BETA DRAFT the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0
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Arabic Presentation Forms-A Range: FB50–FDFF The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 Characters in this chart that are new for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 are shown in conjunction with any existing characters. For ease of reference, the new characters have been highlighted in the chart grid and in the names list. This file will not be updated with errata, or when additional characters are assigned to the Unicode Standard. See for an up-to-date list of errata. See for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See and A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Copying characters from the character code tables or list of character names is not recommended, because for production reasons the PDF files for the code charts cannot guarantee that the correct character codes will always be copied. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See and Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. FB50 Arabic Presentation Forms-A FC3F FB5 FB6 FB7 FB8 FB9 FBA FBB FBC FBD FBE FBF FC0 FC1 FC2 FC3 0 FBF0 FC00 FC10 FC20 FC30 ﯠFB50 FB60 FB70 FB80 FB90 FBA0 FBB0 FBC0 FBE0 1 FBF1 FC01 FC11 FC21 FC31 ﯡFB51 FB61 FB71 FB81 FB91 FBA1 FBB1 FBC1 FBE1 ﯂ 2 FB52 FB62 FB72 FB82 FB92 FBA2 FBB2 FBC2 FBE2 FBF2 FC02 FC12 FC22 FC32 3 FB53 FB63 FB73 FB83 FB93 FBA3 FBB3 FBD3 FBE3 FBF3 FC03 FC13 FC23 FC33 4 FB54 FB64 FB74 FB84 FB94 FBA4 FBB4 FBD4 FBE4 FBF4 FC04 FC14 FC24 FC34 5 FB55 FB65 FB75 FB85 FB95 FBA5 FBB5 FBD5 FBE5 FBF5 FC05 FC15 FC25 FC35 6 FB56 FB66 FB76 FB86 FB96 FBA6 FBB6 FBD6 FBE6 FBF6 FC06 FC16 FC26 FC36 7 FBE7 FBF7 FC07 FC17 FC27 FC37 ۇFB57 FB67 FB77 FB87 FB97 FBA7 FBB7 FBD7 8 FBE8 FBF8 FC08 FC18 FC28 FC38 ﯘFB58 FB68 FB78 FB88 FB98 FBA8 FBB8 FBD8 9 FB59 FB69 FB79 FB89 FB99 FBA9 FBB9 FBD9 FBE9 FBF9 FC09 FC19 FC29 FC39 A FB5A FB6A FB7A FB8A FB9A FBAA FBBA FBDA FBEA FBFA FC0A FC1A FC2A FC3A B FB5B FB6B FB7B FB8B FB9B FBAB FBBB FBDB FBEB FBFB FC0B FC1B FC2B FC3B C FB5C FB6C FB7C FB8C FB9C FBAC FBBC FBDC FBEC FBFC FC0C FC1C FC2C FC3C D FBED FBFD FC0D FC1D FC2D FC3D ٷFB5D FB6D FB7D FB8D FB9D FBAD FBBD FBDD E FB5E FB6E FB7E FB8E FB9E FBAE FBBE FBDE FBEE FBFE FC0E FC1E FC2E FC3E F FB5F FB6F FB7F FB8F FB9F FBAF FBBF FBDF FBEF FBFF FC0F FC1F FC2F FC3F The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. FC40 Arabic Presentation Forms-A FD1F FC4 FC5 FC6 FC7 FC8 FC9 FCA FCB FCC FCD FCE FCF FD0 FD1 0 FC40 FC50 FC60 FC70 FC80 FC90 FCA0 FCB0 FCC0 FCD0 FCE0 FCF0 FD00 FD10 1 FC41 FC51 FC61 FC71 FC81 FC91 FCA1 FCB1 FCC1 FCD1 FCE1 FCF1 FD01 FD11 2 FC42 FC52 FC62 FC72 FC82 FC92 FCA2 FCB2 FCC2 FCD2 FCE2 FCF2 FD02 FD12 3 FC43 FC53 FC63 FC73 FC83 FC93 FCA3 FCB3 FCC3 FCD3 FCE3 FCF3 FD03 FD13 4 FC44 FC54 FC64 FC74 FC84 FC94 FCA4 FCB4 FCC4 FCD4 FCE4 FCF4 FD04 FD14 5 FC45 FC55 FC65 FC75 FC85 FC95 FCA5 FCB5 FCC5 FCD5 FCE5 FCF5 FD05 FD15 6 FC46 FC56 FC66 FC76 FC86 FC96 FCA6 FCB6 FCC6 FCD6 FCE6 FCF6 FD06 FD16 7 FC47 FC57 FC67 FC77 FC87 FC97 FCA7 FCB7 FCC7 FCD7 FCE7 FCF7 FD07 FD17 8 FC48 FC58 FC68 FC78 FC88 FC98 FCA8 FCB8 FCC8 FCD8 FCE8 FCF8 FD08 FD18 9 FC49 FC59 FC69 FC79 FC89 FC99 FCA9 FCB9 FCC9 FCD9 FCE9 FCF9 FD09 FD19 A FC4A FC5A FC6A FC7A FC8A FC9A FCAA FCBA