an In-. Planning in New England, jp^^-ip^p. Howard troduction to,. Criminology. New Yotkv Henry K. Menhinic^, corap. Boston, June 19319. 36 Holt and CO., March 1939. 459pp. $3. pp., mimeo., diart. (Pub. No. 59.) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE. NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE. The Police Blue Book, ip^g-jfo; a Directory Proceedings of the . ; . Boston,- Mass., May of National, State and Provincial, County and 10, 1940. National Resources Planning Bbara, Municipal Police and Other Criminal Justice Region 1, 2100 Federal Bldg., Boston, June Agencies and Their Executive Personnel in J^ J'940- 53PP-+i mimeo. the United States, Canada,.and Principal For­ PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNIIJIG CONFER­ eign Countries. 918 F St., N. W., Washington, ENCE. Migration and the Development of Eco­ D. C, 1939. 247pp. ?5- nomic .Opportunity in the Pacific Northwest; The_ Police Yearbook, 1940, containing the Proceedings of the Fifth . . . at Seattle, 'Wash­ Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Con­ ington, April 37-29, 19^9. Portland, Oregon, ference of the . . . held at San Francisco, Cal­ 1939. i86pp. ifornia, Sept. 9-12, 19J9. Washington, D. C, NORTHWEST REGIONAL COUNCIL. Pacific North­ 1940, 443pp. $2.50. west Problems and Materials; an Introduction. Study of State Legislation Regulating Sale Portland, Oct. 1940. 190pp., bibliog. 50c. and Possession of Firearms. 918 F St., N. W., Pacific Northwest Resources in Outline. Port­ Washington, D. C., Sept. 1940. 35pp. 50c. (Spe­ land, Ore., May 1940. 56pp„ mimeo. 25c. cial Bull, on Police Problems. 1 (Know Your Northwest Series.) MARYLAND STATE POLICE. Organization—Person• SOUTHEASTERN PLANNING CONFERENCE. Proceed- nel -^ Powers—Equipment.— Po/tc)'. Baltimore, . ings of the Fourth . . . , Columbia, .S. C, 1939. Variously paged, mimeo. March ^o-^i, /pjp. Regional Office, 22 Mari­ NATIONAL PROBATION ASSOCIATION. Adult Proba­ etta Bldg., Atlanta, Ga*, 1939. 56pp., mimeo. tion Laws of the United States; Topical and TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY. TVA; its Work State by State Summaries of Their Main Pro­ and Accomplishments. Government Printing visions. 26. ed. Gilbert Cosulich. 50 W. 50 St., Office, Washington, D. C, 1940. 64pp. Price? New York, 1940. io7pp, S1.25. U^ S; NATIONAL RESOURCES CoiyiMiTTEE. Regional\ A State Administered Adult Probation and Planning; Pt. 8. Northern Lakes States. Wash- \ Parole System; Draft of a Model Act Prepared ingtoii> D. C, May 1939. 63pp., illus., charts. V by the Committee on a State Administered •'25c. -:-: ' . • I •- \ Probation and Parole Act of the ... 50 W. U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES PLANNING BOARD, pi- \^o St., New York,:Ap5. 1940. 37pp. rectory of State, Territorial, and. Regional SmTH, 'BRVCE. Police. Systems in the United Planning Agencies, and State Defense Ageh~ • States. New York: Harper and Bros., 1940. cies. Rev, to Dec. i, 1940. Washington, D. C, 3^pp., charts. $4. -^^ 1940^ 39pp., inimeo. (Circular 2, Revised.) U. S. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. Ten -r^^rrent JPrograms qjf Work)\State Planning Yeap of Uniform-Crime Reporting, 19^0-19^9. •S. Washingtonf D. C, 1940. loipp.. Washington, D. C, 1939. 138pp., miineo,, „^ . (Circular n> Revised.) tables, •;

••• • A .•• - - ', ••••.• ••••".••

•, \- - • • •" . • .•••:••• -

r-v 348 THE BOOK OF THE STATES U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. STATE LAW INDEX. WILLIAMS, J. KERWIN. Grants-in-aid under the Crime Control; State Laws, 1935-1938, inclu­ ' Public Works Administration; a Study in Fed- sive. Elizabeth A. Banks, comp. Washington, erdl-State-Local Relations. New York: Colum- D, C, 1940. 77pp. IOC. (State Law Digest Re­ V bia University Press, 1939. 292pp., tables, $3.75. - port NO. 3.) ROADS POLITICS American Highways. American Associatipn of American Political Science .Review. American State Highway Officials, Washington, vD. C. Politicar Science Association, 305 Harris Hall, Quarterly. §1. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. , Public Roads. Public Roads Administration, Bi-monthly. $5. '.' Washington, D. C. Monthly. $1. Political Science Quarterly. Acatlemy of Politi­ "Financing Highways in. Colorado." University cal Science, Columbia University, New York; of Denver Reports, Denver, Colo., March 1940, Quarterly, $4. entire issue, tables, charts. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. Minority Par­ KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ ties on the Ballot; a Survey of Restrictions on MENT. Organization of State Highway Depart­ Minority Parties, Together with Recommended ments; Highway Department Organization; Legislation. 31 Union Square, .W., New. York,* Secondary Roads in State Systems; and Pres­ Aug. 1940. i8ppi, mimeo. loc. i ent Financial Status of Kansas Highway Sys­ BEARD,-CHARLES A. American Government and tems. Top^ka, Feb. 1939. 30pp. mimeo, charts, ^_^Politics. 8th ed. New York; Macmillan Co., , tables. (Pub. No. 86.) ^ 1939. 814pp. ?3.75. MARYLAND LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DIVI­ ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ SION. Highway Condemnation. Baltimore, Nov. MENT. Regulation of Campaign ^Expenditures. 1940. 26pp. (Research Report No. 8.) Springfield, Aug. 1940. 26pp., mimeo., tables. ——Roadside Control. Robert R. Bowie. Balti­ (Pub. No. 31.) more, Sept, 1940. 65pp., mimeo. (Research^ MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Prologue to Politics. Chi- Report No. 5.) ^' . cago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. 118 MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF GOVERN­ pp. $1.50. , MENT. Trends in Highway finance.. Robert S. The New Democracy and the New Despotism. Ford and.Marvin A. Bacon. Ann Arbor, 1940. New York: McGraw-Hill, .1939. 878pp. $3. 2opp., tables, charts. 10c. (Michigan Pamph­ -—^AND HAROLD F. GOSNELL. The American Party lets No. 5.) System; An Introduction to the Study of Po­ NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNQL. HIGHWAY RE­ litical Parties in the United States. New York: SEARCH BOARD AND THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Macmillan Co., 1940. 476pp., charts. $3.50. OF STATE HIGHWAY OFFICIALS, JOINT COMMIT­ SAIT, EDWARD MCCHESNEY. American Parties and TEE ON ROADSIDE DEVELOPMENT. Roadside De- . Elections^ Rev. ed. New York: D. Appleton- tijelopfhent; Reports at. the Nineteenth An- Century Co., 1939. 790pp. $4. jnual Meeting by the ... 2 pts. Washington, SALTER, J. T. The Pattern of Politics;, the Folk­ ^ D. C, 1940. 63pp., 105pp., mimeo. ways of a Democratic People. New York: Mac­ U. S. BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS. Toll Roads .and millan Co., 1940. 246pp. $2.25. Free Roads. Pt. i. The Feasibility of a System "^ of Transcontinental Toll Roads. Pt. 2.\ A Master Plan for Free Highway Development. PUBLIC WORKS Washington, D.C, 1939, 212pp., charts, tables. Public Works. Public Works Journal Corpora­ tion, 310 E. 45 St., New York. Monthly. $3. TAXATION Public Works Engineers' News Letter. American Public Works Association, 1313 E. 60 St., Chi^ Assessors' News Letter. National Association of cago. Monthly. $1. Assessing Officers, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Public Works Engineers' Yearbook, 1941, Includ­ Monthly. Available to members only. . ing the Proceedings of the 1940 Public Works ; Bulletin of the National Tax Association, 35 Congress held at Detroit, Mich., Sept. ^q-Oct. 2, French Ridge, New Rochelle, N. Y, Monthly. 1940, and the Western Regional Conference, •' $2. . • . • • • - Los Angeles, California, ^ar. if-i6, 1940. Tax Administrators' News. Federation of Tax American Public Works Association, 1313 E. Administrators, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 422pp. $3.50. . Monthly. $3. TENNESSEE STATE PLANNING COMMISSION. Pro­ Tax Policy. Tax,Institute, 135 S. 36 St., Phila­ gramming Public Works. Nashville, May 1940. delphia. Monthly. $3. 149pp., tables, charts. $1. . Taxes. Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 205 W. U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES PLANNING BOARD. The Monroe St., Chicago. Monthly, $3. Economic Effects of the Federal Public Works BLAKEY, ROY G. and GLADYS C. BLAKEY. The Expenditures, 1933-1938. J.. K. Galbraith and Federal Income Tax. New York: Longmans, G. G. Johnson, Jr. Washington, D. C, 1940. Green and Co., 1940, 640pp., tables, charts. 131pp., tables, charts. 25c (paper cover). $7-50- U.. S. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION. America CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC Builds; the Record of PWA. Washington, ADMINISTRATION. Severance Taxation. Grace ^ D. C, 1939. 298pp., illus., tables, charts. f,70C. M. Kneedler. Berkeley, April 10, 1939. 58i)p., ROSTERS AND BrBLlOGRAPHY 349 mimeo., tables. (1939 Legislative Problems, Kansas Tax Code Submitted to the Governor NO. n.) and Members of the Legislature, December 20, -—State Tax Administration. Margaret S. Cul­ 1940. Vrcd E. Gulick, comp. and ed. Topeka, ver. Berkeley, April 14, 1939. 18pp., raimeo., 1940. 328pp. (Pt. 2. (Special) of the Fourth tables. (1939 Legislative Problems, No. 8.) Biennial Report.) .CONFERENCE ON STATE DEFENSE. The Constitu­ -RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. Assessment of Real tional Immunity of State and Municipal Se­ Estate in Kansas; Possible Improvements in curities; a Legal Defense of the Continued the Present System by Systematic Appraisal Integrity of the Fiscal Powers of the States. Methods and County Unit Assessment. Topeka, Ill Eighth Ave., New York, 1939. 420pp.-Price? July 1940. 53pp., mimeo., tables, charts. (Pub. DUN AND BRADSTREET, INC. A Survey of Taxes No. 99:) Paid by'Business in jpjS. 290 Broadway, New -Personal: Property Taxation in Kansas. 3 pts. York, Dec. 1939. 38pp., illus., tables, charts. * Topeka, July 1940. 27pp.. 35pp., 20pp., Price? mimeo., tables, (Pubns. Nos. !ioo, 101, and FEDERATION OF TAX ADMINISTRATORS. Digest of 102.) . Tobacco Taxes. Rev. edr^i3i3 E. 60 St., Chi­ KANSAS, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF BUSINESS RE­ cago, Oct. 1939. 19pp. $1. (Research Report, SEARCH. Use Taxes and Their Legal arid Eco­ NO. 5.) nomic Background. Lawrence Leslie Waters. —r-Some Aspects of State Revenue Estimating— Lawrence, Jiine 1940. 92pp. (Kansas Studies /^^/. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec. 9, 1940. -in Business, No. 19.) iipp., typevyritten, tables. 50c. (RM-167.) Lirrz, HARLEY L. The Fiscal and Economic As­ -Special Surveys or Studies of State Revenue pects of the Taxation of Public Securities. Problems Undertaken or Completed ,. Since . .^ New York State Comptroller, Albany, January I, 1936. 1313 E. 60 St;, Chicago, Aug. »939-'~a4ipp.> tables. ^^-- 19, 1940, 26pp, 50c. (RB-31.) MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF GOVERN- ——State Income Taxation by Reference to the. MEKT. State Tax Administration. Ann Arbor, Federal /4cf5. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Feb. 13, 1940. 18pp. (Michigan Pamphlets, No. 6.) 1941. 5pp.:^-, typewritten. 50c. (RM-173.) ——Taxation of Intangibles in Michigan. Rob­ GEORGIA, UNIVERSITY OF. iNSTrrurE FOR THE ert S. Ford. Ann Arbor, 1939. ^S^pp-. tables. STUDY OF GEORGIA PROBLEMS. The Intangible (Michigan Governmental Studies, No. 2.) Tax.of Georgia. L. B. Raisty. Athens, April -Taxing Intangibles; the Problem and Meth­ 1940. 30pp., tables. (Pamphlet No. 5.) ods. Ann Arbor, 1939. 13pp., tables. HALAAS, E. T. "Taxation of Intangibles." Uni­ MORSE, LEWIS W. "State Tax Commissions— versity of Denver Reports, Dexwer, Colo., Sept. Their History and Reports." Taxes, 205 W. 1940, entire issue. Monroe St., Chicago. (A series of articles, .HARRISS, C. LOWELL. Gift Taxation in the United which has been appearing each month since .VSfafM. American Council oh Public Affairs, April 1940.) X^ashingtbn, D. C., 1940. 175pp., tables. ?3" (^loth); $2.50 (paper). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION'^O'F ASSESSING OFFICERS. Assessment SuperwiiJon. .1313 E. 60 St., Chi­ ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DE­ cago, 1940. 46pp. $1. PARTMENT. Installment Payment of Current Property Taxes. Springfield, April 1940. 15pp., ——Exemption and Preferential Taxation of Fac­ mimeo., tables. (Pub. No. 23.) tories. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, July 20, 1939. r-Mdjor Potential Sources of State Revenue in 13pp., mimeo., chart. 50c. "(Bull. NO. 19.) /Hmot5.\Springfield, Aug. 1939. 45pp., mimeo., -Exemption and Preferential Taxation of tables.. (Pub. No. 15.) Homesteads. Rev. ed. 1313 ;E. 60 St., Chicago, —-—Property. Tax Dafw. iSpringfield, Aug., 1939. July 15, 1939. 15pp.,'mimeo., tabl«, chart. 30pp., rniraeo., tables. (Pub. No. 14.) 50c. (Bull. No. 20.) —^—Considerations Involved in the Adoption of Papers Presented at the Seventh National Selected Property Tax Dates. Sprin^eld, Oct. Conference on Assessment Administration . . . 1939. 17pp., mimeo. (Pub. No. 17,) Sept. 9-12, 1940. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec. ——^Exemption of\ Food Under Sales Tax Stat­ 1940. 74pp., forms. $1. utes. Springfieldi Dec. 1940. 29pp., mimeo., NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TAX ADMINISTRATORS. tables, (Pub. No.\37.) Proceedings of the 1940 Conference . . .May ——State Cigarette\.and Chain Store Taxes. 26-28, 1940. Federation of Tax Administra­ Springfield, July 1940. 11pp., mimeo., tables. tors, 1313 E. .60 St., Chicago, 1940. 46pp. $2. (Pub.^No. 28.) \. • NATIONAL HIGHWAY USERS CONFERENCE! Regis­ -Taxation of Real Estate in Proportion to tration Fees and Special Taxes for Motor Ve­ \ Mortgage and Other Interests. Springfield, hicles. 1940 ed. Waishington, D. C, 1940. 205 Sept. J940. lopp., mimeo. (Pub. No. 32.) pp. $1.25. ILLINOIS'; TAX COMMISSION, ///tnow Tax Prob­ NATIONAL TAX ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the lems; Proceedings of an Open Forum on Tax­ Thirty-second Annual Conference on Taxa­ ation arid Tax Problems in Illinois, sponsored tion under the Auspices of the . . . held at by the . . .Dec. 13, i^, and 15, 1939. ss N. San Francisco, California, Oct. 16-19, ^939' .LaSalle St., Chicago, 1940. 423pp. (Special W. G. Query, ed. Ck)Iumbia, S. C, 1940. 676 Report NO. 5.) pp. Price? KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Report and Rec­ NEBRASKA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DE­ ommendations, of the . . .on Revision of the PARTMENT. Motor Vehicle Taxation in Ne- 350 THE BOOK OF THE STATES braska. Lincoln, Oct. 1940. 35pp., tables. (Re­ States and certain Canadian and Foreign Data. port No. 12.) 8th ed. Commerce Clearing House,»205 W. NEBRASKA, UNIVERSITY OF. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Monroe St., Chicago, . 1940. 395pp.. tables. ADMINISTRATION. Tax Systems of Nebraska; a .$8.75..- Description of the Revenues, the Govern­ U. S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. State Tax Collec­ mental Financial Structufes, and the Revenue tions: 1940. Vfashington, D. C, ig^o. szpp. Support of Selected Activities. E. B. Schmidt. U> S. TEMPORARY NATIONAL ECONOMIC CONCMIT- Lincoln, Feb. 1940. 42pp., tables, charts. 50c. TEE. Who Pays the. -Taxes? Gerhard Colm and (Nebraska Studies in Business, No> 48.) Helen Tarasov..'Government Printing Office, NEWCOMER, MABZL. Taxation and Fiscal Policy. Washington, p. C, 1940. 55pp., tables, charts, New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. loc. (Monograph NO. 3.) •-->. 89pp. ?i.25. : - "Use Taxes." Tax Policy. 1$^ S, 36 St., Phila­ ^*^-——You are a Taxpayer. Vassar College Cooper- delphia, Dec. 1939, entire issue. • ative Bookstore, Po.ughkeepsie, ~ New York, "Varying Emphasis on Different State Taxes; the '939' 37PP-« charts. 35c> •_ ^ . • Forty-Eight States Arranged in the Order of OHIO. TAX AND REVENUE COMMISSION. i?(?/7ort Their Dependence Upon Each of Twenty-One of the . . . Submitted January j^, jpjp. Co­ .. Tax Types." Tax Po/»cy, 135 S. 36 St., Phila- . lumbus, 1940; 443pp. delphia, Aug. 1940, entire issue. ' OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION. Administration of WALKER, MABEL L. "A MODEL STATE TAX SYS- the Intangibles Tax Law in Oklahoma. Okla­ ^ ^ JEM." Tax Policy, 135 S. 36 St., Philadelphia, homa City, NOV. 25, 1940. 6pp.-{-, mimcdp,^ iS^' June 1940, entire issue. ^tables. (Bull. No. 39.) ,, ... "Wj^r Taxes." Tax Po/icy, 135 S. 36 St., Phila­ -DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS. Ci'fn- delphia, Oct. 1939, entire issue. . parisons of State Tax Systems. Oklahpma Citjf, 1940. 7pp. (Know Your Governhient Series, UTILITIES • •; No. 3.) • •;•.:••.•, ; A Discussion of Certain Principles jof Stale Journal of Land, and Public Utility Economics. Tax Administration and Proposed^. Solutions 357 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Quarterly. $5. of Intergovernmental Tax Problems. ^}i\a- Journal of the American Water Works Associa­ •* homa City, 1939. >'• .:• tion, 22 E. 40 St., New York. Monthly. $7. PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. Our Taxes-xund Pubjic Utilities Fortnightly, Munsey Bldg., Wash­ What They Buy. Rev. ed. Maxwell S. I^tewart. ington, D. C. Bi-weekly, Si5v 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, f939. 32ppv lAiERiCAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. Manual .charts, loc. (Public Affairs Pamphlets"No. 28.)'^ df Water Quality and Treatment, Z2 E. 40 PirrNEV, BRYANT. "Exemptions from Taxation." \\ St., New York, 1940. 294pp. $3. Editorial Research Reports, loi^ Thirteenth MUER, JOHN AND NATHANIEL GOLD. The Elec- -^ St., N. W., Washington, i), C, Jan. 11, 1941; trie Power Industry; Development, Organiza­ entire issue. ; tion, and Public Policies. New York: Harper -r—"Sh^rihg^ of Tax Revenues." £rfi"/ona/ Re­ and Bros., 1939^ 347pp. $3.50. search Reports, 1013 Thirteenth St., N.J\V., LENTZ, GILBERT G. The Enforcement of the Or­ Washington, D. C, Feb. 1, 1940, entire issde. ders of State Public Service Commissions. Ur- "Relative Taxpaying Ability .of the States.'/ bana: University of Illinois Press, .1940. 159 Tax Policy, 135 S. 36 St., Philadelphia, May pp. $2. 1940, entire issue. i U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. STATE LAW INDEX. "Severance Taxes." Tax Policy, i^^S. 36 St., • Recent State Laws on Transportation and Philadelphia, Feb. 1940, entire issue. Public Utilities; a .Digest of Important Statu­ "State Tax Legislation, 1940." Tax Policy,- 1^5 tory Changes and New Laws Enacted in 193$- S. 36 Street, Philadelphia, Sept. 1940, entire 1938. Washington, D. U, 1940. 83pp. 15c. issue. ' (State Law Digest, Report No. 2.) STOCKWELL, "MARVEL M.. Studies in California State Taxation^ ipio-ip^s. Berkeley: Univer- . sity of California Press, 1939. ,316pp., tables. WELFARE AND RELIEF ^ • •• I - $2.50. Public Welfare News. American Public Welfare TAX POLICY LEAGIIE ( TAX INSTITUTE) . Prop- Association, 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago. Monthly. . erty Taxes; Symposium Conducted by the ; . . .$2. Dec. 27-29, 19jg, in Philadelphia, Pa. 135 S. Social Security Bulletin. Social Security Board, 36 Street, Philadelphia, 1940. 288pp., tables, . Washington, D. C. Monthly. $2. S2.50. Survey. Survey Associates, Inc., 112 E. 19 St., Tax Exemptions. James W. Martin and New York. Monthly. $3. - others. 135 S. 36 St., Philadelphia, 1939. 237 ABBOTT, EDITH. Pu6/ic Assistance. Vol. i. Ameri­ PP-?3- can Principles and Policies; with Select Docu- Tax Yields: 1939; tax collection statistics for , merits. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, the various units of. government with explan­ 1940. 894pp. $4.50. atory text and analysis. I^^ S. 36 St., Phila­ ADAMS, GVULCB.. Workers on Relief. Yale Uni­ delphia, 1940. 126pp., tables, charts. versity Press, New Haven, Conn., 1939. 344pp., TAX RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Tax Systems; a illus. $3. Yearbook of Legislative and Statistical Infor­ AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ASSOCIATION. Com­ mation Including Alt the States of-the United pilation .of Settlement Laws of All States in ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 351 the United States. Rev. ed. Harry M. Hirsch, INTERSTATE CONFERENCE OF EMPLOYMENT SECUR­ comp. 1313 E. 6p.St., Chicago, 1939. 47pp.. ITY AcENaEs. COMMITTEE. ON EMPLOYER Ex- ' tables. 50c. -— PERIENCE RATING. Report of the , . . 3 vols. -Digest of State Public Welfare Legislation, 1712 G St., Washington, D.C, 1940. 73pp.-f-, • ip^p. Marietta Stevenson and Alice MacDon- . 53PP-. zopp. aid. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec. 1939. aSapp.i INTERSTATE CONFERENCE ON MIGRATORY LABOR mimeo. $1.25. - (DELAWARE, MARYLAND, NEW JERSEY, VIR­ -Public Welfare Directory, 1941; a Listing of GINIA) . Proceedings 0/ , , , Baltimore, Md., Federal, State and Local Public Assistance and Feb. 12-1J, 1940. l3ivision of Liabor Standards, Welfare Agencies. Ralph E, Spear, ed. i3i3JE. Washington, D. C, 19.10. io6pp., niimeo, 60 St., Chicago, 1941,.2jopp. $1. : bibliog. —, ^ * -State and Local Public Welfure Agencies; an INTERSTATE CONFERENCES ON WELFA.IE PROBIEMS, Organizational and Functional Analysis of Interstate Conference on Welfare Problems, \ State and Local Agencies Administering Pub­ Indianapolis, May ^ and 6, Jpjg American lic Welfare Functions. Marietta Stevenson and Public Welfare Association, 1313 E. Uo St., Alice MacDonald. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec Chicago, 1939. Variously paged, mimeo. 1939. IO9PP„ mimeo. 60c. MARYLAND LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. ! RESEARCH DE­ BAKKE, E. WIGHT, the Unemployed Worker; A PARTMENT. Report on Almshouses in Mary­ :, Study of the Task of Making a Living With­ land. Ballimore, Apr, 1940. Variously paged, out a Job. Yale University Press,- New Haven, mimeo., tables. (Research Report No. 2.) <» .Conn., 1940. 465pp., tables. $4. MATSCHECK, WALTER and RAYMOND C. ATKIN­ BRECKINRIDGE, SOPHONISBA "P. -The Illinois Poor SON. ProWems and Procedures of Unemploy­ Law and Its Administration. Chicago: Uni­ ment Compensation in the States, Public Ad­ versity of Chicago Press,-1939, 541 pp. maps. §4. ministration Service, 13 i3^.E. 60 St., Chicago, / BROWN, JospiiiNE C. Public Relief, jpup-ip^p. 1939. 85pp., forms, $1,25. (Pub, No. 65.) : New York: Henry .Holt\& Co., 1940. 524PP,, • NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WORK. Pro-^ tables, charts. $3.50. ceedings of the . . . Sixty-seventh Annual Con­ CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON RE­ ference, Grand Rapids, Micfiigan, May a6- ,,/ EMPLOYMENT. Reemployment; Report of the June I, /p^o. New York: Columbia University . . . Sari Francisco, 1939; 95pp., chart. Press, 1940. 763PP, $3. NATIONAL PROBATION ASSOCIATION. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OE PUBLIC Juvenile AbMiNiSTRATiON, Relief and Welfare Organ­ Court Laws of the United States; Topical and. ization in California, Victor Jones. Berkeley, State by State Summaries of Their Main Pro­ visions. 2d ed. Gilbert Cosulich. 50 W. 50 St., Apr. 24, 1939. 52pp., mimeo., tables. (1939 New York, ifj'^Q. 175pp. $1.25. . Legislative Problems, No. 5.) NEW YORK (STATE) . EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CjtuNciL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS, Summary Di- ; STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL. Report of th^e . . . ' gest of State Laws Providing for Charity Hos­ on the Subject of Experience Rating . . .2 pital Service. Mamie Owen. 1313 El 60 St., pts. 342 Madison Ave., New York, March 1940. Chicago, Jan. 1940. 4pp., mimeo. 25c. (BX- 46pp., 116pp., mimeo. 195) "PUBLIC AFFAIRS.COMMITTEE. Adrift on the.Land. GILL, CORRINGTON, Wasted Manpower; the Chal­ Paul S. Taylor. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New lenge of Unemployment. Nevf York, W. W. York, 1940. 31pp., illus. loc. (Public Affairs Norton & Co., Inc., 1939. 312pp., charts. $2.75. Pamphlets, No. 42.) CLICK, FRANK Z. the Illinois Emergency Relief ——Pensions after 5|x STREET, ELWOOD. The Public Welfare Adminis­ —Compilation of the Social Security Laws In^ trator. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1940. 422 eluding the Sdcidl Security. Act Amendments of /p5p and other Enactments of the j6th U.S. CHILDREN'S BUREAU. Cohfereoce o« Chil­ Congress, ist Session. Washington, D. Cv 1939. dren in a Democracy; Papers and Discussions 92pp. at the Initial Session, held in Washington, -Suggested Draft Amendments to States Un-. D. C, April 2(S^ /p39. Washington, D.C, 1939. employment Compensation Laws Occasioned 149pp. 20c. by Enactment of the "Social Security Act U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. jBconomic Amendments of 1939." Washington, D. C, Analysis of the Food Stamp Plan. Norman Feb. 1940. 39pp. (Employment Security Memo. Leon Gold and others. Washington, D. C, \No. 4.) Oct. 1940. 98pp., tables. 20c. ——BUREAU OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS. Trends U. S. SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD. CAaracfem/ici of in Public Assistance, .1933-19^9'' Washington, State Plans for Aid to Dependent Children D. C, 1940. gSpp,, tables, charts. 20c. (Bureau .Approved' by the ... as of July 1, 1940. Rev. • Report No. 8.) - ed. Washington, D. C, 1940. 27pp. loc. (Pub. No,. 18.) N U. S. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. DIVISION -Characteristics of State Plans for Aid to the OF' RESEARCH. State Public Welfare Legisla­ Blind. Rev. ed. Washington, D.'C. July i, / tion. Robert G. Lowe. Washington, D. C, 1940. 25pp. loc. (Pub. No. 17.) 1939. 398pp., tables, charts. (Research Mono­ -^——Characteristics of Stale Plans for Old-Age graph 20.) "^ Assistant. Washington, D. C, 1940. 35pp. 10c. WHITE, R. CLYDE. Administration of Public (Pub. No. 16.) Welfare. New York: Ainerican Book Co^, 1940. ^•^—r-ComparisOn of State Unemployment Com- 527pp., tables, charts. $3.25. . pensation Laws as of October i, /p^o. Wash­ WITHERS, WILLIAM, Financing Economic Secur­ ington, D. C, ,Nov. 1940. 142pp. 20C. (Em-• ity in the United States. New York: Columbia ployment Security Memo. No. 8.) University Press, 1939. 210pp., tables. §2.75.



