Fourth Edition
VOL IV JUNE 2018 MODERN GUIDE TO EQUALITY Advancing equality in the workplace SECTION MODERN GUIDE TO EQUALITY VOL IV introduction When it comes to parity, true progress doesn’t happen in a silo, or in one giant leap. Instead, it is the work of many, marching in concert towards the common goal of equality for all. You can see advancement in action everywhere you look, from the top levels of the business to your Twitter feed. A company alone has power; collectively, we have impact. Now, more than ever, it is important to stay informed, join the conversation, and take meaning- ful steps towards inclusivity. The Female Quotient is committed to advancing equality in the workplace by fostering collaboration, activating solutions for change, and creating measurements for accountability. In the fourth volume of the Modern Guide to Equality, we offer new insights about inclusivity and outline strategies to make parity a reality in the work- place. Within these pages, you will find research on trends and successes, strategies from business leaders, and solutions from some of the most innovative companies in the world. The issue also marks the release of the Modern Guide to Equality website — a living, breathing portal dedicated to helping organizations around the world work on the practice of equality. Powered by collaboration, we invite you to join the movement by uploading your case studies and expert insights to the site. We encourage you to use the Modern Guide to Equality as a playbook to achieve total equality health in your workplace. It outlines four key vitals — Parity, Advancement, Culture, and Leadership — that, when individually addressed and improved, transition ideas of inclusion into reality.
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