,,. PART III Rosters and Bibliography t ' ) : ••. •'-<« wm0- mxr^\~m.•'<ti,.;Z v, I 'A: • a. I ••^ :./ •n^ •fi- •Q: :-\ ;•- ••• 1 -, SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MATERIALS GONCERNING PROBLEMS OF STATE GOVERNMENT GENERAL MARX, FRITZ MORSTEIN, ed. Public Management in the l>few Democracy. New York: Harper Annals of the American Academy of Political and Bros., 1946. 266pp. $3. and Social Science. 3457 Waliiut St., Philadel-. ^^IASSACHUSETIS. COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE CO­ phia, Pa.^ Bi-monthly. $5. OPERATION. Final Report of the . concern­ Editorial Research Reports. 1013 Thirteenth St., ing the Migration of Industrial Establish­ Nv W., Washington, D, C;Weeklyv Price on ments from Massachusetts. Boston, June 1939.. applicatiori. 79PP-» tables. (House No. 2495.) ^b'lic Administration: Review; journal of the MOONEY, JAMES D. and ALAN C. REILEY. Prin- ^American Society for Pubh'c Administration, ciples of Organization. Nev/ York: Harper and 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago. Quarterly. Non- Bros,, 1939. 223pp. $3. ^ • • members $5; single numbers $1.50. MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK, 1'94O; The' Authoritative Survey Graphic. Survey Associates, Inc., n2 E. Resume of Activities .and Statistical Data of 19 St., New York. Monthly. $3. American Cities. Clarence E. Ridley and Orin F. Nolting, eds. International City. Managers' -ANDERSON, WILLIAM, fundamentals of American Government. New York:* Henry Holt & Co., Association, 1313 E.. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 629 1940. 630pp. $3. pp., tables, bibliog. $5. (1941 edition will ap­ pear in April 1941.) BAKpt, GLADYS. The County Agent. Chicago: ODUM, HOWARD W. and others. American De- University ol Chicago Press, 1939. 226pp. $2. • mocracy Anew; an- Approach to. the Under­ CAUFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC standing of Our^Sbcial Problems. New York: ADMINISTRATION. Governmental Research Or- Henry Holt and Co., 1940. 614pp., illus. $140. ganizatioris in the Western States; a Directory PFIFFNER, JOHN M. Research Methods in Public of Agencies and an Index to Their Studies as Administration. New York: Ronald Press, of January i, ipsp. Arthur Harris, comp. 1940. 447pp., charts, forms. Price? Western Governmental Research Associationr PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLEARING HOUSE. Public 117 Library, University of California, Berke­ Administration Organizations; a Directory of ley, 1939. 123pp. $!• Unofficial Organizations injhe Field of Public CANADA. ROYAL COMMISSION ON DOMINION— Administration in the United States and Can­ PROVINOAL RELATIONS. Report of the . > 3 ada, ip4i. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1941. 187pp. vols.; Appendices 1-8, A-K^ King's Printer; •• $1.50. .' . _ Ottawa, Ontario, 1938-1940. $53.50 the set; PUTNEY, BRYANT- "Administrative Lawmaking." CHILDS, HARWOOD L. An Introduction to Public ,Editprial Research Reports/ 101$ Thirteenth Opinion. New York: John Wiley and Sons, St., Washington, D. C, Sept. 9, 1939, entire 1940. 151pp. $1.75. • issue.;'.' •:.•".•.;• "Government Expansion in the Economic RAYMOND RICH AssoaAxES. American Founda­ Sphere." ARTHUR G. COONS, ed. Annals of the tions and Their Fields. Geneva Seybold, American ^Academy of Political and Social comp. 336 W. 42 St., New York, ^939. 218pp., Science, 3457 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Nov. tables. $3.75. 1939, entire issue. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. COMMITTEE GRADY, JAMES F. and MILTON HALL. Writing ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Care Jiffporf^ in Effective Governmerit Letters. Employee Public Administration; Collected under the Training Publications, Washington, D. C, 'Auspices of a Special Committee on Research . »939- 1P9PP- 5i-50- Materials. Public Administration Service, 1313 LoRiMER, FRANK, and others. Foundations of E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940. 40 pamphlets. 10c ^ American^ Population Policy. New Yoilc: each. 20% discount on orders for entire series, Harper and Bros., 1940. i78ppi, tables, charts. including ring binder. • $2.50.' SOCIETY FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION. Admin­ LYON, LEVERETT-and others. Government and istrative Ability; Its Discovery and Develop- Economic: Life; Developrnent and Current ment.V/. V. Bingham, P. O. B. 266, Washing­ -Issues of American Public Policy, i vols. ton, D. C, April 1939. 17pp. 25c. (Pamphlet Brookings Institution, Washington, D; C, No. 1.) 1939-1940. 519pp., 79»PP' Vol. 1, $3; vol. 2, U. S. NATIONAL RESOURCES CoMMrrrEE. ' The $3-50- Consumer Spends His Income. Washington, MCCAMY, JAMES L. Government Publicity; its D.C, June 1939. 47pp„ charts/ioc. Practice in'Federal Administration. Chicago: -—-The Structure of. the American. Economy. University of Chicago Press, 1939. 275PP-* Pt. I. Basic Characteristics. Washington, Ji. C, illus., tables. $2.50. 1939. 396pp., charts, tables. $1. 337 .