/ :•

I •'. ,v^



ADULT EDUCATION state Name . Title Agency. Alabama . A.H.Collins Superintendent . Department of Education Arizona .. E. D. Ring Superintendent of . State Board of Education Publit~~Instruction Arkansas . • • • • Ralph 6. Jones Commissioner State Board of Education California I • • •. George. C. Mann Chiefs Division of State Board of Education Adult and Contin­ uation Education Colorado ...... H. A. Tiemann Director State Board for Vocational • Education Connecticut i.. Robert C. Deming Supervisor" of Adult State Board of Education Education Delaware Marguerite H. Burnett Director State Board of Education Florida ...... Georgia ...... Idaho ...... ;... :.;..;.\^.... Illinois ..; TTiT.... Indiana ...... •••• Iowa H. W. Carmichael State Superintendent Board of Vocational Educa­ of Training and In­ tion dustrial Education Kansas ...... Kentucky ..... : Homer NicBolls Director State Board of Education Louisiana John E. Coxe Maine Stephen7S. Patrick Director, Division of Department of Education Adult Education Marj^land ...... J... Director Division of University Exten­ Massachusetts .. James Al ^foyer . sion Director • . State Board of Control for Michigan George H. Fern Vocational Education Acting Commissioner State Board of Education . Minniesota .... A. B, Caldwell Mississippi ...... Missouri • • • -ff • Montana •••y- :•• r^iebraska ...... A--- ..•••• N!evada ...... Mildred Bray Deputy Commissioner State Board of Education New Hampshire Walter M. May New Jersey .. Representative of Department of Education New Mpcico ... Rebecca Graham . Director, Adult Educa­ Department of Education' New York Frank L. Tolman tion and Library Ex­ tension Division North Carolina. Elizabeth C. Morriss Director . Department of Public In­ struction „ North Dakota.; Ohio ...;..... H. \V. Nisonger Assistant Director Bureau of Special and Adult Education . Oklahoma Robert F. Rose Supervisor of Adult Department of. Education Education Oregon .. David Graham Supervisor of Adult Department of" Education Education Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island .. James F. RocKett Director ' Department of Education ; South Carolina. James H. Hope Superintenderit of State Board of Education Education 353 ijf

354 / THE BOOK OF THE STATES ADULT EDUCATION-cdn/mM^d state Name Title Agency South Dakota. J. F. Hines Tennessee .... E. R. Lingerfelt State: Director Work Projects Administra- . tibn Texas .., Utah ..,,. Vermont Virginia ., Sidney B. Hall Superintetident of , S tate Board of, Education Public Instruction , Washington .. West Virginia. W. W.Trent Superintendent of Department of Education • Schools Wisconsin .... George P. Hambrecht Director. Statp Board of Vocational and Adult Education Wyoming .... F. M. Treat Director - Division of Vocational Edu­ cation

AERONAUTICS* Slate Name Title Agency Alabama .., Asa Rountree, Jr. Director of Airfields State Aviation Commission and Development Arizona ...., Amos A. Betts Chairman Corporation Commission Arkansas .., California .; Colorado .., Vasconcells Chairmati Aeronautics Commission Connecticut Charles L. Morris Commissioner of Department of Aeronautics Aeronautics Delaware Director, Aviation State Road Department Division Georgia ...... Marvin Griffin Chairman Aviation Commission Idaho "IV. H, Hill Director, Division of Department of Public Works Aeronautics Illinois ... George C. Roberts Secretary r Aeronautics Comniission • . . Howard C. Knotts Aviation Supervisor Cominerce Commission C. F. Cornish 1 • Chairman, Governor's , Fact Finding Com-, mittee Iowa Charles W. Gatstfhet . Chairman '^ Aeronautics Commissioh Kansas ...... '••••••••'•.••«••«••;•• ...... (.. Kentucky ..... A. H. Near Chairman Aeronautics Commission Louisiana ...... T. B. Herndon Aeronautics Coordina^ Department of P ublic Works tor Maine ...... Burtis F. Fowler Chief Inspector in Office of Secretary of State * • . • • ' Charge of Aviation Maryland ..... Charles A. Masson Secretary-Treasurer State Aviation Commission Massachusetts .. Crocker Snow Director Aviation Commission Michigan ..... Sheldon B, Steers Director; Department Board of Aeronautics ^ • of Aeronautics Minnesota .... Ray S. Miller Chairman Aeronautics Commission Mississippi .... t •••••••'•••••••t*. •••• George B. Logan 2 Legal Counsel, . National Association of State Aviation

•,••(»•• Officials Montana .(..... • •••••«'•••••••••••••• • -•••• . •'. •>••••*••• . .,• Nebraska i 1^. V. Packard Secretary^ Aeronautics Commission ...%...... 1 Indiana has no state aviatio?i body. .Mr. Cornish's address is Municipal Airport, Fort Wayne, Ind. 2 Missouri has no state aviation body. Mr. Logan's address is 506 Olive St., St. Louisi Mo. •This information supplied by Civil Aeronautics Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce. In states which show no official in charge of aeronautics, information on the subject is usually cleared through the bffice of the governor. - :;!:

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 355 AERONAUTICS-conimued State Name Title Agency New Hampshire James 1''. O'Neil Director of Aeronautics Public Service Commission New Jersey i >.. Gill Robb Wilson Director of Aviation Department of Aviation New Mexico ... Harllee Townsend, Jr. Execu tive Director Aeronautics Commission New York North Carolina. R. Bruce Etheridge Director, Conservation . State Aviation Commission and Development Program North Dakota .. C. W. McDonnell Commissioner Public Service Commission Ohio ...... Earle L. Johnson Director of Aeronautics State Bureau of Aeronautics Oklahoma .... Owen A. Smith . Director, TrafiBc Department of Public Safety Control Oregon Leo G. Deyaney : State Director State Board of Aeronautics Pennsylvania .. Victor Dallin Director, Division of Department of Revenue Aeronautics Rhode Island .. Willard M. Fletcher Administrator of Civil 'Advisory Board,. Department Aeronautics of Public Works South Carolina. Dexter C. Martin Director of Aeronautics Aeronautics Commission South Dakota .. T. B. Roberts, Jr. Chairman Aeronautics Commission Tennessee ..... G. J. Paulie Director Bureau of Aeronautics Texas ...... i . .'. ...• i Utah ...... '... Joseph 6. Bergin Director Aeronautics Commission Vermont ...... Raymond C. Inspector of Aero- . Motor Vehicle Department, :' • Thompson nautics Aviation Section Virginia 4..... A. C. Perkinsbn Director of Aviation State Corporation Commis­ sion, Divisioti of Aviation Washington ... Lacey V. Murrow Director of Aeronautics Office of.the Governor West Virginia.. ; David H. Giltinan Secretary Bo^rd of Aeronautics Wisconsin''.,... Howard A. Morey Chairm M'l Aeronautics Board John Phifer Chahman State Aviation Commission

• •• • • • • -. • • AG RICULTURE State Name '' ' ' - Title , Agency . Alabama ..;;.. Haygood Paterson Commissioner of Department of Agriculture Agriculture ' and Industries Ariyona ...... J. L. E. lauderdale State Entomologist Commission of Agriculture and Horticulture . Arkansas ...... Paul Miller Secretary . "~ State Plant Board California ...... William B. Parker Director Department of Agriculture Colorado ...... W. C. Sweinhart Director, Division of Executive Department ••:•'•- .' -.'..•>- Agriculture Connecticut ... Olcott F. King Commissioner Department of Agriculture Delaware Ralph Wilson Secretary State Board of Agriculture Florida ...... Nathan Mayo , Commissioner of . Department of Agriculture,

•••'.••• f ' Agriculture Georgia ...... Thomas M. Linder. CommissioneE Department of Agriculture James Newport Commissioner' in Department of Agriculture Charge of All Bureaus Illinois ...... Howard Leonard Director , . Department of Agriculture. Indiana :...... Charlies M. Dawsoh Commissioner of Department of Commerce Agriculture and Industries Iowa ;...,...'. Mark G. Thornburg Secretary of Department of Agriculture Agriculture ivansaS' ...... ,.. J. C. Mohler Secretary Board of Agriculture Kentucky ..... WiUiam H. May Commissioner of Department^pf Agriculture, Agriculture , Labor and Statistics Louisiana ..... Harry D. Wilson Commissioner . Department of Agriculture and linmigration . ,"- Maine...... Carl R, Smith Commissioner - Department of Agriculture. Maryland ..i.. H. C. Byrd Executive Officer and State Board of Agriculture

•.-... ••.•• ,1. President of Univer­ • •'^^i sity of Maryland

/ 356 THE BOOK OF THE STATES AGRICULTURE-confmued State Name, Title Agency Massachusetts :!* ^illiam Casey Commissioner . of Department of Agriculture \: Agriculture . Michigan ..... El^er Beamer Commissioner , Department of Agriculture Minnesota .... • R. A. Trovatten Commissioner . Department of Agriculture, Dairy and Focd Mississippi .... Si Corley Commissioner Department of Agriculture '^i^i,' •• • and Commerce Missouri ...... jfewell Mayes Commissioner of Department of .Agriculture Agriculture Montana 7.'.... Albert Kruse Coraraissibner Department of Agriculture, Labor and Industry Nebraska ...... Ralph L. Ccix Director . Department of Agriculture and Inspection Nevada ...... Carl Dodge, Jr. Director, Division of Department of Agriculture Plant Industry New. Hampshire Andrew L. Felker Commissioner Department of Agriculture New Jersey .... WillardH. Allen Secretary, State. Board Department of Agriculture of Agriculture New Mexicp ... Hugh M. Milton IH Head Department- of Agriculture New York ..... Hoi ton V. Noyes Commissioner Department of Agriculture and Markets . North Carolina, W. Kerr Scott Commissioner Department of Agriculture North Dakota.. Math Dahl Commissioner Department of Agriculture and Labor Ohio ...... John T. Brown Director of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Oklahoma ...'. Joe C. Scott President State Board of Agriculture Oregon ...... J. D. Mickle Director of Agriculture Department, of Agriculture Pennsylvania .. John H. Light Secretary of Department of Agriculture Agriculture Rhode Island .. Raymond G, Bresskr Director . Department of Agriculture

'.••-' - ' •' and Conservation J, Roy Jones Commissioner ^ Department of Agriculture, South ^Carolina. Commerce and Industries E. H. Eversort Secretary of ; Department of Agriculture South Dakota.. Agriculture Tennessee .. i.. C. C;Flanery : Commissioner of. Department of Agriculture Agriculture,,, ,xCXoS •••••••#•' J. E. McDonald Commissioner , Department of Agriculture Utah .... '.' David E. Smith ' Commissioner Department of Agriculture Vermont ..; E. H. Jones Commissioner Department of Agriculture >VirPinia ...... L. M. Walker. Jr. Commissioner ' Department of Agriculture and Immigration Washington ... y Walter J. Robinson Director of Agriculture Department of Agriculture West Virginia., J. B. McLaughlin, Commissioner Department of Agriculture Wisconsin ...., Ralph E. Ammon Qhairman of 'Department of Agriculture Commissioners and Markets Wyoming ..,,. Ralph McFarland (Deputy) Commis­ Department of Agriculture . sioner of AgriculttJre;


•'\ -, •,•-•• State Name.. Agency - Alabama .. O. Hovyell Turner State Auditor Office of State Auditor Arizona .., Ana Frohmiller'' State .Auditor Department of State Auditor Arkansas .. J. Oscar Humphreys State Auditor Office of State.Compti-oller California . George Killion Director of Finance Department of Finance Cdlorado . Charles M. Armstrong Director,,Division of Departraerit of Auditing Accounts and Con­ trols '\ '• Connecticut Frank M. Lynch and Auditor of Public Finance Department . Lewis W. Phelps / Accounts .Delaware ... Harrison M. Manning State Auditor "; Office of State Auditor •Florida .... W. M. Wainwright State Auditor Office of^^fevAuditor

. "Uti^ IV

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 357 V AUDIT—continued . State \ Name Title o — Agency Geotgia . B. E: Thrasher, Jr. State Auditor Department of Audits Idaho ^ . Calvin E. Wright State Auditor Office of State Auditor Illinois .... • Arthur C. Lueder Auditor of Public Office of Auditor of Public Accounts Account Indiana ...... £. P. Brennan State Board of Executive Department ' Accounts Iowa C. ^r Akiers Auditor of State State Auditor's Office Kansas ...... ; Albert R. Wood State Auditor Office of State Auditor : Kentudiy D. „AV Logan State Auditor Office of State Auditor Louisiana ..... L.,.B. Baynard State Auditor Office of State Auditor Maine William D'. Hayes i. State Auditor •' Auditing Department Maryland ..... Daniel L. Clayland III State Auditor Auditing Department Massachusetts .. Thomas J. Buckley - State Auditor . Office of iState Auditor Michigan ..... Vernon J. Brown Auditor General Department of Auditor General Minnesota..... Stafford King State Auditor Department of Administra­ tion and Finance -.—f. ' Mississippi ...; J, M. Causey Auditor of Public Office of Auditor of Public Accounts Accounts^ "' Missouri Forrest Smith State Auditor State Auditor Auditing Department Montana John J. Holme§ ^ Auditor of Public * Office of State Auditor Nebraska -..... Ray C. Johnson • \ Auditing Department- Accounts Office of State Auditor Nevada b. G. LaRue .State Auditor Office of thejCk)mptroller New Hampshire Stephen B. Story Comptroller State Auditor State Auditor's Department t: , . New Jersey .... Frank Durand Office of State Auditor New Mexico -. E. D. Trujillo State Auditor State Comptroller ' .^Department of Audit and New York ..... Morris S. Tremaine • Cohlrol North Carolina. George Ross Pou State Auditdr - Office of State Auditor North Dakota.. ,Berta E. Baker State Auditor !^ Office of State Auditor Ohio ...... 4 Joseph T, Ferguson Auditor of State and Bureau of Inspection and Chief Supervision of Public Offices ^. \ Oklahbma~.T«.,,. John Rogers State Auditor Office of State Auditor \ Oregon .Ir:. 1 EarlSnellJ State Auditor Office of Secretary of State Pennsylvania .. Warren R. Roberts Auditor General ' Auditor General's Depaijt- \ . • «i. • ment Rhode Island .. Samuel A. Place. Controller ' Department/ of Coordination I' and Finance South Carolina. J. M. Smith^ State*^ AuditoBs -.; Office of State Auditor South t>akota... W. W. Warner State Audkelr ' Treasury Department K Tetmessee .... Robert W. Lowe Comptrolier of the ."" Comptroller's Office Tre^ury » Texas .,.. Vacancy State Aliditor and Effi- Office of State Auditor anS ' ciency Expert ' Efficiency Expert . " Utah -. Reese M. Reese, State Auditor « Dqiartment of State Auditor ^'^ Vennont % David_^y. Anderson Auditor of Accounts Office of Auditor of Accounts ' . ^ Virginia L. Xl'cfcarlhy Downs Aliditor of Public Office of Auditor of Public Accounts Accounts Washington ... Cliff Yelle / State Auditor Office of State Auditor West Virginia.. Edgar G. Sirds jState Auditor Office of State Auditor . > Wisconsin. ....0- •Fr«i R. Zhnmermani State Auditor Office of State Auditor Wyomlng ..... William ;'&otty" Jack State Auditor Office of Secretary of State

•vV •-}. BANKING \ State ( Name. Title f Agency Alabama .. Addle Lee Farish Director ^ ' Departinent of Commerce Arizona .. James C. Calvert 4; Superintendent of Banking Departmient Banks Arkansas Thomas W. Leggett Bank Commissioner State Bank Department

?% '. •'• ^ " X Also senres as Secretary of* S^te. 358 THE BOOK OF THE STATES ^ BANKlNG-continued state Name Title Agency California Ceorge J. Knox Superintendent of Banking Department Banks Colorado . . Maple Harl Bank Commissioner Department.of Law 'Connecticut -., Walter Perry Bank Commissioner Office of Bank Commissioner^ Delaware Frank E. Lynchi, jr. Bank Commissioner • Office of Bank Commissioner Florida ...... j. M. Lee Comptroller Office of State Comptroller Georgia '.. John C. Beasley Superintendent of Banking Department Banking Idaho ...... George Wedgvy Commissi(mer of Fi­ Department of Finance nance Illinois ...... Arthur C. Lueder Auditor of Public Ac­ Office of the Auditor of counts Public Accounts Indiana i'. Ross H. Wallace Director, of Financial Department of^ Financial Institutions Institutions Iowa ...... D. W. Bates. Superintendent of Banking Department Banks Kansas ..... i.. El wood Brooks Bank Commissioner Office of Bank Commissioner Kentucky ...'.. Hiram H. Wilhoit Director, Division of Department of Business Banking Regulation Louisiana Wilfred J. Begnaud Bank Commissioner Banking Department Maine .... Andrew J. Beck Bank Commissioner Banking Department Maiyland ..... John W. Downing Bank Commissioner Banking Department Massachusetts .. Joseph E. Perry Commissioner of Department of Banking and Banks, Division of Insurance Banks and Loan Aj^ncies Michigan' . Frederick B. Elliott", Jr. Banking Commissioner Banking Department Bank Commissioner, Department of Commerce Minnesota .... F.:A. Amundson Banking Division Stace Comptroller Department of Bank Super­ Mississippi .... Sidney McLaurin vision Commissioner of "Fi­ Department of Finance Missouri ...... R. W. Holt nance • Superintendent of Banking Department . Montanaf .• W, A. Brown Banks Director - Banking Department Nebraska Wade Martin State Auditor Office of State Auditor Nevada ...... D. G. LaRiie Bank Commissioner Office of Bank Commissioner New Hampshire Clyde M. Davis Banking and Insurance Department of Banking and New Jersey .... Louis A'. Reilly Commissioner '' Insurance New Mexico .. Nolan P. Walter State Bank Examiner Banking Department New York .... William R. White Su°{}erintendent Banking Department North Carolina. Gurney P> Hood Commissioner of Banking Department Banks North Dakota.. Jolin A. Graham State Examiner , Office of State Examiner Ohio ...... S.H. Squire Superintendent, Divi­ Department of Commerce ^ sion of Banks and Banking. Oklahoma .:... Linwood O. Neal Bank Commissioner State Banking Department Oregon . .•..... Arthur A. Rogers . Superintendent of Banking Department? Banks •. ' Pennsylvania .. John C. Bell, Jr. \ Secretary b'f Banking ^ Department of Banking , Rhode Island .. Alex Chmielewski Bank Commissioner Department of Business Regulation South,Carolina. Jeff B. Bates 1 State Treasurer and Board of Bank Control

' /•••'•. : Chairman Soujih Dakota'.. Erling Haugo Superintendent of Department of Banking and , , Banks Finance T^ennessee . •... H.B: Clarke Superintendent of Dep^tment of Insurance Banks '• an& Banking Texas ..•, Lee Braiiy^ -— Banking Comraissioner Banking Department Utah .. Rulon F, Starley% Bank Commissioner Banking Department • Vermont Reginald R; Cole Commissioner of Bank­ £. • • • ing and Insurance • • ; • ! • : 1 Also Chief Examiner, Bank, Examining Department, Board of Control. \ '' \ •• . • • —•• ...... •.•

< fiT^A .'•-

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 359 BANKING-continued state Name Agency' Virginia ., M. R. Morgan Commissioner of Bank­ Corporation Department ing Washington .. George H. Jackson Supervisor of Banking Department of Finance, Budget and Business West Virginia. H. D. Vaughn Commissioner . ..Banking. Department - Wisconsin . . ' Allen G. Pflugradt Secretary State Banking Cominission Wyoming .... Norris E. Hartwell State Examiner- s Office of State Examiner

BUDGET State "» Name \ Title.: Agency Alabama ...... A.R.Forsyth' Director of Finance Department of Finance. Arizona ...... Sidney P. Osbbrn Governor Governor's Office Arkansas ...... Murray B. McLeod State Comptroller State Comptroller's Office California..... Fred W. Links Deputy Chief, Division Department of Finance of Budgets and Ac­ counts Colorado .. James A. Nborian Budget and Efficiency Executive Department Commissioner Connectiait ... Claude E. 'faylor Acting Director of the Department of Finance Budget .HI Delaware Desmond A; Lyons Accountant Permanent Budget Commis­ sion ' Florida Budget Commission i Georgia ...... B, E. Thrasher,. Jr. 2 State Auditor Department of Audits Idaho C, J. Hugo Acting Director Bureau of Budget Illinois : George B. McKibbin Director Department of Finance Indiana C. Anderson Ketchum Director of the Budget Executive Department """ Iowa JC. Fred Porter • State Comptroller Executive Department Kansas Floyd Shoaf Budget Directcft- Department of Budget Commissioneirof Fi­ Department of Finance Kentucky ..... J. Dan Talbott nance Louisiana Martin L. Close Director of Finance Department of Finance Maine Frederick W. Payne State Budget Officer Department of Finance Maryland ..... Walter N. Kirkman State Budget Director Executive Department Massachusetts .. Charles W. Greenough Budget Commissioner Commission on Administra­ tion and Finance Michigan ..... Leo J. Nowicki Budget Director State Administrative Board Minnesota Leslie M. Gravlin Budgiet Commissioner Department of Administra­ tion Mississippi ;.;. Heber Ladner Acting Secretary Budget Commission Missouri .... W. B. MacGregor Assistant Director Department of. Budget Montana ...... William Hosking State Accountant, Board of Equalization and Accounting and Assessment Budget Office Nebraska ...... Frank J. Brady , State Tax Commis­ Office of Tax Commissioner sioner and Budget Control Nevada E. P. Carville Governor Executive Department New Hampshire Stephen B. Story Comptroller Comptroller's Office New Jersey .... Audley H. F. Stephan Budget Commissioner Budget Department New Mexico ... John E. Miles Governor Executive Department New York ..... Abraham S. Weber Director^-Diyision "of Executive ^Department Budget North Carolina. R. G. Deyton Assistant Dir&tor of Executive Department the Budget North Dakota. Budget Commissions Ohio .....1... H. D. Defenbacher Superintendent of Department of Finance . Budget : 1 Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, State Treasurer, Attorney General, Commissioner of Agricul­ ture, and Superintendent of Public Instruction. . . . _ 2 Governor assists with preparation of budget, after it has been, formulated by the Auditor and Sute Treasurer. 8 Governor, Attompy General, State Anditor, Secretary of State. ^,

\ . •• \- '••••••••• 360 THE BOOK OF THE STATES BXJDGET-continued State Name Title. Agency Oklahoma . .1 R. R. Owens Budget Ofiicer Executive Department Oregon ..... David W. Eccles Executive Secretary to Executive Department the. Governor* Budg­ et Division Pennsylvania .. Edward B. Logan Budget Secretary GovernoY's Office 9 Rhode Island .. Christopher Del Sesto Budget ^Officer Department of Coordination and Finance South Carolina. Burnet R, Maybank Governor Executive Department South Dakota .. A. B. Blake Secretary of Finance Departrnent of Finance Tennessee W. M. Duncan Director of the Department of the Budget Budget Texas .... y Maurice J. Hoffman Chief, Division of Esti­ Board of Control mates and Appro­ priations Utah E. R. Miles Budget OflScer Board of Purchases and Supplies Vermont ...... Virginia Rowland Egger Director, Division of Executive Department Budget Washington .., E. D. Brabrook Supervisor of Budget, Department of Finance, + - Division of Budget Budget and Business ^ West Virginia., H. Isaiah Smith Director of thie Budget Board of Public Works Wisconsin E. C. Giessel Acting Director of the Budget Bureau Budget Wyoming ..... Herbert B. Fowler Deputy Budget Officer Executive Department r CLAIMS 1 •M' State Name Title 'Agency Alabama ... I. C. Heck Division of Control Finance Department and Accounts Arizona ^.. Ana. Frohmiller State Auditor Office of State Auditor Arkansas .. California . George Killion ' Chairman. " Board of Control Colorado .. Connecticitt '•••••• "fajt" ••'"•" Delaware >. Florida .... Georgia ..., Homer C. Parker Comptroller-General Idaho ..:., OWille Brooks Illinois Arthur C. Lueder Auditor of Public Office of Auditor of Public Accounts Accounts "^ ' Indiana . % Iowa . — C. Fred Porter CompitroUer Executive Department / Kansas ... George Robb State Auditor Office of State Auditor; Kentucky Louisiana ;::::::;:v.;;:;::::: Maine •.. Harold E. Rodgers , State Controller, Department TO Finance \^ Bureau of Accounts and Control Maryland ..... Massachusetts .. Michigan ...... William Caughey. . Clerk Court of Claims Minnesota .....

