
755 N. Dayton-Lakeview Road • New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 Phone 937-845-0093 • Fax 937-845-4082 www.meadowview.com Be Selective Be Creative Be Inspired Known by “Inchplant”, “Wandering dude” and “”, and formerly known as “Zebrina pendula”; is an easy and fast-growing that is loved for its boldly colored and vining growth. Regardless of what name you settle on, one honest and constant truth remains the same about this spectacular plant: it is the ideal starter plant.

This plant has striking hues of purple and green striping along the leaves that grow from a thick succulent-like stem. Occasionally small flowers will bloom at the end of mature . This plant is relatively drought tolerant, but does appreciate moderately moist soil. It also tolerates a variety of lighting but performs best either outdoor in a part sun/shade area or indoor where there is moderate-bright indirect lighting. If lighting is uneven, it is recommended to rotate the plant periodically.

It is an easy and quick grower that is extremely easy to propagate. Many people sing about successes with both water propagating or sticking broken stems directly in soil. It is actually healthy for the plant to trim off and thin out the foliage if it gets to think, long, or heavy to house and handle.

Tradescantia zebrina is a member of the Tradescantia which has about 75 other species in it, which means there are other varieties to entice plant collectors. So if you’re looking for more planty friends to collect with or want them to join you on garden center hopping excursions, get them addicted by gifting them this beautiful, resilient, easy-to-care for plant.

Bright, indirect light.

Water when the top inch of soil is dry and be sure to water the soil underneath the leaves.

Mildly toxic to humans and pets. Ingestion may cause mouth and stomach irritation.