( Technische Universiteit Eindhoven rUle University of Technolog Path of life in mixed reality Proposed by: Prof. G.W.M. Rauterberg September 2012 - June 2013 By Kiarash Irandoust
[email protected] Coach: Lucian Reindl, ©K. Irandoust 2013 2 This report is a brief overview of my master graduation project "Path of life in It is worth mentioning that the information and knowledge that I gained in this mixed reality"; a project which intends to create an interactive installation that stage are the foundation of the final design. enable visitors to experience deeply rooted cultural dimensions based on seven My reason for choosing this topic was due to my vision on creating societal stages in life. i The design challenge is drawing on results from different disci changes and the responsibility that I feel as a designer. My intension was to in plines: religion, sociology, design, and engineering sciences 1. form people and invite them to re-think about issues which are inseparable part of our life and consciously/unconsciously have a great impact on our life. I started this project by looking at various definitions of culture. What is cul ture? And how does culture manifest itself in life? Subsequently, I looked at the Second iteration, conceptualization and validation: the conceptualization pro meaning of life; what does life mean? And how do different cultures look at life cess was through idea generation and model making. It was an iterative process (seven stages of life). Furthermore, I looked at the concept of death from differ in which the final concept shaped gradually.