Mississippi . • %•• Missouri .,..., Forrest Smith State Auditor Auditing Departrnent Montana Nebraska ^... ^.... Nevada ...... E. P. Garville •Examiner New Hampshire C 1 Responsibility, for handling of claims in many. states is not centered in,any one person. Hencc,»it has been impossible to list persons in _charge of this function for all states. J

:a_ ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 361 GLAIMS—continued state Name • Title Agency New Jersey . .^. New Mexico ... New York ..... John J. Magilton Chief Aiiditor—State Department of Audit and Expenditures Control North Carolina. North Dakota,. Ohio Oklahoma .'.,.. Frank C. Carter State Auditor OflRce of State Auditor Oregon Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island .. South Carolina. A. J. Beattie ' •\ Chairman State Board of" Claims South Dakota .. , Teimessee ..... W. C. Cook Secretary Board of Claims. Texas Utah ...... Reese M., Reese State Auditor Office of State Auditor " Vermont ...... }. ;.. Virginia ...... LeRoy Hodges Comptroller Division of Accounts and Control . Washington .., Cliff Yelle / State Auditor : Office of State Auditor West Virginia.. Wisconsin ..... Fred R. Zimmerman. Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Wyoming .

CONSERVATION ; See also "Fish and Game," p. 370; "Forestry," p. 371; "Parks," p. 389. State Name Title Agency Alabama Albert Gill Acting Director Department of Conservation Arizona K. C. Kartchner State Game Warden Game and Fish Commission J. M. Crowell Chief Conservation Commission California ..... Richard Sachse Director , Department of "Natural Resources Colorado \ • • . " • • . •• Connecticut ... '' S. E. Rice ,\ Supervisor of Conser­ Department of Conservation

vation : • . • • •*•."'. '••- \.*- r .°...... ^^.. ••; .7.' ~... Idaho .....'..<. L. E. Osborne Director Department of Conservation Indiai\a ... Frank N.. Wallace . Commissioner of Con­ Department of Conservation servation Iowa ...... S. T, Schwob Acting Director Conservation Commission I. K. Landon Secretary Soil Conservation Committee Kentucky ...... Charles Ferinell Commissioner Department of Conservation Louisiana ..... W. H. Hodges, Jr. Director of.Conserva­ Department of Conservation tion ~ . / Maryland ..... Edwin Warfield Chairman Coriservatipn Commission Massachusetts .. Raymond J. Kenriey Commissioner of Con­ Department of Conservation • • , servation Michigan ..... P. J. Hoffmaster Director Department of Conservation •\ Minnesota ,'.... William L. Strunk Commissioner Conservation Commission Mississippi . W. F. Dearman Director Fish and. Game Commission Missouri Irwin T. Bode Director Conservation Commission Montana...... • ••••.••••••••••••«•> • • ^» • fv*, ••(•••••••»ii«»* W. H. Lytle Acting Secretary Game, Forestation and Parks Commission Nevada ...... Robert A. Allen ' Secretary : State Parks New Hampshire ,;...... *... • • •**••• ••• ••'••••'••a*

X 362 THE nbUK. OF THE STATES CONSERVATJON-con ^mwed state . Name Title Agency New Jersey Charles P. Wilber Director Conservation and Develop­ ment Department New Mexico ... John E. Miles Chairman Oil and Gas Conservation Commission New York .... Lithgow Osborne Commissioner Department of Conservation North Carolina. R. Bruce Etheridge Director Department of Conservation and Development North Dakota .. Ohio ...... Don Waters Conservation Commis- Department of Agriculture . sioner Oklahoma T. Elmer Harbour Chairman Planning and Resources Board ^. Oregon ,.. Pennsylvania! . Rhode Island .. Raymond G. Bressler, Director Department,of Agriculture and Conservation South Carolina. A.A.Richardson Chief Game Warden Chief Game Warden's Office South Dakota.. H. A. Smith Stjjte Forester Forestry Commission Tennessee . J. Charles Poe Commissioner of Department of Conservation Conservation Texas 2 .. Ernest O. Thompson Utah T. H. Humphreys Secretary Water Storage Commission Donald W. Smith Chairman Department of Conservation Vermont <. and Development Virginia ...... N. Clarence Smith Chainnan Commission on Conservation Washington .. J. B. Fink Director Department of Conservation and Development Wesc Virginia.. Vacancy Director Conservation Commission Wisconsin H. W. MacKenzie Director Department of Conservation Wyoming ..... George O. Houser Executive Secretary State Planning Board

CORPORATIONS (REGISTERING AND LICENSING) State Name •Title r Agency Alabama . John C. Curry Commissioner Department of Revenue Arizona .. Amos A. Betts Chairman Corporation Commission Arkansas . C.G.Hall Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State California . Edwin M. Daugherty Corporation Commis­ Department of Investment sioner, IDivision of Corporations Colorado ... Walter F. Morrison Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Connecticut Mrs. Chase Going'' Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Woodhouse M Delaware .. Earle D. Willev \ Director of Corpora­ Office of Secretary of State tions Florida ...... R. A. Gray Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State' Georgia John B. Wilson Corporation Clerk Office of Secretary of State Idaho ...... George H. Curtis Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Illinois ...... William G. Worthey Clerk, Corporation De­ Office of Secretary of State partment Indiana ... James M. Tucker SecMiary of State Office of Secretary of State Iowa Rollo H. Bergeson De^ty Secretary of Office of Secretary of State ii. •'..,. • •" • State "^ Kansas ..:. Frank J. Ryan Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Kentucky . George G. Hatcher ; Secretary of State Office of Secretary of. State Louisiana -.,..; James A- Greniillion. Secretary of State Office.of Secretary of State Maine ...... Bernice F. Tibbetts Corporation Clerk, Office of Sep:etary of State Corporations Divi­ sion Maryland 'Harry O. Levin Chairman State Tax Commission 1 Conservation'wor^nrr k done in Forestry and Fish arid Game. 2 Railroad Commission supervises oil and gas production,'Ernest O. Thompson, Chairman;:.C S. Clark, Chair- m.in. Board of Water Engineers. • ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 363 CORPORATIONS (REGISTERING AND LICENSING)-con/mMed Name Title Agency Massachusetts Henry F. Long Commissioner of Cor­ Department of Corporations porations and Taxa­ and Taxation tion Michigan ... Howard M. Warner Commissioner Corporation and Securities Commission Minnesota Arnold Gandrud Office of Secretary of State ; Mississippi J. V. Can- Chief Clerk Office of Secretary of State • Missouri.. Russell Maloney Supervisor of Corpora- Office of Secretary of State lion Department Montana . Clifford Walker Deputy Secretary of Office of Secretary' of State . State Nebraska. Frank Marsh Secretary of State—. Office of Secretary of State Nevada ... Malcolm McEachin Secretary of State. Office of Secretary of State New Hampshire Enoch D. Fuller Secretary of State ' Office of Secretary of Slate New Jersey .... Thomas A. Mathis Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State New Mexico ... Robert Valdez Chairman Corporation Commission New York ..... Frank S. Sharp Deputy Secretary of Office of Secretary of Slate Abraham S. Wechsler State and Chief, Di­ vision of Corpora­ tions ! . Division of Licenses Office of Secretary, of State North Carolina. Stanley Winborne Chairman Public Utilities Commission North Dakota .. G. A. Gilbertson Deputy Secretary of Office of Secretary of State State Ohio John E, Sweeney Secretary of State Office of,Secretary of State Katherine Manton Aissistant Secretary of Office of Secretary of State Oklahoma ..., State •Lloyd R. Smith Corporation Commis­ Corporation Department .Oregon ..,.... sioner J. Wayne McVicar Director, Bureau/of Department of State Pennsylvania .. Corporations / Rhode Island .. Armand H. Cote ecretary of. State Office of Secretary of State South Carolina. W. P. Blackwelli Secretary of State / Office of Secretary of Sta:te (for charters) South Dakota .. Olive A. Ringsrud 2 Secretary of State . Office of Secretary of State Tennessee ..... Joe C. Garr Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Texas Will Mann Richardson Head of Charter Di­ Office of Secretary of State vision Utah E. E. Monson Secretary of State Office'of Secretary of State Vermont ...... Rawson C. Myrick s Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State . Virginia ...... Thomas W.Ozlin Chairman, State Cor­ Department of Corporations poration Commission Washington . Belle Reeves Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State West Virginia G. L Bambrick Chielf, Corporation Office of State Auditor Department. Wisconsin ... Herbert E. Whipple Corporation Clerk Office of Secretary of State Wyoming ... Lester Ci Hunt Secretary of State / Office of Secretary of State

CORRECTIONS State Name Title Agency Alabama . William E. Persons Director . Department of Corrections and Institutions Arizona ..;;... Guy L. Jackson Secretary Board of Directors of .State Institutions » Arkansas . J, A. Neaville Chairman Penitentiary Commission California John Gl Clark Chairman Board of Prison Terms and Paroles . Isaac Pacht Chairman State Board of Prison Directors 1 P. M. Minus, Director. License Tax Division, Tax Coriimission (foir" licenses). 2 Also State Securities Commission. 8 Also Helen E, Burbank, Deputy Secretary of State.

-Ai <¥ 364 THE BOOK OF THE STATES CORRECTIONS-con tinue4 State Name ' Title Agency Colorado .. Connecticut Delaware .. Florida Georgia ..., Idaho ...... Illinois .... Rodney H. Brandon Director Department of Public , • Welfare Indiana .. John H. Klinger Director, Corrections ^\yelfare Department Iowa .... David R. McCreery Chairman Board of Control of State Institutions Kansas .. Frank W. Boyd Chairman Board of Administration Kentucky B. T. Brewer Director Department of Public Welfare. Louisiana ,.... Maine George W. Leadbetter Commissioner Department of Institutional Service Maryland Willis R. Jones Director Department of Correction Arthur T. Lyman .Commissioner, of Department of Correction Massachusetts ,. Correction Edward G. Heckel Director of Corrections. Commission Michigan ..j... . Corrections W.> H. Lamson Secretary State Board of Pardons Minnesota Mississippi James E. Mathews Missouri ...... Montana ...... Nebraska ...... E. P. CarvilleJ Chairmag^ Board of Corrections Nevada ..,..;. New Hampshire William J. Ellis Commissioner Department of Institutions New Jersey and Agencies New Mexico .. New York .... John A. Lyons Commissioner •Y Department of Corrections North Carolina J. H. Sample Director -Probation Commission North Dakota.. Ohio Oklahoma Mabel Bassett " Commissioner Commission of Charities

••'i- and Corrections Oregonj .. •Daniel J. Fry Secretary Board of Control Pennsylvania .. • •'•••• • • • • • • • • • • < Rhode Island .. Joseph H. Hagan 'Assistant Director of Department of Social Parole, Probation and Welfare Correctional Services South Carolina. South DaEota.. J. F. Halladay George B. Otte Gladys Pyle Tennessee ,.: A. T. Taylor, Jr. Commissioner of Department of Institutions Institutions Texas ;,• O. J. S. Ellingson Manager Texas Prison System Utah -.i./.vVv; Samuel W. Stewart- Chairman Board of Corrections Vermorit ..... Timothy C. Dale Commissioner Public Welfare Department Virginia ..... Rice M. Youell Superintendent of State Prison Board Penitentiary Washington .. W. L. Dailey Chairman Board of Prison Terms and Paroles West Virginia. Wisconsin .... Morris G. Caldwell Director, Corrections Department of Public Division Welfare Wyoming Joseph S. Weppner Secretary Board of Charities and Reform 1 Also serves as Governor.

/•/. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 365 DEFENSE V state Name Title Agency Alabama ...... Fred; H. Gormley Executive Secretary Alabama State Defense Council Arizona ...... Col. Power Conway Chairman State Council of .Defense Arkansas ...... L. A. Henry "Secretary Arkansas Defense Committee California ..... Samuel C. May Executive Vice- California State Council of Chairman Defense (Berkeley)

Colorado ...... -.. •.... .•>.•••*-•*>• • •••-•••>*•>•••*• Connecticut ... Gen. S. H. Wadhains Chairman Connecticut Council for National Defense Delaware ;.... Gerrish Gassaway Executive Vice- State Council for National Chairman ' Defense (Wilmington) District of j/ Capt. ii.C. White-, Executive Vice- District of Columbia . Coim- Columbia .".. hurst Chairman cil of Defense. Carl D. Brorein Vice-Chairman State Defense Council of Florida (Tampa) Georgia ...... Charles A. Collier Chairman Georgia Committee for National Defense Colonel Ryburn O. State Commander of Atlanta (Military) . - Clay the State Defense ' Corps

Illinois ... Murray M. Baker Chairman Illinois Emergency Defense Council (Peoria) Dudley A. Smith Governor's Emergency De­ fense Council

EdwarJL^\^ 1* kAA d^^ A4 A ;V Kimbal^W^A^MM 1^^^^l A Chairma^i^ft«^«AA AMmmAmn^ ,j . Iowa Industrial and Defense Commission , . Lou Richter Kansas Council of Defense Kentucky .;... J. J. Greenleaf State Director of Kentucky Civil Defense Civil Defense Commission Louisiana ...... Edmund D. Denis Asst. Secretary National Defense Council of Louisiana (New Orleans) Chauncey S. Robinson Administrative Military Defense Commis-, Director sion^ . ' Maryland ..... Isaac S. George Executive Director' Maryland Council of De­ - • ,-'* -• * •*,-.,. fense and Resource (Baltimore) Massachusetts .. Channing H. Cox Chairman ^~~^ ^ Massachusetts Committee on

• •• • . ' "^ ' ^--. •.•;•• t:^ Public Safety Michigan Everett be Ryke JExecutive' Secretary Michigan^ National • Defense Council—Council Rrii. 505 Minnesota .... E. L. Olrich State Defense ...... 7\: .:.^.-... 1^.. Coordinator Kfississippi ...."" "Lee Robinson .Chairman . Mississippi State Council of

" -• -' •. •• • '• • •• • Defense . (Centerville) Missouri Wja. Anderson Exec. Secretary Missouri State Defense

'. • <0 • Council Montana ...... 1 Sam C. Ford Chairman „ Preparedness and Advisory 0 • •- • - Commission R. F. Weller Execu live Secretary Advisory Defense Committee E. P. Carvillei Governor of Nevada . State Defense Committee .; New Hampshire . Laiirence Meyer • •;•.• • • : • • • • • • • State Defense Committee on . . Industrial Cooperation . . New Jersey ... Audley H. F. Stephan Chairman New Jersey Defense Council . New Mexico .. Lt. Col. Harwpod P. Executive Vice- New Mexico State Council .'••'• ^ Saunders Chairman of National Defense

, \ •• • •^ •' • (Boswell) New York .... Charles Poletti 2 Vice-Chairman State Council of National Defense . ,, 1 Also serves as Governor. 2 Also serves as Lieutenant Governor. 366 THE BOOK OF THESTATES DEFENSE—continued . state ' Name Title V Agency North Carolina Col. J. W. Harrelson Chairman . North Carolina State Com- rhittee on National -De­ fense

North Dakbta...... '..,;-.;•..... • • ••• •• •••• •••••••!>•• • *«•'• ••>• ••••• • • •••••.••••• • #' Ohio; ...... Major Ralph D. Chairman Ohio State Defense Council Henderson lOklahoma .... Brig. Gen. George A. The Adjutant General • *•••••••••••••'•••.•••••••••• Davis ...... '. . . . .;. ... . • •••••••••••••••.•••••••••a* Pennsylvania .. Arthur H.James V Chairman State Council of Defense Rhode Island . J. Burleigh Cheney Executive Vice- 'State Council of Defense . Chairman .. i • • . ;, - South Carolina. G* Heyward Mahon Director . South Carolina Council for National Defense South Dakota.. Col. E. A. Beckwith The Adjutant General Rapid City Tennessee • .... William D. Price Executive Director Advisory Committee on ... . f Preparedness W. Lee O'Daniel i Governor of Texas . Governor's National Defense / . Committee , Robert J. Smith Chairman National Defense Ayiation - Board for Texas (Dallas) Utah ...... Gus P. Backman Secretary Utah State Defense Council Vermont .,.;.. Albert A. Cree- Executive Vice- State Defense Council (Rut­ '.-•"• Chairmah land) . r Virginia ...... Brig. Gen. J. A. Coordinator and .Ex­ Virginia Defense Couhcil Anderson ' ecutive Secretary . • Washington ... Brig. Gen. Maurice Coordinator Washington State Defense Thompson Council, Camp Murray, Fort Lewis West Virginia.. Col. Louis, A. Johnson Vice-Chairman State Council of Defense Wisconsin ..... SI. W. Torkelson Secretary . > Wisconsin Cb-ncil of Na-* tional Defense Wyoming ....: ..•...•fca...... ;. • \«a • •• t •••••-•«•'••••• Wyoming State Council of

•. • ^^.^''• Defense

••••:.,::;.•:•'//•,-/ „'-1,EDUCATION • See "Public Instruction^" p. 398; and "Principal State Controlled Institutions 'of Higher Education," p^ 396. '

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE •'/ • • See also "Personnel," p. 392. National Reemployment Service State Employment Service State Director ; . . City Director City

Alabama ...... ••• • •-1 > • • • • • • ,.•"•". • ', -• • • • • ..• .ji • .• »,t •• • • • C> F. Anderson Montgomery, Arizona . ;.. Lewis Irvine Phoenix Lewis Irvine , Phoenix Arkansas .....;. Eli Collins Little Rock ...;.. /?TT\ ...... "' • •a***a*aaa*>B -t-- California ..... • •.'•....••.'...'..... • •'..•'•••<•••'••• R. G. Waginet Sacramento : Colorado ...... Amer Lehman Deliver 0. S. Wood Denver Connecticut ... Hpward E; Haus- New Britain . . Leonard jJ Maloney Neiv Haven " man • Delaware ...... Howard P. Young Wilmington • Howard P. Young Wilmington Florida ...... '. F. A. Hathaway Jacksonville F. A. Hafthaway Jac^onville M. A. QrConnor Atlanta. Idaho ...... Samuel D, Hays Boise SamuelA). Hays Bqise Illinois .... -..; ...i...... ;. • •-••a •.••••••••• • A.' H. pL. Atwood Chicago • • J. Bradley Haight Indianapolis Iowa i . . ; i William Barnes. Des Moines William Barnes Des Mpines ivSLnSaS ••••••••' Glenn L. Warderis Topeka Glenn L. Warders Topeka 1 Also serves as Governor. 2 No appointment April, 1941. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 367 EMPLOYMElSiT SERVICE-continued National Reemployment Service State Employment Service state • Director City . Director City Kentucky ...... Wm. H. Fraysure Frankfort William H. Fraysure Frankfort Louisiana ..... A. P. Harvey Baton Rouge Maine ...... Paul E. Jones Augusta. . Maryland W.PurnellHallJr. Baltimore Harry C. Jones Baltimore Massachusetts .. Fred J. Graham Boston Fred J. Graham Boston Mid)igan ...... Howard' A. Starret Detroit Minnesota...... Victor Christgau • Waiter H! sVoii" •'"'* St:JPaul Mississippi/ .... Raymond L^ Jackson. Raymond L. Sullivan Jackson Sullivan Missoiiri ...... • W. S, Dennon Jefferson City W. S. Dennon Jefferson City Montana >..... Jaines D. Graham Helena John W. Nelson Helena . I I^ebraska ..... Harry Banei Lincoln Nevada Brendon DonoVan Carson City iBrendon Donovan Carson City New Hampshire Mrs. Abby L. Concord Mrs. Abby L. Wilder Concord Wilder New Jersey .... Russell J. Eldridge Trenton .New Mexico .... Jules A. Vicknair, Santa Fe Roy L. Cook Santa Fe New York ..... Richard C. Brockway Albany (Acting) North Carolina. R. ,M. Albright Raleigh R. M. Albright Raleigh North Dakota .. F. W. Hunter Bismarck F. W. Hunter Bismarck Ohio ...... W. T. Doe Columbus Oklahoma .... Cletus Hamilton Oklahoma City Oregon ...... L. C. Stoll Pennsylvania... Franklin G. Connor (Acting) Rhodie Island .. Thomas H. Providence Thomas H. Bride, Jr. Providence Bride, Jr. . South Carolina. fThomas K. John­ Columbia C. M. Wilson Columbia stone South Dakota .. Tennessee ..... Paul Jessen Mashville . •/Texas ...... J. H. Bond Austin J. H. Bond Austin Utah Joseph S. Mayer Salt Lake City Ray R. Adams Salt Lake City- Vermont ; E. Reynold John­ Montpelier E. Reynold Johnson Montpelier son Virginia ...... Frank A. Cavedo Richmond Frank A. Cavedo Richmond ; Washin^on ... Albert F. Hardy ' Olympia ; .' WMt Virginia.. iC. B. McKenna .• Charleston C. B. McKenna Charleston Wisconsin ...: •. iHatry Lippart ' Madison. Harry Lippart Madison Wyoming ..... iTracy N. Shaw Casper Tracy N. Shaw Casper

EQiJALIZATION OF ASSESSMENTS • '-•} State Name Title Agency " Alabama .., John C. Curryr - Commissioner Department of Revenue . Arizona ..., Thad M. Moore Chairman State Board of Equatization A Arkansas .., Charles G. Miller Chairman ^Corporition Coinmissioh California .. Richard E. Collins Chairman - State Board of Equalization Colorado ...... ^... State Board of Etiualization Connecticut" Charles J. McLaughlin Tax Commissioner Administration Division, State Tax Department Delaware .., James P. Truss Tax Comifiissioner- State Tax Department Florida .... Countyc(Comraissioners in each county 2 Georgia .... Idaho ...... Calvin Wright Secretary Board of Equalization Illinois PhilipsW. Collins Chairman Stato Tax Comnlission 1 Resignation effective March 31, 1941.- 2 Assessment of railroads and telegraphs throughout Florida by Board of Railroad Assessors, consisting of Attorney General, Comptroller, and State Treasurer. ; ,



• ^ • • • Indiana ... Peter A. Beczkiewicz Chairman', Board of Treasury Department Tax Commissioners Iowa . C. F. Green Chairman State Tax Commission Kansas .... John Mcfuish .. Chairman Commission of Revenue and Taxation Kentucky . H. Clyde Reeves Chairman, State Tax Departmenj;_oL.Revenue . Commission ' Louisiana . Rufus VV. Fontenot Director of Revenue Department of Revenue Miine .i.. Fifenk H. HoUey State Tax Assessor, Department of Finance Bureau of Taxation Maryland ..... -Harry O. Levin Chairftian State Tax Commission' Massachusetts .. Henry F. Long Commissioner, Corpo­ Department of Corporations rations and Taxation and Taxation ' Michigan .....,' Melville B. McPherson Chairman Sta:te Tax Commission Minnesota .... . Gunnar Bjornson Chairman Board of. Tax Appeals Mississippi. .. •., -.A. H. Stone Chairman State Tax Commission . Missouri ...... W. N. Doss Secretary State Board of Equalization Montana ' A. JE. Pye Chairman •, State Board of Equalization Nebraska ...... Frank j. Brady Tax Commissioner Board of Equalization and Assessment Nevada I • • • « • I &E. P. Carville Governor and Member State Tax Commission New Hampshire John G/ Marston Secretary : State Tax Commission New Jersey .... Charles E. Cook Secretary State Board of Tax Appeals New Mexico ... Paul B. Harris - Chaitlnan State Tax Commission New York ..... Mark Graves President, State Tax Department of Taxation and Commission' Finance Nortli Carolina. A. J. Maxwell Commissioner,,^ State "^' Department of Revenue (Board of Assessment North Dakota:.. John Gray Tax Commissioner State Tax Commission . Ohio ...... Hugh S. Jenkins. Chairman, Boar&.^of Board of Tax Appeals Tax Appeals "' Oklahoma .... A. E. Underw,ood Assistant Secretary State Board of Equalization Oregon ...... Charles V. Galloway Chairman State Tax Commission Pennsylvania .. Department of Revenue i Rhode Island .. Edward L. Leahy Tax Administrator Department of Coordination andTinance •. I - •• • •. • • : • South Carolina. A. B. C

FINANCIAL CONTROLS ' State Name Title Agency Alabama . I. C. Heck Division of Control Finance Department . and Accounts Arizona , "*•'••• Arkansas Murray B.. McLeod Comptroller Accounting Department . 1 Also Board of Finance and Revenue. 2 In many states control.of finances and expenditures is divided among several persons, departments, or commissions. It is therefore impossible to give names of individuals in all instances. .

m ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 FINANCIAL COmRQh-continued State Name :V/- •' '• Title ;.'•.. Agency California .. Harry B. Riley State Controller Office of State Controller Colorado ... Connecticut Robert H. Weir Acting Commissioner Department of Finance and Control^ Delawiare Florida . Georgia'. Idaho ... Tulinpis .. Indiana . Iowa ... David R. McCreery Chairman Board of Control of State Institutions \ Kansas,,... [Kentucky Frank D. Peterson , Director of Accounts Finance* Department ; .and Control Louisiana Maine ... Harold "E. Rodgers State Controller, Department of Finance ^ Bureau of Accounts and Control Maryland ..... J. Millard Tawes State, Comptroller Office of State Comptroller Massachusetts .. Comtnission on Administra­ tion and Finance Michigian .. Vernon J. Brown State Auditor Office of State Auditor Minnesota ..... Stafford King State Auditor Office of State Auditor Mississippi .... Missouri ...... Forrest C. Donnell Governor Executive Department Montana ...... Nebraska ..;... Ray C. Johnson State Auditori Auditing Department Nevada ...... E. P. Carville Chairman Board of Control . New Hampshire New Jersey .... Fred C. Erwin Finance Commissioner Department of Finance New Mexico L.. C. R. Sebastian " Comptroller New York . ; Morris S. Tremaine. Comptroller Department of Audit and Control North Carolina. ..:...... 1, i. North Dakota,. Ohio ...... Oklahoma .... .,|...... Orefon ...... Pennsylvania ... Rhode Island .. Samuel A. Place . Controller Department of Coordination and Finance South Carolina. Burnet R. Maybank Governor Chairman, Budget Commis­ sion

