USAID Activity Descriptions
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USAID Activity Descriptions as of November 15,1997 Table of Contents: SO 1.2 A Tax System to Correspond to a Decentralized Market Economy. .......... 9-17 IR 1.2.1 Tax system fair and eficient IR 1.2.2 Adequate and predictable revenue generation IR 1.2.3 Sound and transparent separation ofJisca1 authorities between federal, regional and local governments Tax Policy Coordination, Harvard Institute for International Development (HlID) ........... 10 Tax Law and Tax Administration Reform, U.S. Treasury ............................... 11 Fiscal Reform: Economic Analysis, Tax Administration, Tax Training, KPMG Barents Group. .................................................................... 12 Tax Analysis: Revenue Estimation, Georgia State University ........................... 13 Tax Training for Legislators, International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC) .............. 14 Tax Training Institute, OECD ................................................... .15 Computerized Tax Training, Financial Management Service, US Treasury, Soros Foundation ................................................................. 16 Market-Value Based Real Property Taxation System, CFED ............................ 17 SO 1.3 Accelerated Development and Growth of Private Enterprises .............. 18-58 IR 1.3.1 Policies, legislation, and regulations conducive to broad-based competition and private sector growth adopted IR 1.3.2 Land and real estate market mechanisms operating and accessible and being used by businesses IR 1.3.3 Successfil models ofprivate ownership and modern management widely replicated IR 1.3.4 Sustainable network of business support institutions rendering services to entrepreneurs and businesses Legal and Regulatory Reform .............................................. .20-22 1. Strategic Guidance for Privatization & Market Reforms in Russia, Harvard Institute for International Development (HID), the Rural Development Institute (RDI) ................ 20 2. Environmental Policy and Regulation, Harvard Institute for International Development (HID), the Center for International Environmental Law .................... 21 3. Partnership for Freedom Investment and Financial Management Training, CARANA ........ 22 Land and Real Estate Markets .....................................................2 3.31 4 . Housing Sector Reform Program, Planning and Development Collaborative (PADCO) ...... 23 5 . Housing Sector Reform Program, Phase I&II. Urban Institute .......................... 24 6 . Real Estate Association and Industry Development. Eastern European Real Property Foundation(EEWF) ......................................................... 25 7. Deepening Urban Real Estate Reform, Urban Institute and PADCO ..................... 26 8 . Real Estate Information System (REIS) Robout. Arthur Andersen and Chemonics International ............................................................... 27 9. Land Use/Zoning. Bancroft Group ...............................................28 10 . Land Use/Zoning. Phase II. Urban InstituteIPADCO ................................. 29 11. Enterprise Land Sales (ELS) Phase 11. Chemonics. PADCO ........................... 30 12 . Public Education on Land Reform, Chemonics ..................................... 31 Models of Private Ownership and Management ....................................... 32-46 13 . Economic and Enterprise Development Program. Citizens' Democracy Corps (CDC) ....... 32 14. Enterprise Development Program (EDP). Center for Citizens' Initiatives (CCI) ............ 33 15 . Agribusiness Partnerships. Citizens' Network for Foreign AEairs (CNFA) ................ 34 16 . Grain Storage and Marketing. Citizens' Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA) ............. 35 17. Market-Oriented Farm Support Activity (MOFSA). Chemonics and Louis Berger .......... 36 18 . Port Development and Administration in Archangelsk, Louisiana State University National Ports and Waterways Institute ............................................ 37 19 . Defense ConversionIJoint Venture Development. Pepperdine University ................. 38 20 . Applied Economics Program for High Schools. Junior Achievement International .......... 39 2 1 . The Farmer to Farmer Program, ACDI. VOCA, CNFA, Land 07Lakes.Winrock ........... 40 22. Sustainable Agribusiness Support Project. Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI)/ The Agricultural Initiative ...................................................... 41 23 . Collateralized Grain Credit Activity. Cargill International ............................. 42 24 . Consulting Services for Russian Entrepreneurship (CSRE). ACDINOCA ................ 43 25 . Enterprise and Economic Development Project (EED - BVP). CDC ..................... 