Auto Parts Sector
Sector Skills Study – Auto Parts Sector Submitted to: Punjab Skills Development Fund - PSDF Prepared by: Advisory Services Group Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman, Chartered Accountants Member Firm of Grant Thornton International 1-Inter Floor, Eden Centre, 43-Jail Road, Lahore ++92-42-37500672-3, ++92-42-37425485 June 2015 Punjab Skills Development Fund Sector Skills Study – Auto Parts Sector Disclaimer This report on sector skill study has been prepared in accordance with terms of the contract signed between Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) and Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman (AASR). During preparation of this report, AASR has undertaken all procedures and steps, and gathered data from all the relevant primary and secondary sources, which were considered necessary to substantiate the information and analysis presented herein. Although, due care has been exercised both during collection of information and preparation of this report, yet consultant does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information, statements, forecasts or projections contained herein or that any such information, statements, forecasts or projections remain unchanged after the date of this report. Moreover, no person is authorized to give any information or make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, which is not contained in this report and any such information representation or warranty not contained in this report should not be relied upon. This report may include certain statements and estimates with respect to the anticipated future performance of the Auto Parts Sector. Such statements, projections, forecasts and estimates are based upon various assumptions, which may or may not prove to be correct.
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