•* -•'•.•.• South Dakota ;. • ••••••••••••••••• ••« Tennessee ..... Rl B. Harris Director of Accounts Department of Accounts Utah ...... £'R! Miles -"^ Director of the Budget Board of Supplies and Purchase • I . Vermont ...... Virginia ...... LeRoy Hodges Comptroller Department of Finance, Division of Accounts and Control Washington ... Olaf L. Olsen Director; Department of Finance, Budget and Business West Virginia .. WVR. Thurmond President Board of Control Wisconsin .../. Wyoming ....; L. C. Bishop State Engineer i Board of Water Control 1 The .Tax Commissioner examines accounts, audits'claims and has power to regulate, control or limit expendi­ tures of all state agencies but especially of the administrative departments. The auditor has the same powers but does not exercise them to any great extent

"5^- ... \£i^>

370 THE BOOK OF-THE STATES FISH AND GAME See also. "Conservation,".p. 3611 State Name Title Agency Alabama ,,.... Ben C. Morgan Chief, Division of Department of Conservation Game, Fish and Sea Foods Arizona ...... K. C. Kartchner Game Warden Game and Fish Commission Arkansas D. N. Graves Secretary ' .j rEish and Game Commission California ..... Nate Milnor . ^ President, Fish and Department of Natural Re­ Game Commission sources Colorado ...... C. N. Feast . Director, Game and Executive Department

"' "• >; • -- — - Fish Commission Connecticut .... Russell P. Hunter Superintendent Board of Fisheries and Gan^e. Chief Warden . Board of Fish and Game Delaware ..... E. Sherman Webb Commissioners ~ Executive Secretary Commission of Game and Florida I.N. Kennedy Fresh Water Fish Acting Director, Wild Department of Natural Georgia ...... Zach Cravey Life Division . Resources Director Department of Fish and Giame Idaho Owen W. Morris Director Department of Conservation Illinois ... L. E. Osborne Director, Division of Department of Conservation Fish and Game Indiana Vacancy Chief, Fish and Game Conservation Commission Division Iowa S, T. Schwob . Director Forestry, Fish and Game . Commission r . Kamas ...... Guy Josserand Director, Division of Department of Conservation Game and Fish Kentucky ..... Steve Wakefield Chief, Wild Life and Department of Conservation Fish Division Louisiana ..... James Brown,' Commissioner of In- Office of the Commissioner ; land. Fisheries and Maine George J. Stobie ; Game Maryland .;... E. Lee LeCompte State Game Warden Conservation Commission Massachusetts.. James E. AgneVv Director, Division of Department of Conservation Fisheries and Game Michigan ...... H. D. RuHl Superintendent, Diyi- Department of Conservation " sion of Game Fred A. Westerman Superintendent, Divi­ Department of Conservation sion of Fisheries Minnesota .... L. E. yiero Director, Division of Department of Conservation ?• ' .' • Game and Fish e?v • . • Mississippi .... W, Felder Deatman Director Fish and Game Commission Missouri invin T. Bode , Game and Fish Com- Office of Game and Fish • missioner . Commissioner Montana ..., B, L. Price Chairman Fish and Game Commission Nebraska .., W. H. Lytle Acting Secretary^ Game, Forestation and Parks Commission Nevada Noble H. Getchell Chairman Fish and Game Commission New Hampshire Ralph G. Carpenter Director , Fish and Game . New Jersey .... H. jr Burlington Executive Secretary Fish and Game Commission New,Mexico ... Elliott S. Bajker ; Secretary and State Game and Fish Commission Game Warden New York .... William C. Adams Director, fSivision of Department of Conservation

• Fish and Game «, • North Carolina. J. D. Chalk Commissioner of Game Depiartment of Conservation and Inland Fisheries and Development John A. Nelson Commissioner of Fish­ Department of Conservation eries and Development North Dakota.. William J. Lowe Commissioner Department of Game and Fish Ohio A. W. Schultz Chief, Bureau of Fish Department of Conservation and Game Manage­ ment ' Oklahoma . /.. Vacancy State Game Warden Department of Game. and Fish •<^ r-

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 371 FISH AND GAME-continued Stattr "^ Name Title Agency Oregon Frank B. Wire i Game. Supervisor Slate Game Commission Pennsylvania... Seth Gordon2 Executive Director Game Commission C. A. French Commissioner Fish Commission **^ Rhode island '.. Harold N. Gibbs Fish and Game Ad­ Departmerit of Agriculture ministrator aiid Conservation South Carolina. A. A. Richardson Chief Game Warden Chief Game Warden's Office South Dakota .. J. W. Cluett Chairman Game and Fish Commission Tennessee ..... R. G. Turner Director' of Game and Department of Conservation , Fish Texas...;..!.. W.J.Tucker i, Executive Secretary Game, Fish and Oyster Com­ mission • Utah ...... Newell B. Cook Commissioner Department of Fish and Game Vermont George William Davis Director of Fish and Department of Conservation - " Game and JDevelopment. > *" Virginia C|H. Nolting Chairman Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries Washington ... Bernard McCauley s Director of Game Department oi; Game ^Vest Virginia.. J. W. Hesen, Jr. Fish 'rechnician Conservation Commission •at- H. P. Farley Game Technician Wisconsin ..... B. Q., Vi^ebster ^^ Superintendent of Fisheries r--. . William F. Grimmer Superintendent of Department of Conservation Game • .: .. •.- . ... ••/-.= . . -•• Wyoming Robert Grieve Game and Fisl^ Com­ Office of Game and Fish ^ missioner Commissioner . • ' .

FORESTRY • See also "Conservation," p. 361. State ^ . Name ';^' = . Title .Agency. Alabama ...... j. B. Toler State Forester Department of Conservation Arizona4 ...... 1^.,...... ^. Arkansas ...... Fred H. Long ' State Forester State Forestry Commission California;.... Merritt B. Pratt State Forester Department of Natural Resources Colorado .. Harold H. Collins President, Board of Executive Department Land Commissioners Connecticut ... Austin F.Hawes State Forester State Forestry Department Delaware ..i.. W. S. Taber ^ State Forester State Forestry Department Florida ....<.... H. J. Malsberger State Forester rrState Board of Forestry Georgia ...... Waiter Dyal Director Department of Natural ' Resources Idaho ...... Franklin Girard State Forester Cooperalive Board of Forestry . Illinois ...... J. M. Tomasek State Forester Department of Conservation ; Indiana ...... H.A.Woods . Acting State Forester^ Department of Conservation Division of Forestry, ^ Iowa ...... G; B. McDonald Forestry Department Iowa State College JCansas ...... *W. F. Pickett Department of State Board of Administra- Forestry and Flori- tion -' • Tk culture Kentucky Kenneth G. McCpnnell Director, Division of Department of Conservation ' '• • ''', • Forestry Louisiana W. H. Hodges, Jr. Director of Conserva- Department of Conservation

• •••': tion •'••.'•• .-..."•• Maine ...... Raymond E. Rendall Forest eommissipner , Office of Forest Commissioner 1 Fish: M. T; Hoy, Secretary, State Fish Commission. 2 Fish: C. A. French, Board of Fish Commissioners. ."» Fish: B. M. Brennan, Director, Department of Fisheries. 4 Handled By U. S. Forest Service.



-^^ r-~

r 372 THE BOOK OF THE ST A TES FORESTRY-continued \ state Name Title Agency Nfaryland ..... F. W. Besley State. Forester i Forestry Department Massachusetts . Harold O. Cook Director, Division of . ; Department of Conservation Forestry Michigan P. J. Hoffraaster Director Department of Conservation Minnesota .... H. Q. Weber Director, Division of Department of Conservation • •4, Forestry Mississippi Fred B. Merrill State Forester State Forestry Commission Missouri . Montana . Rutledge Parker State Forester Forest Department Nebraska W. H. Lytle Acting Secretary Game, Forestation and Parks Commission Nevada 1 ;: John H. Foster State Forester Department of Forestry and New Hampshire Recreation •C.^P. Wilber Chief, Division of For- "Department of Conservation New Jersey .... ,ests and Parks and Development H, R. Rodgers Commissioner of Pub­ State Land OflBce New Mexico ,., lic Lands / William G. Howard Director, Lands and Department of Conservation New York ..... ; Forests J. S. Holmes State Forester / Department of Conservation North'Carolina. '.. • \. / and Development North Dakota,. A. F, Arnason State Forester State School of Forestry r^ ,Ohio O. A. Alderman State Forester Agricultural Experiment Station Oklahoma Glenn R. Durrell Head, Division of Planning and Resources Forestry Board Oregon ..... N. S. Rogers State Forester State Board of Forestry Pennsylvania G. Albert Stewart Secretary Department of Forests and Waters Rhode Island .. Ernest K. Thomas Chief, Division of For­ Department of Agriculture ests, Parks and Park­ and Conservation ways South Carolina. H.A.Smith State Forester Forestry Commission South Dakota .. Earl Hammerquist Commissioner, Divi­ Department of Schools and sion of Forestry Public Lands Tennessee J. O. Hazard State Forester Department of Conservation Texas ,..^.., E. O. Siecke ' Director State Forest iService Utahi ..,.r...... Vermont ...... Perry H. Merrill State Forester, State Department; of Conservation Forest Service ' and Development Virginia*...,.. F. C Pederson State Forester . State Commission on Con-, servation Washington ... T. S. Goodyear "State Supervisor, Divi­ Department of Conservation sion of Forestry West Virginia.,. Mason C. Cloud State Forester Conservation Commission Wisconsin ..... C.L. Harrington Superintendent of. . Department of Conservation Forests awl Parks Wyoming 1 .... ,....;......

GEOLOGY State Name Title Agency Alabama .. Stewart J. Lloyd State Geologist State Geologist Airizona .... G. M. Butler Director, Bureau of University of Arizona Mines Arkansas .. George C. Branner Stale Geologist ' Geological Survey California .. Walter W. Bradley State Minerologlst Department of Natural Resources ., Colorado ... Ralph L. Can- Chairman Geological Survey Board Connecticut Edward L. Troxell Superintendent Geologfical and Natural His­ tory Survey" Commission . 1 Handled' by U. S, Forest Service. f I. r

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 373 GEOLOGY-continued State Name Title Agency Delaware , Florida ... Herman Gunter Georgia ... Garland Peyton Director Division of Mines, Mirii/ig,. and Geology Idaho .. Arthur Caiiipbell Illinois M. M. Leighton ' Chief of Geological Department of Registration Survey and Education Indiana Ralph Esarey Iowa .' Arthur C. Trowbridge State Geologist and Iowa Geological Survey Director Kansas ...!... R. C. Moore State Geologijft University of Kansas Kentucky ... D. J. Jones ChieiE InspectoP' Department' of Mines and Minerals Louisiana^ ... Maine Freeman F. Burr Static Geologist Office of the State Geologist Maryland ... Edward B. Mathews Massachusetts i; •,, Michigan ... R. A. Smith State Geologist Minnesota .. VV. H. Emmons, State Geologist University of Minnesota Mississippi .. W. C. Morse Secretary State Geological Board Missouri H. A. Buehler State Geologist Geological Survey and Water Res^rces Montana Nebraska Nevada Vincent P. Gianella University of Neviada *^^ New Hampshire New Jersey Merideth E. Johnson* State 'Geblogist Department of Conservation and Development.

New Mexico ... A. Andreas State Geologist I • New York ; Chris A. Hartnagle State Geologist Education Department North Carolina. North Dakota .. Frank G. Foley State Geologist Ohio Wilbur Stout . State Geologist Education Oklahoma ..... Robert H. Dott Director Geological Survey Oregon ..— .. Earl K. Nixon Direcfor Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Pennsylvania .. George H. Ashley State Geologist Department of Internal Affairs Rhode Island .. South Carolina. South Dakota .. E. P. Rothrock State Geologist Department of Geology Tennessee ..... W. F. Pond . State Geologist Department of Conservation Texas Utah Vermont Elbridge C.^: Jacobs State Geologist Department of Conservation and Development Virginia ...... Arthur Bevan State Geologist Department of Conservation Washington .., Harold E. Culver Supervisor Department of Conservation and Dc^lopnaent West Virginia., Paul H. Price State Geologist Geological Survey Wisconsin ...., E. F. Bean State Geologist Geological and Natural His­ .... f" ..•, tory Survey Wyoming ...... Horace D. Thomas -State Geologist n

HEALTH state Name ' Title • . Agency Alabama ... J. N. Baker, M.D. State Health-officer Department of Public Health Arizona ... F. P. Perkins, M.D., Superintendent of State Board of Health . Publip Health Arkansas W. B. Grayson, M.D. State Health Officer State Board of Health


•ft--. 374 THE BOOK OF THE STATES \. HEALTH—continued . -^ ; State Name Title , Agency California Bertram P. Brown, Director of Public Department of Tublic Health -\ j^ ; M.D. Health Colorado ...... Roy Lv Cleere, M.D. Secretary, State Board Executive Department of Health Connecticut ... Stanley H. Osborn, Commissioner of Department of Health M.D. Health i Delaware ..... Edwain Cameron, M.D; Executive Secretary State Board of Health ' Florida .....:.. William H. Pickett, State Health Officer . State.Board of Health M.D.. •'•*;'. • . •; • Georgia. f~^ T. F. Abercrombie, Director Department of Public Health ' ' • , • M;D. , .^ _ .•.;,., ^- • Idaho E./,:L. Berry Commissioner Department of Public Welfare _^ Illinois Roland R. Cross Director of Health Department of Public Health l,--«'v "A Indiana. John W. Ferree Director • Department of Public Health Iowa ' Walter L. Bierring, Commissioner of Department of Health ' M.D. Health Kansas F. P. Helm, M.D.* Secretary State Board of Health Kentucky ..... A. T. McCormack,^ State Health Commis- Department of Health M.D. sioher Louisiana J. H. Musser, M.D. President, gtate Board Department of Health e-- . of Health • "'• ^ Maine Roscoe L. Mitchell, Director of Health, Department of Health and , ' M.D. Bureau of Health Welfare Maryland Robert H. Riley, M.D. Director of Health Department of Health Massachusetts.. Paul J. Jakmauh, Commissioner of Pub- Departn\ent of Public Health - M.D. lie Health ' Michigan H. Allen Moyer, M.D. Secretary and Execu- Departm&lit of Health tive Officer ; Minnesota .... A-J. Chesley, M.D. Secretary and Execu- Department of Health . ' tive Officer Mississippi .... F. J. Underwood, M.D. SecretaCf^^ State Board of Health Missouri ...... Harry F. Parker, M.D, State Health Commis-. State Board of Health sioner Montana ...... W. F, Cogswell, M.D. Secretary . Department of Public Health ^lebraska ...... A. L. Miller, M.D. Director of Health Department of Health Nevada E. E. Hamer, M.D. < State Health Officer State Board of Health New Hampshire T. P. Burroughs, M.D. Secretary State Board of Health New Jersey .... J. L. Mahaffey, M.D. Director- State Board of Health - New Mexico ... James R. Scott, M.D. Director of Public Bureau of Public Health Health , New York E. S. Godfrey, Jr.rM.D. Commissioner Department of Health North Carolina. C. V. Reynolds, M.D. . Secretary-Treasurer ' Slate Board of Health North Dakota .. M. M. Williams, M.D. State Health Officer Department of Public Health Ohio ...^ R.H. Markwith, M.D. Director of Health . Department of Health Oklahoma ..... Grady F. Mathews, State Health Commis- State Board of Health • M.D. \ sioner . Oregon ...... F. D. Strieker, M.D. Secretary and State . State Board of ^ealth ' , : . ' Health Officer , Pennsylvania .. Johi^^J. Shaw Secretary of Health Department of Health * Rhode Island .. Edward A. McLaugh-i Director Department of Public Health . •, ..:. lin,^.D. . . , South Carolina. James A. Hayne, M.D. State Health Officer State Board of Health South Dakota .. J. F. D. Cook, M.D. Executive Health ' State Board of Health ... Officer, •. •-;••. • < .,;,•.,...--'—7 Tennessee ..... W. C. Williams, M.D. Commissioner of Department of Public-Health > . Public Health ^- '" 1 ' Texas .;...... George W. Cox, M.D. State Health Officer ' Department of Health Utah :...... : ...^ Vermon.t__ij7.-... G. F.-Dalton, M.D. Secretary Department of Public Health --—^""^Virginia .;.... I. G. Riggm, M.D. Health Commissioner Department of Health Washington ... Donald G. Evans* M.D. Director Department of Health West Virginia.. C. F. McClintic, M.D. Commissioner of Department of Health Health , • / Wisconsin ...... C. A. Harper, M.D. ^^te Health Officer State Board of Health . • Wyoming ..... M. C. Keith, M.D. St^ftf^ifealth Ofiyier 'Department of Public Health r-

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 375 HIGHWAYS • .': • /•• ^ •. • • ••'. . •• / ; State • Name :•• Title Agency Alabama ^. Ghris J. Sherlock Director Highway Department Arizona .:...... XV. R. Hutchins Highway Engineer .State Highway Department Arkansas W. W. Mitchell Director State Highway Commission California ..... Lawrence Barrett Chairman, Highway Department of Public Works Commission Colorado ; Charles D. Vail State Highway Executive Department Engineer, Highway Department Connecticut William J. Cox Highway State Highway Department Commissioner Delaware W. W. Mack Chief Engineer State Highway Department Florida .. — . John H. Faulk Chairman State Road Department Georgia W. E. Wilburn Chairman • State Highway Board Idaho ... .. Allen Merritt Director Department of Public Works Illinois ... Ernst Lieberman •Chief Engineer Department of Public Works and Buildings Indiana ; fames D. Adams Director Slate Highway Commission ' Iowa ...... Randall Melson Chairman State Highway Commission Kansas ...... D. J. Fair Director Slate Highway Commission Kentucky ..... J. Lyter.Donaldson Commissioner of a' Department of Highways Highways Louisiana W. Prescott Foster Directtir of Highways Board of Highways *'dine ...... Stillmaift^E. Woodman Chairman State Highway Commission. Maryland^ Ezra B. Whitman Chief Engineer Slate Roads Commission Massachusetts ... Herman A- MacDonald Commissioner Department of Public Works Michigan ..... C. Donald Kennedy . Highway Commis­ State Highway Department sioner Minnesota .... M.J.Hoffmann Commissioner Department of Highways . Mississippi .... H. J. Patterson Chairman , • State Highway Commission Missouri Carl W. JBrown Chief Engineer State Highway Department Montana Lee M. Ford. . Chairman State Highway Commission Nebraska ..... Wardner Scott • State Engineer « , Department of Roads and Irrigation Nevada ... Robert A. Allen Highway Engineer State Highway Department •0^ New Hampshire Frederic E. Everett Commissioner Slate Highway Department New Jersey .... E. Donald Sterner Commissioner •: State Highway Department New Mexico ... Burton G. Dwyre Highway Engineer State Highway Departmerit New York ..... Harv^^ O. Schermer- Commissioner of . Department of Public Works iHliorn' Highways North Carolina. Vacancy Chairman . Slate Highway and Public Works Commission North Dakota . J. S. Lamb ~ ;- Highway Commis; State Highway Department sioner Ohio ..... HalG. Sours Director Department of Highways Oklahoma ..... Sandy H. Singleton Chairman State Highway Commission Oregon ...... Henry F. Cabell. Chairman State Highway Commission Pennsylvania.... I. Lamont Hughes Secretary of Highways Department of Highways Rhode_ Island .. George^ H. Henderson Deputy Director Department of Public Works Carolina. J. S. Williamson Chief Highway Com­ State Highway Department missioner South Dakota James Lake Commissioner State Highway Commission Tennessee ... C. W. Phillips . Commissioner of ' Department of Highways and Highways and Pub­ Publit: Works lic Works f • . Texas DeWittC. Greer . Highway Engineer Highway Department Utah ,.... W. D. Hammond Chairman Stale Road Commission Vermont... Hiibert E. Sargent Cominissioner of High­ Departihent of Highways

••....•.•<,. ways t • Virginia ...... Henry G. Shirley Highway Conlmis- Department of Highways . sioner . ' •. ry , ••.,•• Washington .... .James A. Davis Acting Director Department of«Highways West Virginia.. . Ernest L. Bailey Clommissioner State Road Commission Wisconsin William E. O'Brien Chairman 'State Highway Cominission Wyoming ...... Frank Kelso Highway Engineer State Highway Copimission 376 THE BOOK OF THE STATES • • ' : • INSANE State, Name Title Agency Alabama, J ..(... W. D. Partlpw, M.D. Superintendent Alabama Insane Hospitals Arizpna ; \..... J. T. Metzger, M.D. " Superintendent State Hospital for the Insane Arkansas .....'.. •Joe J. Mahoney Chairman State Hospital Board California ..... J. RosanofF, Director of Institu- Department of Institutions M.D. tionjj Colorado^. . F. H. Zimmerman, Superintendent, Colo- Executive Department .M.D. rado State Hospital Connecticut ... Robert J. Smith . Commissioner Welfare Department Delaware ..... M. A. Tarumianz, Superintendent State Hospital M.D. Florida .. . J. H. Therrell, M.D. .V. Georgia , Mrs. Albert M. Hill Director, Institutions Division of Public Welfare and Corrections Idaho ...... Rodney H. Brandon Director Department of Public Illinois Welfare T. A. Gbttschalk Administrator Department of Public Indiana ...... Welfare ...... ;...... Board of Control Iowa ...... Frank E. Milligan . Clj^airman, Board of Department of Social Kansas ...... Social Welfare Welfare A. M. Lyon, M.D. Department of Public Kentucky /Welfare Louisiana ..... J. E. Snee Director of Institutions. Department of Institutions Maine George W.Leadbetter Commissioner 'Department of Institutional ** Service ^^ ^. Maryland ..... George H. Preston, Commissioner of Board of Mental Hygiene M.D. Mental Hygiene ' . Massachusetts .. Clifton T. Perkins Commissioner of. Department of Mental • Mental Health Health Michigan ....; Fred C. Striffler Chairman - State Hospital Commission . Mini^ota Carl H. Swanson Commissioner Department of Public ' • Institutions ' Mississippi .... C. M. Speck, M:D. ••• Stke Insane Hospital Missouri ...... W. E. Jameson President ' . Board of Managers, State Eleemosynary Institutions Montana ...... Nebraska ...... C. W. Eubank Chairman Board of Control Nevada ... Rodney E. Wyman Superintendent State Hospital New Hampshire C. H. Dolloff, M.D. Superintendent State Hospital New Jersey William J. Ellis Commissioner . Department of Institutions and Agencies New Mexico.... Wilfred Kurphey, Superintendent Insane Asylum M.D. • . New York^.'.... William J. Tiffany, Commissioner of Department of Mental M.D. . Mental Hygiene ' Hygiene North Carolina. Julian W. Ashby, Superintendent State Hospital for the Insan^, M.D. Raleigh ^ F. B. Watkins, M.D.. Superintendent • State Hospital for the Insane, Morganton North Dakota.. A.M. Fisher, M.D. Superintendent State Hospitals Ohio ...... Charles Sherwood ...... ;...... ,...... Oklahoma . E. W. Smartt Chairman State Board of Public Affairs W. D. McNary, M-D. Superintendent Eastern Oregon State Hos­ «*^ Oregon pital John C. Evans, M.D. Superintendent / Oregon State Hospital Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island.. Clemens J. France Director Department of Social Welfare South Carolina. C. F. Williams, M.D. Superintendent State Hospital South Dakota.. George S. Adams, i "•••M.D. • ' Tennessee A. T. Taylor, Jr. Cpmxnissioner of Department of Institutions . Institutions Texas Charles W. Castner, Chief, Eleemosynary Board of Control M.D. Division ' . ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 377 "\ INSANE—continued State Nome Title , Agency (r^. Utah ..j;.f. Garland H. Pace Superintendent ' Statfe Hospital / Vermont I James G. O'Neil Superintendent State Hospital for the Insane Virginia. H. C. Henry. M.D. Directtft; State . State Hospital Board j ^Hospitals Washington ... Olaf L. Olsen Director Department of Fimnce, ': Budget and Business ; West Virginia. C. T. Taylor, M.D. Superintendent Huntington State Hospital Wisconsin G. E. Seaman Acting Director, Men­ Department of Public •*" tal Hygiene Division Welfare Wyoming J. F. Wlialen, M.D. Superintendent State Hospital

INSURANCE . ..' r r State] Name Title Agency. Alabama Frank N. Julian Superintendent of In­ Department of Commerce surance and State . Fire Marshal Ex :.: Officio Arizona . Roy B. Rummage Director of Insurance Corporation Commission Arkansas . .L., J. Herbert Graves Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance California . A. J. Caminetti, Jr. Commissioner of Department of Investment Insurance Colofaao^.. Luke J. Kavanaugh Commissioner, Insur­ Department of Law ance. Division Connecticut John C. Blackall Commissioner of ...... ^...... Insurance Delfiware .., William J. Swain Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance Florida f. Ed. Larson State Treasurer Office of State Treasurer Georgia W.R. Mitchell Deputy Insurance Insurance Department Commissioner Idaho ... .s. Joel Jenifer. : Director of Insurance Bureau of Insurance Illinois ..'... Paul Jones Director of Insurance Department of Insurance' Indiana .... Frank J. Viehmann Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance Iowa ...... Charles R,. Fischer Commissioner of Insurance Department . Insurance Kansas ...... Charles F. Hobbs ' Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance Kentucky . Sherman Goodpaster Director, Division of Department

