STELACON The telecommunications market in Sweden 1997 AB Stelacon, Gårdsfogdevägen 18B, 168 66 Bromma, Sweden. Phone +46 (0)8 587 120 00 Fax +46 (0)8 587 120 02 Internet:, E-mail:
[email protected] A survey of the competition situation and the development of the Swedish telecommunications market for 1997 This report was commissioned by The National Post and Telecom Agency May 1998 Carried out by: AB STELACON Göran Hedström Annika Järvebro SUMMARY For the fourth consecutive year, the National Post & Telecom Agency has commissioned an external company to carry out a market analysis of the development and competition situation on the Swedish telecommunications market. The brief is to describe the year 1997, developments during the years 1994-1997, and an analysis by Stelacon of a number of trends that will include the sector in the years ahead. This is the second year AB Stelacon has conducted this analysis. The extent to which competition in the telecoms market has developed during 1997 has been more or less the same as in 1996. What we mean by this is that the number of active players is the same as in previous years, the technology used is broadly the same as in 1996, and the number of new services launched has been limited. As in 1996, competition during 1997 was greatest in the mobile telephony, international call, long-distance call and Internet segments. During 1997 there were in Sweden about 40 companies operating fixed and mobile telephony services. The value of this market grew over the year by about 10%, ie from SEK 29 billion to SEK 32 billion.