44 26 . Client Focused Business Volunteer Program (BVP). IESC ............................ 45 27 . Business Education Project. U.S. Russia Business Forum ............................. 46 Network of Business Support Institutions ............................................ 47-58 28 . Business Development Program, Deloitte Touche ................................... 47 29 . Business Collaboration Center (BCC). Citizens' Democracy Corps ..................... 48 30 . Small Business Opportunities. Opportunity International (01) ......................... 49 3 1 . Russian Initiative for Self-Employment (RISE). Center for Citizens' Initiatives (CCI) ...... 50 32 . International Business and Technology Incubator (IBTI). Virgina Polytechnic Institute and State University. Atlas GroupRenix Technology ................................ 51 33 . Small Business Incubator. Volkhov. State University of New York (SUNY). the Alliance of American and Russian Women (AARW) ............................. 52 34 . Russian-American Small Business Support Center. Washington State University .......... 53 35 . Business Development in the Russian Far East. American Russian Center (ARC) at the 35 . Business Development in the Russian Far East. American Russian Center (ARC) at the University of Alaska-Anchorage (UAA) ........................................... 54 36 . Center for Business Skills Development (CBSD). US WestRussia and Thunderbird ........ 55 37. Morozov Project. Research Foundation of the State University of New York (SUNY) ....... 56 38 . Building Technology Information Center (BTIC). National Association of Home Builders .................................................................... 57 39 . Russian Franchise Association, Sibley International .................................. 58 SO 1.4 A Robust and Market-Supportive Financial Sector ................... 59-82 I 1 Legal and regulato7yframeworkfor the Jinancial sector established and strengthened IR 1.4.2 Financial sector supported by self-sustaining professional institutions IR 1.4.3 Eficiently operatingjnancial sector meeting the needs of market participants Banking ...................................................................... 60-69 1. Banking Advisory Services. the Financial Volunteer Services Corps (FSVC) .............. 60 2 . Commercial Bank Training. KPMG Barents Group .................................. 61 3 . Bank Supervision: Central Bank Training. KPMG Barents Group ....................... 62 4 . Russia Project Finance Bank Development (RPFB). the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ......................................... 63 5. Commercial Real Estate Financial Market Development. the KPMG Barents Group ........ 64 6 . Development of the Real Estate Mortgage Finance Market. Phase II. the Urban Institute ..... 65 7 . Small Business Financing. Fund for Development and Democracy (FDD) ................ 66 8. Cooperative/Condominium Association Lending Program, Cooperative Housing Foundation(CHF) ............................................................67 9. Russian -.US Bank Training. Siberian and Far East Bank Ttaining Centers ............... 68 10. Loan Portfolio Guarantee Program (LPG). USAID/Global ............................ 69 CapitalMarkets ................................................................ 70-82 11 . Regulatory and Administrative Support. Price Waterhouse (PW) ....................... 70 12. Regionalization of the Russia Federation Commission on the Securities Market. Carana ..... 71 13. Capital Markets Mastructure. KPMG Peat Marwick ................................ 72 14. Communications and Training in Capital Market Development. Burson Marstellar ......... 73 15 . Strengthening Broker-Dealer Back Office Management and Custodial Services. Arthur Andersen (AA) ........................................................74 16. Professional Training in the Securities Market. Center for Financial Engineering and Development (CFED) ..................................................... 75 17 . Mutual Funds. Price Waterhouse (PW) ........................................... 76 18 . Regional Mutual Funds Support. Pragrna ......................................... 77 19. Regional Communications and Training on Collective Investment Vehicles. DevTech ..... 78 20 . Training for Collective Investment. Intrados ....................................... 79 21 . New Issues: Regulatory Development through Pilot Issues. Price Waterhouse (PW) ........ 80 22. Corporate Governance Training, Center for Financial Engineering and Development ........ 8 1 23. Standards for Corporate Finance Disclosure, Pragrna .................................. 82 SO 1.5 A More Economically and Environmentally-Sound EnergySystem ................................................ 83-94 IR 1.5.1 Market and competitiveforces