-' • f 338 THESOOK OF THE STATES U. S. .TJEMPORARY NATIONAL ECONOMIC. COM­ KALIJARVI, TIIORSTEN V. and WILLIAM C. CHAM­ MITTEE. Bureaucracy and Trusteeship in Large BERLAIN. The Governmerit of. New Hampshire. Corporations. Marshall E. Dimock and How­ Durhairi:. University oi ^w Hampshire, 19139. ard K. Hyde. Government Printing Office, 283pp. ?2.50. '•,/'• Washington, D. C, 1940. 144pp., charts. Price?. KANSAS LF/IISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ (Monograph No. u.) - MENT. C/aJ'"s y^gairiiit 1/ie Slate: Adjusinient WESTERN GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. -and -Allowance of%Claims Against-'the^'^State Third' Annual Conference Proceedings ... of Kansas; Claims.. Practices in Other States; Oct. 2^-26, /p^o. 117 Library, University of and Application of Possible, Procedures to the California, Berkeley, 1940. 46pp., mimeo. Kansas Situation. Topeka, Nov, 1940. 3Jpp- WHITE, LEONARD D. Introduction to the Study (Pub. No. 106.) of Public Administration. Rev. ed. New York: ——Regulation of State Travel Expeiises. To­ Macmillan Co., 1939. 6npp. $4. peka, March u940. 41pp., tables, charts," (Pub. No, 97.),'- -rState .'Travel Expenditures. Topeka, Sept. STATE GOVERNMENT »939- HPP' mimeo. (Piib. No. 95.) State Government. Council of State Govern­ KENTUCKY. GOVERNOR. /iCc;nfucfty Government; a ments, 1313 E. 60 St., Cliicago, Monthly. 52.50. .Report on the Executive and Administrative^ AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. COMMITTEJE ON Work of the Kentucky State Government, PuBUC DOCUMENTS. Manual on the Use of ^935'^939- - Frankfort, 1939. 64pp., illi^., State Publications. Jerome K. Wilcox, ed. 520 charts, N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 1940. 342pp., LiPSON, LESLIE. The American Governor; from, bibliogs. ?6. Figutp/head to Leader. Chicago: University of BATES, FRANK G, and OUVER P, FIELD. State Chicago Press, 1939. 282pp. $2.50. (Studies in Government. Rev. ed. New York: Harper and Public Administration, Vol. 9.) Bros., 1939. 561pp. $3.50. s LOUISIANA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF GOVERN- COLORADO. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE OFFICE; ,4d- ;MENT RESEARCH. The Administrative System ministrative Commissions, Boards and Bu- of the State of Louisiana; Chart and Descrip­ • reaus in Colorado; Research Report for Mem­ tive Statements. T. J. Mechlin and Charles S. bers of the General Assembly. Denver, Dec. Hyneman. University, La., 1940. 8pp., charts 1940.36pp. (Pub. No. 40-3.) MACDONALD, AUSTIN F. American State Govern­ COMBS, WILLIAM H. and WILLIAM E. COLE. ment and Administration./Rev. ed. New York: . Tennessee; a Political Study. Knoxville: Uni­ Thomas Y, Crowell Co., 1940. 639pp., tables, versity of Tennessee Press, 1940. 353pp;. charts. $3.75. / charts. Price? . • MATHEWS, JOHN M, and ARTHIJR BERDAHL. Docu­ COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. Advertising iy ments and Readings in American Govern­ the States. 1313 E. 60 St.,'Chicago, March i:g'40. ment; National and State. Rev. ed. New York: 31pp., charts. $1. (BX-198.) Macmillan Co., 1940. 862pp., forms. $4. ——Better Care for Our Public Records;'a Sur­ MICHIGAN. BUDGET OFFICE AND.BUREAU OF GOV­ vey of the Organization and Methods Used by ERNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, A Manual State Agencies for Protecting Official and His­ of State Administrative Organization in Michi­ toric Documents. J. M. Scammell. 1313 E. 60 gan. Ann Arbor, 1940. 240pp. Price? (Michi- » St., Chicago,, March 1939. topp., mimeo. 35c. , gan Governmental Studies No. 4.) ^ The States Today; a Decade, of Progress in MUNICIPAL" FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. Ac­ State Government; ^a Collection of Articles counting for. Government-Owned Motor Selected from Thdse Published in "State Gov­ Equipment. 1^1^ E. 66 St.^ Chicago, June ernment" Magazine during the Last Ten 1940. 60pp., tables. 50c. (Accounting Pub. Years. i$i^ E. 60 St., Chicago, Dec. 1940. 78pp. No. 6.) '• 75c--' • -——Accounting for Governmental Supplies. 1313 DAVID, LEON THOMAS. The Tort Liability of E. 60 St., Chicago, June 1940. 60pp., tables, Public Officers. I'xxhlic Administration Service, forms. 50c. (Accounting Pub. No. 7.) . 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, 1940, 93pp. $1. (Pub. ——Accounting for-Public Property. 1313 E. 60 No; Sp. 16.) St.,,^hicago, May ,i939- 42pp., forms. 50c, GEORGIA, UNIVERSITY OF. Studies in Georgia's (Accounting Pub, No. 5.) History and Government. James' C. Bonner Governmental Timekeeping and Payroll Pro- and Lucien E. Roberts, eds. Athens: Univer­ cedure. 1313 E, 60 St., Chicago, June 1940. 62 sity of Georgia Press, 1940. 284pp. $2.50. pp., forms. 50c. (Accounting Pub. No. 8.) INSTITUTE OF WOMEN'S J*ROFESSIONAL RELATIONS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECRETARIES OF STATE. ^ Outline of the Structural Organization of the Proceedings of the . 1940; Twenty-Third State and Local Government of Connecticut. Conference, June 12-15, 1^40. 1313 E. 60 St., Connecticut. College, New London, 1939. Chicago, 1940. Ti3pp, $1.50. 431pp., mimeo., charts. $1.50. : NATIONAL ASSOCIATION'
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