(y-. -.^- r^

378 r r THJE BOOK OF THE STATES • mSVRANCE-continued state Name " Title Agency New Hampshire Arthur J. Rouillard Commissioner of Insurance Department . Insurance New Jersey .... Louis A; Reilly Banking and Insurance Department of Banking and \ Commissioner'" Insurance New Mexico ... George-M. Biel ' insurance Commis­ State Corporation Cominis- sioner sion New York .... Louis H. Pink Superintendent of Insurance Department Insurance North Carolina. Dan C. Bone/ Commissioner of insurance Department Insurance North Dakota.. Oiscar E. Erickson Commissioner of insurance Department Insurance Ohio ...... John Lloyd Chief, Division of In­ Department of Commerce .' surance Oklahoma . Jess G. Read^ Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance Oregon ...... Seth B. Thompson Commissioner of Insurance Pennsylvania .. Matthew H.Taggart . Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance Rhode Island .. Henri N. Morin Insurance Commis­ Department of Busihiess sioner Regulation South Carolina, Sam B. King Insurance Commis-^ Office of Insurance. Commis­ sioner sioner South Dakota .. G^eorge K. Burt Commissioner of' Department of Insurance Insurance I ' . •• • • Tennessee ..... Ij. M;; McCormack Commissioner of Department of Insurance and Insurance and-Bank- Banking , Reuben Williams . Chairman, Board of Insurance Department insurance Commis­ sioners Utafi^... C. Clarence Neslen Coipmissioner of 'Insurance Department I Insurance r' Vermont Reginald R. Cole Commissioner of Banking and Insur- j : ance . • ^ Virginia , George A.. Bowles Comrhissioner of State Corporation Depart­ insurance ' ment WAshipgton ,., W. A. Sullivan Commissioner of insurance Department insurance "• ••• . West Virginia.. Harlan Justice Commissioner of Office of.State Auditor . Insurance Wisconsin . .\ .. Morvin Duel -jConimissioner of Department of Insurance^ Insurance Wyoming ..... Alexander Macdonald Commissioner of ' Office of Comraissioner of . Insurance ,. . Insurance

JUDICIARY (HIGHEST APPELLIVTE COURT) state Name Title Agency Alabama ...... Lucien Gardner. Chief Justice Supreme Court . Arizona Alfred C. Lockwood Chief Justice Supreme Court Arkansas ...... Griffin Smith Chief Justice State Supreme Court , California ..... Phil S. Gibsoi^ Chief Justice Supreme Court . • Colorado Francis E. Bouck Chief Justice Supreme Court . Connecticut ... William M. Maltbie Chief Justice; Supreme Court of Errors Delaware Daniel J. Lay ton Chief Justice Supreme Court Florida ; Arraistead Brown CJiief Justice Supreme Court Georgia Charles S: Reid Chief Justice Supreme Court Idaho ^. Alfred Budge Chief Justice " Supreme Court Illinois:,...... Walter T. Gunh Chief Justice Supreme Court Indiana...... • H. Nathan Swaim Chief Justice • Supreme Court

.r-^- 'r^

^ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY - 379 JUDICIARY (HIGHEST APPELLATE' COl]RT)-continued State r Name Title Agency Iowa ...,....•..'Oscar Hale dhief Justice Supreme Court. Kansas .,,..... John S. Dawson Chief Justice . Supreme Court. Kentucky William Rees Chief Justice Coiirt of Appeals Louisiana ..... Charles A. O'Neill Chief Justice^ Supreme Court .Maine •. Guy H. Sturgis Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court t. Maryland ..... Carroll T. Bond Chief Judge Court of Appeals Massachusetts.. ; jTred T. Field Chief, Jiistice ,-• Supreme Judicial Court Michigan .;... •,• Edward M. Sharp6 .' Chiief Justice Supreme Court Minnesota ..... Henry M. Gallagher Chief .Justice Supigme Court Mississippi .... Sidney Smith, Chief Justice Supreme Court Missouri ...... G. A. Leedy,-Jr. Chief Justice Supreme'Court Montana ...... ,- Howard Johnson - Chief Justice '. ' Supreme Court Nebraska,,.... Robert G. Simmons . Chief Justice. Supreme Court Nevada ...... E-A. Ducker \ Chief Justice'. Supreme Court New Hampshire Jolin E. Allen ' . Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey ... Luther A. Campbell i Chancellor Court of Errors and Appeals NewMexiqo... Howard L. Bickley Chief Justice Supreme Court New York ...... Irving Lehman- Chief Judge Court of,Appeals North Carolina. W.P.Stacy Chibf Justice Supreme Court North Dakota.. A. G.Burr . Chief Justice /Supreme Court Ohio Carl V. Weygandt . Chief Justice Supreme Court Oklahoma..... Earl Welch Chief Jiiitice Supreme Court Oregon : Percy R. Kelly Chief Justice Supreme Court Pennsylvania ,. ' William I, SchafFer Cliief Justice Supreme Court I*-- Rhode Island ,. Edmund W. Flynn Ciiief Justice . Supreme Court . .11 South Carolina.. Millege L. Bonham Chief Justice Supreme Court South Dakota.. S. C. Policy Presiding Judge , Superior Court "^ Tennessee Grafton Green Chief Justice ' . Supreme Court Texas .... James P. Alexander Chief Justice Supreme Court Utah ...... David W. Moffat , . Chief Justice Supreme Court . Vermont ...... Sherman R.. Moultpn Chief Justice Supreine Court Virginia.....;. Preston W.Cainpbell President . Supreme; .Court of Appeals Washington ... John S. Robinson^•, Chief Justice . Supreme Court ' ,, West Virginia.. James Bv Riley" "^ President Supreme Court of Appeals Wisconsin i*... Marvin B. Rosehberty Chief Justice Supreme Court Wyoming ..... William A. Riner Chief Justice Supreme Court '


r-^ LABOR See also "Workmen's ComMnsation," p. 4»5- State Name Title Agency Alabaman .... William H. Ivey Chief, Division of Department of Industrial Labor , Relations Arizona ..... Larry Woods .^ Manager, Labor De- iiidustrial Commiss'idn. «

, partmeht • y •' • Arkansas .... BTd. I. McKinley, Sr. Commissioner Bureau of Labor and- .Statistics California ... George G. Kidwell Director "^ ' -Department of. Industrial Relations Colorado ^..;,. Ray H. Brannaman Chairman, Industrial ! Executive Departmeht Commissioii Connecticiit . Cornelius J. Danaher • Cominissioner Department of Labor and - Factory Inspection Delaware .... Marguerite Postles Secretary Labor Commission Florida r..-.': Georgia .... . Ben T. Huiett Commissioneir of Labor Department of Labor • •••••••.•••••,•••••••• Idaho ...... Martin P. Durkin Director Departmen t of Labor Illinois !...... ,1 The Court of Errors and Appeals, New Jersey's highest court, is composed, of the Chancellor, Court of; Chancery, presiding;; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Thomas J. Brogan; eight Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; and six especially appointed judges. r

«*^ '' J

380 THE BOOK OF THE STATES / ./ LABOK-^continued State / ' Name / Title r.. , Agency Indiana .. '.'J..'. Thomas R. Hutson Commissioner o£ Labor Department of Commerce • / - and Industry Iowa /.... Charles W. Harness' Commissioner Bureau of.Labor .' Kansas .,./. JelF A. Robertson / Commissioner of Labor Labor Department Kentucky f.. i.. William C. Burrow Commissioner ° Departmient of Industrial. V-"- • . / .Relations , Louisiana ..... A. P. Harvey Director of Labor Department of Labor ;, Maine '. Jesse W. Taylor/ Commissioner Department-of Labor and. '•• Industry ' ' •' •./ John M. Pohlhaus . . Commissioner of Labor Office of Coinnii^ioner of Maryland ..... and Statistics Labor and Statistics . James T. Moriarty Coipmissioner of Labor Department of Labor and " . Massachusetts.. and Industries . Industries John Gibson Chairman ," ° Department of Labor and ' Michigan ...... Industry , N. H. Debel Chairman, Industrial Department of Labor, and ; Minnesota ^.... Commission , Industry J. W. Dugger. M.D. Director Bi|reau of Industrial Hygiene /Mississippi .... and Factory Inspection '", ./ . ' . L. Earl! Shacklefbrd Co^omissiono: Department of Labor and A Mis^uri .:'.'.'.. Industrial Inspection Gene Burris Chief, Division of Department of Agriculture, • Montana Labor and Industry Labor and Industry < Nebraska O. M. Olsen Commissioner Department of, Labor Nevada ...... R. N. Gibson- .^ Labor Conmiissioner Industrial Commission ' New Hanipshire John S.I B. Davie Comniissloner Bureau of Labor Niew Jersey ... John J.j Toohey, Jr. Commissioner Department of Labor New Mexico .. Vincent Jaeger - Commissioner Labor and Industrial Com­ mission New "York .... Frieda S. Miller Industrial Conimis- Department of Labor sioner North Carolina. F. H. Shuford Commissioner Department of Labor ~ North Dakota.. James E. Bothne Secretary Industrial Commission Ohio Georgej A. Strain Director Department of Industrial " Relations Oklahoma ..... W. A. Pat Murphy Coriunissioner Department of Labor ' ,, Oregon ...... C. H. JGram Conunissioner Bureau of Labor .Pennsylvania .. Lewis G. Hines Secret^ Department of Labor and Industry Rhode Island .. William L. Connolly Director Department of Labor South Carolina. W." Rriptt Harley ' Commissioner of Department of Labor Labor South Dakota.. Tennessee S. E. iBryant Commissioner of Department of Labor Labor • ,

X CJLCLS ••••••••-• ToeKunsqhik.' Commissioner Uurcau of Labor Statistics Utah ...... William M. Knerr Chairman Industrial Commission Vermont ...... Howard E. Armstrong Chairman of Indus­ Department of Industrial trial Relations Relations Virginia ...... Thomks B. Morton Coinmissioner Department of Labor and Industry Washington •.... J. Webster Hoover Director. Department of Labor and Industries ' West Virginia .. Charles Sattler : Gomihissioner . Department of Labor . Wisconsin ..... Voyta; Wrabetz Chairman Industrial Commission ' Wyoming ...[.. Rdy Sheer . , Commissioner . .Department of Labor and Statistics


Vr-l .'• • • ; • • '^ •• •••(?) • • • - •"••- : • .'•:•• ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 381 LIBRARY (ARCHIVES AND-HISTORY)

See also "Library (State)," p. 383 •^ state " Name Title : Agency Al|)bama . Mrs, Marie B. Owen Director Department of Archives and History Arizona .. • Mulford Wihsor Director, Division of * Department of Library and History and Archives Archives ' Arkansas . • Dallas T, Herndort Executive Secretary Arkansas History Cotamission California, Herbert y. Clayton Law and Legislative Department: of Education Reference Librarian, Division of Libraries Colorado •.,-.'. • LeRoy R. Hafen Historian and Curator Depiartirient of Education Connecticut • Mary E.Smith Assistant , .^ • State Library 'Delaware ., George H. Ryden Archivist Public Archives Commission Florida ...., •VV. T.Cash Librarian State Library :. . Georgia .,.. • Mrs. j. E. Hays State Historian State Department Idaho .:.... • Mrs. J. V. Ha^wkins Secretary, and State Historical Society Librarian Illinois .... •Paul M. Angle 1 Librarian State Historical Library Indiana ?.;. C.'B. Coleman . Director Department of Education ; • •• Iowa Ora Williams . • Curator •. Historical Department . Kansas Kirke Mechem Secretary State Historical Society Kentucky ..-.... Lena Nofpier Acting Director Department of Library and Archives . Louisiana ... .•.\ * Essae .M. Culver • Executive Director : State Library Commission Maine • •••.•••.•'••-•'•:•'•••••••«••••••• Maryland ..... Morris A. Radolf Archivist * Hall of Records Massachusetts .. * Edward J. Robbins Chief, Archives , Officie of Secretary of State

•• ^•• Division Michigan J".... •G. N. Fuller ; .Secretary Historical Commission , Minnesota .. * Arthur J. Larsen Superintendent Historical Society • Mississippi .... W. D, McCain . Director Department of Archives and History Missouri ...:.. * Floyd C. Shoemgiker Secrietary and Slate; Historical Society ^ Librarian Montana ..-:... John Ritch i Libraria'n Historical and Miscellaneous Library • Nebraska ..... « A. E.qh?ldon i^irector State Historical Society Nevada ...... E. Charles L. Marriage Librarian ' ^ (State Library New Hampshire • ••••••••••••a •'•••••'11 Sta^e Historical Society ! New Jersey .... * Haddon I', ins ^ State ^Librarian State Library New. Mexico ... * Helen Dorman Director, State. Museum of New Mexico. .. Library Extension ' Service ." New York ..... Arthur Pound State iFlistorian Department of Education, Division of Archives and SU "History North Carolina. •C.C.Crittenden Secretary State Historical Commission North Dakota,. • Russell Reid Superintendent State Historical Society Ohio ...... H. C. Shetrone Gil ra tor : ArchsEological and Historical /Society , Oklahoma ..... •'James W.Moflitt STfctary Oklahoma Historical Society Oregon ...... • Nellie B. Pipes Lil)rarian ;Ort%on Hisjtorical Society Pennsylvania .. Harry W. Shoemaker State Archivist Department of Public Instruction Rhode Island.. •MaryT.Quinn in Charge of: Office of Secretary of State . ;e8- ; . South Carolina. South Dakota .. • Lawrence K. Fox Secreil State HistorigaTSociety Tennessee ...,. Mrs. John T. Moore State Lib"! Department of Education Archivist Texas .... • Harriet Smither Archivist State Library Utah • Herbert S. Auerbach President State Historical Society 1 Archives: Margaret Nortbn. / , r. • Archives also handled by office of Secretary of Stote. 382 tllK BOOK OF THE STA TES •• f LIBRARY (ARCHIVES AND HlSTORY)^contirrued / stale Name • Title •,.'••' Agency •••':;•" Vermont .., •Edward A. Hoyt Librarian, Curator Vermont Historical Society Virginia '.'. Wilmer L. Hall Librarian State Library Washington Olaf L., Olsen Director \ Department of Finanice; . ' Budget and Business •West Virginia.. • Mrs. Bess E. Harrison Historian and Department of Arc^iives and Archivist History Wisconsin Superintendent . State Historical Society VVyoining • Gladys .F. Riley State Librjarian and _ State Historical Department Historian Ek-officio (fiia.

LIBRARY nj\W) See also "Library |state)," p. 385. ' State •i J •• Name ., . Title . •-:• -•'':' Agency Alabama ., Travis AVilliams • Librarian Supreme Court Library Arizona ..; Mulford Winspr .: Director, Library Department of Library and Division ' Archivesi . . Arkansas .. ^V^F;k^rby Librariain Supreme Court - California '. Herbert V. Clayton Law and L^;islative Department of Education Reference Librarian, Division of Libraries Colorado .... Donald D. Gilliam Librarian Supreme Court '' Connecticut . Christian N. Due % Assistant Law State Library' Librarian . Delaware .... William D. Denny • Librarian 1. State Library Florida • • • •••'•'•• • • •• ••••'••.• • «»• vaa • •••••• •• ••••*'•'••'•'•-• Georgia ...... 'Ella May Thornton Librarian State Library ; Idaho ...... Clay Koekch Librarian . State l^w Library Illinois ....; B. G. Arkebauer Librarian Supreme Court | Indiana ..... Telia C. Haines Librarian • Supreme Court Law.Library iowa ...... B. B. Druker La^y Librarian State Law Library 'Kansas ...... Louise McNeal. Librarian State Library :• Kentucky . ^. Mrs. J. Campbell Libi;arian Department of Library and Cantrill Archives , Louisiana ... Alice M. Magee Maine Marie J. Tibbetts Legislative Reference. State Libhiry^ Librarian . Maryland ;... Massachusetts Michigan ;,. Carroll C. Moreland . Law Librarian . State Library' Minnesota ... Paul Dansirigberg Librarian Law Library Mississippi ... Mrs. Julia Baylis ; State Librarian State Library Stame& Librarian ' Supreme Court Missouri f... A. J. Menteef Montana .... .Mrs. Adeline J. Clarke Librarian State Law Li^brary Nebraska ... George H, Turner Clerk of Supreme State Library Court and Stale Librarian Nevada E. Charles D.'Marriage Law Librarian State Library. New Hampshire Thelma Brackett St&te Librarian State Library Newjersey .... Haddon Ivins State Librarian State Library * :New Mexico ... Arie Poldervaart Clerk Supreme Court New York ...;; Frances Lyon Librarian, Law Department of Education Library North Carolifia. Dillard S. Gardner Law Librarian Supreme Court North Dakota.. E. J. Taylor Librarian State Law.Library Ohio ...... 'Raymond M. Jones Law Librarian Supreme Court ; Oklahoma ... .^ a..'...... t* ••••••• •'••••'.••••1 Oregon ...... E. N. Gillingham Librarian Supreme Court Lihrary Pennsylvania .. Elmer BoUa Law Librarian . " Department of Public, Instruction " ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY \sss LIBRARY (lAW)-continued State . Name Title Agency Rhode Island .. Clarence F. Allen Librarian StMe Law Library - South Carolina. J. B. Westbrook Custodian SupVeme Court Library ''^ South Dakota .. J. W. Raish Librarian Supreme Court Tennessee ...'... David S. Lansden Supreme Court Clerk ^upr^hie Court Texas O. C. Walker, Jr. Librarian Supreme Court Library Utah L. M. Cummihgs -Librarian' Supreme Court Vermont ...... Harrison J. Conant State Librarian State Library . , Virginia ..,.... Lloyd M, Richards Librarian Supreme Court of Appeals Washington ... Mark H. Wight Law Librarian State Law Library ' West Virginia, i Arthur J. Jackson Librarian State Law Library Wisconsin ..... Gilson G. Glasier Librarian State Library" Wyoming .':...

LIBRARY (STATE) ^ See also, Library (Archives), p. 381 and: Library (Law), p. 382. State ' Name Title Agency Alabama 4 Travis Williams Librarian Supreme Court Library Arizona ...... '?*' Mulford Winsor Director Department of Library and Archives :Arkansas ...... Dallas T. Herndon Executive Secretary , Arkansas History Commission California Mabel R. Gillis Librarian State Library (, Colorado Inez J. Lewis Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Connecticut ... James Brewster Librarian State Library Delaware ...... William D. Denny State Librarian State Library Florida ...... W. T. Cash \ Librarian State Library Georgia , Ella May Thornton Liiirarian State Library Idaho ...... Walter Lockwood, Jr. Librarian State Traveling Library Illinois :.. Harriet M. Skogh Superintendent,' State Library General Division Indiana ...... C. B. Coleman Director State Library Iowa ..i...... Library Board of Trustees Kansas ... . Louise McNeal Librarian State Library •Kentucky ..... Mrs. J. Campbell State Librarian Department of Libraries and Cantrill Archives Louisiana '. Alice M. Magee Librarian State Library Maine Theresa C. Stuart Librarian State Library Maryland ..... Robert F. Leach, Jr. Librarian State Library Massachusetts .. Dennis A. Dooley Librarian State Library . Michigari ..... Mrs. Grace S. McClure Librarian State Library Minnesota Paul Dansingberg- Librarian •State Library Mississippi .... Mrs. Julia Baylis . Librarian State Library Startles Missouri .. RuthO'Malley Secretary Library Commission Montana John Ritch- Librarian State Historical Library Nebraska ..... George H. Turner Libr<(rian ' State Library Nevada ...... E. Charles D. Marriage Librarian State Library New Hampshire Thelma Brackett Librarian' . State Library New Jersey .... Haddon Ivins Librarian State Library New Mexico .. Helen Dorman Director, Library Museum^ of New Mexico Extension Service New Yorl? ..... Robert W. G. Vail Director, State Library Department df 'Education Korth Carolina. Carrie L. Broughton Librarian State Library North Dakota.. Lillian Ei Cook Secretary and State Library Commission Director Ohio ...;... Paul A. T. Noon Librarian State Library Oklahoma ... Ralph Hudson State Librarian . State Library Oregon ..... Harriet C. Long Librarian , State Library Pennsylvania Joseph L. Rafter State Librarian State Library Rhode Island Grace M. Sherwood" Librarian ,State Library, Ur

384 THE BOOK OE THE STATES LIBRARY (STATE)-con«mued State Name Title Agency South Carolina. Mrs. Virginia G. Liljrarian State Library Moody South Dakota .. Lawrence K. Fox Ex-o£Bcio State State Department of History Librarian, Super­ intendent Tennessee . Mrs. John T. Moore State Librarian and Department of Education ' Archivist Texas .... Fannie M. Wilcox Librarian State Library Utah ..... Angelyn Warriick State Secretary of . Department of Publip^ Libraries, Division Instruction of Libraries Vermont Harrison J. Conant Librarian State Library Virginia ..... Wilmer Lee Hall Librarian State Library Washington .. William Tucker Librarian State Library ' West Virginia. Mrs. Bess £. Harrison State Historian and Department of Archives and Archivist History' Wisconsin . Gilson G. Glasier Librarian State Library Wyoming Gladys F. Riley Librarian State Library

LIQUOR CONTROL State Name Title Agency Alabama i Wilbur DeVann Administrator Alcoholic Beverage Control , Board Arizona ... John A. Duncan Superintendent Department of Liquor Li­ censes jahd Control Arkansas .. Joe Hardin Revenue Commis­ State Revenue Department sioner California . George M. Stout Administrator, Alco­ Board of Equalization holic Beverage Con­ trol Division Colorado ., Walter Er Morrison Secretary of State as Office of Secretary of State State Licensing Authority Connecticut ... E. paynor Brennan Chairman Liquor Control Commission . Delaware ...— Willard Springer, Jr. Commissioner Liquor Commission Florida ...... Thomas W. Long State Beverage Com­ missioner Georgia2 ..... C.H.Collins Liquor Control Divi­ Revenue Commission sion Idaho Fred Davis Chairman Liquor Control Commission Illinois Arthur S. Smith Chairman Liquor Control Commission Indiana Hugh Barnhart Excise Administrator Alcoholic Beverages Com­ mission Iowa M. L. Curtis Chairman Liquor Control Commission Kansas s John McCuish Chairman Commission of Revenue and . Taxation Kentucky ..... H. Clyde Reeves Chairman, Alcoholic Department of Revenue Beverage Control Board Louisiana ... Rufus W. Fontenot Director of Revenue Department of Revenue Maine ...... Harold S. Boardman Chairman State Liquor Commission Maryland ... W. Clinton McSherry Comptroller's Office Treasury Department .Massachusetts Arthur G. Burtnett Chairman Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission Michigan ... Orrin A. DeMaiss Cnairman . Liquor Control Coinmission Minnesota .. J. Norman Peterson Liquor Control Commissioner Mississippi 3 . A. H. Stone Chairman State Tax. Commission 1 County option with state control. 2 Beer and light wine only. For hard Jiquor- county option and control. 3 Prohibition except for 3.2 per cent beer. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 385 LIQUOR CONTkOL-confmu

MINES state Name Title Agency. Alabama . . E. J. McCrossin Chief, Division of Department of Industrial Safety and Inspection Relations Tom C. Foster Mine Inspector Arkansas ...... Joe W. Fitzjarrell Mine Inspector Department of Mining California . Walter W. Bradley Statft Mineralogist, . Department of Natural Division of Mines Resourcei Colorado ..... Tom Allen Cornmissioner, Bureau Executive Department of Mines Connecticut .. Delaware . Florida ...... , v, ..... Eiirector Division of Mines, Mining Georgia ...... : \ Garland Peyton and Geology Idaho Arthur Campbell Inspector of Mines Independent Director Department of Mines and Illinois. R. W. Medill Minerals Director, Division of Department of Commerce. Indiana ...... Fred Ferguson Mines & Mining and Industry Secretary Department of State Mine Iowa George Duckwoiili Inspectors 1 County option with state control. 2 Prohibition except for 3.2 per cent beer.

•\' \ «.

