
 Type: Perennial  Sun: Full sun to part shade  Zone: 8 to 12  Water: Medium  Height: 0.50 to 0.75 feet  Maintenance: Low  Spread: 1.00 to 2.00 feet  : Showy  Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer  : Colorful  Bloom Description: Lavender-purple


Winter hardy to USDA Zones 8-12. It is noted for its ease of culture and tolerance for wide range of growing conditions. Use a peaty, soil-based potting mix. Best in filtered sun. Will grow in direct sun with some afternoon protection. Also grows in shade. like a consistently moist but well-drained soil during the growing season, with reduced watering from fall to late winter. Pinch stems as needed to encourage dense foliage growth. Plants are easily propagated by stem cuttings. Plants may be pruned hard in very early spring if needed.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Tradescantia zebrina is native to Mexico. It is a very popular trailing plant. Where winter hardy, it is commonly grown as a groundcover that at the nodes as stems spread along the ground. Foliage typically grows to 6” tall, but creeps to 2’ wide or more if allowed to do so. It is commonly grown in hanging baskets or pots as a . Trailing stems cascade down from a hanging basket. Stems are clad with fleshy, pointed, stem-clasping, oval (to 2.5” long) that are blue-green with two broad silvery longitudinal stripes above and solid purple underneath. Tiny, three-petaled, lavender-purple appear sporadically throughout the year on plants grown in the native habitat, but flowers rarely appear on indoor plants. Leaf nodes along the stem are purportedly one inch apart, hence the common name.


No serious insect or disease problems. rot and stem rot may occur if soils are kept too moist. Watch for aphids, mealybugs, scale, whiteflies and spider mites on indoor plants. Contact with plant sap may cause skin irritations.

Garden Uses

Easy to grow. As a houseplant, grow in pots, hanging baskets or along shelves. Ground cover or bedding plant where it can be grown outdoors.

Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Society Plant Finder