© 2018 American University Model United Nations Conference All rights reserved. No part of this background guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the American University Model United Nations Conference Secretariat. Please direct all questions to
[email protected] Pia Paul Chair Dear Delegates, Welcome to the Apple Board of Directors’ committee! I am so ridiculously excited to take part in this experience with all of you! The main mission of our committee is to improve Apple’s image to the general public whilst making sure that as part of the Board of Directors, you are maximizing profits for Apple. Our committee will focus on key issues that Apple faces such as privacy, corporate social responsibility, and treatment of workers. I hope that all of you have a great time in committee and acquire an even greater understanding of crisis procedure when dealing with a company such as Apple. Please keep in mind that in this crisis committee; there is so much space for all of you to move committee in a certain way with dynamic, and two dimensional characters. The possibilities are limitless! I am currently a freshman and this will be my first time chairing for AmeriMUNC and I can’t wait to see the creativity and different character arcs you all bring. I participated in Model United Nations all throughout high school- starting in general assembly committees and then moving onto crisis committees (which were my favorite). It was being in Model United Nations that fostered my interest in international relations and consequently, I am majoring in international relations and minoring in economics at American University.