386 THE BOOK OF THE STAT-E6 MINES—continued State . ' Name Title ' Agency ivansas •••.•.•*•• v George McQueen Chairman Mine Examining Board Kentucky ...... Moss Patterson Chief Inspector Department of Mines and . Minerals Louisiana ..... Joseph L. McHugh Director oiE Minerals Department of Minerals •; Maine Josephine Marshall Clerk Secretary of State Maryland ..... John J. Rutledge Chief Mine Engineer Biitfeau of the Mines ,1 Massachusetts .. Michigan ..... R.A.Smith State Geologist Department of Conservation Minnesota .... Ray Nolan «*- Director Division of Land and •. • • •. ,..< •"•:•' ' Minera:ls Mississippi .,.... Greek L. Rice . Attorney General and State Mineral Lease - Ex-officio Secretary Commission Missouri ...... Arnold Griffith ! Chief Inspector Bureau of Mines Montana J. Burke Clements Chairman Industrial Accident Board Nebraska Nevada Matt Murphy State Mine Inspector New Hampshire New Jersey .... . New Mexico ... Warren G. Bracewell State Mine Inspector New York ..... Gustave Werner Supervisor of Mines, Department of Labor Tunnels, Etc. North Carolina. Murray Grier Inspector of Mines Department of Labor North Dakota .. Sylvester Binek \ State Mine Inspector Ohio ...... James Barry Chief, Division of Department of Industrial Mines and Mining Relations Oklahoma^ .... Robert H. Brown Chief Inspector of Mines, Oil and Gas Oregon ...... Earl K. Nixon Director Department of Geologf and Mineral Industries \ Pennsylvania .. Richard Maize Secretary of'Mines Department of Mines Rhode Island ..' South Carolina. South Dakota .., H. H. Stewart : Inspector of Mines Tennessee ..... J.A.Welch Chief Inspector Department of Labor Texas ...... 1 Utah ...... E. A. Hodges'2 Metal Mine Inspector Industrial Commission Vermont Virginia ...... Creed P. Kelly Chief Mine Inspector Department of Labor and Industry Washington • ... Thomas B.Hill Supervisor of Mines Department of Conservation and Mining and Development .;. West Virginia.. N. P. Rinehart Chief Department of Mines Wisconsin ..... A. H. Findeisen Mine Inspector, Safety Industrial Commission and Sanitation Divi­ sion Wyoming Warren D. Skelton Mineral Supervisor Land Department

MOTOR VEHICLES (LICENSING AND REGISTRATION) State Name . ' Title Agency Alabama .. . John Curry Commissioner Department of Revenue Arizona ...... B. H. McAhren Superintendent, Motor State Highway Department \ Vehicles Division Arkansas Joe Hardin Revenue Commissioner State Revenue Department California .;— James M. Carter Director ; Department of Motor Vehicles Colorado ...... Charles H. Gunn Supervisor, Division ' Department of State Motor Vehicles Connecticut ... Michael A, Connor Commissioner Department of Motor Vehicles Delaware George S. Williams Commissioner Department.of Motor Vehicles 1 Ernest O. Thompson, Chairman, Railroad Commission, in charge of oil and gas production. 2 Coal Mine Inspector: John Taylor. ROS TERS A ND B IB LI OGR APH Y - r ~ ' 387 - MOTOR VEHICLES (LICENSING AND REGIS! lATlON)—continued • State' Name Title Agency Florida Henry J. Driggers Motor Vehicle Com­ Executive Department missioner Georgia W. Wayne Walker Chief Clerk, Motor State Revenue Commission Vehicle Division . J. L. Balderston Commissioner Department of Law Enforce­ ^. ment Illinois ... John J, Nash Chief Clerk, Automo­ Office of Secretary of State * • bile Department "^Indiana EdwjfFd .H. Stein Commissioner Bureau of Motor Vehicles Iowa ...... Jan\es Allen ^ Chief, Registration Di­ Public Safety Department vision, Motor Vehicle • \ Division Kansas ...... C. M.Voelker Superintendent, Motor Highway Coinmission '•'.•'• Vehicle Department Kentucky R. L. McFarland Director Division Local Relations Louisiana ..... Rufus W. Fontenot Director Of Revenue Department of Revenue Maine ...... Agnes M. Faulkner Chief Clerk, Motor Office of Secretary of State Vehicle Division W. Lee Elgin Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Massachusetts .. Frank A- Goodwin Registrar of Motor Department of Public Works Vehicles Michigan ..... Lee C. Richardson Director, Motor Office of Secretary of State Vehicle Division Minnesota . J. P. Bengtson Director, Motor Office of Secretary of State Vehicle Division Mississippi .... Frank L. Mize Chief Clerk, Auto Auditor of Public Accounts Department Missouri ...... y. H. Steward; Commissioner, Mbtor" Office of Secretary of State Vehicle License De- parimeni Montana ...... Dudley Jones Registrar of Motor Superintendent of State Vehicles Prison Nebraska R. F. Weller Diviision of Motor Departrnent of Roads and Vehicle Registration Irrigation Malcolm McEachin i Ex-officio Motor • Office of Secretary of State Vehicle Commis­ sioner New Hampshire John F. Griffin Commissioner of Mo­ tor Vehicles New Jersey ... Arthur W. Magee : Motor Vehicle Com­ Motor Vehicle Department missioner New Mexico .. J. 0. Garcia Commissioner of Mo­ Bureau of Revenue tor Vehicles New York Carroll E. Mealey Commissioner, Bureau Department of Taxation and Motor-Vehicles Finance f North Carolina. R. R. McLaughlin Director, Motor Department of Revenue. Vehicle Bilreau North Dakota.. B. E. Robinson Registrar Motor Vehicle Department Ohio Cylon W. Wallace Registrar Bureau of Motor Vehicles M. C. Connors ' Chief, Motor Vehicle . Tax Commission trjo Licensing Division Carl p. Gabnelson Manager, Motor Office of Secretary of State Vehicle Devision Pennsylvania .. Charles M. Dougherty Director, Bureau of Department of Revenue Motor Vehicles Rhode Island .. George R. Beane Registrar of Motor Executive Department Vehicles South Carolina. A. W. Bohlen Director, Motor Ve- ' State Highway Department hide Division South Dakota.. B. J. Simonson Motor Vehicle Director Office of Secretary of State D: R. Henley Assistant Commis­ Department of Finance; and sioner Taxation

1 Also serves as Secretary of State.

A 388 - THE BOOK OF THE STATES MOTOR VEHICLES (LICENSING AND REGISTRATION)-contm«ed State Name Title Agency Texas...... Homer Garrison, Jr. Director Department of Public Safety Utah ..... E. G. Foxley Supervisor State Tax Commission Vermont Murdock A. Campbell Commissioner of „ Department of Motor Motor Vehicles Vehicles Virginia Marion S. Battle . Director, Division of Department of Finance Motor V'ehicles Washington ... DaveS. Cohn Director Department of Licenses West Virginia.. W. S. Wysong •'• Registrar of Motor Road Commission Vehicles Wisconsin ..... Hugh M. Jones Commissioner Office of Secretary of State Motor Vehicle Department Wyoming ...... Will M- Lynn Manager, Motor Ve- Public Service Commission hide Department

••"•'•." ^ •••••.•.. .. '."'^ -——c- , OLD AGE ASSISTANCE See also "Welfare," p. 413. ' ., State . Name •>'' ' Title Agency Alabama ...... Loula Dunn Commissioner Departmentof Public Welfare Arizona Harry W. Hill Commissioner . Department of Social Security " " and Welfare Arkansas ..;... Johft G. Pipkiri Commissioner Department of Public Welfare California ..... Olive E. Henderson Chief, Division of Aid Department of Social Welfare to the Needy Aged Colorado". Earl M, Kouns Director, Department Executive Department ^/ , . of Public Welfare Connecticut /.. Edward H. Reeves Director, Division of Office of Commissioner of I • Old Age Assistance Welfare Delaware ...\... Charles M. Candee President Old Age Welfare Commission V »-/ '.^f Gladys M. Hitch Acting Executive Di­ rector Florida...... Eunice Minton Director, Department .. Welfare Board of Public Assistance" , • Georgia.. '.. Lucile Wilson . Director, Division of Departmentof Public Welfare Public Assistance ' Idaho. William'-'Child Director, Division of Departmentof Public Welfare f. .' . Public Assistance Illinois...... John C. Weigel Superintendent, Old Departmentof Public Welfare Age Assistance Di- •' vision Indiana ...... Thurman A. Director Departmentof Public Welfare Gottschalk Iowa. ....F.T.Walton Director, Division of Board of Social Welfare Public Assistance Kansas Frank E. Milligan Chairman, Board of Department of Social Welfarp . Social Welfare Kentucky...... A.Y.Lloyd Director, Division of Department of Public Welfare ^ Old Age Assistance Louisiana .W.S.Terry Director of Public Department of Public Welfare ! Welfare Maine ...;' John O. Newton Chairman , Old Age Assistance Commis- » sion Maryland — .. J. Milton Patterson Executive Secretary State Department of Public " Welfare Massachusetts.. RoUo A. Barnes Director, Division of Department of Public Welfare Aid and Relief Michigan Fedele F. Fauri Supervisor, Bureau of Department of Social Welfare Social Security Minnesota...... Walter W-Finke Director, Division of Department of Social Security \ .-. Social Welfare Mississippi > W.F.Bond Commissioner Departmentof Public Welfare

o> ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPIfiY 389! OLD^ AGE ASSISTANCE-confmwed State Name Title •Agency Missouri .. George I. Haworih . Administrator- Social Security Commission Montana .. I. M. Brandjord ; - . > State Administrator Relief Commission Nebraska .. Neil C. Vandcmocr Director, Division of State Board of Control Assistance Nevada .., Gilbert C. Ross Executive Secretary, Department of Work, Plan­ State Board of Relief ning and Pension Control Herbert H; Clark Supervisor Old Age Assistance New Hampshire Harry O. Page Commissioner Department of Public Welfare New Jersey Marc P. Dowdell Director, Old Age Department of Institutions Division and Agencies New Mexico ... Mrs. Jennie Kirby Administrator ~\ Relief and Security Authority New York ..... Gladys Fisher Director, Division of. Department of Social Welfare Old Age Security North Carolina. Mrs. W. .Thomas Bost Commissioner State Board of Charities and . Public Welfare North Dakota .. E. A. Willson , Executive Director Board of Public Welfare Ohio : Thomas McCaw Chief, Division of Aid Department of Public Welfare for the Aged Oklahoma J. B. Harper Director of Public Public Welfare Department Welfare Oregon ...... Elmer R. Goudy Administrator State Public Welfare Com- ' mission 'Pennsylvania .. Howard L. Russell Secretary Department of Public Assist­ ance Rhode Island .. Joseph M. Loughlin i^^stant Director of Department of Social Welfare Social and Institu­ tional Services South Carolina, T. H. Daniel State Director Department of Public Welfare South Dakota .. C. H. McCay Director Department of Social Security Tennessee Paul Savage Commissioner of Pub: Department of Public Welfare lie Welfare Texas J. S. Murchison Executive Director Department of Public Welfare Utah ...... J. W. Gillraan Director Department of Public Welfare Vermont .' W. Arthur Simpson Director / Old Age Assistance Depart- " ment Virginia William H. StaufFer Commissione".•'-•r " • .^• / Department of Public Welfare Supervisor, Division of Department of Social Security * Washington .<. Vacancy Old Age Assistance Director of Public \ Department of Public Welfare West Virginia.. Raymond Kenny Assistance Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public Welfare Wisconsin..... George M^ Keith ance Division Director ""Department of Public Welfare Wyoming ..... S.S.Hoover

^ PARKS \ See also "Conservation," p. 361 State Name • Title / .Agency Alabama ...;.. W. G. Luhsford: Chief,iDivision of State Department of Conservation

: • ' ^ ••'- • •• .'• • ' Parks 9. Arizona ...... Arkansas S. G. Davies Inspector. State Parks Commission California Darwin W. Tate State Park Commis­ Department of Natural Re­ sioner, l^ivision of sources Parks Colorado .."...... ; .....^. .... : Connecticut ... Arthur V. Parker General Superintend­ Park and Forest Commission' ent of State Parks Delaware Chauncy P. Holcomb Secretary ° Park Commission Florida ....*... H. J. Malsberger State Forester State Board of Forestry 390 THE BOOK OF THE STATES ' PARKS-continued See also "Conservation," p. 361. Name Title Agency Georgia R. F. Burch > Director, Division of Department of Natural ^ Parks , Resources Idaho Allen Merritt Commissioner- Department of Public Works Illinois .... George H. Luker Superintendent of Department of Public Works State Parks ' and Buildings Indiana , Charles A. DeTufk : Director, Division of Department of Conservation Parks, Lands, and • v Waters V. W. Flickinger Chief, Lands and Conservation Commission Waters Division Guy Josserand Director Forestry, Fish and Game ^ Commission Kentucky ...... Nelle Vaughan Superintendent, State Department of Conservation W. H. Hodges. Jr. Director Qf Conserva­ Department of Conservation

tion •-"'*••• Newton S. Stowell Chairman j State Park Commission Maryland .;.;. F; W. Besley State Forester Department of Forestry Massachusetts .. Edgar L. .jGillett Director, Di^ion of Department of Conservation Parks ' Michigan .. Walter Kingscott Superintendent, State Department of Conservation

Minnesota Harold W. Lathrop Director, Division of Department of Conservation

• .. • - • , j\ State Parks Mississippi .... Fred B. Merrill State Forester State Forestry Commission Joe E. Kenton Chief of Parks Park Board Montana '''~" Nebraska W. H. Lytle Acting Secretary Game, Forestation and Parks Commission Nevada ^ Robert A. Allen Chairman ^ State Parks Commission New Hampshire John H. Foster State Forester Department of Forestry and Recreation , New Jersey .... C. P. Wilberi Director and State Department of Conservation

• '1 Forester and Development y New Mexico ... C. E. Hollied State Park Commis­ State Park Board sioner *^ew York ..... James F. Evans Director of State Parks Department of Conservation North Carolina. • J. S. Holmes State Forester Department of ConM-vation and Development North Dakota .. Russell Reed . Chairman of Parks State Historical Society Committee Ohio W. R. Wheelock Chief, uureau of In­ Department of Conservation land Lakes and Parks Oklahoma . Glenn Durrell Head, Division of Planning and Resources Parks Board Oregon Sam H. Boardman Superintenden^, State State, Highway Commission _ ' -A - Parks Pennsylvania .. > JoTin R. Williams Director, Bureau of Department of Forests and .- -• , Parks Waters Rhode Island .. . Ernest K. Thomas Administrator of For­ Department of Agriculture ests and Parks and Conservation South Carolina^ •..-•-• A South Dakota .. E. B. Adams r Chairman State Park Board William M. Hay Director of State Parks Department of Conservation Wendell Mayes Chairman State Park Board Utah...... Herbert B. M«W Governor, and Chair­ Board of Park Commissioners man , ^ . •,: R^ Vermont . Perry H. Merrill State Forester, State Department of Conservation Forest Service and Development Randolph Odell Director of Parks Commission on Conservation r-. 1 Also the Interstate Park Commission, the High Point Park Commission, State Park Commission, the Wash­ ington Rock Park Commission, and the Edison Park Commission, ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 391 FARKS—continued state Name Title . Agency VVashingtoi\ . W.Cw. Weigle Superintendent of Stale Parks Committee State Parks , West Virginia Linn Wilson ^Ghie'f; Division of Conservation Commission State Parks Wisconsin ... C. L. Harrington Superintendent of Conservation Commission Forests and Parks .

PAROLE Slate : '' Name Title Agency Alabama ..... Alex Smith Chairman Board of Pardons an'd Paroles Arizona Walter I. Hofman Supervisor of Parolees Board of Pardons and Paroles Arkansas .. J. A. Neaville Chairman- Penitentiary Commission California ..... John G. Clark Cliairman Board of Prison Terms and Paroles y'•^- Colorado Ralph L. Carr, - Governor Executive Department Connecticut ... . Vine R. Parmelee Clerk Board of Pardons Delaware James W. Robertson Secretary Board of Parole Florida •...'.; Ralph Davis Secretary to the Executive Department Governor . Georgia ... C. E. Rainey /^ „ Chairman Prison and Parole Commis­ sion Idaho Herman Fails Parole Office Board, of Prison Commissions Chairman, Board of Department of Public Illinois .... W. C. Jones Pardons and Paroles Welfare Secretary State Commission on Indiana ..?..... Ray E. Smith • Clemency • Chairman Board of Parole Iowa William E. Jackson Executive Clerk and Executive Department Kansas LeRoy Bradfield Pardon Attorney Kentucky... John P. Jarius Director, Division of Department of Public Probation and . Welfare Paroles Louisiana ..... W.S.Terry Director of Public Department of Public Welfare Welfare Maine ...... Joel Earnest Chairman Parole Board Parole Commissioner Division of Parole and Pro­ Maryland ..... Herman M. Moser bation Chairman, Board of Department of Correction Massachusetts .. ' Reuben L; Lurie Parole Assistant Director, - Corrections Commission Michigan A. Ross Pascoe Parole Board Chairman State Board of Parole Minnesota...... A. C. lindholm Secretary to the Executive Departmerit ' Governor Mississippi .... Mrs. D. C.Lea Chairman Board of Probation and Parole Missouri .;..... Frank G.Harris Clerk State Board of Prison Com- *• missioners Montana : W. L. Fitzsimmons Chief State Probation Board of Pardons — Officer . Nebraska ...... R. C. Meissner Secretary, Board of Executive Department .^i'aroles and Pardons Nevada ...... W. S. Harris Acting Director Department of Probation Director, Division of Department of Institutions New Hampshire Francis C. Reagau' Paroles and Agencies New Jersey .... John Colt Warden! iState Penitentiary New Mexico... John B. McManus Chairman Board of Parole " New York .•."... Joseph R. Moore, M.D. Executive Director David Dressier -•1.

392 THE 'BO OK OF THE ST A TES PAKOhE—continued stale Name Title • \ Agency • North Carolina. Edwin M. Gill Commissioner of Executive Department ! Paroles North/JDakota .. W. R. Spaulding. Secretary to the Executive Department Governor Ohio/'. ;... W. Jewell Chairman, Board of Welfare Department Parole Oklahoma ...;. J. A. Mihton> Pardon and Parole Executive Department Officer Oregon ....,.. Fred Finsley Director Parole Board Pennsylvania Thomas T. Taylor Supervisor of Paroles, Department of Justice Board of Pardons Rhode Island .. Joseph H. Hagan Assistant Director of Department of Social Welfare Parole, Probation and Correctional Services South Carolina. Burnet R. May!)ank Governor Executive Department

• • ^ • South Dakota .. Don Cole .Parole Officer V^ Board of Charities and Corrections , Tennessee C. C. Menzler Director of Pardons.i department of Institutions _ % Paroles and Prob^r^. tion Texas .7 J. B. Keith ^ Chairman Board ot Pardons and Paroles Utah ...... Oscar E. Lowder Chief Agent Adult Probation and Parole Vermont .. Timothy C. Dale State Probation Ol^cer Department of Public Welfare A Virginia .;..... , Chairmarr Board of Prison-Terms aii Washington ... W. L. Dailey Paroles Acting Director Department of .Probation and West Virginia.. • C. Hess .--. Control Supervisor, Probation Department of Public Wisconsin ..... A.F.Ruth. ' - and Parole Division Welfare Secretary, State Board Department of Charities and Wyoming ..... Joseph S. Weppner' of Pardons Reform •

PERSONNEL See also "Employment Service," p. 366 Stale Name Title . Agency . Alabama ., • I. J. Browder Personnel Director Personnel Department Arizona .., Arkansas ., California , • Louis Krpeger Executive Officer r^.. State Personnel Board Colorado ., • Joseph C. Jankovsky President, Civil Service Executive Department - «,• • Commission Connecticut • William H. Donning I'ersonnel Director Personnel Department Delaware .., Florida Georgia Idaho ...... Illinois •Dean G.Curry Chief Examiner and Civil Ser^i^Qpjaqjissicm,.. Secretary Indiana .. Ford P. Hall Acting Director, Bu­ Department of Public , reau of Personnel Welfare Kansas ... 1. .. ^ Director State Department of Civil Service Kentucky . • H. B.. Henderson Director, Diyision of Department of Finance. Personnel Efficiency • Statutory ciyil service agencies. I Statewide civil service provided by 1941 session of legislature; no appointment as this book goes to press. ^•^^—ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY • 393

State Name Title Agency Louisiana '. Maine .... Earl R. Hayes Director Personnel Board Maryland . • Harry C. Jones Employment Commis­ Departinent of Employment sion and Registration Massachusetts .. •Ulysses J. Lupien^,^ Director of Civil Civil Service Commission. Seryice Michigan —... Paul T. Anderson Acting Director Civil Service Commission Minnesota ..... Kenneth C. Penne- Director Civil Service Commission baker Mississippi .... Missouri ...'... Montana ...... Nebraska Nevada ... A- New Hampshire New Jersey •Charles P. Messick Secretary and Chief Civil Service Commission Examiner New Mexico .. Ralph S. Trigg Director Merit Commission : iNew York ..... • Frank H. Densler Executive Officer Department of Civil Service: North Carolina. R. G.Deyton Assistant Director of Executive Department _i„the Budget North Dakota.. Ohio ...... :.. Frank W- Forsythe Secretary and.Chief Civil Service Commission Examiner Oklahoma .. .1. •••••••>•• , .'v . . . . Oregon ...... Pennsylvania .. John F. Royer Personnel Secretary Executive Department Rhode Island .. • Vacancy Director ^ Department ofi''^Civil Service South Carolina...... ,/...;.....,: South Dakota .. A. B. Blaice Secretary of Finance Board of Finance , i;ennessee ..... • Bain Stewart Director of Personnel Department of Personnel Texas • Utah ...... Vermont -V..^-:... Virginia Rowland A. Egger Oh Washington ... West Virginia .. ' • • I v>'. • • • r •,' • • ' Wisconsin ..... • A. J. Ppstedal Acting Director of Bureau of Personnel Personnel Wyoming .....

PLANNING State . Name Iruie Agency Alabama :.. A. J. Hawkins Director State Planning Commission Arizona .... Alma Davis • Secretary Arizona Resources Board Arkansas ... L, A. Henry Chairman State Planning Board California .. L. Deming Tilton Administrative Officer State Planning Board ' Colorado ... Edward D. Foster Director State Planning Commission Connecticut* Sidney A. Edwards Director Connecticut Development Commission . Delaware Florida . A. J. Rountree Chairman- State Planning Board Georgia . R. C. Job Director State Board of Planning Idaho ... I. V. Berg ! Chairman State Planning Board Illinois ., Robert Kingery Chairman State Planning Commission Indiana . George E. Lommell Chairman State Planning Board . Iowa .... >. Kansas . H.R.Miiler' Director State Planning Board * Statutory -civil service agencies. 2 Applications, for employment and for help to fill vacancies are sent, to the Commission of Finance; All employees are engaged >yith the approval of the governor. VQJ 394 THE BOOK OF THE STATES PLANNING-conimued state. Name" ' Title Agency Kentucky .. • .••••••'•••••••••.••••••••••a Louisiana . D. L. Pyburn Director of Public Departriierit of Public Works i-. Works Maine ...... Maryland ... Abel Woliiian Chairman _, * State Planning Commission Massachirsetts Elisabeth M. Herlihy Chairman State Planning Board Michigan ... Eugene B. Elliott Chairman \^ State Planning Commission Minnesota ... Herbert Miller Executive Secretary Minnesota Resources. Com-. mission Mississippi .... Lester Franklin Executive Director State Planning Commission Mundell Bush Executive Director State Board of Development Missouri ..', William M. Anderson Director 'State Planning Board Montana ...... D. P. Fabrick Chairman , . State Planning Board Nebraska . .V... '^. Nevada ...... Robert A. Allen Chairman State Planning Board New.Hampshire Frederick P. Clark Planning Director State Planning and Develop­ ^5 " . • . " • . ment Commission New jersey ... Charles P. Messick Chairman State Planning Board New Mexico .. Lyle Brush Chairman State Planning Board New York 2,...... North Carolina. Howard W. Odom; Secretary State Planning Board Nonh Dakota.. M.O.Ryan \ . Executive .Secretary Advisory Resources Board Ohio...... '....:...'.... Oklahoma. R.R.Owens Secretary State Planning and Resources Board ' Oregon ...... Pennsylvania •;^ Frank K. Pitkin . Director State Planning Board Rhode Island .. . Robert F. Shepard Chairman State Planning Board South Carolina. Robert L. Sumwalt Chairman. State Planning Board South Dakota.. A. M. Eberle Secretary ; Advisory Resources Board Tennessee ..... William D. Price Executive Director State Planning Commission / Texas...... :^...... Utah, ...... Sumner G. Margetts Director State Planning Board Vermont Philip Shtitler Director State Planning Board Virginia ...... ; Hugh R. Pomeroy Executive Officer State Planning Board Washington ... B. H. Kiier Chairman State Planning Council West Virginia.. William P. Wilson Chairman State Planning Board , . Wisconsin.'.... M. W. Torkelson Executive Officer State Planning Board Wyoming . George O.Houser Executive Secretary ' State Planning and Water Conservation Board -

POLICE AND HIGHWAY PATROL State jfe> Name Title: Agency . Alabama,...... •-"M^Weller Smith Director Department of Public Safety Horace Moore ''Superintendent of State Highway Department Arizona ... : Highway Patrol • A. G. Allbright Superintendent of State Police Department Arkansas ...... State Rangers E. Raymond Cato Chief, Highway Patrol Department of Motor California ...., Vehicles Colorado ...... Joseph Marsh Supervisor Highway Courtesy Patrol Connecticut ... • Edward J. Hickey Cprnmissioner Department of StatePblice Delaware -....'.. • Siiperintehdent of •Department of State Police • Norman R. Pumell State Police Florida ^ Director,. Highway Department^pf Public Safety William. F. Reid Patrol Division; ; Georgia .. Commissioner- * Department of ;Public Safety Idaho ..;...., John E. Goodwin Superintendent Department of Law Enforce­ • J. L. Balderston ment 1 Board abolished 1941. ". 2 State Planning Council abolished, and duties transferred to a bureau of the Division of Commerce, Execu­ tive Department, 1941. • - . ' • Statewide force with full police powers.