FCCA FCDA FCEA FCFA FD0A FD1A B FC4B FC5B FC6B FC7B FC8B FC9B FCAB FCBB FCCB FCDB FCEB FCFB FD0B FD1B C FC4C FC5C FC6C FC7C FC8C FC9C FCAC FCBC FCCC FCDC FCEC FCFC FD0C FD1C D FC4D FC5D FC6D FC7D FC8D FC9D FCAD FCBD FCCD FCDD FCED FCFD FD0D FD1D E FC4E FC5E FC6E FC7E FC8E FC9E FCAE FCBE FCCE FCDE FCEE FCFE FD0E FD1E F FC4F FC5F FC6F FC7F FC8F FC9F FCAF FCBF FCCF FCDF FCEF FCFF FD0F FD1F The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. FD20 Arabic Presentation Forms-A FDFF FD2 FD3 FD4 FD5 FD6 FD7 FD8 FD9 FDA FDB FDC FDD FDE FDF ﵀ 0 FD20 FD30 FD40 FD50 FD60 FD70 FD80 FDA0 FDB0 FDC0 FDD0 FDE0 FDF0 ﵁ 1 FD21 FD31 FD41 FD51 FD61 FD71 FD81 FDA1 FDB1 FDC1 FDD1 FDE1 FDF1 ﵂ 2 FD22 FD32 FD42 FD52 FD62 FD72 FD82 FD92 FDA2 FDB2 FDC2 FDD2 FDE2 FDF2 ﵃ 3 FD23 FD33 FD43 FD53 FD63 FD73 FD83 FD93 FDA3 FDB3 FDC3 FDD3 FDE3 FDF3 ﵄ 4 FD24 FD34 FD44 FD54 FD64 FD74 FD84 FD94 FDA4 FDB4 FDC4 FDD4 FDE4 FDF4 ﵅ 5 FD25 FD35 FD45 FD55 FD65 FD75 FD85 FD95 FDA5 FDB5 FDC5 FDD5 FDE5 FDF5 ﵆ 6 FD26 FD36 FD46 FD56 FD66 FD76 FD86 FD96 FDA6 FDB6 FDC6 FDD6 FDE6 FDF6 ﵇ 7 FD27 FD37 FD47 FD57 FD67 FD77 FD87 FD97 FDA7 FDB7 FDC7 FDD7 FDE7 FDF7 ﵈ 8 FD28 FD38 FD48 FD58 FD68 FD78 FD88 FD98 FDA8 FDB8 FDD8 FDE8 FDF8 ﵉ 9 FD29 FD39 FD49 FD59 FD69 FD79 FD89 FD99 FDA9 FDB9 FDD9 FDE9 FDF9 A ﵊ FD2A FD3A FD4A FD5A FD6A FD7A FD8A FD9A FDAA FDBA FDDA FDEA FDFA B ﵋ FD2B FD3B FD4B FD5B FD6B FD7B FD8B FD9B FDAB FDBB FDDB FDEB FDFB C ﵌ FD2C FD3C FD4C FD5C FD6C FD7C FD8C FD9C FDAC FDBC FDDC FDEC FDFC D ﵍ FD2D FD3D FD4D FD5D FD6D FD7D FD8D FD9D FDAD FDBD FDDD FDED FDFD E ﵎ ﷾ FD2E FD3E FD4E FD5E FD6E FD7E FD8E FD9E FDAE FDBE FDDE FDEE FDFE F ﵏ ﷿ FD2F FD3F FD4F FD5F FD6F FD7F FD8F FD9F FDAF FDBF FDCF FDDF FDEF FDFF The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. FB50 Arabic Presentation Forms-A FB8A Preferred characters are found in the Arabic block 0600-06FF. FB6C ARABIC LETTER VEH INITIAL FORM This block also contains 32 noncharacters in the range FDD0- ڤ initial> 06A4> ≈ FDEF. FB6D ARABIC LETTER VEH MEDIAL FORM Glyphs for contextual forms of letters for Persian, ≈ <medial> 06A4 ISOLATED FORM ڤARABIC LETTER PEHEH Urdu, Sindhi, etc. FB6E ڦ ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA ISOLATED FORM ≈ <isolated> 06A6 FB50 FB6F ARABIC LETTER PEHEH FINAL FORM <isolated> final> 06A6> ٱ 0671 ≈ ڦ ≈ FB51 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA FINAL FORM FB70 ARABIC LETTER PEHEH INITIAL FORM ≈ <final> 0671 ڦ BEEH ISOLATED FORM ≈ <initial> 06A6 ٱARABIC LETTER FB52 FB71 ARABIC LETTER PEHEH MEDIAL FORM <isolated> medial> 06A6> ٻ 067B ≈ ڦ ≈ FB53 ARABIC LETTER BEEH FINAL FORM FB72 ARABIC LETTER DYEH ISOLATED FORM ≈ <final> 067B ڄ BEEH INITIAL FORM ≈ <isolated> 0684 ٻARABIC LETTER FB54 FB73 ARABIC LETTER DYEH FINAL FORM <initial> final> 0684> ٻ 067B ≈ ڄ ≈ FB55 ARABIC LETTER BEEH MEDIAL FORM FB74 ARABIC LETTER DYEH INITIAL FORM ≈ <medial> 067B ڄ ISOLATED FORM ≈ <initial> 0684 ٻARABIC LETTER PEH FB56 FB75 ARABIC LETTER DYEH MEDIAL FORM <isolated> medial> 0684> پ 067E ≈ ڄ ≈ FB57 ARABIC LETTER PEH FINAL FORM FB76 ARABIC LETTER NYEH ISOLATED FORM ≈ <final> 067E ڃ PEH INITIAL FORM ≈ <isolated> 0683 پARABIC LETTER FB58 FB77 ARABIC LETTER NYEH FINAL FORM <initial> final> 0683> پ 067E ≈ ڃ ≈ FB59 ARABIC LETTER PEH MEDIAL FORM FB78 ARABIC LETTER NYEH INITIAL FORM