«S> ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 395 POLICE AND HIGHWAY PATKOL-cohtinued State Name Title Agency Illinois ...... •T.P.Sullivan Superintendent of Department of Public Works State. Police, High­ and Buildings way Division Indiana ...... • Donald F. Stiver Superintendent Department of State Police • C. W. Knee > Chief of Highway Public Safety Department Safety Patrol Kansas .. .. • Elam P. Afooraau Superintendent . Highway Patrol Kentucky ...'-... • Jack Nelson Chief Highway Department Louisiana ..... • • Steve Alford Director of Public ; Department of Public Safety Safety Maine ..-. * Henry P. Weaver Chief Department of State Police; Maryland V . • Beverly 01)er Superintendent State Police Massachusetts .. ^ Eugene M. Mc- Commissioner of. Pub­ Department o£ Public Safety Sweeney lic Safety, Divisior^ of State.Pblice . Michigan,...... * Oscar G. Olander Commissioner of State Department of State Police Police Minnesota .... • Eldbn Roue Superintendent, Crim­ Department of Highways inal; Apprehension and Highway Patrol . <^ J Mississippi ;... Thomas Brady Commissioner Highway Safety Patrol Missouri ...... * A. D. Sheppart Acting Superintendent State Highway Patrol Montan• p a ...... Charles Sheridan Supervisor Highway Patrol Nebraska ...... R. T. Schrein Captain State Safety Patrol Nevada ....;.. * George Gotlschalk • Superintendent of State Police and Warden of State Penitentiary New Hampshire * George A. Colbatli Superintendent Department of St?(te Police,' New Jersey .... • Mark O. sKimberling Superintendent Department of State Police- New Mexico ;." • Tom Summers Chief , State Police New York •John A. Warner . Superintendent of . . Executive Department . State Police '' North Carolina. ^ John T. Armstrong Cliief of Highway.. State Highway Patrol •PafrnX ALil/Xl North Dakota.. Frank L. Putnam Superintendent of . State Highway Department Highway Patrol , Ohio ...... Lynn C. Black Superintendent of Department of Highways ^Highway Patrol : • Oklahoma ..... • Walter Johnson *^ Commissioner of Pub­ Department of Public Safety lic Safety Oregon.'.;..... • Charles P. Pray Superintendent of Department of State Police State Police Pennsylvania .. • Lynn G. Adams Commissioner Pennsylvania Motor Police . Rhode Island .. •Jonathan H. Har- Supierintendent of Executive Department wpod State Police South-Carolina. J. S.. Williamson Chief Highway Com­ Highway Departmejpt '*:• missioner , J. H. Jeanes Chief of State Con­ '..' stabulary South Dakota.. • Leo A. Temmey Superintendent Department of Justice and Public Safety Tennessee ..... ; •T.E.Morris Director of Safety Department of Safety Jl CXoS •••••••'•• • Homer Garrison, Jr. Director Department of Public Safety Utah ....,'.... •R. W.Groo Superintendent, State State Road Commission •--> : Highway Patrol Vermont ...... H. Elmer Marsh Chief Inspector of Department of Motor . Highway Patrol Vehicles Virginia •H.B.Nicholas Superintendent, State Division of Motor Vehicles Police Washington ... • Harry .C.Huse Chief of State Patrol Department of Efficiency West Virginia .. * G. H. Crumpccker Superintendent of Department of Public. Safety State Police

• Statewide force with full police powers. C-:s>

1^:: 7^

396 THE BOOK OF THE ST A TES POLICE ANI> HIGHWAY lPATR,OL-continued State Name Title Agency: Wisconsin . Homer G, Bell Director—Inspection" Motor Vehicle Department

and Enforcement *•'••• Division Wyoming . •^iJaroM H. Clark Captain of Highway JHighway Department^ ••# Patrol

' PRINGII^\L STATE.CONTROLLED INSTITUTIOJSfS/OF HIGHER EDUCATION . state Name Title :. /^Agency Alabama ...... Richard C. Foster! President . University of Alabama . Arizona ...... Alfred Atkinson President v University of Arizona Arkansas ...... j. W. Fulbright President University of^Aikahsas -f California . Robert Gordon Sproiil President University"t>fO»lifomia . Colorado . Robert L. Stearns Presiden t. Board of Univeijity pf Colorado '• -^.Regents ' .^ Connecticut ... Albert N. Jorgensen President University of Connecticut Delawarev...... Walter HuUihen . President '' University of Delaware Florida....;.,. John J. Tigert President . . University of Florida y Georgia ...... S. \^ Sanford Chancellor, Board of ' Univereity of Georgia Regents . •••' • '.' •' Idaho..... H.C. bale President , . University of Idaho Illinois...... Arthur Cutts Willard President University of Illinois - Indiaria... ..y. Herman B. Wells " President Indiana" University Iowa...... Virgil M. Hancher President State University of Iowa Kansas ...... Deane W. Malott Chancellor University of Kansas Kentucky Thomas Poe Cooper President . • University of Kentucky Louisiana ...... Campbell B..Hodges Pr«ident Louisiana State University ' , and Agriculture and Me- ..-••- chanical College Maine ... . Arthur A. Hauck ' President University of Maine Mar)land ...... H. Clifton Byrd I'resident University of Maryland /^ Massachusetts.. Hugh P. Baker ..President " ~Massachusetlis State College Michigan ...:.. Alexander G. Ruthven President University of Michigan . . Minnesota..*!.. W..^C; Coffey 'Acting Pi-esident University of Minnesota Mississippi .... Alfred Benjamin Butts Chancellor University of Mississippi • Missouri ...... ' Frederick A. Middle- President . University of Missouri '

• - • • . hush ••,-..-., ''.•'•.•.'•' 1-. Montana...... George F. Simmons 'President State University of M.ontana Nebraska ...... C.S.Boucher Chancellor, Board of University of Nebraska ,,.' .. Regents ." Nevada L. W. Hartman President University of Nevada New Hampshire . Fred Engelhardt President University of New Hampshire New Jersey ... New Mexico... James F. Zimmerman ; President Uiiiversity of New Mexico New York ...... , ...... i.. North Carolina. Frank Porter Graham President . University of North Carolina North Dakota.. John C. West " President University of North Dakota Ohio...... Howard L. Bevis President Ohio State University " Oklahoma.....^ Joseph A. Brandt President - . University'Of Oklahoma Oregon Frederick M. Hunter. ," Chancellor Oregon State System of ' " . Higher Education Pennsylvania! . Ralph D. Hetzel President Pennsylvania State Cpllece Rhode Inland... -John Barlow . ..Acting President > Rhode Island State College South Carolina. J. Rion McKissick:, President- University of South\ Carolina South Dakota.. I. D. Weeks • President University of South Dakota Tennessee .. • James D: Hoskins President -University of Tennessee Texas...... Homer P. Rainey President University of Texas Utah...... George Thomas President University of Utah * Statewide force with full police powers. 1 Pennsylvania State College is state-aided, not state-owned, as are also the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, and the University of Pittsburgh. ... ' ^ •,

V >*'

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 397 PRINCIPAL STATE CONTROLLED INSTITUTIONS OF niGUEK EDVCATION-continued. 4- State Name ^ Title , Agency Vermont ..'... Newman Chaffee Acting President University of Vermont Virginia ..;... John Lloyd Newcomb President • University of Virginia Washington .. Lee Paul Sieg President University, of Washington West Vurginia. Charles E, Lawall President West Virginia University Wisconsin .... Clarence A. Dykstra President University of Wisconsin ' Wyoming .... A. G. Crane' President Wyoming State University

PRINTING State Name Title Agency Alabama Arizona ...... Arkansas ...... ' California George H.; Moore State Printer Department of Finance Colorado Leon E. Lavington State Purchasing Executive Department Agent J Connecticut ... John M. Dowe Delaware ...... Florida Georgia ...... ' Idaho Illinois'.. i..... John J. Dpnoghue Superintendent of Department of Finance Printing Indiana...... Parke Beadle Director. Executive Department Iowa David K. Brown Superintendent State Printing Board Kansas ...... W. C. Austin State Printer Office of State Printer Kentucky ...... Louisiana...... Martin L..Close • Director of Finance Department of Finance Maine Maryland ..... Massachusetts .. Michigan ...... Minnesota ' George F. Etzell State Printer Adniinistration and Finance Mississippi ^... Walker Wood j^.,, ._j...... Missouri ...... Dwight H. Brown i Chairman Public Printing Commission Montana ...... Nebraska ...... Nevada ...... Joe Farnsworth State Printer State Printing Office New Hampshire New Jersey ... New Mexico .. New York ..... " North Carolina. North Dakota.. L. C. Miller State Printer . State Printing Commission Ohio Oklahoma ...... Oregon „ E. C. Hobbs State Printer State Printing Board Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island .. South Carolina. B., P. Davies Secretary Joint Commission on Printing South Dakota.. A. B. Blake Tennessee ..... Texas Utah .,...... ,. Vermont Virginia, - Pearne E. Ketron Director Division of Purchase and Printing Washington ... 0;H. Olson Public Printer West Virginia.. O. K. Chapman Wisconsin ..... Wyoming ..... Joseph S. Weppner 1 Also serves as Secretary of State.

X •fe 398 THE BOOK OF THE STATES PUBLIC INSTRUCTION * • • - See also "Vocational Education," p, 410. State Name Title Agency Alabama A.H.Collins • Superintendent Department of Education Superintendent of State Board of Education Arizona ...... E. D. Ring Public Instruction Commissioner of Department of Education Arkansals Ralph B. Jones Education Superintendent of Department of Education California ;,... Walter F. Dexter Public Instruction Superintendent of Department of Education Colorado ...... Inez Johnson Lewis . Public Instruction Commissioner of State Board of Education Connecticut ... Alonzo G. Grace Education.. Superintendent Department of Education . Delaware ...... H. V. Holloway Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Florida Colin English Superintendent ,o,f Department of jEducation. • Schools' Georgia ...... ,v >. M. D. Collins Superintendent of Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction . Public Instruction Idaho C. E. Roberts Superintendent Department of Public . Instruction Illinois John A. Wieland Superintendent" of Department of'Education Public Instruction to- Indiana ....:'.".' Clement A. Malan ^ Superintendent Department of Publ ic . Instruction Iowa ...... Jessie M. Parker Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Kansas ...... George L. McCleririy Superintendent of Department of Education . : Public Instruction •Kentucky ...... John D. Brooker Superintendent - Department of Public Education Louisiana .. John JE. Coxe Commissioner of. Department of Education Education ^ Maine .;...... Bertram E. Packard President of Board " Department of Education Maryland ~.TTr.~- Tasker G. Lotindes .Superintendent of Alberts. Cook Schools Commissioner of Department of Education Massachusetts .. Walter F. Downey Education Director of Public Department of Public Michigan Eugene B. Elliot Instruction Instruction Acting Director, Department of Education Minnesota ..... A. B. Caldwell Graded Elementary Schools , Mississippi .... J. S. Vandiver Superintendent of - Department of Education Education 9f- Missouri '. Lloyd W.King Superintendent of Department of Public Schools Public Schools Montana Elizabeth Ireland Superintendent of State Board of-Education Public Instruction . Nebraska ...... C. W.Taylor Superintendent of Office of the Superintendent Public Instruction Nevada Mildred Bray , Superintendent of Department of Public . Public Instruction Ini truction New Hampshire. James N. Pringle Commissioner of Department of Education Education • •.- r New Jersey Charles H. Elliott . Commissioner of "^ Education State Board of Education New Mexico .. -. Mrs. Grace J. Corrigan Superintendent of Public Instruction Department of Education New York ..... Ernest E. Cole President of University and Commissioner of Department of Education •Education North Carolina. Clyde A. Erwin Superintendent of Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Public Instruction ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 399 PUBLIC INSTRUCTlON-^continued State Name Title ^ Agency — ' North Dakota.. Arthur E. Thompson Superintendent of : Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Public Instruction Ohio ..... E. N. Dietrich Director .i-J)epartment of Education Oklahoma A.L. Crable Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Oregon . • Rex Putnam Superintendent of Department of.Education Public Instruction Pennsylvania .. Francis B. Haas Superintendent of '• Department of Public Public Instruction Instruction Rhode Island'.. James F. Rockett Director Department of Education South. Carolina. J.H.Hope Superintendent of Department of Education Education .South Dakota.. J. F.Hines Superintendent of Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Public Instruction Tennessee ....; B. O. Duggan. Commissioner of Department of Education Education . Texas L.A. Woods Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Utah ...... Charles H. Skidmore Superintendent of Department of Public Public Instruction Instruction Vermont ...... Ralph E. Noble Commissioner of Department of Education Education Virginia ...... Sidney B. Hall Superintendent of State Board of Education Public Instruction Washington ... Mrs. Pearl A. Wana- Superintendent^f Departmisnt of Education maker Public Instruction West Virginia.. W. W. Trent Superintendent of Free Department of Education Schools " Wisconsin ..... John Callahan Superintendent of Department of Piiblic Public Instruction Instruction -. Wyoming ..... Esther L. Anderson Lipei Department of Public Pu blic Instruction Instruction

PUBLIC WORKS State Name • Title Agency Alabama' .... Edward B. Crosland Chief, Division of Finance Department Local Finance Arizona ..... Arkansas ..;. California ... Frank W. Clark Director Department of Public Works Colorado .... Connecticut . George L. Burke. Commissioner Department of Public Works. Delaware ...., tr-...... ^ Florida ...... Georgia ...... Idaho ...... Allen Merritt - Commissioner • Department of Public Works Illinois ...... Walter Rosenfield Director Department of Public' Works and. Buildings Indiana ..... James D. Adams Clitet Administrative Departinent of Public AVorks Officer Iowa ...... Kansas Kentucky .... Louisiana ... D. Li Pyburn -- Director of Public Department of Public Works Works Maine ;..... Maryland ... Ezra B. Whitman Chairman of the-Com- Department of Public Works mission and Director Massachusetts Herman A. MacDonald Commissioner of Pub- . Department of Public Works lie Works Michigan .... M 400 THE BOOK^OF THE STATES PUBLIC WORKS-continued r-»- State Name Title Agency Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri .. .J^ontana .. Nebraska .. Wardner Scott State Engineer Departinent of Roads and Irrigation - '• ' Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey .... New Mexico ... New York Arthur W. Brandt Superintendent Department of Public Works North Carolina. Vacancy Chairman Highway and Public Works Commission North Dakota .. Ohio i Frank Raschit Director Department of Public Works Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania .. Roger W. Rowland Secretary of Property Department of Property and and Supplies Supplies Rhode island .. Daniel J. Ryan Director •Department of Public Works South Carolina. South Dakota .. Tennessee H. K. McKinney Superintendent of Pub­ Department of Highways and lic Works Public Works Texas ...... Utah...... Vermont .., WiYli'amF.Corry'' Chairman Board of Public Works Virginia ..., Washington blaf L. oisen Director Department of Finance, Budget and Business West Virginia.. Matthew M. Neely Chairman i Board of Public Works


' ••'• ;• •••'•, PUBLICITY state Name ' Title ' Agency J. R. McCoy Director, State Bureau State Highway Department of Publicity and Information Raymond Carlson Director, Division" of State Highway Department Publications and Travel Glenn A. Green Director Publicity Advisory Commis­ sion •A H. K. Thatcher Director Arkansas Agricultural and . Industrial Commission •s • • .' • Colorado ...... Edwaird D. Foster Director Colorado State Planning Commission . Connecticut ... Richard B. Walsh . Chairman Connecticut Development Commission Delaware ...... ^...... Florida ...... Nathan Mayo Director, Bureau of Department of Agriculture . Immigration Charles F. Chastain Secretary Florida Citrus Commission Georgia Idaho .. L. E. Sargent Segretary Idaho Advertising Commis­ sion Illinois Harry S. Cahfield Director, Illinois De­ Department of Finance P'. velopment Council X Alsp seryeg 3s Governor,

J/' ROSTFRS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 401 k lilAClTY—continued State Name Title ^Agency . Indiana-.-.-.-r,-... J. H.- Albershardt Executive Secretary, Department of Commerce Division of State and Industry : Publicity Iowa •. Mark G. Thornburg Secretary of Agricul­ Iowa Dairy Industry Com­ ture mission Kansas R. A.~Clymer Director Industrial Development Commission Kentucky .;....-. G. M. Pedley Director, Division of Conservation Department Publicity Louisiana Ernest Lee Jahncke Director Department of Commerce and Industry Maine ...... Everett F. Greaton Executive Secretary Development. Commission Maryland . E. Lester Mueller Chairman Publicity Commission of Maryland Massachusetts .. Powell M. Cabot Chairman Massachusetts Development and Industrial Commission Michigan ...... 1 State Administrative Board Minnesota ..... Director, Minnesota Department of Conservation Victor- A. Johnston Tourist Bureau Mississippi .... Secretary , .^ State Board of Development Mundell Bush Missouri ...... J...... Montana State Highway State Highway Commission D. A. McKinnpn Engineer Nebraska ...... Chairman Nebraska Advertising Com­ Keith isieville o mission's©^ Nevada ..." State Highway Department of Highways Robert A. Allen Engineer New Hampshire Publicity Director State Planning and Develop­ r^onald D. Tutde ment Commission New Jersey .... A. W. Coffin Manager , New Jersey Council New Mexico ... Joseph A. Bursey Director, New Mexico State Highway Department Tourist BUreaii • o New York .....' -"'\V Mary C. Moss - Director, Bureau of Department of Agriculture Milk Publicity and Markets North Carolina. Director, Advertising Department of Conservation Charles Parker' Division and Development North Dakota .. Ohio . .;... Chairman Development and Publicity William M. Mumra Commission Oklahoma ..... »Oregon-r,-^^^. Director, Travel and State Highway Department Harold B. Say Information Bureau Pennsylvania .. Mark S. James Acting Secretary Department of Commerce Rhode Island .. Clifton N. Lovenberg Executive Secretary Industrial Commission Armand.H. Cote Secretary of State Office of the Secretary of State South Carolina. South Dakota .. A. H. Pankow Publicity Director State Highway Commission York iSampson Director, Public Rela­ Department of Agriculture tions Bureau Tennessee B. T. Gregory Director, Division of , Department of Conservation State Information Texas .... Utah ..... W. D. Hammond Chairman State Road Commission Verrnont . Harold H. Chadwick Director, Publicity Conservation and Develop­ Service ment Department Virginia .. J. Stuart White Director, Division of Conservation Commission Publicity and Ad­ vertising Washington Leo Weisfeld Chairman State Progress Commissioh

l-The state administrative board includes incumbents of eight highest legislative offices in the state government. • l 2 Bureau of State Publicity abolished, and duties transferred to a bureau of the Division of Commerce, Executive Department, 1941. • ^- <2> 402 THE BOOK OF THE STATES PlJBLlClTY-continued State . Name Title Agency C. E. Chase Secretary-Manager State Apple Advertising . Commission Walter J. Robinson Director of Agriculture State Dairy Products Commission West Virginia.. Bruce Crawford Director State Publicity Commission J. H. H. Alexander Superintendent, Recre­ Conservation Department ational Publicity Division Wyoming ..... George O. Houser Manager Department of Commerce and Industry

PURCHASING Name Title Agency ; state •-=ya> Alabama ., M. W. Hutchings Purchasing Agent Department of Finance. Arizona .., Guy L. Jackson Purchasing Agent Board of Directors of State Institution Arkansas . . W. P. Grace Purchasing Agent California . ^^J. Fred Mispley Purchasing Agent, Department of Finance State Bureau of Purchasing Colorado ...... Leon E. Lavington State Purchasing Agent Executive Department .Connecticut ... Edward C. Geissler Supervisor of Pur- Department of Finance and chaises • Control Delaware ...... Florida...... Dan W. D'Alemberte Supply Clerk Board of Commissioners of State Institutions Georgia ...... H. Carson Smith Supervisor of Purchases Department of Purchasing Idaho ...... C. E. Arney Purchasing Agent Purchasing Department Illinois .. .••.... Edward Davis Purchasing Agent, Di­ Department of Finance vision of Purchases and Supplies Indiana ...... L. L. Needier P urchasing Agen t. Executive Department Central Purchasing Bureau Iowa ...... Owen Byrne Purchasing Agent Executive Council Kansas ...... Ben H. Johnson Business Manager Board of Administration Kentucky ...... Marion C. Howard Director, Division of Department of Finance Purchases and Pub­ lic Property Louisiana ... Martin L. Close Director of Finarice Department of Finance Maine ...... Homer M. Orr Purchasing Agent, Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Maryland ..;.. Walter N. Kirkman Purchasing Agent, Department of Finance Central Purchasing Bureau Massachusetts .. George J. Cronin Purchasing Agent, Department of Administra­ Purchasing Bureau tion and Finance Michigan Rpbert J. Riley State Purchasing State Administration Board Agent Minnesota '..... Miles S. Cooper Commissioner of Commission of Administra­ Purchases tion and Finance Mississippi ...... Missouri ...... George Blowers Purchasing Agent Purchasing Department Montana' J. L. Henry Purchasing Agent Purchasing Department Nebraska Blaine Yoder Purchasing Agent, Tax' Commission Division of Pur­ chases'and Supplies Nevada ...... New Hampshire Harold Cheney Purchasing Agent Purchasing Department New Jersey .... Frederick A. Brodesser Purchasing Com­ Purchasing Department missioner New Mexico ... 7

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 403 PURCHASlNG-continued State Name Title -- Agency Joseph. V.O'Leary Commissioner, Division Executive Department of Standards a(nd Purchases '^ ' North Carolina. •J. Benton Stacy Director of Purchase Executive Department. and Contract ' North Dakota .. G. B. Edmandson Purchasing.Agent, , Board of Administration , / State Supply Depart- ' ment . Charles J. Stark . Superintendent, Divi- Department of Finance '"•' ,,• sion of Purchases.. and Printing E. W. Smartt Chairman — Board of Public Affairs Oregon ....;.. Daniel J. Fry Secretary, Purchasing Board of Control • : Department Pennsylvania .. Vincent Schneider Acting Director of Pur­ Department of Property and chases, Purchasing Supplies " Division Rhode Island .. Herman H. Landgraif Purchasing Agent Department of Coordination and Finance South Carolina. South Dakota .. A. B. Blake Director, Division of Department of Finance Purchasing and Printing A. G. Jean •«> Purchasing Agent Department of Purchasing Texas Tom DeBerry Purchasing Member Board of Control Utah E. R. Miles |Executive.Secretary Board of Supplies and-Pur­ chases Vermont ...... Merton F. Barber Pufthasing Agent Purchasing Departriient Virginia ...... Pearne E. Ketron Director, Division of Department of Finance Purchases and Print­ ing Washington ... H. D. Van Eaton • Supervisor of Purdlas- Department of Finance, ^ . irg, Division of ., Budget, and Business Purchasing ' West Virginia .. J. Buhl Shahan . Director of Purchases . Purchasing Department' Wisconsin ..... F. X. Ritger Director of Purchases, Executive Department Bureau of Purchases Joseph S. Weppner Purchasing Agent Board of Supplies

RAILROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION state . Name Title /fgency' Alabama .. Hugh White President Public Service Commission Arizona .. Charles Beck Engineer, Public Corporation Commission . .Utilities Divi.sion Arkansas . A. B. Hill Chairman department of Public '• Utilities California Ray L. Riley Chairman Railroad Commission Colorado . Edward E. Wheeler Chairman, Public • Department of Law Utilities Comm. Connecticut Joseph W. Alsop Chairman Public Utilities Commission Delaware .. Florida .... E. S. Mathews Railroad Commission W. B. Douglas Jerry W. Carter Georgia ., Walter R. McDonald Chairman Public Service Commission .Idaho J. W. Cornell President Public Utilities Commission Illinois ... Roy Keehn Chairman Commerce Commission Indiana .. ^red Eichhorn Chairman y.« Public Service Commission Iowa ..... Barr Keshlear Chairman T Commerce Commission Kansas ... Andrew F. Schoeppel Chairman Corporation Commission 404 THE BOOK OF THE STATES .._ RAILROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION-conimued State 1 Name Title -^^^ • . , Agency Kentucky John Kirtley Chairman Public Service Commission Robert Webb Chairman Railroad Commission Louisiana ...... Wade O. Martin Chairiiian . Public Service Commission A. P.Frye Director of Public Service Maine ...... Frank E. Southard Chairman Public Utilities Commission Maryland . O. E. Weller Chairman,. • Public Service Commission Massachusetts .. Carroll L. Meins Chairinan Public Utilities Michigan ...... John J. O'Hara r Chpirman Public Service Commission Minnesota ..... Frank W. Matson Chairman • Railroad "and Warehouse Commission Mississippi .... D. W. Brown Secretary Public Service Commission Missouri Julian D. James Chairman . Public Service Commission Montana Austin B. Middleton Chairman Public Service Commission Nebraska ...... F. A. Good Chairman Railway Commission Charles B. Sexton Chairman Public Service Commission New Hampshire Nelson Lee Smith Chairman Public Service Commission New Jersey .... En\giett T. Drew Secretary Public Utility Commission New Mexico Robert Valdcz Chairman Corporation Commission New York Milo R. Maltbie Chairman Public Service Commission North Carolina. Stanley Winborne Commissioner Utilities! Commission North Dajcota.. S. S. McDonald President Board of Railroad Com­ missioners Ohio ...... George McConnaughey Chairman, Public. Department of Commerce Utility Commission Oklahoma ..... Reford Bond Chairman Corporation Commission Ormond R. Bean Commissioner Public Utilities Commission I'ennsylvania . •. John Siggins, Jr. - Chairman Public Utility Commission Rhode Island .. Benjamin M. McLyman Public Utility Ad­ Department of Business ministrator Regulation South Carolina. John C. Coney Chairman Public.Service Commission South Dakota .. John J. Murphy . Chairman Public Utilities Commission Tennessee ..... Porter Dunlap Chairman Railroad and Public Utility . .' . Comrbission - Texas Ernest O. Thompson Chairman Railroad Commission Utah Ward C. Holbrook Chairman Pul)lic Service Commission Vermont ..'.... W. R. McFeeters Chairman Public Service Commission Thomas >V. Ozlin. . Chairman Corporation Commission Washington ... Don G. Abel. n . Director Department of Public ; Service West Virginia.. G. L.Furr Chairman Public Service Commission Reuben W. Peterson • Chairman .^ Public Service Commission Wyoming ..... Will M. Lynn Chairman- . Public Service Commission

0 ' -• . , ,

RELIEF -^ State Name Title- Agency Alabama ...... Loula Dunn Commissioner Department of Public . Welfare Arizona- Harry W.Hill liirectoir State Department of Social Security and Welfare Arkansas John G. Pipkin Commissioner Welfare * California ..... Ralph J. Wakefield State Relief . State Relief Commission Administrator Colorado ;. Earl M. Kouns Director State Board of Public Welfare Connecticut ... B, H. Van Buren Director, Emergency Welfare Department Relief Division - '. ' - C.RoUin Zane Executive Director , State Board of Charities Florida Clayton C. Codrington . Commissioner State Welfare Board Georgia ...... Lucile Wilson- Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public ance Division Welfare ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 405 KEIAEY—continued "~- State Name Title Agency Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public . Idaho .'-.:. William Chil0 ance Division -Welfare [ . Executive Secretary Emergency Relief Illinois ...... Leo M. Lyons Commission Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public ^ ^ Indiana ...... Virgil Sheppard ance Division' Welfare Director, Division of Department of Public Iowa ...... F. T. Walton Public Assistance Welfare Chairman, Board of Department of Social Welfare Kansas Frank E. Milligan Social Welfare Director* Public Assist­ Department of Welfare Kentucky...... W..\. Frost ance Division Director, Public Wel­ Department of Public Louisiana . W. S. Terry fare Welfare Maine .... Joel Earnest Commissioner Department of Health and Welfare -, Maryland ..... J. Milton Patterson Director State Public Welfare -?^ Departnient Massachusetts . i RoUo A. Barnes Director, Division of Department of Public Aid and Relief Welfare Chairman, State Social Department of Social Welfare - Michigan ...... Walter F. Cries Welfare Commission Mississippi .... Walter W. Finke Director Social Welfare Director, Public Assist­ V Department of Public Minnesota..... Mary S. Baker ance Division Welfare Director, Division of Social Security Commission Missouri Hubert Harris Public Assistance Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public Montana ;. Gerard Price ance. Division Welfare . Director Division of Assistance.and Nebraska Neil C. Vahdemoer . Child Welfare Secretary . State Welfare Department- Nevada ....'... Gilbert C. Ross Commissioner Department of Public Welfare New Hampshire Harry O. Page State Director Municipal Aid Adminis­ tration " , New Jersey .... Charles R. Erdman, Jr. Director Department of Public Welfare New Mexico ... Mrs. Jennie Kirby Commissioner Department.of Social Welfare Director, Public Assist­ State Board of Charities and New York ...;. David C. Adie ance Division „ Public Welfare Director, Public Assist­ Public Welfare Board North Carolina. ' N. H. Yelton ance Divisidh' Chief, Division of Pub­ Public Welfare Department North Dakota .. , L. I. Nicholson lic Assistance Administrator State Board of Public Welfare Ohio H. J. Robison. Administrator State Public Welfare Com­ mission Oklahoma ..... Bert McDonel Secretary Department of Public Assist­ ance Oregon ...... Elmer R. Goudy Director Department of Social lyelfare Chief, Division of Pub­ Department of Public Pennsylvania .. Howard L. Russell lic Assistance Welfare Director Department of Social Security Rhode Island.. Clemens J. France Commissioner of Pub­ Department of Public lic Welfare. Welfare .,:•:.,. South Carolina, T. H. Daniel Executive Director Department of Public South Dakota .. C. H. McCay Welfare Director- Board of Public Welfare Tennessee..... Paul Savage Commissioner . Department of Public Welfare _^ Texas J- S. Mufchison Director of Public As­ Public Welfare'Department sistance Utah J. W.Gillman Supervisor, Division of Social Security Department General Assistance Vermont T.C.Dale Virginia ... • James W. Phillips Washington ... L. M. Montgomery 406 THE BOOK OF THE STATES KELIEF—continued / State I Name Title . Agency West Virginia. Raymond Kenny Director Department of Public Assist­ ance Wisconsin ..... George M. Keith Director, Public Assist­ Department of Public ance Division Welfare • Wyoming S. S. Hoover Director Department of Public i € Welfare

SECURITIES State Name "^ Title Agency Alabama...... Robert Harris Secretary, Securities Industrial Relations. Depart­ Division ment Arizona ...... J. J. Dempsey Investment Xlerk Corporation Commissiotl . Assistant Bank Com­ Banking Department Arkansas ., Murray O. Reed missioner Corporation Commis­ Department of Investment California ..... Edwin M. Daugherty sioner Securities Commis­ Department of Law Colorado Curtis White sioner Directoit Securities Banking Department ' Connecticut ... Clarence H. Adams - Division Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Delaware ...... James R. Morford Executive Secretary Securities Commission Florida ...... Q. S. Johnson Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Georgia ... , John B.Wilson Commissioner Department of Finance Idaiho •.....;... George Wedgwood Clerk, Securities De- Office of Secretary of State . Illinois ...... John T. Jarecki • partment " Securities Commis­ Securities Commission Indiana ... !Maurice G. Robinson sioner Commissioner of Insurance Department Iowa .'...... Ralph F. Knudsen Insurance Special Assistant Com­ Corporation Commission Kansas ...;.... V. W. Huffman missioner, Securities Division Kentucky ...... \ Joseph W. Schneider Director, Division. 6f Department of Business Securities Regulations Louisiana N^'ilfred J. Begnaud Director of Banking^ Department of Banking Maine. ... Hal G. Hoyt . Securities Examiner Banking Department Maryland ..... Rpbert E. Clapp, Jr. Assistant Attorney State Law Department General Massachusetts.. Ftfank S. Jenks Supervisor Division of Investigation of Securities - Michigan .... . v/Howard M. Warner Commissioner Corporation and Securities Commission "^ - *T-: , Minnesota..... Robert Smith, Jr.. Securities Commis­ Department of Commerce • ••. t_ • • '. • sioner Mississippi Walker Wood .Secretary of State Office of Secretary of State Missouri " Russell Maloney Securities Commis­ Office of Secretary of State sioner Montana .. John J. Holmes State Auditor and Office of State Auditor E.x-officio Investment Commissioner -Nebraska ... Harold Johnson Assistant Superin­ Bureau of Securities tendent ,; Nevada ... Dan W. Franks State Treasurer , Office of State Treasurer V New Hampshire Arthur J. Rouillard Commissioner | \ Insurance Department New Jersey .... Andrew J. Markey J5ecurities Division ^ Attorney General's Office New Mexico ... R. W. Heffin Jank Examiner Office of State Bank Examiner New York ,.— Ambrose V. McCall Assistant Attorney Department of Law Jeneral, Securities /Bureau 1* North Carolina. ThadEure Secretary of State Office of Secretary, of State North Dakota.. J. A. Graham ''Secretary Securities Commission -


^ ' " ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRA PHY 401" /-"""' SECUKYtlES—continued State Name Title Agency 9Ki,o .'...... Paul Selby ' Chief, Division of Department of Commerce / ' Securities Oklahoma....; J. T/^^Battenburg Securities, Commis­ Banking Department sioner - Oregon...... ^. Lloyd R. Smith Corporation Commis- Corporation Department s sioner ^ Pennsylvania .. Walter C. Miller • Chairman, Securities Department of Banking • Commission Rhode Island .. Warren L. Offer Securities Commis­ Department of Business sioner Regulation South Carolina. Sam B. King , Commissioner of Insurance Department Insurance South Dakota.. S. J. Pruner' Secretary and iSecurities Commission Executive Officer Tennessee ..... Sherrell Figuers Secretary Funding Board Texas Frank Wear Securities Commis­ Office of Secretary of State sioner , Utah...... A. Ezra Gull Director \ Securities Commission • Vermont ...... Reginald R. Cole Commissioner of Department of Banking Banking and Insur­ and Insurance ance Virginia...... Blake T. Newton, Jr. Director, Securities State Corporation Commis­ Division sion ~ Washington ... Dave S. Cohn " Director, Division of Office of Secretary of State - - Licenses West Virginia.. - Robert F. Brown . Securities Commis­ Auditor's Office A^' sioner JVisconsin ....; Vernon G. Zeller Director Department of Securities (Wyoming Lester C. Hunt Secretary of State: Office of Secretary of State

TAXATION State Name Title Agency Alabama ...... John C.Curry Director Department of Commerce Arizona ! Thad M. Mopre Chairman State Tax Commission Arkansas ...... Joe Hardin Revenue Commis­ State Revenue Department sioner^ California ..... Richard E. Collins Cliairman State Board of Equalization Colorado . Homer F. Bedford State Treasurer _ Department of Finance and Taxation Connecticut ... Charles J. McLaughlin Tax Commissioner Office of Tax Commissioner Delaware ., James P. Truss Commissioner State Tax Department Florida ...'. ..."'. Georgia . .. J. M. Forrester Chief Revenue Com­ .Revenue Commission missioner Idaho George Wedg\yood Commissioner of Taxa­ Department of Finance tion V Illinois ...... Philip VV. Collins Chairman State Tax Commission Indiana ...... Peter A. Beczkiewicz Chairman, State Board Treasury Department • of Tax Commis­ sioners Iowa ...... C. F. Green Chairman State Tax Commission Chairman Commission of Revenue and Kansas John McCuish ^- Taxation Commissioner of Department of Revenue Kentucky ...... H. Clyde Reeves Revenue Director of Revenue Department of Ilevenue Louisiana Rufus W. iFqntenot State Tax Assessor, Department of Finance Maine ...... Frank H. Holley Bureau of Taxation Maryland ..... Harry O. Levin Chairman State Tax Commission Commissioner of Cor­ Department of Corporations Massachusetts .. Henry F. Long porations and Taxa­ and Taxation tion 408 THE BOOK OF THE STATES • ,,•••- ^ - . -», TAXXTION-con^mwed State Name • >, v;. Title Agency Michigan Melville B. Mc­ Chairman State Tax Commission pherson 1 , Minnesota ..... G. Howard Sprfeth Commissioner >. Department of Taxation Mississippi .... A. H. Stone Chairman ^ State Tax Commission Missouri Clarence Evans Chairman , , State Tax Commission Montana .. A. E. Dye Chairman . State Board of Equalization Nebraska ...... Frank J. Brady . State Tax Commis- Office of Tax Commissioner -• .. X' ""' sioner ^. and Budget Control ,\ Nevada ...... George AHard Chairman State Tax Commission New Hampshire John G. Marston Secretary State Tax Cppiraission New Jersey J. H. Thayer Martin Commissioner State Tax Department New Mexico ... Paul B. Harris Chairman . State Tax Commission New York . . Mark Graves President, State Tax Department of Taxation and Commission Finance North Carolina. A. J. Maxwell Commissioner • Department of Revenue North Dakota.. John Gray Tax Commissioner State Tax Commission Ohio William S. Evatt Chairman Board of Tax Appeals Oklahoma ....'. J. D. Carmichael Chairman Tax Commission Oregon "Charles V. Galloway Chairman 'State Tax Commission Pennsylvania .. William J. Hamilton Jr. Secretary of Revenue Department of Revenue Rhode Island.. Edward L. Leahy Tax Administrator Department of Coordination and Finance South Carolina. Walter G. Query Chairman Tax Commission South Dakota .. J. H. Bottum, Jr. Director, Division, of Department of Finance Taxation George F. McCanless Commissioner of - Department of Finance and Finance and Taxa­ Tiixation /^ ' ' •' tion ,4' CA35 •••*••••• George H, Sheppard ; Comptroller of Public Office of Comptroller of *• . Accounts •Public Accounts Utah ...... Irwin Arnovitz ^. Chairman State Tax Commission Vermont ...... Erwin M. Harvey Commissioner of Taxes ' % C. H. Morrissett Commissioner, State \ Department of Finance Tax Commission Washington ... H. H. Henneford Chairman State Tax Commission West Virginia.. George AIderson Commissioner, S ta te Tax Department Tax Commission Wisconsin ...... Elmer G. Barlow Commission of Taxa­ Department of Taxation tion Will M. Lynn Chairman State Board of Equalization

UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION State -—„„ Name Title Agency - ^ Alabama ., * j4hn D. Petree Director Departm'ent of Industrial V . - : . • • • • Relations Arizona ^ Lewis Irvine Executive Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission Arkansas ...... •Eli W.Collins Chief, Unemployment • Bureau of Labor and Compensation Divi­ Statistics k- California ..... * Richard Sachse sion California Employment Chairman Commission Colorado ...... * Bernard Teets Adriiinistrator, Unem­ Industrial Commission ployment Compensa­ tion Division . Connecticut ... •• Cornelius J. Danaher Administrator, Unem­ Department of Labor apd ployment Insurance Factory Inspection, w

• • . • .' .-•-,.•... -••-". Division .1 Also Director, Board of Tax Administration. %•• * Approved by the Federal Social Security Board. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 409 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION-confmwed state Name Title Agency • Charles M. Wharton Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission , Florida ...... • Fred B. Bradshaw Director, Unemploy­ Industrial Commission' ment Compensation • Division: Georgia. * W. D. Dickerson, Jr. Executive Director, Department of Labor Bureau of Unem­ ployment Compensa­ tion Idaho .....i... •J.C.Tovey ". Executive Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion and Employment Service Divisions Industrial Accident Board Illinois.^ * Peter T. Swanish Commissioner of Un­ Department of Labor : \ employment Com­ pensation Ihdiana ..,.... Wilfred Jessup Director, Unemplpy- Treasury Department mient Compensation Division Iowa •CM. Stanley . Chairman Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission •Charles B*Newell Director, Unemploy­ Labor Department . .. / . ment Compensation Division Kentucky • Robert Hensley Executive Director, Department of Industrial Division Unemploy­ Relations ment Compensation Louisiana • A. FrHarvey Director ^ Department of Labor , Maine • Clifford A. Soraer- Chairman Unemployment Compensa­ ville. '.'.'. tion Commission Maryland •.... • William Milnes, Chief Executive, Un­ Board of Public Works Maloy ^ employment Com­ .' . •• pensation Division Massachusetts .. ' • Robert E. Marshall - - Director Division of Unemployment Compensation Michigan • John W. Townsend Executive Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion jCojimission * Victor Christgau Director, Unemploy-: Employment arid Security ment Compensation Division Mississippi .".'.. •Charles Cameron Executive Secretary Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission •Andrew JvxMurphy . Chairman Unemployment Compensa­ • • [ ' tion Commission. Montana ...... * Barkley Craighead .Chairman, Unemploy­ Laljor Commissioner ment Compensation Commission Nebraska ...... • R. T, Malone Director, Unemploy­ Department of Labor ' ' ^ ment Compensation :•••••• Division • Albert L.McGinty Director, Unemploy­ Department of Labor ment Compensation Division New Hampshire • Gordon P. Eager Administrator, Unem­ Bureau of Labor ployment Compensa­ _ ••• •• •• - " • • '•••.-- tion Division New Jersey .... • Harold G. Hoffman Executive Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion Cominission New Mexico .,. •Roy L.Cook Executive Director - Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission • Milton O. Loysen Executive Director Department of Labor North Carolina. • C. G. Powell Executive Director Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission ' North Dakota.. • W. Ray Reichert Director, Unemploy­ Workmen's Compensation ment Compensation Bureau . Division • Approved by the Federal Social Security Board. 410 THE BOOK OF THE STATES UNEMPLOYMENT GOMPENSATION-con

:> .V VOCATIONAL EDUCATION • . ,- See also "Public Instruction," p. 398. State :' Name Title Agency Alabama A.H.Collins Superintendent ° • Department of Education. Arizona ..i,..,. ' E. D. Ring ; Superintendent of :' State Bo^rd of Vocational > >,c ' Public Instruction Education Arkansas .....'; Raljph B. Jones •'•'•., Commissioner Department of Education California ..... Walter F. Dexter Executive Officer Commission for Vocatiqpal Education . Colorado ...... H. A. Tiemann Director, Board of Department of Education , , Vocational Educa- "• • . tion. Connecticut ... Augustus S. Boynton Directpr of Trade and Department of Education Vocational Ediica- -•••••• tion Delaware...... R. W. Heim . Director State Board of Education Florida...... ;.. Georgia '.'.. M. D. Mobley Director, Vocational • Department of Education Rehabilitation Idaho ...... ;.w. ..,...-.. . ..^.....;..,;......

* Approved by the Federal. Social Security Board.

^ ••i

ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 411 VOCATIONAL EDVCATlON-continued State Name TMle Agency Chairman Board of Vocational Educa­ Illinois ; Frank G. Thompson 6 tion . Director,. Voca tional Department of Education Indiana ... Slater Bartlow Rehabilitation Director State Board for Vocational Iowa Forrest E. Moore Education Director State Board for Vocational Kansas ...... '.. C. M. Miller Education Director, Division of Department of Education Kentucky ...;.. Ralph Woods Vocational Rehabili­ tation. Louisiana .' John E. Coxe Acting Supervisor of Department of Education Vocational Rehabili­ tation Maine ..... Bertram E. Packard Commissioner and Department of Education Chairman, Voca­ tional Education Board Stephen S. Patrick Slate Director of Voca­ Department of Education tional Education Maryland .... John J. Seidell Director of Vocational State Board of Education Education Massachusetts Robert 6. Small Director, Division. of Department of Education Vocational Educa­ tion . Michigan ., George H. Fern Director of Vocational Department of Public In­ Education struction Minnesota , IT. D. Dabelstein Director, Vocational Department of Education iR.ehabilitation • Mississippi H, E. Mauldiri, Jr. Secretary Departmient of Education Missouri ... J. L. Perrin Supervisor, Division of . Department of Public Schools Vocational Educa­ tion . '--. Montana Leif Fredericks " Director Bureau of Vocational Re­ habilitation . Nebraska...... Sidney Owen Acting Director Departtnent of Vocational Education Nevada ...... ; Mildred Bray Executive OflScer Department of Vocational Education Nevv Hampshire Walter M. May Supervisor of Voca­ tional Rehabilitation Department of Education New Jersey Charles H. Elliott Commissioner of Edu­ cation Department of Education. Ne\y3^exico ... Brice Sewell Director of Vocational • Education State Board of Education New York Lewis A. Wilson Associate Commis­ sioner of Educa­ Depairtment of Education tion NbrtH Carolina. T.E.Browne Director of Vocational Department of Public In­ Education struction • North Dakota.. Edward Erickson . Director of Vocational State Board of Higher 1 Education Education Ohio ...... Ralph Howard i Supervisor of Voca­ Department of Education '

tional Agriculture • .;, •• -^ Oklahoma..... Paul Bryant Executive Secretary, Department of Education Division of Voca- ' tional Education Oregon O. D. Adams 2 Director State Board for Vocational Education O. I. Paulson Acting Director Pennsylvania .. M.M.Walter Director, Bureau of Department of Public In­ Vocational Rehabili­ struction tation r 1 Also Supervisor of V^ocational Home Economics, and Supervisor of Vocational Trades in Industry. 2 On leave to U. S. Navy. O. I. Paulson acting Director in his absence.

•«• 412 THE BOOK OF THE STATES VOCATIONAL EBVCATlOH-continued state Name Title %Sency Rhode Island George H. Baldwin i. Assistant Director of Department of Education Vocational Educa­ tion and Supervisor of Adult Education South Carolina. J.H.Hope Executive Director Department of Vocational Education South Dakota .. J. F. Hines Superintendent of Department of Public Public instruction Instruction Tennessee ..... G. E. Freeman Director of Vocational Department of Education Education Texas ... .. James R. D. Eddy Chairman, Division of Department of Education Vocational Educa­ tion Utah ;,. Charles H. Skidmore Superintendent Department of Public In­ struction Vermont , John E. Nelson Director of Vocational Department of Education ,, Education Virginia ...... Sidney BrHall Superintendent of Department of Education Public Instruction Washington .. Mrs. Pearl A. Wana- Chief Executive State Board for Vocational maker Officer Education / West Virginia., W. W. Trent Superintendent of «. Department of Education Free Schools Wisconsin . • Ge'orge P. Hambrecht State Director Board of Vocational/and Adult Education/ Wyoming ...., F.M. Treat Director • •* Division of Vpcatidnal Edii- cation ' / -

WATER State Name Title Agency Alabama ., Hugh White President Public Service Commission Arizona ... Jesse Wanslee Coimmissioner State Water Commission Arkansas ., California . Edward Hyatt State Engineer Depai-tment of Public Works Colorado .. Clifford H. Stone Director, Water Executive Department. Conservation Board Connecticut .'. Sanford H. Wadhams Director te Water Commission Delaware...... •••• Florida ...... Georgia Idaho E. V.Berg Illinois ...... Carter Jenkins Chief Engineer, Department of Public Division of Water . Works and Buildings ways Indiana Iowa V. W. Flickinger Chief, Lands and Conservation Commission Waters Division Kansas .. George Si Knapp Chief Engineer Board of Agriculture Division of XVater Resourced Kentucky .... Louisiana ... Maine ...... Frank E. Southard Chairman^ Public Utilities Commission Maryland ... Abel Wolman Chairman Water Resources Commission Massachusetts Richard K. Hale Direct©/ Division of Department of Public Works Waterways Michigan ... Minnesota ;, Walter Olson Director Department of Drainage and Waters 1 Also: Chief, Division of Rehabilitation of Crippled and Blind, Department of- Education, and Supervisor, Bureau of the Blind, Department of Education. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 413 WATER—continued State Name Title Agency

Mississippi .... • ••.« • •• • •••• »„• •• • • ^^ Missouri .. Montana ...... Sam C. Ford Chairman Water Conservation Board Nebraska ...... R. H. Willis Chief Bureau of Irr^tion, Water, and Drainage Nevada ...... Alfred M. Smith State Engineer New Hampshire John Jacobson, Jr. Chairman . ^Water Resources Board o New Jersey John Wyack Secretary Water Policy Commission New Mexico .. I'horaas M. McCIure State Engineer New York ..... Lithgow Osborne - Chairman, Water . Conservation Department . Power and Control Commission North Carolina. North Dakota.. John Moses ' (Governor), Chairman Water Conservation Board Ohio ...... Oklahoma ..... Don McBride Director, Division of Planning and Resources Water Resources Board . Oregon ...... Charles E. Stricklin State JEngineer Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island .. South Carolina. South Dakota .. Tennessee William D. Price Executive Director State Planning Commission Texas ...... C.S. Clark •^'^ . Chairman Board of AVater E-a^ineers Utah ...... T. H. Humpherys State Engineer State'Engineer's Office Vermont V Virginia ... Thomas W. Ozlin Chairman Corporation Commission Washington ... Charles J. Bartholet Supervisor Division of Hydraulics, Gon- • servation and Development West Virginia,. C. F. McClintic Chairman Water Commission ' Wisconsin ..... H. V. Tennant Secretary and Admin­ Water Regulat(^ry Board istrative Officer Wyoming ;.... L. C. Bishop State Engineer • Board of Water Control

• ':':[ A- ffl-,,,,;,,;,-: /

c^ 414 THE BOOK OF THE STATES WELFARE—continued State Name Title Agency ' . Commissioner Department of Welfare Kentucky ,..... W. A. Frost • Director. Department of Public Louisiana ..... Wi»S. Terry Welfare Comrnissioher Department of. Health and Maine...... Joel Earnest Welfare Director Department of Public Maryland ..... J. Milton Patterson Welfare Commissioner Departn^ent of Public Massachiisetts .. Arthur G.Rotch Welfare Acting Director ' Department of Social Welfare Michigan John D. O'Connell Director Departmejit of Social Welfare Minnesota ..... Walter W. Finke Commissioner Department of Public Mississippi .... W. F. Bond Welfare Missouri George i. Haworth .Administrator Social Security Commission Montana 4J. M. Brandjord State Administrator Department of Public Welfare Nebraska...... C. W. Eubank r<3hairman State Board of Control . Nevada Gilbert C. Ross Secretary ' State Welfare Department, Marcus Scherbacher .Supervisor, Division of State Welfare Department Child W^elfare New Hampshire Harry O.Page Commissioner Departmerit of Public Welfare New Jersey .... William J. Ellis Commissioner . Department of Institutions and Agencies New Mexico ... Mrs, Jennie Kirby Director . Department of Public \Velfare New York ..... David C. Adie. Commissioner , Department of Social Welfare North Carolina. Mrs; Thomas W. Bost Commissioner State Board of Charities and Public Welfare North Dakota .. E. A. Willson Executive Director Bbard of Public Welfare Ohio . . Charles L. Sherwood "Director Department of Public

' I.. ••-'.. -., • • - . Welfare Oklahoma \ J- R- Harper Director Department of Public. Welfare Oregon Elmer R. Goudy Administrator" State-Public Welfare ; Commission Pennsylvania .. E. Arthur Sweeny Secretary Department of Welfare Rhode Island .. Clemens J. France Director Department of Social Welfare South Carolina. T.H.Daniel . Director 'Department of Public \ W'elfare South Dakota .. C. H. McCay Commissioner Department of Social Security Commissioner of Pub­ Department of Public. Tennessee Paul Savage lic Welfare Welfare Executix/e Director . Department of Public Texas J. S. Murchison Welfare Director Department of Public Utah J. W.4feillman Welfare Commissioner Department of Public Vermont ...... Timothy C. Dale Welfare Commissioner Department of Public Vifginia William H. StaufTer Welfare Acting Director : Department of Social Security Washington ... Olaf L. Olsen ' Director. Department of Public Assistance West Virginia .. Raymond Kenny Director Departmerit of Public / Welfare . Wisconsin . Frank C. Klode Director Department of Public Welfare Wyoming ..... S.S.Hoover

/. ROSTERS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 415 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION See also "Labor," p. > 379. State Name Title Agency Alabama . John P. Kohn Supervisor, Workmen's Industrial Relations Depl. Compensatipn Unit, Division of Labor Arizona . L..C. Holmes Chairman State Industnal Commission Arkansas Riddick Riffle Secretary Workman's Compehsation Commission California ..;;. George G. Kidweli • Director of Industrial Department of Industrial Relations and Chair­ Relations . man, Industrial Ac­ cident Commission Colorado .. H. C. Wortman Manager, State Com- Executive Department • pensation Insurance ;','•. k ' Fund Connecticut ... Leo J. Noonan Chairman Board of Compensation Commissioners Delaware John C. Saylor Secretary Industrial Accident Board Florida .,/.. .. Boyce A. Williams Chairman State Industrial Commission Georgia ... Charles Bruce Chairman Industrial Relations Board Idaho G. W^'Suppiger Chairman Industrial Accident Board Illinois ... . . Martin P. Durkin Director Department of Labor Indiana Vacancy ^ Chairman, Industrial Department of Commerce Board and Industry Iowa J. T. Clarkson Industrial Commis­ Workmen's Compensation sioner Service Kansas Erskine Wyraan Workmen's Compensa­ Office of Workmen's Compen­ tion Commissioner sation Commissioner Kentucky ...... James B. Milliken ^Chairman, Workmen's Department of Industrial Compensation Relations , Board Louisiana • Chairman Industrial Accident Com­ Maine ,.,' Donald D. Garcelon VAK, mission Chairman Industrial Accident Com­ Maryland ...... Charles E. Moylan mission Chairman Department of Industrial Massachusetts ... Emma E. Tousant .A.ccidents Labor Commissioner Department of Labor and Michigan...... John Gibson Industry Secretary , Compensation insurance Minnesota Richard A. Golling Board Mississippi Chairman Workmen's Compensation Missouri ..... Edgar C. Nelson Commission : Montana ...... J. Burke Clements Chairman Industrial Accident Board - Presiding Judge Workmen's Compensation Nebraska ...... Frank M. Coffey • Court Director Unemployment Compensa- . Nevada '.. Albert L. McGinty tion Division Commissioner Bureau of Labor New Hampshire John S. B. Davie Commissioner Department of Labor New Jersey .... John J. Toohey, Jr. Commissioner "Laboir'^and Industrial Commission New Mexico Vincent Jaeger Director Department of Labor New York Ralph R. Boyer Chairman Industrial Commission North Carolina. T. A. Wilson Secretary Workmen's Compensation North Dakota .. L. H. Miller Bureau Ohio J. W. Beal '^ Chairman, Industrial Department of Industrial Commission,., Relations Oklahoma..... William Fogg Chairman State Industrial Commission Oregon ;... r C. M. Rynerson Chairman Industrial Accident and Un­ employment Commission Pennsylvania .. Dainiel G. Murphy Chairman, Board of Department of Labor and Workmen's Com­ Industry pensation 416 THE BOOK OF THE ST A TES St. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION-confmMed • state Name:. Title Agency Rhode Island .;. "Edward I. Friedman Chief, Division of Department of Labor. Workmen's Com­ pensation .South Carolina. John H. Dukes Chairman Industrial Commission South Dakota .. Leo A. Temmey Industrial Commis- . Attorney General's Office sioner Tennessee ..... David Hanly Superintendent, Divi­ Department of Labor sion of Workmen's Compensation Texas ...... Otto Studer Chairman Industrial Accident Board Utah William M. Knerr Chairman Industrial Commission Vermont ...... Howard E. Armstrong Commissioner of In­ Department of Industrial dustrial Relations Relations Virginia: C. G. Kizer . Chairman, Department Industrial Commission

» .. ' '-- •" . of Workmen's Com­ pensation Washington ... J.•>Webster Hoover Director . Department of Labor and V Industries West Virginia .. Albert G. Mathews Commissioner Workmen's Compensation . Department Wisconsin ..... H. A. Nelson . Director, Workmen's Industrial Commission Compensation De- • partment Wyoming ..... ' John T. Broderick Manager Workmen's Compensation Commission


